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22737937 No.22737937 [Reply] [Original]

Quotes that give this feel

Also list books on Christian war theory

>> No.22737945
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>> No.22737962

This kind of mockery of Christianity is representative of the modern atheist Jew. A normal atheist would just express whatever criticism and remain otherwise neutral. But Jewish types have actual hatred against Jesus Christ and take it one step further such as creating hateful imagery to accompany their texts. If you confront them they will deny the accusations and continue looking to humiliate the Christian faith. I know what you are.

>> No.22737964
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>> No.22737967

Why didn't he use his sword to not get crucified?

>> No.22737968
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>> No.22737969

gentiles really hate when people criticize their jewish guru

>> No.22737970

who told you that he got crucified

>> No.22737971

“The pagans, unable to withstand the onslaught of the Christians, immediately took to flight and were slaughtered in great numbers. In their flight they lost their lives, their household goods, and their children. So, the Christians, after taking as their spoil the wives and children, men and maidservants of the pagan worshipers, returned to their homes. As a result, the pagans round about, dismayed at their recent misfortune and seeking to avoid everlasting punishment, opened their minds and hearts to the glory of the faith. Struck with terror at the visitation of God's vengeance, they embraced after Boniface's death the teaching they had rejected while he still lived.”
- Willibard Life of saint Boniface

I mean this is literally impregnating the women crazy doesn’t seem very Christian

>> No.22737973

Yes there seems to have been two aspects of Christian thought you have the turn the other cheek Pacifism however you also had the crusade warrior saints I haven't really been able to square these two trends I mean they seem entirely contradictory. The only solution is that the warrior saint was just a political entity used by the state.

>> No.22737976

i long for war

>> No.22737979

Turning the other cheek as a challenge.

>> No.22737981
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>> No.22737997

lol lol reminds me of an anon who said you should train until you can slice a nigger in half with one swing of a samurai sword

>> No.22738107

>The only solution is that the warrior saint was just a political entity used by the state
Pretty much. Don't forget how the powers of the state corrupted the Church

>> No.22738135

“Jude’o-Christian” is an oxymoron. I wish you’ll learn to contextualize things properly.

>> No.22738142

“In their synagogues and in their prayers they wish us every misfortune. They rob us of our money and goods through their usury, and they play on us every wicked trick they can. . . no one acts thus, except the devil himself, or whomever he possesses, as he has possessed the Jews.”
-Martin Luther

>> No.22738144

Based what book did he write this?

>> No.22738145

On the Jews and their Lies.

>> No.22738189

He was pretty brutal about italians too reading I was like woooow Martin Luther I’m with you but take it easy on us Itaaailians

>> No.22738280

Haha what did he say about Italians?

>> No.22738332

The sword is a vajra
A pure act of noumenal will

>> No.22738340

No it's not. Rabbi Yeshua Bar Joseph was a jewish supremacist who upheld the jewish law.

>> No.22738345

It's more the fact that they know they can get under your skin with this method. Which leads to butthurt responses like yours, which in turn leads them to double down and make more offensive images, etc.

>> No.22738354
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>This kind of mockery of Christianity is representative of the modern atheist Jew. A normal atheist would just express whatever criticism and remain otherwise neutral. But Jewish types have actual hatred against Jesus Christ and take it one step further such as creating hateful imagery to accompany their texts. If you confront them they will deny the accusations and continue looking to humiliate the Christian faith. I know what you are.

>> No.22738364

What the fuck does that have to do with Christianity?

>> No.22738365

Now I gotta read him

>> No.22738472

Yeshua Bar Joseph is JESUS you idiot.

>> No.22738479

>worships a dead rabbi as master of the universe

>> No.22738500
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Christ's whole message was about non-violence though. When the New Testament was written it was not divided into verses. This was done later to assist in navigating passages and referencing. When reading the Bible, one must not take a single verse and cherrypick it to suit their personal beliefs, but the surrounding verses and historical context must also be considered. Unfortunately, the average believer is unaware of this or is intentionally malicious. To address the quote in the OP image, (and taking it at face-value) this is no better than Muslims who think that all 'infidels' should be beheaded. As much as I love my Christian brothers and sisters, if you believe that a quote such as this one from Louis IX should be followed literally, I implore you to reconsider and study Christ's compassion. Christ Himself went and made acquaintances with sinners. Not that you and I aren't already sinners ourselves.
Here's some crusader Pepes for your collection.

>> No.22738526

>think that all 'infidels' should be beheaded
Nowhere in Quran it says any of this. Quran has clear laws and regulations for non muslims to live in a christian society, and it held its own even until the 18th century, for many protestants chose to live in the ottoman empire. Whoever screams for endless holy war is a heathen, most likely funded by the CIA anyway

>> No.22738538


>> No.22738593

He said we are basically just as arrogant as jews and that our behavior is vulgar lmao.

>> No.22738685
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>> No.22738729
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The New Testament is antisemitic.

>> No.22738734

Slaves despise their Masters, what a surprise.

>> No.22738809
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>> No.22738825
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Jesus was butthurt because the Jews rejected him. He still hasn't got over it.

>> No.22738830

Jews are butthurt because Jesus told them they aren’t all that. Absolute seething since then.

>> No.22738838

LMAO, you sound like a seething stacy, kys faggot.

>> No.22738841

>seething stacy

>> No.22738842

Jews and Jewsus are butthurt because BASED Romans like Hadrian slaughtered them all indiscriminately over what they did to his femboy.

>> No.22738848

>/lit/ - E-Christianity


>> No.22738855


>> No.22738865 [DELETED] 

>Jesus told them they aren’t all that

Jesus sounds like a female nigger

>> No.22738964

>As a result, the pagans round about, dismayed at their recent misfortune and seeking to avoid everlasting punishment, opened their minds and hearts to the glory of the faith. Struck with terror at the visitation of God's vengeance, they embraced after Boniface's death the teaching
LMAO, did people really believe that those conversions were sincere? Is that what the reader is meant to believe?

>> No.22738996

>tfw just minding your own business in Saxony or wherever and paleo-ISIS shows up to eradicate your culture because an anti-Roman psy-op after fall of the Hasmonean dynasty went rogue and started trying to convert the whole planet to Judaism+ to prove a point to the original Judaism

>> No.22739027


>> No.22739034

you have to go back, this is not a church group

>> No.22739127

go back to twitter, then

>> No.22739236
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The obvious one

>> No.22739269

>here's the Christian mercy and virtue I was telling you about

>> No.22739271
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>> No.22739277

ad hominem
try refuting the subject matter instead

>> No.22739285
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Matthew 10:37
Jesus is a malignant groomer that destroys families. You still want to convince me this is the good guy??
>inb4 historical context

>> No.22739318

>atheism is for twitter, this is a true, catholic, and apostolic japanese cartoon pornography forum

>> No.22739375
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Lol, so true. Here's a compilation of my posts I made for Reddit a while back. Feel free to use. Any Atheism promotion by me is good.

>> No.22739581

Im not a Christian or a Christian apologist, but it would be terrible faith to interpret that verse in that way. If Jesus is the Son of God, the Messiah who died on the cross for their sins, and a person truly believes this, then they definitely should be willing to love Christ more than any family member. According to Christianity, when you stand before God you wont have your family there with you, your judgement is your judgement, and you cant blame anyone else for why you fell short of carrying your cross. I don’t think thats a verse where historical context matters either, its possible though. Also idk where the groomer accusation comes from.

>> No.22739600

You realize you are the fedoras of the 2020's, right? In this moment you are enlightened, not because of some reddit/twitter upvotes, but because christ is kang? Pride is a sin in the religion you are cosplaying as, do your readings.

>> No.22739760

If you actually read the quotes you would realize I am clearly not religious.

>> No.22740264

unironically a lot of schizophrenics truly believe they are Jesus Christ or the son of God/Messiah

>> No.22740272

He said that because jews that that the messiah is gonna usher in a age of peace. What he's saying is, and kept saying all the time, is that those who follow him will reach a whole new level of suffering.

>> No.22740273

its the harnessing of European vital energy to serve Christianity, it has been talked about in books like The Germanization of Early Medieval Christianity

>> No.22740279

This is not Christianity but a Catholic fusion of being a Christian with being a "Roman" citizen. Blaspheming becomes agitating against the state and is thus subject to civil penalties.

>> No.22740478
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> some guy died hammered to a stick under the scorching sun
>that means you have to worship him: sacrifice your dignity and well-being, and your family's safety for this random thorn wearing jew
I can't believe christians still exist in 2023. This is horrifying.

>> No.22740598

That quote is out of context
>That no man, unless he is a skilled theologian, should debate with Jews. Instead when a layman hears the Christian Law being slandered, he should defend it only with hiis sword, which he should thrust right into the offenders guts as far as it will go
The Life of Saint Louis 53

He is explicitly refering to the fact that men can be 'misunderstand' and be lead astray if they aren't familiar with theology. He doesn't say it is wrong to debate them, but only if you don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.22740602

That sounds more like Islam than Christianity. Christians don’t do that, Christianity is about turning the other cheek

>> No.22740606
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>> No.22740607 [DELETED] 
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since no one has posted a book for op i guess ill start

>> No.22740622

Handbook of a Christian Knight by Erasmus

>> No.22741329

Thanks anon good point

>> No.22741339

> many protestants chose to live in the ottoman empire


>> No.22741534

Welcome to our new server centred mainly around western theology and philosophy, civility is the only rule here.


>> No.22741573
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>> No.22741583
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>> No.22741590
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>> No.22741703

Patrick Balfour, history of the ottoman empire.
These protestants were mostly hungarians though. There is more proof,, like when hungarians sided with turks against the austrians, and when protestants opened schools in istanbul