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22775848 No.22775848 [Reply] [Original]

I haven't read much romance, but the movies seem the same, very woman oriented
>unpopular woman
>out of nowhere she's met with a choice, the rich hot guy who worships her, or the poor passionate hot guy who worships her
>through all this, the men serve no other purpose but to feed her ego and outdo each other, like a competition
>bullshit ending, the tournament ends, and the winner gets the prize (average woman)
The "plotlines" for romance books that I've seen on Amazon is very similar.
>woman is taken out of a BORING routine by some fiery stranger (cowboy, BDSM billionaire, wildman)
>they have a WILD affair (I assume this is more of the man basically serving her over and over again)
What kinda books have that sappy, pure romance that some anime has. Something that won't make me dread a relationship, but want it.

>> No.22775868

>Women wish to be overvalued as love objects
Yes, that is correct. It's porn for women, why are you surprised?

>> No.22775887

> comparing a movie to a TV and labeling method of storytelling that’s been the default in American television for decades as that of “Korean drama”

By the way, the only thing different about Western story structure and East Asian story structure generally is that they prefer some kind of twist at their climax while Westerners prefer some sort of crescendo that assimilates every detail of the story thus far. Attack on Titan is like the quintessential example of East Asian story structure. Otherwise, they just copy Western stories. The whole of Japanese and South Korean culture is built on copying, literally. They have words for differentiating types of copies even to justify it. Novelty and innovation are non-valued to them.

0/10 bugmade chart

>> No.22775897

Who says I'm surprised? It's just lame and overplayed. I'm distinctly asking for recs that don't conform to this.

>> No.22775903

The alternative is anime, but it is also super shitty
>Average/Unpopular guy
>Out of nowhere, for no logical reason, he meets 1-5 beautiful, perfect, hot girls who are in love with him (tsundere, childhood friend, ara ara older sister, kuudere, loli little sister)
>The plot doesn't move forward, anytime something sexual happens the protagonist gets a nosebleed or gets the shit beaten out of him or simply nothing happens. Anytime something romantic happens there is no progression and is played for laughs
>In the end the guy gets the shitiest girl, or all of them at the same time
However, I was enjoying Quintessential Quintuplets because it is not too fucking stupid.

>> No.22775918

Yeah I don't want to watch anime either. I was hoping somewhere along the lines of the last few hundred years we've been writing romance, someone wrote a good one that is also sappy.

>> No.22775930

I come here every now and then asking the same question, but no one ever answers.
Guess I'll have to make my own.
The Gantz manga has a nice, sappy romance subplot thoughever. Only enhanced by how fucked up and nihilistic everything else is.

>> No.22775935

I'm down to read some wish fulfilment manga, is there a site i can get them from without worries (4free)?

>> No.22775939

Paulina 1880

>> No.22775949

There's male centric content like that too. What's depressing is that the majority of the "romance" genre is just a power trip.

I guess writing about two people actually getting to know and love each other would be too boring.

>> No.22775950
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Sorry bro no idea, haven't read manga in years.
Don't know if you like yuri, but Girl Friends was also very enjoyable.
Also, there's a korean drama called Startup that also has a nice, dramatic, sappy romance. It is kind of fucking dumb though, but I guess that comes with the territory.
ALSO, there's an anime called My Happy Marriage which is sappy and overly dramatic, but it hits the spot very nicely.

Why yes, I'm desperate for quality romance media, how could you tell?

>> No.22775962
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What are you looking for in a man friendly romance? I am also very romantic but I don't really know what I would be into. I suppose the idea of a desperate situation ending in a double suicide would do the job for me, since it indicates the triumph of love over death. But as for the rest, I have no idea what a good romance novel aimed at men would look like.

>> No.22775967
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chinkshit xianxia is basically anime, without friends.

>> No.22775971

I'm a sucker for the classical enemies to lovers tropes, but in general I want to see a relationship bloom, overcome adversity and doubts. Showing two people support each other, get to know each other, have those little cute tender moments were they fall deeper in love, when they learn to trust the other. I'm down for a story about an already settled couple having fun instead of falling apart or some shit, but those are rarer.
Most Korean dramas are fucking shit, but they are very good at making romantic scenes and setups. Sometimes I just want to cut out 98% of the story/scenes and just leave those swoon worthy moments where the music and the scene just hit right and you forget the characters are just empty and predictable character archetypes that will revert to being boring as soon as the romantic scene ends.

>> No.22775984

Holy based zoomer (never thought I'd say it)

>> No.22776081

Mangadex is hit or miss but an adblocker is required.

>> No.22776135

>What kinda books have that sappy, pure romance that some anime has. Something that won't make me dread a relationship, but want it.
LORNA DOONE, by R. D. Blackmore. It's very long, but if you don't mind that, there's a nice boy-meets-girl story in there.

>"But can a man feel OK about enjoying it?"
It was voted Favourite Novel by male Harvard undergraduates in 1906, and their testosterone level was probably about twice yours.

>> No.22776787

You'll probably want to look for books that are not explicitly "romance books", but books with a romantic subplot that is part of a greater plot. Clavell's shogun i thought had a sappy romance that was quite well done.

>> No.22778204

wow, look at this pile of crap: https://files.catbox.moe/d9sukc.zip