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/lit/ - Literature

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22738927 No.22738927 [Reply] [Original]

Post your favorite history reads

>> No.22738939
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>> No.22738949

fuck off

>> No.22738951
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>> No.22738979
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>> No.22739081
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Reading this rn

>> No.22739089
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Bolivia mentioned :DDD

>> No.22739134

Currently reading Napoleon: A Life. On the side I'm somewhat started to read Iron Kingdom, which is a book about Prussia. After this I will read the Ottoman Empire by Halil İnalcık.

>> No.22739422
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Posting the better road to 9/11

>> No.22739432
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Does anybody have other book recommendations about Proto-Indo-European origins/invasion?

>> No.22739782

Yo! It's classic!

Listen to that voice then.

>> No.22739964
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Most important book to understand modern American “culture”

>> No.22739986


>> No.22740008

Swap to Sean McKeen's book! It's much better and uses the Soviet archives.

>> No.22740024

Cross argues that the only true, time-tested institution in America is that of consumerism. We are a country without any 'high culture.' Instead, nearly everything we consume is mass-produced 'low culture' that Americans define themselves by. Increasingly throughout the 20th century, Americans became disillusioned or skeptical of traditional institutions-- church, school, work, neighborhoods, etc.-- in favor of "communities of consumption" that bind people together through conspicuous consumption. These ways of defining self came to dominate the American mind, and today nearly all 'meaning' in the US is derived from a pursuit of consumer goods. Cross sees this as overwhelmingly negative; a supervision of any spiritual and aesthetic progress in favor of mass consumption.

Quote to summarize:
>Consumerism, not political democracy, won the century. Regimes based on mobilizing people around ideas of social solidarity seem to end up demonic, or at least bureaucratic and corrupt. And even the relatively open and undemanding goals of liberal democracy for public life have failed to compete with consumerism.

Cross's analysis is limited to the twentieth century, but this theme has been present in America since its inception. T.H. Breen wrote a fantastic book -The Marketplace of Revolution- which shows how this hyper-obsession with consumer goods has always dominate American politics and socio-political movements.

>> No.22740269
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and The Last King of America and Churchill. Which are both also by Andrew Roberts.

>> No.22740329

Thanks, anon.

>> No.22740332
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Warriors of God by Nicholas Blanford. It's a 30 year history of Hezbollah's guerrilla war against Israel, very interesting and especially relevant now. I also liked that it took a journalistic rather than strictly academic approach to this history, it was quite refreshing.

>> No.22740333

I genuinely cannot understand how anyone with common sense can watch the video of building 7 collapsing and still believe the American government's version of what happened.

>> No.22740354

Usually when I talk to people about 9/11 or similar events, their response is that there is no way this could be true, and that the government they subconsciously view as a father could never be capable of such crimes. These revelations shatter their worldview so their psyches protect them from this trauma by refusing to see the evidence

>> No.22740431
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"Ancient Near Eastern Texts" is such a ubiquitous source of reference that citations commonly simply abbreviate it ANET without need for further explanation.

If anyone has really good histories of (parts of) the pre-Hellenistic Middle East, they would be welcome. Van De Mieroop "A History of the Ancient Near East" is too broad, too brief, and too-much written for lower-division undergraduates. I have read & enjoyed Drews' "The End of the Bronze Age" and Cline's "1177 B.C.", but both are very specifically about the BAC.

>> No.22740441

A friend just loaned me some books after highly recommending them and asking me to read the following
>The Law
Fred Bastiat
>Road to Serfdom
Friedrich von Hayak
>Democracy the God that Failed
Hans Herman Hoppe
>Intellectuals Society
Thomas Sowell
>Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism
Max Weber

What am I in for? Or more succinct, What is my friend getting me into?

>> No.22740558
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The Histories by Herodotus obviously.

>> No.22741524


>> No.22741937
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Man the French are assholes

>> No.22741940

Seething eurpoid

He sounds like a commie

>> No.22741943

None of these are history but some of them are good

>> No.22741986

>uses ccp tracking application

>> No.22742352

So is there any reading list that doesn't include modified (((history)))?

>> No.22743105

Mirrors: Stories of Almost Everyone by Eduardo Galeano is a good read. He's a leftist faggot whose ideology seems to boil down to "white ppl bad" but his prose is nice and it's a good idea to break history down into small digestible chunks.

>> No.22743471

I've already read the McMeekin-book. I liked that one very much thanks.

>> No.22743660
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king leopold's ghost, very strong so far
It's very impressive how well Leopold I played everyone around him. He basically just used his current days version of liberal-speak to get people to give him money to do things that are opposite of what they actually are meant to represent.
I don't know how to describe it better but it really gives you sense that nothing in last 150 years changed at all and a smart guy with right influence gets into these elite circles he can just put soap in everyone eyes so easily using the structure the virtue signaling structure they have build up. Only guy that realized he's a bullshiter was Bismark, he straight up just annoted letters from him as "scam" because he read this language of virtue signaling and instantly could tell this guy just doesn't want to honestly say what he wants to do there.
Like he says he needs money to build outposts to protect people of Congo from slavers but he just builds his outpost to enslave them himself but he justifies his slavery as protection from other peoples slavery. He wants to ensure free trade so he builds his own offices and imposes his own taxes to fund it thus controlling all trade in region. It reminds me of how modern corporations use all this language about female empowerment just to keep women in shitty underpaid jobs, drive their wages lower, get more work out of them etc. you just use these terms that sound appealing but you're doing opposite of that.

>> No.22743932
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This one deals with major historical events in the 20th century so I think it counts

>> No.22743948

You missed the Austrian economics fad by about 14 years. Shit got pretty cringe:


>> No.22744144
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>> No.22744192
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Rebels & Redcoats and The Spirit of 'Seventy-Six

>> No.22744515
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1100 pages of war journalist kino

>> No.22744577
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pure kino. you’ll have to content yourself with the abridgment (picrel) unless you’re willing to drop a few thousand on a copy of the complete edition. or if you live in my town you can check it out from the local library which inexplicably has a copy of the unabridged 7 volume edition

>> No.22744582

forgot to add that you would like >>22744577, it’s some of the best war reporting I’ve ever read

>> No.22744585

>Man the French are assholes
That was the original title of War and Peace

>> No.22744594

Sounds great, I've been wanting to read some works that deal directly with violence, its ethics, and merits. Does Vollmann grapple with trauma/PTSD as well?

>> No.22744617
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>> No.22744695
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>> No.22744740
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>> No.22744765
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Yeah, Vollmann discusses how violence begins, how it happens, and its aftershocks — political consequences, moral consequences, psychological consequences, artistic consequences, etc. absolutely worth the time. think you’ll like it. Vollmann is also a beautiful stylist. on a sentence by sentence level, his prose crackles with energy and intensity that few other contemporary writers can match. occasionally it’s too much and he becomes pompous but most of the time it’s great. picrel’s also worth checking out if you like RURD

>> No.22745580


>> No.22745588

isn't he a tranny now?

captcha: 2SRRY

>> No.22746419

I'm legit curious to know what's /lit/ opinion on this one.
I've read it and it's pretty good and eye opening (although sometimes it feels the authors got high in their own hype) with a very extensive bibliography.

But I also think it's too subversive for the average conservabro /lit/ anon

>> No.22746673
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Mes chers amis, what's the best french book about Napoléon's life ?

>> No.22746718

Thanks Anon, might get Rising up and Rising down for Christimas

>> No.22746739

I bought it and it's in my TBR stack. Any thoughts on it? Anything I should know before I dive in?

>> No.22746765

just read Andrew Roberts

>> No.22746779

Interested in books that focus on military strategy.

>> No.22746785

Clausewitz On War

>> No.22746788

I don’t think so, he was experimenting with what it would be like to live as a woman. Doesn’t mean he sees himself as a woman. More performance art than anything else
No prob anon. Vollmann’s a fascinating character. He was blown up by a land mine in Serbia and watched his best friend die in front of him, he hopped trains around California, nearly froze to death in the arctic researching a book, saved a child prostitute from sex slavery, you name it he’s done it

>> No.22746794

That's what I started with.

>> No.22746849

Shut up dude. We found the perfectly intact passports of a Lebanese and a Saudi Arabian in the crash of flight 93. That means we need to invade Iraq.

>> No.22747013

It's basically the anti-Sapiens (that pop history book by Yuval Harari). It's not just that, but a complete debunking on all those stupid pop history authors who try to reduce human history into a clear linear simplistic narrative, such as Jared Diamond and Francis Fukuyama.

The two authors are an anthropologist and an archeologist who use a lot of different discoveries in their fields made in the last 30 years to prove their point, and the bibliography is really fucking dense, almost 200 pages of notes and citations.

Basically the point of the book is that any attempt of creating a "grand narrative" using a "logic" social evolution for humanity is failed. Human history is filled with different ramifications and possibilities of social arrangements, since hunter-gatherers of the paleolithic (who, as the book points out, didn't expend 200,000 years doing nothing like most authors say).

Other main argument is that the rise of the State and its burocraric apparatus is more uncommon throughout history than we use to imagine. Usually ancient cultures and civilizations had different ways of organizing their politics, and that we, modern men under a nation-state, end up putting them inside a political category due to our own bias. In the end, the "social contract" is a retarded concept and the appearance of the State is not a logical conclusion of any complex society, but just happened by mere luck and was spread by violence.

If you are open-minded enough, it's an amazing book.

>> No.22747019

Thanks anon. Very interesting.

>> No.22747074
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Recently published suggestion

>> No.22747093
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>> No.22747099
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>> No.22747123
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>> No.22747196
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Hitler's Spies

>> No.22747225


>> No.22747229


>> No.22747235



>> No.22747258
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>> No.22747263

How about yer mom?

>> No.22747264

Herodotus is literature.

>> No.22747412
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>> No.22747968

Very good book, would also recommend Graeber’s “Debt: The First 5,000 Years” which takes a similar approach to conventional wisdom regarding economics and the history of money.

>> No.22748044

We all know this, but /his/ is full of retards that keep making racebait and religionbait threads.
This board discuss more humanities than its own board. And that's a good thing.

>> No.22749168
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>> No.22749686
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>> No.22749793
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>> No.22751042
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Just got picrel. What am I in for?

>> No.22752531
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Not my favourite, but the one I'm reading right now.

>> No.22753102

Jean Tulard?

>> No.22753126

Finishing "1177 B.C." right now.

>> No.22754051

holy shit these threads are good

>> No.22754208

Meta-thread question, is there enough interest in making a pastebin reading list?
OP should link the previous thread when making a new one.

>> No.22754676

>is there enough interest in making a pastebin reading list
I'd be interested in making an American History list.

>> No.22754935

you're a literal man child if you use tik tok. go fuck yourself retard get off this board

>> No.22755013

erm so that just happened

>> No.22756038
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>> No.22756222

Anyone have a favorite history read recommendation for Murica?

>> No.22756231
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After Action Reports of the Soviets and Mujahideen.


Simple as.

>> No.22756242

Sounds excellent, I will pick up a copy

>> No.22756349

If you read your Clausewitz then you could go onto Jomini or then De Ruyter on maritime stuff.

>> No.22756353

You forgot
>books for this feel?

>> No.22756355

Have you read "Fangs of the lone wolf" it's stories told by Chechens about the 90s-00s war in Chechnya.

>> No.22756367
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im reading pic related

>> No.22756379

How is it? I just came to this thread specifically to ask about it, as I just saw it yesterday in my local library

>> No.22756399
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Are there any good books that cover Germany during the Weimar Republic? Those years between the fall of the empire in 1918 and the rise of the Reich are incredibly turbulent and I'm surprised at all that transpired in those years and the fact that it is rarely mentioned especially in history books where the interwar for germany sums up to
>Germany lost and had to pay the allies
>There is no money to pay
>Suddenly Hitler is in charge

Any books in a similar time period but for Poland/Eastern Europe would also be appreciated.
The entire Interwar period is vastly unappreciated in general. It's almost like nothing happened until the Great Depression

>> No.22756413

Just so you know Mossad did 9/11 not Osama Bin Laden and Al Queda.

>> No.22756634
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>> No.22756667

Rereading Peter Green's Alexander of Macedon for the millionth time. I have grown a deeper respect for it. The first time I'd read it, I was an unironic dickrider, and Green's clipped and analytical tone struck me as offensive. Especially in his relentless attempt to paint the conqueror in this clinical and detached light (everything he did was calculated, premeditated to serve a larger purpose). It seemed to me as detrimental as the works who whittled down the king general to just a 'schizo, megalomaniacal, trust fund babbie'. Either take was reductive.

>> No.22756838

Welcome to modern Alexander scholarship. It is so odd in history that modern scholarship recognizes the inherent problems with overly-positive appraisals of Alexander.... but then decide to respond with overly-negative criticisms with arguably 0 nuance.

He was a brilliant commander, and yes - he murdered a whole bunch of people while doing it. However, comparing him to Hitler and saying he was on some genocidal conquest to gratify his ego is just stupid (see: A.B. Bosworth - a jew writing on Alexander post-Holocaust).

These problems of contemporary Alexander scholarship are addressed in Pierre Briant's shorter book (the one published by Princeton University press). It's a good read if you're fed up with "academics" shitting up history with modern moral sensibilities instead of recognizing the inherent need to understand individuals in their times, and as they saw the world. He really puts them on blast. It was kind of refreshing to read.

>> No.22757000

Yeah one thing that surprised me when I read up on 19th century imperialism was that the circle of people really driving the conquest of Africa were basically the socially conscious liberals of their day. Or rather they were psychopaths who posed as socially conscious liberals and effortlessly played on the sensibilities of the socio-economic elite to win support for their ventures.

>> No.22757085
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“The First Scientific History of the War of 1812” is a bestseller monograph about the French invasion of Russia in 1812 by Russian historian with clinical narcissism disorder and deep love for Napoleon, know as shitty opera singer who collect full stage, very charismatic homosexual, videoblogger, man of culture and well know troll - Yevgeni Ponasenkov

This book written in the spirit of historical revisionism, against state propaganda (that used this war as tool, and was used all by Tsar, by Soviets and by current regime) about this war that portrayed this war as something patriotic, sign of defending of fatherland. Ponasenkov completely destroy this image and shows real colors of Russian state during this time - underdeveloped and complete corrupted aristocrats that hated own people, own Tsar and were in love of image of Napoleon and all French, serfs are literally slaves that used as cannon folder, shameful retreat of Russian army, Moscow was burned and pillaged by Russians people before Napoleon even came. This war started as result of action of denain the treaty and organizing army by Tsar Alexander I, who was a pathetic impotent with complexes who promoted his homosexual lovers. All this supported by handrest of documents, letter, etc. This is like 4/5 of the 1100 pages long book. Rest is pouring shit on Russian patriots, promoting classical European culture, and ranting how cool he is (there is literally full page pictures of him posing with statues, getting flowers on his stage (he sings)).

What is also interesting about this book, not only it was received by state paid historians as "Nothing that we didn't knew (but never told in your propaganda school textbooks, movies and events), we can't say anything about it", but one of Ponasenkov's few critics and rival - historian Sokolov, who also get well know as writer about Napoleon, teacher in one the main universities in Russia, who also got famous after connections with government supported blogger got caught trying to drown body parts of his young student lover.
Ponasenkov came to Sokolov's trials, mocked him and advertised own book (as he always did on all show, talk show and interview). It got like 2,362,597 views on youtube.

>> No.22757161

You might think that is all hype and controversy, but this is really high quality historical book with depth look into political, economical reasons, difference in cultures, how war was viewed from all sides, with statistics and supported by official documents and reference to well accepted among academia books. Also, Ponasenkov goes into depth of problem of state propaganda during after war, during Stalin rule (especially here where Ponasenkov describe biograpy of Yevgeny Tarle - who did risen during Staling purges because he was assliking to Stalin, was writing notes against his coleages and was considerable useful to state), and abuse of myth about war during modern days.

It's super biased and despite all document written in informal style, but how can you not be baised if you compering literally a lice-ridden Russian Orthodox serf (and at that time Russian serfs turned into slaves, because they could be sold and had no rights at all, not even religious ones) with frenchmens after great revolution. Compering most progressive country of the age that did bring law, ethics and aesthetics everywherethey went with poor countryside country where most people are illiterate, own culture is despised and Tsar is got his place by joining or accepting murder of his father for British money.

>> No.22757279
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So Far From God: The U. S. War With Mexico, 1846–1848 - John S. D. Eisenhower

>> No.22757829
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>> No.22757909
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>> No.22758082
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>> No.22758107
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>> No.22758119


>> No.22758120
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>> No.22758147

Sorry I got nothing but Rhodesia should have a memeflag on /pol/

>> No.22758162

Do personal accounts count?

>> No.22758374

A significantly better work than The Dawn of Everything.

>> No.22758377

The Devil's Chessboard.

>> No.22758432

Checked. Based book.

>> No.22758484

I've never heard anyone talk about this on /lit/ or /his/, but I recommend "European Diplomatic History 1871-1931" by Raymond James Sontag (1933). Essentially it is a high-level survey of politics and grand strategy in Europe from the Franco-Prussian war to (roughly) the author' time of writing. The narration is non-stop breathless exposition of statesmen and diplomats and schemes within schemes, and - even though the author would probably disclaim any literary pretension - the dizzying pace at which alliances shift is portrayed in a fine, sharply-drawn manner illustrated with character sketches of leading figures and political organisations. Gives a very pronounced sense of just how chaotic European politics was in the leadup to WW1. An exemplar of the often unfairly-maligned state of historical writing prior to the turn to social history after WW2. It is also in the public domain, so don't take my word for it. Have a look: https://archive.org/details/in.ernet.dli.2015.175913

>> No.22758662

Thanks for the rec anon. I'll look it up.

>> No.22758700

If you find any please let me know, this is right up my alley as well. And likewise from me if I find some.

>> No.22758710

His name echoes and his wikipedia page makes him sound like a blinkered libtard.

>> No.22758785
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>> No.22758804

False: nonfiction can be Literary.

>> No.22758841

Isn’t this borderline fiction

>> No.22758946

David W. Anthony's The Horse, the Wheel, and Language

>> No.22759056
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>linking a post behind paywall

>> No.22759102

The man was literally knighted by the Pope

>> No.22759119

>the american conservative
Might as well cite pravda

>> No.22759264

Robert Drews
Probably required reading if you want to get deep into the subject because it's the dominant mainstream view now but Anthony is a retard and parts of his thesis are almost certainly wrong

>> No.22759397
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The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine by Ilan Pappe

> Ilan Pape, an Israeli academic has called for an international boycott of Israeli academics.
Absolutely based

>> No.22759769
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Any good books on Breton history?

>> No.22759888

Any recommendations for Central Asian history? Not looking for Silk Road stuff per se, but more on the history of the peoples themselevs

>> No.22760114

Personally I'm dying for a read on 18th/19th archeology/history that lead to the Aryan secretly started every civilization ever, and the ruling class of Greece and Rome was blonde and blue eyed while everyone else was a normal med.
You must not go on /his/
This guy frequents /his/
It might be subversive (it's subversive on purpose), but it deals with le noble savage, Rousseauian state of nature just as much as it deals with Hobbesian state of nature. What I liked about it is that it was optimistic. People are still in control of their fates, and these narratives of constant, linear progress from antiquity are ironically holding us back. It's not just being a fucking savage or modern society. There's an entire spectrum and everyone trying to reduce it is an ideologue with their own agenda.
Conservabros won't like the fact that North American indians had a hand in the Enlightenment and their Early Life section.
I remember when this guy tried to ascertain that someone (might be the Abraham Lincoln assassin) was Jewish because he was seen near a synagogue one time. Same with Gavrilo Princip. Or that Tzarist Russia was a prosperous state before the commies took over. Shit like this sullied the whole book for me, even if I'm inclined to agree with him.

>> No.22760205

How did you know?

>> No.22760730

This one interests me, but it's also written by the founder of Salon. It's not some liberal white-washing of the government?

>> No.22760995

You all talk the same.

>> No.22761021

Nice choice, anon. Very underrated conflict and that is the best book about it.

>> No.22761587
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Langguth is a great writer

>> No.22761622

I’m sure we do.

>> No.22761637
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The Story of Civilization

>> No.22761648

Can’t find it anywhere

>> No.22761866
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Any more books like pic revolving around disasters?

>> No.22761955
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For a war that wasn’t really well documented, this was a great read for me.

>> No.22761960
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>> No.22761975
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>> No.22762004
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How good is this?

>> No.22762049

Just looking at the cover and I'm already depressed.

>> No.22762112

It's happened to me too and I've never touched tic-toc. I asked someone about an aircraft they worked on, didn't have my phone on me but they had theirs, and that night youtube gave me a video suggestion for a similar aircraft. Never looked up anything online to encourage the algorithm to do that.

>> No.22762193

My closest friend is Native and I’m afraid to read it

>> No.22762222

I'm planning on reading The Great Game. It seems pretty interesting and talks about how the Soviet Union and the UK tried fighting for influence over Central Asia. You don't really hear from much from that part of the world so I think it will be a nice read and suggest others to look into it.

>> No.22762281
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Cousin marriage is bad. Honestly, very interesting though as a non-Westerner.

>> No.22762360

Natives really got the short stick in the course of history. Tragic as their culture is very noble and interesting.

>> No.22762596

My youtube recommendations follow strictly the threads I visit in 4chan.

>> No.22762623
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>> No.22763233

>writer's name is Hastings
>doesn't dedicate his life to research of Battle of Hastings
who writes this garbage?

>> No.22763677
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>> No.22763934

Pappe is a hack and denounced by real historians like Morris.

>> No.22764054

I wouldn't recommend going directly into reading Clausewitz or Jomini. Weak equivocation; it's like reading Greek literature without knowing the myths. Start with what >>22756367 is reading.

I'm glad someone picked this up per recommendations I put up in a few threads. How are you finding it?

>> No.22764621
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>> No.22764632

Damn, nobody?

>> No.22764637
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>> No.22764703

If it doesn’t take into account that it was a reaction to the stifling counterrevolution of the 1950s and further complicated by clandestine federal agencies, it’s probably just feel-good boomer tripe. But I’ve never heard of it.

>> No.22764849

Install gentoo

>> No.22765958 [DELETED] 

Biography of Hiriam Moore?

>> No.22766551

Biography of Hiram Moore?

>> No.22766604

>It reminds me of how modern corporations use all this language about female empowerment just to keep women in shitty underpaid jobs, drive their wages lower, get more work out of them etc. you just use these terms that sound appealing but you're doing opposite of that.
Kek thats just how the game is played
Many political ideals are just propagated by people pursuing their own interest.
Some actually believe the bullshit they spew

>> No.22766606
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>*forms a Khanate in the midst of the choas of the post-Tsar civil war*
Fun subject, but the author feels like a disapproving and cynical fuck in his reaction to everything

>> No.22766623

Frederick the Great's On the Art of War
Or for older mil sim: Maurice's Strategikon (written by military-minded emperor for his officers to read and understand his doctrine/decision-making)

>> No.22766625

Bernal Diaz's account is kino

>> No.22766630

I heard Ernst Salomon's book- "The Outlaws" is good
For the parallel, but rarely interacting, growth of fascism in Romania during interwar period: Cornelius Codreanu's For My Legionaries

>> No.22766638

When done with that, read pic rel. This book was great and inspired the concept of the Fremen in Dune. Useful to see why modern Chechens were brutal in 90s Russia, as both soldiers and mafia, and their involvement in the current invasion.

>> No.22766642
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>> No.22766665
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Reading picrel it's pretty badass

>> No.22766674

Nah he is great

Best of luck anon

>> No.22766694

Refuted by this one fact alone: Israel is this tiny little country surrounded by billions of Arabs which could accomodate the Palestinians at any time, and yet refuse to do so. They can only have 99% of the middle east and because they can't have Israel too they want to destroy her.

>> No.22766749

>destroy her
Based Arabs

Besides why should Palestinians leave their homes and resettle in other countries, and why should other countries accept Palestinians, just because some people were affected by the holocaust? Pissraelis are such cucks and will paint you as a bad person for not leaving your own home. Pathetic.

>> No.22766864

>could accomodate the Palestinians at any time, and yet refuse to do so.
I don't know. A bunch of unlanded possibly militan people.
I wouldn't accept them in my country
Jordan did accept Palestinians briefly but it didn't go well...

>> No.22766880

>why should Palestinians leave their homes and resettle in other countries
Cause they're a violent people.

>> No.22767072

They're violent because their homes are taken from them. Don't tell me the "don't tread on me"-gang wouldn't behave the exact same way

>> No.22767085
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Then it would make more sense to destroy israel or place israel in germany.

Besides anyone who is forced to leave their homes will become violent, unless you think everyone else is a cuck like you.
"What is Palestine? It is a country which belongs to the Turkish empire and is settled by Arabs. .....Mr. Lilienblum says that "we have a historical right to Palestine."'... A historical right! . .. And by what means will you defend that historical right? ... The Arabs have exactly the same historical right. Woe unto you if-under the protection of international bandits and by the manipulation of international intrigue and corrupt diplomacy --you force the peaceful Arabs to defend their rights. They will answer tears with blood and will bury your hereditary claims under the ashes of
your homes."

>> No.22767349

Learn some history.

>> No.22767355
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History does not justify what Israel is doing to innocents at this moment

>> No.22767383

I’m trying to find an overarching history of higher education

>> No.22767415

>what Israel is doing
Blame Hamas.

>> No.22767423

Troll. Or an Israeli. Same thing.

>> No.22767435

Mohammad was a genocidal maniac as well as a pedophile. Muslims claim he was the holiest man to ever exist, and the Koran states if he should be insulted the unbeliever's head should be cut off. That's the man Palestinians claim to follow. That's history.

>> No.22767469

>children should be killed because hummus
>children should be killed because muhammad
children shouldn't be killed

Narrated Ibn `Umar:
During a battle a woman was found killed, so Allah's Messenger forbade the killing of women and children. (Sahih Bukhari 3015)

>> No.22767519

>totally glossing over the part where I mentioned he was a pedo
He married his 9 year old cousin you sick fuck. I'm guessing you're a muzzie so you must be fine with that I assume.

>> No.22767567
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>> No.22767599
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Who's the Ken Burns of American nonfiction?

>> No.22767608

>complaining about pedophiles on 4chan
Go back moral faggot.

>> No.22767612

Face the wall.

>> No.22767643
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Peace and blessings be upon Muhammad, the single greatest creation of God

Peace be upon the master of the first ones and the last ones
Peace be upon the master of the prophets and messengers
Peace be upon the messenger of God, friend of God, prophet of God, choice of God, mercy of God, well-chosen by God, most beloved to God, selected by God, seal of the prophets, master of the messengers, maintainer of justice, opener of goodness, core of divine revelation and inspiration, conveyor on God, light-giving lamp, conveyor of good tidings, warner, God's light who spreads luminosity.
Peace be upon Muhammad, Ahmed, argument of God on the first and the last, foremost to the obedience to the Lord of the worlds, predominant over his messengers, last of his prophets, witness over all His creatures, interceder to Him, firmly established with Him, winner of the most praised qualities, holder of the most praised honors, honored by the Lord, most advanced in position, winner of the race.
Peace be upon Muhammad and his holy household.

>> No.22767647

I found something recently but I'll have to get back to you on that

>> No.22767659

A friend of mine recommended me The Outlaws

>> No.22767685
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>> No.22767710

I've not read it, but the one review I read of it described it as critiquing a strawman narrative of linear development that no one has argued for in decades; and then cherry-picking evidence to set up their own grand ideological narrative.

>> No.22767719
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>> No.22767726

>rarely mentioned
We spent ages on the Weimar Republic back in school history lessons. Never thought of it as an underappreciated period.

>> No.22767774
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>destroyed units
>damaged schools
>damaged mosques

>> No.22768173

In North American schools they basically go: Treaty of Versailles, Bankruptcy, Hitler manipulates everyone with his speeches, Appeasement is le bad (ALWAYS SUPPORT FOREIGN INTERNVENTION), Kristalnacht and WW2 starts
No mention of 1918 civil war or Freikorps, and very little overall nuance

>> No.22768291
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I actually have my high school textbook right here. Think this probably belonged to the school but I stole it because European history was the lesson I found most interesting.
The "further reading" section recommends J Hiden's "The Weimar Republic", but bear in mind this recommendation is from a book intended for 16 and 17 year olds.

>> No.22768398

>He married his 9 year old
And how does this justify killing thousands of children in your mind?