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File: 20 KB, 220x264, E30484F5-2479-466B-AF8F-7B9079B09A38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22783804 No.22783804 [Reply] [Original]

>10000 studies have shown that upon death, people witness a bright light that makes them happy and feel at peace, that pulls them into a beautiful place "more real than reality", that makes them feel "at home"
>obviously these were demons and that was hell, because all those people weren't orthodox christians

>> No.22783805

>>10000 studies have shown that upon death, people witness

>> No.22783839

Rose was such a huge faggot and imbecile that I'm willing to entertain the idea that his huge influence on many born again Christians is the devil's work. This guy has done more damage to Christianity than any God-hating satanist/atheist with his stupid and downright heretical ideas that just create a bunch or chronically online shits acting ridiculously hostile to fucking anybody who doesn't considers this faggot a saint and it's conclusions authoritative. They're so cringe that normal people who are atheists and know nothing about Christianity get disgusted by Christianity, and non-Orthodox Christians who know little about Orthodox Christianity get disgusted by Orthodox Christianity. This piece of shit did to Orthodox Christianity what megachurches did to Protestantism. I sex abuse scandal ten times worse than that of Catholicism would had made the Orthodox Church less damage than this faggot. I'm glad he's officially a heretic on the Orthodox Church - makes me respect them a lot. The only good thing this scumbag did was translate 'The Path To Salvation'. I'll go to wherever his grave is just to shit and piss on his body. One of the few persons that I'm actually glad is in hell.

Every Christian should unite against this piece of shit's fanboys and officially declare them heretics just like the Arianists.

>> No.22783909

r u orthodox?

>> No.22783966

No, I'm Catholic, but my first contact with Orthodoxy sadly were Internet LARPers who hold this guy as the biggest sage of all time and are dumbfounded by the fact that the Orthodox Church won't make him a saint - many of them even call him a saint as matter of fact, which is something I haven't seen done with anybody else. Basically, my first impression of Orthodox Christianity was extremely negative. Currently, the more I learn about them through the writings of their real saints (eg. St. Theophan the Recluse and St. Seraphim of Sarov), as well as from Orthodoxs who aren't online 24/7 and actually go to an Orthodox Church and receive guidance from an Orthodox priest, the more I respect them and see how wrong I was before by holding them so lowly.

Something funny is that many of these Orthodoxs who actually go to church tell me that their priests actually warn them about Seraphim Rose's writings - they told them that, if they ever read something by him, it should be taken with a grain of salt.

>> No.22783984

redpill me on Rose

>> No.22783995

I am Orthodox and agree with Seraphim Rose having done immense damage to the faith, but I think this sort of uncouth perverse language is inappropriate and unnecessary.

>> No.22784019
File: 118 KB, 722x960, officialnotolls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

his bizarre fantasies about 20+ demons sitting there and conducting some sort of legal trial on you has been terrible.
demons judging you and trying to send you to hell in a "gotcha" moment, while anyone who is un-Baptized non-Orthodox goes straight to hell immediately.
Rose was always attacking everybody. also look at pic related. he's been conclusively refuted.

>> No.22784078

He was a homosexual prostitute who took a bad batch of acid and took up orientalism as a result. He chose the edgiest Christian denomination he could think of and spent his time advocating for braindead peasant superstitions like Aerial Tollhouses and Young-Earth Creationism. Eventually he died of HIV contracted during his youth (he avoided medical treatment under the belief that it was "freemasonic").

>> No.22784081

>(he avoided medical treatment under the belief that it was "freemasonic")
You have to give it to him, that's kinda based.

>> No.22784097

Anon, if popularizing shit that was already in your liturgical texts, hagiographies, and patristics does "damage" to your faith, then just stop LARPing and come be a gaytheist with me.

Modernists pretend that embarrassing aspects of orthodoxy are invented by converts, but the call is coming from inside the house

>> No.22784109

>I'll take 'The sun' for $10, Alex.

>> No.22784111

Bizarre criticism. Did you even read the book? Rose just regurgitates the writings about amthe afterlife from theophan the recluse and ignaty brianchaninov. Much of the book is just excerpts of those two, particularly the latter, with his own polemics against new age beliefs interspersed. Odoxy already sucked before rose converted

>> No.22784120

No, he died of thrombosis in his intestines. He didn't get help because he was scared of leaving podmoshensky (his monk partner) alone with kids because he was a homo predator. Glebe podmoshensky's misconduct after rose's death, and the consequent ecclesiastical anarchy, are the real reason rose won't get canonized. Casts a pall over everything

>> No.22784128

Is he officially a heretic in the church?

>> No.22784129

This pedo is always being swept under the rug

>> No.22784132

Artsy and charismatic guy from San Diego with a Methodist upbringing becomes an atheist after entering college and grows interested in 'new age' and Chinese spirituality. Begins reading Guenon, which somehow takes him to become interested in Orthodox Christianity through non-Russian Orthodox Churches. While on college, he comes out as gay and gets a boyfriend. He gets deeper into Orthodoxy through the San Francisco Church. He then decides to live as a hermit and focus on studying the Bible and other Christian and Orthodox writings. He writes some books, translates others, and talks about "warmth and kindness of the spirit".

Now, we have a guy who, from the start, is clear that he wants to go "his own way" in almost everything - spirituality, philosophy, life-style. He builds his own "personal spirituality" through all this 'new age', Chinese, and Guenon stuff; takes little pieces of almost everything - a real pragmatic. Nonetheless, this originality and apparent hostility towards anything that isn't that built by himself keeps on living even after his conversion to Orthodoxy, which is clear in his advocacy for the 'aerial toll houses', which is basically what OP is talking about and considered pretty much a heresy by the same church he claimed to be part of - pretty much the most controversial topic regarding Rose. He also opposed the ecumenical movement, which is the wild idea that Christians from many denominations can come together a work to achieve a better understanding of truth in a respectful and intelligent manner. But it seems that, for Rose's eyes, both Catholics and Protestants (and even other Orthodoxs who didn't share his exact conclusions) aren't worthy of such a treatment, so he would rather stay in his self-made and deceptively austere thrown and slander, attack mercilessly, and downright accuse of being the Antichrist any Christian who dared to disagree with him and he's dear toll houses, while using he's charisma to keep his "warmth and kindness of the spirit" charade. I think the worst proponent of this slander is his take on the Catholic spiritual classic book "The Imitation of Christ", which misses the mark so much anybody who reads it and reads Rose's take on it can only wonder if he's talking about the same book.

This deceitful charisma of him seem to had outlived him, because he was able - even after death - to built the most devout and fanatical cult following that has grown inside Christianity. Rose tempts anybody who reads him into believing that them
and only them are God-chosen heroes who are ought to fight The Enemy - who is basically anybody else (including other Christians).

>> No.22784134

No. ROCOR bishops/synod are fake and probably couldn't anathematize someone. Too weak and dysfunctional

>> No.22784135

>this sort of uncouth perverse language is inappropriate and unnecessary.
I'm the anon who wrote it and you're definitely right. I'm sorry. I've been going through some rough stuff lately and the picture of Seraphim Rose just triggered me.

>> No.22784142

This is deranged. The "toll house" crap is already an ortho belief - rose is just parroting the writings 19th century Russian saints like theophan the recluse. His only "originality" is using those writings to attack new age fads from the 70's; the failure of new age to maintain its status and popularity in subsequent decades makes rose's books feel dated

>> No.22784172

Now that I think about it, I wasn't even aware that he was gay. This makes that time when an Internet Orthodox who was a huge Rose fan was claiming that all Catholic priests are faggots pretty funny. Yeah, bro, aren't you suppose to be into that?

>> No.22784182

don't look up the crimes his boyfriend committed

>> No.22784335

"Fallen leaves" blog has more dirt

>> No.22784375

Good description of a paranoiac cult leader's way of thinking. The charisma comes from the subjective feeling that he has the answers/he's the ultimate master.

>> No.22784406

>I've been going through some rough stuff
Care to elaborate?

>> No.22784631

Based manners enjoyer.


>> No.22784661

Anyone else find it funny that Jesus gets killed by the Pharisees, and then his followers go and erect big Pharisaical institutions in his name? Such a wasted opportunity, look up Huineng and al-Hallaj instead.

>> No.22784708

I bet you also believe that "Pauline Christianity" is a thing and it's actually in contradiction to "Jesus' message".

>> No.22784753

I used to entertain this idea, but reading "Life of Christ" by Fulton Sheen helped me understand the Gospels much better and see through the bullshit of the likes of Nietzsche and H. L. Mencken - mfs who couldn't understand not even the Gospels.

>> No.22785342

Nothing Seraphim Rose writes about is remotely extreme or unusual. He is just re-stating the positions of church fathers from times past. The only people who consider these positions "controversial" are thoroughly modernized, secular-minded people. Young Earth Creationism isn't controversial, its biblically sound doctrine that everyone believed for thousands of years before freemasons took over the education system and out electronic jews in everyone's living room

>> No.22785357

stfu Seraphim Rose fanboy. you're hero was a faggot with a boyfriend who liked to take it up the ass and fried his brain with psychedelic drugs. you're nothing but part of a cult. every Christian knows him and your kind are filled with bullshit and that their reliance on the Bib;e and the Church Fathers are pure cope and misreadings. do as your hero and die of HIV, you fucking scum. the soil you walk in isn't even worth spitting on. hope you enjoy being in hell with the other faggots.

>> No.22785388

who knows Christian doctrine better: hundred years of Catholic and Orthodox tradition, or an ex-Protestant American homosexual obsessed with 'new age' shit who fried his brains with drugs and did hardcore anal sex with a criminal and built a cult around him made-up entirely by chronically online retarded ex-Protestant niggers who misinterpret Christianity and the Bible as much of Hitler? Seraphim Rose is literally the devil's strongest agent. Good to know they're now together in hell - probably Satan's is ramming Rose's sissy butthole with his 15-inch donkey cock. Bet both are enjoying themselves.

>> No.22785407

Homosexual scum like Rose will never be able to even grasp the nuances of the Church Fathers and the Bible. Implying that he was only following their lead is the most outrageous and offensive statement I have ever read. I fear the fate of the men who actually think like this - can only hope that God's mercy is bigger than His wrath. May God make you understand the value of silence and guide you, you stray sheep, to the right path, before you condemn yourself just like the man you defended did. I'll be praying for you, anon, and I'll ask my entire church to pray for your soul.

>> No.22785414

your "saint" was an homosexual and a junkie.

>> No.22785422

For the sake of their souls, stray sheep like this anon - who fell for charlatans like Seraphim Rose - must be tied to a post and hit with a bamboo stick 56489329.65989*10^56 times. Physical burden is nothing compared to the ordeal of eternal punishment in hell. Hope he gets brain damage - is easier for the dumb to reach God's kingdom, so perhaps we should also lobotomize them.

>> No.22785426

> heretic in the Church
He's been locally glorified as a Saint in Georgia. Why are you lying? Why does he make you so mad just for repeating what other saints say about stuff?

> Catholic
Oh, you're insane got it

>> No.22785440

>Saint in Georgia
I'm sure he is glorified just next to St. Dmitri Ludovenekosky Sarov of Michigan and St. Nicodemus Hertolisisky of New Hampshire (both of them previously Mormons). The Orthodox Church outside of Russia is such a joke I bet they'd allow the glorification of any ex-Baptist junkie that smokes weed and says stuff like "that mf Jesus was, like, so cool, man". The Mexicans who glorify drugdealers should consider become orthodox, considering how those limp-witted pussies will get fucked day-and-night by any idiotic redneck that claims to have read the Church Fathers.

>> No.22785441

So are you guys (if you're not one guy) all just coping Catholics, or what? Do you have any actual arguments other than his personal history or the (largely unsubstantiated, though i won't deny its possible) allegations against podmoshensky? And pretending he's a heretic who no serious church person likes when he's been locally glorified?

You're so rabid I'm half inclined to think this is some kind of falseflsg

>> No.22785443

Yeah, and some dirt-poor Mexicans glorify criminal Jesús Malverde as a saint. Any nigger can claim to be a Christian a glorify the most scumy people - it being a homosexual and drug addicted heretic or a robber.

>> No.22785445

>largely unsubstantiated
im not the guy you're arguing with but come on

>> No.22785446

>when he's been locally glorified?
Again. there are Mexicans who locally glorify a criminal. The Orthodox Church claims he's full of shit. Stop defending a faggot while risking your soul to eternal damnation.

>> No.22785448

He was glorified in Georgia, retard. The country, not the state. This has nothing to do with ROCOR.

If you have a problem with converts being glorified you should take it up with St. Paul

>> No.22785456

You have no way of telling whether or not he truly repented because you cannot see what was in his heart before passing, and casting judgement on the salvation status of others is prohibited in both the Catholic and Orthodox practice. Your entire approach on this matter is incredibly gross, and not Christ like at all.

>> No.22785457

I don't understand why so many Americans are attracted to Orthodoxy, the Orthodox hierarchs are openly hostile towards anyone that isn't from either the old country itself or from the right ethnic background. The OCA arranged a meeting with one of the Greek patriarchs, spending a lot of time and money to do so, and he never bothered to show up - meanwhile, they'll happily accept a photo op with any secular politician or celebrity in their country. ROCOR is under the authority of Patriach Kirill, a former KGB agent that thinks westerners are evil. Orthodoxy is essentially an ethnoreligion where wealthy converts are second class citizens that exist to finance a new Rolex for their patriarch.

>> No.22785458

Substantiate it then. I'm not opposed to it but the most concrete stuff I've heard of involves 18+ year olds or something, and one kid who retracted the statement.

People throw this stuff around but don't point to any sources

>> No.22785461

>He was glorified in Georgia, retard.
Cringe country that produced Stalin. No surprise they glorify an homosexual junkie.

>If you have a problem with converts being glorified you should take it up with St. Paul
Don't ever fucking dare to compare the Apostle to your cringy and drug0addicted American "converts" who decide to become Orthodox because it's the edgiest stream of Christinanity besides Gnosticism. You're really trying God's patience and mercy, mate. You should better stop typing.

>> No.22785468

A lot of the priests are chill. It's not catholicism where if the bishop sucks you're out of luck. There are plenty of convert heavy churches

They're attracted to it because it's true

>> No.22785472

Because Americans are cucks who love to receive dick from whoever hates them. The surest way to get to an American woman's heart is to punch her in the face so hard she''l bleed from three different spots and call her a bitch while you spit on her - she'll be head-over-heels for you jn no time.

>> No.22785474

>A lot of the priests are chill.
I'd also be "chill" with you if you were paying for my next Rolex, nigger.

>> No.22785478

>I don't understand why so many Americans are attracted to Orthodoxy
It's foreign and therefore exotic. If Catholicism and Orthodoxy swapped places they'd all be Catholic trad larpers

>> No.22785479

> recognized as the original faith of the apostles even by Rome these days
> edgy

Hold that L as long as you like, nobody is forcing you to froth at the mouth for God-knows-what reason. Work out your own issues before you embarrass yourself online like this

>> No.22785482

I actually was in RCIA while choosing between RC and Orthodoxy. One look at St. John of Damascus' work and really any 1st millennium history and theology cleared up my mistake real quick. You're just coping

>> No.22785487

Oh, yeah, of course, I remember perfectly when Rome claimed that cringy American Orthodox were the original faith. It happened just after every cardinal was done sucking the patriarchs dirty Russian cocks and giving them a lap dance while grabbing ruppoies with their mouths. I would see what any other data from that day I can get out from my ass.

>Work out your own issues before you embarrass yourself online like this
Don't try to "uno-reverse-card" me, you cock loving KGB nigger. I'm the one blatanlty shaming you here.

>> No.22785493

The church fathers weep from heaven as they see their names being put inside the same mouths that have homosexual junkie Seraphim Rose's gritty cock inside.

>> No.22785496

Hold the L

>> No.22785498

You can't seem to stop talking about cocks

>> No.22785499

And you hold Serpahim Rose's dirty cock inside your mouth. I bet he'll cum his acid-ridden sperm inside your tummy in no time, disgusting faggot.

>> No.22785504

I'm trying to make you comfortable by thematically keeping in line with the object of your devotion (a junkie faggot who is actually not faggot because he's (allegedly) glorified in some town in Georgia).

>> No.22785507

Do you talk about anything other than cocks and sperm? I'm starting to understand why this subject is so emotional for you

>> No.22785509

I bet a Seraphim Rose fanboy like you would like to know how much a fellow man is interested in cocks and sperm

>> No.22785515

Because it allows a combo for protestants to do the "cool oriental/exotic conversion" while still being a Christian and joining the Apostolic church while retaining their heavily built in anti-Catholic animus.

>> No.22785516

If you think it's impossible for someone to stop being gay that says a lot about you.

Me? I think it'd be pretty easy; if someone were sodomizing me I'd probably say "ow, stop that."

Apparently you would say "wow, I can't imagine a person giving this up. I must go online and co on a crusade to expose people who claimed to stop; clearly they must be liars".

>> No.22785517

This thread was hijacked by two closeted homosexuals who badly disguise their fetishes as theological debate. What else must happen to prove the evil influence of Seraphim Rose?

>> No.22785524

>Me? I think it'd be pretty easy; if someone were sodomizing me I'd probably say "ow, stop that."
No, you would say "yes, daddy, keep going. just like my hero Seraphm Rose. I bet I'll be glorified in some backwater town from Belorussia in no time."

>believing Rose ever stop being homosexual
lol. lmao even. Seraphim Rose chuds really live in denial.

>> No.22785525

I think that's just because it's /lit/

>> No.22785539

Ok I was using a humorous illustration and now you've made it into borderline ERP. I'm not comfortable dragging Fr. Seraphim Rose into it so you'll have to go on f-list or some furry website or something. Was this all just a ploy to bait Orthodox into living out your homosexual fantasies?

This has become one of the more deranged religious conversations I've had

>> No.22785541

There are many places in America in which Catholicism is just as foreign as fucking Confucionism, which is why we actually have American Catholic LARPers. Few people have done as much damage to Christianity as Americans -truly the scum of the Earth.

>> No.22785548

>Was this all just a ploy to bait Orthodox into living out your homosexual fantasies?
Literally what Seraphim Rose's books are. You're almost there - the prayers are fucking working!

>> No.22785555

>Ok I was using a humorous illustration and now you've made it into borderline ERP.
enterprise resource planning?

>> No.22785591

Not even the pope likes American Catholics

>> No.22785627 [DELETED] 

Alright here’s a redpill. Buddhism is the true religion. Simon Peter was based on Sari Putra. He was even nicknamed the Rock and Barjonas/Parpetras are used in the oldest Buddhist texts to describe him just like Simon Peter, predating Christianity by hundreds of years. The Temptation of Christ is practically identical to The Temptation of the Buddha. They barely bothered to change the title. It’s about the devil trying to tempt the Buddha while the Buddha’s in the wilderness and the Buddha rejecting the devil’s offers. 500 years before Christianity. Looking into early Christianity will make you Buddhist. The list goes on and on. There’s even Buddhist terminology in the New Testament. The Jews invented Christianity to destroy the then polytheistic Roman religion which they hated. The new replacement religion was meant to put gentiles at odds with Jews, because Jews believe gentiles need to hate Jews and Jews need to hate gentiles, according to Orthodox Judaism. Paul and his master Gamaliel, were the two most powerful people in the Jewish Sanhedrin and their literal goal was to do this and Gamaliel is the saint of the Talmud and he’s highly praised in Christianity, even considered a saint in Eastern Orthodoxy. Paul was his second in command. Basically a Talmudic secret agent. They hated gentiles and their main goal was literally to do this. The earliest Christian documents come from Paul. A lot more to it. Here’s a video that covers much of the ways Buddhism was used for Christianity. Historians don’t like talking about this and ignore it because it would upset Jews and it’s too blackpilling for most Christians.


>> No.22785630

Alright here’s a redpill: you're a nigger.

>> No.22785637

>schizo posting
>bichute link

>> No.22785652 [DELETED] 

>schizo posting

Don’t take my word for it. Look into it yourself. It’s too big a redpill, or blackpill, for most to accept, so I get it if you don’t want to go down that rabbit hole. Only the most extreme truth seekers get to this level. I say that not in a bragging manner. But you really need to only care about what the truth is for this specific thing if you end up looking into it. Otherwise it’s easy to dismiss as no one wants to think they could’ve been tricked on such a massive level.

>> No.22785670

>Don’t take my word for it.
Okay, I won't because you're clearly an idiot and obviously very high up your own ass.

I love it whenever some chronically online retard who is very likely an ex-Protestant Americans goes to a place filled with well-read Christians and tries to reveal them "Christinity's dirty little secrets that will blow your mind, dude" - it's so patronizing is kinda adorable; like a little kid trying to show his daddy the dinosaur he painted. Yes, sweety, it's a real masterpiece. You'll be the next Michelangelo in no tim Where's mommy? She was just feeling tired so daddy put him in the trunk for her to take a nap. Want to go to the beach with daddy? We will play pirates and dig a treasure on the beach! That's what the shovels are for!

>> No.22785671

I think we just solved this thread. The problem is, was, and always will be

>> No.22785672

you have to go back!

>> No.22785686

Higher truth is the true religion. The documents we have extant of the origins and teachings of many religions are generally corrupted by the “telephone game” principle (Simon tells Peter something and Peter tells John something and John tells Abdul something and Abdul tells Banerjer something and Banerjee tells Lee something etc. … and the mangled recounting you get of Simon’s story is eventually written down on paper and transmitted several thousand years later as if it were what “the True Great Master” had said.)

A worldview or cosmology of one unique teacher, prophet, avatar or founder or the lineage or the said church or chain-of-initiation uniquely, solely, and supremely getting It all right, while all other cultures, times, places, philosophies and religions peripheral or totally removed to this One Central Religion That Got It Right are relegated to being mere secondary/tertiary/quaternary(etc.) characters in the Cosmic Drama, betokens a sort of cosmic narcissism based around the culture/religion one is identifying with.

The greater and more encompassing worldview or model-of-reality encircles the narrower one, the narrower one does not encompass the greater one. This is why conceptions as of:

The Philosophia Perennis (the Perennial Philosophy)
Sanātana Dharma (the Eternal Teaching)
Religious universalism
Religious pluralism

often make the narrower fundamentalist religious followers insecure, angsty and upset, whereas those with the broader worldview can easily encompass, include, respect and appreciate the other worldviews at hand in their own experience, thought, feeling and behavior.

For instance, some of the Hindus, Sufis, even Zen Buddhists can simply look at Christ and simply go, “Yep — He was one of ours!”, whereas a fundamentalist Christian is more likely to look at these traditions and go: “Ah, poor saps! They don’t see the unique divinity of Christ and the love He has for us, the sincere followers of Him,” or, even more extremely, “What demonic Antichrist subhumans! And the people following or studying or having any serious respect for or consideration of such traditions — surely their brains have been fried by excessive hallucinogenic drug use!”

>> No.22785698

stfu American. you're just pissy because your parents made you go to listen to a boring sermon at the Episcopal church every week.

we should seriously consider lobotomizing every American so they're unable to spout so much bullshit while expecting to be treated seriously by people.

>> No.22785716

why do orthodox reject purgatory but many are quick to believe in this toll house stuff that sounds much more out there? i understand it's not a universal belief, but what do the other ones believe in place of purgatory?

>> No.22785722 [DELETED] 

Nope. I’m a former Traditionalist Catholic seminarian who became Buddhist. It was not an easy rabbit hole to fall down.

>> No.22785727

Fuck, that's even funnier. Hahahahahaha!!!! Americans truly fuck up every religion they touch.

>> No.22785729 [DELETED] 

Also btw analyzing scriptures like you’re mentioning is literally just Jewish Midrash, which a lot of Protestants do. But this is not what I’m talking about. I’m talking about Buddhist terminology appearing in the Gospels which is explained in that Bitchute video. So, this means Buddhism was used to develop Christianity.

>> No.22785734

The excessive-Jew-hatred is a similar NPC-mental/spiritual-disease or automatism as such religio-cultural fundamentalism, of course, even though there are indeed Jews who do evil stuff, who have a double-standard towards their own ethnonationalism vs. Whites’ and others’ ethnonationalism, and there is indeed Ashkenazi Jewish overrepresentation in the West in fields like politics, finance, media, academia, and the corporate world, for whatever bizarre reason (could it be there’s at least a subset of Ashkenazi Jews who genetically have a higher IQ than many other races? — note, bringing up the average IQ of Israel as am entire nation won’t refute this, as Israel includes many other Jews besides Ashkenazis like Sephardic, Mizrahi, etc.), or at minimum overrepresentation of their influence, and even the average leftist can admit something like this if/when they consider the overpowered-ness of ZIONIST INFLUENCE/the Zionist lobby (AIPAC, ADL, etc.) over the media, politics, and academia.

Let’s face it folks — many people nowadays are properly SUBHUMAN, if you take the human as a fully functioning composite of the body, heart, mind and soul, the physical, emotional, intellective and whatever spiritual principle could be beyond or illuminate these. They have their parts all awry, their mind is working wrongly and leads them to insanely blinkered prejudices or narrow-mindedness, or their emotions are doing this and leading them awry, ruling their intellect to get their intellects to find justification and support for everything they’ve emotionally decided is true, or their body rules them entirely and their emotions and thoughts are mainly just hormonal excretions & electromagnetic flux in the nervous system based off and responding to the physical stimuli they receive (“must have sex/porn … must have a nice hamburger and fries …”).

Humanity is totally fucked. If you’re one of the rare few posters reading this with serious depth-of-attention or concentration till the end, do something useful for yourself beyond totally-fucked humanity and outside of our corrupt, silly, shallow, vain byways.

Remember, all the great mystics, poets, artists, painters, saints, prophets, composers, philosophers, theologians, etc. of humanity — according to the modern consensus of Western-scientific-(pseudo)“humanity”, all were or are regarded as “eccentric” in some way or another, even if only for being so devoted to and proficient in the field they were proficient in which isn’t computer science or some type of engineering with entirely utilitarian and practical, or at least financially profitable, outcome.

Think about that. Shakespeare was “eccentric” for writing his plays with so much poetic fervor and psychological depth and intensity — in fact, even “useless”, now, because “modern English isn’t like that anymore” and “reading his plays doesn’t do anything practical for your life.”

>> No.22785739

I mean, at least Europeans "fall off" from religion simply because they want gay rights and to have pre-nupcial sex, but Americans can't really fall from religion without getting schizo-retard-weed-smoker about it. Perhaps it's something in the water...

>> No.22785747 [DELETED] 

lol. So your position is that I’m wrong because I’m an American? I would recommend at least watching that video before you jump to such a conclusion. Like I said, it’s a hard pill to swallow but I’m not telling you anything that I don’t think is true and can be seen. As a Buddhist, that would be bad karma if I didn’t really think this. There’s a lot to it but that video is fairly concise considering what a deep rabbit hole it is.

>> No.22785751 [DELETED] 

Also, it’s that the Jews fuck things up. Christianity was compromised from the start.

>> No.22785756

The person who invented AC and heating is more important, so we can sit comfortably in our homes and jerk off to Internet porn (and for these of course we have to respect the people who created the Internet with Al Gore’s help, the porn companies, etc.)

It’s entirely a matter of shoving tasty food into your mouth, so much sexual stimulation or as many orgasms as you need, the right temperature, and of course fun Hollywood flicks/Netflix series/even entertaining YouTube videos as you need. Don’t forget arguing with and insulting strangers on the Internet while promulgating your own view as the supremely correct one in a way that adulates you and your kind … the incomparable dopamine rush of seeing someone else made a meme with a “Gigachad” Armenian model having YOUR opinion while the söyboys have the opinion YOU don’t like, all as a vicarious paraphiliac electronic outlet of the natural human need for socialization and belonging. Remember to spend as much time as you can arguing with and insulting others on the Internet, as well as reading summaries of, discussions of, analyses of and arguments about seriously philosophical, literary, theological, mystical or religious works than actually reading such works themselves! It’s a lot less effort, after all, and there’s no use expending any effort on something which isn’t directly profitable. You’re better off sucking cock in the back of a Wendy’s dumpster in their parking lot for 20$ than reading a book. Because then you can use the money to buy things, and that’ll make you happy. Buying things.

>> No.22785759 [DELETED] 

>excessive jew hatred

If what I said is true, then it’s irrelevant if someone likes or doesn’t like Jews. They either lied or they didn’t. My position is that they lied.

>> No.22785760

>So your position is that I’m wrong because I’m an American?

>As a Buddhist, that would be bad karma if I didn’t really think this.
The only "bad karma" you'll be getting is my foot on your ass.

>> No.22785762


Fuck rose and Guénonlarpers.

Thankyou anons for taking up my criticism of this faggot in last thread, where were you last thread?

Also, I have some info for you, the Guy who literally makes these Rose/Guénon threads is an ex-Guénon romanian /pol/faggot who needs worldviews and ideologies to stay sane, did I mention he is literally a Homosexual aswell, now he is shilling EO and Rose here. It seems we have a /lit/ grown rose, I dont know his motivies but, if he took acid I am sure it would lead him to probably become like Rose. This fag also cannot tolerate people with different opinions, because of his self-righteousness, he read Guénon and took from it mere politics and identity politics. Also all the discord invites we see being posted here, on Rose/Guénon threads like last one are being posted by him.
Literally all guénon discord bullshit is his work for the last 2 years, he is obsessive and unstable, and involved in /lit/ discord grooming. He is also a massive doomer and he constantly makes these discords as a covert way to "trauma dump" on others and feel some petty comfort, and rope people into his sick world which consists of Guénon-Homosexuality and Rose.

Also, he has said things inadvertently where he admitted to wanting to groom others, saying shit like "tf when he no Gay boyfriend he can mentor about guénon" in turn he idolizes greek pederasty and muslim homosexuality. From the looks of thing he has found a very relatable figure in Rose, they are both homosexuals and ex-guénonians, expect a massive torrent of EO-Guénon-"Fake level headed" EO from guénon posting, excreted from this guy in the coming months, years, who knows how long he will continue this farce.

I am just making it clear that we have demonic mentally ill people on /lit/ like this about who are pretty much the people who make these threads and start these discussions.

My advice would be to never join one of these timesink fag discords, and simply be as a low profile as possible here. Before you get cut up about whatever argument you fall into, consider that it may be one of these mentally ill groomer discord trannies.

>> No.22785764 [DELETED] 

Nothing you have said refutes anything I said nor refutes anything from that video.

>> No.22785778

>Literally all guénon discord bullshit is his work for the last 2 years, he is obsessive and unstable, and involved in /lit/ discord grooming. He is also a massive doomer and he constantly makes these discords as a covert way to "trauma dump" on others and feel some petty comfort, and rope people into his sick world which consists of Guénon-Homosexuality and Rose.
What convinced me of leaving most social media for good is this kind of people: LARPers who use relgion/politics/philosophy to cope with the fact that they're depressed and mentally ill. I would feel pity for them if they weren't so annoying.

>> No.22785782

I just debate with people, not Americans.

>> No.22785786 [DELETED] 

>Yes goy! Only believe in system approved religions like Christianity! Don’t try to connect the dots yourself!

>> No.22785798



If I was responding "based" to one of the closeted homos against Guénon then I take it back, you are one and the same with the Romanian Rosefag.
Both of you need serious help. I was wrong to encourage you, I didnt read this other shit, also the anti-american "muh dick" shit reeks of an ex-/pol/fag who was mentally buck broken by anti-western ideology. You are both two sides of the same coin.

>> No.22785802 [DELETED] 

Is your argument really:

>Anti semitism is…Le bad! Because…it just is OK???

It was explained to you how the New Testament has Buddhist terms, right down to Sari Putra being called “The Rock” and even Barjonas/Barpetras. The Temptation of Christ barely even changed the title of The Temptation of the Buddha and is the same story. See>>22785627
video here in case you overlooked it. That’s a drop in the bucket of what’s out there.

>> No.22785811

Mate, Buddism gets shilled on TV always. Fucking Lisa Simpson (the show's "voice of reason") is a Buddist.

>> No.22785816
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Anons, we live in a degenerate age. People are led down dark paths in our world today, and so many people who come to the faith have lived sinful lives in the past. One of the first things you will hear as an Orthodox convert is comparing the church to a hospital, because it is a healing church. Salvation is a healing process. No one is born a homosexual either, people are conditioned to sodomy through degenerate and traumatic experiences (like seeing porn at a young age). Can you truly say you are better? Not many can, my friend. Im sure there are more legitimate criticisms like toll houses and all that, but that point in this thread I found particularly sad and in general antithetical to any Christian outline of morality, not even just Orthodox.

>> No.22785819

>LARPers who use relgion/politics/philosophy to cope with the fact that they're depressed and mentally ill.
Bingo, until you have the ability to not feel urged to express your opinions you are just feeding psychological complexes (tomberg describes it well) or "demons"

I lost my interest for religions/philosophies/politics when I realized all they were doing was feeding these psychological complexes, only by restraining judgment and abandoning everything can one enter into any meaningful experience

>> No.22785822 [DELETED] 

Yeah but a white western secular Buddhist who doesn’t realize traditional Buddhism has lots of gods and religious stuff. Being traditional in any religious circles can be challenging and it’s especially difficult in the west. Because if you’re not being traditional about it you get people ending up like Lisa Simpson.

>> No.22785825

We reject purgatory because it's a product of false Roman Catholic ideas about hard legalistic distinctions between mortal and venial sin, among other theological problems. It's not because we think it's too "out there".

The tollhouses are just man's experience of the initial judgement

>> No.22785829

I agree “Jews” (not a monolith but there certainly is a significant and ultimately powerful portion of them about whom this discussion is relevant) can and do lie, but I’m not so paranoid and self-righteous that I attribute this to all Jews & also attribute all sufferings and failings in my own life and in all of Western culture (that many of us posters here are a part of) TO Jews.

Alas, your mind is probably drifting from this post already … your fingers are already itching to slam on the keys of your keyboard (or spots of your smartphone screen) to disregard me with, “you fucking KIKE.”

FIRST you came up with the extremely-emotionally-satisfying idea to blame all or many of your own and the world’s problems on Jews, THEN you looked for all-of-your-own-and-the-world’s problems that you could blame on the Jews. Jews saw people doing this, then they looked for a way they could defend themselves from the prejudice of non-Jews to blame all-or-most-of-their-own-or-the-world’s-problems on the Jews, even if these solutions were at the apparent expense of the non-Jews or required Jews acting in their own self interests/as a semi-homogenous block in a way ironically regarded by the same non-Jews-skeptical-of-Jews as typical of such crafty Jews … the things the Jews did and stuff they pushed them then became more ammo added to the arsenal of their opponents about what the fucking Jews do.


The original teachings of Christ are probably closer to the texts of Gnosticism and by extension to some of Vedanta about unity with God, a transcendental enlightened state, and transcendence of the corrupt material world. There may be some parallels you can point out to Vedanta and Buddhism but this is probably more out of a sort of anima-mundi/Jungian-synchronicity-and-archetypes sort of thing, a tapping-into-the-same-truth, than some Jewish plot to refashion Jesus’s original authentically-identical-to-Buddhism teachings into an anti-Gentile teaching now spuriously passed off as “Christianity.” In other words (and this is the last thing you want to hear and you even might be unable to hear it), there’s something fundamentally and deeply wrong with your mindset, but, again, as I’m already implying, I don’t know why I’m bothering to say it as you’re incredibly unlikely (odds approaching 0%) to suddenly slap your forehead and say, “Ah, I see it now! I hate Jews so much I’ve effectively become schizophrenic!” In fact, you’re even likely to find umbrage with that characterization of you. For me to say you hate Jews is like for me to say that men hate having their testicles superglued to a table and having nails driven into them with a hammer — “Of course that’s detestable to any man! In the same ways JEWS are intrinsically detestable! They just ARE inherently evil and want to destroy and subjugate all non-Jews!”

Yes!! You’re right … you convinced me

Don’t respond anymore, I already agree

>> No.22785830 [DELETED] 

Yeah toll house is basically just Purgatory. Also Purgatory came from Buddhism too. The intermediate state aka Bardo, etc.

>> No.22785833

>Can you truly say you are better?
I dont know anything but I do have i
compassion for every being in samsara, they have not found any refuge within this ever-changing world attended by misery.

>> No.22785834

He continue being a homosexual who used drugs even after converting. That's the core of the discussion. He let demons enter his body during his 'new age' era and was pretty much an Antichrist's sleeper agent.

>> No.22785843

>The original teachings of Christ are probably closer to the texts of Gnosticism and by extension to some of Vedanta about unity with God, a transcendental enlightened state, and transcendence of the corrupt material world
You cannot empathize directly with the words of christ and realize he was preaching the union of emptiness and compassion yet? There is no need for scholarly opinions hear the verses and you will directly see the wisdom of christ

>> No.22785847 [DELETED] 


Also copied from Buddhism. The general ideas are the same. The Demiurge is literally just the same thing as Mara, the devil in Buddhism. The devil in Buddhism is controlling Samsara and forcing people to be reborn when they die. Buddhism was around 500 years before Gnosticism. Like I said, it was copied from Buddhism and these are where the ideas were coming from.

>> No.22785852

Nigga, at this point even the act of going to the bathroom and shitting on a toilet was copied from Buddism. Buddists literally invented everything. Makes you wonder how such great people were reduced to a bunch of schizo Ameericans from a Vietnamese basjet weaving forum.

>> No.22785859

It's rather amusing to see that America has consumed your every waking thought.

>> No.22785866

Where is your proof? All sources point to the fact that after his conversion he remained celibate for the rest of his life

>> No.22785867

I mean, you (an American) are here apparently unable to shut up about how running water is actually a Buddist concept and Christianity is a Jewish psyop or whatever. It's difficult to ignore.

>> No.22785875

He engaged in multiple drug infused homosexual orgies with Herman Podmoshensky and prostitutes kids. This information was revealed to me during my reading of the Church Fathers. Literally nothing of what I say is extreme or in conteadiction to Christian teachings, therefore is true.

>> No.22785891

so you have no proof then, got it

>> No.22785906

You dare to ask for proof to the Church Fathers? And I thought Serpahim Rose's followers couldn't get more heretical. Is funny how you faggots seem to forget at all about Jesus Christ whenever you talk about "Christianity". Guess you really don't need two masters...

>> No.22785918 [DELETED] 

Ad hominem

>> No.22785919

I think its safe to say the following:
Seraphim Rose was not a Holy Man especially not in the Christian way since his closest "spiritual" partner was decieving him all along, and molesting young boys/kids under his watch. He was no Saint and did not reach the perfection of his spiritual powers.

The fact that Roses corpus of text is so liable to devious misinterpretation shows that he was not a Holy Man, since Holy Men do not write so much that is ambiguous.

If you want to idolize him, go ahead, bit I will say Rose seemed like a spoilt effeminate brat and was lacking in "spiritual virility" he probably was an absolutely insufferable person, his vision and later repentance is between him and God. Roses who idea about writing books about His experiences, and His opinion, shows to me that he was still labouring under some residual self-obsession.

The true man is traditionally devoid of such a overt individuality, he is anonymous, that is what the new name orthos receive is supposed to symbolize, though rose posed for cameras, styled his beard and tried his best to convey an image.

Not to mention, the sale of roses works only supported the monastery which was the site of numerous abuses of children and the unprotected. If you want a real saint look at st. bernard of clairvaux etc. Rose missed the mark by far.

Did Rose perform miracles during his life? That wouldve been a sign that he was somewhat accomplished, were there such signs like that which showed he was a holy man? Did he heal.the sick, what did he do, except stay blind during his life.

See I am of the opinion that a Holy man can be so during Life, and that it is not just the condition of his death that we should pay attention to.

>> No.22785920

we need to ban americans from this board.

>> No.22785923

>A-ad h-hominem
No, you nerd, I'm mocking you.

>> No.22785926

Based. Sadly, this will enrage the Rose-tards. Imagine if someone like John of the Cross or Ignatius of Loyola had such a cult-following like that of Rose? Orthodox would never shut up about how Catholics hold their saints higher than Jesus Christ.

>> No.22785930 [DELETED] 

What I said is either true or it’s not. And I think it’s true. Which would technically make Christianity the OG Jewish psy-op and Simon Peter and Paul the OG glowies. Paul even calls Gamaliel, the leader of the Talmudic Sanhedrin, his master in the Bible. Look into Gamaliel’s life and this is what he wanted to do to destroy the polytheistic Roman religion. Paul was his second in command. It puts the Gentiles and Jews against each other because their prophesies teach that they both need to hate one another. Do I think it’s insane? Yes. But I’m aware that’s this is what would’ve been going on. What do you think the Sanhedrin was?

>> No.22785931

If anything Rose is a Saint for America,
And if you look at it, many early christian saints were ex prostitutes etc. But Rose did not seem to be a contemplative on the level of st. Bernard, or any of these other medieval saints, rather he seemed to be a virulent ideologist with a lot of nonsense to speak in life, and honestly that is to say nothing about his postmortem state etc. Because obviously I cannot know, and really that outer works sometimes contradict inner faith is true, and I cannot even know, but I think the way Rose and Modern christians are, they are very big into "Miracles" "Signs" "Powers" and Rose was a cult-personality if he had nothing apart from "charisma" then he was no different from a celebrity.

>> No.22785933 [DELETED] 

26 posters and no one has refuted this American’s points.

>> No.22785939
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I understand that this is supposed to be some kind of "gotcha" but what youre saying is just a bunch of silliness. Will pray for you, anon

>> No.22785948

>If anything Rose is a Saint for America,
Truly a faith worse than the eternal fire of hell.

>> No.22785951

Wrong file, anon. Those aren't the toll houses.

Shit, I meant *fate.

>> No.22785955


>> No.22785963 [DELETED] 

John of the Cross also copied Buddhism. Alright here’s the QRD:

St. John of the Cross, who is considered the church father of mysticism, basically had the exact same ideas of Buddhism. He called it Contemplation and talks about there being multiple levels and reaching the state of "Perfection."
This is exactly the same as Buddhism. Except he said "Contemplation" and his own different levels instead of different Jhana levels of meditation, and "Perfection" instead of "Nirvana."
He even talked about how in order to become "Perfect" you need to think about what God is "not." Which is also very Buddhist, because you have all the teachings about how Nirvana is "empty." Same deal. It was already understood by Buddhists.

Christian mysticism very clearly came from Buddhism if you fall deep enough down the rabbit hole. Even the whole concept of entering a monastery makes complete sense in the context of Buddhism. Entering the clergy, taking vows, being celibate, embracing poverty, wearing robes, and secluding oneself to reach the right circumstances to get to Nirvana.

St. John of the Cross has a poem about “Entering into Unknowing” and it sounds like Buddhist Satori. How if you reach this state, words cannot describe it nor can anyone disprove it and that it needs to be experienced. He either copied from Buddhism or he independently came to the same conclusions and used Christian terms to explain what had already been long understood by Buddhists.

>> No.22785964

He's pretty much the Orthodox equivalent of American megachurch pastors. Simple as.

Funny how the different streams of Christianity seem to have the worse of them in America. I wonder what would the Catholic equivalent of these guys may be. Something from America I bet.

>> No.22785969 [DELETED] 

The Buddha is lord.

>> No.22785976


>> No.22785986 [DELETED] 

>joking about the Buddha

My friend, that is bad karma.

>> No.22785987

Rose kinda is the perfect saint for America, because he pretty much embodies America's core values:

>being gay
>being a drug addict
>being a narcissist
>being retarded
>being friends with a child predator

You can't really get more American than that. The only thing that's missing is him being a nigger.

I say he should be put up just next to St. Floyd of Fentanyl and St. Epstein of Lolita Island.

>> No.22785990

Let that bitch come to me, then. I'll beat his ass.

>> No.22785991

These delusional people consider Jay Dyer to be like the John Chrysostom of the 21st century,
Saints are not malignant individualists, if they are individual they find some way to unite that individual to the incontrovertible universal, Christian saints achieve this wonderfully, because they are fully aware of what it is to have a human nature, when a christian saint talks about faith, God, noone can contradict him, not even a hindu, they just share different points of view but on what is in essence the same. However when someone stresses shit like "toll house dogma" and elevates it to the level of one of those inctrovertible universal premises, that shows that we are dealing with a person who has confused the "individual" belief for the "universal" truth. Did rose show any sign of saying hold on guys the "dogma I am shilling is provisional" or did he stand by it irrationally, "not supra-rationally" with some purely individual motive,
Maybe rose experienced some visual tollhouses, he had some sensory confirmation and then mistaked that for a universal experience, to get to that point shows a confusion.

When all genuine saints experience God, what do they do, they stress that God is ineffable, words fall back, opinions are inadequate, the Knowledge is peaceful, etc.
Like those great medieval saints, and they are not dismissive of the intellect, if they come from a tradition which is still aware of that human nature.

the individualist will imagine an illusory "christian nature" before he is aware of a human nature, it is all for ego-preservation, confusing a very subtle imagined thing for reality, its like when people expect a Heaven "out there" somewhere, if their intution does not prevent them, and then they are dumbfounded upon death in expectation of something.

Everytime I have engaged in contemplation I have been dumbfounded, and I am left with awe for life and the present moment. It is simply not explainable or communicable with words, accepting that truly is the whole deal, the more you try to parse it through concepts, words, dogmas, the more you are limiting the vision of God - which ultimately has left noone for even a moment is everpresent, few men can stabilize that experience, because the human resists.

I think rose has given rise to "subrational" takes, because he didnt explain clearly enough what faith actually consists of, did he not read Guénon and know about the "intellectual intution" and that God is beyond the limit of the human mind, unfortunately simply saying God is beyond human understanding is liable for regression aswell, thats why clarity is important.

>> No.22786010

Advocating to someone, "expect the tollhouse I have informed you about, think about it in such and such a way, according to my instruction, and then when you die keep in mind the tollhouse which will appear, then follow my instruction about dodging tollhouses etc." Oh yeah and I mean this fucking literally, by the way, if you maintain concentration on God the mind which knows the image of the tollhouse I have instructed you about, will still be the same thinking in a very coarse way about the tollhouse.

Seraphim rose and I havent read him, but if he said such bullshit, and didnt imply anything else, like the mind which images the tollhouse, will be at first course and then will become increasingly subtle as you die, or that focussing on the tollhouse was not necessary, or that there was some fucking catch. Was a hack who was trying to mislead people and lead them to awe with shit they can no longer deny because they have accepted his perverted version of "intellectual inuition" and "knowing God with the Heart"

What a wolf in sheeps clothing

>> No.22786016

Shut up fuckwit.

>> No.22786028

We reject purgatory as a specific place distinct from heaven and hades. We don't reject the concept of post-mortem purgation of sins, just not the specific Western doctrine. We further don't limit this purgation solely to venial sins, which is another reason for rejection. In place of purgatory, we simply don't have an answer. There are a variety of views, all we can say for certain is that this purgation of sins is post-mortem

The tollhouses really aren't purgatory. Sure, some believe there is a purgation of sins during it, but it's not really a core concept. They're quite different ideas. Tollhouses are in essence an attack by demons during one's ascent to heaven. In which the deceased is accused of sins by said demons and defended by their guardian angel through their good deeds and the prayers of the living. That's quite different from Purgatory

>> No.22786032

You are niggers. Simple as. Do as your hero and get AIDS.

>> No.22786039

>We don't reject the concept of post-mortem purgation of sins, just not the specific Western doctrine
Dantes view on purgatory makes sense to me, that it is a matter of burning desire, and yearning for a conditioned thing, it is nicely presented in titus bruckhardts book "mirror of the intellect"

>> No.22786040

>That's quite different from Purgatory
Yeah, is different in the sense that it is schizo retarded shit.

>> No.22786049

Don't mention other books to s Seraphim Rose followers besides those either written by him or specifically recommended by him. He will call them "freemason bullshit" or whatever.

Seraphim Rose adoration is basicay Scientology when you think about - you can only do whatever your leader (Seraphim Rose) allows you to do, and whenever you read somerhing, you must interpreted through the lenses and teachings of Seraphim Rose.

As I mentioned previously, you'll never catch this niggers talk about Jesus Christ - Seraphim Rose is their true and only master. Cult shit.

>> No.22786056

>In which the deceased is accused of sins by said demons and defended by their guardian angel through their good deeds and the prayers of the living.
In a sense I see the deeper meaning, a sort of being unable to forgive oneself but on a more epic scale. That would only continue under the
Yearning or desire for a conditioned thing, in this case a life where there was no fault, a sinless life like christ, accepting that imperfection and thus with perfect objectivity and humility is the only way to get through that, I think.

They can be reconciled by common sense

>> No.22786072

It's actually valid to try to build a case in a respectful manner for the toll houses, but the toll houses aren't really Seraphim Rose's main problem - it's his cult-like following, his evident flaws and the hostility to anybody that didn't followed him to a T.

He's basically the reason why toll house can rarely be discussed in a proper manner. Orthodoxs should really stop clinging to this guy.

>> No.22786087

bump because the American shit-talking must continue

>> No.22786111

I don't know why anyone would say the doctrine of tollhouses is heresy. I mean, it's corroborated by many saints, like SS. Isidore, Antony the Great, Joseph the Hesychast, and Elder Ephraim of Arizona to name a few. Even the monks of Mt. Athos believe the tollhouses are real. The saints who refuted the doctrine of tollhouses? Zero. Not a single one. Furthermore, these interpretations are symbolic, and are not meant to be taken as literal. The imagery in the visions of the Ascent to heaven and the tollhouses vary from saint to saint. Some saw themselves being stopped by demons in the air and had to wait until the demon couldn't find any charges against the soul and gave up, one had a vision of a kind of court room battle between the angels and demons, and even more frightening, being surrounded by demons who accuse the soul of all of her sins in an attempt to make her despair and reject God's mercy. Whatever the case is, the point is the soul will be subjected to a most harrowing ordeal after it separates from the body.

>> No.22786120

Can you give me an example of the cult like following? Do they have an online space, I havent seen anything to the extent you problematize, though I have not all looked.

I do remmeber a couple years ago, some youtuber called Bobby's perspective read Seraphim Rose became a total "Zealot" sold hoodies which literally said "Orthodoxie H Thanatos"
With that whole skulll aesthetic, then about a year and a half or years later he converted to a muslim youtube channel, and has gone full "quranist" with his now larger Muslim audience.
I feel as if alot of these people who come from what they identify as nihilism or relativism, via. Rose, are so shocked and "destabilized" by that new awareness of themselves, they become very clingy and latch onto popular ideas in an exclusivistic single-minded "Subrational" sense - obviously Rose didnt "train" them well enough, from extreme to extreme, all held together by a type of ego, which loves ideologies and conformity.

>> No.22786134

>Can you give me an example of the cult like following?
Almost all Christian Orthodoxs you can find on Twitter (now X) are Seraphim followers. Sounds like a stretch, but it's true. Any profile with an Orthodox cross, a videogame profile picture, and a description that says that the user is from somewhere in America is almost always a Seraphim follower. What they do is usually thrash-talk Catholicism, share cringe memes, and mix Christianity with Nazi shit.

I got out of all that shit long time ago, so can't remember much desu

>> No.22786137

There is also Roosh V. I believe, Jay Dyer, Church of the Eternal Logos, chase haggard, a believe there was a Jewish guy, who went by Brother something, dont remember, and a couple others in this Online "Orthosphere" there are females too, mothers and so on, they also push carnivore diet, things like this I noticed,
admittedly, I dont really know what to say, alot of the Covid hysteria totally buckbroke parts of global society, I remember reading Orthodox church self-study, and when covid hit they had a massive boom in converts mostly early single young men in their twenties, late teens, late twenties, stuff like that.

People needed a quick fix and for them I guess they found it in the stability of the Orthodox Church, it is not western so it is "counter-culture" but it is still christian so it feels closer to home?

I have nothing against these people, everyone has free will to follow what they want, and merely being one of these ideologues does not at all diaqualify you from "God" or from profound spiritual experiences, so I dont like it when people feel puffed up by their intellect and demean such people, who in their suffering did what they were able, who in their thirst drank in such a way. Of course I recognize that nothing on this earth can quench this thirst but that eternal water promised by Christ the Saviour. Everyone is at different degrees between emptiness and fullness, no matter what we should not have hate for fellow man, and we should restrain judgment internally. This world is too beautiful when contrasted with the narrative of a struggle for existence, advocated by darwinists, nihilists, and spiritualists alike.

>> No.22786150

>believe there was a Jewish guy, who went by Brother something
Nathanael Kapner.

>> No.22786167

This is kinda sad, actually.


>> No.22786172 [DELETED] 

I have a very slight inclination to go to a nearby orthodox church, and ask the priest, "what would you say if someone were to look at your dress, and then ask you "do you know God?"
Does that sound like a good idea, ideally if the father restrains his speech, or says something like I know god and yet I dont know god, or something like this:
"Here in time we celebrate a holiday because the eternal birth which God the Father effects unceasingly in eternity is the same birth he effected here in time, in human nature. . . . But what benefit is that to me if it does not also occur in me? What is all-important is that it would happen in me."
Or simply if the father says straight away "I know Christ" and I will just try to see how he acts in saying that,

I also have this question,
"Would you say God is unchanging, and the world is changing, if so how does the changing exist in the unchanging, how does the unchanging affect the changing, if God is beyond the unchanging and unchanging as he is not subject to the limitation of human reason, where is God? Is God here?
how can the unchanging God be born in the changing World?"

Does this sound stupid to ask a priest at a random local church these questions, would he feel offended, would he refuse to answer? Would he simply deny it, and say he doesnt know, but really his body is full of grace and he is at peace?

If so, I am wondering if people in this world even care about such things, does it even effect them? I am seeing day by day the uselessness of these questions and that I can simply not accept that I am anything or that I know anything, and that somehow I do know everything because I am here right now.

Would the priest think I were demon posessed or something? What point is there in seeking out a priest and depending on others, if I am hungry and he eats for me I will not be full.

>> No.22786176

>push carnivore diet
Are they orthodox? If you take fasting seriously, you are eating a pseudovegan diet for roughly half the year.

>> No.22786181

This Bobby dude seems weird anyway. He jumped around with diet fads for a long time before he got into playing musical chairs with religion. By next year the guy will probably be a Hindu or something.

>> No.22786182

I have a very slight inclination to go to a nearby orthodox church, and ask the priest, "what would you say if someone were to look at your dress, and then ask you "do you know God?"
Does that sound like a good idea, ideally if the father restrains his speech, or says something like I know god and yet I dont know god, or something like this:
"Here in time we celebrate a holiday because the eternal birth which God the Father effects unceasingly in eternity is the same birth he effected here in time, in human nature. . . . But what benefit is that to me if it does not also occur in me? What is all-important is that it would happen in me."
Or simply if the father says straight away "I know Christ" and I will just try to see how he acts in saying that,

I also have this question,
"Would you say God is unchanging, and the world is changing, if so how does the changing exist in the unchanging, how does the unchanging affect the changing, if God is beyond the unchanging and unchanging as he is not subject to the limitation of human reason, where is God? Is God here?
how can the unchanging God be born in the changing World?"

Does this sound stupid to ask a priest at a random local church these questions, would he feel offended, would he refuse to answer? Would he simply deny it, and say he doesnt know, but really his body is full of grace and he is at peace?

If so, I am wondering if people in this world even care about such things, does it even effect them? I am seeing day by day the uselessness of these questions and that I can simply not accept that I am anything or that I know anything, and that somehow I do know everything because I am here right now.

Would the priest think I were demon posessed or something? What point is there in seeking out a priest and depending on others, if I am hungry and he eats for me I will not be full.

Or could the priest simply be one of these degenerates, like Gleb Podmoshenky

I also think that the very attempt to try and distinguish a sage or wise man from an ordinary man can simply cause trouble, and is part of the problem, all I can think is that in these matters judgment is to be restrained.

>> No.22786187

>Does this sound stupid to ask a priest at a random local church these questions, would he feel offended, would he refuse to answer?
Depends on the priest and, as always, to the context in which you ask. By themselves, they're perfectly valid questions with actual answers, although they correspond to a certain level of theology with which not everyone is familiar.

You should try it some day. I really hope the priest is knowledgable and patient enough to actually answer those questions. Because, as I said, they are perfectly valid.

>> No.22786192

*beyond the unchanging and the changing*

>> No.22786197

>Or could the priest simply be one of these degenerates, like Gleb Podmoshenky
If you ever find a priest like that, you have very bad luck. They exist for sure, but they aren't that common. Still, a degenerate priest can still be educated enough to be able to answer some theological questions.

>> No.22786198

Fundamentalist Islam is the logical conclusion to viewing religion as a redpill self-help thing, Dharmic religions value asceticism too much.

>> No.22786201

This is actually a pretty interesting take.

>> No.22786208

>Because, as I said, they are perfectly valid
Thankyou for that confirmation, when I fall asleep, I have thoughts like that appearing at times, and I see myself asking the priest, and then the priest responds
The strength it takes to declare "yes Christ is God" is unfathomable and profound, I even admit this, and unfortunately many people use this phrase to mean something totally delusory involved in their own "struggle for existence"

>> No.22786209

Learn what a run on sentence is.

>> No.22786215

But simply the the declaration "God exists" and for them to be totally peaceful and true to the person who says that, they must be serious, or if they are not I think it will show.

>> No.22786232
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Christ is Lord!

>> No.22786235

>Fundamentalist Islam is the logical conclusion to viewing religion as a redpill self-help thing
I dont think so, fundamentalist islam is like any other obsession done properly, in that when you completely sacrifice your mind and soul to a book, or an object and secure this state of "egolessness" you reach liberation, however these people hardly ever truly realize the interdependence of subject and object in the process and become more like confucianists opposed to taoists, they will just become attatched to a physical islamic state, and will never know peace, and will be trapped by division, self-interest, and so on, fundamentalist islam in that sense in westerners is simply the coalescence of ideologism, politics, and that ambiguous God-impulse etc.
It is interesting that there is a gateway via extremist ethnic politics, I think what happens is the ethnic self-interest becomes a repressed masochistic self-hatred or self-negation, a form of selflessness which manifests in an alien saviour-complex (which is still contingent upon the division between a self and an other) that is why we see ex nazi islamic fundamentalists who seem to feeling very good, its because they have let go of a part of their ego, but I dont think its that easy and they cant suppress their way to God.

>> No.22786255
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I keep seeing this supposed "cult of Seraphim Rose" talking point in this thread, but I have been baptised Orthodox for several years now and have not encountered it. Are you sure you arn't spending too much time on twitter? Maybe I need to be in Appalachia to see it

>> No.22786267

What exactly is sad about it? Jay Dyer and Fr. Heers have brought a lot of people to the church, flawed as they may be. I can dunk on Jay all day but I cant not respect his work.

>> No.22786271

Is literally Twitter shit. I have actually mentioned that a lot of times in this thread.

>> No.22786274

Having grifters as the main proponents of your religion. Catholics have Chesterton, Protestants have C. S. Lewis, Orthodoxs have... those guys.

>> No.22786346

Yeah i have been saying alot of shit in this thread, and i still dont get the point, because this "cult of seraphim" everytime i hear it i laugh, like what is he even talking about? It must exist on the internet alone, hahahaha, the very idea "cult of seraphim" just doesnt make sense, I have never see any "cult of seraphim"
Also yeah I dont get it, Jay dyer and Fr. Heers are just people they can do what they want, how does it affect me, Im going to stop pretending that caring about these issues affects or involves me whatsoever, even if the sick have come to the sick, by coming they will be going and so they will come again again regardless, I am tired of the cured becoming sick, and the sick becoming cured, lets just leave it as is, the sick with the sick, the cured with the cured, and the day that the two rivers cross will never be, only the sick who pretend to be cured crose again and again, still sick, all who are cured by being are not sick and never will be again.

>> No.22786431

There's just something kind of dreary about Christianity, right?

"Because the light makes you feel good, it's probably the work of demons."

Because of my upbringing, I feel a bit guilty admitting this, but sometimes I really think it's the case. Just a bunch of morbid bickering people. Almost as bad as leftists.

>> No.22786439

>things that were never said

>> No.22786476

>in Georgia
You can't be a saint "in Georgia"; you either are a saint confirmed to be with God in heaven or you are not. All of these Orthodox countries always just have random different stipulations and bizarre tangents and disagreements. ROC and EOC literally being in schism over Ukraine is a big one, despite Orthos denying this because the different Orthodox Churches are all in quantum-flux union or some shit.

You can shit on the failings of the Roman Catholic Church a lot and you'd often be right, but at least the various Eastern Catholic Churches tend to have their shit down right and are much better about navigating these random disagreements and country-by-country aberrations while staying in union with each other.

>> No.22786486

What are you even talking about

>> No.22786502

>ROC and EOC literally being in schism over Ukraine is a big one
its not though, its hardly an issue. None Orthodox try to repeat over and over again that it is but no one cares about their whining.

>> No.22786516

>Young Earth Creationism isn't controversial, its biblically sound doctrine that everyone believed for thousands of years before freemasons took over the education system and out electronic jews in everyone's living room
YEC is one of the most absolutely fucking retarded things anybody could ever believe and it's the most obvious possible sign that a person's beliefs were snagged by American prot nonsense.
Taking creation myths literally strips them of all of their mystery and beauty. Don't drag the ancients into your nonsense either. I don't know anything about Rose but if he's the reason the internet is filled with kids running around talking about how based the flat earth is he must've been worthless.

>> No.22786525

YEC is based and you haven't made an argument beyond it hurts your feelings

>> No.22786534

Yeah, I know. I don't have any interest in making an argument. This isn't high school debate club, you are going to continue being a double nigger anyway.

>> No.22786539

>seethes over YEC
>can't make an argument against it
sounds like you're just a child that got his feelings hurt

>> No.22786554

Correct unfortunately most modern christians do not believe that there is a spiritual reality, I dont know how they understand statements like "eternally begotten by the father"
Unfortunately the cartesianism vs. spiritualism, or Material monism vs spiritual monism, had become so dare I use this word "subconscious" in our society, that people cannot even begin to understand what is really meant, christians are enchained by a relationship between the individual and God, the creation and God, timelessness is understood as some sort of temporal extension, etc.
Eternity is the negation of a beginning (or end) and not endless/indefinite extension
Eternity is a negative attribute, it is meaningless then to consider whether or not there has has been an extension of time between God and Creation.

It is amazing to see the similarity between the islamic doctrine of the eternal Speech, and the eternal Word of christianity being eternally begotten

>There has been a long debate amongst Islamic philosophers and theologians about the meaning of eternity and time with relation to Allah. Some philosophers say, for example, that Allah was talking in eternity in His eternal Speech, and that therefore He said in eternity take off thy shoes (20:12) to Moses, and worship thy Lord until certainty comes unto thee (15:99) to Muhammad, peace be upon them, and so on. They say that because clearly we can not say that Allah uttered these words at the time of Moses or Muhammad, therefore it must be an eternal speech. Ibn al-Arabi, however, showed in his Kitab al-Azal that all these interpretations are not proper, and that they end up confining Allah to time, which is a serious error: 'It is more proper to say that Moses heard out of time, because the Speaker spoke out of time. To let Moses become holy is better than letting al-Bari’ (the Creator) be compared to us' (Kitab Al-Azal: 5, see also: al-Masa’il, #131).

>So if we take the correct meaning of the word 'eternity', which is the negation of any beginning (azal), we may ask: was there anyone in eternity with the Creator or not? There has also been a long philosophical and theological debate about that, which Ibn al-Arabi summarizes by saying:

>One group said: 'the primordials (qudama) are four: the Creator, the Intellect, the Soul and the Dust (al-haba’)'.

>Another group said: 'the primordials are eight (pre-existents): the Essence and the seven descriptions' (i.e. The seven primordial descriptions or attributes of Allah, drawn from earlier kalam theology: 'Life, Knowledge, Ability, Will, Hearing, Seeing and Speaking' [I.525.32]).

>Another group said: 'nothing is primordial but One, and He is the exalted Real, and He is One in all aspects, but to His Essence (there is) an aspect by which He is called Able, and so on for whatever they have made a description'.

>> No.22786556

We aren't arguing. I'm mocking you for being a retard.
This is like shitting your pants in public then smugly declaring that everyone else is seething over it because they no longer want to sit next to you.

>> No.22786557

>Another group took this (last) opinion, but they added to it a (new) concept. And this concept is called 'the Reality of Realities', which is neither existing nor non-existing, but it is primordial with the primordial and created with the created; it can be imagined, but it does not exist by itself, like universality (‘alamiyya) and so on (Kitab Al-Azal: 8-9).

>Clearly, the Sufis are among the last group, and Ibn al-Arabi in particular relates the beginning of creation to 'the Reality of Realities' (haqiqat al-haqa’iq), and sometimes he calls it: 'the Universal Reality' (al-haqiqa al-kulliyya) or 'the Muhammadan Reality' (al-haqiqa al-muhammadiyya). He stated in chapter 6 of the Futuhat that the beginning of the spiritual creation is the 'Dust', and that the first existent within it was the 'Muhammadan Reality of (divine) Mercy' (al-haqiqa al-muhammadiyya al-rahmaniyya) that is not confined to space, and that it is created from the 'Known Reality' (al-haqiqat al-ma‘luma) that can not be described by either existence nor non-existence [I.118.5]. Ibn al-Arabi claims that only the Sufis have introduced the concept of 'the Reality of Realities' (haqiqat al-haqa’iq), although he admits that the Mu‘tazilites drew attention to something similar to this notion when they tried to escape the accusation that their understanding of the divine Attributes postulated the real existence of additional realities other than the Essence of the Real [II.433.14, SPK: 134-9].

>> No.22786559

>gets exposed and a mid wit
>n-no I'M the one mocking YOU ;_;

are evolutionists even trying anymore

>> No.22786560

>smugly declaring that everyone else is seething over it
you're literally throwing a tantrum over YEC lmao

>> No.22786561

We are going to look back on Ortholarping in ten years time the same way we look at fedora atheists today. I feel bad for the cradle orthodox

Anyway Rose is sus as fuck, from the sodomy, to his precarious death, being closely related to Gleb Podmoshensky - it's a million red flags. It's even more ironic that it's the alt-righters turned ortholarpers who hate fags worship this guy.

>> No.22786565

>We are going to look back on Ortholarping in ten years time the same way we look at fedora atheists today. I feel bad for the cradle orthodox
No we're not, this sounds like a retard atheist who desperately wants their worst enemy to die lmao
>Anyway Rose is sus as fuck, from the sodomy, to his precarious death, being closely related to Gleb Podmoshensky - it's a million red flags. It's even more ironic that it's the alt-righters turned ortholarpers who hate fags worship this guy.
its not like he promoted sodomy after his conversion. Turning away from faggotry is based

>> No.22786605

>I feel bad for the cradle orthodox
You have absolutely nothing to feel bad for dont worry.

>> No.22786610

>We are going to look back on Ortholarping in ten years time the same way we look at fedora atheists today
the weird fluorescent lighting shining on their faces and the overuse of synthwave is almost a cringy as fedora tipping already

>> No.22786611

atheists like you have a hard time being mocked because you're terminally online,
Christianity pulls people out of the internet
no one will care outside of /r/atheism

>> No.22786650

>alt-righters turned ortholarpers who hate fags worship this guy.
I hate to do the whole troon schtick because they infact taint their sometimes objective analysis with their perverted perspective to simply feed those demons of theirs (which I will elaborate upon) but you would be surprised about how many degenerate "repressing fags" "but secretly fantasizing" coomers are in the alt right scene, unfortunately a whole fetish on the internet uses altright talking points it is called "race play" so that the people can satisfy their desire and bring themselves to orgasm, there are truly levels within levels to the sick persons mind, from race to genders, the "extreme" persons deluded mind knows no end to his insatiable thirst - only the eternal water of christ the saviour can properly satiate him. It is even worse with the people who are anti-christian in conjunction with being alt right, anyone who takes a look at the bible doesnt matter what they are and reads degeneracy and modern ideology into it is coming from a sick perverted place which is open to demonic possesion, no matter what sort of outwards presentation they display, a truly learned hindu will even be able to appreciate the bible even if it is viewed in a mere provisional sense.

The ego desires to find itself in the other, to do what it thinks is finding completion and totality. When you concentrate on race and anything really, you start associating that ego with identity - aka race, etc. Really since these attatchments are so gross the consequences are more severe, the "cult of the body" can truly warp a persons world beyond repair, since nothing they do or say can be removed from their body, so before they no it, what started as troubling homosexual lust becomes conspiracy and paranoia where they are being targetted or pressured wherever there is an other, of course the number of causes for each condition is innumerable, I am not trying to focus on what is purely libidinal (so as to purely restrict the operation of the consciousness to the lower section of the human organism as the psychoanalysts ignorantly do - they themselves are subject to a more subtle inebriation usually) but sex is really the majority of modern societies main focus understandably, It is very easy for desire to be found in such places, and when it becomes "unconscious," or more at the background of the mind, which can be volitional, what altrighter is capable of accepting that they have ended up with a fetish for the inferior race for example, the repression and fed like "psychological complexes" conditioned by actions, then we are talking about demons, and there are really people on this earth who are up to their neck in sexual demons, sexual demons are massive because lust is a strong driving force, it is simply a matter of sublimation, in the spiritual man proper lust or sex is completely converted into what from the asleep and thirsty man would probably appear like "spiritual power."

>> No.22786662

The most nefarious aspect of the way identity and these psychological complexes work, is that the "more humiliating" the more "repressed" the more "unconsciously fed" the more habitual - the more "personality altering"

It is very easy to see how a kid can go from trying on their mothers clothes or feminine thing and experiencing sexual arousal, (which comes from the transgressive catharsis in crossing social boundaries, "I am a male, therefore I am not a female") to a full blown tranny who is convinced on an ontological level that they are a Damn Woman.
The issue is this when you hold an fixed sentiment or view about identity, ie. The kid has to believe he is a male, this has to attatch to his ego and only then can the sexual arousal occur, in envisioning the opposite ie. The Other.

The true man is he who does not hold any view or identity-attatchment and is thus nondual and egoless. Not even like "I am a christian" because the same rule of transgression comes about hence to become a satanist one mustve been a christian.

I swear to god I have told you something true. And which has resulted in an open minds reflection into the minds of other people.

>> No.22786667

>purely libidinal (so as to purely restrict the operation of the consciousness to the lower section of the human organism as the psychoanalysts ignorantly do - they themselves are subject to a more subtle inebriation usually)
This view has even more importance considering the frequency of porn usage and so on in modern society, which is an anomaly in that regards and could only result in an increase in these imbalanced dispositions and confusions.

>> No.22786679

When you are an egoic individual you experience the trouble of personal pleasure and all the sufferings which come along with it
When you are an individual in his center, you experience the unbound universal pleasure and all the unstoppable joy that comes along with it.
The former is divided the latter is undivided, the former sees self and other, the latter sees neither self nor other.

By remaining in silence or by staying in speech, stillness is then but a stopping of movement, and movement is but a going of stillness, as the All cannot be divided into halves, as it is whole and one and so it cannot be known, the harmony is neither stillness nor movement, neither loud nor silent, neither small nor large, neither smart nor dumb.

It is through these contraries that the harmony is, the fault in the extremes is a distraction from the expansive middle-way. All the previous terms used to describe it are like "drugs" and only useful if for some reason a person wants to talk about it, but these names and forms which have been provisioned become it, when nothing which cannot be perceived is it.

>> No.22786709

Anyone who has taken a spiritual discipline seriously, may have glimpsed the nondual state but few stabilize it completely, most modern spiritual teachers may be more active in it, but it probably comes and goes in them aswell, I myself am someone who has glimpsed it but it comes and goes, because my experience of what I consider boundless bliss is not permanent and constant, but fluctuates, I have at times thought that was it, but as I went to sleep it changed, or I felt that I was coming back into the world, the difference between these "experiences" at one or another point, etc. Is all I need to see to know I am absolutely in the stages and not an enlightened man, I have a high frequency of these experiences and feel better than when I was existentially depressed and anxious years ago but it is what it is.

Where it starts as "contemplation" on "emptiness" increasing and increasing, "oh holy shit" stable, feeling of peace and tranquility, sense spheres feel purified, everything looks beautiful and infinite, I refuse to consider myself "enlightened" infact as soon as such thoughts occur, my experience becomes fearful and feels "uncontrollable" almost like an anxiety, fear of immanent death etc. But I come around again and again.

>> No.22786747

To be fair the idea that there is this state to "stabilize" is erroneous as well, I may be very very low in the hierarchy of development, and am simply experiencing some sort of development which ordinary humans have, but being subhuman I just needed to meditate and study alot to possess,

I remember in shankaracharyas bhashyas shankara was comparing or in the upanishad there were comparisons made between different levels of bliss, between gandharvas, devas etc. And then comparing it to the bliss of one who has realized brahman, but such a comparison can only be analogical, the idea that the perishable cannot result in the imperishable, and that upon the dawning of Knowledge therefore there can be nothing perishable or mortal, is convincing, and that anything that is not this Realization which is the same as Knowledge Infinite etc. Is simply within a state of ignorance absolutely holds, and that I am still clinging to agent and action, knower, knowing and knowledge, therefore suggests that I am an ignorant man caught up in something intermediate which is neither real nor unreal, but I will still persist, and I will heed the advice that one should not simply develop attatchment to perceptible levels of increasing bliss - no matter subtle and "supposedly" infinite or all pervading, I who am ignorant are describing these things as.

>> No.22788178

completely unhinged
Orthodox have Kallistos Ware and Fr. Trenham

>> No.22788211

The Orthodox churches I've called have been quite kind. Believe it or not people actually engage in these things instead of just being chuds who say they're "attracted" to orthodoxy online.

>> No.22788240

Heretic seethe

>> No.22788243

> Fuck rose and Guénonlarpers.
Hey, most Guenonposters are pretty chill and openminded. Dont lump us all in with that one homo Rose-spammer

>> No.22788244

This is such bullshit. It’s so painfully obvious that you’ve never engaged with orthodoxy IRL.

>> No.22788268

Protestants are obviously wrong and Catholics distorted theology for politics so now the theology is wrong and the ethics are (literally) feminine and gay. If there is a church which has not lost the faith it can only be the Orthodox Church. Lo and behold when inquirers actually go to orthodox clergy with questions, they take it seriously and have real answers. Weird. It’s almost like they’re right. How nuts then that people would take them seriously.

>> No.22788275

> but I think the way Rose and Modern christians are, they are very big into "Miracles" "Signs" "Powers"
plebs in every religion are like that

>> No.22788288

Your master (Seraphim Rose) was a homosexual junkie whose boyfriend was a pederast.

Say "Christ is Lord" - you won't; this single phrase would burn your tongue before leaving your mouth. You can only serve one master, and you've choosen Seraphim Rose over Jesus Christ.

>> No.22788304

Yeah, I'd also be kind with the faggots that'll be paying for my next Rolex, you moron.

>> No.22788318

Yes it is dreary, many Christian mystics and their works are not dreary at all though

>> No.22788331

Take a look at his eyes - if you're keen enough, you can actually see the demon that used to posses him. Pretty fucked up stuff. Seraphim Rose's story should be seen as a cautionary tale about the dangers of drug usage and homosexuality - who they are able to open your body to demonic possession that not even a conversion to Christianity could fix. Sadly, the Orthodoxs were led stray by the devil's whisper and never did anything for him - he should had been exorcised.

The devil's deft tongue spoke through him - took many to hell's entrance. The demonic energy of this single portrait is strong - unsettling. There's definitely even in it.

Praise God and Christ is Lord. Forgive them, father, for they don't know what they're doing.

Definitely, the devil's strongest soldier.

>> No.22788333

>>speaks of "the Orthodox Church" as a monolith
>>thinks his opinion is worth literally anything at all

>> No.22788339

> that'll be paying for my next Rolex
There is no obligation for Tithe unless in Islam

>> No.22788340

He's the Devil, brother. Don't entertain his words - they can be as sharp as needles. Let us pray to make him flee this thread. That dreaded portrait of demon-possesed Seraphim Rose is attracting evil spirits.

>> No.22788368

I've shown this thread to my bishop; he has checked it out carefully and reached the conclusion that there's a medium-level threat demon inhabiting it. He says that many of these poster may not even be human at all, but of demonic nature.

We are trying to reach the Cardinal for him to give us permission to practice an exorcism to this thread. Meanwhile, resist the devil's attacks and pray, brothers.

>> No.22788385

Christ is Lord.

>> No.22788489
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I think that the people getting into a frenzy about Rose being some kind of diabolical perverted cult leader or malicious liar are going about this all wrong.

Everything I've learned about Seraphim Rose indicates to me that he was just a guy. He was troubled in some ways, yes. He seems to have had some anger issues here and there. He clearly had trouble finding a sense of identity and belonging in his life and bounced around from place to place before settling on a version of Russian Orthodoxy. None of that makes him a bad person or anything; he was just human.

The problem with Rose has less to do with his person and more just with his writing. The worldview and set of logical assumptions he makes are based almost entirely around a logical fallacy known as "special pleading". His foundational premise from which he derives all of his arguments is that there is only one correct view - HIS view - namely a specific form of Orthodox Christianity, and every single other institution, viewpoint, ideology, or religious movement is therefore automatically wrong, evil, deceitful, and potentially demonic by mere virtue of not being his viewpoint.

By beginning all inquiry with the a priori presumption that his point of view is infallibly, objectively correct, his work quickly dips into very bizarre and logically absurd directions. Every religion, philosophy, group, or teacher on the planet is part of a demonic conspiracy to trick you... except Rose's specific denomination, conveniently! Why shouldn't the reader just write his sect off as demonic like the rest, especially when the criteria by which he damns other religions would damn his own if applied consistently? Uh... just trust me, bro? It is really not too different from the logic presented in the infamous "Chick Tracts" and their picture of a world designed specifically to trick and gaslight the souls of all human beings except a small chosen few who happened to pick the right religious sect from among thousands.

This form of argumentation appeals to one personality type in the modern digital age - disaffected young Twitter addicts primarily concerned with seeming "based", the kind of high IQ individual who views basedjaks and gigachad images as the pinnacle of debate. For those soberly seeking the actual truth, there's little to offer.

Although I have no reason to doubt the sincerity of Rose's devotion to his faith, the portrait of God he presents is far from flattering; it comes across as "criminally negligent" at best - "malicious trickster deity" at worst. A more consistent view of the premises he operates on would likely lead one to adopt a view similar to the one in John Keel's fringe book "The Eight Tower" than anything resembling trust in any transcendent power - perhaps something more akin to Gnosticism, where humans are the helpless victims of psychopathic supernatural predators who have us trapped in a deceptive, hostile world-system and delight in our fruitless struggling to escape.

>> No.22788514

This is the devil's speak. Say "Christ is Lord"!

Let us continue the prayers, brothers. The demons are charging at us again.

>> No.22788535

Nah, bro. This actually makes sense. You good.

>> No.22788636

Brainlet here, I'm neither Catholic nor Orthodox. Explain this please
>tollhouses are wrong and bad
>purgatory is correct and based

>> No.22788665

>When you die you have to get tested by demons and pay your way through with good works because uh... some saints said so. No it's in the Bible, but that doesn't matter, shut up chud.
Welcome to Orthodoxy.

>> No.22788737

Tollhouses were advocated by demonically-possesed homosexual junkie ex-Methodist Seraphim (((Rose))). They're literally a psyop created by the Antichrist and some of his most loyal dogs.

>> No.22788760

Yet again, the Shia btfo everyone else. Read Nahj Al-Balagha. The 185th and 186th sermon of Imam Ali.

>> No.22788761

This. The tollhouses were revealed to (((Saint))) Theophan the Recluse by an actual demon. The problem with Orthodoxs is that they engage recklessly on meditation and solitude, opening their bodies to demons.

>> No.22788787

It’s a mistranslation. The toll houses he is talking about were metaphorical for the trials up to your last breath. My understanding is Fr Seraphim Rose got carried away with that mistranslation.

His Orthodoxy and the Religion of the Future is required reading for anyone interested in UFOs, paranormal and related as well as anyone interested in yoga.

>> No.22788823

There wasn't any "mis"translation - everything Seraphim (((Rose))) did was in accordance to the devil's plan. He was never alone in his cabin whenever he was writing - Satan's hand was guiding his through every single work.

>> No.22788832

> as well as anyone interested in yoga.
Is this a joke?

>> No.22788845

He's not talking about that yoga.

>> No.22788854

No, yoga's roots lay in Hinduism. Many yoga postures are actually praying postures - that, combined with how many people use yoga to """medidate""", opens their body to demons. This is kinda what usually happens with Orthodox monks such as Rose and Thesophan - they medidate wrongly and open their body to demons, then, they push heretical ideas such as the tollhouses nonesense to scandalize Christians and drive them to sin.

>> No.22788857

Unfortunately, no. There are serious proponents of the idea that stretching your body the wrong way will automatically get you possessed by demons.

Apparently in designing the human body, God cut a lot of corners with quality assurance.

>> No.22788866

If you're merely stretching your body it's fine (I don't care what that demon inside Seraphim Rose's body had to say about the matter). The problem comes whenever you actually do the spiritual bs that comes from traditional yoga.

>> No.22788878

Also, reminder that NIGGERphim NOGse was really deep into spiritual bullshit from the East (which is why he got possesed by a demon in the first place), so he knew what he was talking about in this regard.

>> No.22788894

Unfortunately this is the fruit of constantly calling everything and the kitchen sink "demonic"; even the party that starts off doing it gets the accusation thrown right back in their face. You'll always be a heretic to someone no matter how hard you purity spiral.

>> No.22788905

Devil's speak. Say "Christ is Lord", you damn brethen of Lucifer!

>> No.22788913
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>206 posts
>44 posters
Is there a prottie/catholic schizo in /lit/ now insisting that Seraphim Rose was possessed by demons? This is more retarded than butterfly and guenonfag combined, I guess I can take another three year break from this cesspool.

>> No.22788920

>Apparently in designing the human body, God cut a lot of corners with quality assurance.
This is one of the contradictory implications of accepting Seraphim Rose’s worldview that I was thinking about lately after some retard was going on about demons.

If you accept that demons mislead people so easily that demons mislead people into accepting non-Christian religions (or even the wrong sect of Christianity) and that they accordingly go to hell despite otherwise acting good and just during life and despite pursuing spirituality earnestly; and if all this is happening because God designed the universe to be that way, then God ceases to be perfect and all-loving he instead because some sort of malicious torturer, like a kid who buys bugs just to torment and drown and burn them etc. At which point your worldview and view of God is so absurd and contradictory that it can be dismissed out of hand as completely implausible.

>> No.22788923


>> No.22788929

> The problem comes whenever you actually do the spiritual bs that comes from traditional yoga.
And what is the problem with traditional Yoga?

>> No.22788932

Bro, Seraphim Rose was literally a nigger. Everything he wrote is WRONG.

>> No.22788943

Christ is Lord. Cool LARP though.

>Matthew 10:25 It is enough for a disciple that he be like his teacher, and a servant like his master. If they have called the master of the house Beelzebub, how much more will they call those of his household!

>> No.22788953

Is a hindu form of prayer and meditation. Seraphim Rose was an schizo, so it won't actually get you demons if you practice it, but it still is a fake religion, so engaging with it could be idolatry that would hinder your spiritual progress.

Of course, most people just use it to stretch.

>> No.22788962

It's just a prank, bro. You're being recorded.

>> No.22788984

>Of course, most people just use it to stretch.
This, but all of us must remember that Rose was a retard who actually did yoga as a way of prayer and mixed up with psychedelic drugs. His paranoia with demons comes from the fact that drugs fried his brain.

>> No.22788996

You sound like a demon, anon. Very sus.

>> No.22789017

Hi!, anon. I'm the gut who has been making the posts about Seraphim Rose being possessed by a demon. Is all just ironic. I'm just shitposting. I barely know a thing about the guy, desu. I simply found it funny to mess with him due to his devout fanbase. I also made all the posts calling Seraphim Rose gay and mocking the Buddist anon.

Literally everything was me horsing around.

>> No.22789039

Literally none of it was funny. Get better material.

>> No.22789044

I am the Seraphim Rose Anal Demon

You are all just pawns in my game

Prepare your anus for what is about to happen

>> No.22789046

It was funny to me, which is all that matters. You were just mere casualities of my shitposting binge night.

>> No.22789050


>> No.22789052
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>> No.22789057

I had some fun, so I don't begrudge you. Cheers, anon.

>> No.22789069

Are you also going to advocate for universal reconciliation?

Reading the old theologians is fine, but you've to consider that even during their time there was a lot of debate and different ideas on many topics, so you shouldn't take the conclusions of a single theologian as a matter-of-fact, but learn how such conclusions were socialized amongst different theologians.

>> No.22789076

A lot of Origen's ideas and conclusions were eventually refuted by other theologians, so clinging to him like this is pretty unwise.

>> No.22789077

Origen is a historical witness, and there isn't any evidence of cultic veneration of icons prior to the 5th century.

>> No.22789084

That isn't a good argument. Issues like these should be argued with Holy Scripture as the main basis.

>> No.22789087

Christ is Lord
now take your meds, retard

>> No.22789090

The text quoted is a book Origen wrote in refutation of a pagan's writings against Christianity. One of the pagan's criticisms was that Christians do not utilize icons like the pagans do.
You're free to show me the scripture which states Christians should pray to statues and paintings.

>> No.22789099
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Origen was basically retroactively branded a "heretic" centuries after he died as a perfectly orthodox theologian who informed a ton of other church fathers who are still considered canonized saints, which is hilariously unfair.

It's like giving someone a ticket for blowing a red light before the light had even been put up. Or the road had even been paved, for that matter.

>> No.22789107

Also, according to Robin Margaret Jensen's book 'Understanding Early Christian Art', there's Christian art from the 2nd century.

Asking for specific mentions of X thing from the Bible is silly. Following such thought process, we shouldn't even believe in the Trinity, because it is never explicitly mentioned in the Bible. Theology is a nuanced field of studies.

Be less hostile, read more, and inquire on good faith.

>> No.22789118

Not only was he condemned centuries after his death, but he was condemned based on the writings of another person (Evagrius Ponticus) and the condemnations are sketchy and seem to be a later addition to the documents of Constantinople II and not an original part of the council.
>there's Christian art from the 2nd century.
This is a common argument which proves nothing. The existence of art does not mean that the art was the subject of cultic veneration. A person can possess a painting of Christ for example without kneeling and prostrating to it or praying "through" it.
>Asking for specific mentions of X thing from the Bible is silly
Are you not the one who just told me that this should be argued from scripture? Laughable.

>> No.22789121

As Joseph Ratzinger puts it in his book 'Introduction to Christianity':

"When one looks at the history of the dogma of the Trinity as it is reflected in a present-day manual of theology, it looks like a graveyard of heresies, whose emblems theology still carries around with it like the trophies from battles fought and won. But such a view does not represent a proper understanding of the matter, for all the attempted solutions that in the course of a long struggle were finally thrown out as dead ends and, hence, heresies are not just mere gravestones to the vanity of human endeavor, monuments that confirm how often thinking has come to grief and at which we can now look back in retrospective—and, in the last analysis, fruitless—curiosity. On the contrary, every heresy is at the same time the cipher for an abiding truth, a cipher we must now preserve with other simultaneously valid statements, separated from which it produces a false impression. In other words, all these statements are not so much gravestones as the bricks of a cathedral, which are, of course, only useful when they do not remain alone but are inserted into something bigger, just as even the positively accepted formulas are valid only if they are at the same time aware of their own inadequacy."

The same applies to many other theological concepts besides Trinity.

>> No.22789126

>The early Christians didn't do it and believed it was better to suffer martyrdom than to do it, but we eventually figured out it was okay so they were wrong.
So based and traditional, the faith of the fathers, etc.

>> No.22789128

>This is a common argument which proves nothing. The existence of art does not mean that the art was the subject of cultic veneration. A person can possess a painting of Christ for example without kneeling and prostrating to it or praying "through" it.
so what if veneration didn't show up until the 5th century?
this sounds like retard protestant logic

>> No.22789131

>This is a common argument which proves nothing. The existence of art does not mean that the art was the subject of cultic veneration. A person can possess a painting of Christ for example without kneeling and prostrating to it or praying "through" it.
See? This kind of arguing through historical evidence is pointless.

>Are you not the one who just told me that this should be argued from scripture? Laughable.
I won't pretend to be knowledgable enough about the Bible to give a compelling defense of everything - I admit it, unlike you. It would be better for us both to simply shut up and go study.

>> No.22789148

>so what if veneration didn't show up until the 5th century?
Then don't ever claim that it's a practice of the original Christians. Are you fine with that? Catholics seem to be but Orthodox are not and unironically believe false myths such as Luke being an icon painter.
>See? This kind of arguing through historical evidence is pointless.
It isn't. If you think the earliest Christians did this you have no historical support whatsoever. All evidence is to the contrary.
>I won't pretend to be knowledgable enough about the Bible to give a compelling defense of everything
You want to tell me to argue it from Scripture, then when I ask you to do the same you clam up and refuse. Grow up.

>> No.22789152

Also, it's obvious that you study and inquire with the objective of validating an already held view, instead of being prepered to find compelling arguments against your case, which usually makes people discard every idea contrary to he's as an a priori fact.

>> No.22789154

>compelling arguments against your case
Go ahead an present one buddy.

>> No.22789157

Why so hostile? Nobody would engage with you in good faith if you come with this sort of attitude. I'll pray for you.

>> No.22789162

>I have no argument
I know you don't because there isn't one.

>> No.22789170

I'm not claiming to have any. The whole "icons" ordeal was never of my interest. That seems to be more of a Protestant thing.

Consider that iconoclasm was declared as a heresy, I think, even before the schism.

>> No.22789176

Read 'On Divine Images' by John of Damascus and 'The Forbidden Image' by Alain Besançon.

>> No.22789188

John of Damascus:

If you dishonor and reject images because they are produced by matter, consider what the Scripture says: “The Lord said to Moses, 'I have called Bezelel of Judah, and filled him with the Spirit of God, with wisdom, understanding and knowledge of many crafts, to make artifacts from gold, silver, brass, marble, precious stones, and various kinds wood.'” [Ex. 31.1-5] This is the glorification of matter, which you call inglorious. How then, can you make the law a pretence for giving up what it orders? If you invoke the law it against images, you should keep the Sabbath, and practice circumcision. “If you observe the law, Christ will not profit you. You who are justified in the law are fallen from grace.” [Gal. 5.2-4] Israel of old did not see God, but we see the Lord’s glory face to face. [2 Cor. 3.18] God ordered twelve stones to be taken out of the River Jordan, and explained why. “When your son asks you the meaning of these stones, tell him how the water left the Jordan by God’s command, and how the ark of the covenant was saved along with all the people.” [Jos. 4.21-22] So how can we not record in images the saving pains and miracles of Christ our Lord, so that when my child asks me, “What is this?” I may say, “That God the Word became man, and that for His sake not Israel alone passed through the Jordan, but the whole human race regained their original happiness. Through him human nature rose from the lowest depths of the earth higher than the skies, and in his Person sat down on the throne his Father had prepared for him."

>> No.22789190
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The issue of veneration of icons was a tremendous controversy filled with bloodshed on both sides and was not settled with Nicaea II, as there was still substantial disagreement for example in the west (pic related).
>Read 'On Divine Images' by John of Damascus
Filled with quotes of early fathers that scholars have demonstrated to be forgeries.

>> No.22789203

Eusebius, Letter to Constantia:

"You also wrote me concerning some supposed image of Christ, which image you wished me to send you. ... What sort of image of Christ are you seeking? Is it the true and unalterable one which bears His essential characteristics, or the one which He took up for our sake when He assumed the form of a servant? ... Surely then, you are seeking His image as a servant, that of the flesh which He put on for our sake. But that, too, we have been taught, was mingled with the glory of His divinity ... He showed on the mount that nature which surpasses the human one—when His face shone like the sun and His garments like light. Who, then, would be able to represent by means of dead colors and inanimate delineations the glistening, flashing radiance of such dignity and glory, when even His superhuman disciples could not bear to behold Him in this guise and fell on their faces, thus admitting that they could not withstand the sight? If, therefore, His incarnate form possessed such power at the time, altered as it was by the divinity dwelling within Him, what need I say of the time when He put off mortality and washed off corruption, when He changed the form of the servant into the glory of the Lord God ... How can one paint an image of so wondrous and unattainable a form ... unless, like the unbelieving pagans, one is to represent things that bear no possible resemblance to anything ... For they, too, make such idols when they wish to mould the likeness of what they consider to be a god ... Surely, even you will agree that such practices are not lawful for us."


>> No.22789204

What about the Biblican quotes? Are they forgeries as well?

"I honor all matter, and venerate it. Through it, filled, as it were, with a divine power and grace, my salvation has come to me. Was the three-times happy and blessed wood of the Cross not matter? Was the sacred and holy mountain of Calvary not matter? What of the life-giving rock, the Holy Tomb, the source of our resurrection — was it not matter? Is the holy book of the Gospels not matter? Is the blessed table which gives us the Bread of Life not matter? Are the gold and silver, out of which crosses and altar-plate and chalices are made not matter? And before all these things, is not the body and blood of our Lord matter? Either stop venerating all these things, or submit to the tradition of the Church in the venerating of images, honoring God and his friends, and following in this the grace of the Holy Spirit. Do not despise matter, for it is not despicable. Nothing that God has made is. Only that which does not come from God is despicable — our own invention, the spontaneous decision to disregard the law of human nature, i.e., sin."

>> No.22789207

"But if you mean to ask of me the image, not of His form transformed into that of God, but that of the mortal flesh before its transformation, can it be that you have forgotten that passage in which God lays down the law that no likeness should be made either of what is in heaven or what is in the earth beneath? Have you ever heard anything of the kind either yourself in church or from another person? Are not such things banished and excluded from churches all over the world, and is it not common knowledge that such practices are not permitted to us alone?"

"Once—I do not know how—a woman brought me in her hands a picture of two men in the guise of philosophers and let fall the statement that they were Paul and the Saviour ... With the view that neither she nor others might be given offence, I took it away from her and kept it in my house, as I thought it improper that such things ever be exhibited to others, lest we appear, like idol worshippers, to carry our God around in an image. I note that Paul instructs all of us not to cling any more to things of the flesh; for, he says, though we have known Christ after the flesh, yet now henceforth know we Him no more."


>> No.22789213

>no Bible quotes
That was just, like, his opinion, man.

>> No.22789217

He does quote the Bible, so I assume you did not read the entirety of what I posted (shocking).

>> No.22789220

No foundation in the Bible, just a mere opinion. John of Damascus clearly has the lead:

"So, since the law is a forerunner of images, how can we say that it forbids images? Should the law ban us from making images, when the tabernacle itself was a depiction, a foreshadowing? No. There is a time for everything. [Eccl. 3.1] In the old days, the incorporeal and infinite God was never depicted. Now, however, when God has been seen clothed in flesh, and talking with mortals, [Baruch 3.37] I make an image of the God whom I see. I do not worship matter, I worship the God of matter, who became matter for my sake, and deigned to inhabit matter, who worked out my salvation through matter. I will not cease from honoring that matter which works my salvation. I venerate it, though not as God. How could God be born out of lifeless things? And if God’s body is God by its union with him, it is changeless. The nature of God remains the same as before, the flesh created in time is brought to life by a logical and reasoning soul."

Accept the incredible idea that perhaps years of tradition are right and you're wrong.

>> No.22789222

John of Damascus quotes it more, tho.

>> No.22789226

>Honor paid to the image passes to the prototype
Then you should be able to worship a painting as if the painting were itself God, since the worship would pass to God

>> No.22789229

You're fighting a lost cause, give up. What's left talking is your pride - you simply want to "dunk" on the Church, but the Church has a strongest argument than yours. Obedience is a virtue.

>> No.22789231

This is silly. You asked for foundation on Scripture; I gave it to you. Anything else you hace to add is just your opinion - you're trying to go your own way. Pride.

>> No.22789267

The fact that Christians are still discussing about the whole "images" issue is so absurd. That should be considered "water under the bridge" by now.

>> No.22789284

Erm, someone's forgetting the 11th commandment: "Thou shalt bicker over theological minutiae for centuries on end"

>> No.22789294

Oh, yeah, silly me!

Welp, I guess we should bring back Monophysitism once again to have another issue to debate about.

>> No.22789299
File: 17 KB, 350x306, Fr. Herman (Gleb Podmoshensky).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Seraphim Rose ran a manrape retreat with his San Francisco boyfriend Father Herman (Gleb Podmoshensky) in the woods outside the city where hundreds of men were raped:

>> No.22789303

Yeah, we covered that like, ehm, 50 replies ago. We are now talking about Iconoclasm.

>> No.22789305

Gay hippy nonce from San Francisco who started a woodland retreat with his boyfriend as self-directed Ortho-LARPers where hundreds of men were lured under the pretence of Ortho-enlightenment and raped.>>22789299

>> No.22789406
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The Holy Spirit is a daemonical force of pure destruction. Jesus was an idiot.

Allah is an angry, jealous, and merciless god, and I put superior idols before him. Muhammad and Ali were idiots.

Moses and the Torah are shit, and I curse YHVH/Elohim/Jehova.

>> No.22789473

That isnt even what your source says, no one is falling for this retard

>> No.22789480

dont worry, some megachurch pastor will do it for you eventually I am sure.

>> No.22789517
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>religion is called Orthodoxy
>look inside

>> No.22789610

Shut your fucking mouth about yoga and le "opening of the body" to demons, /lit/ is full of real yogis not new-age bullshit which rose strawmans. If anything schizo shit like UFOs, obsession about paranormal shit, ideas tollhouses is what opens one to demons, ideas have much more power to make some paranoid, scared of their own shadow etc.

Egoity which is what underlies self-idolatry, the very sin of satan, is the first and foremost demon, and whether your little ego can accept it or not, yes motherfucker the indians, etc. The chinese, etc. They also have humans who have found a path to God. We all share in a human nature, and by contemplation upon the imageless infinite God, we are all going in the right way.
Based. Im tired of this bullshit

>> No.22789646

>He also opposed the ecumenical movement, which is the wild idea that Christians from many denominations can come together a work to achieve a better understanding of truth in a respectful and intelligent manner.
This is a good thing. The separate denominations are exactly that - separate denominations. A return to Christendom is not possible unless all Christians more or less fall under the authority of one Church. Until that day, what does Rome have to do with the Christianity of the Germanics, and what do either have to do with the East? These are three distinct viewpoints on Christianity that are not unified, and pretending otherwise can only dilute the more potent viewpoint.

>> No.22789648

The final redpill is do what thou wilt, omly those of us with an absolute will who walk upon the waters can truly love by that,
It is wrong to postulate anything, say "you must abandon all images, because so and so" or say "you must not abandon all images, because so and so"
But I say to you unless you abandon abandonment itself, you remain in impurity, and in the abandonment of abandonment, there is the freedom and isolation from the world of manifestation (icon-making) and non-manifestation (icon-destroying).
All is holy in the infinite eternal incorporeal immutable God.

>> No.22789659

Only follow the middle path, between extremes such that the infinitely small human nature can contain the infinitely large divine nature.
>The Kingdom of Heaven is like a grain of mustard seed, which a man took, and sowed in his field; which indeed is smaller than all seeds but when it is grown, it is greater than the herbs and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and lodge in its branches.
That is what I think Christ was trying to get at do not forget,
In the abandonment of the abandonment
There is the affirmation of the All in equality, so even the negative of negatives mathematically becomes a positive, and god is nothing but free from the determinative limitation of a particular affirmation, only he who has "abandoned everything" walks the path of true God. Abandon everything unto God.

>> No.22789670

The infinite cannot be different, mourn over the sins of the fallen human nature, over the perishable limit of the world, over the frailty and aging of thy parents, and christ shall grant you the drink which sates all thirst, the eternal water is in a place where nobody else can follow you, you are at it alone in solitude, how strong you have to be enter isolation. But the holy spirit will be with you, as your comforter, and the gifts of the spirit shall be boundless, eternal love

>> No.22789672

I suppose it makes perfect sense for caths and prots to become increasingly pathetic IRL while becoming increasingly strident online

>> No.22789711

>and god is nothing but free from the determinative limitation of a particular affirmation, and yet embraces all particular affirmation in its principial totality

>The expression wu-hsiang: “formlessness” was also a favorite of Hui-k’o, the Second Patriarch. And it was the name of the temple built in his honor on Ssukungshan in Anhui province, where he sought ref-uge in, and where Seng-ts’an, the monk who became the Third Patriarch, later returned. But Shen-hsiu’s understanding of form-lessness, at least as expressed in the gatha attributed to him here, is not the formlessness expressed by the Buddha in the Diamond Sutra but the formlessness of Subhuti, who still sees emptiness as nothingness.
Thus, the Buddha tells Subhuti, “Since all images are illusions, and no images are not illusions, by means of images that are not images the Tathagata can, indeed, be seen.” Form is emptiness, and emptiness is form.

>> No.22789740
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Look at the expression of the decapitated head, he is looking relieved and happy, because he is free from the onslaught of ego and illusion

>> No.22790546

Ok basically Protestantism has completely failed, Evangelicalism keeps falling into cults that try to out do each other, Catholicism SHOULD have filled the void but also fell down the stairs from trying to be too much like said Protestants and Evangelicals AND did not handle the influences of the modern age well.
That basically leaves Eastern Orthodoxy as the last Church Standing that is well known enough (it's not like people will have easy access to check out Oriental Orthodoxy) for people that what Christianity that does not require everyone to act like they are mentally 4 years old all the time.

>> No.22790556

>I wonder what would the Catholic equivalent of these guys may be. Something from America I bet.
There is such a thing as "Charismatic Catholicism". Yeah.

We also have a trend of Bishops getting too big for the britches and throwing their weight around in a stupid self-destructive egotistical way causing their downfall after creating a pseudo-cult of personality around them.

So yeah, something is fundamentally ill in the spiritual water in America, as much as it pains me to admit it.

>> No.22790561

>alot of the Covid hysteria totally buckbroke parts of global society
Well it is because that was the breaking point where people who usually just drifted through life listening to authorities to do the right thing damaged their own health or were forced by their family and/or jobs to take something against their own judgement and indeed had mild to more severe health problems.
Even if they did not, they were still in isolation for two years, it was the perfect recipe for social breakdown and inflicting mental illness on themselves.