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/lit/ - Literature

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22740102 No.22740102 [Reply] [Original]

when did you realize 85% of literature considered to be good is actually trash and simply wrong and even propaganda for a false world view?

>> No.22740215

Sometime last year

>> No.22740271

nah it's more like 50%

>> No.22740288

Ne 15 books that fit this description

>> No.22740289

The Bible that's more than 15 now give me my crown

>> No.22740290
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>try to think of a book that fits this description
>try to think of ANY book
>can only think of harry potter

>> No.22740293

Mind explaining?

>> No.22740295


>> No.22740297

Holy filtered

>> No.22740303

I haven't realized that because it's not true

>> No.22740586


>> No.22740599

What is this

>> No.22740603

it's a pile of dogshit, don't touch it

>> No.22740610

Sounds like Dan Schneider finally found this board

>> No.22740686

85% might be a tad too high. But there's undoubtedly a great deal of dross labelled as "classic." The key seems to be not being good but striking a chord, autist to autist, with powerful academics who promote your book as an inscrutable work of great intelligence and saddle the next 10 generations with scratching their noggins to divine what brilliance there apparently is worth studying, which let's face it, is mostly invented by readers post-hoc in a way you could do about a piece in the evening news. Alice in Wonderland, Moby Dick, The Old Man and the Sea all immediately come to mind.
Then you have the other lot, the spicy takes, oh so topical at the time that had an understandable impact on readers within their specific zeitgeist but leave the modern reader laughing at the idea of such work being a world shattering view. Heart of Darkness and Fahrenheit 451 key offenders here, possibly to a lesser extent Catch 22 and Walden. Still, it's good to read them, gives you an insight into how others think, what others think is good and you can't be part of the conversation if you don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.22741169

When I realized the writers look like shit and are socialist drug addicts

>> No.22741175

When I read Sally Rooney's books and they were pretty bad despite the hype. I admit that Bobbi is likely the best literary character from the last decade though.

>> No.22741685

I so hate that you are right about this and that it has been this way for a long time.

>> No.22741689

If you're OP, you're not as enlightened as I thought.

>> No.22742753

It's like that bell curve meme where you think I'm on the left but I'm on the right. I know more about theology than you.

>> No.22742890
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When I realized most of it affirms life

>> No.22742912

Just now; thanks for letting me know!
>organizes a book burning

>> No.22742915

when did you realize every post with a frog attached is written by a faggot and has nothing of value?

>> No.22743749

I didn't but thanks for spoiling it asshole

>> No.22743761

OP is a dumb fucking retard who accepts everything put in front of his face without question and needs to make that everyone else's problem

>> No.22743766
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...after letting myself get systematically mindfucked by russian shills on /pol/ from around 2015 onwards.

>> No.22743768

>Moby Dick

>> No.22743781

What books are you thinking about anon?

>I Hope to god you aren't a chud

>> No.22743800

I’ve been going through the /lit/ top 100 and only thought two of the books were bad so far.

>> No.22743799

I know Moby Dick didn't reach popularity until after Melville's death, and that academics were the ones that made the novel famous, but I think you're wrong about that one.

>> No.22743809

Which two?

>> No.22743876

Heart of Darkness (this was terrible)
The Sailor who fell from grace with the sea (this had some profound passages but wasn’t very good overall)

>> No.22743881

All art is just a series of carefully planned distractions for the plebs

>> No.22743900

the coherence theory of truth is when you are atlas
the foundationalist theory of truth is OP's good now

>> No.22743914

When I first started reading.

>> No.22743961

anyone who actually bothers to go through those "greatest novels ever" lists ends up realizing this. good literature is very rare, even among the classics

>> No.22744027

there are a few camps of thought with literature that I notice a lot. First is the one we all know about, usually ladies who read harry potter and that sort of stuff, and teach middle school english and think any poem about race struggle or by a woman is the greatest thing ever. Then you have people, usually men, that say all new stuff is terrible and they love "the classics" or something like that and they talk about shakespeare and maybe herman melville and edgar allan poe and charles dickens. Then you have your sort of edgy guys who like usually russian and german literature and philosophy in dark settings and about depressing stuff. We all know people like this who fit into some camp and really want to identify in that sort of way, because for them literature is a personality accessory like a handbag is an accessory for a model. Very few people just read it and like it. I find the same kind of thing with most media, books, movies, tv shows, music, video games. When people make lists of "greatest books" or something like that you know it's nonsense

>> No.22744090

I though the great gatsby was the absolute worst book that is considered to be in the greatest of the 20th century. It was like a script for a shitty fancy soap opera that would be on hbo. Ernest Hemingway, everything by him was boring. But everyone's got their own taste, some people find cool things in those books that I can't. There was obviously a huge cultural shift in the 1800s that totally transformed literature, I think a lot of stuff made in the 20th century that would have been considered bland before then had a new set of intellectuals ready to call it "deep and personal" and stuff like that, whereas older literature usually has less to do with petty personal stuff and more to do with grand, romantic ideas, which is usually going to turn into an interesting book more easily than something about a regular guy.

>> No.22744105


after reading dosto

>> No.22744227

February 2nd 2001.

>> No.22744524
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Moby Dick is not in any sense "good". Its pacing is abominable, its structure so unengaging it must be by design, the tone and language is completely out of touch with the mundanity of the story, the plot is incredibly one dimensional and boring and that's all without mentioning the pages upon pages upon pages of technical description regarding 19th century whaling. It is simply not good. Yet I will concede it is a curiosity. I am not from its great nation of origin and I've noticed over the years it's exclusively beloved and defended by Americans. This has lead me to the conclusion that the novel has captured some particular American essence, some Yankee saudades that is very special for you and excuses how bad it ultimately is as a work of fiction. The fact that it's not just academics but litizens that love it gives me genuine pause. I suspect there's something crystalized in there for your people that excuses its flaws and is sadly invisible for the rest of us.