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2276646 No.2276646 [Reply] [Original]

>"please don't call it xmas, because you musn't take the Christ out of Christmas."

>> No.2276651

Let the Christ-Mass begin.

>> No.2276654

it was christians who shortened it. also they shouldnt have taken the saturn out of saturnalia, those hypocrites.

>> No.2276656

>Call it Crimbo

>> No.2276662

Seriously, when I asked about it, was told just an abbreviation. Later told it's Jewish for false prophet.

>> No.2276664

That feel when I celebrate Chrismukkah

>> No.2276674
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Well, some folks around here have started calling it "Christfest", so as to disassociate it from the commercial jollyness and whathaveyou. So they go around saying "happy Christfest!" to people. Quite odd.

What? Xmas? Seriously?

>> No.2276679
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That feel when I celebrate Festivus.

>> No.2276691

lol thats great. i should watch seinfeld

>> No.2276698

>Not calling it 'Yule'

Silly anglophones.

>> No.2276714
File: 4 KB, 132x128, There is no Allah but Tater.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I'm the only viking weeabear that celebrates negative bonermas

>> No.2276716

it's not "jewish" (or hebrew) for false prophet, in fact, the reason jews are called kikes is because on ellis island they couldn't read but refused to mark "X" as their names because it was a cross representing jesus, so they signed circles (aka "kikel" in hebrew) instead, so the guards started calling them kikes, or people who sign with circles

I am extremely socially liberal and hate religion, but refuse to identify with the modern politically correct bullshit that has made the left a parody of itself. shit that pisses me off

>the war on hypocritical war on christianity, so that christmas trees are now fucking "holiday trees" because schools don't want to offend anybody, but then they have fucking "islam awareness week" in the same motherfucking school

fuck you, and fuck islam. it's motherfucking christmas, so stop trying to suck that uncut muslim cock so much that bash your own people and we end up like the sharia-fighting shitstorm that is europe

if you even imply multi-culturalism is bad you are automatically racist, fuck this brainwashed 1st world amalgam of soft ass white people, I kind of almost hope the durkas do drop a bomb in the US so you will wake the fuck up

>> No.2276719


>uncut muslim cock

do you even read

>> No.2276720

was Kubrick killed by Illuminati?

>> No.2276723

>inb4 the eerie hints Kubrick dropped about faking the moon landing

>> No.2276742
File: 143 KB, 1382x765, purelove.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw my family has no religion and we are not consumist pigs
>mfw there is not a single chirstmas decoration in my house
>mfw we celebrate just me, my brother, my father and my mother, because that's the family I grew up with. No hypocrites allowed.
>mfw my mom made a beautiful cake, and we are going to have a nice dinner tonight
>mfw after that we sit in the couch and chat, then we exchange glorious presents
>mfw we watch a movie together and that's it
>mfw happy atheist family xmas

>> No.2276748
File: 31 KB, 300x414, pynchon-668600..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I'm atheist
>mfw someone tells me "Merry Christmas" I answer "Thanks, have a merry christmas too"
>mfw I'm not a bitter neckbeard that will cry about a cultura holiday being celebrated

>> No.2276758

>I am extremely socially liberal
>watch out the muzzies are taking over

>> No.2276759
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>mfw when you think that's special.
>mfw /pol/ shit on /lit/

>> No.2276764
File: 38 KB, 798x500, putin-medvedev-laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>our faces when westerners say Xmas instead of year death industrial reset period

>> No.2276768

Well, it is special. Maybe not for /lit/, but the majority of people just can't even cope with something like this.

>> No.2276769

I'm with you OP. People really seem to have forgotten that the first 5 letters of Christmas spell CHRIST. Why do they seem so eager to leave that part out???

>> No.2276788

they don't dislike you because you celebrate a largely secularized winter holiday slightly differently than religious people do, they dislike you because you're obviously pretty obnoxious about it

>> No.2276797

The X os an abbreviation meaning christ. check it out: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TodayIFoundOut/~3/BqL9G3kzVGM/

>> No.2276805

>assumptions everywhere

What on earth are you talking about? I'm talking about not dealing with the fact that people don't celebrate Christmas. Some people can't, not that they dislike it, they just don't understand, they make a "wtf" face, not a hate face.

And why do you even think I'm obnoxious about it? Did I imply any invasive behavior with what I said? Where are you coming from with all that hate?

>> No.2277030

>mfw the X is actually Chi, first letter of "Christ" in Greek