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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/lit/ - Literature

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22743279 No.22743279 [Reply] [Original]

This board is just /his/ lite now.
Jannies should've been purging dozens upon dozens of threads from the catalogue months ago (including the "books for this feel?" shit). Now this board is quite probably unsalvageable. It's never been this bad, it's absolute shit, the lowest of low effort posts. Come summer 2024 the quality will surely drop to /his/ levels and stay there forever. Even the more interesting generals are haunted by a few schizos hellbent on ruining them. The only stuff that seems to do well for now are the very rare read along generals and the few niche threads that no one cares to troll.

>> No.22743302

wow... that's crazy dawg

books for this feel?

>> No.22743365

It’s been unusable for a few years. Fucking retarded zoomers ruined this board

>> No.22743384

It's quite literally the same group of low-info posters across both boards, the best they can manage is a passing interest in theology

>> No.22743452
File: 20 KB, 376x500, 1646466915475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>butterfly is gone
>frater is gone
>rapture is gone
>girardfag is gone
>:3-poster is gone
>deep&edgy is gone
>oxford-anon is gone
>vocaroofag is gone
>monsieur is gone
>bookie is gone
>satsuki-poster is gone
>ossianfag is gone
>londonfrog is gone
>schizo-poster is gone
>quentin is gone
>guenonfag is gone
>jungerfag is gone
>accfag is gone
>jamesfag is gone
>wagnerfag is gone
>jihadi-poster is gone
>moot is gone

>> No.22743462

Today seems especially bad for some reason. Maybe I haven't been paying attention, but it feels notably worse than it's been in the past few weeks. Not good anyway.

The cocktail book collab also has one sperg (or maybe two of them) sitting around just to fuck it up, but I haven't been involved in any of the old collabs, so maybe that's standard fare for an open Google Doc. I'd guess the sperg is a tourist who stuck around because of recent &amp stuff.

It's also kind of weird that the collab project has nothing to do with literature unless you really force it.

I swear I've seen londonfrog posts recently. And Frater still posts. Are there any known effortposters still hanging around outside of hyper-niche subjects?

Sidenote, but I'm only now noticing that seemingly every "Write a story about this image" thread seems to be by the same anon, at least looking at the last year. Those threads are normally pretty dead, though.

>> No.22743463

/pol/tards, non-reading manosphere zoomers and meme-christians ruined this board. It's the same with the internet as a whole. I don't see a way to salvage it.

>> No.22743506

auto sage?

>> No.22743559

The decline of the west by Oswald Spergler

>> No.22743577

I spotted the :3-poster the other day. Londonfrog posts at least weekly still—lots of newfags here since nobody recognizes him. Frater pops in every now and then and is still frequents the /lit/ Discord.

>> No.22743587
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>It's quite literally the same group of low-info posters across both boards
I believe it.

>> No.22743607

>>frater is gone
>>satsuki-poster is gone
>>jungerfag is gone
I miss these. Frater was one of the most valuable posters on this board. Satsuki-anon also graced one of my threads once, which was nice. Unfortunately I probably contributed to the departure of jungerfag because, since he wasn't namefagging, I probably had the exact same argument with him 2-3 times in different Junger threads, in addition to all the other posters who would also argue with him. Unfortunate.
>Today seems especially bad for some reason. Maybe I haven't been paying attention, but it feels notably worse than it's been in the past few weeks. Not good anyway.
Past two weeks have been the exact same level of bottom of the barrel quality IMO.

>> No.22743790

I don't know who half these people are

>> No.22743930

I've been in some good threads on /mu/ recently, but you really have to force it. The barrier there is a lot lower though, since it only take's an album's length, or even just a song's, to be able to discuss things. But despite that there's still a lot of people talking right past each other, a really bizarre amount of non-interaction. It's the same problem on here.

Frater is still around, you can check the archives.

Any remarkable (or even just decent) non-regular threads that've happened in recent memory? I thought the first /lit/ history thread could be good until it derailed. There was some newfag who seemed deadset on reviving /lit/ with his secret plan, which I'm actually curious about even if only for a laugh.

>> No.22743970

>maybe that's standard fare for an open Google Doc
It is, it happens almost every time.

>Are there any known effortposters still hanging around outside of hyper-niche subjects?
I feel it's the nature of effort posters to be hyper specific. Otherwise, they wouldn't have the knowledge to effortpost.

>> No.22743974

>Any remarkable (or even just decent) non-regular threads that've happened in recent memory?
Not that I can recall.

>> No.22744100

/lit/ discord? is it good or just the typical pedo stuff

>> No.22744201
File: 92 KB, 500x1200, patrol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quit whining and start whacking
fight back you faggots

jannies cannot "do" anything until you clowns start reporting threads - hint - nobody cares too much about shit inside threads - focus on catalog stuff

yes reporting is a gang activity - multiple people are needed to make it work

>> No.22744252
File: 2 KB, 407x35, improved browsing experience.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Easier said than done. You'd have to basically kill the board to save it.

>> No.22744262

>jannies made the thread unbumpable
Damn I think this is worse than straight up deleting it and giving me a warning. All the shit threads stay up but we're not even allowed to complain about it in one thread without the thread being shadowbanned.

>> No.22744271

>it's the nature of effort posters to be hyper specific
Yeah, fair. But I feel like it's sort of important that people aren't entirely silo'd in a given subject. If the good posters stick only to their niche then every other thread gets overrun by the aforementioned low-info posters, and eventually the ratio of good shit falls and the good posters dip out.

What are your filters?

>> No.22744278

>he's not kidding
That's sad.

>> No.22744636

Jannies are in on it. Theres a coordinated effort to make this site shit, and its been going on for years.

>> No.22744645

Come on anon, they've got their hands full reading the 600-post schizophrenic &amp threads. A couple days ago they deleted one of those threads after about a dozen replies, only to leave an identical one up that was posted right after. Who knows what their intentions are with that.