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22754728 No.22754728 [Reply] [Original]

any atheists here? what book would you say helped you lead your life

>> No.22754747
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atheism is a prejudice

>> No.22754763

none, my parents just didn't raise me to follow any religion

>> No.22754768

Same. I didn't base my fundamental beliefs on any particular book, nor do I feel any urge to do so.

>> No.22754788

I’m planning my suicide as we speak
Life is meaningless without God

>> No.22754799

>Life is meaningless without the faggot that polices your every thought and WILL torture you for all etternity

>> No.22754801

Dao De Jing

>> No.22754804

I would tell you, but the weak must perish

>> No.22754806

Pynchon’s works. I guess you could say postmodernism is my religion.

>> No.22754833

nihilism can't touch you if you enjoy your life
my nigga you are a loser

>> No.22754866
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not quite lead my life but i read the stranger by camus in high school and was thrown into an existential crisis. i still dont remember what that priest was saying at the end but i remember the next two weeks i was extremely depressed, i was hopeless. but as it follows with existential crises, the person get some life changing epiphany. thats what happened to me and ive been a completely different person for the better. harder battles came in the future but i guess i was much more prepared to take them on (or simply survive them and not kms)

>> No.22754871

120 Days of Sodom

>> No.22754874

Atheists have such a childish interpretation of God
>sky daddy!!!1!

>> No.22754877

Faggot that polices your thoughts and tortures you forever is not sky daddy though.

>> No.22754879


>> No.22754880

How does god make life less meaningless?

>> No.22754884

If you don't do what he says, you burn in hell.

>> No.22754906
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>life is meaningless without the authourity that you are subscribed to for law, order, predictable culture, and guaranteed love bombs

>> No.22754908

why is sky daddy bad, sky orphan?

>> No.22754909

you bond with people you never met before on a deep and intimate level first try

you don't doubt your destiny in the afterlife

you see your nation and your present in the grand scheme of things

>> No.22754914

God isn't (just) in the sky. He's everywhere, even in your heart

>> No.22754915

You aren't an atheist, but an ideological Christian in denial. A spiritual atheist finds the source of life's meaning within and interprets things from an entirely antithetical framework.

>> No.22754918

>you aren't an atheist, but my strawman
kill yourself

>> No.22754921
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>spiritual atheist
eggcellent bait

>> No.22754923

You mean Allah is even in the trees and rivers?!?!

>> No.22754924
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Fuck God

>> No.22754928
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>> No.22754929


>> No.22754932

Alhamdulillah, anon.

>> No.22754936
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>> No.22754937
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Praise be

>> No.22754969

I find this modern interpretation hilarious cause Yahweh was a skydaddy.
It's probably his most defining feature as a God that he is a father to his people, but since atheists appropriated the term derogratively it's lead Christians to reject the term

>> No.22754973
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You have to come to realize that the conception of God we have come to know is extremely loaded. As in God doesn't have to be some anthropomorphised entity. You can easily conceive as god as any natural element around you (so everything) because it contains in itself the record and directive for it's own existence which is awesome in it's own right. Or as square one, the first mover in existence, but this can no doubt never be grasped. Ultimately, it's not up to us to know such things. It's extremely logical that a group of highly conscious and intelligent beings who have just been dropped on a planet in the universe, and who don't know shit, would conceive of an ultimate king style ruler that is in charge of all, but this is something we eventually evolve past too. Could take the Nietzsche route, though it doesn't necessarily make things easier. Life is simply difficult.

>> No.22754985

>Life is meaningless without God
Just be a deist. It's not a huge leap.

>> No.22755007

There's no reason to think that life is meaningful as a deist.

>> No.22755231
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The Girard Reader

>> No.22755368

Meditations - Aurelius
The Trial and Death of Socrates: Four Dialogues - Plato
On the Nature of the Universe - Lucretius
The Future of an Illusion - Freud
The Problems of Philosophy - Russell
The Age of Reason - Paine
The Doors of Perception - Huxley
Mortality - Hitchens

>> No.22755389

"Meaning" is something you experience. If you aren't experiencing meaning, it doesn't mean that life is meaningless, it means /your/ life currently is meaningless. You should probably do something about that. Service to others is the usual route to try.

>> No.22755520

I'm not even a Christian but having an unassailable sticking point for your entire existence and worldview is a pretty obvious asset for any philosophy. I read the Corpus Hermeticum recently and I envy the author's ability to confidently do just that.

>> No.22755563
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>everything I don't like is a religion!

>> No.22755628

Based. Hopefully I'll follow and keep you company soon.

>> No.22755636

I'm a spiritual jew