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File: 61 KB, 250x371, ChildhoodsEnd(1stEd).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22774015 No.22774015 [Reply] [Original]

I've noticed that lot of 20century sci-fi writers are kinda fags
Care to explain?

>> No.22774019

Can you elaborate

>> No.22774067

Arthut C. Clark
And frank herbert
to name a few
Now if youve read the pic rel, foundation or dune you might know what im getting at

>> No.22774342

Many authors regardless of genre were. Explain that.

>> No.22774811

Do not research

>> No.22774820

Scifi writers were the priests of the 20th century. And most priests are fags. Trannies are the priests of the 21st century

>> No.22774823

Fags I think are overrepresented in the arts because to be an artist it to be an outsider, to observe society without actually participating . To be “other” but to blend in all the same. So I think gays are predisposed to create art for this reason

>> No.22774841

The American Science Fiction literary scene, especially around the mid 20th century, was really weird and sordid. Military and Intelligence, new age cults like Church of All Worlds, drugs and arms runners, pedos, all moving through organizations like Worldcon.

Someone could probably do Dave McGowan Weird Scenes In The Canyon type book about it if they brought it all together.

>> No.22776242

that would be a really interesting book desu, maybe there are some documentaries / yt vids about it though

>> No.22776389
File: 166 KB, 700x990, 1700872167238131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Childhood's end is ironically one of my favorite books

>> No.22776685

Yeah, the ending really screws with me. It sucks knowing what happened and there wasn't any way of getting out of that. Still, I've wondered if instead of hitting all the checkmarks that caused the Overlord's to come to earth, what if the humanity of CE was something like the humanity in Brave New World, peace loving and all, would there be an excuse for the Overlords to do what they do?

Dammit, all of the book messes with my head, from title to the story, it's essentially End of Evangelion if there was no way to stop the angels, god I hate this book because it shows what humanity ultimately is, cancer

Are there any other books like this?

>> No.22778046

Jews got into publishing, and as part of their plans to destroy W.Civ, they stopped publishing good authors and started publishing fags so that people would be stuck reading fag books written by fags in a faggy way that fags up the reader until the reader's a fag ready to get pumped full of Marxism & Bio-Leninism, an infected puppet turned against its species by what amounts to hacking its brain through fag books, and that newly minted fag who read fag books now loudly parrots all kinds of fag pablum and fag nonsense without actually THINKING about it, and is totally lost to faggotry as a fag weapon in the fag army fagging up the country while the kikes gleefully rub their shekelclaws and laugh about it.

>> No.22778064

Fags are overrepresented in the arts because the jews use fag arts to faggify the goyim; fags just happened to be "outsiders" before everything went full-on Clownworld and fags became "insiders" second only to full-on trannies. Crazy, huh? So, fags are actually kinda mid now, which is maybe what they want, but who cares what the mentally ill want (beyond one's protection or profit). So, you're kinda right, but it's not that simple, because there are BAD ACTORS at work behind the scenes, choosing who's looked over and who's overlooked.

>> No.22778071

/pol/GPT needs more fine-tuning