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22743026 No.22743026 [Reply] [Original]

New research involving a psychologist from the University of York has revealed for the first time that both belief in God and prejudice towards immigrants can be reduced by directing magnetic energy into the brain.

The researchers targeted the posterior medial frontal cortex, a part of the brain located near the surface and roughly a few inches up from the forehead that is associated with detecting problems and triggering responses that address them.

>> No.22743037

Interesting. Is anyone researching how to alter pro-immigrant or atheist sentiments as well or is this reserved only for bad thoughts?

>> No.22743040

>if you zap people's problem-solving cortex you'll make them dumber

>> No.22743068

A lot of high level academics must have been fucking around with microwave ovens the last few decades, then.

>> No.22743072

But the christfags are the first in line to welcome arab and african terrorists and dindus, it seems with those people religious belief is strongly intertwined with accepting refugees, so blasting their brain with some magnetic energy might not achieve the desired result (at least from leftard perspective)

>> No.22743079
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What are your guy's best arguments against God. as in a singular supreme deity beyond time and space. I find that the only thing holding me away from Nietzscheanism and fully embracing his ideals such as the will to power

>> No.22743128

Fits the definition of a mental virus

>> No.22743132

Atheists would do the same thing considering they have no moral root except “don’t be dick” unfortunately for you, and people like you, sometimes you have to be a dick to accomplish things.

>> No.22743139 [DELETED] 

You're telling me that belief in God requires someone to have a head injury. You're not making the case for a pro-immigrant stance over here.

>> No.22743158

Religiosity is correlated with anti-immigration sentiment.

>> No.22743163

Your lack of reading comprehension may point to a brain injury.

>> No.22743167

>unfortunately for you, and people like you, sometimes you have to be a dick to accomplish things.
I am sorry but which people are you referring to?

>> No.22743179

The very small but loud religious minority is against immigration while the absolute majority are pro immigration or just don't care (which again benefits the minority)

>> No.22743194
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>making things up
This is Italy. Almost the same trend in every country.

>> No.22743217

I don't understand this candle bar shit, post normal graph

>> No.22743224

What? Religious people consistently vote in favor of anti-immigration social conservative parties, except for muslims in non-muslim countries

>> No.22743228

You're stupid yeah.

>> No.22743231

Hmm, very nice, now I'm questioning my anti-immigration and theistic ideas even more than I did before. Maybe I am the problem. Maybe libshits are right. Maybe society would be better if there was less people like me.

>> No.22743234

Bad thoughts only for now, all thoughts once its assured it can work on the scale of totality.

>> No.22743238

Get in the magnet chamber chuddie, it will only hurt a little.

>> No.22743244
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>> No.22743245

Those are just conservative voters, some are religious others are not. Liberal voters vote mainly pro immigration, believe or not, quite a few liberals (the somewhat sensible centre left, not the hard left) are religious but still vote pro immigration.

>> No.22743247

The Holy Torrah!

>> No.22743249

Why do people talk so confidently about things they obviously don’t understand?

>> No.22743253

you may be thinking of European """religious""" people who are just atheists that were dunked in priest water as a baby, I'm talking about American religious people who actually believe in a higher power

>> No.22743259

At least you are capable of self-reflection.

>> No.22743269

>doesn't understand statistics
How would you feel if you didn't have breakfast today?

>> No.22743278

I'm not adverse to the idea but the belief of God entirely rests on things in like being completely unexplainable, or the unwillingness to admit in the power math and inherent logic in the submaterial like gravity and vibration.
Ultimately it doesn't matter if god exists or not, I'd just like people to stop worshipping the idols and start listening to the message. Stop preaching of people and beings and start reasoning about morality.

>> No.22743282

I am not a fat hambeast chronically addicted to food. Skipping breakfast is not the end of the world.

>> No.22743292

I'd rather fight to death, but every time I tell myself that I remember that zogglob will be policed by a bunch of physically and mentally inferior, cowardly muttoids, femcels and troons.

>> No.22743324

If God is the most powerful thing then the will to power is about approaching God but any human concept of God is inherently an idol.

>> No.22743335

we are supposed to be good not total

>> No.22743344

Damn. I studied English Lit at the University of York almost ten years ago, and now I'm wondering why those months where I would wake in my dorm room with really bad headaches coincided with the gradual loss of my faith.

>> No.22743373

You need to learn contextual clues

>> No.22743378

>Ultimately it doesn't matter if god exists or not
it does

>> No.22743392

I must be a brainlet because to me, this chart reads like it's trying to convey the opposite of what you're saying. The "very important" line peaks in "never" (in terms of religious practice).

>> No.22743399
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>> No.22743408

All very religious groups are more anti-immigrant than all moderately religious & all non-religious groups, however within the very religious group the most xenophobic subgroup doesn't attend church.
I think it's pretty obvious why that's the case. Churches are mostly co-opted by shitlibs so chuds don't have the desire to attend.

>> No.22743410

Even without religion Nietzsche is a fag

>> No.22743428

I normally have no issues regarding context but your example just wasn't clear. I belong to a several different groups of people, but many of those people only belong to one group or also belong to groups that I am not a part of. So I am not sure which people, which group(s) you are referring to.

>unfortunately for you, and people like you,
>you have to be a dick to accomplish things.
Terrible way of speaking. You should learn to be more precise.

>> No.22743440

Oh, now I get how the chart works. Alright, thanks.

>> No.22743476
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>All very religious groups are more anti-immigrant than all moderately religious & all non-religious groups,

that's a good thing, immigrant will probably not do any good for you in the current time

>> No.22743686
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