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22771615 No.22771615 [Reply] [Original]

What is the purpose of life?

>> No.22771617
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The purpose of life is increase consciousness and to have Joy and happiness by any means. The most general purpose is "spiritual evolution". Our spirits are evolving through forms and experiences in order to achieve higher levels of consciousness and get our full potential.

in order you have a better consciousness, you will have to serve God and do whatever he wants you will usually know what he really wants from you in dreams and you should try to understand your dreams

When tough difficulties happens we need the help of God, We must try our best and ask God for help. We need to hope and trust the love of God. Everything does happen for a reason and we are always where we should be, where we can gather the most valuable lessons. We are in here to build the planet and improve it and increase our consciousness, It is a relief from past mistakes and traumas.

>> No.22771621

To propagate

>> No.22771646

purpose lies in their responsibilities to their family or friends.

>> No.22771650
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Whose responsibility? That’s a whole lotta assumptions there, bud!

>> No.22771652

family or friends and women

>> No.22771659

Doing what you want (not same as what you think you want)

>> No.22771666

to turn that shit up to 11 and play some real rock n roll! \m/

>> No.22771672
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>> No.22771682
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>> No.22771717
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>> No.22771750

The only purpose of any living thing is to eat, sleep, breed, and die. You get to choose what you do with the rest of your time.

>> No.22771752
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>> No.22771759
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>> No.22771763
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eat and sleep and die? where have you left your brain?

>> No.22771832

For me the meaning of life is the pursuit of happiness without taking the happiness from others and helping others to have happiness. Happiness would be the basic biological, psychological, social etc needs. Also abstraction and contemplation of reality.

>> No.22771840
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God bless you brother

>> No.22771887

reproduce new offsprings

>> No.22771907

To survive, dominate, and propagate. It is the ultimate common denominator among all forms of life in existence.

>> No.22771953

I think purpose is the wrong word. A screwdriver has a purpose. You could argue genes have a purpose. An organism might have a purpose. Life itself, as in, to live, be alive, all living matter- I don't think it has a purpose, it just is. In that sense, perhaps life does have a purpose, and perhaps it is just something to get through, a process that leads onto something else, or not, but it does end, and maybe that's the whole point of it.

>> No.22771977
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it just is and keep the purpose in mind, it doesn't end it get recycled with new faces

>> No.22771995
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What do you mean exactly? doing what you really want or what you think you really wanted to be doing?

>> No.22772058

that's not right

>> No.22772121

why are christbots suddenly spamming this board with the same five or six images over and over again?

>> No.22772181
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ask your mom

>> No.22772183
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>> No.22772222
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to get better and stronger in every single way possible and to beat the competition in righteousness and goodness to be better and brighter

>> No.22772460
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>> No.22772478

To struggle.

>> No.22772498

you don't see anything in life beyond struggling?

>> No.22772509

>it is a privilege to fight

>> No.22772567

To just be alive.
When you are truly living, the meaning and purpose of life needs no words or ideas, it is simply amazing.

>> No.22772942

to gain enough strength to face death, to prepare the soul for the journey to come

>> No.22773037
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>> No.22773244


*Whatever you make of it.

>> No.22773593

You are 4556677

>> No.22773596

God bless you, I hope you get saved

>> No.22773640

I was saved, I am saved and I will be saved.
>prot mind blown

>> No.22773647
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Honest to god, it might just be stack paper/get bitches. I know I sound as though I've plumbed only the most shallow of philosophical waters, but I assure this is not the case. All roads keep leading to this simple truth.

>> No.22773819
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We know that we don't know

>> No.22774379


>> No.22774386


>Anonymous Mon, Feb 10, 2014 20:50:37 No.4556677
>Fight Club
>The Lost Weekend
>Less Than Zero
>Needful Things

Nope. Wasn't me.

>> No.22774387
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Maybe there is no purpose at all, and it's all just random shit happening.

>> No.22774394

To travel through it and come back to its source, the One

>> No.22774398

I feel like this is a bot.

>> No.22774501
File: 210 KB, 800x487, revelation 2217 kjv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey /lit/ anons, watch this short gospel video if you'd like to be 100% sure of going to heaven after you die. It's easy to be saved from hell fire.


>> No.22774566
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NDErs say that the meaning of life is to learn to love and be kind and thrive here despite how hard it is in this world. So how is it going anon? <3

They also talk about how life is like a simulation or a video game and you actually chose to come here. So whatever at everyone and everything and just have fun your own way.

And NDEs are irrefutable proof of life after death, because anyone can have them if they come close to and survive death. And they are so undeniably real to those who have them: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U00ibBGZp7o

As this NDEr described their NDE:

>"I saw how life never ends. I remembered the process of reincarnation is endless, wonderful and truly eternal. I witnessed my own spiritual evolution and saw that I had existed long before this present incarnation (where I am now a male human). For me, watching the process of living life, after life, after life unfold, was mind-blowing! I undeniably observed that I had lived an innumerable amount of lives. My NDE clearly showed me that these bodies (we now inhabit) are not the first and only time we have existed! I saw that our soul and spirit is ancient! I also observed that there is no such thing as death."

And importantly, even dogmatic skeptics have this reaction, because the NDE convinces everyone. So anyone would be convinced if they had an NDE, we already know this, no one's skepticism is unique. And the book in pic related is known to convince even hardened skeptics that there is an afterlife.

>muh brain chemistry

Neuroscientists are convinced by NDEs too. What do skeptics think they understand that neuroscientists do not?

>muh DMT causes it

Scientifically refuted already, and NDErs who have done DMT too say that the DMT experience, while alien and really cool and fun, was still underwhelming to the point of being a joke when compared to the NDE.

>> No.22774745
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God bless you

>> No.22774748

you are Needful Things

>> No.22774816

To smoke the most weed dude

>> No.22774849

Some kind of work. And I don't mean slaving, I mean accomplishing something. Also love.

>> No.22774871
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>> No.22775261
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>> No.22775316

God bless

>> No.22775382

The goal of life cannot be both to "increase consciousness" and "to have Joy and happiness by any means," as these often come into conflict. This is illustrated by the common saying: "ignorance is bliss."
Anti-climacus says as much when he identifies increasing consciousness as being directly correlated with increasing despair. It is evident to all that this is at least partially true, that very often increasing our consciousness, our awareness, our knowledge, leads to immense pain and mental suffering, suffering which is nonetheless meant to be overcome, but certainly not for the sake of "Joy and happiness by any means."

>> No.22775385

to harness more energy, obviously. until we are part of a web of type 3 civilizations and a 4th dimension being puts the milky way in his gastank

>> No.22775386

And what do you think about it? all i see is objections

>> No.22775391
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how do you harness more energy without consciousness

>> No.22775394

you will never be a 4d