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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 54 KB, 550x408, drunken-noah-550x408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22741987 No.22741987 [Reply] [Original]

a few too many edition
previous >>22737598

>> No.22741990

i have very obsessive thoughts all day and night but i do not want to be medicated

>> No.22741991

I wish I could be the one.
I have to have fun.

These memories haunt me sometimes.
But alas! I think I see the highlights.

>> No.22742040

I'm getting drunk on nostalgia again, better sober up soon. My time with her is over and there's nothing to do, we're through.

>> No.22742044

gay sex isn't an act of intimacy so much as one of athleticism

>> No.22742068

what a cool painting

i'm sorry to hear that you haven't had good gay sex yet

>> No.22742083

Mufukas be wilin out ere fr fr mane on gad

>> No.22742133

One thing I learned living in non-Western countries is that there is quite an amount of closeted gays. I mean that they have wife and children and everything. There's nothing that would implicitly tell you that they are gay. It is only through gossip that I learned who is gay. I think this is why nature gave every heterosexual man a functional gaymeter.

>> No.22742140

What non-western countries specifically?

>> No.22742142
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Meet Sunny May Jenkins.
Sunny is a strong, independent woman from Crimson state. Like other single momes, she can rise her child alone but unlike your common "normal" single man, her child's father isn't from planet earth.
She cannot remember how or when but somehow she become pregnant. Her christian-conservative father has disowned her and her boyfriend leaves her just after birth since she child is half Human and half Alien.
For long time, Sunny assume the child as the (by-)product of an crazy Alien experiment. She spend a lots of money to spiritual mediums. After a while, one psych estalished a telepathic contact to the child father.

To their dismay, it turns out that the Alien who made her child isn't the Alien researcher she supposed. Instead of a space explorer, he is merely a Alien incel who couldn'd get laid on his own planet and traveled to other space just for his pleasure. Sunny feels disgusted and betrayed but she has to face reality.
It was her dream to discouver Alien life since ever. So, she agreed to be part of a "experiment" at which end her memories was deleted.

Now, she not only discouver Alien life... she has fight for justice since the Alien planet, Lyraans, considered her agreement to be part of the experiment of the Alien incel as an generall agreement.
Would the Alien court provide her justice (and child support) from the Alien father...?

>> No.22742156


>> No.22742167

Dubs and I'll go home to drink more before coming back to work.

>> No.22742176

How? What is wrong with them?

>> No.22742185

this is also true in the US. like obviously you got your usual "out and proud" gays that everyone knows about, but for every one of them there's like 5 who never breath a word about it to anyone

>> No.22742191
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>> No.22742193
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>> No.22742196
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>> No.22742201
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>> No.22742202

>write what's on your mind
>doesn't write anything
come on now

>> No.22742203
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>> No.22742207

a picture is worth 1000 words

>> No.22742213


Will someone stand up and be a REAL MAN and join in the responsibility?
Sunny May Jenkins is desperately searching a REAL MAN who can take both, be the starchild a good father and be the supportive boyfriend at her side.

As she doesn't able to reache the strange planet Lyraans, its hard for her to charge the Alien for child support.
As it turns out, the Alien father is currently even under arrest in a hellish place because he hooked up with another Alien female.
His family doesn't want to take responsibility. As it appears, for them, Sunny is just a "easy girl from a less developed planet who was a golddigger".

>> No.22742214

Nothing, it could be said that the ones who are into gay sex are just plain hedonist coomers who don't make themselves a hypocrisy about it.

>> No.22742215

close your eyes and let the Word paint a thousand pictures

>> No.22742217

I feel like sooner or later it's going to bite western societies in the ass that literally nobody would be willing to die for them or even make other sorts of sacrifices for them nowadays if shit hit the fan. Not the degenerate liberal elite, not the millions of third worlders, not the ever-shrinking middle classes, not the native lower classes who are radicalizing more and more by the year. There's neither ideological nor financial glue to hold them all together, they are like a house of cards.

>> No.22742221
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>> No.22742230

Do you have a lot of caffeine daily? Or any other stimulants for that matter?

>> No.22742245

I want to write nonfiction but I worry AI will render that obsolete. At least with fiction there’s some hope of human imagination coming up with things AI can’t. But nonfiction? Hmm.

>> No.22742269

how do eurocels who say that america has no history cope with the fact that the settlers arrived 400 years before the unification/foundation of almost all european countries and that most of your ethnic/national identities are arbitrary and fake modern constructions? the US was already settled from coast to coast before italy or germany were real countries. france and england are the only european countries of note that ACTUALLY predate the US

>> No.22742290

I wouldn't let that worry you. If it could be made obsolete by AI it was already a waste to put it on the page, even before AI existed. AI can only synthesize things from existing information, meaning anything that AI "makes obsolete" was already derivative and not worth putting out. That being said, if you have an idea that you believe in and think is worth working out you should do it. If for nothing else then to take away all doubt that it might not be as good an idea as you thought. It will at the very least be good for you and who knows, maybe it is a great idea, or maybe its a mediocre idea that leads to some more interesting ones in the activity of working it out. If all that makes the work of writing non-fiction worth while in your mind is money or recognition for being an original thinker you definitely shouldn't do it though.

>> No.22742321

> how do eurocels who say that america has no history
> cope with the fact that the settlers arrived 400
> years before the unification/foundation of
> almost all european countries and that most of
> your ethnic/national identities are arbitrary
> and fake modern constructions?

Very well, thank you for asking.
Last time, we celebrated the first time after Corona, an old, traditional celebration. It was the 900th time. I'm sure 'Merca has a lot of events like that, right?
Perhaps this year I will visit our Christmas market, which has been held in this town since the dark ages of the Middle Ages. Every year, more than 1000 times now.

Sure, 'Merca has a lot of those things, don't it?
When I was a child, I was taught in a building that was 200 years old. We don't think of that as being very old. Because, you said it, it happend that our national states was just established in the 19. Century and after that, the forgot about all the traditions, customs and so on we used to have before this. Sadly.

At our university they taught people you know from your history books. To be precise, from the chapter on the Age of Enlightenment.
I mean, Thomas Jefferson was a great mind, Ben Franklyn is a worthy Dollarnote and a interesting author but unfortunately, they were born before the USA was founded. So, you forgot about them. Sadly.

>> No.22742338

I really don't know where else I could go if this place ever goes under. The kind of people I could discuss literature and history with IRL are few and those few are not really the types who I could have an honest conversation with about those two topics without having to hide my power level. Mainstream sites and channels are cancer and too normie for my tastes. And all the 4chan spinoffs seem weird, cult-like and ideologically straitjacketed, not to mention the practically certain glowie infiltration. Really all I want is a forum for discussing those two topics, where discussions don't get hamstrung every two seconds by midwits and hall monitor types with comments like "umm...wasn't Ezra Pound a fucking fascist?"

>> No.22742370


>> No.22742377

you've missed my point entirely, europeans use completely different metrics to evaluate their own history than ours. over there it's considered completely normal to take national pride in what are actually disparate, unconnected communities, but when WE do it it's bad. 1776 is of no greater significance to american history than 1861 is to the italians. and it's also worth pointing out that american history cannot be easily delineated from european history up until about 150 years ago. they were part of one continuity.
and FWIW, the church i attended in my youth was built well over two hundred years ago, and yes, we have many far older institutions over here

>> No.22742475

Every day is like a knife in search of a cake.

>> No.22742483

Nice picrel, fits well.

>> No.22742494 [DELETED] 

And here I am like a big frosted delight just waiting to feel the blade slicing through me.

>> No.22742500

And here I am like a big frosted delight just waiting to feel the blade slicing through me.

>> No.22742503

Iim obsesed with The Number 12. If you told me to theink of ‘nothing’, the First thing that would come to mind woulbe baseball, then The Number 12

>> No.22742508
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If I changed my twitter header to a picture of a Ligma scented candle, someone could genuinely die. It's really serious.

>> No.22742511

It affects millions of Americans daily, and you're right to be cognizant of the effects.

>> No.22742520

This is so hot for some reason

>> No.22742521

im very close to completely burning out in my job and just returning to neeting

>> No.22742531

not a lot. i have played around with caffiene amounts per day a lot though, ive noticed different effects but not much with my bad thoughts. If i have more caffiene and higher energy i find i am able to distract myself better/for longer though

>> No.22742551

Truer words haven't been written today.
I still want to believe that there is a small, shady group of atomized and highly red pilled individuals who have not joined or left the trodden train of degeneracy and capitalist digitalism, giving unfelt punches and sabotages to the decrept western systems, lone wolves douted with the intellectual faculties of justifying their contrary actions, I want to say, individuals who are not conformist about this gay shit at all, working on the construction of independent isles of suburb houses and farms that have no tie to the system whatsoever, but that inside are blooming with cultured literature, a man sitting inside of it, dressed in a modern, but intelligent, cultured manner, like a jumper made of polypropylene, you get the image, philosophizing in his room.
What might fuel the expansion of their ideas centered around individual liberty, or whatever will serve the justification to disobey the shitwestern laws in what they command to every single individual, will not be their action, but their full-blown passivity, a passivity towards the system so large that they are breaking the national laws with it.
Recently the Argovian parliament, a small canton of Switzerland, had to settle with a handful of anons who refuse to pay mandatory insurance, by making a distinction of citizens between those who don't pay mandatory insurance because they can't, and the ones who don't pay mandatory insurance because they don't want to.
Switzerland is among the European countries who have preserved the core ideas of 18th Century liberalism the most, giving a plausible explanation as to how a Western country could have delt so deliberately with a bunch of citizens who refuse to obey the law because they felt so.
But the rest of the Western countries, although no longer governed by Jeffersons, by Washingtons, very well, to the present day, produce individuals douted with their ideas and thought. Thus, it is not unprobable that the rest of the Western countries, sooner or later, will have to, willingly or not, have to make concessions with citizens around constitutional laws as basic as taxes and mandatory schooling, wich will, with time passing, cave the preponderance and authority, currently unquestioned, of libshittism from the inside out.

>> No.22742564

I only ask because I find that stimulants make my thoughts race. One night I stayed up for hours obsessively trying to come up with the ideal set up for a tank character in dragon age inquisition. It was wild and I couldn't stop. All because I had one more cup of coffee than usual. And I ingest less than most people I know. Maybe it would be worth it to see a nutritionist. There is the off chance that it is an imbalance that better diet could solve.

>> No.22742620
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how the fuck did he do it

>> No.22742657

No, he’s right. Refute him, if you can. Italy wasn’t a country until way after the United States existed.

>> No.22742668

The history of the people of the Italiots goes back to the pre-Roman eras.

>> No.22742679
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I spent an hour reading today

>> No.22742681

Actually that's /int/ or /his/

>> No.22742694

Dunno bro sounds more like an east coast thing. I live on the west coast and we are a very ahistorical people

>> No.22742712

Of course Americans have traditions like that. Are Europeans retarded? Were you not aware that Europeans and Americans share the same ancestry and ancestral history? Our 16th century and your 16th century are the same.

>> No.22742717

The third worlders will for citizenship, money, education, and eventually land, happily.

>> No.22742724

Your view on the topic is dysfunctional.
European countries don't have the same relationship to immigrant as Americans do.
In America it might be taken for granted that they stay, in Europe unfortunately or not that's not the case. Rather the opposite, it is taken for granted they they leave after months or years, like do the Romanian immigrants, the Slav immigrants etc. from the Middle Ages basically.

>> No.22742727

My guess is that you’re not American, don’t personally know any Americans, and have never been to America.

>> No.22742730

In fact I am.

>> No.22742735


>> No.22742738
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I just reject their argument.
It is a fact that American history is much shorter than that of most European nations.

Your argument about nation states would only make sense if you could invoke the history of the Indians (first nations).
Just as William James Sidis did. But in this case, you have to show how current american cultur is a continuetion not of the European but the American First Nation culture.

>> No.22742743

Pope Francis is a good pope.

>> No.22742756

Italy was comprised of many small kingdoms that did not regard themselves as a single people until they were subjugated by force, and that only happened about 5 generations ago

>> No.22742768

Let us be careful to believe that this is due to a lack of intelligence; he has of jt, and applies it well to the satisfaction of his form of selfishness. His great political principle is independence, not that of his nation or tribe, but his own, that of the individual himself. To obey as little as possible in order to have little to give up on his laziness and his tastes, this is the great concern of the Guarani and the Chinook. Everything that is claimed to be noble in the Indian character comes from there. However, several local causes have, in some tribes, made the presence of a chief necessary, indispensable. They accepted the leader; but they grant him only the smallest possible guarantee of submission, and it is the subordinate who fixes it. He is disputed to the snippets of such a thin authority. It is only confered only for a while, taken back when wanted. America's savages are extreme Republicans.

>> No.22742817

Dysfunctional take. They were not separated because they didn't consider themselves all Italians, they did, Italians as a people exist for a long time, those separate entities weren't national state. There isn't a 'Venician nationality', for instance.

>> No.22742830

My diet of cheap beer and anchovie pizza is causing me terrible shits

>> No.22742835

yeah they considered themselves italians in the sense that they lived on the peninsula called italy. it would be absurd to suggest that any venician prior to the 19th century considered themselves the same sort of person as a neapolitan

>> No.22742847

They also spoke Italiot.
Of course they didn't consider themselves the same, they don't to this day, but there certainly was marriages between them and this is a non-issue anyways, West-coast Americans say they aren't like Californians for instance.

>> No.22742859

A modern Bukowski

>> No.22742880

there's a far greater unity of identity between americans in different states than has ever existed between italians of different cities, in spite of the fact that we're dispersed over a much larger and more divers geographical area

>> No.22742897

A nationality isn't an identity though. It's just a state, governmental seats so to speak. When an Italian says 'I'm an Italian', he doesn't mean that he identifies with being an Italian, he looks at it more like a technicality more than a way of thought or something because there is no such thing, or only in an idiom sort of way, like when an Italian makes a speech in front of Italians meant to appeal to everyone.

>> No.22742904

then how does that dispute a single thing i've said?

>> No.22742918

Americans have a worse historical comprehension than Europeans. To them, everything came from Europe, some complaining about it, others extracting a sense of superiority from it. Europeans generally believe that everything came from the East or something like that, anyways, to them, history begins somewhere in antiquity. This is why it is nonsensical to have historical discussions with Americans.

>> No.22742930

you're bringing up points that i never raised as if i had. OF COURSE antiquity began in the near east, which only compounds how stupid euro whining about history is

>> No.22742938

Gin tastes like carrots. I'm sick of people pretending they don't know.

>> No.22742941

I'm this OP
and I'm super happy I found the book I was looking for. I'm just riding the high for now.

>> No.22742945

I HATE finding new books to read. Everything I like is all fucked up and my brain is basically retarded, asking for crazy, impossible things. I just want to read books in the same style as The Naked Lunch.

>> No.22742949

it taste like pinesol (delicious)

>> No.22742960

What Euro whining? The Ancient Middle East is not what you read in BAP and other slop about it. To us Europeans, it is a mighty place of Titans and great kings.

>> No.22742962

I'm half human, half great ape.

>> No.22742967

>muh history is longer
All history before 1900 is irrelevant anyway, both sides can get over it now

>> No.22742968

yes i agree, what's even your contention at this point?

>> No.22742969
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I refuse to believe that mental illness is not mostly biological. I get enough sleep, and my gloominess magically goes away, my appetite goes up, and life suddenly stops seeming so hopelessly shitty. Obviously sleeping won't fix something like schizophrenia or severe depression but you get the point.

>> No.22742974

You think in French people, Irish people, we still know about the Celts and about the Illyrians.

>> No.22743019

Whats funny is that a lot of medications, particularly ssri's, totally fuck up sleep in the brain

>> No.22743034

how many distinct illnesses or even substances might cause something like (say) arrhythmia? Do you know?

>> No.22743057

interesting, you are probably right that it could be an imbalance in something

>> No.22743073

just read what you like and stop overthinking

>> No.22743080

But what do I read? The same 10 or so books over and over?

>> No.22743081 [DELETED] 


>> No.22743089
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i did an evil deed today

>> No.22743094

What you do

>> No.22743097

shake it shake it shake it ooo ooo oo shake it shake it shake it

>> No.22743108
File: 791 KB, 1242x1419, 5F0E37EA-B30D-40BC-86DD-5285152EE3EB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im positive that at least half of all mental diagnosis are misdiagnosis of bad habits. But boy howdy, when someone is actually mentally ill, that shit is like looking into a whole nother reality.

>> No.22743121

I'm cold. I'm eating my lunch in the break room at work and it's cold. It's usually warm, warm enough that I don't wear sweaters to work even when it's winter else I'll sweat. But today, wearing an outfit I've worn dozens of times, I am cold while I eat my lunch. I wasn't cold before as I was walking around on the floor, but now that I've stopped and my muscles are cooling down, I'm getting cold. I've never been cold at work before. I checked the thermostat and it's set the same as it always is.

>> No.22743127
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i can't say it

>> No.22743151

That’s not saying much considering genocide denial is big over there.

>> No.22743153

I’ve gotten really fat and I don’t know what to do about it. My diet isn’t exactly good, but it’s not exactly bad either and I’m extremely active. I walk or run 5-10 mi per day, every day. I’ve done that for years. But somehow, I get fatter and fatter, little by little. Some years I more or less maintain, but I never get thinner. I thought maybe my hormones were crappy because I have chronic sleep problems, but I had my hormones checked and the results showed that they were normal. I don’t know what to do…

>> No.22743176

Hours passed since I left my workplace and I've done nothing besides browsing 4chan on no end. I don't know wether I should think of it as based or not. When I play video games, I end with a feeling of fulfillment; with 4chan, it is not so.

>> No.22743183

Any long time (5+ year) /lit/izens feel like people here are getting way dumber? Not just "I disagree with them" but like, actual dumb people who reply like this is facebook or youtube comments & can't follow a conversation. A lot of replies to my posts lately don't really make sense

>> No.22743189


>> No.22743195

Give one example.

>> No.22743197
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>take time to write out an effort post
>thread gets deleted 30 minutes later

>> No.22743204

I'm with you on this. As was Robert Burton:
>WHAT I have formerly said of exercise, I may now repeat of sleep. Nothing better than moderate sleep, nothing worse than it, if it be in extremes, or unseasonably used. It is a received opinion, that a melancholy man cannot sleep overmuch; Somnus supra modum prodest, as an only antidote, and nothing offends them more, or causeth this malady sooner, than waking, yet in some cases sleep may do more harm than good, in that phlegmatic, swinish, cold, and sluggish melancholy which Melancthon speaks of, that thinks of waters, sighing most part, &c. It dulls the spirits, if overmuch, and senses; fills the head full of gross humours; causeth distillations, rheums, great store of excrements in the brain, and all the other parts, as Fuchsius speaks of them, that sleep like so many dormice. Or if it be used in the day-time, upon a full stomach, the body ill-composed to rest, or after hard meats, it increaseth fearful dreams, incubus, night walking, crying out, and much unquietness; such sleep prepares the body, as one observes, "to many perilous diseases." But, as I have said, waking overmuch, is both a symptom, and an ordinary cause. "It causeth dryness of the brain, frenzy, dotage, and makes the body dry, lean, hard, and ugly to behold," as Lemnius hath it. "The temperature of the brain is corrupted by it, the humours adust, the eyes made to sink into the head, choler increased, and the whole body inflamed:" and, as may be added out of Galen 3. de sanitate tuenda, Avicenna 3. 1. "It overthrows the natural heat, it causeth crudities, hurts concoction," and what not? Not without good cause therefore Crato consil. 21, lib. 2; Hildesheim, spicel. 2, de Delir. et Mania, Jacchinus, Arculanus on Rhasis, Guianerius and Mercurialis, reckon up this overmuch waking as a principal cause.

>> No.22743207

The more times I see this meme, the more I hate it.
There's nothing compelling or based about this guy's nihilism.

>> No.22743219

Ask yourself, why did you put time and effort toward replying to some off topic shit worth deleting? Maybe you deserved it for not just reporting and moving on. Maybe you don't actually want to discuss literature and would be better served by some other forum.

>> No.22743226

find something new and fun

>> No.22743254
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Bought more books because of the Amazon Black Friday sales

>> No.22743255

When capitists overblow the productivity of Pitalism with fake graphs and fake productivity overestimations, they are still bashing an argument done during the French revolution by the pro-monarchy fractions, that when the aristocracy is politically abolished, societies become more materially poorer.
It can be concluded that the purpose of feudalism was not the incrementation of productivity. This is a purely burgeois idea. The monetarization of time, this is the sole factor of how productive a society is.

>> No.22743272

Nigga I'm about to heem the shit out of you

>> No.22743275

Like what? My problem is that the things I like are bad, and searching with bad data will make me sad.

>> No.22743280

I would go to sleep, but my heating machine has been working for hours now and it's still cold.

>> No.22743288

There was in a phase of my life when I'd go to sleep wearing jeans and two sweaters due to broken heating.

>> No.22743298
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>> No.22743315

Lol, I've been practicing that for the last 2 months. During the last two days or so, heating is not working anymore but in a not-good way.

>> No.22743341

You can get more out of reading fiction than nonfiction because fiction has more interpretive freedom.

>> No.22743346

That which experiences change can conceive of changelessness, but the changeless could never conceive of change. This is all one needs to refute the Eleatics.

>> No.22743351

time stopped for me in 2019. i have predicted the apocalypse every year for the last 4 years. i am consistently shocked to be alive. i cannot wrap my head around the fact that life is so long. i'm not even old. why do people complain that life is short? it drags on longer than i can stand

>> No.22743353


If god gave me another chance,
I’d take her in my arms and never let her go.
For if she went far away
She’ll be lost in the rain
That my heart is drowning in

>> No.22743354

What if I treat all "none fiction" as if it is fiction and interpret it as such? For example, freud is the embodiment of the lovecraftian tragic hero where he touched the truth but his brain broke and now all he can see is his moms vagina everywhere. This interpretation of his fiction allows one to read his essay on the gorgon as his ultimate torture of being made to solely exist in the sexual (animalistic) realm of the psyche.

>> No.22743359


>> No.22743366

This is also why nonfiction can be summarised but plot synopses of fiction can never capture what makes the books great.

>> No.22743374

Not the beginning of the Ukraine War ended my faith in our institutions, but their cowardly inability to prevent it.

>> No.22743379
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I wish I was Lord Byron.

>> No.22743386

Get some help dude

>> No.22743395

You wish you were dead?

>> No.22743396

if you knew how many times i've already been institutionalized you would not say this

>> No.22743400

Whatever, peter

>> No.22743401

> he gave out his liberty because society made him believe that he is dangerous

>> No.22743402

I’m not getting money until after Thanksgiving

>> No.22743405

who the hell is peter
that's not why i went on any of those occasions

>> No.22743411

My girlfriend wants me to read a book. I think it means a lot to her, and it relates to her in some way. Now that Z-library is gone I'm gonna have to spend 18 bucks on a book, it stings.

>> No.22743415

Z-Library is still around though.

>> No.22743421

How is the world gonna end?

>> No.22743424


>> No.22743447

Revolutions, periods of anarchy, periods of false hopes and new states inferior to the ones before them, their slow degeneration to the lowest common denominator, policemen, incapable of enforcing the law onto everyone, violent towards the ones they catch.
Time passing, there's gonna be less and less policemen too.
At some point most cities will be ghosts, hideous weirdos here and there, some small but working societies of 100-400 people here and there, isolated from each other. Constantly threatened by evil gangs and incapable of dominating nature.
Most of these last societies will die in the most conceivably helpless manner.
Some might experience a few periods of false prosperity.
In the end however these will age and weaken too.
What's left now is a bunch of straggling hordes, going around nomadically around a devastated planet, eating worms and cockroaches and whatever they find, undernourished and generally weak.
And perhaps there might be a few groups among them happier than the others, handful of people who, by a miracle of some sort, are all strong, intelligent and capable of thriving in this environment.
A few violent interactions over a scarce resource will wipe this few happy groups sooner or later too.
The last ones still left at this point will be swept off by time alone.

>> No.22743448

it's useless talking to you people

>> No.22743466

What if God is just fucking lonely?
Imagine being a programmer and your only company being the AI you created - you'd know ever thing they were capable of, and it wouldn't be all that interesting even if they praised your name all day. He probably just created humanity to eventually harness into demi-gods so he could have some poker buddies and share the joy of creation with.

>> No.22743491

How are you feeling?

>> No.22743495

Cancel ants

>> No.22743524

I go out with the mindset to try something new. As in, go to a new restaurant, a different cafe, a different city, etc. But I end up in the same place, getting the same thing, everytime.

>> No.22743532


>> No.22743536

Thats debatable bro, especially the soul

>> No.22743614

Video games inherently have a utilitarian ethics.

>> No.22743635

Chocolate peanuts were a healthy choice

>> No.22743643

Brought my puppy into town again. Still no bitches. I'll keep trying vut my hopes are low

>> No.22743667

Me personally quite good, but that changes nothing about the objective state of things. Don't think that I'm a pessimist out of a personal bias or condition. No, every objective analysis, perhaps because of missing something, leads to the same conclusion, that civilization is dying.

>> No.22743676

People will debate A=A, now if only most people could learn from debates.

>> No.22743805

Go to a used book store you moron

>> No.22743832

My dad is embarrassed that I'm a Christian

>> No.22743904

Yes. What did you expect? Some life changing shit to come out of an anonymous message board?

>> No.22744093

I love those JAVs where the actress is coerced into it. It's the closest thing you can watch to actual rape, and to be honest I feel like there's something profound about it. Seeing innocence raped and brutalized in such a visceral way feels like looking at God himself. Somewhere far away galaxies collide, children are born, new speciation events occur and yet none of that feels as meaningful or significant as watching this dumb little whore have her soul shit on by some ugly middle-aged man and be broken in every way imaginable. It's arousing, it's mentally stimulating and it makes you think about the big questions of life.

>> No.22744112

Sometimes I think my fetishes (femdom, netorase) are too degenerate, but then I remember people like you, dear anon, and I am comforted to know my sexual proclivities are relatively sane

>> No.22744118

Anyone else notice 4chan images start with 17 now instead of the regular 16? wtf is up with that

>> No.22744131


>> No.22744132

Jesus fucking Christ

>> No.22744133

What is JAV

>> No.22744137

Chocolate-coated cheese or cheese-coated chocolate?

>> No.22744143

What type of cheese and what type of chocolate

>> No.22744161

raw vegan chocolate and Roquefort

>> No.22744224

Ive had sex with multiple hot girls and the first couple times it’s amazing but I think it’s becuase I’m more into it than they are but then it usually tapers off and I realize they suck. The best sex I’ve had with girls who are just as into it and sometimes more into it than me.

>> No.22744230

Enthusiasm goes a long way
t. out of work cocksucker

>> No.22744232

I've had spaghetti but not pasta.

>> No.22744247

They were amazing to look at but if you see them repeatedly and it’s just the same it gets stale and they are just like the rest. How to teach them?

>> No.22744259

I don't even mind anymore getting poop on my hands while wiping.

>> No.22744319

I notice I feel comfortable and become easily platonic with men around me who are my height (5’9’’) but am sexually attracted to men taller than me because there is a fear/excited element to it

>> No.22744321
File: 50 KB, 419x448, 1700525686287139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I've reached the nadir of gay depression. It's not interesting enough to be dramatic. I just feel like a chainsmoker quitting cold turkey 24/7. Everything about reality grates on me and seems gay. My unconscious mind dislikes everything, and my conscious mind agrees. I am a gay ghost forced to haunt a stupid house filled dumb ugly normies.

>> No.22744396

Humming's easier than whistling, qt, if you have trouble teaching that it might be a (you) problem

>> No.22744403

Its November 21st 2023, the second day after my 31st birthday. Since I was a teenager I’ve found comfort in the idea of suicide. I thought, if my life goes poorly, if I fail, if I can’t handle my guilt, I can always end things on my terms. Here I am, an abject failure, an embarrassment, my many indiscretions still hanging over my head, and new darker thoughts every passing day. I believe killing myself to be necessary.
The idea is to go for a hike, find a secluded overlook to watch the sun rise or set, slice my stomach open and stab myself in the neck. Partially because I've been reading samurai books and am curious about the feeling all of those men felt throughout history, partially because I dont deserve the painless release of a gun. I’m conflicted on whether to write something for my family or friends. If I told them the truth, it would hardly bring them any comfort, and it would be embarrassing for some of those I’ve wronged. I’m hesitant even to share anonymously with strangers my actions which have led me to this point because it would require me to expose myself to the unfiltered thoughts of others on my feebleness.
I don’t know if or when I’ll be able to commit myself to this plan. I don’t own implements of death and I’m certain none of my friends would help me, and I don’t intend to lie and draw them into my problems unwillingly. I have no money, so in one of life's trademark ironies I have to fix my life somewhat before I can end it satisfactorily. I don’t know why I’m writing this, I understand it betrays me as just another impotent, celibate weaboo. Perhaps my embarrassing nature is profound enough it insists on public scorn.

>> No.22744410

I'd read a novel of this, anon. It feels like a Japanese novel.

>> No.22744411

I'm really struggling to get some story ideas going. I write pregnancy fetish stories and I've been mulling for weeks about how to write a story about a female character getting accidentaly impregnated in some way or another, but choosing to take the pregnancy to term because of a second female character that was originally supposed to get pregnant. I've been through fantasy party scenarios, one of the women "stealing" the other's IVF insemination, but I can't quite picture these two characters ' personality and interactions.

>> No.22744418

Dont kill yourself, you faggot. Read Musashi again. Things can improve, use this time to read books.

>> No.22744423

Look at those funny little guys on the back.

>> No.22744428

Swap to pepperoni pizza.

>> No.22744431

Just burn some wood and open a window.

>> No.22744436

Is it due to a lack of money?

>> No.22744439

I'm like a human.

>> No.22744444

I wish I were a lizard

>> No.22744445

Are you an actual woman? If so I can totally understand. The idea of someone covering me completely from behind, holding me is incredibly appealing.

>> No.22744453


>> No.22744456

What? You will never ___ man?

>> No.22744459

Understand men, is my guess

>> No.22744466

The great gull will touch the bottom of the ocean with one wing, and its head will never touch the water.

>> No.22744486

I wish people would read my mind. Then they would realize I'm a deep, passionate intellectual with interesting things to say without me ever having to make myself vulnerable or put myself out there. Then I would be loved and respected by everyone.

>> No.22744493


>> No.22744503

I get the sense that my roommate's boyfriend doesn't like me very much.
Don't entirely get why. I have some suspicion that it's a case of excessive similarity. And also jealousy
Humans are like animals with environmental niches.
Through natural selection animals occupy separate niches to avoid conflict, and when two occupy the same niche (consume the same foods or example) there is conflict.
In the same way we specialize in groups, so if two individuals are too similar in personality there is inevitably conflict.
It is inevitable i see the phenomenon happen in any kind of social group
There is a perfect mean where someone is similar enough that you share something in common, but different enough to compliment you

>> No.22744539


>> No.22744547

>sweating like crazy doing nothing, can feel it dripping
>drinking every night
It's go time. It's fated I am about to enter into deep depression for give or take a week

>> No.22744560 [DELETED] 

he says i used to sport a shag. finally, like 30 years later i find what the fuck that line was. fun memories of staying up all playing sega genesis with those close buddies only teenagers can have.

>> No.22744565

Growing older and more a part from family.
What i hate most is the feeling of artificiality like my relation to my siblings has been reduced to mere formality.
If I share something with my brother on fb, he gives this super canned formulaic reply. Something like, "Wow that's great thank you so much ! for sharing!"
Very canned, fake.
He is a marketer too, and the older we've both gotten the more I kind of hate him. Just the most vain, shallow inauthentic kind of person you can imagine

>> No.22744658

Is this a joke? Eat less.

>> No.22744667

Usually the people who say this are still eating an insane amount and dont even realize it because it's habit for them.
Doordashing Mcdonald's twice a day
Real talk, you should drink coffee it suppresses appetite. You will be too busy spazzing out to worry about food

>> No.22744673

There's too few books.

>> No.22744737

White people in 2023:
>ha yeah white people are like so racist ha *sweating*
>please please trust me I am one of the goof ones please I love blacks I am cosmopolitan . Trust me (don't kill me)

>> No.22744811

Once you have hermeneutically grokked how shallow, fickle, and fundamentally CHEAP a woman's love is, you instinctively regard all men who take love seriously as children.

I would like to discover a higher version of women's love that isn't childish. I don't know if it exists.

>> No.22744815

>I would like to discover a higher version of women's love that isn't childish. I don't know if it exists.
It exists, but women capable of such love have cocks.

>> No.22744826

Trannies aren't capable of love, they are unbelievably narcissistic and concerned with others superficial images of them, this is incompatible with love. Otherwise they wouldn't go through such drastic measures just to change the surface level way they are perceived in society. Ywnbaw

>> No.22744847

>would like to discover a higher version of women's love that isn't childish. I don't know if it exists.
Isn't it that childishnes which makes it attractive?
You look at a picture of a qt woman you instinctively want to hug and protect.
The attraction in a way stems from women being somewhat childish, weak, dependent...
If they were not like this, then where would be the attraction?

>> No.22744854

is it even worth trying to find a spiritual path/truth or is it just an endless time sink? Feels as though no matter how much one searches, there is never anything solidly there that will satisfy the mind. I have seen people from all denominations of different religions hop around between different belief systems claiming that what they now follow is the truth and what they were before was wrong. Is it better to just admit defeat to the fact that some things are unknowable, some things will always be incomprehensible to man, and that in a somewhat Lovecraftian way any god would probably make you go insane if you could comprehend the sheer alienness and power such a being would possess? Maybe bloodborne and Lovecraft novels broke my brain a bit, but I am someone who is naturally drawn to the spiritual, occult, esoteric - so I have done a lot of searching, but I return to a stance of humans aren't cut out to perceive such things, maybe if something provided divine insight? What is the answer, should I meditate and spend time in silence, just observing the night sky? When looking at the ocean or the sky I feel the most at peace and the most connected to nature. I wish it was easier, then I could occupy my mind with other matters.

>> No.22744880

Read all the different traditions and form your own opinion separate from those traditions.
No need to throw the baby out with the bath water
As for certantity, you will never get it, no one can

>> No.22744883

Quietest quints ever

>> No.22744956


>> No.22744992

Thinking you've just discovered the redpill when it has been discovered since the dawn of humanity. Everyone who has dated somebody at least once knows that. So what? Call it insanity if you want but most people just play along. There's happiness, or even play, in lucidity—one must remain naive to enjoy the finer parts of life.

>> No.22745042

Greetings true friend! Absolutely based! If I may be so bold! *Surprise Flex!*
But who am I?! But a son of Thor!

>> No.22745045

I am about to read The Death of Ivan Ilyich even though I know it is going to make me melancholic and make me obsess more over death and mortality. Had death on my mind for awhile now. Lets see what Tolstoy has to say.

>> No.22745055
File: 41 KB, 800x450, image-w1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

participation is your stamp of approval
your hissyfits are not changing the system from the inside
counter culture is assimilated culture of bitching
even if you would leave you can't leave the two spheres of competing influences
there's nothing worth saving
enjoy the fireworks

>> No.22745062


>> No.22745066

>enjoy the fireworks
make me

>> No.22745068

Some estranged family is over for the first time in 20 years. I told one of them that my brother died of a drug overdose about 4 months ago. I guess my dad never said anything about it. I feel guilty for betraying my dad. But it had to be said. May God have mercy on us

>> No.22745070

or don't, doesn't make a damn difference how you react to it
who knew that corroding the fabric of civilization would make it go kaput

>> No.22745073

I need 2 Grand or I might end up killing myself

>> No.22745090

From the into to The Death of Ivan Ilyich
>(about Tolstoy's death obsession) Some of the pain came from what he was reading; during the summer of 1869 he was immersed in the works of Arthur Schopenhauer, whose poisonous pessimism is enough to make a happy man sad, and a sad man suicidal.
wow, no need to attack the man. it's not poison, its truth.

>> No.22745102


>> No.22745109


>> No.22745190

Maybe put "home improvements (ceiling inspector)" on the loan application

>> No.22745197

do you not want to take medication more than you want the obsessive thoughts to stop?

>> No.22745302
File: 69 KB, 933x956, 1666903899111782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just spent 20min on the bus watching some trucker looking dude, he clearly worked some blue collor job, in his late 30s early 40s watcha stream of some young asian,korean or chinese, girl eat food on his phone while a massive smile on his face. And it just made me think how wrong I was since my preconception of the people who would watch stuff like this was very different.

>> No.22745309

puked a little earlier (after about an hour of painful dry heaving) and now i am going to drink again

>> No.22745331

I'm only 23 and I feel so old. I'm constantly tired and act like an old man all the time. I'm active and doing stuff nothing seems worth the hassle anymore yet I find myself much more forgiving and accepting than before. It really feels like I might die soon and basically speedrunned my character development. I don't even think about love anymore.

>> No.22745393

Just got myself a cup of water, the water tastes like shit and makes my tongue feel weird despite getting it through the filtered tap, fuck, man.

>> No.22745399

the birth control in the tap water enhances the flavor

>> No.22745418

I've got phimosis, I don't need birth control in the water, the government should know this.

>> No.22745473

des is mei ferd, das is da blu, hi blu!

>> No.22745490


>> No.22745492

The buzz of the corner light.
The darkness, shadows, a fright!

I hear my lady walking up to me in her heels.
I take her hand and walk off into the night.

>> No.22745532

I'm so tired but it's too early to go to bed.

>> No.22745545

calling your opponents gay is the single strongest way to discredit them

>> No.22745550

/lit/ is nothing but FUD threads

also Anne Rice novels are probably ghost-written by a man

>> No.22745551

then they can't be that bad

>> No.22745557

Had this idea for a sci fi comedy novel/visual novel about 2 lawyers who work for robots and have to prove the crime was done by a human and not a evil rebel murder robot

Main characters are a moderatly gtumpy middle aged tall af dude who still dresses like a teen rebel punk and is stupidly self isolationist (he also drinks a lot of beer and believes in a bunch of shitty conspiracies) and his sidekick, a blonde american man who carries around a katana and dresses in japanese clothing, is mega into anime and speaks broken japanese

Prosecutors are increasingly goofy caricatures who do uncalled for shit

They go atound defending murder robots who get accused for no reason at all or to just shift blame ever since the "robot sentience act of 2074"

>> No.22745713

Both radiators are not working properly. It is 14' Celsius in the heated room. Snow started falling today.

>> No.22745792

just busted a weird painful nut and my whole genital region still hurts

>> No.22745868

That which does not make man stronger, wiser or healthier is undeserving of attention and effort. That which denies life and saps man's vitality is to be held in contempt without exception.

>> No.22745875

I need to get away ASAP. They will never let me take the kind of risks needed to achieve my goals.
>muh keep a stable job and do your stuff on the side
With a 54 hr/week(sometimes more) job? Good luck with that.
That's why the only way forward requires such risks.
I am not meant to live comfortably.

>> No.22745879

Strength and vitality are necessary but not sufficient conditions for a good and wise life. Cultivate virtue or you are gay.

>> No.22745882

>That which denies life
Define life then, if it can be denied.

>> No.22745896

i think i havber [rfguha[eurfgher nbe[9rvhu fg

>> No.22745937

i am a sick man, i am a spiteful man, my liver is absolutely fucked

>> No.22745990

i do not know if i would be ok if i stopped drinking right now. my whole body feels pretty weird and i suspect i might die if i tried cold turkey. at least the hospital is close enough to drive to. i'd be pretty upset if the neighbors saw me getting taken out in an ambulance

>> No.22746083

saturate my fucking receptors

>> No.22746086

Join AA, post your chips here

>> No.22746089

one of the most enlightened people ever was probably Diogenes

>> No.22746103

i had 5 months and was doing very well. was doing step work and leading H&I meetings with my sponsor. people were constantly telling me how well i was doing, the people at the H&I meetings were so happy to see me and i loved seeing them. i just wanted to drink a few beers dude i don't know how i got like this again.

>> No.22746289

Appealing to ethics and morality in an argument is cowardly because morality is always ultimately defined by the status quo and its relations of power, therefore appealing to it is the equivalent of throwing in the towel of rationality and just trying to force your opponent into taking positions where he is forced to acquiesce to your position or else face the social consequences of defying the status quo. It terminates thought by appealing to emotions, consensus and authority which cannot be argued or reasoned with. It's also cowardly because both parties are aware that it can only be used by those who are defending the consensus, using that advantage is extremely underhanded if an argument genuinely intends to be seen as a conflict of ideas.

>> No.22746313

> morality is cowardice
Then what sort of argument is an appeal to cowardice?

>> No.22746323

Is On War by Clausewitz the best strategy guide?

>> No.22746326

good lord this board has been shit lately, tried 3 actual literature threads this week and they died in less than a day, catalogue is nothing but garbage

>> No.22746333

I hope I inherit whatever heart condition my mom got from her father. I mean, I'm going to give up anyways, might as well have a excuse that will make it easier fo others to accept.

>> No.22746353

My gene test came out.
I'm 1/6 European, 1/6 Middle Eastern, 1/6 Chinese, 1/6 Indian, 1/6 black, 1/6 Mexican.
Is this a curse or a blessing?

>> No.22746357

It feels terribly lonely to have no one IRL to casually talk about intellectual matters with. I want to talk to people smarter than me, to learn things from them, to see ideas from new perspectives, and discuss all sorts of topics with various people over a glass of beer. But this board is all I have in order to do anything remotely similar in absence of the real thing.

>> No.22746360

What do you want to have intellectual discussions about, anon?

>> No.22746385

60° Fahrenheit in the living room.

>> No.22746389

Dios Mios, el monstruosa
but seriously who cares. there's only a handful of countries left on earth with a real ethnic heritage to protect and you clearly don't come from any of them

>> No.22746397

If I wrote anything, would anyone read it? Is the persona more important than the content?

>> No.22746401

I just wanna get drunk and listen to waylon jennings

>> No.22746408

The thoughts people describe having when they are high sound like my regular, everyday thoughts. Do normies never think of their cosmic insignificance or to think of themselves in perspective, like they are a part of the unity of nature rather than an entity separate from it?

>> No.22746414

You are a super-hybrid. The world is yours for the taking, my friend.

>> No.22746415

And I thought South Slavs didn't live in climates as rough as the North Slavs, but that was a stupid and naive assumption.

>> No.22746417

>or to think of themselves in perspective
Meant to say "or think of themselves in perspective".

>> No.22746423

I have experienced the opposite. When normies go high, they go full retard mode. When I get high, I feel like I can focus on my thoughts more, but not in a sort of 'whoa the universe' stupid type of way, actual inspiration.

>> No.22746440

I tried it once almost a decade ago. It just completely emptied my mind, like, I was unironically staring out of my skull for like three or four hours straight without a single thought crossing my mind. It was quite the disappointment in this sense, since I thought it would expand my conscience rather than empty it completely.

>> No.22746441

been struggling with figuring out my ethical stance on attraction towards minors lately

there's zero places I can read about it, less so discuss it

>> No.22746485

Big dicks will rule the world

>> No.22746492

this is the one thing where i say "just follow the law bro". the line clearly has to be drawn somewhere, so even if the exact placement of the line is arbitrary, it's still necessary to observe it

>> No.22746504

I feel an idea moving around within me. Barely formed, grey, and unclear, yet it yearns to break out. But how and in what form, I don't know, I haven't written a single word about it yet. I don't know when would I feel ready to do so, either. It would be my first. But you gotta have a first sooner or later, right?

>> No.22746519

I'm genuinely considering reading Emmanuel Swedenborg.
What has happened to me. I've changed.

>> No.22746626

I will become God of writing

>> No.22746691

not a fan of making exceptions in my judgement
if there's one thing I wanna be able to do it's to explain to my hypothetical kids why exactly things should be the way they should

I like the logic of "adhere to the safe option until you figure it out"
maybe I've been obsessing too much
thx anon

>> No.22746761

>Appealing to ethics and morality in an argument is cowardl
>It terminates thought by appealing to emotions,

>> No.22746800

I cant tell if youre being funny and ironic "gay" like how I like to say or if you're legit being homosexual

>> No.22746906

and i a humble cattleman on the prose plains

>> No.22746934

I'm bored. I have nothing to do.
>inb4 read

>> No.22747018

i look bloated and gaunt at the same time. i seriously look like i have AIDS. i look like an animated corpse. i can't believe i'm allowed to walk around in public looking like this

>> No.22747075

How/ where to find a decent good loyal women these days?
I only have couple of guy friends and i dont get into any contact with women through them at all. All of my coworkers are men( not that i necessarily complain about this part). I dont want a purely lustful/ chaotic/ immature relationship so clubs and cold approach are off the table

>> No.22747102

My girlfriend had an abortion. I love her, I'm saving up to get her a nice engagement ring, but we just werent ready to have a kid. I felt like such a failure as a man. I killed my kid because I wasnt man enough to make enough money to provide for her and my child. When she first told me she was pregnant I was so excited; "I'm going to be a dad!". We cried about it, I cried about it at work, and it hurt so deeply I dont think it will ever heal. I knew I should have made it work, regardless of what it took, but I was scared and I just couldnt take responsibility. I'm just so embarassed, I didnt tell a soul about it. She took the pill a month ago and I thought that was the end. Until today, that is, when she passed what she thought was a blood clot, and it had eyes and a mouth. Here I am, stuck at work that cant even support my family, and all I want is to be with her.

>> No.22747121


>> No.22747138

Already tried that angle with no luck.
I even went to a week long church camp. Girls there are pretty, how would you call it, pretty dense? They just gossip, or are hardcore christians( not into that) or are trick( they go out saturday night and get drunk then go to church next morning). All in all i wasnt feeling any girl i met there. Approaching girls in church on a sunday feels sus. I need a mutual friend to kick things off, which i dont have. Idk man ill try going to church in the next weeks. I am christian btw

>> No.22747162

>go to cinema
>people keep switching on phone lights to find things
>or just because they're bored
idk if people are smart enough to understand why the room is dark, or indeed if they know other people didn't disappear just because the room is dark

>> No.22747188

Coffee anon reporting. Have once again consumed too much.
>pissing and shidding non stop
>light fast breathing
Yup there is not going to be any sleep tonight.

>> No.22747192

>she passed what she thought was a blood clot, and it had eyes and a mouth
That's fucked

>> No.22747203

She wanted to send me a picture and was asking what she should do about it while I was trying to talk to clients on the phone. I told her to flush it down the toilet and not to think about it too much...

>> No.22747209

>I told her to flush it down the toilet and not to think about it too much...
Tbh not really much else you could do at that point.

>> No.22747223
File: 758 KB, 1192x1788, true-life-of-a-monk2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I switch between wanting to get married and having 10 kids and becoming a monk on Mt Athos in small skete somewhere - an oscillation between a desire to be surrounded by a loving wife and children and a complete renunciation of all of this for the mortification of the flesh because the world has nothing to offer me

>> No.22747228

You will do neither. The type of person ballsy enough to either wouldn't be posting/fantasizing about it on 4chan

>> No.22747232


>> No.22747344
File: 14 KB, 300x537, 1639534207951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my mom & dad. They are the best, and I'll always hope for their health & well-being. I should be reading more, to be fair. A Canticle For Leibowitz? Nice book, really. Next on my list is Lord Of The Rings. We'll see how life goes.

>> No.22747346

I'm 25. Earlier this year, I noticed my appearance was changing, but I thought "Ehh I'm probably seeing wrong" so I took vitamins & forgot about it.

Now at the end of the year, I have aged considerably. I went from early 20s to mid 30s in appearance, like a guy from Red Dead 2. It became so bad, I've had to stop looking at mirrors entirely. Today I took a peek out of curiosity, and despite fixing my sleep and diet it's only gotten worse, and I now have 3-4 clear lines under my eyes. When I emote with my face, new lines are trying to come in too, like another line under the eye & the nasolabial fold. This year I also began losing hair, & I started taking finasteride.

I really don't know what to do, I feel like I'm literally decaying. Every time I see myself my heart just breaks, the reaction is either panic, or just sadness

>> No.22747360
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I'm sure God knows your dilemma. If you're that conflicted about it, maybe ask your nearest priest for guidance. There's no issue that cannot be solved without a little bit of self-reflection & some good old praying.

>> No.22747384

so you mean disorder, not illness

>> No.22747391

say it pussy

>> No.22747392

Girls having crushes on guys is a wild thought to me. I've had girls have crushes on me before but it's still a wild thought. I don't know, maybe this stems from a lack of self esteem, maybe deep down I don't feel like I'm worthy of someone having a crush on me, who knows.

>> No.22747415
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Thank you anon. It's not so much a dilemma as it is a consequence of my state of mind at the moment. I'm afflicted by certain things at the moment which is why I think about monastic retreat. Though, there are moments during such afflictions, which I think is temporary sobriety, when I feel a disgust and distance from things that otherwise want to draw me in. It's a weird state, like you enter into a third-person mode of observation. At any rate, I'm probably a coward like that other anon says. A genuine desire for the monastic life is for the love of God not merely because you see the ridiculousness of things around you. I probably don't love God enough to be a true candidate for monasticism. All I can really do is grit my teeth and go through what I'm going through until God delivers me, if He wants to. However, I sometimes sense a part of me which is at peace with not being married at the very least.

>> No.22747418

I hope you get closer and closer to God anon

>> No.22747422

the struggle never ends good luck champ, how old are you anyways?

>> No.22747426

>but it's still a wild thought. I
It could be how retarded having a crush makes you isn't something your mind will let you think about girls. You accept you can get that retarded but the objects of your affections are better than that in your mind. All human get retarded over each other, but it is still wild in general we managed to create cities and megastructures while being horny.

>> No.22747428

I can verb noun agreement

>> No.22747439

I'm in the exact same boat, anon. It's only a matter of luck to see which life path I end up taking.

I live in the San Francisco Bay Area - well over 60% of churches around here have trans pride flags and/or BLM flags on the front of their church. I cannot trust anyone in this world, and I feel like I need to go outside it for advice.

>> No.22747447

Go through a campus
Unix time

>> No.22747457
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Thank you, God bless you. Sometimes I want to be left alone but other times God is just too irresistible to walk away. I've once asked God why do even You want anything to do with me. There's deep conflict within me. I've grown accustomed to internal conflict and the days on which I'm not conflicted and in some sort of psychological distress feel strange and lack vigour and vision. It's like if I'm not feeling disgruntled and melancholic, something is off. Part of my affliction is that literally everything in the world wants to drag me down and if you realise that you also realise that the spiritual warfare against is constant. You literally have to check every though that enters your mind which becomes exhausting very quickly. On top of that you constantly have to stamp on the typical lusts of youth that being in your early to mid 20s brings you - that warfare is constant too when you're walking around the city and the more you're fighting the more this war rages stronger. I also have other issues in my life which come as a direct consequence of who my parents and the milieu I've been raised in which has brought me emotional and physical issues which I don't really want to go into here. My single hope is that Christ at least sees I'm trying despite me being a coward. I sometimes also wonder whether I'm just making a big deal out of nothing - make mountains out of mole hills. Who knows

>> No.22747466

>It's only a matter of luck to see which life path I end up taking
Yeah I have absolutely know idea where I'll end up. There are knots within me that only God can untangle.
>I feel like I need to go outside it for advice
Speak to some monks if you can

>> No.22747596

I now truly believe couples don't last in our current days and age. Everyone has forsaken God and we must all pay that price now. I've become a full blown pessimist nigger and lost faith in the human ability to bond for life. I don't want to understand why we fell so low in the first place : if humans aren't mating for life anymore then what is the point of birthing at all? Society has replaced our fathers and whored our mothers and now we must exist in that fucking shitshow

>> No.22747599

Going to the elementary school right now

>> No.22747604

>well over 60% of churches around here have trans pride flags and/or BLM flags on the front of their church.
Orthodox churches typically aren't like that at all except maybe some of the more liberal Greek or OCA parishes.

>> No.22747740

I'm confounded by weakness. When I begin to think in terms of weak and strong everything appears reversed. I feel a growing awareness of fundamental life principles that are highly disturbing to me, but viciously policed by others. Reflexively defended. I'm stepping out of line. There's no sympathy for doing so.

Why all the talking then? Why all the noise? Why all the birds chirping?

>> No.22747741
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Why is there this idea in pop culture that highly intelligent people are weak, effeminate dorks?
Of all the smartest people I have met, most are quite masculine. I associate the effeminate archetype more with a middlebrow, moderate type of intelligence.

>> No.22747764

>Of all the smartest people I have met, most are quite masculine.
They were probably older and that affected your perception. There's always a feminine side, though. The smartest people I have met were clean, social, exceedingly successful people whose physical weakness was immediately forgotten the moment they opened their mouths. Even when they weren't beasts of charms but just lanky guys with glasses they always were clean, calm freaks. I think this is what you call 'feminine'. Pop culture portrays them as glass wearing introverts which isn't wrong either.

>> No.22747770

Eh, the smartest people I know are average or slightly above average looking. I don't think I've met many chads or dudes at the gym who struck me as very intelligent.

>> No.22747803

My dick has a bleach-like smell. How do I get rid of that?

>> No.22747809

I'm reading Clausewitz now in order to become better a strategy video games. A lot of his principles seems like it could apply, some things through analogy.

>> No.22747817

Wash it with bleach maybe they'll cancel out

>> No.22747820

I love you

>> No.22747821

What's happening is that the self-as-experience cannot separate what it experiences from what it is while the self-as-awareness cannot prevent certain phenomena from being experienced once it becomes aware of them; the experiencer and the experience are unfortunately united and through this unity contamination of the experiencer occurs; this also extends to fantasy and dreams, which are experiences projected by the experiencer and thus imbued with a certain power different from that of ordinary experience. The experiencer, submerged in that which he cannot separate from himself, finds himself sublimating what is brought to him into what he brings forth from himself. And it is this which is so deadly; what was once seen, especially through a third party (as in video, images, et cetera), now becomes projected from inside to outside.

>> No.22747842

What are we

>> No.22747860

Nothing and it makes me so sad

>> No.22747862

I don't want to die. I want to LIVE

>> No.22747865

I don't want to drive. I want to LIE

>> No.22747905

this song lives so rent free in my head it has real estate in ravenna

>> No.22747914

pointless to converse

>> No.22747916

try haranguing? much less listening

>> No.22747923

unnecessary components

>> No.22747934

Yeah but it passes the time

>> No.22747937

clinging to a experiment that went wrong

>> No.22747938

Why do you say so

>> No.22747940

nothing to gain through peace
everything to gain through decay
diplomacy is not only pointless
it is detrimental

>> No.22747976

You'll look back on these moments as milestones in a great and respectable journey. Damn I love coffee, and I love when I drink too much of it.

>> No.22748093

i say this without irony: "Where the Hood At" by DMX was written in the Homeric spirit and tradition. it taps into the mindset of the people of antiquity which very few other modern american men have ever had access to. DMX existed in a different world from everyone else. a true warrior spirit who was destroyed by modernity

>> No.22748116

>according to 'research' black people are overrepresented in the child protective system
>they say this is because they have more contact with mandated reporters
>they then alternate between saying 'if you're about to report a person of color, check yourself' and 'don't hesitate to report if you believe a child is being abused'
If black people want to be less represented in the chilld protective system, shouldn't they just abuse their kids less?

>> No.22748120
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In theory, you can fuck any pornstar you want, right? Like, granted they're not signed to a specific studio that you would need to work with, they're just really expensive and high-profile prostitutes, right?

>> No.22748138

It's so cold inside my house I can see my breath.

>> No.22748141

I'd argue it's less like them being a prostitute, since I imagine they aren't just up for rent.
I'd say it'd be more of an effort to just track them down in a mood to fuck, or to become a fucker of such repute that they will want to fuck you outside of a job. Or to become a pornstar, yourself, of such repute that you can fuck them.

>> No.22748188

They only fuck because they get paid to do so, so surely if you had enough money and you could track them down you could do it. You might also need to record it but honestly, I'm fine with my dick being on the internet if that means I can fuck my favourite pornstars.

>> No.22748631

>I want a faithful loyal girl but girls being faithful and loyal are a turn off
Sucks to be you bro