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/lit/ - Literature

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22738531 No.22738531 [Reply] [Original]

With video games such as Nier: Automata and Elden Ring, is it, perchance, time to admit that video games have surpassed literature as a storytelling medium?

>> No.22738552

Those games aren't good

>> No.22738557

Elden Ring was fun.
No, go back.

>> No.22738573
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>Elden rang
God that was a waste of 50 bucks

>> No.22738591

Video games haven't even reached a quarter of the medium's potential, so its too early to say weather or not it will surpass literature. As of right now, it's not even close. Also, Nier: Automata and elden ring aren't even in top ten stories told through video games.

>> No.22738597

We should do a chart of /lit/ approved games. The hard part would be sorting through shit that people recommended just because they happen to like it. Anyway, here are some games that I think /lit/ would enjoy:
>Pathologic 1/2 (you can skip 1 if you want)
>The Void
>Disco Elysium
>Yeo's existential trilogy (Ringo Ishikawa/Arrest of a Stone Buddha/Fading Afternoon)
>A Hand With Many Fingers
>The Painscreek Killings
>The Music Machine
>Scavenger SV-4
Some are better than others but they all gave me the feeling of "playing" a book.

>> No.22738627

I like some of the ideas, but I don't remember the last game I finished.

>> No.22738641

I used to skip cutscenes and dialogue when I still played games.

>> No.22738652

not even close to dostoevsky, dicken's or even proust's work

>> No.22738664
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literature has been brainlet tier since the invention of more advanced mediums of media

>> No.22738669

leave this board and never return stupid catposter

>> No.22738721
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Hey, leave cats out of this.

>> No.22739048

You’re giving cats a bad name by the malignant shitposting you’ve been doing lately. I will never post in any further threads with a smug cat again so that the thread may die that much sooner. Have a nice life

>> No.22739053

Video games are better than a lot of "literature" like the Bible and Dostoevsky.

>> No.22739059

I know Elden Cockring is some generic Nibelung/LOTR derived story. What’s Nier about?

>> No.22739062

B8 used to be good

>> No.22739063

Surpassed in terms of what? Ontological priority? No because Nintendo's founding document is not a video game.

>> No.22739064

>What’s Nier about?
Cyborg ass and random oblique references to pseuds like Sartre.

>> No.22739066

I was serious. A randomly selected JRPG has a more enriching story than the Bible, Koran, or Old Testament.

>> No.22739068
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>you've been doing lately
I'm not the original catposter.

>> No.22739072
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>I was serious. A randomly selected JRPG has a more enriching story than the Bible, Koran, or Old Testament.

>> No.22739073

>Storytelling is the social and cultural activity of sharing stories, sometimes with improvisation, theatrics or embellishment. Every culture has its own stories or narratives, which are shared as a means of entertainment, education, cultural preservation or instilling moral values.

Amount of responsibility OP takes for pressing B:

>> No.22739076

Disagree. I’ve played some of the major ones and they all sucked storywise. They’re very generic. So now I know this is actual B8

>> No.22739077

kotposters=furries=retarded human filth

>> No.22739085

I don't know shit about furries. A complete puzzle to me, just like for you.

>> No.22739090

friendo, it's real

>> No.22739100

I am wiser and more contemplative, so my taste is superior. Yours don't matter.

>> No.22739113

You're a dadless consoomer, not a guru.

>> No.22739118

I'm not a consoomer. I actually have one short weird fiction story published in a literary journal. I also had a fully illustrated picture book that was rejected by agents because it didn't include inclusive diversity and LGBTQ+ themes.

>> No.22739128

another dumb cat another low effort post
sage, kill yourself, don't come back

>> No.22739137

Not OP, but this thread is better than the Christcuck ones. A random JRPG has a more enriching story than the entirety of Christcuck literary corpus. The Christcuck flood on this forum is much more annoying than based cat poster.

>> No.22739156

You are clearly OP because there is nothing 'based' about this thread.
And yes, christcucks should go to /his/ where they belong.
It would be nice if /lit/ had some threads about, gee, actual literature??

>> No.22739162

I'm not OP. I am just bouncing off this thread to troll Abrahamists.

>> No.22739260
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>> No.22739272

name one good literature thread in the past 24 hours

>> No.22739273

Why? All I have done thus far is state facts such as how there is no literary merit in the entirety of Abrahamic corpus. I can list JRPGs with deeper visionary quality than the Bible and Koran off the top of my head.

>> No.22739335

>he reads books for the plot

>> No.22739337

Opinions =/= facts

>> No.22739361

I would agree if we were talking about anyone else but me. I am pretty much the closest living being to a god. My "opinions" are facts.

>> No.22739363
File: 288 KB, 220x219, tenor (8).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who tf let this guy make a thread

>> No.22739369

Storytelling in videogames always sucks. The low/high brow position on the matter is that Gameplay is their most interesting feature and what sets them apart from other art forms

>> No.22739528
