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/lit/ - Literature

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22761558 No.22761558 [Reply] [Original]

Horror is the worst genre
I've never been scared by a book ever

>> No.22761565

Jerked off to her

>> No.22761569

That just means your imagination is shit.

>> No.22761576

I've never been scared by fiction ever since my balls dropped. The last thing I remember scaring me was M. Night Shalomgoymalan's Signs, and I was 11 at a time. I don't think anyone goes into books, movies, vidya and other forms of fiction expecting to be genuinely terrified, people just like spooky atmospheres and creative monsters. It's like a vaccine for the brain, we spoop ourselves with safe, ficitonal things in hopes of becoming braver when it comes to monsters of reality (like black people)

>> No.22761584

Don't know who she is but I really hope she doesn't cut her tits off.. I'm getting a bad feeling here..

>> No.22761588

Based and same
Based and fuck nigggers

>> No.22761589
File: 156 KB, 900x900, channels4_profile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's enbypilled now

>> No.22761592

It's not like you're going to get to fondle them anyways...

>> No.22761603
File: 215 KB, 550x507, 44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NO! It's okay to be unconventional as a woman! You are still a woman! There are all kinds of women! Don't cut them off!!! There's no such thing as an enby, you're just a slightly idiosyncratic woman and that's fine DON'T CUT YOUR TITS OFF PLEASE

>> No.22761610

lmao amerimutt females are something

>> No.22761679

Which books scared you

>> No.22762011

She's Canadian lol

>> No.22762050

Thats a man

>> No.22762062

>takes the enbypill
>becomes even cuter

>> No.22762066

is that a girl or a boy?

>> No.22762067

You can tell she is taking tretinoin. It doesnt look good

>> No.22762076

The only book that ever scared me was Between Two Fires, the chapter where the MC dies and goes to hell. Reading it was the only time in my life I contemplated converting to Christianity.

>> No.22762086

What made you read it

>> No.22762094

The synopsis on GoodReads

>> No.22762106


>> No.22762115

you will never be loved

>> No.22762155

Based book. For me it was the statues.

>> No.22762169

books that make you realize your social life is a simulation

>> No.22762180

Not that anon but I'd be interested to hear your concept of what love even is. I'm assuming you think it means positive, socially affirming attention

>> No.22762183

Nope sex

>> No.22762212

The Woman in the Dunes.

>> No.22762266
File: 179 KB, 705x551, 1560372388359.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I look just like her

>> No.22762272
File: 327 KB, 1803x2034, 81Zglq6MTLL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

picrel literally scared the shit out of me.

>> No.22762274

chicks dig that feminine looking male thing these days.

>> No.22762280

post me some pics unless you're a dude

>> No.22762282

I'm a dude

>> No.22762286

better get those T levels up up up then

>> No.22762306

Its over. My bones fused.

>> No.22762318

Doesn't matter, bud. It has no effect on your daily life.

>> No.22762323


>> No.22762349

Women are whores anyway
I'm 6'1 and I know this
Like what

>> No.22762409

In the miso soup my ryu murakami disturbed the shit out of me. The tension building up in that book was pretty scary.

>> No.22762462

Oh no no no whoever-this-girl-is bros

>> No.22762473

it follows scared me

>> No.22762538

when i was younger i would get scared of /x/ creepy pasta like candle cove and lavender town, there is just something creepy about taking something from your childhood that is innocent and making you realize there was some sinister force behind it

>> No.22762553

Does comics count?

>> No.22762592

Tender is the Flesh made me feel funny, if you know what i mean :/

>> No.22763098

oh, sorry I meant 'whores'

>> No.22763105

Hey that's Freud's thesis in the essay The Uncanny

>> No.22763111

You will never be a woman

>> No.22763114

Kill yourself tranny faggot

>> No.22763139

Same, horror doesn't work for me. Horror movies a little but not much.
Things in general even irl don't scare me.
There's was an abandoned wing at the hospital i used to work at, and I'd all the time just chill out there despite it being spooky

>> No.22763252

>I've never been scared by a book ever
not our fault our imagination is weak

>> No.22763329

OP is very brave, I wish I could be brave like him.

>> No.22763391

Tbh, they usually become more fashionable, a feminine trait, even if in a pseudo-masculine style

>> No.22763400

I've been loved by females though. Why did you feel the need to post that and project so hard?

>> No.22763407

I don't mean to be bragging or anything. Recommend me a good horror book, you whore

>> No.22763429

I don't really horror books, they're scary.

>> No.22763436


>> No.22763472

Horror isn't about scaring the audience, it's a form of "pessimist" literature that takes its themes from the unpalatable aspects of life (hopelessness, mortality, suffering etc.)

>> No.22763474

Rest assured that the politics of this board are far more disturbing than any horror literature.

>> No.22763662

rough menopause?