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22763578 No.22763578 [Reply] [Original]

Describe 'Love' to me, /lit/.

>> No.22763593

when there is a squeezing on your throat and your heart sinks like a wrecked ship

>> No.22763607
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Get medical help immediately, you might have internal injuries.

>> No.22763671
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Unknowable until it's inescapable

>> No.22764883

Madness normalized

>> No.22764886


>> No.22764895
File: 785 KB, 3024x4032, IMG_2370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love is finding this every time you come home from work

>> No.22764896

An ass pimple?

>> No.22764904

Nah that's not a pimple. I pump some much jizz into that butt it comes out her pores. Seethe more incel

>> No.22764927

But why do you like ugly pictures of ugly women with ass pimples? And why do you write like a retard? Too many things are unexplained here

>> No.22764962

that's a dude, look at the broad shoulders

>> No.22765035

holy cope lol

>> No.22766260


>> No.22766277
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Love is an ever-growing sense of trust, respect, and devoting that feels like overflowing with a bubble of incandescent numinous infinite possibility.


>> No.22767289
File: 2.23 MB, 2560x1663, One_of_the_iwan_ceilings_of_Fatima_Masumeh_Shrine_in_atabki_sahn,_Qom,_Iran.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love is Imam Ali's message to Imam Hasan, his eldest son,

>From the father who is (shortly) to die, who acknowledges the hardships of the times, who has turned away from life, who has submitted himself to the (calamities of) time, who realizes the evils of the world, who is living in the abodes of the dead and is due to depart from them any day; to the son who yearns for what is not to be achieved, who is treading the path of those who have died, who is the victim of ailments, who is entangled in the (worries of the) days, who is a target of hardships, a slave of the world, a trader of its deception, a debtor of wishes, a prisoner of mortality, an ally of worries, a neighbour of grief, a victim of distresses, who has been overpowered by desires, and who is a successor of the dead.
>Now (you should know that) what I have learnt from the turning away of this world from me, the onslaught of time over me and the advancing of the next world towards me is enough to prevent me from remembering anyone except myself and from thinking beyond myself. But when I confined myself to my own worries leaving the worries of others, my intelligence saved me and protected me from my desires. It clarified to me my affairs and led me to seriousness wherein there was no trickery and truth which was not tarnished by falsehood. >Here, I found you a part of myself, rather I found you my whole, so much so that if anything befell you, it was as though it befell me and if death came to you it was as though it came to me. Consequently, your affairs meant to me what my own matters meant to me.

Love is when Imam Hasan was poisoned, and he sent for his little brother Imam Husain, who started crying upon seeing the state of his older brother

>"O’ my brother, what are you crying for? Hussain a.s replied: I cry because of the cruelty afflicted on you. Imam Hasan a.s said: In my case, the cruelty which will be afflicted on me is that I will be killed through poisoning. But, O’ Aba Abdillah, no one will have the day like the day you will have, the day when thirty thousand will surround you and claim that they are from the Ummah of our Grandfather, the Prophet of Islam saww, and they block the religion on themselves. They all prepare and collaborate with your killing and spilling your blood, and to disrespect you, and take your family as prisoners, and loot your property... and everything will be weeping for you and your maltreatment, even the wild animals in the fields, fish in the seas, and all the creatures of the earth and the sky will cry for all the maltreatment inflicted on you."

>> No.22767505

Yeah thanks