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File: 73 KB, 600x769, Karl_Popper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22750444 No.22750444 [Reply] [Original]

How the hell can you think tolerance is meaningful in light of the paradox of tolerance?

What the fuck do progressives even tolerate?

>> No.22750716

The paradox of tolerance is the natural conclusion of taking buzzwords seriously.
Tolerance is just anarchy. Society will enforce its values one way or another. In a Popperian society, all cultures forfeit their unique fundamentals for the sake of a bland liberal uniformity.

>> No.22750749

>What the fuck do progressives even tolerate?
social entropy in essence

>> No.22750764

I think liberalism is just the ideology of gooners.

>> No.22750797

Why is liberalism like this?

>> No.22750802


>> No.22751744

The paradox of tolerance is just a way for libs to justify to themselves doing what every other system also does: Suppress competing ideas. But where other systems just go "we do things our way and we won't let you mess with it", libs have to go through mental gymnastics to frame everything in terms of tolerance.

>> No.22751765
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The guy from the Blues Travellers look differented back then

>> No.22751969

It's not intolerance if you do not tolerate ideas that you disagree with.

>> No.22752000

Progressives took the forward looking outlook of postmillenialist Christians (like the abolitionists) who thought it was their duty to usher in the Kingdom of God on earth. But modern progressives who dropped God and yet still want the "struggle" don't know what they're actually supposed to be moving towards.
One reason why Cornel West tells his own movement "Y'all need Jesus".

>> No.22752005

There is no logical paradox, it just superficially appear to be one because of conventional language and syntax.