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/lit/ - Literature

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22759469 No.22759469 [Reply] [Original]

What are some worthy -punk (specifically cyberpunk) literally works you'd recommend? Anything from short stories and mangas to long ass novels goes.

>> No.22759525

Bad Voltage

>> No.22759559

L'Academie by RC Waldun

>> No.22759654

Have you read Snow Crash and Neuromancer?

>> No.22760351

I don't think I've read a cyberpunk book at all. I want to know this genre has to offer and who are the best authors in it

>> No.22760505

Fuck this garbage youtuber dogshit lmao

>> No.22760511

the genre is all garbage

>> No.22760526
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Metropolis is the OG

>> No.22760579
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as someone who has read everything the genre has to offer and enjoyed a large part of it, I have to agree with >>22760511

it is irrelevant slop. the ideas are old and stale and have long since bled into mainstream media tropes. there is no reason whatsoever to revisit the original works and every time some corporation reboots normie interest in cyberpunk, those of us who know better cringe and die another little death.

>> No.22760644

>every time some corporation reboots normie interest in cyberpunk, those of us who know better cringe and die another little death.
Agreed. The emphasis on neon colors and fancy tech is the sole reason it exists as a genre today unfortunately, the original questions about humanity being turned to machines under oppressive systems has shifted to "DONT YOU WANT TO BE MACHINES? LOOK AT THESE BLADES IN MY ARM!"

>there is no reason whatsoever to revisit the original works
HARD disagree the philosophical questions of the genre have existed since Plato's Cave in some form or another. More people should be invested in the originals to understand that what we're being sold today is crap. Philosophy's always been a part of cyberpunk and I think if it was the main focus again people would respect it.

>> No.22760971


>> No.22760989

>The emphasis on neon colors and fancy tech is the sole reason it exists as a genre today
There is nothing wrong with liking a certain aesthetic setting, it's not the reader's fault that writers aren't able to come up with a story that would sufficiently fill up those neon-lit metropolises with content worth to consume. But the severe lack of creativity is an issue in genre-fiction as a whole.

>> No.22761136
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>> No.22761149

did you mean 'literary'?

>> No.22761823

Neuromancer trilogy, Idoru trilogy, Snow Crash, Daemon, Cryptonomicon, Ender's Game, A Scanner Darkly, The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch, and Do Electric Sheep Dream of Androids
Manga: Ghost in the Shell, Battle Angel Alita, Pluto

That's what I can remember.

>> No.22761902

Disagreed. Philip K. Dick is worth reading, still. Although his best works are less so his cyberpunk works.

>> No.22762490

Yes, it's autocorrect's fault . I'm sorry

>> No.22762502

Cyberpunk starts and ends with Neuromancer, unfortunately. This book encapsulated everything the genre has to offer, and everything else is just pretty aesthetic with nothing really else to add. If you want, you can check some of those >>22761823, there are pretty good recs in it, but it's just style over substance in most cases