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/lit/ - Literature

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22762055 No.22762055 [Reply] [Original]

>triggers /lit/
>filters /lit/
Why are you so afraid /lit/? Become one of the initiated. Not even the normies who claimed to have read this for SJW points even read it. It was too high brow for them. Join me. You won't regret reading this novel.

>> No.22762098

It just seems like a gimmick novel where I would imagine that the gimmick wears off pretty fast. Kind of like those novels nowdays where they play with the typesetting to make the words loop in circles and other weird shit. In order to be filtered there has to be some kind of content behind the gimmick which makes it worthwhile to suffer through. Doesn’t seem like the case here

>> No.22762153

>content behind the gimmick
At one point the narrator keeps repeating "Jesus saved me". At first you think it has to do with baptism or religion in her childhood. But as the novel progresses, you realize Jesus is a mexican who fixed a flat tire for her during a snowstorm. That's how Jesus saved her. Then once you make this connection you start to wonder about the significance of other random lines and repeated phrases. This invited deeper and closer reading. Plus there's the parallel of the narrator and the escaped mountain lion's story (which is in normal prose). Stop being a baby and read it you fag pseud.

>> No.22762204

What is the gimmick? It's length?

>> No.22762285

If you're asking it's for (you).

>> No.22762288

It's written in a highly stylized stream-of-consciousness that takes quite a large IQ to even begin to understand.

>> No.22762289

Why would one write a stream of consciousness novel that doesn't actually mirror the way anyone has ever thought? Or does this author really start every one of her thoughts with "the fact that?"

>> No.22762290

it's written in duck

>> No.22762300

Has something to do with the information age and how we're surfeited with FACTS. Try reading the book, chudster.

>> No.22762329

I tend to be around 5-10 years behind the times, eventually I will get to it.
Mirrors are flawed, at the very least they reverse the image but often heavily distort it, the technique is rarely 1:1 with reality and generally quite far off. But after reading 19,000+ occurrences of "the fact that" it will probably become fairly realistic. From the excerpts I have read I would be surprised if she has called it stream of consciousness, while it is structured that way it seems more a continuation of the Stein/Beckett brand of minimalism, seeing how far it can be taken.

>> No.22762563

Worst dog shit book I ever attempted to read. It's like a retarded talentless bitch decided to try and write what she thought was stream of consciousness. As much as the author wishes, there's nothing behind her retarded gimmick, even if Jesus changed her tires (OMG!) one or two steps up from Rupi Kaur

>> No.22762577

I will (maybe) get round to it after I finish all the books on Bloom's Western canon list in their original languages.

>> No.22762606

maybe. I spent a long time playing games on the internet where in order to communicate with the other players in the game, I would hit ENTER to bring up the text prompt, then hit ENTER to send the message I'd typed. most of my teenage years and maybe my early 20s, any thought I had in my internal monologue started and ending with ENTER. Like if I was admiring a girl's nice ass, in my head I would think "ENTER this girl has a really nice ass ENTER"

>> No.22762637 [DELETED] 

This probably makes me a bonafide misogynist and I’m not exactly proud of that because I actually do like women, or at least want to like women, but I just sincerely don’t believe modern women are will write anything good. As soon as I saw Lucy, I forgot the book existed.

>> No.22762640

This probably makes me a bonafide misogynist and I’m not exactly proud of that because I actually do like women, or at least want to like women, but I just sincerely don’t believe modern women will write anything good. As soon as I saw Lucy, I forgot the book existed.

>> No.22763042

..., the fact that I'm right, the fact that I couldn't care less about a rock-solid consensus, the fact that consensus wouldn't even make a difference, the fact that this novel is so fucking bad my rock solid cock could put together a more profound work, cock, cum, come my lady, come come my lady, come temporary, contemporary, the fact that you attribute my hatred for this novel to a fear for contemporary fiction, the fact that there are so many contemporary novelists better than this hack that your statement is funny to me, the fact that Norm MacDonald was funny and it's a bummer that he died, the fact that "the fact that" appropriately fits exactly with a dumb bitch writer its almost comedy to me, the fact that I don't need a rock-solid consensus to know that I'm intellectually superior to people who liked Ducks, Newburyport, ducks, Newburyport...

>> No.22763478

I could kill you with one strike of my left pinky finger. Let that sink in, cuckboy.

>> No.22763535


I had a brief look at this Lucy and it's not encouraging. Just another bien-pensant.

The technique is not original. It's what David Markson spent his life doing. You assemble a massive collage of random thoughts and factoids with some underlying concerns, or not. Usually with some slowly-emerging past trauma, or not. With a liberal-feminist bias, or definitely.

>> No.22763540

The entire novel is one single run-on sentence

>> No.22763555
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>the fact that another man fucked my wife and i liked it the fact that this is somehow considered a normal psychosexual phenomenon the fact that indisputably this is linked to my own self-loathing and the rotten underpinnings of my masculinity, underpin, undercut, wave-cut-ledge, sea defenses and rock armour, the victorians built recurved walls, the fact that he was black, the fact that although i am not a racist, in fact, i am anti-racist, the fact that it was still definitely relevant that he was black, the fact that i probably do in fact think that a black man is more of a man than i am, the fact that i wished he was more muscular, the fact that he was still stronger than me, the fact that his cock was as thick as a rolling pin, the fact that i got into an argument with a man who claimed that black men have larger penises and called him a bigot who credulously bought into 19th-century pseudoscientific notions of the sub-saharan black as brutish and inhuman, the fact that i do still in fact believe black men have larger penises, the fact that a dolphin's penis is like a corkscrew, and that they rape each other, the fact that ducks rape each other too, the fact that the whole of civilisation seems to have been created to stop people getting away with rape

>> No.22763602

Help me, the fact I'm getting terribly filtered by this novel.

>> No.22763608

jesus fucking christ lit board and you dont know basic grammar (now correct me for using lower case)

>> No.22763685
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Instead I will correct you for forgetting the apostrophe in don't.

>> No.22763768

False. There are actual prose sections narrating a mountain lioness in search of her lost cubs. This prose section parallels the events of the narrators life in some sense.

>> No.22763771

Hello, reddit.

>> No.22763842

I saw this in the library the other day. I flipped through it. It reads like a conversation with a menopausal leftie that you can't get away from. Like a woman who maybe once was a hot and a bit off the wall decades ago, but is now just lonely and crazy because she used to get attention for her looks and her vibe, and now she has neither. Like she could have gone the mystery illness route, or gone with being obsessive about some political cause, but instead chose to write one really long sentence for the attention she misses and craves so dearly.