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22780360 No.22780360 [Reply] [Original]

Who was right?

>> No.22780367

Reality is the appearance

>> No.22780369

Plato was right, Schopenhauer was a closeted gnostic

>> No.22780378

t. hylic

>> No.22780387

But gnostics would agree that reality is better than the appearance.

>> No.22780396

Reality just is.
As a biologist I think I’d side with Schoppy though. Life is just endless suffering

>> No.22780439

You must imagine endless suffering as a good time.

>> No.22780446

Schopenhauer obviously. Life is horrifyingly ugly. We can only withstand it because we are under the influence of our illusions in our daily lives. Only a monster would like what for what it truly is which is cruel battle for survival.

>> No.22780447

Plato is right, Schopenhauer is so depressing

>> No.22780448


>> No.22780449

I really don’t

>> No.22780486
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>> No.22780513

both see what is responsible for our empirical experience as being bad in some way

>> No.22780515

Gnostics would agree that this “reality” is a false reality created by a false god demiurge who thrives on suffering. The platonic demiurge was just a craftsman, and believed him to be good, since the “world was good.” Circular logic

>> No.22780534

Yes, but the core salvific opportunity offered by Gnosticism is direct knowledge of the hidden true Godhead or higher realities through Christ, emissary of the Godhead or Monad. The divine spark in us is liberated and returns to the divine reality (or the pleroma) through gnosis in Gnosticism. So it’s as much salvific or offering hope in a greater reality as it is focused on “condemnation of the world” (which I find is both overrated in people’s discussions here of Gnosticism, while they simultaneously underrate how similar attitudes are found in the New Testament and in many other mainstream religious traditions, of viewing our incarnate embodied life as having something inherently corrupt in it).

>> No.22780622

Schopenhauer is on the right side.
This didn't need a tread, OP.

>> No.22780640

Appearance is initial perception
Reality is indifferent to your interpretations

You focus on the changes of reality as "suffering".

>> No.22780849
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>> No.22780861

World is a fucked up place, a giant open sewer.

>> No.22780875

They hated Schopy because he told them the truth.

>> No.22780898

Things are beautiful to see, but dreadful to be. That's what Schopenhauer says. Not irreconcilable with Plato.

>> No.22780911
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Every scientist agrees that the model they are building only relates to reality with the lowercase r. Reality with a capital r will always be outside of our grasp due to the inherent limits placed on us via the 5 sensory organs, which are in themselves limited with the range of data they can process. With technology, we can explore a bit more but we will forever remain ignorant of the timeless beings that float within the interstices.

Scream yourself to sleep.

>> No.22780914

Schopenhauer LITERALLY said the appearances of things is much worse than true reality.

>> No.22780927
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Good one

>> No.22781406

Post the quote

>> No.22781434

Read Derrida

>> No.22781441

It's fundamental to his entire philosophy. How do you think Schopenhauer resembles Eastern religion? What a retarded, high school-tier thread.

>> No.22781449

So you can't find the quote?

>> No.22781813
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schoppy for sure especially if you're concerned with the material world alone

>> No.22781824

Neither, there is no reality without the appearance. That being said, plato was a cuck and schoppy was based.

>> No.22781844

Name literally any aspect of Schopenhauer’s philosophy and the principle I stated is described in it.

>> No.22781861

glass is neither half full nor half empty
glass is twice as large as it should be

>> No.22781869

Schoppy obviously, reality only becomes nastier the more it's observed. Take something like prion diseases, for example. The more we learn about them, the more horrific we learn they are.

>> No.22781890

Left is correct, if "reality" is considered as what is "real", and what is real is considered what has a fundamental existence, then reality is much better than appearance. Appearance is an inferior projection of reality.

>> No.22782922

Buddha agrees with Schopenhauer, people live under illusions to make life more palatable, reality like the truth is ugly. Plato is just doing what the normies do by creating another illusion but by doing so he acknowledges that the physical world is ugly, thus he needs cope.

>> No.22782943

Those illusions are what makes life so ugly in our perception.

>> No.22782953

You chase them because they are beautiful but yes they can cause suffering because what you are chasing is ultimately false.

>> No.22782986

that’s an appearance though

>> No.22782998

The reality is that you are a helpless animal who is going to die.

The cope, illusion or "reality" would be that you are going to a good place called heaven.

>> No.22782999
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I don’t appreciate your rotten attitude.

>> No.22783000
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>sir I'm sorry to inform but you have a major brain tumor
>don't worry Doc, tumors are merely appearances, or as we in philosophy say, phenomena, and have no teleological signifier. I will simply think it away.

>> No.22783005

They don't contradict each other

>> No.22783060


>> No.22783179

>no, no you don't get it, nirvana is totally different from the wold of the forms!

>> No.22783182

If reality was better than the appearance then it wouldn't have necessitated the distortion of reality in the first place.

>> No.22783215

Nirvana is Samsara.

>> No.22783245

Nice cope.

>> No.22783248

What form did Buddha attribute to Nirvana?

>> No.22783253

Let me guess, you think the Forms are literal physical objects and that 'observation' of them is just like observing an object? Have you read Plato AT ALL?

>> No.22783258

It's not a hard concept to grasp, retard. Answer the question.

>> No.22783277
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>rotten attitude

the brain rejects it anyways, you're going to be fine anon, totally life will be awesome and sweet!!

>> No.22783395

Nirvana is a vegetative state. A celery probably.

>> No.22783421

Neither, because both "much better" and "much worse" depend upon the vibration of consciousness in a dual mode, aka judgement,

Though given plato understood that by noesis man could possess the vision of God, which is properly "non-dual" and therefore "unknowable" it is still "better" and "the Good"

Schopenhauer if I understand correctly is a crypto-bodhisattva or really a true nihilist who imagined his own hell, given his theory of "will" I dont think he was really such a pessimist, he probably rested in the will of God, also that the appearance is a contingent non-eternal illusion which is attended by misery and suffering is clear, but this is the first step, once the bodhisattva has comprehended the pain of existence and is awakened to compassion, bodhicitta, he then heeds the words of the buddha to subhuti, "deny the attribute, and the denial of the attribute" giving way to prajna "wisdom" which leada to full nondual buddhahood.

Of course the level of compassion of each man, is really something which depends upon his life experience, he doesnt even need to learn about it, same with wisdom, also you can have some wisdom but when it is not connected to compassion, all you get is "fear" of this horrible existence.


>> No.22783424

Yes nirvana is a celery.

>> No.22783431

莫逐有縁 Do not pursue Being and entanglements;
勿住空忍 Do not dwell in Emptiness and sufferance.
一種平懷 When the mind is at peace in Oneness, 泯然自盡 Thus are these eliminated, and naturally fade away.
止動歸止 When you try to stop activity to return to stillness, 止更彌動 This stillness further increases activity. 唯滯兩邊 If you are always caught in one side or the otherA, 寧知一種 How can you know Oneness?
一種不通 When Oneness is not understood completely, 兩處失功 Both of these viewpoints lose their usefulness :
遣有沒有 To reject Being is to merely lose Being;
從空背空 To embrace Emptiness is to merely be burdened by Emptiness

>> No.22783562

Appearence is reality

>> No.22784056

Logos uncovers reality. Appearance can be a rock that obscures reality. Logos is what uncovers.

>> No.22784577
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*destroys the noumena-phenomena distinction*

>> No.22784616
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>Who was right?

>> No.22784621

Berkeley said the same thing. Matter does not exist

>> No.22784737

affirmative reality is a finite judgment and as a consequence will always be the domain of the actual, or namely it only has one modality, being true. appearance as a modality is prior and presents the world from which things are determined to be true. appearance is just being with identity, difference, and ground; being has no reality and you can't premise a judgment on being. reality can be good or bad, appearance can be worse or better, so questioning whether reality is worse or better than appearance is a bit of a weird presentation. you likely wouldn't feel a thing if someone got published for saying "apples are healthy is worse or better than anything but apples", because it would be basically amount to something like, if you think, "reading Infinite Jest in public is good, because, if i didn't then i wouldn't know who likes Infinite Jest, which is better than knowing who like anything but Infinite Jest"
in minecraft of course

>> No.22784803

>Matter does not exist
Berkeley never said this.

>> No.22784885

Uh... idealistsisters? Our response?

>> No.22785049

Moron, buddhism 101 is the cessation of ignorance and thus rebirth. What do you think ignorance means if not grasping at appearances that make you suffer instead of accepting reality? Understanding reality is a positive thing, it's not ugly, its because we are ignorant that we don't understand this and thus are subject to samsara.

>> No.22785120

Is Nirvana beautiful?

>> No.22785176

The fact that you’re clinging to doctrine means you haven’t got a fucking clue what reality is.

>> No.22787001


>> No.22787023

Reality is reality, the appearance is the appearance.

>> No.22787025

What's your argument? There are good desires in buddhism, desire for liberation is a good thing, clinging to doctrine in so far as it gets you to the other side is a good thing, you have to rely on doctrine before you can let it go too. I literally have no clue what you're responding to.
I don't think I've ever recalled it referred to as beautiful, platonically, ultimate reality could be referred to as "perfect", but I do recall the buddha saying how horrible samsara is, and samsara isn't "reality", because reality means what is REAL, samsara is illusory, it doesn't have a fundamental existence, it is not reality. Seeing through illusion, ie appearances, is always a positive in buddhism, if not central to it.

>> No.22787058

Why are you relying on the Buddha, you tell me what reality is, since I am a moron.

>> No.22787106

That's just called coping. What makes more sense is if you imagine suffering as meaningful.

>> No.22787115

Because it was in response to the original post, moron. I wouldn't be talking about buddhism otherwise, whether it's buddhism or something else the truth remains the same.
>Buddha agrees with Schopenhauer, people live under illusions to make life more palatable, reality like the truth is ugly. Plato is just doing what the normies do by creating another illusion but by doing so he acknowledges that the physical world is ugly, thus he needs cope.
Then I respond to this post by correcting the misunderstanding of buddhism, fucking hell where's your reading comprehension.

>> No.22787117

perception of reality manifests as appearance. There is no objective appearance as all perception is subjective.

>> No.22787118

If appearance corresponds to the total sum of all the factors that affects one's perception of reality, then yes Plato is correct (Seneca).

>> No.22787122

Literally no different than a Christian and yes that's an insult.

>thinks his religion is gospel truth
>has no actual spiritual experience
>thinks life is hell and nirvana is heaven
>so certain of his borrowed knowledge that he insults others

>> No.22787129

how can you know it exists if it is unknowable?

>> No.22787143

wrong. One example is the olfactory senses. We've evolved to get used to our own (stinky) smell, without it we would've gone insane from smelling ourselves.

>> No.22787169

Who are you talking to, I literally never say any of this. The whole chain is just me correcting someone that says the buddha would agree with Schopenhauer. To reiterate
>Buddha agrees with Schopenhauer, people live under illusions to make life more palatable, reality like the truth is ugly
This is wrong, reality is defined as what is real, in other words what has a fundamental existence. Living in illusion is literally what samsara is, people do not live under illusion to make life more palatable, but because they are ignorant. The buddha would never say reality, or the truth is ugly, wisdom is always a positive thing, illusions are always a negative thing. This is literally it, this is literally all I was saying, that this is what buddhism teaches, not that I think buddhism is the gospel, but that what the anon said was not true, that it wasn't true the buddha would agree with schopenhauer, THAT'S IT. I don't believe in religion, I don't think life is hell and nirvana is heaven, nirvana isn't even defined as a place anyhow, but when some moron says shit that isn't true they should be called out for it.

>> No.22787183

That anon may be wrong but so are you. Reality has no attributes. Maybe humble yourself a little and rid yourself of your own ignorance before asserting what reality is or isn't.

>> No.22787442

>germs didnt exist until the microscope was invented

>> No.22787507

Germs does not fall into the 'unkowable' category, since it can be perceived by the five senses, moron.

>> No.22787883

just like we cant know all the digits of pi but we still know that they are there

>> No.22787892
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Left is what I tell the ladies.

>> No.22787896

fucking pseuds on this site
they're a plague

>> No.22788335

With the aid of an instrument, retard

>> No.22788341

Fool that you are!

>> No.22788357

Madhyamakaniggers BTFO!

>> No.22788369

> Berkeley said the same thing
In his system the ‘reality’ is God, who he considers as being indeed more real than empirical phenomena

>> No.22788373

>ummm if idealism is true then you should be able to think away diseases
Nobody claims this

>> No.22789605

I'm a sperg and life is a lot more difficult when you think everyone stinks. I'm kind of used to my own, but for example, I don't get how guys think women smell good. It's all just different kinds of stinky BO.

>> No.22789658
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He embraced nihilism in the Fichtean rather than the Schopenhauerian sense. Nietzsche didn't really solve "nihilism" per se. It could be said that he also embraced active nihilism, as complete destruction of the "thou shalt" according to his notes.

Here is an essay expounding the topic. Feel free to share your thoughts. Sorry for the camscanner link, i dont know what formats are compatible with 4chan and long image pdf dont work.


>> No.22789783

I often spend entire days internally seething about normalfags but schope threads and other internet pessimists usually make me have the other reaction. I guess mostly because they advocate for voluntary antinatalism or some other method of depopulation that's too quick and easy for what humanity actually deserves

>> No.22789789

You think people deserve to suffer, yet you, a person, avoid suffering. Curious!

>> No.22789809

False, I injure and sabotage myself constantly

>> No.22789814

Hyli...How are you...

>> No.22789822

Also I did the 2 first posts I dont claim the 3rd

>> No.22791124

underrated post