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22751140 No.22751140 [Reply] [Original]

Why were no authors able to accurately predict this era?

>> No.22751149

unpredictable era

>> No.22751153

BNW did a decent job.

>> No.22751185

Damn, that's soul crushing.

>> No.22751189

Being able to accurately describe the contemporary world would out you as a low status loser.

>> No.22751194

Not really. It wouldn't have worked. She was controlling the frame. She would've gotten bored within 2-3 weeks.

>> No.22751200

Who cares, nigga. He would have fucked a cute tomboy for three weeks. It's a big loss.

>> No.22751225

Oof this hurts to read, but
If he cared he would have looked right away to see what she had written to him.

I once wrote something super cringe to some cute girl I’d just met a grade below me. The next year I felt really embarrassed to see her but she always smiled at me flirtatiously so I guess she liked it. Never made a move though, think I had a gf by that time. Just goes to show though, a bad move is better than no move. Trust me it was pretty fucking cringe.

>> No.22751228

>Trust me it was pretty fucking cringe.
Tell us, anon. What did you write?

>> No.22751272

I dont remember exactly some douchy shit about how she was pretty cute and I might have to steal her away from her bf one day

>> No.22751275

Chad move. Nothing cringe about that, anon.

>> No.22751278

Ted K did an ok job but he was writing not too long ago in the grand scale.

>> No.22751280

Infinite Jest was surprisingly close, all things considered.

>> No.22751319

I was going to say Infinite Jest too. David Foster Wallace predicted a lot.

>> No.22751328

I would've killed myself. Thankfully I never talked to a single woman.

>> No.22751333

Nope. He would've made awkward and fumbling advances and been sexually unsure. Her pussy would've dried up immediately and she'd've sidelined him.

>> No.22751359

well at least he would have gained experience. Me? I feel the need to practice with 12 and 13 year olds, so that they we can learn together

>> No.22751901

Insane projection

>> No.22751913

>my long distance relationship would have worked this time

>> No.22751961

Thanks, bro I should try and think this way when the cringe thoughts come on lol

>> No.22752481
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I think E M Forster did a pretty good job with "the machine stops." Hw went a little far with the hal type technology and we don't live under ground but everything else is pretty spot on. And he got that publish back in 1909.

>> No.22752500

There are so many women I don't understand why you'd obsess over a single missed opportunity.

>> No.22752503

CS Lewis
Actually most reactionary Christians in the early 20th century saw what was coming

>> No.22752513

Anon is correct. No poon potential at all. Posting on here is all that's needed

>> No.22752558

>There are so many women
less than one per man.

>> No.22752577

You miss 100% of the shots you don't take

>> No.22752708

Luckily for us women can be used more than once, so your post doesn't make sense.

>> No.22752724

I did this sophmore year of hs. A girl gave me a note written on a textbook check out card saying "I like you" but I thought she had passed it from the name that was on the card. I looked her up in the yearbook and she was a year older than me and had never met her so I was just confused. I realized I was retarded like 4 years later.

>> No.22752729

>He would've made awkward and fumbling advances and been sexually unsure.
bro wtf

>> No.22752735

We realised you were retarded immediately.

>> No.22752744

Pls understand I have autism

>> No.22753021

Liberal bias, Whig history in academia

>> No.22753299

Only virgins are worth anything. In ancient Rome the fathers had their own daughters put to death if they lost their virginity.

>> No.22753316

Thanks for the info, I'll go looking for one at the local middle school.

>> No.22753571

>In ancient Rome the fathers had their own daughters put to death if they lost their virginity.

>Scribonia (c. 70 BC – c. AD 16) was the second wife of Octavian, later the Roman Emperor Augustus, and the mother of his only biological child, Julia the Elder. Through her youngest daughter she was the mother-in-law of the Emperor Tiberius, great-grandmother of the Emperor Caligula and Empress Agrippina the Younger, and great-great grandmother of the Emperor Nero.
>According to Suetonius, Scribonia was married three times; her first two husbands were consuls. [...] This indicates she had a son from her first marriage who was living with her after she was divorced from Octavian.
>In 40 BC, Scribonia was forced to divorce her second husband and marry Octavian, who had recently divorced his wife Claudia.
>Octavian's motive in marrying Scribonia was to cement a political alliance with Sextus Pompey, husband to Scribonia's niece or sister. The marriage was brief and unhappy; he divorced her on the very same day as the birth of their daughter, Julia the Elder, his only natural child.

>Livia Drusilla (30 January 59 BC – AD 29) was Roman empress from 27 BC to AD 14 as the wife of emperor Augustus. She was known as Julia Augusta after her formal adoption into the Julian family in AD 14.
>She was married around 43 BC. Her father married her to Tiberius Claudius Nero, her cousin of patrician status who was fighting with him on the side of Julius Caesar's assassins against Octavian.
>After peace was established between the Triumvirate and the followers of Sextus Pompeius, a general amnesty was announced, and Livia returned to Rome, where she was personally introduced to Octavian in 39 BC. At this time, Livia already had a son, the future emperor Tiberius, and was pregnant with the second, Nero Claudius Drusus (also known as Drusus the Elder).

In ancient Rome the fathers had their own daughters prostituted sequentially 3 to 5 times for dowry or political alliances.

>> No.22753579

That's even better. It's the opposite of today where fathers pay for their daughters whoring adventures.

>> No.22753593

>It's the opposite of today where fathers pay for their daughters whoring adventures.
Maybe, but it still proves that virginity was not worth shit in that society.

>> No.22753601

Late Rome isn't an example, they were terminally degenerated at that point, like the West is today.
It's like saying that gay faggots are tolerated in the West because they are so from the late 20th Century onward.
There's no reason to infinetly despise these Roman politicians for being decadent coomers.

>> No.22753606

>From the start of the Roman Republic, there was a high emphasis placed on a woman's virginity. Pudicitia (chastity) was a goddess of feminine purity, and was worshipped by Roman women.

>> No.22753708

It was valued. There was a case I read of a tutor getting caught having sex with the daughter, and the father had them both executed.

>> No.22753767

>|No, not that Ancient Rome, that Ancient Rome was decadent and fallen already!"
The first recorded laws that against adultery as a crime prosecutable in court (as opposed to just a ground for divorce without return of the dowry) were instituted by... Augustus, the same game who started fucking his third wife when she was still married to her first husband and pregnant with his second child not that Octavian then proceeded to dutifully raise his wife's sons, as was the custom at the time. Prior to that, adultery was never criminal in Roman law - husband could punish his wife for adultery as the head of the family, but the wife's relatives could then sue him if they believed that he overstepped or disrespected the father-in-law by this punishment.

The mythical foundations of Rome that are of questionable authenticity, but are known to play a significant role in Roman culture since the time of Kingdom - meaning Romans themselves largely believed them to be true come from the Abduction of Sabine Women, by Roman warriors, from their Sabine husbands.

Point being that Ancient Rome with it's paganistic culture is a bad example of chaste society. Try Byzantine or Catholic Spain, unless they are not "vgh" enough for you.

>Pudicitia (chastity) was a goddess of feminine purity, and was worshipped by Roman women.
Which inherently implies that said purity was uncommon. Reminder that prostitution was a legal a licensed business in Rome, largely conducted by citizen women, as coupling with slaves was seen as borderline bestiality by the Roman society all the way until decline of slavery.

>> No.22754012

Doubtful. People married several times frequenty, but I don't think premarital sex was condoned for women.

>> No.22754164

>I don't think premarital sex was condoned for women
Of course - reliable contraception was not a thing yet, and STDs were rampant.

>> No.22755365

>Only virgins are worth anything.
Christianity and its consequences.

Sex with virgins won't give you magic powers. In fact, assuming you're a virgin as well, the experience would just result in a lot of pain and discomfort.

>> No.22755393

You're a modern woman who is shortsighted. This pleasure seeking won't lead you to happiness. When you're old (30+ for a woman) you'll have nothing but your husk.

>> No.22755394

I am old and have fucked dozens of women, a couple LTR's under my belt and currently engaged. When I think back on life the ones I didn't hook up with, the ones where I didn't even make a move, those stand out and sting worse than the times I blew it.
Always take a chance, shoot your shot. Not doing so is far worse than failure.

>> No.22755524

I don't get that at all. In the past before birth control and abortion they might get pregnant and then another man would raise your son; perhaps without even knowing it's not his. But today? Sex for ego is completely meaningless; as fake as playing video games or watching porn.

>> No.22755546

Imagine random hookups being such a defining part of your personality that you agonize over them.

>> No.22756091
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>> No.22756099
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>> No.22756102

Haha yeah.....

>> No.22756339

I've never known love and never will. How do I cope with this?

>> No.22756439

Reading good romance manga

>> No.22756441

this depresses me

>> No.22756463

Then you must be capable of it, for you long for it.
Go seek it out, anon, nevermind the ugly or the infirm, love is to be enjoyed by all.

>> No.22756484

Unfortunately this is the truth. This world isn't made for people like us

>> No.22756500

I think I'm one of those people >>22751333
It all feels alien to me. I can imagine it but it's foreign and strange, none of it comes naturally

>> No.22756532

>media addiction
predicted by David Foster Wallace
>art being reduced to a trash culture industry
predicted by Adorno
>resentment politics ruling literature
predicted by Harold Bloom

>> No.22756565

It does come naturally, the desire is there but the execution is a bit off.

Take as many shots as you can for a while and use a scientific approach to dating, note how they respond to you making a joke, to you telling a story, to you teaching something, or talking about emotions (women love this, bonus points for expressing very specific emotions without mentioning them), and so on. Use this to map yourself in the world of dating, what works and what doesn’t. Really challenge yourself and treat each girl as a shot in the dark, it either works or it doesn’t and none of it defines you, you’re just studying now and these bitches are just lab partners.

Most people don’t do this because they settle for the second or third naturally occurring woman contact. You want to be able to choose, so you must practice and drill the moves you’ll use in your final target.

This is knowledge you’ll use to woo your tradwife later down the line.

>> No.22756588

I guess this could work if I even had opportunities.
Tried dating apps, zero results
No women in my field
I don't know man. Maybe I should focus on something else

>> No.22756612
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no single individual could predict everything, but plenty predicted many things.

>> No.22756637

Guess im in a boat that is near yours?
I had plenty of opportunities during my younger days, had probably more gf's then it was worth it, really. But now, im just so ... indifferent maybe?
Im having some small talks with girls at local gym, one of em even drove me in her car once. But they all married, so its whatever. Outside of that, whenever I try to talk to a girl, if theres even a talk going on, I just lose interest in a day, max. Dunno. The girls that I think I like just out of my reach, seemingly gone with my youth.

>> No.22756638

do one of the backup plans for incels. either get lots of money together and tour the third world until some old guy in a village throws their daughter or granddaughter at you, buy a wife on the spicmart/out of a drug den, or groom a tranny. coming from someone who wasted their teens and twenties dating roasties, it's not a winning game.

>> No.22756656


>> No.22756672

virginity is valued in most cultures around the world, christian or not. japan, india, china, all of islam. it stems from male instinct. you can disregard male instinct all you want and see where it gets you. likely the same place that men who disregard female instinct(economic stability/status) end up. alone.

>> No.22756705

it was extremely valued like in almost all cultures. what nobility did for political reasons with marriages and what not doesn't even remotely represent social norms.

>paganistic culture
>"They therefore live in a state of chastity well secured; corrupted by no seducing shows and public diversions, by no irritations from banqueting. Of learning and of any secret intercourse by letters, they are all equally ignorant, men and women. Amongst a people so numerous, adultery is exceeding rare; a crime instantly punished, and the punishment left to be inflicted by the husband. He, having cut off her hair, expells her from his house naked, in presence of her kindred, and pursues her with stripes throughout the village. For, to a woman who has prostituted her person, no pardon is ever granted. However beautiful she may be, however young, however abounding in wealth, a husband she can never find. In truth, nobody turns vices into mirth there, nor is the practice of corrupting and of yielding to corruption, called the custom of the Age. Better still do those communities, in which none but virgins marry, and where to a single marriage all their views and inclinations are at once confined. Thus, as they have but one body and one life, they take but one husband, that beyond him they may have no thought, no further wishes, nor love him only as their husband but as their marriage. To restrain generation and the increase of children, is esteemed an abominable sin, as also to kill infants newly born. And more powerful with them are good manners, than with other people are good laws."

what about paganistic culture is supposed to disvalue virginity? that's tacitus on germans, doesn't get much more pagan than that.

>> No.22756758

It's not worth it. Take it from someone who had success with dating apps, it just made me hate women. There's quite literally nothing good about them other than the fact that you can fuck them.

>> No.22756803

You hate them because you don't accept them as they are but you keep an infantilised ideal of woman should be and that they have the free will to become that ideal, which they hardly do. But I doubt that you hate bears for attacking people or volcanos for destroying towns.

>> No.22756843

The problem is I am forced to be around women. I can easily avoid both bears and volcanos.

>> No.22756853
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>tfw fell in love with the cute tomboyish girl at my workplace but she's already engaged to another man
Books for this feel?

>> No.22756866

when people say stupid shit like this the only appropriate response is 'shut up bitch'

>> No.22756874

Just gotta learn to move on. Easier said than done, really. Try and avoid seeing them or being around them since it will just cause feelings to arise.

>> No.22756884

I know this won't get through to you right now, but she's not nearly as good as she appears.

>> No.22756908

"infantilised" is a good one. I dont think thats "infantilised", but you are right otherwise. They are as human as you and I, they have all the potential in the universe, yet, they chose to be... this. Infantile, warped.

>> No.22756949

To be fair this is true for most people. Society just tries it's hardest to lie to you about women, for understandable reasons.

>> No.22756959

Its not just about sex. Its about interacting with another human in an intimate way and the joy of playing the flirting game.
You create a special memory that's just between you and the other. I don't think that's meaningless at all.

>> No.22757006

Its honestly infuriating. We are being lied ot, okay. But we are asked to behave as if the lie was the truth. Women lied to, as well. But they dont compelled to behave as if it were true, no. They just expect us to behave as if it were true. Id say this is how some form of a slavery feels like.

>> No.22757014

didn't Nietzsche, Spengler, De Maistre and Carlyle predict everything

>> No.22757018

It's certainly what being a second class citizen feels like yes. I suggest you get over your anger though, it won't help. Just try to disengage from society's values and pursue self-empowerment.

>> No.22757023

Fucking wasted digits
You are a sad man

>> No.22757029

Im not angry, im just disappointed. But you suggest to abandon the anger, why? Is it not justified? Id say, im angry at myself for not being angry enough about the whole conundrum.

>> No.22757032

There's nothing wrong with being angry or any other emotion. The issue with anger is that it gives the object of your anger a degree of control and also that anger is not a good source of input for rational action.

>> No.22757038

kys incel

>> No.22757046


>> No.22757049

This is what Im saying, Im not even angry. It just infuriating, when it confronts you directly, i.e., you talk to a girl, she behaves like a literal pig, but expects all the courtesy of a lady, as written in books. You cant even read, what ladies?

>> No.22757066

I have no artistic talent.

>> No.22757108


>> No.22757111

Huxley did

>> No.22757130

trips confirm the projection

>> No.22757133

If only he knew how bad things would be.

>> No.22757156

mom would be sad

>> No.22757182

>You're a modern woman
Today I learned I am trans.

>> No.22757192

The male instinct is not purely focused on virginity.

>> No.22757259

Move on. It fucking hurts but you can’t get obsessed with women you have no chance with, don’t get oneitis.

>> No.22757264

t. virgin incel

>> No.22757277
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>> No.22757278

This, it happened to me. I was desperately in love with a lesbian co worker for 2 years and she eventually asked to kiss me but I was nervous and unsure and inexperienced and it was awkward and she said it didn't feel right and now she ignores me completely.

>> No.22757311

>women can be used more than once
no. a woman can be used once. after, only a whore remains.

>> No.22757315

yes. this is unironically the only path. many take it, though the only middle school girls available are 2-dimensional.

>> No.22757318

but then you do know love.

>> No.22757327

all unrealized love amounts to a crush and a crush is a condition mostly goes away in 2 weeks if you don't actively reinforce it. it lasts for as long as you keep feeding it by entertaining the thought.

literally just don't let your mind linger on her. the first few times it might be hard to not let your thoughts get the better of you but practice mindfulness so this condition does not recur. most adults have already mastered this skill, you should too.

>> No.22757337

>currently engaged
>still obsessing over one-night-stands he missed out on
Lmao, just cancel the wedding now. Save your wife and yourself the fucking disaster that is incoming.

>> No.22757344
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>Sex with virgins won't give you magic powers
Indeed. It is no sex and being a virgin myself that will. Only 2 years and 4 months to go. No vixen shall sway me from the path of the arcane.

>> No.22757702
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Pic in OP is distilled suicide fuel

>> No.22757798

>She was controlling the frame

>> No.22758129

Any failure in any area of life justifies suicide.
There's literally no logical argument otherwise

>> No.22758134

not at all
you don't know what controlling the frame is

>> No.22758144

i do, it's when you have a picture of minecraft steve and your mom has a picture of your aunt's family but there's only one frame so you pull out your gun before she has a chance to draw

>> No.22758148

Terrible example, holding something accountable for its own late stages is more than valid
If a society is fundamentally lacking a flaw, then the flaw will be predominant at any stage of that society. Nobody can say that Qing China was too egalitarian, for example. There's no need to cope about it at all.
"The West" exists as such because of the Renaissance (LARP movement) where people like the fucking Borgias directed the aesthetics of culture for the next half millennium to imitate those of corrupt elites from Greece and Rome. Sodomy is a founding value of the west, which was just not at the forefront until recent times.

>> No.22758153

Feels good having a gf and not feeling moved at all by this shit.
My condolences to all who want a "tomboy gf" lmao

>> No.22758155

Our condolences that your ass-eating pornsickness-accommodating tradwife looks like an AI-generated image of "mid + woman"

>> No.22758159

>Sodomy is a founding value of the west
I 100% agree with this and I'm a born Westerner. Truth is, Western society was built and is operated by faggots and it's primary output is faggotry. No other civilization is as obsessed with it as us.

>> No.22758218
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Social media blows that little girl sentiment right out of the water bud. Ditto TV and movies and even novels which inject pretense into every relationship ahead of time. Pic rel only it's everyone in any type of relationship with you unless you've known them since elementary school. I know it sounds boomer af, but I really don't know what to say other than tv and cell phones ruined society and there is nothing you can do about it. I mean really what chance do you have with anybody? This is what it means to be a wagie. You're a totally mobilized economic unit (no tie downs of real substance) and it's by design.

>> No.22758248

>tfw sensitive young man
it never began

>> No.22758269

>No other civilization is as obsessed with it as us.
Japs and Muslims (especially Turks)

>> No.22758282

This is untrue. Homosexuality != Faggotry. Homosexuality has occurred in many cultures, but Faggotry is uniquely Western.

>> No.22758350

What did he mean by this?

>> No.22758406

Honestly even if you act like a total cuck and have all the "right" opinions, most of those FDS type women will still find a reason to pass. Like these cunts literally go on 50+ first dates without ever saying ok to a second date. They are complete lost causes, you cannot save them

>> No.22758409
