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File: 3.26 MB, 1662x2000, 1574477118097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22753764 No.22753764 [Reply] [Original]

previous >>22748232

>> No.22753779


>> No.22753780
File: 39 KB, 500x375, tumblr_mhpb5nhKKY1rqp8qxo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP's pic need more bitter cold.

>> No.22753781
File: 499 KB, 1699x1616, 1700288160105924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does this triangle diagram mean?

>> No.22753785

i'm starving but i have no real desire to eat

>> No.22753786

Asian women were God's gift to the white man.

>> No.22753790

It's only November

>> No.22753793

Why didnt the horses just go inside

>> No.22753796
File: 21 KB, 170x261, 170px-Siyer-i_Nebi_158b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mashallah, pure white!

>> No.22753797

lay off the amphetamines

>> No.22753799

Anyonr around pasadena wanna hang out

>> No.22753803

they were too big to fit through the doorway

>> No.22753808
File: 155 KB, 900x1145, Body of frozen Soviet soldier propped up by Finnish fighters to intimidate Soviet troops, 1939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He didnt let them back in.

>> No.22753814

i don't do stims they make me nervous

>> No.22753837

Then why didn't they make a campfire

>> No.22753839

Your mom makes me nervous

>> No.22753854
File: 358 KB, 1536x2048, 1574443968071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There a firewatch patrol.

"Not on my watch, mooster."

>> No.22753861

They should have put some clothes on

>> No.22753863
File: 45 KB, 759x549, 1572603528075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Ah-ah-ah...not even on the lawn! Now git gone."

>> No.22753871
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"Lack of class, peasants need to make due."

>> No.22753945

I seem either to be entirely different to humanity as a whole and each individual that I meet, or to be destroyed by empathy. On or off. Little middle ground. Why is this?

>> No.22753947

>t. manic episode
taking a break from meds?

>> No.22753950 [DELETED] 

Hundreds of thousands of children are being aborted every single year. Tens of thousands of children are being aborted completely legally in 2023 in deep red USA states.
Abortion is still legal in all 50 states and almost nobody is talking about it. The pro life movement is a controlled opposition and not your fren. Please watch this approximately 15 minute long YouTube video on abortion please whether you be pro choice or already pro life https://youtu.be/XGPv66ZqlEQ?feature=shared

Over 6 billion (yes) Chickens are tortured to death every single year in the United States alone in factory farms. And no your Canada Australia or EU country isn't much better. Billions of animals are being tortured to death in factory farms every single year and it's (partially) your fault! Please watch at least the first five minutes of this YouTube video . In it he explains that people who regularly purchase chicken for years straight will almost certainly cause the torturing and murder of hundreds of extra chickens. That blood is all on your hands and would NOT have been shed had you instead decided to boycott animal products / go vegan ! https://youtu.be/brKhhZlUoOc?feature=shared

What are the conditions like in factory farms where over 96% of all animal products in western nations come from? They are mutilated without anesthetic, crammed in dirty, uncomfortable, and crowded conditi**s. , they are artificially inseminated / raped and jacked off, they are slaughtered. Here is a free approximately 2 hours long documentary about factory farming please watch it thank you https://youtu.be/LQRAfJyEsko?feature=shared

Almost everyone around me is a pro choice meat eater and evil! Op k?

>> No.22753954

people are cunts: further updates as events warrant

>> No.22753965

>Hundreds of thousands of children are being aborted every single year.
Millions in the United States alone ackshually

>> No.22753975

how weird, i can't make a thread

>> No.22753976

I’m already vegan and tried to talk about it on this site but no one cares. Not sure what to think about abortion. I’ve read that abortion rates don’t actually go down if you ban it, it just makes it more dangerous. So banning it doesn’t seem like the right option if you want to stop killing babies. I will watch your video though.

>> No.22753977
File: 8 KB, 294x171, download - 2023-11-25T071641.291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t."Lol I claim Im a doctor online to feel smug superiority knowing full when I treat reality as a battle of willpower because if its a battle of intellect I fold like wet paper in this chaotic world I have no hope of comprehending."
(Faux lobster-wins so you'll feel energized, claws up...if you behave like a lower lifeform than calling you subhuman is a legitimate medical assessment.)

I can reverse engineer your soul, boy...

>> No.22753983
File: 22 KB, 601x643, itsover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Horses can't use doorknobs

>> No.22753988

>we should allow something morally wrong to remain legal because people will still do it if it's illegal
I never understood this form of reasoning.

>> No.22754016

So we should force women to not only kill their babies but put their own life at risk. It’s like drugs and alcohol. If you ban them it doesn’t stop people from indulging in them. It just puts the market in criminal hands and makes doing them a lot more dangerous.

>> No.22754030
File: 44 KB, 628x488, images - 2021-04-10T110649.274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>opening doors
Thats a wife's duty. Nay, I say.

>> No.22754038

what if the government well full Robocop and just started executing all lawbreakers no exception regardless of curcumstances? Like no second chances. You fuck up once and it's over. Would the world be a better place?

>> No.22754048
File: 71 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (15).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesnt nature do that?

How else are we going to get fast cheetahs unless they die if they try to swim or fly?

>> No.22754069

There's be like 5 people left

>> No.22754079
File: 22 KB, 246x350, Highlander_film_Connor_MacLeod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One. Someone has to take the second to last head.

Will take mine, promise.
(The I roll around on piles of cash.)

>> No.22754082

Women who murder their own children deserve to suffer. Just close your legs

>> No.22754099

Crackling footsteps and dancing leaves
The wind blows cold as the sun retreats
I'm pulled towards you like a magnet
Oh God, why do I write like a faggot?

>> No.22754132
File: 73 KB, 499x379, aks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had an epiphany today: if I met the sweetest girl in the world, and she had the misfortune of being an uggo, I wouldn't touch her. A hairy mole, eyes set too close together, or too far apart, man hands.. any one of these things and it's game over. What if the woman who's most compatible with you is a 65 year old negress? Surely you wouldn't give her a second thought. If the ideals of romantic love can be trumped by mere appearances, doesn't that mean it's an illusion?

>> No.22754138

You have to be 18 to post here.

>> No.22754152

I wonder if the commonly held attitude that anyone can 'make it' with enough effort and willpower is really true. It seems that those with very poor social skills or very different mental structures when compared to the average person would have to undergo some sort of mental lobotomy or hypnosis to have normal relationships with others, and no amount of gymmaxxing, faking it, and grinding it will ever change that. A guy whose interests include hiking into the wilderness alone specifically to get away from people is never going to just snap and start going to bars to meet girls one day, even if he feels the urge for intimacy and human connection common to most people from time to time, and he'll likely struggle in the workplace due to his desire to avoid others even if he can force a professional persona onto himself while he's there.

>> No.22754211

My gf got a mastectomy... I miss her tits so much... I don't want to live in this world where beauty exists only to be destroyed

>> No.22754248

For cancer?

>> No.22754254
File: 414 KB, 1280x1780, 9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You were supposed to take care of her.

>> No.22754266

Okay, yet again we had such a shitty meeting where we meet up after her late shift and only go for some fucking drinks where she's half asleep and then she's "too tired" for sex. I fucked her after not sleeping for over 24h when I handed in my Bachelor's thesis and she's "too tired" for sex after a lousy late shift?! It's not like she does anything other than letting me fuck her, she just lies there and says that this is what she enjoys the most!

Now I've given her an ultimatum: Does she want to meet up tomorrow JUST for sex, no eating, no watching a film together, no tiring stuff, JUST sex? She can say no - but I will fuck anyways, whether it's her or somebody else.

>> No.22754290

I bought my mom some books and I can't wait for them to arrive, so I can give them to her

>> No.22754293


>> No.22754295

One thing I really don't like about Christmastime is the weird dynamic my family has with gift giving. I keep telling my parents not to worry about getting me anything but they keep doing it, and they also expect me to come up with gifts for my siblings who I see once a year or less and don't know very well anymore. It's very awkward.

>> No.22754322

i'm quitting /lit/ too boring

>> No.22754327

Been listening to a bit of Nirvana lately, good stuff, me likey.

>> No.22754334
File: 54 KB, 708x708, Fatty pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MFW I'm literally from Australia.

>> No.22754345

It was benign and they just snatched her... I failed totally, I was out of state and they butchered her

>> No.22754375

I'm so fucking bored. There's nothing to do.

>> No.22754387

I hear there's these things called books

>> No.22754397

I want to do something active

>> No.22754405

There's these contraptions called pens you can use to make your own book

>> No.22754412

I want to go outside and do something fun. I havent left the house in a week.

>> No.22754437

DALL-E is the promised land for my niche fetishes

i actually have opposite problem to most guys with niche fetishes, I don't have the weirdest versions of them, i like when it's simple and subtle. But nobody into this shit draws or writes simple or subtle, they write the craziest shit possible and drown out the core part of the fetish that makes it what it is

DALL-E is the friend I never had. Because what I want is so simple it's an infinite generator. It's what I wanted /d/ and every other community to be and they never were

>> No.22754441

same. i love it

>> No.22754451

Do you ever wonder why you have the particular aesthetic inclinations that you do? Like why is it that when you see or hear or experience something quite particular and it resonates with you on a deeper level despite no rational explanations for it doing so, why there's an undeniable resonance between you and that thing nevertheless?

>> No.22754488

idk he's got a point.

>> No.22754499

>If the ideals of romantic love can be trumped by mere appearances
They can be for certain people (me) but some people genuinely don't care about looks, it all depends on the person.

>> No.22754506

I'm obsessed with this song.


>> No.22754520

I had a bad day at work. Now I'm drinking rum and watching spongebob, but my stream keeps buffering at awkward intervals. Even pizza and masturbation couldnt cheer me up.

>> No.22754526

i fucking hate being indecisive. spend more time thinking if i should than actually doing.

>> No.22754529

the west has well and truly fallen

>> No.22754532

I'm tired. The idea once scared me, but I'm coming to accepting it. I'm being pushed to do it. I'm finished. The door opens.

>> No.22754547
File: 59 KB, 600x760, Devil pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are many ways to cure indecisiveness, look through them all and pick one.

>> No.22754556

Not a degenerate but i gotta say the thought of my little naked body hanging is pretty arousing
My mother's disappointed weary face. Then the priest saying he was a wicked boy we can't bury him
And then my body is unceremoniously deposited in a garbage bag in a unmarked grave
Fully erect

>> No.22754560
File: 133 KB, 800x600, IMG_1608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup. All the weed at the weed store has silly names. Most people I meet have silly names, too. Do you have a silly name?

>> No.22754564

Well now Im curious, what fetish shit are you into thats so under represented

>> No.22754582

Pushed to do what?

>> No.22754592

>going to bars
This isn't the only place to meet people. For someone who likes to hike alone in the wilderness may have to compromise with themselves from time to time by hiking in a group which would provide opportunity to meet someone.

>> No.22754598

Maybe she doesn't want to have sex and the real reason why is harder to voice than 'i'm tired'

>> No.22754610
File: 166 KB, 568x433, 1688771752604600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Focusing on something is hard. My brain hurts.
But once I cut through that fucking fog wall I feel such an immense relief.

>> No.22754611

You remind me of that retard from Gantz who has a big tiddy virgin anime girl literally sleeping in his bed and offering to cook him food, yet he fucks it up by being a horn dog who thinks he's entitled to sex.

>> No.22754635

Someone, a colleague, a classmate, a not so close friend tells you something personal, and it's about a topic or situation you've never really encountered, a mental disorder, a friend having killed someone, having been drugged and raped,something along these lines.
What do you do?
Do you reply, running the risk of saying something inconsiderate or stupid?
Do you just reply stuff like sorry, I'm here if you need to talk about it...?
Do you not reply because you know shit about their situation?
Or what else?

>> No.22754645

>What do you do?
>That's unfortunate.

>> No.22754650


>> No.22754651

What does it mean if a girl has a smell when the weather gets hot and stuff?

If you don't find the smell pleasant does that mean you aren't really attracted to her? Or is it normal for girls to have body odour?

>> No.22754656

It's normal for everyone to have body odour, retard.

>> No.22754662

Hiking is gay, the real ones are out there to revel in their mastery over the adversity of nature

>> No.22754675

Well that's the thing, this hypothetical solitary hiker man might end up hiking with people from time to time, but it is his very nature as one who deliberately goes hiking alone which will chafe against the social nature of a group hike and make it very difficult for him to form relationships with others in the group the way normalfags within that same group quite easily will with each other. Simply meeting people in a social situation is not enough to precipitate real relationships and implying such means assuming everyone just needs *the right social situation* to form relationships, as if they were plants that just need water to grow. The comedy of this drama is that the solitary hiker, even if he greatly desires intimacy and closeness, will find himself fighting against that same desire due to his other desires for solitary freedom and indulgement in his own internal world, leading him to be miserable even if perfect social opportunity after perfect social opportunity presents itself.

>> No.22754683

What's On Your Mind
<heheh am so clever an funny eheheh

>> No.22754693
File: 72 KB, 1400x700, Caine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the way he used motion sensor doorbells, that was cool.

>> No.22754708

They're vulnerable easy to manipulate. Take advantage

>> No.22754718

gee thanks anon ill make sure to get right to that

>> No.22754732

I mean, what does it matter that she's perfectly beautiful if she's the most vanilla person you could think of?

>> No.22754847

The world seems worse than ever these days but whenever you talk to an older person that grew up in a shitty area, they'll always say "It's settled down now, it's not as bad as it used to be" What's the deal?

>> No.22754876

Dear Diary,
Today I peed and shidded on myself ^_^ eet made me so warm n happy
i spend whole day thinkeng bout eet. wut if jason see me
he would laff and pee to i hope<3

>> No.22754886 [DELETED] 

depressed people trying to live their life with half their brain working.

>> No.22754899

something else is filling you up

>> No.22754901

visited /pol/ to check out the chauvin threads and goddamn the schizophrenia is popping off. i wonder if that board "contains" people who would otherwise act out irl or if it's just making their already soft brains mushier

>> No.22754907

/pol/ is always right and the Jews are evil. Just read the classics desu

>> No.22754911
File: 5 KB, 200x200, Spoon_boy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Granted it's not just about the situation one is in, it is who the person is with respect to their self and who they are in a situation and both of these will vary. It is not about the perfect situation, it's about who one is and who one can become, having the ability to create a situation and opportunity. A hiker cannot control the weather, but ultimately they learn when it is too dangerous to proceed, and when it possible to meet the conditions head on.

The hike must learn to bend, because the situation is the spoon.

>> No.22754917

Meant for >>22754675

>> No.22754962

I notice that /pol/ is behind the curve in recent years. All the movement on the Right is happening on Twitter, especially post-Elon. For instance /pol/ is largely against Israel but on Twitter most Rightists are vehemently pro-Israel and see support for Palestine as intertwined with "wokeness" and threats to Western society. /pol/ really doesn't have much influence anymore. Though this might not be a bad thing because Rightists on Twitter are even bigger fucking retards (Alamariu and his sphere)

>> No.22754979

/pol/ was always shit but these days it's worse than ever before. All the nazi white power types (who at least had something resembling consistent principles) got replaced with screeching third worlders and Indians whose credo is doing the opposite of what's popular in America.
In any case all online political circles are shit and keeping up with them sounds like a waste of time. There's only so many times you can read some anime profile pic's scathing analysis of how the west has fvllen because he doesn't have a government-provided gf or whatever the fuck before your eyes glaze over.

>> No.22754997

I sure hope the guy who spams the same three or four religious paintings and talks to himself is a bot.

>> No.22755046

>having an abstract discussion with a friend
>without fail manages to whittle the arguments into a yap session about himself.
>actually uses personal anecdotes to support his rhetoric
>gets offended when I spout something so general and tries to bring it down to personal discussion
>nitpicks every part of the argument because to him, arguing is about le winning and not sharing different perspectives and maybe getting exposed to new bits of knowledge

Fucking child. Then again, Im the one who is too insecure to hold on to and to express outlandish/extremist ideas.

>> No.22755048

How can I be my arthoe gf's #1 cuck?

>> No.22755051

maybe Im turning schizo but around a year ago, I started noticing that I can always tell (from faces, demeneor, general behavior, manner of dress) where people are from ethnically. Id never set out to learn the differences. I can distinguish between the different flavors of europeans. It s always so obvious. The only specimen that Im having trouble placing are the eastoid and island asians. There are definite differences. Skin tone and general build, etc.

Advice on how to channel my pattern recognition ability into something actually useful?

>> No.22755059

Do the zoomers who want the broccoli cut but have straight hair naturally curl their hair artificially?

>> No.22755064


>> No.22755065

It's called a perm

>> No.22755066

how do I recover from the fact that I was handed a great, beautiful life on a silver platter and I squandered it away catastrophically with unnecessary anxieties and stupid attachments to sinful behavior?

i could have had everything i now stay up at night dreaming about, it was all there. I wasn't a bad looking dude but i was still soo damn self conscious. women straight up made advances on me, women who I liked too, and some I took for granted. but I was bizarrely afraid to capitalize on it due to fears about my self esteem. I had a good social life with connections and people always took a liking to me, but I squandered it focusing too much on smoking weed and other unhealthy habits. I found out im great with kids and they bring me great joy, but now i will never have any of my own. i want to love and be loved so badly it literally hurts, and i was surrounded by every opportunity to fulfill that ambition, but i was too afraid, too self conscious, and just too lost in self destructive behavior. and there was always this attitude of putting everything off. "im still young, there will be time tomorrow" every for 10 years, now im not so young and the doors are all closing. theres no going back now.

what a fucking farce man. I cannot believe I did this to myself. what a waste. What a damned waste

>> No.22755071
File: 1018 KB, 5592x3496, Bane-Dark-Knight-Rises-image-Tom-Hardy-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/pol/ really doesn't have much influence anymore
Laughable, but misguided. The boy Elon has become a man, and with him so does his environment. A proselytizing auto-autist...a...Golem, if you will.

It is 4chan that is "leftist" now, they must consume the chaos until order is found.

Seasons change, leaves change colors...

>> No.22755072

>almost December
> no snow

this sucks

>> No.22755086
File: 435 KB, 720x1480, Screenshot_20231125-142305_Photos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got snowed in last night.
Its japanese snow.
: D

>> No.22755088

same here bro. it's tough to see your age group stop being "promising" and getting replaced by kids
oh well, there's always tomorrow

>> No.22755122
File: 201 KB, 1419x1512, DACmb7XU0AEK-uy.jpg_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your age group stop being "promising"
Good thing mine never was, damn...I look down on old people as immature, inexperienced, fools. Like, geriactric, grandpa, Joe Biden, old. Fucking blind, maladapted, pseudo-adults ruin everything.

This is what a biilogical robot fighting a war that ended decades ago looks like, blind glee. The paramilitants she promotes changed ranks, and doctrines, but all her programming tells her nothing has changed, she is on autopilot, the battlefield was adapted for her so she could keep fighting without turning on its masters.

>> No.22755124


neither of you are unique. you're in the tippy top tip top of the meatiest chunk of the bell curve of folks your age you'll find in places like this.

you didn't squander anything. 30, 40, 50 years ago people like you would have drifted your way up to middle or upper management, found a nice girl, cheated on her, had a corner office, work 50-60 hours a week, owned a house or two if you live near the beach or mountains, and retired with a few million to sit on as a cushion for your kids and to travel on.

you were dealt a winning hand in a game that's gotten more and more rigged, day by day, year by year. your pocket aces don't mean fucking shit when the flop plus the river are 5 kings and the guy across from you has a crown and a smile but isn't even betting. his chair is a pile of gold and you can barely see over the table from your seat on the dirty, bare concrete.

"promising" means nothing when the person on the other end of the pinky swear is bones, or ashes, if they were ever there at all.

>> No.22755158

Just say yes if she says "it's for a project" and sign the photo release

>> No.22755159

Nothing the unchaste say to God is heard in prayers

T. The bible

>> No.22755166

Which verse

>> No.22755167

What seems worse than ever these days? The media? Stop watching that shit.

>> No.22755169

You can just tell them to read The Diceman, redditposter, you don't have to pretend anyone is playing poker with multiple decks here who wouldn't play the river for a flush when they have a choice of suits. If you're going to pretend we're degenerates, at least give us the credit we would lean into the degeneracy, newbie

>> No.22755173

Really? Every old person I have ever spoken to has said the world is worse now

>> No.22755174

>Nothing the unchaste say to God is heard in prayers
Cool so i can say anything then

>> No.22755182

God used talk to me more when I was getting laid

>> No.22755201

/lit/ is the most fun board to be retarded on.
It's too easy.
Other boards no one cares, but on this board you immediately get a bunch of nerds writing 2000 word effort posts in reply.

>> No.22755278
File: 29 KB, 393x280, illustration-fat-man-who-sees-260nw-168714749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this why youre a failured retard who's passtime is getting high on your own farts by being in a live showing of Jerry Springer.

I would say self examine but you see a demi-god in the mirror...I hope you win the lottery then get robbed at gunpoint because "lol bro its just a joke, relax lmao".

Good thing I never pray to God....I lecture it on its errors. Namely, Humans, secondly, its unearned arrogance and constant sinning, you know....SATAN.

Why would I pray to a pesser being.

>> No.22755283

I hate /tv/ more than any other board because although it’s often hilarious there’s also no discussion of cinema there anymore meaning that there’s nowhere on the internet to talk about movies

>> No.22755291

>meaning that there’s nowhere on the internet to talk about movies
this is like thinking there's nowhere else on the internet to discuss Pokémon or trains

>> No.22755307

Have any of you had serious, life altering diseases? I want to know about coping psychologically to such things. Even books (outside of just be stoic lol). I suffer from some kind of paranoid disorder, and that coupled with some recent health issues (that honestly, don't look easily dismissed) make me think I am going to be diagnosed with some terrible shit. And I want to read how to cope, or how people cope. Like coping with drastic life changes or even preparing for death.

>> No.22755312

I see and hear things that aren't there.

>> No.22755320
File: 11 KB, 268x433, starving-kid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Like coping with drastic life changes or even preparing for death.
Come face to face with a worse fate...in person...and your ills will pale in comparison.

>But I have, like, bills and responsibilities and stuff.
Is that the tomb you plan to bury yourself in, pharaoh?

>> No.22755327

Nihilist here. Doesn't really change much, made me kind of thankful I'd made lots of dumb but fun decisions young. It probably helped as well that a lot of those decisions (and disease related health crises) have made me believe I'm about to die before and so it kind of loses its edge.

>> No.22755351

Seeing people with a worse fate, concerning myself with bills and responsibilities, or being bleak with nihilism in the face of it doesn't really help with my problem, which is just fear of suffering. There may be more to it for me but I don't have that level of introspection, especially without the confirmation of a diagnosis to anticipate the pain of any resulting treatment or progression of disease.

I just want a smart book dealing with that shit to soothe me.

>> No.22755357

>fear of suffering.
>I'm going to suffer now just in case I also have to suffer later
Take up dancing

>> No.22755387
File: 97 KB, 640x674, 1643803438308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fear of suffering
You've never suffered then. You're pleasure seeking via voiding suffering, a child's approach to life...all good no bad. But when bad inevitably comes you fold like wet paper, never matured to face the consequence of life; death.

I had friends like you, theyre in their 40s and act like teenagers at heart, their greatest acheovement in life is consistent payments to Bank of America for a mortgage to a house. No kids, just cats. No career, just jobs.

The aversion to any suffrring has boxed them into a life they hate and they mask that with pleasures, 40 years old and still going to "festivals and raves", trying to hard to "just have a good time" for ME ME ME.

>and your ills will pale in comparison.
Your minor inconveniences are not suffer and its offensive.

The saying "I'll give you something to cry about." is to remind princesses like you that what you fret about is minor BECAUSE you didnt do what the doctor advised you to do...expand your horiizons, boy...youre not yet a man.

Stop acting like a junky thats "just doesnt want to feel sick"...face the music to retard your mental development into becoming a permanent man-child.

t.Doctor of Developmental Psychology

>> No.22755390

>sick"...face the music or* retard your mental development
They come from somewhere and it isnt the womb...

>> No.22755400

>going to a festival or rave and not expecting to suffer some indignities and impositions
what kind of Quaker raves are you going to? even the Amish ones have meth

>> No.22755409

Good to be reminded PhD holders can be retarded.

>> No.22755412
File: 22 KB, 480x480, 1698536577758603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>going to a festival or rave and not expecting to suffer some indignities and impositions
What the fuck are you talking about?

40 year old degnerate man-children dropping extacy at raves while childless because children are suffer because "I just want to have all-good-no-bad times." Walks, talks, dresses like a teenage, listens to the exact same music as he did at 17.

Aversion to suffering...corrupts through pleasure.

>> No.22755414

Just mention the replication crisis.

>> No.22755417

>tss, nuh uh, no I smrt
Youre speaking out of your ass, faux superiority to mask the suffering of self disgust.

Youre not smart, lobster-boy, youre a drug addict to your own biochemicals.

>> No.22755418

Are you having a stroke?

>> No.22755425

I lost my spark somewhere along the way. Reading Meditations on the Tarot and the very first chapter (on the Magician) thoroughly examines the concept of a sort of passive meditation, the ability to focus without having to focus, the creation of a silent center zone through which it's possible to act and create without premeditation. The concept is baffling to me; I understand the principle of it, but the execution is incomprehensible. Likewise, the second chapter (High Priestess) discusses a division between Being and "Loving"(action, effectively), and that devoting your efforts into the perfection of the art of simply Being is tantamount to emotional and spiritual suicide, whereas Loving is the opposite and permits the increase of emotion and appreciation.

Even in mundane social situations I'm painfully slow-witted, stolid, a square. My dynamism has suffocated and I have no idea how to reignite it. I am a rock and I don't want to be, like a mediocre version of Camus' Meursault.

>> No.22755428
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>going to a festival or rave and not expecting to suffer some indignities and impositions


Youre not a doctor, stop trying to perform cognitive assessments over the internet you delusional retard...

Living A Lie Is Fleeing The Suffering Of Realizing Your Own Reflection Is Repulsive To Even (You).

>> No.22755431

You're even dumber than I thought. Hedonism isn't a new thing, and is its own form of suffering regardless as it is in essence vacuous. There's no "avoiding suffering" but I wouldn't begrudge people who try. There's no right way to live that I would deem myself qualified to identify with certainty, and hurting oneself is one's own prerogative, wouldn't you say?

Anyway, you need to work on your superiority complex it's unsightly.

>> No.22755435

The more "unsightly" thing is the way he types like a mentally damaged man in his late 50s, though the egotism doesn't help.

>> No.22755437

You're going to need an MD to tell me street bought ecstasy has no negative effects, but since you can't spell or construct a sentence, I'm thinking you don't even have a PhD.

>> No.22755455
File: 40 KB, 500x386, an-intellectual-capacity-beyond-our-own.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're even dumber than I thought
"Just larp the winner and you'll never have to accept defeat."

>street bought ecstasy has no negative

>Aversion to suffering...corrupts through pleasure.









>> No.22755458

Quite pls this is liberry bored

>> No.22755459

Oh yeah that's also a big part of it but if we start making a list we may just waste our weekend. Dude is a garden variety schizo, at least he helped take my mind off some things. Thank you 4channel™.

Wow you're so smart! I concede! Have a good day bro.

>> No.22755465
File: 132 KB, 220x185, geroge-lucas-red.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I just want to feel good.


>Hey, man, a real doctor would psychologically suck me of for beung super smart.


>> No.22755470

My therapist said I should seek an autism specialist. She told me she was pregnant which was disappointing, but I didn't want to be disappointed, in the moment I was, and I think she sensed it.

>> No.22755475

Aren't you trying to convince everyone to think like you because it would make you feel good? Riddle me this.

Were you disappointed because you're losing her for 9 months plus whatever maternity leave she'll take, or because someone else was balls deep inside of that?

>> No.22755480

I developed a crush on her. She's attractive, and I've been open emotionally.

>> No.22755482

>caps spam
truly ebin

>> No.22755489

That's a pretty common thing called "transfer" in my language. You may now about it and I'm dipshitsplaining you, but anyway a lot of people go through that kind of intense connection (not necessarily romantic) with their therapists, at least if they've taken therapy seriously and been open emotionally, as you put it.

>> No.22755495

>trying to convince
Is that what professors do? Convince you to buy the used car? The favt you view this from an anti-objective worldview is the reason youre failing at becoming a Man.

Following pleasures and ease of use.

>because it would make you feel good
First off....STOP PSYCHOANALYSING...youre not a doctor, so you appraoch me from a liar's perspective.

Thats offensive, you lying used car salesman...

>Riddle me this.
Life has done you a confuse.


You read emotionally, not literarily...ergo, brainless...

t.Cognitive Assessor

>> No.22755498
File: 23 KB, 275x183, 2023-04-19_22.47.29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then speak with respect and stop lying.

>Why did he beat me with a belt?!?!
You deserved it...youre not the Judge.


>> No.22755502

It's incredible how well you know and understand me. What should I do with my life exactly?

>> No.22755507

Mist on winter grass
Comforting embrace warming me
a gentletogetherness

>> No.22755521

Put a case file number on and tell me your life's works and goals.

>I can reverse engineer your soul, boy...

But if you lie then you are simply lying to the doctor and acting superior when the diagnosis is wrong...that isnt a win, its an abdicatio to your own future.

If the doctor cannot trust the patient then the prognosis will be...more painful.

Says who? Doctor Jordan Peterson and whatever citations in nueroscience he cited in his lectures.

Take it up with the field...stop LARPing like youre the board of medical professionals...thats a sign of mental illness.

>> No.22755569

Just be honest.
>I'm really sorry to hear that. I'm not the best with words, but I'm always available to listen if you need someone.

Idk some shit like that.

>> No.22755589
File: 26 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut'em up by showin' up.

Cuz Im bout dat life, sucka's...


>> No.22755662

Recently had an(other) interaction with somebody that hammered violently home just how good DFW's "The Depressed Person" is. I am drained but I have so much to do. Suck it up, Anon. It'll pass.


>> No.22755675

Just visited my brothers girlfriends family farm on the way back from a day out with my dad, holy shit was I so happy there, seeing all the animals from the ducks to the geese to her tiny and huge dogs and so much more made me so happy, the smell was also nostalgic since I grew up on farms in the middle of nowhere for my whole childhood.

>> No.22755680

Kevin Gates is such a fucking character, bro, that guy is so fucking funny.

>> No.22755696
File: 536 KB, 1480x720, 2023-03-12_04.40.02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quit frontin' on me dawg, we dont rep the same set.


>> No.22755863

remember, that your perception of the world as you know it is either constructed externally from outside stimuli, or internally from reflecting on said stimuli. knowing this, you are free to essentially free to interpret reality as you see it. however there is great danger in doing this, for if one interprets reality incorrectly, then they would be lost in their own delusion. and yet there is the opposite extreme: a reality based on other people's delusions, for others may not be grounded in true reality either, and you would have fallen into the trap of their external delusion rather than one of your own

what is the meaning of all this then? that truth is independent of you and others, and truth is the way that binds us all, that truth and knowledge of it is utter wisdom, a kind of reality with a hawk's clarity. this then, is the great task that has haunted men and philosophers for all time, because truth is experienced, not just shared, that what separates reality from delusion (either from yourself or from others) is something one must simply discern on their own

>> No.22755890

that's just like, your delusion man

>> No.22755892

>Do you ever wonder why you have the particular aesthetic inclinations that you do?

>Like why is it that when you see or hear or experience something quite particular and it resonates with you on a deeper level despite no rational explanations for it doing so, why there's an undeniable resonance between you and that thing nevertheless?
I think it's because I'm an aristocrat of the soul. The billions of NPCs around me are blind to the beauty that I see

>> No.22755910
File: 68 KB, 1024x576, 1522409938811m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, a fellow "My Taste" enjoyer.

>> No.22755926
File: 2.98 MB, 3024x4032, 1700377344437293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking of all the dates that went wrong and the grils I couldve fucked...First time I got naked with a woman I kind of signalled I wanted a bj and she got mad and left. It was foolish if me since we were ready to fugg and I shouldve put the condom on but I changed my mind for some reason. Then it took another 6 months before I lost my virginity.

>> No.22755933
File: 2.81 MB, 331x498, beavis-laughing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I kind of signalled
Did you snap, whistle then point?

>> No.22755938

Oh great cunt of passion is back

>> No.22755948

Does everyone thinks they're meant to great things? I can't believe I'm living in that world sometimes. I must be an NPC or something close to one.

>> No.22755949
File: 68 KB, 1241x492, 1695007656391141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If there's no sexual love between two people, but there is still platonic love, they can be great friends with no problems whatsoever.
The only reason to get in a relationship with someone is the constant, guaranteed sex with that specific someone. That's because the only thing that you can exclusively get in a relationship is this constant, guaranteed sex. With many exceptional cases, of course, but that's the general rule for pretty much everyone.
The other things - emotional support, time spent together, "connection", and so on and so on - all of those you can get from a friendship with someone, who doesn't even have to be a person from the opposite sex.

>> No.22755955

Not sure what I did desu.

>> No.22755969
File: 1.27 MB, 906x1366, 1700743293857420.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


1. Prey to Suffering
2. The Uprooting of Suffering
3. Intentions Behind Actions
4. The Right Endurance
5. Addiction to Sensuality
6. No Need to Say No to Everything
7. Contemplation of Anger
8. Overcoming Depression
9. How to Develop Solitude
10. Appointment with Death
11. Truth About the Five Hindrances
12. How to Calm Your Mind
13. Gateway to Nibbāna

>> No.22755992
File: 81 KB, 1200x977, 1614405577469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol, aww.

>> No.22756012

Thanksgiving always makes me remember why I don't like boomers. Whole generation of people who can't stop sucking themselves off

>> No.22756040

What do you mean?

>> No.22756050

Everyone is the protagonist of their own lives.

>> No.22756058
File: 271 KB, 500x400, 1659584534588039.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That why I must be the antagonist in everyone else's.

>> No.22756062

Are we really?

>> No.22756070
File: 36 KB, 640x746, 1649494227836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont call it being an NPC, Anon...call it being a henchman.

>> No.22756090

I think my invisibility powers are almost back

>> No.22756104

They think they're the last good generation. Or that's a common attitude among a certain kind of boomer, anyway. My wife's mom brought her new boyfriend to our Thanksgiving dinner and he spent so much time bitching about how everyone is always on their phones, no one knows how to have a conversation, etc. Meanwhile he's the first person to get his phone out at dinner and his idea of conversation is just droning on about pointless crap and barely bothering to listen to anyone else before launching back into his monologue

>> No.22756297

I can make a knot of my dick. But I lose a year of my life when the fingers on my left are squeezed by somebody else. I'm right-handed and a romantic, so I know I will lose it one day and die embraced in bed. Unfortunately people know me and I have come to hate the possibility of my corpse being found with a trefoil shape in my crotch.

>> No.22756346

this is real random, but I'm looking for a black root vegetable with a white flesh, but it's not black salsify or carrot. I've bought it, and cooked with it, but I always thought it was black salsify, but I just found out it wasn't. Does anyone have any idea?

>> No.22756372
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>slowly piecing me together
>realize that Im 31
>remember that Im on the same par as people in early teens in terms of experience
>the most critical developmemt time is lost forever
I almost quit therapy once I've realized it. The regret over things that never happened.

>> No.22756388

Black radish? Licorice?

>> No.22756398
File: 1.99 MB, 1140x1320, Ro ranked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Got molested by my dad as a kid
>made me a timid coward and afraid of sex
>then was embarrassed a lot by girls in school because they saw what a coward I was. It was so bad other guys would make fun of me for how scared I was of them.
>started reading romance fiction as a proxy as I'm probably going to die a virgin
>mom is desperate for grandkids and not at all shy about letting me know
My brother is getting engaged today at least because she's not getting any from me

>> No.22756400

paint, weed, blowing off my responsibilities

>> No.22756403

male or female?

>> No.22756404

>anon has been reading books
we don't deserve you, you're too pure

>> No.22756426

>My wife's mom brought her new boyfriend t
I really do not understand people going into relationships in their 50s and 60s. Especially men. Why would any man want a constant nagging from some shrivelled up roastie? I get it if one is rich and can afford younger girlfriend to have sex with maybe once every two months but voluntarely spend time with an old woman? Wtf are these men thinking?

>> No.22756431

The regret you feel is infinitely more harmful than having missed that "development period"

>> No.22756443


>> No.22756445

My theory is /pol/ has been taken over any Jews because it was responsible for waking them up to their evil ways. There’s now no Jew memes at all. I think that’s because it has been controlled.

>> No.22756452

I have a retarded query. Do you think it's possible, for people who were raised religious, and in a regious extended ecosystem, such that their identity was founded and rooted within the confines of religion, to fully emancipate themselves from religion (once they become old enough to choose)?

Because my hunch says no? Even if they choose a radically different system of values to the one peddled by their former religion/cult, it seems more like overcompensating?

>> No.22756454

How so? Im forever missing the right time part.

>> No.22756473

He's a divorced guy with three busy kids, mid to late 60s, retired but always volunteering for this or that. No interest in the arts or anything particularly intellectual, Catholic but in a way that makes it clear he hasn't given it any thought. His only discernible hobby involves spending a lot of time alone. From the way he blathered on and on about the private schools he sent his kids to, the colleges they went to and the ones he wished they would have went to, and his high-paying but meaningless pencil-pusher career, it's clear he's spent his entire life chasing status which now means little in the face of old age. I think he's lonely. I mean, he spent one of the most famous "family holidays" with a woman he only met a couple months ago and might not even be fucking (they didn't sleep together) and 10 other people who didn't know anything about him until he showed up.

And also there's a certain kind of boomer guy who secretly loves having a nagging wife to complain about. They're perfect for each other, embodiments of the gendered neuroses of their generation.

>> No.22756485

Why do people want things I don't care about? Why are we different?

>> No.22756486
File: 333 KB, 720x1480, Screenshot_20231126-021011_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the right time
The present?

Stop wasting your crappy life by making it crap and do something about it or just die already.


>> No.22756497 [DELETED] 

>a divorced guy with three busy kids, mid to late 60s, retired
Sounds good. I might read this.

>> No.22756556

And what good is crying about that going to do? You can either get on with your life and do what you can or you can continue thinking of yourself as a broken person and do a whole lot less

>> No.22756570


>> No.22756576

i don't like churches and religions, but i like jesus

>> No.22756577

You live in a van

>> No.22756580

he was a bro

>> No.22756587

He likes you too, in fact he loves you and everyone else!

>> No.22756590
File: 366 KB, 720x1480, Screenshot_20231126-024307_Maps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im in a nice little house in Hokkaido, Japan at the moment. Im all snowed in.

I toured across the US twice in a van, from the deep south of Louisiana to the forests of Alaska.

You havnt seen shit of anything and even if you tried from this day on you wouldnt surpass where Im at right now til the day you die.

>> No.22756593

>I'm in Hokkaido in winter
Idk why you thought this was some kind of flex, the only thing worst than that is possibly being in Kolyma or something

>> No.22756595
File: 1.37 MB, 1172x1324, schoollifehell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like my life was over after high school. Pic related is the girl I liked - with the guy who took her virginity. Not me, obviously.

I continued living afterwards, but my life was already decided.

>> No.22756605
File: 355 KB, 717x713, 2023-07-13_02.39.48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats literally on my short(ish) list.

>Idk why you thought this was some kind of flex
Because youre an idiot grasping for anything to feel superior.



>> No.22756607

why did you simp for her?

>> No.22756611

He's American, he's probably comforted by everything having corn in it and coming from a tin

>> No.22756616

I never simped and was too timid to try. We were like mid-tier friends.

Shes been both attractive and interesting. In the manic BPD girl kind of way, but interesting.

>> No.22756620

>no I really want life threatening levels of snow
Seems like you could do that in Switzerland with better food and scenery

>> No.22756636

>western Europe
Maybe France to finish off the cathedrals and sample the food some more, or Rome to finish off the Vatican, but no thanks...Im interested in actual culture thats not polluted by modernity.

>> No.22756639

>western Europe
Get a map

>> No.22756647
File: 441 KB, 720x1480, Screenshot_20231126-025628_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Get a map
Traverse one.

I hope youre European so I can say with gusto...YOU DONT KNOW SHIT ABOUT EUROPE. Your history, your politics, your standing in the world.

Dis-a-pointed in the "old" world, felt oddly young to me. An idealism found in college girls.

>> No.22756651

>Americans don't know about central Europe
Seems legit

>> No.22756655

Shitty coomer, do you have no other purpose in life other than coom? Kys

>> No.22756671

I bet he went straight to Praha on his first trip like a hipster desperate to avoid Paris and was insufferable enough nobody told him it wasn't eastern Europe

>> No.22756683

For one so worldly and well-travelled, you sure are eager to prove yourself to us losers

>> No.22756684

You have to go back.

>> No.22756700

Czech Republic, Hungary, Croatia etc these countries may be located in Central Europe but culturally they are Eastern European countries. Switzerland is located in Central Europe but culturally it is a Western European country.

>> No.22756706

Yup terminally American

>> No.22756713

>Let me tell the Balkans about their geography

>> No.22756719

>central Europe
Doesnt exist, youre ignorant about European culture because youre European.

Huffing the farts of the differences you beoieve seperate you but as an outsider I dont care about the vain attempt of individuality your people grasp for like angsty teenagers.

>> No.22756720

Sorry I don't speak American

>> No.22756724

This is correct.

t.Lived in Dubrovnik for several months.

>> No.22756727


>> No.22756736
File: 643 KB, 719x963, 2022-02-10_21.23.19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol, checkmate.

>Im very sophisticated with many cultures experienced.
Sure bud, go to "me pub with me mates" and call it a night...

>> No.22756737

Yes the gift store is at the end of the tour

>> No.22756743

>*culturally* they are Eastern European countries
>let me tell the Balkans about their geography
ok retard

>> No.22756751

If its geomtry based cordninates we're talking about then Switzerland is Western.

Its cultural the Switzerland is western.

If egocentric based, then it is whatever other answers are possible except for the one I said...because; >>22756058


>> No.22756752

>America thinks Macedonia isn't serious about being Med
This is like when Russia thought the Czechoslovaks didn't mean to fulfill their contract

>> No.22756755

>laughs in illyrian

>> No.22756759

Aren't the Hungarians Magyar?

>> No.22756773

They were before the soviets. Today? Not so much.

>> No.22756781

kek what do they speak now?

>> No.22756784

They speak Hungarian.

>> No.22756792

Pressing X to doubt on this, anon. Roma didn't stop being Roma even with Ceausescu, and I don't think any length of soviets is going to stop anyone hating Turks

>> No.22756809

>kvass, boza, what's the diff?
>soda/pop/coke is a totally different local speciality

>> No.22756831

is gypsy situation that bad?

>> No.22756860

Aaaaaa I'm going insane aaaaaaaaaaaa

>> No.22756865

Gypsies are an entirely different matter. Soviets could occupy the entire Europe and over time make everyone a retarded commie, except gypsies.

>> No.22756919

>but the Magyar were easy to displace with Sovietism
Most people who care about it think if they exist it's bad and you should set traps

>> No.22756934

dear qt
y u so cute :3 ??

>> No.22756944


>> No.22756952

>>but the Magyar were easy to displace with Sovietism
Of course, what's hard about repressing, gulagging or just killing intelligent freedom loving citizens and promoting midwits in their place under authoritarian communist regime? It was literally happening every day all over soviet union, best examples are central asian republics in russia, they were literally Chinese and Mongolians yet today few even know their native language, there is hardly anyone above 90iq there, entire cultures literally destroyed, this happened everywhere in commie, certain groups/cultures were affected less, others almost completely destroyed.

>> No.22756988

grace slick's voice is proof of a good and loving god

>> No.22757110
File: 3.17 MB, 3024x3024, IMG_9763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve gotten the “ick” from my fbuddy multiple times but let it go bc I like him for his dick not his personality

Now I think I’m just getting bored of him but I don’t want to ghost him or outright end it (bc he will try to pester me) so do I just slow and fade out communication!? We text only to set up dates to hang out

>> No.22757131

Damn, I feel like this at 23. I know I have time but not much longer and I'm too self conscious. Not sure what to do.

>> No.22757138

Just say "hey I don't want your dick anymore, k bye" and then move onto the next cock on the carousel

>> No.22757140

Another coomer trash, his life ambition to love and be loved. Kek, kys.

>> No.22757141

I have this exact thought often

>> No.22757144

i can certainly see how those concepts are foreign to you

>> No.22757147

You're speaking American on an American website. Your children have American accents from American media. Your peers eat McDonalds and drink Starbucks. The American military protects your continent and trade. You live in an American world.

>> No.22757150

What do depressing lifestyles have in common?

>> No.22757163

Certainly the concept of ambition to you is a foreign and incomprehensible subject.

>> No.22757177

You are speaking English, anon. Unless you are native American and speak one of their native American languages.

>> No.22757193

don't worry I won't patent it

>> No.22757198

>the sound of a thousand red maps unfurling the background

>> No.22757207

I just brapped, anon

>> No.22757289

Need to masturbate so bad but roommates still in...

>> No.22757302

You can circle jerk together!

>> No.22757310

I mean they're housemates. Have my own room but i don't like the thought that others can hear me

>> No.22757313

This is how wars start.

>> No.22757316

>but now i will never have kids of my own
Unless you're like 50 or certifiably infertile you're throwing in the towel too easily. There are people who completely destroy their lives, who live in a tent smoking meth all day or something, who manage to turn everything around and start families. And you think weed, the internet, and video games (or whatever those other "unhealthy habits" are) made you squander your potential? You think your life is over at 30 or however old you are? Get a grip you huge pussy

You too

>> No.22757319

Sincere thanks for the list and references

>> No.22757323

What, do you wail and moan? Just jerk off into the toilet bowl and save yourself a bunch of trouble. Keep the water running if you're worried that other people are gonna hear Anon's Awesome Orgasm.

>> No.22757328

He caught aids while fucking fags and injecting fentanyl.

>> No.22757341

Nah im super quiet. I just worry and don't like the thought of anyone knowing

>> No.22757342

Medieval America

>> No.22757345

They all know that you masturbate.

>> No.22757349

Maybe they think he's asexual because he's infiltrated a lesbian sorority?

>> No.22757353

Nah, they know he masturbates, they probably know when he normally does it too.

>> No.22757355

High Guardian Spice could have been good if it was a fully atavisitic society and the tranny didn't mention transgender like it'd be a big deal in a world where you can wear a ring that interacts with a molecule (water, just make one that works in contact with oxygen) to transform yourself.

>> No.22757380

Yeah I don't see him feeding ceiling cat treats to keep his secrets

>> No.22757387

idk im super quiet. The one roomate is always gaming with headphones on. And i only do it when theyre in their rooms. Once a week random days
im stealthy

>> No.22757395

I recently realized how important your education and career choices between the ages of 18 and 27 are for what you can do with the rest of your life and what kind of man and leader you can be. I only regret that I didn’t know this then do I could more carefully make my decisions.

>> No.22757419

You could jerk off a lot more and nobody would know dude

Why is this the new narrative on here? So many anons say this shit now and it's depressing. So what if you didn't go to a prestigious school or get the perfect internship or whatever? You guys are just looking for excuses to feel bad

>> No.22757430

It doesn't matter. Careerism is a joke everyone dies eventually
Even those who make it, have to sacrifice half their life. I've a cousin in tech high paying job working crazy hours. Only to now get hit by an inexplicable auto immune illness leaving him unable to work.
Go join a fishing boat

>> No.22757431
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>about to buy my first house at 29
>also about to be a wizard
Can't tell if winning or not

>> No.22757440

What are you using the house for?

>> No.22757469

I'm going to live in it for awhile until I can rent it out and buy another one.

>> No.22757472

You underestimate just how paranoid I am. If i did multiple times, it would require a massive spec ops. Hours of planning

>> No.22757474

Whether it’s depressing is besides the point. It’s rather about whether it’s true. If it’s true, then it sucks that it’s depressing but it is what it is. Regardless, I wasn’t thinking so much about like credentials or whatever but rather the effect that a profession can have on the way you view the world.

>> No.22757476

And then what?

>> No.22757480

Careerism has nothing to do with it.

>> No.22757490

As long as you can keep working from the house, stacking money, I'd say winning.
My roommate is 29 and has maybe a few hundred dollars to his name

>> No.22757515

Try to have sex.

>> No.22757559

I thought about shaving today, but I went to help move my mother's new couch, and since it's midnight I simply can't be bothered to do it now. I'll lift some weights and then I'll go to sleep. Didn't have any time to think about my life today, so I guess it was a great day. Maybe it will get better.

>> No.22757615

Still longing for someone with all your heart despite being rejected by them is the worst feeling

>> No.22757629

Coffee and cigarettes;
breakfast in the cold before class.
Her hair is pulled back tight,
and her yoga pants hug her hips
in a way that makes me forget
what exactly I was going to say.
She smiles brightly,
blue eyes forward,
craning her neck to see me
while I puff and laugh off autumn
with Nothingness on our tongues.

I've long since quit smoking,
but I love coffee just the same,
and I wish that I could draw
instead of just remembering your name.
All that remains is for certian,
it's eidetic I suppose,
are the embers and the anguish
and the life that no one knows.
I moved on long ago,
and you moved on a lot sooner still,
but in the night I remember
both the danger and the thrill.
A decade has passed
and in anonimity I confide,
that all the time I've wasted
was time I chose to bide.

>> No.22757716

I'm gonna start using Instagram for its purpose : A photography blog. I'll try to compose silly scenes with friends and capture my surroundings with a camera, accompanied with lengthy text entries. I have zero skills. Nobody is going to give a damn, but of course why would that matter. It's an exercise. I'm more worried about it possibly enabling bad habits and thought patters in me instead of leading to any sort of internal breakthrough. My frankly egotistical hope is that those retarded photographs would inspire or provoke some sort of positive movement within their beholder(s). That's kind of a messed up thing to think about already, thinking of yourself as holding some sort of importance to strangers, isn't it? But at the same time, I still find myself thinking about a few pictures i've stumbled upon that were taken by regular people with no pretentions whatsoever.
I just want to touch the sublime, and feed it to somebody else.

>> No.22757736

"Simplification" more often than not means "does not conform to my preconceived ideas about this topic" rather than "simplification".

>> No.22757828

>able to own a house
>about to be a wizard
How didn't you get laid with a whore at seventeen?
Happened to me.
Anyway, you can always join the Catholic church. They're encouraging people to marry and breed.

>> No.22757831

I finally started reading Gravity’s Rainbow thinking it would be a cerebral masterpiece to sink my proverbial teeth into… what no one told me was how many times sex would be mentioned within the first 30 pages. That gave me the ick so bad that I don’t know if I can continue.

>> No.22757864

If from thousands of years on aliens will land on a devastated earth devoid of life and some contemporary books of history will be all they have to go on they will probably believe that the region between Danzig and Bucharest was inhabited almost exclusively by jews with a smattering of minorities like poles, slovaks, romanians, hungarians, and so on.

Can't think of another region on earth where the historiography of a minority overshadows the historiographies of the majorities in the region to such a comical degree.

>> No.22757880

>I want to force others to feel the primal wonder and awe at their insignificance in nature too
based romanticist

>> No.22757970

Is it wrong to take inspiration from things that you feel regret that they fumbled a good idea (or even just an idea you like) and try to do what they do better?

>> No.22757977

Not you should steal all the good bits

>> No.22758114

>cerebral masterpiece to sink my proverbial teeth into
That gave me the ick

>> No.22758118

And then what

>> No.22758124

I regret everything I've done or haven't done. I feel shame about every aspect of my life. I view my past as an embarrassing display of an abomination trying to do human things. I don't know what's wrong with me and others don't want to know. They keep their distance from the energy vampire that I am. I am an active hindrance to my surroundings and everyone knows this instinctively. I should've never been born. I am not a human nor any other species of animal. I am a random selection of mismatched chemicals.

My existence is in error.

>> No.22758131

Uh oh, I tried to psychically insert this thought into the mind of the negress who stopped in the middle of the crosswalk forcing everyone to walk partly out into oncoming traffic just to cross the street, and it accidentally ended up in this anon's mind

>> No.22758137

Prehuman history

>> No.22758149

I think you have to specify the postcode for the crosswalk- not just the number- now since the upgrade

>> No.22758151

anon you're too hard on yourself. have a cup of tea and read a nice short story. maybe a christmas carol, considering the season

>> No.22758170

My bottom front teeth fucking hurt whenever I breath in too cold of air or whenever I bite down on something because I ate something acidic yesterday, I'm pissed off.

>> No.22758184

i'm listening to talking heads "born under punches." my favorite part is when he says "i'm too thin" because i, too, am too thin

>> No.22758214

All my cells in my body are dead. The brave men and children of WW2 are dead. A bunch of flying squirrels fell off the cliff are dead. Trees swayed too hard during the hurricane are dead. Minecraft zombies in a dark tower with water are dead. A few horse frozen in the snow buried are dead. Text on your computer screen that will be deleted from the future are dead. Singing songs on the radio composed of racial slurs are dead. Prostitutes from thousands of years ago the oldest profession are dead. A cute girl living in the cave with broken bones needing to be fed fruit by her group are dead.

>> No.22758270

I wish I could draw.

>> No.22758288
File: 154 KB, 1125x1052, (6) Question.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22758293

>Whether it’s depressing is besides the point. It’s rather about whether it’s true
It's not. Again, I think this mindset is all about making yourself miserable. It's defeatist and pathetic. 25 year olds are on here moaning about how their lives are over due to some choices they made when they were teenagers. It's not true except in the most extreme cases.

>but rather the effect that a profession can have on the way you view the world
Though I am kinda curious what you mean by this

>> No.22758311

Fuck you, it's still November

>> No.22758320

i bought this big ass frozen organic pizza at the grocery store earlier. so delicious, but now i'm stuffed. anyone want the other half?

>> No.22758328

Yeah sure bro, I'll bring some beer

>> No.22758332


>> No.22758333

Asked all my friends to hang out this weekend. They all said no. The only friends who would want to hang out live out of town. Feels bad man

>> No.22758351


>> No.22758356 [DELETED] 

i'm think of getting that mothmen 1966 game on the steam sale. it says it's a "pixel pulp visual novel".

>> No.22758365

My best friend called me the other day and said he wanted to hang out before he starts his new job because he'll be flat out once he starts it and he won't have time. I said sure but I'm flat broke so I don't know what we're gonna do. He made a joke about the Mcdonald's penny pincher menu and we never made plans.

>> No.22758375

>ISP blocked from posting images
god I hate this

>> No.22758456

It has now been more than a year since I last had someone to love. My last girlfriend was an astrology chick I left because I didn't want her to confuse my kids with astrology shit. The breakup was sudden and painful for both of us. I loved her.

As for now it's been getting hard not to think about companionship. I have friends and I want to get loved but... Not by people who don't share my faith. Not anymore. It sometimes feels like I have no options although I do have some. They're just not ideal to me, and the more I think of it the more I realize I'm not looking in the right direction. Love isn't the answer I want, nor is it what will fill the hole in my heart. The last time I felt like I belonged somewhere was when I worked and prayed with my father. I'm missing that feeling. I remember eating with my family in total harmony and living simply. I think I was happy that way. I'm pretty sure the reason why everything is stagnant in my life is because God wants me to return to Him.

When did life get so complex? I was always a man of God. Not a man of Women, or a man of Whatever-the-fuck-cuck-society-wants-me-to-be. I should call my dad and get back to praying soon.

>> No.22758468


>> No.22758474

Wake up massive red splotches on my palm. Numb feeling legs and arm and weird feeling in chest.
Not the 1st time. No idea what causes it but notice it happens more on days i drink coffee.
Something with my heart i think cause coffee increases my blood pressure.
Makes me wonder if or when my heart might go..

>> No.22758493

>You are speaking English
No, its more scientifically accurate to call it American now. Its only continued to being called Engish out of habit. Like calling hand computers "phone", thats not what theyre for now but the term will remain...until tricorders, but alas...we have illiterate people on a literature board LARPing as research scientists in the medical science here.