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/lit/ - Literature

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22750563 No.22750563 [Reply] [Original]

>patriarchy loses power
>suddenly no men can win awards
Why are m*n so bad at writing?

>> No.22750568
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Imaged messed up somehow

>> No.22750580

>Hugo awards
Nobody tell him.

>> No.22750587

In resentful, slave morality kind of way, that proves masculine superiority.

>> No.22751137

at least half of those are biologically male

>> No.22751150

>science fiction/fantasy
Who cares?

>> No.22751158

>Hugo Awards
Lol. Next you'll be posting the Goodreads Reader's Choice Awards (which eliminated poetry as a category in favour of "romantasy").

>> No.22751247

Did they actually do that?

I noticed the "romantasy" shit but hadn't realized there wasn't a poetry category anymore.

>> No.22751253

>patriarchy loses power
>everything turns to trash

>> No.22751267

Moids had to keep others down to shine. Women managed to shine despite them and now they shine better without them

>> No.22751751
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i wonder how much good /lit/ has been killed by feminist publishers

>> No.22751997

>cultural institution wobbles throughout early 2010s then loses its mind after 2016

>> No.22752008

>patriarchy loses power
>OP remains gay either way

>> No.22752092

>patriarchy loses power
Have you noticed just how mediocre everything has gotten since this happened?

>> No.22752293

>patriarchy loses power
Whoah, did this happen? I keep hearing it's still out there to be smashed despite the evidence of the senses.

>> No.22752596

None. Men just write generic fantasy and sci-fi these days anyways. I really doubt there's some guy out there writing the next Moby-Dick that can't get published.

>> No.22752612

Post tits

>> No.22752624

Now an award is useless.

>> No.22752630

tell me more about 2015...

>> No.22752689
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The numbers Mason.

>> No.22752738

When sci-fi was a boys' club, do you think it was because women couldn't write worth a damn or because tastemakers and general audiences had cultivated a culture where works to a particular taste were especially appreciated and promoted over others? Women's in-group bias is much larger than men's, it shouldn't be surprising now that they represent such a large portion of the readership and industry that they prefer works by other women. Case in point, whereas women used to adopt male pen names in order to be taken seriously as literary others, now male writers assume female names in genre lit in order to appeal to feminine sensibilities, because women don't want to (knowingly) read romance novels written by men.

>> No.22752824

males can only write about their sexual fantasies, men cannot write literature. scott pilgrim and steppenwolfe are the same story. males are horny shit-assed monkeys dragging their nuts across the ground. men are incapable of forming a single thought that isn't about their own dick.

>> No.22753657
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>> No.22754178

>Notes from the Underground
>The Prince
>Discourses on Livy
>Physiology of Taste
>Florentibe Histories
>Moby Dick
>War and Peace
>The Stranger
>Paradise Lost
>The Divine Comedy
All of these books prove you wrong. There are more, but I don't want to be here for a century.

>> No.22754205
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So true.

>> No.22754567

A mutilated penis is still a penis ma'am

>> No.22754597

Ironic considering that women practically read nothing but romance when they're under 14 and smut when they're above that.

>> No.22754640

Feminists have been kvetching for decades about lack of representation in prestigious awards and the Hugos were one of the first awards whose nomination process they started to subvert. There was pushback against it, starting in the early '10s, by voters creating their own bloc to push back against the feminist bloc. Naturally the media smeared it, totally ignoring the existing feminist bloc that had been subverting the award for years and painting it like a bunch of white supremacist bullies started trying to exclude women and minorities now that they were finally getting (totally organic and not artificial) recognition.

The effort was a total success in 2015, so much so the Hugo's organizers immediately rewrote the rules for nominations and voting to make sure it can never happen again. There was a valiant resistance, at first, but they were eventually crushed.

Now the entire thing has been covered up and it's actually hard to find any real information about it happening. Wikipedia's articles on the Hugo Awards and the voting campaign are both authored by feminists and contain only biased, feminist accounts. They even go out of their way to say how the voting slate "failed" even though it actually succeeded, hence why the feminist cabal had to totally restructure the voting system to defeat it.

>> No.22755753

Yes racist, we should give the fault at only one thing.

>> No.22755757


>> No.22755763


>> No.22755764
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>women want to be poor authors in a dying industry too
yeah go ahead
just don't complain about the wage gap...

>> No.22755767

Don't tell the secret anon you give an award to female she shows up you see her tits

>> No.22755781

That's tragic, but at least you can use "Hugo Award Winner" as an anti-recommendation now.

>> No.22755834

>Don't tell the secret anon you give an award to female she shows up you see her tits

and feets

>> No.22755936

>woman make money using their body
>woman choose a man with tatoo and a sigar in mouth
>woman complain that men are perverts
>woman complain about the patriarchy