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/lit/ - Literature

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22780731 No.22780731 [Reply] [Original]

Various /lit/ publications have come and gone: The Lit Quarterly, Pinecone, The April Reader, and Ideology, to name a few. There have been collaborative works, like Coronameron, The /lit/ Annotated Moby Dick, Legacy of Totalitarianism in a Tundra, and The Complete Works of God II. Some of these projects were one-offs, some were serialized. Some /lit/ projects, like Unreal Press, are still hanging on but are plagued by drama, and some, like &amp, seem to be rapidly in decline.

Also related are the solo writers of /lit/, composed of various namefags and shills who frequent the board: MNM-DR, John David Card, Zulu Alitspa, Jason Bryan, Frater Asemlen, Horia Belcea, Ogden Nesmer, Lewis Woolston, F. Gardner. There are also those who did not come from /lit/ but are /lit/-adjacent simply because they are discussed here so frequently: Mike Ma, R. C. Waldun, Bronze Age Pervert.

This thread is for the discussion of the history of /lit/ writing and the future of /lit/. Why have so many /lit/ projects failed and fallen apart, and what do you think is next for the scene? Does anonymity vs pseudonymity vs. the use of real names make a difference in the success or failure of these projects, and the way in which these projects are perceived? Of the works that /lit/ has produced, are there common characteristics and themes shared between them? Is there a definitively /lit/ style of writing? Has /lit/ produced anything truly great, and if not, do you believe that it will in the future?

>> No.22780803

>Why have so many /lit/ projects failed and fallen apart, and what do you think is next for the scene?
>Does anonymity vs pseudonymity vs. the use of real names make a difference in the success or failure of these projects, and the way in which these projects are perceived?
Only a fool would attach their real name to /lit/
>Of the works that /lit/ has produced, are there common characteristics and themes shared between them?
>Is there a definitively /lit/ style of writing?
>Has /lit/ produced anything truly great, and if not, do you believe that it will in the future?
No, no.

>> No.22780806

>MNM-DR, John David Card, Zulu Alitspa, Jason Bryan, Frater Asemlen, Horia Belcea, Ogden Nesmer, Lewis Woolston, F. Gardner.
If these would my peers I want nothing to do with this place

>> No.22780811


which one is the anti vaxx guy

>> No.22780858

Jason Bryan lmao, maybe also Gardner

>> No.22780872 [DELETED] 

Horror’s Call is /lit/‘s opus.

>> No.22780884
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>Jason Bryan lmao, maybe also Gardner
Is that this guy?

>> No.22780932 [DELETED] 

It’s amazing. Every book in the /wg/ pastebin has been a response to F Gardner’s series and never ending ads.

>> No.22780976

Lmao I think so, what a fag

>> No.22781172

Hartley is an antivaxxer too, kek

>> No.22781226

Is it some righteous political stance or did his doctor advise him not to take it like the other guy

>> No.22781300

Its just reactionary political faggotry

>> No.22781526
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So if I wanted to make my own /lit/ magazine just for fun how would I do it? I like how &amp is able to be printed specifically and I think it would be cool to be the editor of my own collection of /lit/ writings, posts, etc.

>> No.22781625

No point. Youd just get doxxed and harassed by Hartley. He cant handle the competition

>> No.22781630

Yeah you said that last time and I don't care. I'll ask again to be more concise. What program is he using to be able to allowed printed mags? Is canvas its own thing? Thank you.

>> No.22781647

That's because he is the fake troll who harasses. Answer's magcloud btw

>> No.22781652

1. make an email account for it on protonmail
2. make a thread requesting submissions (use warosu.org/lit to see how the other zines did it)
3. wait for submissions (don't do the &amp thing and go to r*ddit and other things outside /lit/ for submissions)
4. edit the submissions there won't be more than 4 or 5
5. pirate publisher or a similar program
6. put the submissions into it and add images
7. create a new thread with it linked and ask for more submissions

There's nothing more to it. You can do it on your own or ask people to help. Nothing complicated about it, just takes a fair amount of will power and love for doing it in itself.

>> No.22781662

Printers (like businesses that print) just need a pdf from you and they will even provide you samples. It takes a heavy amount of attention to detail on your part so it doesn't come out terribly like the &amp pdfs. Sometimes simpler is better and forget trying to do downstream and way out of date million dollar extreme.

>> No.22781734

>to be able to allowed printed mags
Holy ESL.

The other anons summed things up, but if you care about print copies, Magcloud isn't the only option. Shop around and see what prices are like for different services since things like dimensions, length, color, and paper quality will affect the price. Lulu has been used by a few /lit/ projects, but I don't know how cheap they go. The &amp magazines are $22 on Magcloud, which is stupid considering half the pages are just random images. Look for guides from the printer on how to handle things like bleed and size and stuff.

For other design programs there are Canva, Scribus, and InDesign, and probably plenty more. Canva is very basic but has a free plan. Scribus has more options but comes with freetard problems. InDesign is what a professional would use.

If you really care about the design, look for guides online and try different things out.

>> No.22781886

>all /lit/ authors use normal people pen names and not stuff like Gaylord Hardcock or Shartqueefa Crapper


>> No.22781895
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Thank you for the replies ITT. When I attempt my own mag I expect it will be sloppy and short. I will call it issue 0 for the sake of the learning curve.

>> No.22782309

Just use GIMP

>> No.22782411
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>MNM-DR, John David Card, Zulu Alitspa, Jason Bryan, Frater Asemlen, Horia Belcea, Ogden Nesmer, Lewis Woolston, F. Gardner.

What about the winner of the F Games, Robert James Cross?!

>> No.22782607

I like how the amp faggots like RJC got so triggered that they made this fake image. LA won

>> No.22782644


RJC released his book on Halloween before the F Games even started.

>> No.22783048
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>MNM-DR, John David Card, Zulu Alitspa, Jason Bryan, Frater Asemlen, Horia Belcea, Ogden Nesmer, Lewis Woolston, F. Gardner

what are they all up to these days?

>> No.22783096

unfortunately still here, posting about themselves pretending to be other people talking about them. it's sad, really.

>> No.22783263

L.A literally made this tho lol

>> No.22783265

Is there a single lit author who doesnt use these faggy pen names?

>> No.22783289

kill yourself

>> No.22783319

like the &amp people

>> No.22783324

instead of cool pen names?

>> No.22783602


Robert James Cross is the dude's name. I googled him. He doxxed himself hahaha

>> No.22783612

You seem to be reacting, this is not okay.

>> No.22783613
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Digging through other peoples' trash for bottles and cans to recycle

>> No.22783897

What the fuck sort of question is that?

>> No.22783910

These stupid History of /lit/ threads are just fake anti-&amp threads made by Ari and maintained by Gardner.

>> No.22783980

The very first thread seemed genuinely aimed at discussion of the op, but all these copypasted threads that get reposted, yeah, it's just meant to prolong this same old shit

>> No.22784014 [DELETED] 

F Gardner doesn’t. His name is literally Frank Gardner and he even openly broadcasts himself from his Chicago penthouse on his retard YouTube show. He doesn’t seem to care about people knowing who he is but he’s the irregularity of them all. Gardner making himself into a schizo cartoon character for his image is probably part of his extreme popularity here. He is like Forest Gump and openly just blabs about his personal life. Actually he feels more like a very retarded version of Frasier if he wrote books and was insane.

>> No.22784024

He’s not the only one who uses his real name nor the only one that spams his own dox and address.

>> No.22784491

I thought Ari and Hartley were working together now

>> No.22784537

Any thread that mentioned Gardner in the OP was made by Gardner, because absolutely fucking nobody would ever voluntarily talk about this dysgenic loser unless prompted. Who is he?
Frank Gardner is a broke loser who has been shilling his “books” on this board since 2018. A long time, right? And he hasn’t committed suicide. And his parents still tolerate him at family dinners! Keep it up Frank! Merry Christmas!

>> No.22784580 [DELETED] 

Call of the Arcade is a million times better than Call of the Crocodile and I don’t understand why that book is considered to be the best Gardner book. Gardner has a million other books and I’m not convinced Call of the Crocodile is even in the top 5 but it’s become fucking eternal on this board.

>> No.22784583

How's Meghan?

>> No.22784599 [DELETED] 

There’s this one YouTuber who regularly makes podcasts about Horror’s Call that’s really good. Chris Dw i

>> No.22784623

Based not slaving for Mr. Sheckleberg

>> No.22784718 [DELETED] 

What a cope. F Gardner’s books got to the front page of Reddit around a year ago and /lit/ exploded for the day. Gardner’s also a known richfag.
Gardner is otherwise a huge homosexual and into trannies. He has a YouTube channel and the videos I’ve seen posted are really revealing.

>> No.22784724

>being a destitute garbage scavenger is based
Retard detected

>> No.22784750
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>Only a fool would attach their real name to /lit/

This, basically. I'm probably one of the most successful actual witers on this board; I've gotten multiple short stories and over a dozen poems published across various venues over the years. But I'd never namefag here in any meaningful capacity unless my reputation was sufficient that I thought I could get away with it.

I figure if I ever hit it REALLY big, like GRRM or Stephen King big, I might expose myself on here from time to time. At that point my reputation would be sufficiently impressive that association with 4chan wouldn't be able to dent it. But unless and until that day ever comes, there's no point in being a "4chan writer." You're just asking for trouble, and it's hard enough to get published these days as it is.

>> No.22784764

You sound insufferable.
Submit to &amp.

>> No.22784767 [DELETED] 

Unrealistic fears. I mean, look at F Gardner. F Gardner doesn’t seem to care about any of that and he’s gotten pretty big. Even normies seem to at least know what CotC is. Doesn’t seem like what you’re saying checks out in reality. Just post your books if you want.

>> No.22784778

Checked. I love how the prize went to the book and not the author.

>> No.22784785
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>F Gardner doesn’t seem to care about any of that and he’s gotten pretty big. Even normies seem to at least know what CotC is.

No he isn't and no they don't. Gardner has basically zero reputation outside of this stupid website. Hell, he doesn't even have a reputation outside of this board. I never see CotC discussed in the "books that would make good anime" threads on /a/, or similar threads on /co/ and /tv/.

>> No.22784786

>Based not slaving for Mr. Sheckleberg
Agreed. Have any tips for your fellow writers on what garbage is valuable?

>> No.22784790 [DELETED] 

College classmates referencing Call of the Crocodile feels like the world has gone crazy desu

>> No.22784796 [DELETED] 

F Gardner has literally gotten to Reddit front page. That is massive. I’ve also seen plenty of YouTube videos about Gardner on here.

>> No.22784807 [DELETED] 

I go in /tv/ all the time and I know what freakin Call of the Crocodile is dude. I don’t know if you somehow don’t realize this but there have been Call of the Crocodile ads on this site for several years. It’s inescapable.
>inb4 Adblock

Yeah duh. But not everyone uses Adblock especially not Redditors, tourists, and summerfags, and especially not people on smartphones which is probably most people.

>> No.22784808

Blow your brains out Frank, nobody is going to cry

>> No.22784816

this is a prudent decision. stay the course anon.

>> No.22784818 [DELETED] 

Why would Frank do that? He’s rich and famous and has hardcore gay sex. He’s living the homo lifestyle of all the literary greats.

>> No.22784827

Everyone who reads this thread has to ask themselves... why do people come here just to antagonize Gardner and &amp? Like if this site is full of losers, why do you come here?

>> No.22784848 [DELETED] 

Lots of people who want to be writers who see F Gardner’s success and seethe. It makes more sense to just be happy for somebody than be bitter.

>> No.22784856

oob oob ob oob obby

>> No.22784862

Why have you been doing this for almost 6 years? You have made this board a worse place, day by day. You deserve it and worse, you balding loser. The day you stop, I stop.

>> No.22784906

No one is talking about Call of the Crocodile in colleges, you're delusional

>> No.22784924
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>> No.22784931


>> No.22784933

I bought my retarded little cousin Call of the Crocodile as a joke and said it was from Santa. The little shit loved it and his mom bought him every other book in the series. He def brings them to school too.

>> No.22785140 [DELETED] 

I imagine boys indeed probably like Horror’s Call a lot. It’s basically schizo Goosebumps. But holy shit is it edgelord as fuck. I get that they might like reading F Gardner books but it seems wildly inappropriate considering all the fucked up gruesome shit that happens in the Gardnerverse.

>> No.22785173 [DELETED] 

I read Call of the Crocodile and it read like a straightforward Stephen King novel with the exception of all the trippy stuff later on. The plot just went off the rails toward the second half. Probably the most meta book I’ve ever read in my life. The out of body psychedelic chapters were really interesting but it was jarring.

>> No.22785177

Hi Frank, your parents are really disappointed by your life choices, and so is Kolleen

>> No.22785211 [DELETED] 

>Stephen King said his biggest regret as an author is that he didn’t write Call of the Crocodile

>> No.22785246

>t. endless crabbing /lit/ pseud

>> No.22785252

achievement invites jealousy

>> No.22785266

One man's achievement is another man's fart in the wind...

>> No.22785269

Taking advantage of the fatherly feelings of Frank Gardner Sr, crooked lawyer, is hardly an accomplishment ! Hahaha

>> No.22785284

Yea they are

>> No.22785401 [DELETED] 

Tell him to make a video of it. He would literally become memed to fame on here like Gardner himself.

>> No.22785428 [DELETED] 

Everything about F Gardner makes him sound like a real life Patrick Bateman. But the /lit/ playboy version of him. It’s autistic and I love it.

>> No.22785430 [DELETED] 

You mean the gay version. Reminder F. Gardner likes trannys. I haven’t forgotten the posts and neither should anyone else.

>> No.22785485 [DELETED] 


>> No.22785518
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fuckin kek

>> No.22786055

You really wish this were true, don't you? If I provided evidence that revealed your assertion to be false, it would upset you, wouldn't it?

>> No.22786164

Give evidence then, lol

>> No.22786193

>$22 on Magcloud, which is stupid considering half the pages are just random images.

You know nothing about printing. $22 is reasonable

>> No.22786207

Why’d you delete so many of your posts Frank?

>> No.22786273

No other place on the internet has so many interesting people in single threads like these ones

>> No.22786308
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I'm not saying the pricing is bad for what it is, I'm saying what it is is a waste. Count up how many pages in any issue of &amp are superfluous. I ran through 012 and came to about 40 superfluous pages out of 96, counting pages that had either no text or unimportant text (pic related). Maybe some photos are sent in by anons, or you could make a case for some of the title/buffer pages, but it's definitely an excess. That's without considering other things like pages with very little text or sparse layouts, since you could at least make sane stylistic arguments for those.

Lulu has a price calculator with a lot of different options, so I'll compare using their cost per magazine. Everything here is A4 with paperback binding (same as what I've seen for old issues of &amp that have been posted), 70# coated white paper (only option), and glossy cover (cover doesn't actually affect the price). It gives a similar price to Magcloud:
>96 pages
>$21.11 USD

Being conservative and chopping 30 pages off:
>66 pages
>$15.22 USD

Now for black and white without chopping pages:
>96 pages
>black and white
>$7.20 USD

Black and white with chopped pages:
>66 pages
>black and white
>$5.66 USD

That's a nearly $15 difference because the issue is padded out with a bunch of full-color photos probably ripped right from /p/ or /3/. Is pic related worth it?

>> No.22786345

>That's a nearly $15 difference because the issue is padded out with a bunch of full-color photos probably ripped right from /p/ or /3/. Is pic related worth it?
Pretty cool style though? I'd buy the big full colour magazines if I could afford it!

>> No.22786377

T. Jason Bryan, bona fide retard

>> No.22786416

kill yourself

>> No.22786417

The pictures are an essential part of the magazine, you know nothing about aesthetics and visual balance

>> No.22786444

>The pictures are an essential part of the magazine, you know nothing about aesthetics and visual balance
"why is this art magazine full of art"

>> No.22786452
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Every single person who posted in this thread, except for me, is a complete retard.

>> No.22786470

Nah youre the biggest retard

>> No.22786490

I think you mean
>why is this literary magazine full of shitty art?

>> No.22786581

This is genuinely an interesting phenomenon. These people only qualify as celebrities because they do the kinds of things that celebrities do despite not having any kind of audience or fanbase, no visible reward whatsoever. Is there any microniche e-celeb subcommunity with a higher effort=attention ratio than the so-called /lit/ renaissance? Only one of them has ever gotten attention outside of /lit/ and he was absolutely unquestionably assblasted. Sure there are kids streaming roblox on youtube with 0 viewers, but they aren't grown men fussing over their precious little projects for months and years on end, dumping money into ads and commissioned art and hurling accusations and threats at each other, only to get two comments from someone else in their writing circle. It's like the inverse of that meme about being famous for being famous, the pinnacle of the /lit/ auteur is "not famous for being not famous."

>> No.22786614

It's a really small bubble, and way smaller than /lit/ as a whole. All the talk makes it look like something kind of big or representative of the board, especially the "/lit/ renaissance" misnomer, but these people/projects are hardly even mentioned on /lit/ outside of their respective threads, at best a passing mention or somebody's attempt to shill. It's the same one or two dozen guys talking each other up/down.

Even /lit/ hardly gives these things any attention.

>> No.22787168

Canva is mainly what the editor uses for his work, though I would strongly advice against it. Canva is fine if you need to slap together a bake sale advert or a "Get well soon!" card, but is far from fit for a magazine. Both the editor and Atlas were able to get by on having an eye for design, but each of their designs fall flat on anyone who also has an eye for design. A mishmashing of clipart and AI art is just about as offensive to the senses one graphic designer can be to another, and, unfortunately, that seems to be the limit to what Canva is capable of.
Another large issue with &amp's usage of Canva is that they are attempting to do three distinct jobs in a program that is only partially capable of each. Image manipulation should be done in a program like Photoshop or Photopea, vector creation should be done in a program like Inkscape or Illustrator and the actual page formatting and text dump should be created in a program like InDesign or Scribus if you hate yourself.
I know most of those are Adobe products and together account for a massive monthly bill that you're probably not a good enough goy to pay for, but I would advice you learn them. They are the industry standard for a reason—also, I've heard that there's a thread on /gd/ that will help you avoid the steep asking price hint hint.

>It's like the inverse of that meme about being famous for being famous
It's the 4chan curse. You will accept your anonymity or you will have it thrust upon you. It's something that that every upstart in every creative general eventually falls victim to.
You can call it "crabbing" if you want, but this is no place for named individuals who are only here to fashion twenty years of history that they were largely uninvolved with into a stylish accessory that will catch people's eyes.

>> No.22787317

Thanks for the info but &amp is jank and embarrassing, frankly. Looking to do something nice.

>> No.22787573

/lit/ as a whole is 30 people at most so no matter how small the Resistance is, it's by definition representative desu

>> No.22787679

Lmao this is clearly the same anon who was breaking down the KDP costs and profits of RJCs book. Based autism

>> No.22787833

Please stop talking about it and do it. I made &amp years ago, and you’re still here talking about doing something better.

>> No.22787867

Please stop shitting up the threads and actually work on &amp. You’ve done nothing in the past six months besides scam “publish” a typo-riddled book with a shitty cover.

>> No.22787940

I owe you nothing. The magazine was delegated to an editor, and he will drop it when it’s ready. You’ve done nothing in the past six months period, at least I made an effort.

>> No.22787990

And frankly, not much submissions would come rolling in if all one's contemporary impressions of &amp are stagnant threads of terrible drama, and said threads all feature fake submission email addresses...

>> No.22788006

Il s'appelle Ari, évidemment

>> No.22788028

The big threads get near or above a hundred unique IPs. And like I said, there's very little discussion of these projects outside of their circle of peers. They're silo'd off from everything else, and when they are discussed externally it's not about the writing, but someone desperate to be "published". It was easier to see browsing through the archives before the generals and fake threads got busy.
>the Resistance
Please be bait.

Nah, the RJC breakdown wasn't me, though I did the numbers on Tales of the Unreal when they released the last one.

>> No.22788030
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lit tuined to shit after we got targetted by reddit refugees, /pol/cels and election tourists.
They viewed /lit/ as some kind of "brains of 4chan" that must be conquered. Inevitably they started "Reeeeeing" about intellectualism, the arts and literature in general. this scurred away all the useful /lit/ posters.

This place is a shell of what it once was and its the fat fucking mods fault.
also, nobody gives a fuck about the 'zines.

>> No.22788048

>also, nobody gives a fuck about the 'zines.
That's what makes the forced meme drama about the shittiest one yet even more transparent. And even a step further, this op gets posted over and over so they can have 2 threads with the same people pretending to not be themselves accusing each other of being themselves. What a waste of their time.

>> No.22788069
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moot wanted to shut down 4chin, but the senior mods wanted to take money from "alt-right"/"culture wars" pudits, pod-casters, influencers etc to let their approved content slide through the moderation team and ban/delete non "alt-right" threads and posts.
It was the first time the mods ever had the opportunity to make money from 4chan, after years of working for free, so moot felt bad about shutting it down, especially as he was going to work for google for serious $$$.

I understand why moot did this, but he really should have shut the whole site down.

>> No.22788074
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>> No.22788078
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>> No.22788079
File: 104 KB, 1124x815, lit posts per day.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the last five-ish years of posts-per-day data for /lit/ from 4stat.io. That big spike was the Zizek-Peterson debate. It doesn't go very far back, but it's interesting if you compare it to a board like /mu/ which peaked around 2013 and has been dropping off since then.

>> No.22788084

/mu/ is dead now.
They killed it.

>> No.22788087
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Yeah, you can't capture quality of discussion with one of these charts.

>> No.22788258

Pretty sure RJC breakdown was Atlas, I could tell because the posts were so contemptuous and aggressive

>> No.22788467

Not the editor

>> No.22788494

What were the numbers for Tales of the Unreal?

>> No.22788525

>sold 100+ copies of Tales 1
>KDP takes 40% plus printing cost, $1.00+$0.012/page, which at 137 pages gives $1.00+$1.644.
>$8.99 x 0.6 - $2.644 = $2.75 per book.
>If it was just 13 authors splitting $275, that's pretty much $20 each.
But of course there are other costs, and people who edit, so with things like ads they run in the red. The Unreal poster said their current plan is to pump any profit back into ads if they ever reach that point.

>> No.22788573

the cringe

>> No.22788589

>about the shittiest one yet
&amp? Or &non?

>> No.22788621

The great bot flood of 2020 and the uninterrupted decline ever since then

>> No.22788721

People just don't read anymore.

>> No.22788833

The Unreal Bros are some of closest friends (irl) and not even I know what the fuck is up with the next release

>> No.22788926
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judging from those digits...
it's gonna be great

>> No.22789010

Fellow bros spotted in the wild! The Unreal Resistance is the last bastion of the literary lifestyle's former glory...Unite!

>> No.22789134

Thats her Adderall fueled sperging.

>> No.22789321

It’s gonna be some retarded sci-fi shit

>> No.22789495
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if reasonably priced,
i pledge to buy 10 copies

>> No.22789618

That doesn't sound great but it doesn't sound terrible either
Does anyone have numbers for individual authors?

>> No.22789808

Based alliance

>> No.22789854

Is &non still happening? Any updates?

>> No.22789953

If I didn't have someone telling me to kill myself every single day, there would be no reason to finish my 3rd book, namaste

>> No.22790214

I can’t do it anymore eferyone hates me and I’m too tired to finish it I’m sorry It doesn’t Matter

>> No.22790316

Sounds like a bitch fucked around and found out (Ari will never love you).

>> No.22790321

Why would you say that?????

>> No.22790325

Why would you even say that are you him???

>> No.22790328

You fucking know exactly why.

>> No.22790330

Why are y ou doing this???

>> No.22790338

You forced my hand.

>> No.22790342

Why would you say that why,???

>> No.22790343


>> No.22790348

W ha t do y ou mean,?

>> No.22790350

Keep asking questions you already know the answers to.

>> No.22790354

Who are you I don’t know you

>> No.22790359

It’s me, girl. If you saw me in real life, you’d understand.

>> No.22790366

Why are you prsetendimg to be Ryan? You’re not him you’re not him he said you’re Ari pretending to be him

>> No.22790373

>one of the most successful actual writers on this board;
Semicolon-kun, Tao Lin posted here, and even Waldun has published more novels than you

>> No.22790416

How do you know??? Why would you even say that????

>> No.22790443 [DELETED] 

Hannah, there is a demon trying to get you, it lurks on /lif/ waiting to hurt you. Please leave.

>> No.22790452

>>22790416 Post trip

>> No.22790467

The Moby-Dick publication showed to me that if enough anons came together and worked on something they're passionate about you could have a very good annotated edition of some book. I would love to do a Dubliners one with some anons if we took it seriously.

>> No.22790575

Me too but I think maybe I'm not funny enough my jokes on here never get (You)s

>> No.22791424

Dubliners doesn't need it lmao. Ulysses and FW do though.

>> No.22791431

Where can I find the Moby Dick book? Can someone post a link?

>> No.22791590

it's on libgen, called:
Moby-Dick: A /lit/ Annotated Edition

>> No.22791701

>Moby-Dick: A /lit/ Annotated Edition

>> No.22791991

Botting and slides had been noticeable before, but Them et. al. went full bore from 2013 & Gamer Gate through 2016 and the pol exoduses. It's ubiquitous and no board is immune to it. GG was remarkable solely for demonstrated compromised jannification sitewide and beyond to any number of forums simultaneously. Eternal September is always a thing-- it's the rate of old and ancient fags returning and the quality thereof dropping off that's significant. Earlier you go, the more arcane knowledge dumps from knowledgeable anons was possible, because the poster base had to go and scour library catalogues IRL (as in actually read and had read).

>peaked around 2013 and has been dropping off since then

Xi's ascension in Red China and botting becoming more of a problem are related.

>> No.22792063
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>> No.22792211

It is , schizo (you don't need to enter every word)

>> No.22792225

>Xi's ascension in Red China and botting becoming more of a problem are related.
Crazy how Xi's evil plot to destroy 4chan coincided perfectly with Biden's merger of the state and tech companies during the 2020 election. Those vile Chinese truly hate us for our freedoms. Nothing would make me happier than to die in a futile forever war against them in the name of our glorious pluticrats.

>> No.22792260

You always say post tri p like I’m lying ???

>> No.22792748

Evil Canadian Wizard.

>> No.22793236


>> No.22793540

Got fried chicken for 1/2 price yesterday, was amazing too

>> No.22793713

Ari isn’t evil

>> No.22793744

Good to see people trying to make things right

>> No.22793745

What do you mean??? He isn’t evil he has a good heart

>> No.22793747

Wasn't talking about Ari.

>> No.22793793

You think it’s Ryan

>> No.22793928

The magazine is dead and we're still talking about these fucking discordfags?

>> No.22794539

Ryan told me it's coming out late this month hopefully in time for christmas, but there's drama in that the new guy aitserp wants to bring in his side bitch and transition the project to her Adobe Illustrator subscription

>> No.22794543

I honestly hope every single one of the people you mentioned goes blind

>> No.22794666

Damn... ice cold.

>> No.22795190

>he really should have shut the whole site down.
leave? lmao there's nothing more pathetic than someone like you

>> No.22795289
File: 97 KB, 465x750, 1698137693317484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact you post pictures of little girls in the japanese anime style proves that nothing you say is of substance regardless of your technical ability. You also are not complete as a human being and are either disabled or malnourished or otherwise hormonally fucked, based on the arrogance of this post. The fact you would even try to rest on your made up accolades anonymously is retarded. Deeply retarded.

>> No.22795374

Deep-seated jealousy from a discord fag who has no idea what website he's on. Ignore or lambast. Your choice.

>> No.22795377

Aitserps side bitch is a tranny, thats his thing

>> No.22795521

The collaborative projects are nice for our own libraries, but if any /lit/ collaboration will see breakthrough success via /lit/ rather than in spite of it, it will come from a closer knit group of authors that pick up trend early or start one themselves. Anons who have cultivated their talent. I've had some great interactions on /wg/ in that regard.

>> No.22795720

Actually it’s a ladyboy, considerable difference.

>> No.22796669


>> No.22796679

anime website newnigger

>> No.22797366

He said it’s not him in any of the threads, it’s Ari pretending to be him. I don’t know what’s true

>> No.22797502

gay either way, lmao

>> No.22797585

&amp 19????

>> No.22797606

No one cares

>> No.22797610
File: 1.15 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_2707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Making fuck all progress on anything creative, not yet settled into my new place... making some nice roasts lately.

>> No.22797613

Fuck off

>> No.22797655

>he doesn't have a roast

>> No.22797669

These threads arent your personal blog. Fuck off

>> No.22797767

How do you know he never will you’re not him it can’t be real it’s not real

>> No.22797779


>> No.22798410

I asked. I care.

>> No.22798458
File: 124 KB, 1080x1342, 121086771_203286881158149_6381620234187580739_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna write the next big pop fantasy epic, blow up, and act like I don't know nobody

>> No.22798498

kiss me arse mate. No good disrespecting an honest bogan like me. Cracking open a smashin fosters to honor the deceased mate.

>> No.22798500

shut up pig before I make a roast out of you and your fat wife too

>> No.22799120

You're too high strung buddy, chill out

>> No.22799250

Kill yourself

>> No.22799272
File: 1.83 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_2706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't do that, I'll miss out on the free coffee!

>> No.22799882

The art isn't superfluous though.

>> No.22799983


>> No.22799998

How am I a crab? I'm literally defending the art choices in amp

>> No.22800001

So glad all of these are dead.

>> No.22800006

Was agreeing with you and you are dealing with the crabs

We're in a sort of weird art world at the moment, everything has to be corporate or it basically doesn't exist

>> No.22800009

What is filling the void?

>> No.22800015


>> No.22800024

Who does &non?

>> No.22800078

It's not just that. Anons often don't know how to define what success ought to look like. Is it money, readership, critical acclaim, art for its own sake or is it something else like rebellion? I think /lit/'s work can and will vary in these goals. But the crabs are not always made by their lack of successes, often it is the fear of what success will change in their lives. That includes those around them. You can already see the lamentations ITT about the history of the board and the website overall. Anons can be very sensitive about what is at stake.

>> No.22800080

Canadian lit is so totally and completely dead, I can't think of any way to participate... you pretty much need to be connected or hooked up via the establishment to promote your pro-black books here, then you're set

Being an outsider, feels like I would be lucky to get 3-4 readers of any work I do, but even with this knowledge that nobody will ever read my shit... I still have to write to get these stories and visions out of my head

>> No.22800084

Success, to me, is being able to do art and survive somehow

Got $36 until payday, going to get some chicken and liquor

>> No.22800129

This thread isn't about Canadian lit. It's about the history of /lit/ projects. Fuck off.

>> No.22800135

Considering at least two of the people you mentioned are Canadian, maybe it is you who should be doing the off fucking?

>> No.22800341

Always has been.
F.P. Grove, Grandbois, Arcan, uhh…

>> No.22800435


>> No.22800465


>> No.22800523

the editor's assistant can be seen discussing it in a recent discord post

>> No.22800573

Post caps

>> No.22800639 [DELETED] 


>> No.22800801 [DELETED] 
File: 1.60 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_2730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doing a roast tonight, anyone else?

>> No.22801052

The &amp #19 release thread is going to be a drama filled shit show and any actual discussion will be drowned out

>> No.22801093

Well just be sure to make a long post with well thought out reviews, I will be doing the same.

>> No.22801129

That's just the way it is. We need to do our part and drown out the negative press. In the #18 threads I wrote something like 10-12 positive reviews and just samefagged them all without anyone noticing. If each of you do the same then no one will care about the drama.

>> No.22801194

The new release thread is going to be clogged by Atlas schizoposting and having meltdowns over Ari and Ari shitting on Hartley and spamming screenshots of that fucking GoogleDoc

>> No.22801353
File: 1.60 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_2735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds fun!

>> No.22801537

It'll be even worse when they realize the whole issue is dedicated to the life and work of Lewis Woolston.

>> No.22801550

God I hope so

>> No.22801615

We'll never get the Best Of &amp at this rate

>> No.22801944


>> No.22802009

19 releases tomorrow

>> No.22802019

Anyone got a link of the pastiche lit did of French existentialist writing? IMO it was by far the best lit has produced, but it’s the most forgotten since it was completed un under 24 hours.

Don’t remember the name but it had a Gallimard type cover

>> No.22802073

A bit like these threads, but at least with something to show for it, a reason for existence, no?

« L'Anomie ou la Tumulte des tapirs »

>> No.22803264


>> No.22803323

How's ol' Lewis hanging in there lately?

2023 feels like such a post-COVID hangover year.

>> No.22803335 [DELETED] 
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Canada is a place where the establishment controls everything, the culture here is just so conformist and lame. The only thing you can do to rebel is become a crackhead bike thief, but then you're just put on the road to a poisoned drug death as the government's way of eliminating these misfits.

If you have money, nobody dares to step outside the "librul vs conservitard" paradigm here, you're just supposed to conform and be a totally normal person with normal opinions that are allowed to be talked about. This country goes along as normal if you believe in the entire theatre our society uses to keep people in line, and it works on most people. As a result, our culture doesn't produce any organic or real art, everything is so over-the-top canned, fake, and gay, as to not upset your grandmother's sensibilities. Feels like 2023 was totally absent of any real Canadian literature or art, where are the schizos shouting about the enormous decline of this country?

>> No.22804175

Good. Amp deserves it

>> No.22804218

the Deleuze reading group was a success although everyone's interpretations were wrong

>> No.22804352

The fact that &amp can even continue doing &amp is a success. Shit is bleak in Canada at the moment, the cost of living has totally gone insane!

>> No.22804592


>> No.22804612

Where did people buy these?

>> No.22804708

No one bought them LMAO

>> No.22804835 [DELETED] 
File: 270 KB, 750x1112, Uzumaki v01 075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

join the diarrhea

>> No.22804995

Last post i saw from him he said he had a new book coming out early next year. I don't know anything beyond that.

>> No.22805307

Good to hear!

>> No.22805659

Hope Fremantle is in it

>> No.22805939

I moved to Affinity Photo and Publisher because of both Adobe's jewery and how much bloatware Adobe background processes added to my machine. Affinity are one off purchases too and not so expensive.

>> No.22806583

WHERE IS &AMP 19?????

>> No.22806660

Coming, be patient

>> No.22806910


>> No.22806958 [DELETED] 

>>22800006 This is part of why I support Horror’s Call so much. Gardner’s series is the closest this board has gotten to mainstream attention and our best bet at entirely breaking through. F Gardner’s books alone spawned all the other projects here. Before Frank came along there wasn’t such a thing as a /lit/ book or /lit/ book series. Gardner’s the hero we deserve and it took me a while to realize how much influence he had here. That single autist has shaped this whole place.

>> No.22807015

literally kill yourself, Frank.

>> No.22807668

It's going to be the centerpiece and there will discussions of the deeper Fremantle lore and backstory.

>> No.22807955

Gardner is a legend for sure, the amount of coping and seething Gardnerposting causes is insane!

>> No.22808124

When it's ready.

>> No.22808145

kill yourself

>> No.22808169

Keep the thread bumped my kys buddy

>> No.22808377 [DELETED] 
File: 326 KB, 540x512, 1701933995205056.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm getting settled into my new place, what are you fags doing on a Friday night?

>> No.22808463

Checked. I just got dumped so I’m drinking on the sea shore

>> No.22808467

literally double kill yourself...twice.

>> No.22808471

what's his name?

>> No.22808853
File: 2.57 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_2726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What you drinking?

I have Colt 45 and a bucket of mixed nuts and smarties

Super stoked to finish book 3

Hope you can use this pain as fuel to keep pushing forward, namaste

>> No.22808985

Thanks Jason. Was drinking vodka no chase. You can imagine my state of mind. Come to Nanaimo, we can smoke 25 cent cigarettes and sip on Colts

>> No.22809030
File: 1.44 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_2777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Narrowly avoided homelessness, now in the perfect subterranean hovel, got stuff lined up so I should be able to fun a road trip this spring, hunkering down for the winter and will finish book 3... Good luck with all your shit, you are an inspiration to the rest of /lit/

>> No.22809048

Good to hear that whatever chick you were with had the good sense to ditch you before you decided to start beating her to a bloody pulp.

>> No.22809050
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If you don't want to beat her you were never in love anyways

>> No.22809057
File: 130 KB, 1024x1024, gloomy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A sideways shot of a square room. There is a doorway to the left with a laptop sitting on the seat of a chair glowing in the dark. There is a 90 degree, white cinder block bare industrial corner in the middle of the shot. On the right, is a white door with a small zebra-print fly swatter hand tool hanging on the wall. Dark. Gritty. Gloomy. Writer.

>> No.22809067

Why do you think she dumped me retard
Jason’s AI is much more robust than whatever pez dispenser you made that with

>> No.22810028

Gay love story in motion

>> No.22810700

&amp 019 when?

>> No.22810942
File: 2.15 MB, 1757x1541, looksmaxxing_incel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hold up for a minute

>> No.22811530

&AMP 019 WHEN?

>> No.22811674

Good things come to those who wait

>> No.22812212

We've been waiting for four months man! Hurry up!

>> No.22812261

Hartley's too busy smoking crack. Don't hold your breath.

>> No.22812339

Fuck off Ari

>> No.22812353

I’m fine.
Yeah. That’s why I wanted to start printing paperback anthologies, they’re so much cheaper to print.

>> No.22812357

When is #19 coming out? We want &amp!

>> No.22812483

You’re not him it’s not real it can’t be real you’re not him it’s not real it can’t be real????? You’re not him it’s not real you don’t know you’re not him you’re trying to trick me and make me crazy?(???? I can’t I can’t I can’t it’s not real it isn’t real

>> No.22813615


>> No.22813825

Are the anthologies still happening?

>> No.22814294


>> No.22815258


>> No.22815313

Bump for the legends

>> No.22815910

Of course. As always things move more slowly than expected, but for the first anthology, Ive sort of shifted from just open submissions to more offering commissions to my fave /lit/ writers. I want it to be a who’s who of local namefags

>> No.22815914

With a very strong emphasis on top shelf litfic and slick design.

>> No.22815934

Bumps for the /lit/ homies

>> No.22815936

tfw no commisson

>> No.22815946

>slick design
Like the lazy Canva shit you came up with for Shards? lmao

>> No.22815960

Also, finish my Best-Of, already.

>> No.22815975

I haven’t offered commissions to everyone that I wanted just yet. I offered around five or six I think and only two writers have made the January 1st deadline so far. I will likely extend the deadline; I want it to be a real showpiece. At this rate, it may even take until next summer. We’ll see. I’ve sort of learned that literary deadlines are rather malleable in general and for good reason. I’ve also learned that releasing books before they are 1000% ready for print is gay and amateur and I’d like to grow beyond it.

>> No.22815991

Here’s the linkspam for the Anthology project anyway, for cool dudes who care:

Also, Ari Boon, I restored the &amp Magazine Slush Pile Instant Online Publisher™ just for you:

>> No.22815996

I heard on an interview once that most authors, even frequently published ones, can't meet deadlines set by editors. It's exceptional when they do. Construction is a similar way.

>> No.22816011

I imagine there are exceptions in other areas of writing, maybe most other areas of writing, but for sure creative writing, especially tradpub development deals. The idea is funny to me, because we probably all imagine that if we could write full-time, we would smash all deadlines. I know I feel that way.

>> No.22816013

I meant that deadlines in creative writing are bullshit, but probably less bullshit for like, copywriting

>> No.22816059
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How is this coming along?

>> No.22816072
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>> No.22816111
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With the cost of living the way it is, the only people who are going to be making "art" are either the rich for vanity, the people paid by the government to make art, or the schizos who will live in squalor whether as artists or not.

Would be interesting to do a poll on /lit/ and see what people are paying for rent, and whether cost of living is impacting their ability to write.(or find time to read!)

>> No.22816129

kill yourself

>> No.22816156

>reactionary to not get the vax

holy shit /lit/ apparently cannot read.

>> No.22816164

i would say where to go instead but you seem like such a pretentious limpwrist that you can wallow in this sad circlejerk of mental midgets.

>> No.22816675

Would love to read this. Fascinating.

>> No.22816682

Frater became Führer of his Gypsy Clan in NYC

>> No.22816898

I don't rent, and the food prices don't affect me much because of my diet.
I'm in a good setting for writing, but I fail to read all the books I want to read.

>> No.22817796

I was at the pub last night and met a teacher who just got a job out here near Kelowna. Moved from Ontario, early 30's, she's been a teacher for 10 years. She's paying 50% of her income just on rent and about 25% of the rest of her month on transportation and food. She had pre-drank a bottle of wine before going to the pub because each glass of gross house red wine was $12 bucks and a bottle of cheap red is also $12.

I'm going to add a page to my next book full of "kill yourself" as a homage to your inspiring work good friend. Still throat and pussy fucked Nadia and came in her holes.

>> No.22817804

Who are Card and Zulu?

Does Waldun count if he doesn't even post here?

>> No.22818715

Card is a grifter with a larger presence on /lgbt/ of all places. He wrote People Mover, possibly the worst /lit/ book. Zulu's actually a pretty stand up guy if not misguided and ambitious. He wrote the Savage Green. Waldun is /lit/ adjacent at the very least.

>> No.22818833

Fascinating information. I fucking finally have a space to put a bookshelf and I intent to pickup a copy of all the /lit/ works. My book collection went from like 200+ books to I think like 2 books over the chaos since COVID, want to rebuild that fat stack I had before.

>> No.22818851

When I used /lit/ the most was the time leading up to Waldun's book release, the "dark academia" one, and the amount of posts and utterly brutal insults and attempts to humiliate the guy, I feel like it made him go both feet in on the YouTube thing which, I imagine, makes a much bigger income than writing does. More power to him! He certainly has his brand looking polished on video.

That other anon who wrote about making some sort of /lit/ review guide, he gave me an idea, how about someone, like me, buy alllllll the /lit/ books and read them all cover to cover, then I'll write a book that is a novel where each of the main, or interesting sub-characters, from each of the /lit/ books meet or interact in a story in some way. Maybe they form into two teams or something and murder each other. Who knows? I'll have to read all the /lit/ books first. If I had to choose a first /lit/ book to read, the first thing that comes to mind is Call of the Crocodile, but I'd try to read them in chronological order on when they were released. Would the last /lit/ book be Chicken World at this point? I am out of the loop on the latest /lit/ author book release. I'm broke as fuck until Early January anyways haha.

I live in a place where the Wily Wolverine tallcan beers are 8% and only $2.75! Going to try and not end up passed out in a ditch

>> No.22818859
File: 100 KB, 900x900, john david card.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Card is a grifter
he also looks like Rocky Dennis

>> No.22818866

>Chicken World

>> No.22818883

Absolutely terrible video. Just abysmal editing and production quality, and no indication whatsoever of the book's plot.

>> No.22818914

Come to Nanaimo, dork.
Thanks for watching.

>> No.22818946

What have you read?

>> No.22819115

I've only read Eggplant, the Tales of the Unreal Volumes, a few Gardner books. I do want to read the two books I just mentioned and I'm guessing Labuschagne's stuff is good too. Shitkicker's first chapter was a slog, I did attempt to read it at least.

>> No.22819161

I read Sociopath. It wasn't my favorite of things I read from /lit/, but I think LA has a great writing style.

>> No.22819192
File: 2.70 MB, 3634x5133, raw dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the cover is fuckin rad

>> No.22819205

He does. Colder than Ice was fantastic and it made me realize, 'Hey! I should just read this fuckers work' lol. Also everyone calls Miles a hack but he's alright, I should read him too.

>> No.22819359


>> No.22819366

Dangerously based

>> No.22819488

This shit is seriously still going on?

>> No.22819523


>> No.22819618
File: 1.65 MB, 1152x896, PENIS DICK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22820503

Waldunchads are the backbone of /lit/

>> No.22820855

I have been corrected!

>> No.22821654

&amp 019 when?

>> No.22821732

which part was edited poorly? The video description has a book blurb, which explains what the book is about. You’re real lit only making third parties more curious about the book when you blindly tantrum like this

>> No.22821736

post2015/lit/ sucks

>> No.22821747
File: 206 KB, 1200x1261, 909342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

things may change. they've always done.

>> No.22821791

What made it better?

>> No.22821853

Cowards words.

>> No.22821882

>That other anon who wrote about making some sort of /lit/ review guide, he gave me an idea, how about someone, like me, buy alllllll the /lit/ books and read them all cover to cover,
Multiple people have tried this. They always give up because these books are like 1% good (Mixtape Hyperborea, The Savage Green), 70% mediocre slogs (Eggplant, everything else by Zulu, Chicken World, Son of the Sun, Tales of the Unreal), and 29% "Affront to the Concept of Literature" bad. Dismally boring, written in a confusing way, and painfully repetitive. Pseudo Bulkington failed to capitalize the name of a character all throughout The Orators. Gardner's writing is on the level of a fifth grader trying to hit a word count for an essay. I can't even begin to guess the thought process behind the conception and drafting of People Mover, nobody thinks or acts like anyone in this book does. It's a tremendous and unrewarding waste of time.

>> No.22822301

Why would Ari want to publish shit with &amp? kek

>> No.22822336

Well then why not limit it to the "cream" of /lit/ books?
Just read and review the best and ignore the rest.

>> No.22822738

He's saying that because Ari was using the website submission form to troll him before which is why it got disabled, lmao

>> No.22823173


>> No.22823179

19 when??

>> No.22824301

new thread when?

>> No.22824531

Could be a ton of fun, it isn't like I read right now anyways.

>> No.22824600
File: 85 KB, 640x879, 1697369206890147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Atlas & Ryan

>> No.22824605

Wanna write a new one?

>> No.22824609

>Only a fool would attach their real name to /lit/
Fucking poseur
Go suck suit wearing cock to ensure that purdy reputation you have stays clean and makes you lots of $$$ or bourgeoisie street cred

>> No.22824615

I'm the best writer on the board. I bet all your shit is mid. I have nothing published and you won't hear about me til I'm dead probably, because that's what happens with REAL writers

>> No.22824624

Why would you post this,?????? Why would you post this?????? Just leave me alone????? Just leave me alone why would you do this?????

>> No.22824647

What is wrong with you?????? Why would you do this?????? Just leave me alone okay why would you do this???????