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22768946 No.22768946 [Reply] [Original]

Me and a couple friends want to strat a book clubs about cyberpunk/cybernetics with a focus on theory more than fiction. The goal would be to start with something like Neuromancer and end on something like Nick Land or beyond. I've got some loose knowledge about Land, Mark Fisher, Deluze, etc but not enough to really build a concrete list. Also noted that this would a first encounter with these themes for most people on the group.

Any recs? I kind of lost on the fiction part but I'm open to manga/comics suggestions too.

>> No.22769017

Check out Maturana&Varela's Autopoiesis: The Organization of the Living for a cybernetic take on biology. If you end up liking it you can read Luhmann, who applies autopoietic theory to sociology.

>> No.22769020

>focus on theory
so you're a crypto marxist trying to use trendy science to revitalize a dead end belief system?

>> No.22769027

Not just that

Watch behind the veil

>> No.22769125

Thanks, looks really interesting!

>> No.22769165

>trendy science
Are you posting from the 1960s?

>> No.22769202

they were doing cyber feminism haraway style and other retardation much later than that

>> No.22769215

"Cybernetics" isn't (or originally wasn't) cyberpunk sci-fi roleplaying, zoomer.

>> No.22769235

You know I read Cybernetics by Wiener? Of course you don't, you fucking posturing pseud feggot

>> No.22769267

The only thing you read is instructions for applying hemorrhoid ointment to your war-torn anus, you sexy fuckable twink faggot.

>> No.22769558
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