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/lit/ - Literature

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22772559 No.22772559 [Reply] [Original]

How many books are you at?

I know that I'm a midwit or whatever. Just trying to become better

>> No.22772578

> wants to become better
> reads the book equivalent of TV shop ads for shitty exercise equipment

>> No.22772584

OP, please go to a irl 2nd hand bookstore and not the amazon front page.

>> No.22772590

35 this year but would like to get a few more in before the year ends.

>> No.22772615

65 and counting.

Please read some literature OP, not just commercial pop-sci bestsellers

>> No.22772892

would you recommend any with highly detailed descriptions, concerning all of the senses? most books are constricted to the visual

>> No.22772906


>> No.22773043

Read brokeback mountain. Short and goes so hard.

>> No.22773069
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Hard to tell because I have a lot of audiobooks and artbooks in my list.

>> No.22773072

22 :(

It was an eventful year

>> No.22773475


>> No.22773486
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>> No.22773516

I’m the newfag who posted a thread last night. I’m trying to finish my first book, the dice man, before the end of the year. I’m on chapter 6.

>> No.22773522

What are you reading?

>> No.22773649
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12 but there are loads of books I put on hold halfway through or further. I started getting more comfortable dropping books, and while it's made my reading frequency go way up, I still feel a need to finish more.

>> No.22773668

I'm sorry man but this is below even midwit level

>> No.22773696
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>thanks for the updooots

>> No.22773752

I only.finished Don Quixote which I started last year, and the fountainhead. Read a few chapters of madam Bovary but then went back to reading the Bible again.

>> No.22773759

>business secrets of the pharaohs
unfathomably based

>> No.22773984

OP can you please post your goodreads profile

>> No.22774023

39, will most likely end the year at 45
better than last year at 40.

>> No.22774028

>How many books are you at?
I don't keep track or a list.

I just enjoy the ride.

>> No.22774552
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24 but I read the bible whole which is like 3000 pages long.

>> No.22774556

I'm at around 60 I guess depending on how you count.

>> No.22774581

Simultaneous patrician and plebeian.

>> No.22774861

More books does not mean more smarts

I haven't even heard most of these, and not in a good way. More in a riding-the-coattails-of-atomic-habits way.

>> No.22774880

Why are so many of these books missing the later 80% or so?

>> No.22774885

I dont know, as many as I felt like. Maybe 30-40?

Counting is for consoooomer faggots btw. No great author or thinker ever kept track of how many books they read a year, and if they did they didn't make a show of it

>> No.22774922

47 this year. What software or app is that you’re using?

>> No.22774991

>being such peak consooomer you actually want software to display your books

>> No.22775008
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This year really fucked me over.

>> No.22775021

I read half a book this year. But it's a very dense, complex book and I'm learning a lot and enjoying it immensely. So I'd rather take my time than rush through it to get my body count up.

>> No.22775047

Which one is it? My diary, desu?

>> No.22775051

75. Pretty content with my reading. Got through all of Ibsen's works, which, granted, are usually not very long and thus drive up the nr. Got through Jane Eyre, Titus Groan, the three musketeers, autobiography of malcolm x, and The Red and the Black, so content with that

>> No.22775725
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101 books
of which ~90 are graphic novels or mangas

>> No.22776973
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Get real, weeb.

>> No.22776999

haven't read a book in five years

>> No.22777076

Data hoarders?

>> No.22777112

>has not read one actual book this year

>> No.22777182
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A few were novellas, 2 or 3 I didn't finish the whole thing.

>> No.22777199
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it's going pretty good

>> No.22777296
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And the ratings

>> No.22778605

>book title contains a colon
I refuse to read it and I refuse to believe it's a good idea for anyone to read it

>> No.22778866
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Just 24/26.
Only read four books in the last three months.

>> No.22779162

How about you read single good book?

>> No.22779353

Kill yourself

>> No.22780992

It's funny how the only book on your list not written by a jew is the Power of Posture.

>> No.22781270

I haven't read a single book in years (actually I only read like 2 books in my life) and I browse /lit/ daily and post my opinions.

>> No.22781278

Want to get to 40 but I really slacked off since Thanksgiving week. I can definitely do 2 books this month, maybe 3. 4 though? That might be too much. Even for a great man such as myself.

>> No.22781544

it's over...

>> No.22781603
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29 (I'm a slow reader) !