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22750584 No.22750584 [Reply] [Original]

Any other academics here? Wondering if I'm the only one shitposting about Victorian lit while grading a stack of papers.
How have students been for you, post-covid? The ones at my university seem socially stunted and even less prepared for college/independent life than they used to be, but maybe I'm just getting older. I had a student in a comp class who wrote one giant wall of text for a personal narrative draft and when I asked him about paragraphs/topic sentences he said something to the effect of "I thought those were only in books, we have to do those?"
On the other hand, the top students are really spectacular this semester. A few are putting on a reading of Dickens in the quad for Christmas after they light the campus tree.
Mostly I'm curious if any of the other anons here pretend to be normal enough to exist as professors while writing up schizophrenic drunken rants about Foucault and Adorno in their free time
For anyone, I'm putting together my lit survey syllabus for next semester. Any books/poetry you really loved as an undergrad, or wish you'd been assigned? I don't really teach American lit but anything else is fair game

>> No.22750591

You ever fuck? The co-eds of course.

>> No.22750594

You went along with making covid a thing and let the powers that be jerk you around, I bet you got vaccinated too

>> No.22750596

No, just the emotional support dogs in the library

>> No.22750599

That was always the gayest shit ever. And all the little faggots that went to pet them during finals week because they were "sooooo stressed" pissed me off to no end. Grow up. Grow some skin. That's why these liberal college pussies are such faggots these days. They can't do a week of hard work without breaking down in tears and needing to pet an animal for emotional support. Fucking fags.

>> No.22750614

I teach nurses and I'm told by administration to just give everyone a pass, no mattet how incompetent they are. These students, while in their 20s, never really developed their mind beyond that of a child. Sometimes I feel like I'm teaching high schoolers, not someone who's going to be preforming triage in a few years, deciding who can live long enough to wait to see a doctor in an hour and who cant. It truly is terrifying. These women should not be within 20 feet of a needle, let alone giving advice about vaccines and surgeries.

>> No.22750617

No, but once in a while you can tell one is very much interested. I feel bad mostly--I assume they don't have a strong male role model and are looking for intimacy wherever they can find it.
They do have great tits, though.
If you think an assistant professor at a SLAC has any power whatsoever over even THAT SCHOOL'S admin, let alone the entire country's healthcare, I don't know what to tell you.
We have one. Big fat yellow lab. The kids take her for walks and overfeed her. I'd take 100 emotional support dogs over the deluge of suddenly sick or dead relatives and BS "disability accommodations" that basically amount to "I can't be asked to do any work on any meaningful deadline and it's your problem now"

>> No.22750621

>go to library to do some actual work
>distracted by the Stacies fawning over the heckin floofers
At least the Stacies had cute butts, gave me coomer fuel

>> No.22750630

Maybe you shouldn't be at a community college where they give out AA's in nursing....

>> No.22750633

I find most of the kids with these "accommodations" fail the course anyways.

>> No.22750637

Maybe you should learn to use dashes of ellipses.

>> No.22750640

Can you show me a dash of your ellipses... Big guy...

>> No.22750641

>I thought those were only in books, we have to do those?
Based, he's right

>> No.22750645

He's a phoneposter. He's talking about the special ellipses character on the iPhone when you press and hold the period button.

>> No.22750658

>it's an iPhoneposter

>> No.22750659

Brutal. Once I started teaching I realized very acutely how there's one summer that separates the drunk, unmotivated seniors from jobs that could literally mean life and death. Enrollment numbers are down so we're also basically being told to just push everyone through because losing students is a no-go
He's going to be a politician or a CEO some day, I just know it. You can't teach that level of willful ignorance. Life is meant for people with no self-awareness.

>> No.22750681

OP would you say you're at a well known university, or are you at a community college for poor white kids?

>> No.22750694

No. I mean properly using ellipses in the context of omitting part of a sentence, not as a way of ending a complete sentence.

>> No.22750708

>omitting a part of a sentence
Oh, you think I didn't omit part of the sentence. You're low IQ.

>> No.22750723

It's a SLAC that's reasonably selective. You likely have heard of it at least in passing.

>> No.22750728

>Maybe you shouldn't be at a community college where they give out AA's in nursing....
This is a complete sentence. And now that I look closer I see you used four periods. Better luck next time, genius.

>> No.22750737

Nta but I’ve lost a job and a career in that field because of this. Granted it was high school but it left me persona non grata in the education/academic field

>> No.22750754

I'm a doctoral student doing a literature PhD, considered an incredibly normal and charismatic person by my peers.
I've only had post-Covid students, but the ones that I had right after Covid ended were better than these more recent ones. I think it's that if they had the online schooling too early, then they end up retarded. However, I can't prove it.

>> No.22750756

you fucking schizos get on my nerves

>> No.22750780

>This is a complete sentence.
Astute observation poindexter. But your IQ is low you can't even comprehend that more words could be added to that sentence.

>> No.22750796

>muh im strong man so strong ugabuga me no need support
yeah i think you are the faggot here

>> No.22750804

That's probably right. I wonder if it'll start getting better again soon given that the students the next few years will have had all of highschool in person to resocialize them.
Probably don't fuck highschoolers anon.

>> No.22750811

You're kind of a huge fag if your life goes to shambles because you have to take some exams. It's called self-control faggot. Learn it.

>> No.22750816

Midwits get on mine

>> No.22750817

>I wonder if it'll start getting better again soon given that the students the next few years will have had all of highschool in person to resocialize them.
I doubt it. Standards dropped everywhere, and schools are consistently just passing people through. Either everyone has to admit that a few years of people are at a serious disadvantage or we have to keep the standards low. But, when those standards get lowered, it's often done with the veneer of "the previous standards were racist because X% of BIPOC people fail regularly", so the standards can't be re-implemented.
On top of that, society won't fall apart because of them being so fucking stupid. Society is already a well-lubricated and finely-tuned machine. If anything, society will become smoother, stupider, more tightly organized.

>> No.22750883

For what its worth, its left you a person grata in my heart anon
>t. substitute teacher whos always getting eyefucked by the nymphy 14 y/os

>> No.22751104

Make them read shit you've written

>> No.22751117
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I get the feeling my professors think im a retard....

>> No.22751144

I doubt it. Students who at least engage with the material I think well of, even if they're still new to the concepts and methods. Really the only students I think are stupid are the ones who outright don't do any of the work and don't go to class. You're just lighting money on fire and even if you get the degree, why skip the best chance in your life to learn across many subjects from experts before you get your "real job"?

>> No.22751159

Yeah, society will be in great shape in 20 years when all the boomer tradies are gone and there is nobody to keep the lights on.

>> No.22751178

Im just quiet and dont say anything

>> No.22751180

I worry for our infrastructure. Export bridge collapses and elevator collapses to become extremely common about 30 years from now. Not to mention high rise and apartment collapses.

That condo collapse in Florida wasn't an anomaly. It was bellwether.

>> No.22751286

I 100% agree with you. We’ve allowed people to become totally soft and it shows in everything.
No, you are definitely the faggot.

>> No.22751291

It’s really no surprise. If you can’t get your shit together to do basic level undergrad course work, you’re probably a retard.

>> No.22751294

I had to explain to way too many college students that humanitarianism, feminism and being a minority are not examples of creativity.

>> No.22751304
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To professors and academics out there, have you noticed a sharp decline in the ability of students? What are some examples, other than those posted already?
My impression in undergrad four years ago is that it was already hopelessly bad. I would talk to one of the department heads and he’d go on about how all standards have completely dropped. How kids would come to college without even being able to spell or write a basic essay. At the beginning of each class (an upper level class) he’d go over a basic grammar rule that he kept finding in our weekly papers.
What are your experiences? Has it really gotten way worse across the board?

>> No.22751330

>Couldn't get coed poon so he just seethes at Fido instead
Damn bro you are a certified hard ass

>> No.22751338

Students in calculus don't understand basic algebra.
Students in algebra can't think abstractly.

>> No.22751344 [DELETED] 

>What are your experiences? Has it really gotten way worse across the board?
Highschool teacher, but I come across a couple of kids who are surprisingly clever every year. One kid for example, we were discussing what we did in our free time, started listing off the effects of different poisons he had read about on wikipedia. Apparently he was terrified of being poisoned so he liked to keep up on the literature. Iraqi immigrant, spoke half a dozen languages fluently, interesting background. Most are fairly smart. Its rare to come across people who are actually dumb desu. Cant speak for university though, I went to a top tier LAC and some of people there were straight retarded.

>> No.22751408

>I can’t take some basic ass test without breaking down and crying
Grow up

>> No.22751430

This, I give extensions out like candy because I don’t really give a shit when it gets in (within reason). Kids are either gonna do the work or not, it’s unbelievable how many will simply take a fat 0 in their grades without taking the effort to just drop the class.

>> No.22751476

They’re probably depressed and don’t realize it. Apathy is very insidious

>> No.22751484

Oh I’m sure they’re depressed but I would reach out these kids, tell them “hey fuck what the professor says, I’m going to give you full credit if you just get it in. Email me if you need help, we’ll go through it.” One kid did this in my three years of doing it. At a certain point you can only reach your hand out so far. It’s sad but telling about the direction things are goin.

>> No.22751493

Wake forest?

>> No.22751512

>have small course of a dozen students
>one student on the register never shows up
>check with university if there was a mistake or he dropped
>term ends never seeing him and he gets a zero
>next term same course
>he is enrolled again
>never comes again

>> No.22751533

Whatever you do, dont ask if theyre a couple of "spooks" and start banging the janitor. Trust me, it doesnt work out for you.

>> No.22751545

Student loan fraud, maybe?

>> No.22751551

I agree but I’m just playing a devil’s advocate of sorts. If I can go back and do it all over again I would have gone to college in my mid 20’s instead of right out of high school. A lot of kids feel that that is what one does. Goes to college right out of high school. Most aren’t ready for it and have the motivation and decision making skills to make choices that will potentially affect their lives in a large degree. I dealt with depression when I was younger and mostly didn’t realize it. Hard to notice things when everything is colored grey. Motivation, enjoyment, and desire just weren’t there and I didn’t know it. I was a kick the can down the road person. Worry about problems when they arise. I would have never taken up a professors offer for help because that would mean swallowing my pride and even admitting something I wasn’t aware of. Oftentimes distance and time enables one to get a perspective of what things truly are. The difference between me in my 30’s and me as a young man is night and day and it boggles my mind that I couldn’t grasp that something was wrong. Hell, if I could go to a few classes for free now, I probably would just to learn, degree be damned. If I could make over the university system I would make sweeping changes. Businesses and corporations are too much in bed with colleges. The latter has become a cash cow because now every job needs a degree even if it really doesn’t. I wish I could make it so those who wanted to go to college would and they wouldn’t be forced to because they could earn a decent living without a degree. I would encourage kids to go to college when they want to and are more mature, even if that is when you are 25 years old. Kids are just growing up and maturing later than they used to and universities aren’t sliding with that change. And don’t get me started on the cannibalistic “for us, by us” self enclosed style of academia that is stifling, tedious, and becoming more and more increasingly niche

Just ranting and giving my 2 cents but it’s good you give kids a chance. Sometimes they just have to hold on and get through their funk.

>> No.22751554

I don't know, if you don't think that having everybody in government, healthcare, and other fields relating to the general maintenance of society be a great deal more incompetent won't result in drastic consequences when they start to cut corners they don't even know how to cut, or entire fields of knowledge become lost because there simply isn't anyone intelligent enough to carry the torch, you might be a bit naive.

>> No.22751559

I don't think people in the upper crust are getting dumber. I think the lower crust is getting worse. The disparity is being allowed to grow, the class divide is growing larger. As there is a decrease in the necessity of "good" propaganda to convince the lower crust that everything is ok, they stop doing it. They just shitpost in public, or argue about nothing.
This is modern politics, an empty smokeshow.

>> No.22751562

it's very likely I know at least one of you guys in this thread IRL. don't think I don't recognize a /lit/erati when I see one. yes, sometimes I drop hints and hope you pick up on them. other times, I straight up out you.

>> No.22751567

What happens if you bang the janitor?

>> No.22751580

I know this isn't exactly what you're asking but I recently had covid and for some reason I've found my ability to read very boring prose like the Bible has increased dramatically
Has anyone else had reverse-brain fog?

>> No.22751654

Same bro.

>> No.22751685

Complete sentences do not become incomplete just because you add ellipsis at the end. Complete sentences do not exist in a quantum state of being complete and incomplete. I'm not the anon youre arguing with but it sincerely pisses me off how often people fail at using ellipsis. It's like ending your sentence with a semicolon. It's wrong. When this thread is pruned and forgotten I hope you never make this mistake again.

>> No.22751694

Unquestionably. I could go on for days.

>> No.22751698

>When this thread is pruned and forgotten I hope you never make this mistake again.
A comma should be placed at the end that dependent clause.

>> No.22751701

My wife and I are both PhD students in English lit at a top 10 (non-Ivy) school. She studies medieval lit, mostly focusing on emotional aesthetics in autobiographical poetry, while I’m writing my dissertation on art, authenticity, and Actualism in Gaddis, Wallace, and some others who my supervisory committee forced me to include for lib points.

I taught a course on sci-fi and fantasy this semester, but I’m teaching a course on Knausgaard next year—it’s my own designed course, so I’m pretty excited. There’s no undergrad program in medieval lit here, so my wife is stuck teaching courses like “Children’s Literature” to mostly nursing and education students looking for an easy English credit. The students in my class are abysmal, and I’ve only given two A’s out of 60 students. Both my wife and I have noticed a sharp decline in the quality of the students in the last few years. We went to less prestigious schools for our MAs, yet the students were by far more capable in forming an argument, structuring an essay, and actually providing quality evidence and explanation. I can’t tell you how many students this semester have written papers to the tune of “Lovecraft is a good science fiction author because his books are scary.” My wife blames it on the influx of international students, but I honestly think it must have to do with the declining quality of the American school system—these kids just never learn how to write a damn essay. Honestly, even the MA students in my department seem less capable these days, which shows because there haven’t been any recent admits to the PhD program directly from the MA program—many are actually international students from Canada, Korea, China, etc. (My wife is from China, but she did her MA in the US)

I become more and more disillusioned with academia each passing year. While it’s been my dream since I was a small child, I’m no longer confident I’m cut out for the liberal cesspool of the humanities anymore.

>> No.22751705

People are posting students, but does anyone else find coworkers and fellow professors retarded and insufferable often?

>> No.22751709

Kek. I know you

>> No.22751716
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I wonder the same. I'm an international student raised in a non-English speaking country that was mostly not used to English lit. I nonetheless ended up declaring an English major (double majoring it with something else though) and I always feel stupid because articulating my thoughts is clearly not as easy as it would be in my native language and because I am clearly not as familiar with the English canon as other people are. I always feel dwarfed when an author I've heard of is mentioned by a professor and I see other students claiming to have read it while I'm just there being the idiot that has heard of the name but never read a work from them.

I try to make it up with the enthusiasm though.

>> No.22751740

My students have the strangest goddamned names I've ever seen. Nevaeh, Alizytl, Livny, Deyka, D'Ondra...

>> No.22752143

It would be very painful

>> No.22752147

>only 2 As out of 60 students
So you're an awful teacher?

>> No.22752261

>hurr durr nobody has a phd
4channel is unironically full of PhD students and holders for whatever reason, certainly massively overrepresented compared to the general population

I think it's because when you're autistic enough to let this website raise you it's easy to get snared by academia

>> No.22752265

have you tried not teaching niggers

>> No.22752268

>My wife and I are both PhD students in English lit
this is honestly the most shocking part of your post. how does someone doing a PhD in English lit get a wife? is she some sort of financial masochist?

>> No.22752274

>My wife is from China
oh, I apologize, disregard >>22752268 . for a second there I thought you had a real one.

>> No.22752278

>Any other academics here?
You fucking LOVE calling yourself that don't you kek

>> No.22752308

I actually hate academics

>> No.22752314

Let me help you, retard. Add "like candy" at the end of the sentence. That's what the ellipses were suppressing. Have a good day, retard.

>> No.22752319

There is no way your Chinese spy wife is studying European Medieval literature. Nice larp, weeb faggot.

>> No.22752338

>Foulcault-reading faggot

KYS you absolute parasite.

>> No.22752379

The Janny's a big guy.

>> No.22752384

Seething white femoid

>> No.22752466

> Wondering if I'm the only one shitposting about Victorian lit while grading a stack of papers
You have done no such thing, you retarded faggot

>> No.22752479

> but I’m teaching a course on Knausgaard next year
Sad state of this board when the morons believed this part of your post and didn’t even doubt the very first sentence and only called you out when you mentioned you are married to a bugwoman

>> No.22752505

I'm a slav incel

>> No.22752547
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> Any books/poetry you really loved as an undergrad, or wish you'd been assigned?
Please no romantic subplots. Every time I had a novel assignment and the love romance subplot came in I just wanted to kill myself, not because I hate love, but because there's a 80% chance that it's poorly written and just blocks you from reading the things both you and the author actually care about.

>> No.22752555

>just blocks you from reading
just skim the parts that won't be relevant later.

>> No.22752731

>Chinese wife
I give F subtract. Family cry.

>> No.22752880
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>went to school for an undergrad
>like an idiot I took a full load of fourth year courses in my fourth year
>got filtered hard by Grotius and Chaucer because my courseload had about 1000 pages of reading a week
>still passed but barely
>realize I'm a midwit at best despite my delusions of grandeur
>fucking slay pretentious art hoe pussy because I genuinely love post/modernism and write mediocre poetry
>kept up on reading, realize most people are midwits and I definitely could have done a masters, maybe more
>wind up in a well paying but dead end job where I need to go back to school
>torn between actually trying to be an academic and just getting a comercial real estate certification
Thanks for reading my blog. Any advice? The prospects in teaching seem pretty grim, but I could probably work on my short story collection.

>> No.22753019

i'll be starting a phd at cambridge next year. aiming to continue going down the academia route until i die

>> No.22753023

Sure, bud. Whatever you say.

>> No.22753032

i'll post a pic to prove it to you next october

>> No.22753036

Just post the offer letter Cambridge sent you

>> No.22753076

Offer letters haven't been sent out yet doofus. The applications probably haven't even closed yet considering it's still November.

>> No.22753151
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>Offer letters haven't been sent out yet doofus.
this is true... i am just about to submit my application. but i am feeling optimistic because i already have a degree from the other place. i should have said "i believe i'll be starting a phd at cambridge next year..."

>> No.22753170

Words have meaning, retard. The fact that you’re this stupid does not inspire confidence. Enjoy waging at tesco

>> No.22753401

Who is John Galt, like just walk away nigger

>> No.22753543

>Don't have a chance in lit academics
>Better try commercial real estate
Have you also tried to being an NBA star? The commercial real estate market is collapsing. Maybe try picking a career with better than a 1 in a thousand chance of success? Like do some job prospects research anon.

>> No.22753592

Andrew Tate told him real hustlers do Real Estate, and also drop-shipping of Chinese products that are banned on Amazon and most US retailers.

>> No.22753629

I already work in commercial real estate and have five years experience. I do analytics. If I get my brokers license I can very easily move to one of the big brokerages. The flip side, I worked for the Ministry of Education for a while doing analytics and if I get my masters I can leverage it for a cushy government job that's more in line with my skillset. The problem is that the paths are mutually exclusive and a masters costs much more money, though the prospects seem less comission based.

>> No.22754155

>i should have said "i believe i'll be starting a phd at cambridge next year..."

lol. nothing wrong with some optimism. good luck to you anon.

>> No.22754165


No, I was also like this. It's a kind of retardation is all. Just kind of hoping for the best and paralysis, also laziness. I probably spent several thousand dollars taking the same class over and over again.