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22743834 No.22743834 [Reply] [Original]

Is this worth reading? i read the first 100 pages and it's just about him traveling and drinking. what's the deal about this book?

>> No.22743839

Pynchon considers it one of the finest American novels. That tells you all you need to know.

>> No.22743843

It's very bad except in comparison to every book it inspired

>> No.22743845

Not sure how to intepret this.

>> No.22743855

Kerouac was the least talented member of the Beats but because he was the only one that wasn't a pedophile or homosexual he's the most popular.
On the Road is genuinely one of the worst books I've read.
Read Burroughs, skip the rest of those hacks.

>> No.22743869

think of it as a historical document rather than something with literary merit.
yes it worth reading if your interested in post world war 2 american history. on the road was the tik tok of the 60's

>> No.22743873

keroac had a sexual relationships with men, including ginsberg and neal cassidy.

>> No.22743889

thanks, i already read naked lunch and it was great, so what could i read next i was going for this junky lit, maybe fear and loathing or gravity's rainbow?

>> No.22743912

That's what the book is, if you don't like it yet you won't. If you want to understand why this book was so popular you'll have to understand the historical context it was released in because this work is very much a product of its time.

If you still want to try Kerouac you could read the Dharma Bums, it's the first work where he started to explore Buddhism, while drinking and traveling are still major parts it has a lot more substance. The parts where he's working as a isolated fire lookout feature some interesting reflections on nature, buddhism, and loneliness. Desolation Angels is also about traveling and drinking, this time he's doing it with Ginsberg and Burroughs, so if you find them more talented than Kerouac you'll get to learn more about them atleast.

>> No.22743920
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Pynch's writing is much more in line with the psychedlic/marijuana using crowd. Try combing through these to see if any are about opiates; I believe Trainspotting is, and Morphine by Bulgakov is another although it's obviously older.
Yes but Kerouac at least enjoyed women as well. Burroughs got so tired of keeping his beard that he murdered her in Mexico and Ginsberg...was Ginsberg

>> No.22743927

I thought it was pretty good nothing crazy, but I read it when I was 9 lmao

>> No.22743946

Kerouac was a faggot???? I knew the other faggots were so but god damn. The beats really were just one big jewish publishing contract, huh? I literally read on the road when I was 9 and it wasnt even impressive to me then. Ginsberg isnt a poet what he wrote werent poems but slop, and the burroughs wrote the chapter naked lunch by accident and kept the type. Junky was mediocre at best. All literal hacks and anyone who says otherwise is a confirmed goodgoy retard.

>> No.22743949

Yes im drunk still fuck off

>> No.22743965

Kerouac was gay af, they all were gay af. And I hate the Beats a lot, and Ginsberg is a reprehensible pedo and a bad and pretentious poet, but Howl is good (it goes on too long, and eventually become about sodomy, like everything he ever wrote, but it's a very strong start)

>> No.22743966
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Alright, drunk-anon. I need a book to read. I liked The Naked Lunch quite a bit. Right now I'm just finishing House of Leaves. What would you recommend I read? Help me and I will tell you my dream.

>> No.22743969

kek based and true

>> No.22743985

The only Americans worth reading are Cormac McCarthy and PKD

>> No.22743996

Vidal fucked him once:
>Forty-one years later, Ginsberg told Vidal that “’Jack was rather proud of the fact that he blew you.’ Allen sounded a bit sad as we assembled our common memories over tea in the Hollywood Hills,” wrote Vidal. “I said that I had heard that Jack had announced this momentous feat to the entire clientele of the San Remo Bar, to the consternation of one of the customers, an advertising man from Westinghouse, the firm that paid for the program Studio One, where I had only begun to make a living as a TV playwright.” The forlorn ad man was reputed to have said to Vidal, “I don’t think this is such a good advertisement for you, not to mention Westinghouse.”

>> No.22744011

>not Melville
Get out

>> No.22744018


>> No.22744042

Alright, I'll give you Melville

>> No.22744057
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>but because he was the only one that wasn't a pedophile or homosexual he's the most popular.
it seems the tables have turned

>> No.22744062

Kek idk if youre speaking from cute chubby girl’s perspective or not but my rec always depends on your reading history. What books/authors do you like?

>> No.22744096
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I posted the picture to get your attention. Anyways its a hard question, I'm just getting back into reading. I'm a bit of a midwit, an upper midwit if I'm being kind. I love Don Quixote, have a fancy edition at home. I like books that reference other literature and art, then use the analysis as a plot point, like Red Dragon and other Thomas Harris books. I guess HP Lovecraft fits in here a well. I've studied modernism and postmodernism in school so I've read a lot of philosophy and political science. I'm also an edgelord, so I love violence and blood and guts like Warhammer 40k. Hopefully that helps.

>> No.22744154

Hmm well a few times I’ve shilled my favorite books on here so by what youre saying it might just be best I do that since I really dont know what you might like but you could at least get an idea of some drunk right-winged anon’s favorites are. But notice that the list does include one by Lovecraft. And if you dont care fuckall for the list then I believe Turgenev’s Fathers and Sons is my go-to rec for anyone who isnt huge on classics, as that’s probably my favorite one.
Also nice pic; humminahumminahumminahumminahumminahummminahumminahumminahumminahuminnahummina-AOOOOOOGAAAA

The Book of Disquiet
The Brothers Karamazov
The Makioka Sisters
No Longer Human
The Count of Monte Cristo
Fathers and Sons
A Sportsman’s Sketches
In the First Circle
A Hero of Our Time
The Gulag Archipelago
Mein Kampf
City of God
The Magic Mountain
The Storm of Steel
The Trial
A House for Mr Biswas
Lady Chatterley’s Lover
Jude the Obscure
All of Sherwood Anderson
Ham on Rye
Go Tell it on the Mountain
At the Mountains of Madness
Wait until Spring, Bandini
Going After Cacciatto
Confederacy of Dunces
Journey to the end of the Night

More im forgetting but remember, we’re not all scholars here, I’m sort of retarded too so don’t even worry about it.

>> No.22744193

Thanks anon, I mostly needed someone to give me a list. I'm familiar with a few and I heard The Gulag Archipelago is absolutely brutal, but I'll look around. Anyways, for my dream I promised to tell you, I've always dreamed about drinking beers with a horse. I hear you only need 9 beers to get a horse drunk. I bet I can beat that.

>> No.22744208

Haha well bro I definitely could beat that and would in fact wager a case and a half against the twain of you!

>> No.22744209
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On the road again
Just can't wait to get on the road again
The life I love is making music with my friends
And I can't wait to get on the road again

>> No.22744226

so it must be shit

>> No.22744294

>what's the deal about this book?
>it's just about him traveling
Yeah, that's the book, indeed. You either get it or you don't, just like taking walks in the woods or going places to see things. I suppose you have to be white to understand, I know browns get very confused by the prospect of a star laden sky or climbing mountains and sailing so on.

>> No.22744306

nothing of value was ever produced in san luis obispo. this hobo writer was no different & its fitting he picked a cow town

>> No.22744355


It's always the beefiest guys that love to bottom

>> No.22744370

hack that sucked and got fucked in the ass by Vidal

>> No.22745229

>think of it as a historical document rather than something with literary merit.
yes it worth reading if your interested in post world war 2 american history. on the road was the tik tok of the 60's

Neal Cassady, inspiration for Dean Moriarty from On The Road, and also Ken Kesey's character Randal MacMurphy. Cassady was this larger than life drug addict in the middle of a friend circle of traveling authors. Hunter S Thompson wrote about him but I'm not sure that he knew him, and I haven't read anything by Ginsberg or the Electric Kool Aid Acid Test, but I wouldn't be suprised if an ex-criminal drifter or the man himself makes an appearance in those books.

The strength of Kerouac's writing is rhythm, if you can't pick up on it reading the text, here's an example in short audio youtube:

(I don't know why people say Great Gatsby has a good rhythm, it's nothing in comparison to what Kerouac pulls off)

>> No.22746433

Dharma Bums is much better

>> No.22746569

If Kerouac's book is less than 250 pages then it will be good. On the road feels overlong and repetitive, Dharma Buns also but not that much. Big sur, Tristessa and And the hippos were boiled in their tanks were more enjoyable.

>> No.22747788

IIRC, Bukowski also met Cassady and wrote about it in a short story included in his Dirty Old Man collection. I only read Road and Dharma Bums and I've got to say I liked the action of the former a lot more. Kerouac's contemplation always gets too slushy and overwrought for me. And I now have the image of a naked Ginsberg in an orgy, tyvm.

>> No.22747822

>san luis obispo.
Music Man guitars.