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File: 155 KB, 800x1022, Arthur_Schopenhauer_by_J_Schäfer,_1859b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22760476 No.22760476 [Reply] [Original]

>Let us protest and let us be angry, let us be indignant or let us be enthusiastic. Schopenhauer has marked humanity with the seal of his disdain and of his disenchantment. A disabused pleasure seeker, he overthrew beliefs, hopes, poetic ideals, and chimeras, destroyed the aspirations, ravaged the confidence of souls, killed love, dragged down the chivalrous worship of woman, crushed the illusions of hearts, and accomplished the most gigantic task ever attempted by skepticism. He passed over everything with his mocking spirit and left everything empty. And even today those who execrate him seem to carry portions of his thought, in spite of themselves, in their own souls.

>t. Guy de Maupassant

ironically, even all of his critics think the way he does. For all of those who have not yet read Schopenhauer because some retards advised you otherwise, saying that Schopenhauer was an "incel", pay them no heed and just read his work. You're welcome.

>> No.22760828

I remember reading a Kafka quote about Schopenhauer, he said for the language alone he should be read. Schopenhauer is a genius of prose, even if you completely disagree with him on everything philosophically(it means you are retarded), you cannot deny how great of a writer he is.

>> No.22760899

>Einstein described Schopenhauer's thoughts as a "continual consolation" and called him a genius. In his Berlin study three figures hung on the wall: Faraday, Maxwell, Schopenhauer.[144] Konrad Wachsmann recalled: "He often sat with one of the well-worn Schopenhauer volumes, and as he sat there, he seemed so pleased, as if he were engaged with a serene and cheerful work."
>When Erwin Schrödinger discovered Schopenhauer ("the greatest savant of the West") he considered switching his study of physics to philosophy.
>Richard Wagner became one of the earliest and most famous adherents of the Schopenhauerian philosophy.[149] The admiration was not mutual, and Schopenhauer proclaimed: "I remain faithful to Rossini and Mozart!"(based)
>When he read Schopenhauer's philosophy, Tolstoy exclaimed "at present I am convinced that Schopenhauer is the greatest genius among men. ... It is the whole world in an incomparably beautiful and clear reflection. He said that what he has written in War and Peace is also said by Schopenhauer in The World as Will and Representation.
>Jorge Luis Borges remarked that the reason he had never attempted to write a systematic account of his world view, despite his penchant for philosophy and metaphysics in particular, was because Schopenhauer had already written it for him.
>In Herman Melville's final years, while he wrote Billy Budd, he read Schopenhauer's essays and marked them heavily. Scholar Brian Yothers notes that Melville "marked numerous misanthropic and even suicidal remarks, suggesting an attraction to the most extreme sorts of solitude, but he also made note of Schopenhauer's reflection on the moral ambiguities of genius."
>Sergei Prokofiev, although initially reluctant to engage with works noted for their pessimism, became fascinated with Schopenhauer after reading Aphorisms on the Wisdom of Life in Parerga and Paralipomena. "With his truths Schopenhauer gave me a spiritual world and an awareness of happiness."
>Friedrich Nietzsche owed the awakening of his philosophical interest to reading The World as Will and Representation and admitted that he was one of the few philosophers that he respected, dedicating to him his essay "Schopenhauer als Erzieher",[157] one of his Untimely Meditations.
you are smarter than all of these people though right, you saw a post on reddit about how Schopenhauer got a letter from his mother saying he was annoying after all.

>> No.22760933

Do I need to read Kant before reading Schopenhauer? I keep trying to read Kant but he's nigh incomprehensible, and I would like to skip straight to Schoppy if it's possible.

>> No.22760956

None of these people are philosophers or understand philosophy. There is a reason he influences physicists and artists and not philosophers.

>> No.22761115
File: 22 KB, 336x499, Wagner's Beethoven (1870).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wagner understood Schopenhauer better than anyone else, was one of his most devoted disciples, and he gives his philosophy an even optimistic appearance. Read pic related. The aim is to distinguish the good from the appearances of the world. Everything in Schopenhauer tends to the inner life, the subject.

>In the evening a letter from Prof. Nietzsche, which pleases us, for his mood had given us cause for concern. Regarding this, R. says he fears that Schopenhauer’s philosophy might in the long run be a bad influence on young people of this sort, because they apply his pessimism, which is a form of thinking, contemplation, to life itself, and derive from it an active form of hopelessness.

>Later in the evening talk about the war brought us back once more to the misery of life. "And yet," says R., "I enter this room and look at the Goethe portrait in its fine frame, presented to me in love, and I feel happy and believe in happiness here on earth." As I smile, he just continues: "I assure you that such feelings make me a complete skeptic toward pessimism, since I tell myself that such delight would not have been possible without great suffering. Genuine love is as rare in this life as genius. The best way is to regard life as a task, a piece of work; anything in it that delights us comes from somewhere else."

>"Everything depends on facing the truth, even if it is unpleasant. What about myself in relation to Schopenhauer’s philosophy—when I was completely Greek, an optimist? But I made the difficult admission, and from this act of resignation emerged ten times stronger."

>> No.22761165

People who read on general

Is there something wrong with it?

>> No.22761200
File: 585 KB, 946x2017, a guide to reading Kant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Schopenhauer is much more comprehensible. It's not even a contest. And if you want to learn how to read Kant, see picrel.

>> No.22761232

Find some university lectures on mathematical logic, then try and understand godels incompleteness theorem and then critique of pure reason.

>> No.22761239

It doesn't matter if he was an incel. He attracts them. And it's bad enough that I share a board with you. I'm not getting your loser stink on me more than necessary.

>> No.22761298

me, personally? i don't have enough time to invest into reading Kant. I'd rather read Evola, Schopenhauer and Stirner

>> No.22761403

Schopenhauer also influenced Wittgenstein

>> No.22761423

I rest my case

>> No.22761441

not the guy you're replying to, but your "case" is nothing but a baseless statement.

>> No.22761453

Nietzsche and Wittgenstein aren't philosophers? Then who the fuck is?

>> No.22761477

the guys who write modern "philosophy", i suppose.

>> No.22761501

>not philosophers
retard alert. You are worth less than maggots.

>> No.22761777

You do not need to. Schopenhauer and Kant are two wildly different philosophers, even if Schopenhauer has been heavily inspired by Kant.
Moreover, you should be cautious about reading Kant before Schopenhauer in general. There are multiple points where Schopenhauer pretends to say the same thing as Kant or go in the same direction as him, when it's actually not the case at all. So having read Kant beforehand could actually confuse the hell out of you if you don't pay attention to what Schopenhauer is actually saying and assume that "it's just like Kant".

>> No.22761786


>> No.22762704
File: 459 KB, 1284x725, IMG_8802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did he mean by this bros?

>> No.22762707
File: 73 KB, 850x400, IMG_8805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this?

>> No.22762708
File: 681 KB, 1280x720, IMG_8804.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this?

>> No.22762717

Cool thread but what are the essential Schopenhauer I should be reading?

>> No.22762900

Both Wittgenstein and Nietzsche were influenced by his ideas.

>> No.22762904
File: 169 KB, 791x574, 1684858926081534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I too would like to know.

Also fun fact for any weebs here, even the author of Spice and Wolf was influenced by Schopenhauer

>> No.22762922

Me. I'm the only philosopher. Watch me cook:

I think, therefore you're gay.

>> No.22762929

>understands Schopenhauer better than anyone else
>has children


>> No.22762933


>> No.22763741

I hope you are reading him in his native language. Anyone who touches a translation of his works will be thoroughly disappointed

>> No.22764106

this is why i'll never go through a draft, no matter how my country is fucked, i hate nationalism and i think its the most pointless and useless shit to ever believe or align yourself with. theres is more to life than serving corrupt retards 24/7

>> No.22764148

unfortunately i don't understand the German language

>> No.22765321

such a shame i don't know German, i really truly wanna know his thoughts about the world. I think his main core was that no matter what, you won't be truly satisfied or happy, you will always want more.

>> No.22765660

One of his best paragraphs.