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22776865 No.22776865 [Reply] [Original]

Describe your worldview as concisely as possible.
I'll start.
>agnostic panpsychic deist

>> No.22776873
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Imagine not having a hot sister who loves you.

>> No.22776881

Shit's fucked but if you try your best the fuckedness of shit can be sorted and used to make things better.

>> No.22776977

chill dude

>> No.22776987

he looks due for a 3 day cooldown

>> No.22777067
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>pessimistic mystic-aesthete with freudo-marxist characteristics

>> No.22777083

That was literally me 10 years ago and it's a shitty place to be at. Praying Christ finds you, and that you let him into your heart.

>> No.22777085

Is it good for huwhite chuds?

>> No.22777135

Always on the side of all the odd little creative multitudes throughout history who’ve wondered at the world’s vastnesses and toiled to explore and expand it. What I cannot decide on is whether that should be thought of as deep down one large collective project or a million different irreconcilable microworlds that only sometimes, by chance affinity, connect up.

>> No.22777137

>confused want sex belle delphine

>> No.22777157
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>> No.22777180

Eleatic. Simple as.

>> No.22777203
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>”I’m a Guénonian Traditionalist”

>> No.22777241

>as concisely as possible

>in the most autistic way possible
Neo-Kantian Neoplatonist, Militant National-Distributist Mystic

>> No.22777252

I hate niggers

>> No.22777255

>Lit - Literature
Stop skipping the sticky newfriends

>> No.22778453

OP here. I should have said
>most autistic way possible
It's a writing exercise you dolt

>> No.22778468

Borkian agnostic

>> No.22778550

ayran global corporatist anti-christ

>> No.22778570
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nazi indio, lover of black women

indio is shorthand for an ideology incommunicable into english by virtue of this cringe garbage anglosphere

>talking to the dead is a pagan ritual
talking to 4chan is a pagan ritual
>talking to the dead is not possible
you getting bitches on your dick is not possible

this rudeness is the most evocative and concise data compression possible

by rude maxxing I am inspiring you frens

Take care cabrones

fight on even in death

I hope there is a second death in the afterlife otherwise it would be boring to anticipate a future without fighting and fun and risk

>> No.22778578


>> No.22778584
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i love jesus christ, and i push my boulder up the hill every day. nothing more, nothing less.

>> No.22778587

Pseudistically pseudistic pseud

>> No.22778592

I want to love everyone but I despise you all and myself. It's hard to overstate how disappointed I am in humanity including myself, especially when you faggots pretend it's not our fault.

>> No.22779180
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Love, intimacy, connection, faith, joy, honour