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/lit/ - Literature

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22763342 No.22763342 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/ humor thread

>> No.22763357

Storm of Steel and Hunger are my favorites kek

What does that say about me?

>> No.22763362

that you are le edgy 4channel contrarian!!!! you win the internet today!!!!! freaking based :P

>> No.22763379

Contrarian? Are you retarded?

>> No.22763381

She didn't mention Mein Kampf, so I should be fine.

>> No.22763383

Anyone who can completely finish Mein Kampf without falling asleep at the very least 5 times has to have incredible patience and a firm unshakable iron will. That's my analysis of you anon, thoughts?

>> No.22763393

>implying women even know those books
I date a PhD and besides ya she only knows Murakami

>> No.22763398

posts like these make it obvious that this is written by men as rage bait

>> No.22763403
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Despite of the disingenuous depiction of Mein Kampf as a supposedly sleep-inducing work, I nonetheless appreciate your keen observation of my outstanding, character-defining qualities, anon.

>> No.22763405

>Avoid WW2 and Rome buffs
Sinophiles rise up

>> No.22763406
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> Avoid anyone into Aristotle, Nietzsche, and especially Derrida and Foucault. Kant and Hegel is generally okay.
I've never seen a fan of Hegel or Kant who wasn't mentally ill.

>> No.22763412
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Read and LOVE LOVE Kant

>> No.22763417

She didn't mention "Industrial Society and its Future", either.

>> No.22763420

I am not edgy. I am usually laughing
Idk what is that lad on about. Hunger isnt really contrarian. I just like books about different people than me
I did read it with 13-14 years to see what Hitler was about
Rise yugoslav war autists

(We listen to jolly turbofolk that talks about killing all the other nationalities)

>> No.22763431

It says that you have bad taste

>> No.22763546

american women be like

>> No.22763547

Great, a giant echochamber full of psycho bitches. I'm sure these people aren't nightmares to deal with irl.

>> No.22764058

>no Lolita
I'm shocked it wasn't at the top of her list, but I'm glad I'm safe, hehe.

>> No.22764065

Can you even imagine a woman being able to maintain an autistic interest the way some men on /lit/ or /x/ do? Any time someone counters this, it's "ummm my sister is really into Russian lit / my girlfriend does some shit for a job." I mean autism. I mean making 40k a year selling paint and teaching yourself Sanskrit and having a life story like "I went to jail and became a Kashmir Shaivite and had to meditate while degenerates were screaming and fighting around me" (shoutout to pizzaman).

Women are just featureless by comparison. All their struggles and achievements are more everyday, they mostly seek immediate and generic "happiness," in the form of contentment, creature comforts, and hedonistic pleasure. They are like vacationers in life, whereas men are shipwrecked retards on the shores of life with a single hatchet.

>> No.22764067

It's Kafka and Woolf for me, looks like they'll think I'm a neurotic anxiety ridden loser with daddy issues who is ALSO just trying to in their pants.

>> No.22764076
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Friendly reminder :D

>> No.22764811


>> No.22764842

german idealists just cant stop winning

>> No.22764853

gee thanks for the recs. is sun and steel that great?

>> No.22764881
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>> No.22764946

>likeing tolstoy and dostoyevsky means youre a pessimistic misanthrope


>> No.22764967

>Kant and Hegel are ok
Females are auto filtered by these. Marx gets the panties dropped almost everytime.

>> No.22765280
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>> No.22765467

German Idealism-cels still haven't recovered from this

>> No.22765488

I bought Atlas Shrugged, didn't finish it but my fiance got me to read it after she picked it up and couldn't put it down. I've read it twice now.
Make of that what you will, maybe women on Reddit are retarded but I couldn't possibly say.

>> No.22765517

You are a retarded person. Women fuck when they're young around because they realize, correctly, that nothing matters more than life itself. Young men fool themselves that muh hecking ancient Roman aqueducts are important. Whereas women realize that literally the only important thing on Earth is safeguarding the young of the species, and if you're not currently safeguarding a child then nothing else is all that important

>> No.22765518

this is a pretty good indicator that someone is just getting their opinions from a meme aesthetics twitter or some shit

>> No.22765534

I wonder how difficult it'd be to naturally come across Dostoyevsky if you didn't have access to meme accounts on the internet. Like, the ratio of guys who learned about Dostoyevsky via some "based" YouTuber vs guys who happened across Dostoyevsky in a used bookstore must be 1,000 to 1

>> No.22765540

it says you got memed into reading a subpar book by a Mongolian anime imageboard because online weirdos told you it was Le Based and Epicly Redpilled

Hunger is good tho

>> No.22765550 [SPOILER] 
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this anons hatred makes me laugh
he’s right though

>> No.22766101
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>> No.22766479


>> No.22766553

Millenials might be the worst generation in history

>> No.22766587
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>> No.22766588
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>> No.22766593
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>> No.22766599
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>> No.22766601
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>> No.22766603
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>> No.22766607
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>> No.22766611
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>> No.22766613
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>> No.22766616
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>> No.22766657

Casual reminder that Female Dating Strategy is just femcels who look and act something like this

>> No.22766661

It's odd that women spend so much time thinking about sex and yet the overwhelming majority of marriages are in a situation where the husband is starved for sex

>> No.22766680
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>> No.22766715

>Weeb shit
That's def written by a dude

>> No.22766723

???How did you even find this youtube channel??

>> No.22766742
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She has a bit of clout in lolcow circles.

tl;dr L. Frank Baum's Oz was actually a whole book series, and that woman is obsessed with her interpretation of one obscure character called The Wogglebug from a later book in the series. The whole purpose of the character as Baum wrote it is that he's annoying and pretentious, but that woman loves him and has spent THOUSANDS commissioning art for children's' books, whole voice-acted movies, and even plushies trying to make Wogglebug into a viable kids' franchise. She even put in her own biases about the Wogglebug, making him an antitheist because she's an angry atheist, and repeatedly insisting that he's not gay even though he dresses all fancy


>> No.22766753

Thank you for this. It is very funny.

>> No.22766788
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Enjoy the laughs. Anything to steer this thread in a new direction

>> No.22766798
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>Avoid anyone WHO ISNT into FOUCAULT
>Ask him what his favorite book is: If it isn’t Discipline and Punish, Madness and Civilization, or the History of Sexuality, RUN!
>Anything by any author other than FOUCAULT use caution

>> No.22766816
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>> No.22767018
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>thread starts off with some shit that isn't even from 4chan
Immensely grim

>> No.22767042

Idk what it's like in the US, but Dostoevsky is pretty known here in Europe amongst book readers in general. Usually you'll find his work in basically any library if it has a classics section. And it's been that way way before YouTube was a thing

>> No.22767104

Same in the arab world. He is one of the most well-known and translated non-arabic writers

>> No.22767158

buttmad artfag still salty over failing calc 2 I see.

>> No.22767166
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>> No.22767194
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>> No.22767195
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>> No.22767199

My heart is Bosnian

>> No.22767204

But I only read math textbooks...

>> No.22767212

But I like classical music...

>> No.22767222

Based DFW artfag poster

>> No.22767229

To be fair to the OP image, I don't think Focaultists are interested in women

>> No.22767281


>> No.22767346

Women from an early age know that they have the inherent ability to generate life which conditions their thoughts and interests. They have no comparable urge to create or master the world around them as they already have the capacity to create beyond man's inherent ability and are "masters" of their womb.
This is an aspect of the female psyche that conditions and colours all aspects of their lives. In terms of interests hobbies, they are driftwood carried by the currents and trends around them without will or choice. They do not engage in activities for the sake of their own interest or to test their ability, but to enhance their social standing. This is why women in relationships, especially younger ones, often absorb the interests of their partner, and why they are so susceptible to social media and fads. They have no male urge to create or master because they implicitly understand that they already possess it; interests are then simply a tool for social enhancement. You can see it in OPs very post where they judge literature as a measure of social standing.

>> No.22767595

Nah she's right about this one. Becoming mentally ill is just what happens after you become transcendentally enlightened.

>> No.22767709
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>Dickens is a win
I guess im reading that

>> No.22767720

the other objects here are not worth calling attention to at all

>> No.22767721


>> No.22767722
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>> No.22767758
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>other objects stood out
>written by a woman
>what did she mean by this

>> No.22768359
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>> No.22768408

I hate the demiurge. I hate the demiurge.

>> No.22768432

4th stanza is fantastic

>> No.22768492

I love The Ego and It's Own by Max Stirner
and like Evola so far, what does that say about me?

>> No.22768703

>If a guy is into HP he is immature
>If a female is into HP its ok

What did this femcel even mean

>> No.22768736

>If he's into any major 19th century Russian Literature...then he's most likely a pessimistic misanthrope disillusioned by humanity
how did she know

>> No.22768746



>> No.22768840
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>> No.22768908
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>> No.22768923

I would sooner think a born again Tradlarper.

>> No.22768940

Does the average person even know who Franzen, Palahniuk, Pynchon, or Chabot is?

>> No.22768952

I work in a warehouse for books. The only canonical text we stock is Crime and Punishment, because Dostoevsky is the most well-known canon author besides Shakespeare, who doesn't sell. You are retarded and what you wrote speaks only of the mentally deficient environment you are immersed in.

>> No.22768953

I laughted out loud.

>> No.22768963
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>> No.22769042

I am dangerously close to turning into one of these. Too much exposure to beautiful Christian imagery of late. An aesthetic appreciation of something is not a sound basis for faith in it, but it is strangely convincing.

>> No.22769076

Just start reading Matthew (the first book of the New Testament) and see how you like it.

>> No.22769519

Chabon in particular is a weird choice, he isn't similar to those other guys at all.
Not wanting to be with a Palahniuk fan I can understand, if even Fight Club is a solid read.

>> No.22769592

>anything by Margaret Atwood or Toni Morrison
never will I ever say those whores are worth reading, not even as a lie for sex. Fuck that, I have standards.

>> No.22769662

start reading the Gospel of John and see how that treats you. Also listen to some Renaissance polyphony, Palestrina's Sicut Cervus is excellent.

>> No.22769676

holy shit he became Goldmask. fucking kek

>> No.22769769

>Works in a warehouse
>Gets triggered when someone uses the retard word
It's ok anon

>> No.22769803

Has anyone got the greentext of the "writer" who seethed at his friends who mocked his novel and then destoryed his manuscript and cried? The ITT was of Van Gogh, if I remember correctly.

>> No.22770072

Redditors don’t read

>> No.22770083

I thought the implied joke of the circled one was that you can get promoted more quickly if your superiors keep getting blown up and I like that version much better.

>> No.22770089

No, itäs not. As you assume, I find myself among among actual inbreds and mentally disabled people. I still find more retardation on /lit/. Idiotically insulting people online over pretentious nothings is the only way I have to cope with my failure
Fuck you all

/My chances well they've come and gone
Booze is the only way I can make it through each day
without blowing my brains on the wall/

>> No.22770109

>/lit/ humor thread
it's funny how all these humor threads across the site just turn into "incels screeching" threads

>> No.22770114

phds mean nothing these days

>> No.22770130

He never specified which field either. It’s like complaining that someone who’s a professor of Philosophy can’t perform a heart surgery.

>> No.22770177

You've sold me I will read it

>> No.22770403

It's an endurance test and the paper proves that you can suffer for prolonged periods of time if need be.

>> No.22770866
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>> No.22770930

Anyone got that ebonics translation of Odyssey?

>> No.22771032

>Marx gets the panties dropped almost everytime.
Marxist here. Tends to not drop panties. Especially if you talk about Marx's autocritique, and Engels being a better author except Anti-Duhring.

You imagine a certain kind of woman as essential, and Marx as actualising this woman's desires. Marx is a dense Hegelian argument about aufheben in historical being. Tends to get you nowhere.

Now Engels fucked two working class sisters and partied hard. But he lived off a factory trust fund.

>> No.22771089

My IQ is 140 and I'm currently struggling to find an entry level retail job

>> No.22771127

I don't think I've bothered to keep reading before.
This is very funny.

>> No.22771163


>> No.22771445

She was doing well until
>kant and hegel is generally okay

>> No.22771604

Why should I care of what some roasting thinks about what I read is the real question

>> No.22771628

>back to school
>kids and toys

>> No.22771856

>Engels being a better author

Engels is probably the only major marxist personality who was not a genius. Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, all geniuses.

>> No.22771867

I'm trans, btw

>> No.22771904

No wonder you like Engels then. Strange opinion.

>> No.22771924

You are very close, if you are already knowledgeable of Hegel he makes arguments about what he called divine law that females intuitively understand and how these sometimes clash with state law which is something that mature males intuitively understand. Unless the female in question is already familiar with Marx, and I mean actually well read not just left politically speaking, you might be going well over their head, use Marx's arguments about his interpretation of Hegel's State laws as though they were Hegel's arguments presented as Hegelian divine laws and this is sufficient to communicate to basic female intuition without confusing them by making them think too much. Hope that helped.

>> No.22772687

checked and nice file name

>> No.22772944


>> No.22772979

I know the person in charge of ordering these products for Indigo. Shes very hot but wound up tighter than an elastic ball.

>> No.22773303
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>> No.22773304
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>> No.22773383

>worships jewish history gatekeepers

>> No.22773402
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Was this intended as a joke?

>> No.22773590

>barren women
Hearty kek

>> No.22773597


>> No.22773600


>> No.22773613
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>unless it's Frankenstein, then he's an adorable weirdo

>> No.22773615

If you are actually traditional you are not larping. Söyboys have been ruining that word lately.

>> No.22773626

Rishi doesn't look like Lovecraft
He looks like saint blackops2cel with a better hairline

>> No.22773687

yep, most likely written by /lit/ fag

>> No.22773830

Although women should like ayn rand I think

>> No.22774235

/r/ing the "he gave my sister a wheel of cheese" social media shitpost.

>> No.22774249

That's not what he (male) said. "[T]hen I'm sorry" means it isn't okay for foids, either.

>> No.22774319
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>> No.22774844

>Engels is probably the only major marxist personality who was not a genius.
>[I have never worked a day in my life]
Good to know. Please keep LARPing, it keeps the state off my back.

>You are very close, if you are already knowledgeable of Hegel he makes arguments about what he called divine law that females intuitively understand and how these sometimes clash with state law which is something that mature males intuitively understand. Unless the female in question is already familiar with Marx, and I mean actually well read not just left politically speaking, you might be going well over their head, use Marx's arguments about his interpretation of Hegel's State laws as though they were Hegel's arguments presented as Hegelian divine laws and this is sufficient to communicate to basic female intuition without confusing them by making them think too much. Hope that helped.
These days I stick to fucking them hard and fast, none of this continental stuff, it just confuses them. Generally any woman who can keep up with me intellectually is worth more with her mouth not filled with my cock. Now talking with such a woman while a mere female academic or professional is sucking my cock would be okay, but I don't mix business with pleasure. So I'd have to stop doing the business with the mere academic to start the pleasure of talking with a scholar.

Seriously though, women just need cocking three times a week. Resets their heads. Keeps them in the kitchen. The main advantage of polyandry is that you don't have to fuck the cunt as often. Brother husbands you know what I'm saying about the cunt taking time away from men's work.

As far as the world of the divine, women don't actually have access to it. It is more women don't have a fully functioning interior subjectivity and thus aren't required by the reflection of the reflection of the reflection to interrogate themselves in action. They can just act. Again: fucking three times a week stops hysteria by causing the cervix to orgasmically palpate, thus preventing uncaused hysteria.

I'm not joking. I'm joking. I'm not joking.


>> No.22774845

Mao was far from a genius. Maybe strategically, I don't know anything about that. But his thoughts were never brilliant.

>> No.22774876

Mao was slightly more aware of contradictions than other Leninist thinkers. Which is fairly unusual within Leninism. DESU if you're looking for intellectual Leninists try Frankfurt, Althusser, Lenin (but Lenin outside of Agronomy needs to be read as a political intervener), and some of the Trots. No not Cliff. And if you're going to read Lenin read his book on Russian agronomy.

By the time we hit CLR James / PO AO we're talking post-Leninist anyway.

>> No.22775300

How terminally online do you have to be to think that no one would have ever heard of classic works of literature if it weren't for meme accounts? I'm not well-read at all and I wouldn't say I'm particularly smart, but I'd still heard of Dostoevsky because the name gets thrown around a lot. The average person has definitely heard of Crime and Punishment.

>> No.22775421

Fuck I really havent read real literature since highschool. I need to pick something up other than shitty korean isekais, im rotting my brain. Catcher in the rye is my favorite book.

>> No.22775589
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>> No.22776311

>”weeb shit”
>knows who Dostoevsky is
>knows who Kant and Hegel are

This was written by a man. I’ve not met a single female in my entire life who knew who Kant was.

>> No.22776331
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>all those /r9k/ incels from a decade ago who hated women
>every troon i encounter is obsessed with decade-old 4chan memes

>> No.22776364

the entire subreddit reads like a parody and has very low activity. I wouldn't be surprised if it's 90% sockpuppet accounts making these posts just to take a screenshot to point at and say, "wamen bad."

>> No.22776406

Haha damn underrated

>> No.22776414


>> No.22776542

Also both Kant and Hegel consider women inferior beings

>> No.22776868

based take aside from Pynchon being grouped with the fight club guy

>> No.22776914
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>you have to be 6'4 and a billionaire to meet the standards of a woman of this caliber

>> No.22776925

what are you playing at lad
back to the /'it/ you go

>> No.22777685

It's real.
Why? It made sense for them to delve into "reading enhancements" like candles for atmosphere, or warm socks; why go so far as to become some horrid (albeit high quality) Target clone?

>> No.22777691

*higher quality
There are always cheap trinkets in the cashier line, and the general crowd of costumers has become seedier.

>> No.22777796
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>he does not know of Obama's college dating strategy

>> No.22777968
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>> No.22778188

He was an intellectual player

>> No.22778191


>> No.22778206

I share this viewpoint.

>> No.22778512

He's not wrong. Comes on too strong in the comment, but he's not wrong.

>> No.22778538

Everyone knows Barry is a certified fruit. His relationships with these women were chaste cause that nigga gay

>> No.22778601

It's a weird generalization, because it implies you have super narrow impressions of both tech people and other art types. Like art snobs with different tastes won't sneer at a poem or book or sculpture you like for equally incommunicable reasons, or like a certain class of artist doesn't think you're a retard for not seeing how challenging and important their toilet bowl and the word RAPE in balloon letters on the wall behind it is.
You can't communicate aesthetics to someone who doesn't already share them. I know tons of tech fags, and while it's true that most of them have shit taste, most of my "artist" aquaintances have equally (if differently) shit taste.
Obsession with optimization, maximization, efficiency is just another aesthetic hangup; they can't explain to you why it's beautiful to them, the same way you apparently can't explain to them why what you think is beautiful actually is.

>> No.22778742

I don't know, the dfwposter's talking about something different. there are occasionally artists with no taste, occasionally writers with mediocre taste, occasionally programmers with excellent taste, etc. but dfwposter's not really talking about taste, but a certain aesthetic sensibility. speaking in generalities (which is all any of us can ever do) I think he's onto something. artfags can see and praise and articulate the beauty in optimization, maximization, efficiency -- think of all the Futurist artists and poets -- but techfags can rarely walk into a contemporary art museum (or read a poem or whatever) and leave without saying something to the effect of "this isn't art" or "all of this is bad" (inb4 modern art le bad).
>You can't communicate aesthetics to someone who doesn't already share them.
in the sense of shared aesthetic values, maybe, sure. in the sense of aesthetic sensibility, the bare-bones capability to apply one's mind to questions of beauty... artfags tend to have a far easier time with this than techfags. which isn't surprising, one's an artfag and one's a techfag. but in my experience won't acknowledge that they're blind to this, but instead will insist, over and over and over, that there's nothing there.
(and speaking from my own experience, the people I know who are the most dismissive of and hostile to the arts are techfags. every single time.)

>> No.22778760

>it's real

>> No.22778771

>it's real
of course it's real. what, did you think that women didn't have their own version of r/theredpill?

>> No.22778862

I think I see what you mean, but I attribute that more to professional hostilities than an actual innate lack of aesthetic perspective. Tech fags resent art because in their view art is something frivolous everyone enjoys and would do for fun if they had no practical concerns. Mostly they justify their existence by their professional merit and resent the artist's freedom and confidence that anyone gives a shit what they think.
Similarly, I think artists frequently resent technicians for having a financial stability and a sense of superiority they can defend in objective terms, and frequently denigrate the value of what they do, even when it's manifest. Shit like calling 'em "shape rotators" or whatever as if technical subjects are
Ultimately, I think your average tech guy is the same as you or me, but deeply insecure about others accepting his personal opinion insofar as it IS his personal opinion. Or plain autistic, there's no denying tech attracts them.
Either way, if you can frame an aesthetic belief in terms of the technical challenges it poses, that often gets tech guys on board. Math educators fall all over themselves to try and convince students that math is "beautiful" and "elegant" but you don't often see artists try and explain why art is concretely valuable, or technically fascinating, even when it is.

>> No.22778982 [DELETED] 


>> No.22778996


>> No.22779178

There is nothing wrong about reading things I like to read

>> No.22779453
File: 23 KB, 354x447, Ed4IXnKWAAARYVu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now this is what I call lovecraftian irony

>> No.22779474
File: 11 KB, 500x400, seyer5e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mfw it actually works

>> No.22779533

Obama actually seems pretty alright from his books.

>> No.22779628

please kill yourself promptly.

>> No.22781005


Had a good laugh reading this.

>> No.22781587

>using Foucault to impress women
only fags are into that

>> No.22781618

This shows in particular when it comes to AI. Chinese slaves and other 100iq bug-men think they can create God himself using computers.. THE HUBRIS

>> No.22781718
File: 90 KB, 600x480, ds4yOKU5wWPnCnYwDwr0OncOjRJeoOeJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22781928

dead ass