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22737598 No.22737598 [Reply] [Original]

previous >>22735490

>> No.22737614

I want to die.

>> No.22737628

i have not slept since thursday afternoon. i am closing in on death. i see cockroaches and then they aren't really there. i fantasize that someone notices i'm not alright, and maybe they will help me somehow. i should be able to help myself

>> No.22737635
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Wish I lived 100 years ago when you didn't need degrees and qualifications and training for anything. Maybe I'm depressed or ADHD or something but I absolutely cannot manage structured education. I do fine for a few weeks then my motivation just dies and I spend the rest of the semester sitting in my apartment skipping every class.
Read an article about the St. Francis Dam recently. Guy who designed it was literally a ditch digger. Read a few books on geology and 8 years later he's superintendent and chief engineer of the LA water department. Guy who designed the Crystal Palace was the head gardener for some duke, got the job at 20 because the duke liked his enthusiasm.
Wish I could just start building fences and be running an architectural firm in a decade.

>> No.22737638

You'll be fine thats two nights without sleep. I have gone that long before, and it makes you paranoid.
Take some melatonin and put on some relaxing music

>> No.22737641

Everything on Youtube is trash. I have blocked so many channels that now my feed just recycles stuff I have saved from my watch later folder.

>> No.22737666

thank you. i'm worried because i do it so much. i miss 3/7 nights of sleep every week. distorted and thin. i don't have anyone to talk to. i have a problem with meth. it is the only thing that makes me feel okay.
i did it to myself. i am ashamed. i wish i could do something to help anyone who ever felt this way. i can't justify it to myself, how horrible things can happen to people. nobody deserves it

>> No.22737672

>do meth
>be afflicted with the universally-known consequences of doing meth
>"wtf life is so unfair, how could this ever happen to me, I didn't deserve this"
maybe put even a modicum of thought into your choices

>> No.22737676

I was the same at university but managed to pass decently with simply cramming at the end of semester. It didn't matter though, my bad habits translated over into job hunting/interviewing and my extra curricular cv. Basically if you fail at study you will likely fail at certain other core components of real jobs too and likely would have failed 100 years ago. Sure, there are people who can thrive outside study and perhaps Moreso than in academia, but most of these people wouldn't fail as bad as us if they were already in tertiary study.

>> No.22737687

This looks like the road to my old house. I miss the freedom.

>> No.22737689

I've unfortunately learned that one can get used to sleep deprivation after experiencing it too many times. Sometimes you can even miss the tingling of the brain, the hallucinations and the heaviness of the head. It's a really unique and torturous state. The italian futurists exalted the state of feverish insomnia and I sort of see why, I've learned to masochistically appreciate the experience now.

>> No.22737697

>tfw the f games are over

>> No.22737698

A dragonfly flies from one wonderful fulfillment to too much tumultuousness.

>> No.22737706

How is Mark Twain’s nonfiction and short stories?

>> No.22737709

i know. it isn't unfair, i choose to do it and i don't know why. there is something compelling me to and i can't figure out, but it isn't just pleasure seeking alone. i think the shame of being a junkie and hatred for myself makes me feel like i'm doing something right when i inflict this on myself.
feels like i'm an animal and can only guess as to why i do this. maybe i really am just seeking pleasure like an animal and there's nothing else to it. but if that is really what i am, then i deserve the pain

>> No.22737712

it's very true, and you described it better than i could

>> No.22737772

>i miss 3/7 nights of sleep every week. distorted and thin. i don't have anyone to talk to. i have a problem with meth. it is the only thing that makes me feel okay.
>i did it to myself. i am ashamed. i wish i could do something to help anyone who ever felt this way
When i worked nights I'd consistently not sleep 1-2 days a week. I've never had a drug problem but I understand your pain, and the very strange paranoid thinking insomnia produces. There is nothing worse a person can experience. I wouldn't wish it on anyone.
For me at least I found the worrying over it could become self fulfilling. Lack of sleep made me worry, and then the worry would make me not sleep as I'd start to fixate about the fact that i was killing myself by not sleeping
For me personally what helped was having some external stable thing to fixate on to relax myself. Basically you have to psyop yourself into believing everything is ok.
When my sleep was the worst, I became almost religious in a way
Everyone is responsible for his or herself, but hard to say with an anonymous person what led them to this situation. Or what they may have experienced

>> No.22737790

I osscilate rapidly between imagining myself as some kind of puritanical ascetic to than on the other hand embracing a sense of abandon or total decadent degeneracy. As though the two rather than oppositers were like a pendulum. The extreme prohibition only makes transgression all the more tantalizing. I am actually like that one dosto copypasta

>> No.22737803

I lost everyone's respect after evading the draft while my brother became a hero, but there was someone still on my side, that is my live-in maid. She wakes me up every morning for breakfast and gives me positive affirmations.

>> No.22737820

I don't want to get up. Another take at turning my life around, what a joke, and that never works out. My life isn't hard, but it's painfully pointless.

>> No.22737835

Pro tip: Set your dating apps to "looking for both" because then when guys swipe on you, it'll boost you in the algorithm and show you to more chicks. It's worked wonders for me.

>> No.22737972

What is meant by the the phrase "sensitive young man"?

>> No.22738054

How do you cope with being a wagie? I was always told 'you get used to it bro' but it just gets worse with each passing year. I'm almost at the point where I can't show up at work without being drugged/drunk. It's just miserable doing this shit Almpost everyday and swapping jobs hasn't helped

>> No.22738117

>that first cig of the day
oohhh heaven is a place on earth

>> No.22738121

where did you live?

>> No.22738155

All advice will sound cliche and dumb to you but it's true and how people cope.

You need (not all but a lot of these)
-a job you are passionate about
-something to look forward to after work
-seemingly contradictory to the last point, a level of boredom with everything outside of work where you run out of things you want to do in your time off anyway
-long term goals related to earning money
-an ability to compartmentalize work
-a job that doesn't leave you exhausted afterwards
-to simply accept working is just a thing you have to do
-seemingly contradictory to the last one, a fallback monetary buffer where you can always quit if you need to in order to not feel like a slave

Personally I have a cushy night store job where I sit around or drive a forklift, I either read or think through ideas for my books or just ideas about other things while working. I need money to pay off my house and invest towards an early ability to retire (in case I want to).

I don't know, anon, I'm going out on a stretch but it doesn't sound like an issue with work specifically but just life in general for you. Fill your days with more hobbies/people and then you will somewhat find more enjoyment in the 'downtime' at work.

>> No.22738161

>Wake up
>Feel like death
>Drink some beer
>Feel fine
Thank you beer

>> No.22738191

>seemingly contradictory to the last point, a level of boredom with everything outside of work where you run out of things you want to do in your time off anyway

All make sense apart from this. Dunno how you can be bored outside work when you don't have THAT much free time outside of work. Plus work is just boring so it's not a cure for boredom. Every job becomes tedious because it's the same shit everyday. Same way you would most likely get bored spending 8+ hours for years on end reading the same book

>> No.22738198

>Dunno how you can be bored outside work
Try being unemployed for a bit. Everyone thinks they hate working, and the first few weeks of free time feels great, but eventually doing nothing gets a lot more tedious than doing something you hate.
People start to rot when they aren't being put to work, you sit inside on your couch all day feeling absolutely miserable while the time flies past

>> No.22738202

I dunno I was neet for like 2 years when I left school and I wasn't bored at all. Well it's not like I was never ever bored, but I never though 'damn working a boring job sure would be the cure to the occasional bit of boredom'.

>> No.22738212

I work like 50 hours a week which leaves me an average of 10 hours a day outside sleeping (more like 9 after key duties mostly relating to work). Maybe you are just more alive than me but that is plenty of time for me to work on my passions or relax, it's about time management.

Yeah work is boring and a cliche easier said than done but it's all about mentality, if you think of it like slavery then it will feel more like slavery. Again, its a paradox where you have to just think of it as something you have to do while also finding financial freedom where you could quit if you wantwd. As I said, I find ways to keep my mind occupied with things I find interesting while I work, there is some truth to 'only boring people get bored'. I'm sure you understand this and I'm not judging because I've been there but spending each day drunk/drugged is a bandaid solution that only masks the pain in effectively, you need to find real 'passion' for life to sustain a boring existence which unfortunately 99% of us have to endure.

>> No.22738257 [DELETED] 

you don't need a degree to be a programmer, one of the highest paid jobs in the united states. you do, however, need to know how program.

>> No.22738265

Boring as shit job though. You don't need a degree to make 6 figures as a store manager at a chain supermarket, but no one's dreaming about managing a Target.
Anything interesting and worthwhile requires a degree, even if slaving away doing rote work doesn't.

>> No.22738276 [DELETED] 

programming is super fun. sounds like you just have low iq. oh well.

>> No.22738282

>codemonkey automaton thinks his completely procedural zero-creativity job consisting 90% of googling stackoverflow posts is "high IQ"
I'm sure you're just as intelligent as all those third-worlder Indians they've outsourced half the jobs to

>> No.22738295 [DELETED] 

well have fun at your creative job today my friend!

>> No.22738378

I want to die, too.

>> No.22738383

>Read a few books on geology and 8 years later he's superintendent and chief engineer of the LA water department.
This is definitely an over simplification. There was certainly and ass load of work to be done in those 8 years. If you can't even apply yourself to something pre-structured for 4 years how are you going to manage to create and stick to a structure all on your own initiative for 8 years? You would probably just be in the same boat you are now and are using the reliance on credentials in modern society and ADHD as scapegoats to offload your personal failings onto. But its ok. One day it will get really bad and you will either change for the better, become dejected and resigned to the dull ache of mediocrity, or take your own life.

>> No.22738410

My alarm was set very early from yesterday and would've woken up the household if it went off today but my nightmare woke me up 1 hour before the alarm. I just got saved by a nightmare.

>> No.22738419

>Anon is having my thoughts 3 hrs early
I knew I was slow

>> No.22738422

Being a wagie isn’t even that insufferable if you have an important high status career. It only becomes insufferable when you have to settle for the scrape, the shitty 9 to 5s that pay a wage which can’t even cover rent.

>> No.22738424

Young women really are being indoctrinated into a demonic witch cult where they sacrifice their unborn children to demons and they don’t even know it…

>> No.22738429

Gonna try doing OMAD but making that OMAD breakfast

>> No.22738433

I have sinned and am way past repentance and forgiveness I fear for eternal damnation at the hand of god and a constant crippling existential dread moves over me.

>> No.22738445


>> No.22738465

If you have an important high status career your aren't exactly a wagie

>> No.22738468

You are though because you work for a wage. An investment banker is in more or less the same category as any other office worker. He just gets paid a whole lot of money and gets social status for that reason.

>> No.22738476

Life is just so terrible I'm buying a bible in 2 days. Hope I can find an English version in my country. Everything is so hopeless and bleak right now.
Or should I though...? Somebody convince me against doing so...

>> No.22738482

Wait, Creed is christian-rock? this changes everything.

>> No.22738483

Check out the band Creed

>> No.22738499


>> No.22738502
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>> No.22738507

Hey anon, you don’t know me, but I’m your biographer! I’ve stalked you in the streets, but now I need to see you do in the sheets. Are you planning on getting any action anytime soon? If not, I’ll have to do it myself…

>> No.22738513

In a technical sense a top 5% wage earner who is working for a wage id a wage labourer and thus a wagie. But I don't think it's really the same. If you are earning good money you are doing it for pure lifestyle/prestige. You are a wagie who has to work to survive. (some people who are earning higher might have to because they have an excessively materialistic lifestyle, but the option to leave and live is there) without resorting to 'just go be homeless bro lel'

>> No.22738522

Noriega sells more records tho

>> No.22738565

qt3.14 who needs a hug

>> No.22738612


>> No.22738615

Now that mankind knows there are a gigantic amount of galaxies, stars, planets, moons, rocks out there, under a gigantic set of different scenarios, it is a consensus that there is not one, or ten planets that host life and/or civilizations, but a gigantic amount of them, in several stages of development at any given time ever since the elements got stable enough for them to come about. At this moment, we are having catastrophes and utopias going on out there. Do you think that we are ethically responsible for speeding up our means to reach and act upon those things, mediate alien wars, help with disaster response like evacuating a star system, save endangered alien species, create terraforming investment and real state at a reasonable price throughout the galaxies, bring technology to aid those in need? How difficult will that be, to choose sides in intergalactic struggle with hundreds of millions of years of recorded history? Wouldn't it be the case that we become colonies of other civilizations and oppress others, perhaps at the same time? Can we save the universe? From what? For what? Can we keep everything and everyone alive and well for the infinite of time? Do we want that? Shouldn't we be devising a philosophy that can make us surf and flow, not only humans and Earth's flora and fauna, but something for the entire universe to withstand the trip towards the ultimate ash of heat death and the next conformal cycle? If an ant decides and acts to stop a human war, would you call it delusional or brave?

>> No.22738636

If any of y'all become drug manufacturers can you stop making shit taste like fruit preserves?

>> No.22738682

How do you even focus for more than 1 hour? It's impossible to focus.

>> No.22738697

>Do you think that we are ethically responsible for speeding up our means to reach and act upon those things
No, absolutely not. We should get our own house in order first.

>> No.22738702

>Do we want that?
No, honey, die a good death and let your internal and proximate bacteria do what they want with the rest of their lives. They have better plans than the ant, and you should consider their ways instead.

>> No.22738864

I mean, they’re both miserable but in different ways. Accomplished high earning career wagies are still wagies. They’re just wagies that can feel a false sense of pride and pretend as if they’re not a wage slave.

>> No.22738875
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We were alone, in the deep solitude of a beautiful moonlit night. Suddenly a dog leaped out from under the cloak of a corpse. He came running toward us and then, almost immediately afterward ran back to his dead master, howling piteously. He licked the soldier's unfeeling face, then ran back to us — repeating this several times. He was seeking both help and revenge.

I stopped involuntarily to contemplate this spectacle.

This soldier, I realized, must have had friends at home and in his regiment; yet he lay there deserted by all except his dog.

I had looked on, unmoved, at battles which decided the fate of nations. Tearless, I had given orders which brought death to thousands. Yet here I was, stirred, profoundly stirred, stirred to tears. And by what?

By the grief of one dog.

- Napoleon Bonaparte, after the Battle of Bassano

>> No.22738878

>Read an article about the St. Francis Dam recently. Guy who designed it was literally a ditch digger. Read a few books on geology and 8 years later he's superintendent and chief engineer of the LA water department.
He was not just a "ditch digger," and also the dam failed after two years, it killed a bunch of people and ended that guy's career in disgrace

>> No.22738889

What is the end goal for guys like you? Self-employment? Living off investments?

>> No.22738905

What do you mean guys like me?

>> No.22738912

Maybe I’ll take a year between work and medical school to just write a bunch, see if I can publish.

>> No.22738916

Guys who think people who make tons of money are miserable just because they have a boss

>> No.22738925

I know they’re miserable because I was one, worked with them, knew them. This is something we talked about. Everyone was extremely depressed and borderline suicidal all the time. Wagies that make a lot of money are 9/10 slaves to their job, and it’s a very unhappy lifestyle.

>> No.22738938

So what's the alternative? What's your ideal?

>> No.22738946

I like girls and I like feminism, but am a man.
Though I try to hide this fact, it doesn't appear I can.

>> No.22738959

My ideal? I want to do public service somehow. I just want to matter and do what’s right and do what I am meant to do.

>> No.22739003

I know people with public service type jobs. They all make shit for money and feel that a lot of their efforts to do right are impeded by pointless bureaucracy

>> No.22739083

Yeah. It’s been a challenge for me to identify something that both balances public service, money, and actual impact instead of getting ground down in bureaucracy. I do think I’ve found a few possibilities though. I’m with you in that I don’t want to be like a government wagie or something. That’s sort of what I’m doing now so I got red pilled on that the hard way.

>> No.22739092

I have a terrible crush ony coworker. I’m married and she’s like 15 years older than me. Honestly I hope she doesn’t like me back but it seems as though we were close the very second we met.

>> No.22739120

just like JFK
I want to die on a sunny day

>> No.22739217

I've started to hate YouTube because I totally exhausted the educational side of it. Modern YT is only for icebergs and streamer gossip, if you want to LEARN you gotta crack open a real book, preferably 100+ years old, sadly

>> No.22739226

I also echo the horrors of insomnia mentioned ITT
Before you have sleep problems you think "Ehhh it's not that bad"
Then once you know it's like holy fuck
There's a reason it's so ubiquitous in torture!

>> No.22739263


>> No.22739294


>> No.22739310

My problem right now is that I already left that high status high earning career years ago

>> No.22739334

I don't really care about streamer drama. Mostly just watch history vids, but i think ive exhausted it as well.
Most of the educational vids I get recommended I have already seen

>> No.22739360

It sucks but after a certain point books are your only option for learning
Most books suck too, but when you find that special author it's amazing, you just get weeks worth of good stuff to read

>> No.22739377

Are you supposed to pronounce "friendo" as "fren-dough" or "freno"?
t. ETL

>> No.22739379

First one. Though I've never heard anyone say it irl

>> No.22739392


>> No.22739395

this is no way to live, i don't know what i'm going to do. there's just too many moving parts in my life between a stressful job, things to do outside work, and a lack of a properly relaxing medium. yeah work is stressful, that's just kinda is what it kinda is. and yeah, you will have personal stuff to so outside of work, things you gotta do, especially in the holiday season. what just sucks is how i feel myself outgrowing the "turn your brain off" kind of relaxation like a good book, a good tv show, a good video game. we simply finished the good ones and now there's a void, and things we "want" to get into either don't have the magic anymore or i just feel too old to be doing it. and feelings arent always rational, before any ats me that you can never be too old to be reading/watching/playing X

anyway yeah, i constantly feel like i have too much on my plate. i'm not going at this blind either, i've read Getting Things Done by David Allen, i have a system in place that prioritizes tasks by day, with a weekly and monthly view, that allows me access to maybe-later or not-immediately-urgent material and grind the do-this-now or just-knock-this-out-real-quick-stuff

but its all so exhausting. its like whack-a-mole. i do one thing, and that only means theres now time and space to be doing something else. it doesnt even feel like i have weekends anymore, you know like when you were a younger adult and would finish your college courses or your shift and then bam the weekend is yours. now it just feels like i have two jobs: one that pays the bills, and one where its just things you gotta do because you gotta do em

and im not talking like anything too specific here either, the 2nd job is a death by a thousand cuts kinda deal. quick examples include seeing an unauthorized transaction on one of my cards so now i gotta call the bank, even though i suspect its one of these venders where the entry on the bank statements is different than the service rendered so it might actually be okay until i call and just find out. but thats time on the phones, on hold, etc.

or my car's ac not working so now i gotta take it in to a shop, which is time out, and i gotta deal with a car with no ac for a while until do it. or a non-amazon package im expecting getting lost in the mail so now i gotta take time to go to the post office about it. and dont even get me started on the regular routine things like laundry and grocery here. but i also simply cannot accept no "progress" in my life so i am of course adding extra load above routine things because it's the only way to truly change things in the long run rather than just short term maintenance tasks like work and bills

basically i am drowning in the mire of my own life here and can barely keep my head above water -- water that i myself continue to pour! one of these days somethings gotta give i tell you, the center cannot always hold. i gotta figure this out before it's too late

>> No.22739411

Adulthood is when you stop caring about new things and just listen to the same 10 or so albums on repeat and watch 5 movies on a permanent rotation

>> No.22739428

this anon knows the struggle

>> No.22739446

Man I feel you on this, I work like a fucking slave then when im not working I sit there like well what the fuck do I do now I dont FEEL like doing anything. Then its the kids always being crazy and having to entertain the wife and do a bunch of other bs.
I drink a lot, it’s really the only thing that helps. I sometimes worry that at a certain age Ill totally run out of dopamine and that will be the end of it. I hate being anxious all the time.
Anyway, have you thought of finding a gf who is willing to take on your errands?

Also keep in mind that there are long and drawn out transitional periods in life. My friend told me that I have a serious nervous problem and he hasnt seen me relax since he moved back down. Im kind of a wreck. But thats life bro. You’ll come out alright. And if you lost interest in reading it means you need to find a really good book. I get that its bigger than that but finding a great book can provide a totally new hue to a time period of your life. And shows you that you dont live to just work. Try and relax. Go on a vacation. Try something new. Fuck a prostitute. Something.

>> No.22739457

I thought I would get more normal and well adjusted with age, but the passing years have only made me weirder and more retarded

>> No.22739494

Been higher than music. Higher than Putin in his candy cane castle

>> No.22739497

I haven't had sober sex in years

>> No.22739509

watching video game docs made me realize all new expressions of culture are made by guys for guys. if you're working on something that attracts or has the potential to attract women, you are working on something outdated or decadent. women will only come once something has reached a threshold of popularity.

>> No.22739518

The unexplored dark caverns into the abyss I went alone and mutated into something else unexplainable over time while my mind was no longer capable of rational thought making me have a wide range of emotions uncontrollable and beastlike.

>> No.22739530

>Anyway, have you thought of finding a gf who is willing to take on your errands?
i think about it, i think about it a lot. but i don't know man, maybe you can give me some feedback on this since this is my thought process, hear me out (i work in finance for context so forgive me if this seems too cynical/materialistic): a partner is like borrowed money. it's an enhancer. they can either make your life objectively better if you were already on that direction, or they can make your life so much worse than it already is

i think about it a lot because if i had someone, i then have to worry about keeping them entertained like you said, and then worry about making sure they get the job done properly too in these little errands. then there is the business of well, if you want to attract high quality people, you have to b high quality yourself: if i want to find someone equally competent (but also arguably neurotic) then it is likely they would be higher maintenance. this is assuming they would even be single. i've met tons of high income earners in my field, and while they get things done, something about their personality is just off putting. but if i find someone more laid back and relaxed -- someone's still gotta put in the work, and that someone is likely to be me. there's no winning, idk how you're doing it. if you know the secret, you gotta tell me

i also have a history of medical conditions (since childhood) so things like drinking and smoking is out of the question, even though i think about it a lot too. the great temptation for me are pills but i've seen too many people get hooked and i just don't want to consciously put myself in a situation where the short term improves, but long term worsens. that's my stance on pills, i may dig myself out, but find myself in a bigger hole if i get hooked and then feel withdrawal symptoms interfering with daily life

>My friend told me that I have a serious nervous problem and he hasnt seen me relax since he moved back down.
i get told the same thing. i think this board attracts these kinds of people. i know i'm not alone but someone's got to have the secret. or at least, another good book that yeah part of what attracts me to this board is the exposure to exotic reading material

>Try and relax. Go on a vacation. Try something new. Fuck a prostitute. Something.
haha that's part of my problem, if it is even moral to call it that. part of the "outside stuff" are things like church obligations since i'm quite religious. retreats are nice but lord almighty i travel enough as it is, frankly church time is one of the few quiet times in my life to slow the pace down. i pray on all this but at some point, praying has to turn into doing if i want to get anywhere. god help us

>> No.22739537
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This summer, I noticed that my face was looking different than usual. Well the fat padding out my cheeks burned away and left me with a hollow look. Despite my life being crap, I used to look often at the mirror and say, "Hey, your life is tough but at least you're still young and good looking! There's still hope!". Now the cope is gone. I don't like my appearance, & I actively try to avoid mirrors.

But I feel this taught me something. Growing up is really about losing everything that makes you happy, isn't it? From age 20 to 90, you lose your friends, your youth, your hair, can't drink anymore, stop liking new music, etc. etc. Basically you lose virtually everything. When you look at people age 90, all of them basically live devoted to their community, or to knowledge, or to some cute little hobby. Most things young people take pleasure in aren't an option at age 90. Idk if I even -want- to live that long, but I feel there's wisdom in choosing pursuits that you can enjoy your entire life. If you base your happiness off your looks, that's retarded because looks fade. But stuff like reading, religion, family, I think there's a reason our ancestors valued it so much. It's because in a sense, it's eternal. Youth is just a fleeting illusion

>> No.22739562

growing is trading your time for the things that really matter. youth and good looks are given, not earned, of course they fade away. thats why a young woman trades her youth and looks for a good partner to support her in adulthood and then kids to support her in old age

for men the trade is towards the eternal like you hinted

>> No.22739574

Higher than finishing books. Higher than top 10 anything

>> No.22739585

You should read about lifestyles of the so-called "blue zones". It's not a coincidence that the longest-living peoples on earth have lives which are 100% community-oriented and the elderly are all gardeners. I really fear for the tiktok generation, we're all moving further away from having long, fulfilling lives by the year

>> No.22739593

The teachers in my high school called me Ragged Dick.

>> No.22739615

Is it just me or are there just no good jobs anymore or else jobs that are good but so competitive that they may as well not exist because you won’t get them? It seems like you’re either going to Harvard Business School or you’re just spinning your wheels…

>> No.22739648

>dad found the Mishima drawer
It's fucking OVER

>> No.22739662

Whenever I stop one addiction, another comes in and replaces it
When I stopped drinking soda I replaced it with coffee
Now that I dropped coffee I replaced it with porn
Bros when will the cycle end?

>> No.22739688

I’m the same way. Basically, if we only have less bad addictions that’s a good outcome. Are you a workaholic?

>> No.22739709

>Are you a workaholic?
Nope but I'm striving to become one :^)
What is the least bad addiction I could have?

>> No.22739712

Im going to PLAY a GAME and im going to ENJOY it, ffs

>> No.22739716

You're going to GET BORED and GIVE UP in 20 minutes

>> No.22739748

Well it’s good that you have religion, man. I wish I had the secret. I do feel you on relationships. Ive always lived with a woman so idk how it feels to be single really as an adult. It does sound nice though.
I think we have to just wait and hope, like Dumas said.

But I do know one thing. I’ve never been happy long term. Always I have waited for something to be happy. Leaving the city. Graduating. Getting married. Making more money. Having kids. I realized after all that bullshit I was happier making 18 dollars an hour living in a studio apartment than I am now with all the stress and bullshit.
Here’s a sort of aphorism I consider sometimes. You know when people ask what advice would you give yourself at 15 or whatever? I really think I might just tell myself to drop out of school get some quiet menial job in a book store, and have zero goals whatsoever except maybe becoming an autodidact, or at least being well-read. I really have always been stricken with a very deep sense of apathy to the world. But I love women too damn much and I always wanted kids cause my parents were fucking maniacs.

I guess my point is that all that “adulting” bullshit really doesnt matter all that much. And I dont even worry about being on top of my shit anymore. I havent checked my bank account in months, I just ask my wife once in a while if we have money cause Im too lazy to download the stupid banking app again. If you need time you’ll have to make it somehow.

Idk man. I wish you the best of luck maybe try and be a little less ambitious.

As Im typing this my wife is babbling on the phone. I just got back from work and she’s talking about her friend’s financial troubles. I tried telling her like yo I dont exist to listen to you, I’m my own person. Fuck man. And I swear im falling in love with my coworker. I’m hoping this shit gets better.

If you need a laugh watch this bro its so relevant lmao

>> No.22739749

Fuck no, I won't I just finished witcher audiobooks and I WILL replay all of witcher games and get comfy this winter, I've been looking to that for a long time now

>> No.22739768

I really don’t get what possesses an anon to spam david goggins. At least we lost the antinatalist anon, from what I see. Maybe they are one in the same person

>> No.22739868

Who is the World Health Organization?

>> No.22739870

If the river were semen and I were a duck, I'd swim to the bottom and drink my way up

>> No.22739871

No, Who's on first

>> No.22739902

>If the river were lemonade and I were a duck, I'd swim to the bottom and drink my way up


>> No.22739905
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>send myself dozens of emails to transfer important project files and remind myself to update databases
>never do any of it because don't care about job
>4 months goes by
>"anon did you update all the blah blah blah"
>no big deal i'll just do it all over the next 3 days
>search inbox
>every single email is titled "sneed" or "baka"
>it's going to take a week to manually go through 247 sneedbaka emails

>> No.22739914

How do you remain positive and enjoy life if we are just brains and there’s no way to prove anything? I haven’t been able to shake these thoughts since the spring. I’ve always kind of known this, but these intrusive thoughts are affecting my life.

>> No.22739925

Constantly imagine full lives spent with people who don't even know I exist. In my mind we are best friends or in love. It's constant thoughts of it that never go away, multiple times an hour I catch myself thinking of it.
I pray a lot and that helps in the moment and some time afterward, but thoughts always come back. Especially bad at night, and in my dreams.
These people aren't celebrities or anything, they are normally like a friend of a friend.

>> No.22739971

>what were parasocial relationships like before tv grandpa

>> No.22740019
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This was a totally unproductive day. Keyed!

>> No.22740038

Me too but the cops are never going to search me in tweeds

>> No.22740049

> No way to prove anything

But we have proven we're just brains? You need to grapple with the hard problem of consciousness. There are already neuroscientists throwing in the towel. Read The World Behind the World. Then read the Ashtavakra Gita and realize science is literally just something you read about on the internet.

>> No.22740057

You are just stagnating, maturity is like childhood, except you're powerful.

>> No.22740062

I'm really happy that I've been reading more. My friend read all of the mainline malazan books, and I was jealous. So I picked up House of Leaves and I havent felt this content in a long time. Videogames are understimulating and compulsive, but reading something stimulating really got me excited for life again, even if it is just reading more books. Maybe if I'm lucky it'll inspire me to write some more; I've been so discouraged since I saw how good chatgpt was. Anyways, my only worry is that I'll overestimate how smart I am and wind up with a shitty book that back hands me into my old habits.

>> No.22740099

Fuck I thought I would finally get a job
I'm never getting a fucking job isn't it. I'll just go back and plant coffee with my dad

>> No.22740114

Took my dog into town to meet girls. A cute girl was super into ththe dog and chatty with me. But I was extremely hungover from drinking over a 12 pack last night and had autoerotic asphyxiation sessions all night long. I was in no condition to flirt with a female and let a great opportunity go.

>> No.22740123

Is that usually how you meet women?

>> No.22740126
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Relax. Just, let go.

>> No.22740127

I think you should pursue what’s worthwhile over what’s joyful. Ideally, you do both but if you have to choose one, and I think we usually do, then a sense that something is worthwhile is better than a sense that something is enjoyable.

>> No.22740131

Probably being a workaholic, if you have a good job anyway

>> No.22740148

>Get over the hump of alcohol withdrawal
>finally feel sort of ok
>No longer in danger of having a seizure
>Can literally just not drink
oh fuck hahaha oh man

>> No.22740157

when literally everything gives you cancer the argument that cigarettes give you cancer therefore smoking bad is pretty weak.

>> No.22740161

>Get over the hump of 4chan withdrawal
>finally feel sort of ok
>No longer in danger of having a mental breakdown
>Can literally just not go on 4chan

>> No.22740173

Whether I should give my dad the $5k that he spotted me 6 years ago if I plan to never see him again

>> No.22740180


>> No.22740199

I usually don't meet women

>> No.22740206

It's important to pay your debts

>> No.22740210

You give money to somebody without a legally binding contract, that is a gift, and you're gonna be disappointed if you treat it otherwise

>> No.22740222

At times like this when everyone is watching war and terrorism unfold it’s difficult for me to understand what the purpose of art is in our society, at the very least why most media today in literature, music and cinema exists. It’s all essentially escapism from worldly affairs and doesn’t help us understand the world better. So what’s the point?

>> No.22740224

The instant that the blade tour open his flesh he fucking busted and nutted

>> No.22740230

Having a point is what gets you into wars, bro

>> No.22740245

Friend took hrt for a week and stopped. Said he felt like his life finally made sense. He sees his inadequacy as a product of dysphoria - but won't transition cause that would be social (and physical) suicide. I never really thought about the gender question up to now.

>> No.22740248

can we say that peace is the point? or are we not there yet

>> No.22740250

>Can we fuck over the sociopaths?
You probably don't want to try

>> No.22740294

I don't think we have wars and terrorism due to lack of understanding. These are failures of the soul. There is an understanding that can rectify this, but not on its own, as understanding alone is like a rocket sitting unfueled in the launchpad.

>> No.22740298

If he won't transition, he can meditate. You can absolutely get to the point where you master your emotions, and that includes dysphoria.

>> No.22740301

what do anons think would happen to human society if we lived like bonobos?

>> No.22740310

If people are going to insist listening to the audiobook is reading the book, I'm going to insist listening to the concept album is understanding the book.
This is the hill I've chosen to die on, come fight me irl

>> No.22740315

oh no not another girl complaining about being lonely and anti-social then failing to even respond to my invitations. srsly something wrong with zoomer girls.

>inb4 not chad
this girl literally dm'd me first after we met at a party.

>> No.22740319

>But I was extremely hungover from drinking over a 12 pack last night and had autoerotic asphyxiation sessions all night long
Man sometimes I think I'm fucked up and then I read shit like this

>> No.22740348

A verbal agreement is a legally binding contract

>> No.22740349

Have fun paying for the civil dispute too

>> No.22740353

I'm hardly even fucked up relative to everyone else here.

>> No.22740355

Can confirm, have sharps bucket and I bet some don't despite having pins

>> No.22740358

Well it's really a matter of principle. There is such a thing as ethics outside of law

>> No.22740363

You think that's bad? I eat anchovie pineapple pizza

>> No.22740364

There's also reality. Three m's that never come back if they're good: money, music, and manuscripts. You give your money, music, or your books to someone, that shit is gone, you gifted it and left it go on its new journey with a new owner.

>> No.22740366

Dubs and I go to Mexico and spend $8000 on benzos at la pharmacia

>> No.22740367

Yeah I understand that practically. Doing the right thing is never easy. Do you and your dad have a bad relationship?

>> No.22740371

Wait fuck

>> No.22740372

No, but I have stolen a lot of his music and books.

>> No.22740376

Bon voyage, anon

>> No.22740383

Adios amigo. If you're going to TJ I'll go with you

>> No.22740389

My dad has very nice flannel shirts. I take those. Anyway, why are you ggonna never talk to your dad again?

>> No.22740393

Why would I stop talking to him? It'd be a bitch to get in his house to steal the shit without his help

>> No.22740404

Is this you? >>22740173
You said never see him again?

>> No.22740406

Guess I don't have a choice now. It's been nice knowing you brothers, I will surely be dead within this calendar year

>> No.22740411

Anon is not all one person, anon.

>> No.22740418

You're all literally me. This entire general is me talking to myself

>> No.22740420

Respecting the number gods is a good way to go. We commend your sacrifice.

>> No.22740422


>> No.22740424

Can confirm, I am actually you irl

>> No.22740521
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I can feel myself starting to come down with a cold :(((( Copious amounts of green tea are needed

>> No.22740530

You took everything from me.

>> No.22740536

Anyone notice that art more often divides people than brings them together? Especially in gen z, there is a real serious attitude towards the kinda content you watch, as if that defines you as a person.

That shit doesn't matter man. The main goal of art should be uniting as many people together as possible. Appealing to ever obscurer niches can only be a bad thing. It's a sign of addiction too.

>> No.22740539

I would kill myself if I didn't have other people to take care of. I have never sincerely desired anything for my own life. Is this why people have children?

>> No.22740542

Not your hairline. You still have that

>> No.22740545

How can you even say that???????

>> No.22740549

Your mom took cum from me

>> No.22740551

About to start reading War and Peace, pretty excited.

>> No.22740556

Sincerity is a constant state for all living organisms, if an entity is alive the entity is operating under full sincerity, which can otherwise be construed as effort. The only variable in performance is the dynamic and emergent property of ability. This has major implications for the theory of morality. Perhaps morality isn't real, and perhaps the premise of morality greatly restricts the compassion we can supply to others. Perhaps morality is a divider, rather than a virtue. If we can understand that everybody is operating maximally, then compassion is the master key to enlightening the behavior of others.

>> No.22740557

I'm spying on you through your camera

>> No.22740561

What is wrong with you?????????

>> No.22740568

Cool, I've read a lot of Tolstoys later works but never his major novels. I'm a huge fan of what I've read but I'm given to understand that W&P and AK are wildly different. Regardless, wonderful soul and incredible writer

>> No.22740572

Where to start...

>> No.22740574

The purpose of art? Man, get out of here

>> No.22740576


>> No.22740578

I think they refer to that as "selling out"

>> No.22740579

get a room you two. preferably at my hotel which definitely doesnt have cameras in every room

>> No.22740584

Can we use your bedroom?

>> No.22740585

I was thinking in terms of nature. There's virtually no human on earth who doesn't like a pretty sunrise, but even the so-called greatest works of human art inspire tons of indifference regularly. We should try to make a piece of art like nature which can be universally enioyed, which is unquestionably beautiful.

>> No.22740593

Man, nature sold out. It used to be sunrise and sunset, now it's sun everywhere and anytime. Yeah, don't like them anymore. Used to be good one time, but they turned into a fraud.

>> No.22740621

how do you make friends as an adult? the only place i've found friends of people my age is through church, but i hate it since i dont think i actually believe in jesus so the friendships are all built on a lie. is shit better if you live in big cities like NYC?

>> No.22740634

I live in Los Angeles. It's actually worse in the city. Too many people. Its dehumanizing to be in major population centers. I also know most my friends through church. I have met people playing sports tho. Try that.

>> No.22740639

Getting to that stage of the binge where I don't have a strong concept of how much I've been drinking. I really couldn't tell you how much I drank today. I just don't know

>> No.22740647

I think we anon on /wwoym/ psychologically synchronize. Every phase I go through you other anons also enter. Ive been on a binge myself. I go through a binge pattern. I start off euphoric and happy and upbeat, then i start reflecting which leads to ruminating. Then i get super depressed. Like tonight I just realized that the cute girl in high school had a crush on me but I was to awkward and anxious to realize.

>> No.22740648

Live in big NA city. It's pretty difficult to make friends as an adult - more so in a city imo. We're much colder. If you don't have friends, it's almost like "What's your issue, why don't you have any friends by now?" I'd probably say most of my friends now are from work. That being said, I have a "fun" job as a bartender and that comes with drinking and going out after work. Up to you though to make it more than just that.

>> No.22740649

usually its some form of status game or the result of a genuinely adventurous soul. quite often its a combination of the two. much of life in the social sphere is about being 'cool' and having obscure tastes can subsequently transform you and fulfill this goal. its about distinguishing yourself. you will find that this is a current that does not start or stop with music or media tastes but is part of a larger current or force of 'desire' that people who enter into the status arena become increasingly aware of. some call it magic, others call it marketing.
i like this breakdown:

>> No.22740672 [SPOILER] 

That reminds me I need to call my ex. We've stayed good friends but I've somewhat fallen out of touch. Ty anon

>> No.22740702

Why are you drinking so much?

>> No.22740712

I don't really want to I'm just afraid to stop. Also have a lot of guilt and self loathing that I'm not prepared to process rn

>> No.22740713

Try to make amends
>self loathing
Go to the gym, go to therapy, get constructive hobbies

>> No.22740718

Why the fuck do women age so poorly these days? I just upped the age range on my Bumble account to 25 and I would be embarrassed to be seen out in public with every single woman I swiped left on.

>> No.22740728

Is it women aging poorly or is it really just a lot of desperate women lying about their age?

I'd think it's the latter for the most part. Gotta stay competitive somehow. It's not like the clock is ever rolling back.

>> No.22740734

The types of women on bumble are not a good representation of women generally

>> No.22740735

Either or, they're still aging poorly.

>> No.22740739

Gonna up my age range on Tinder and see if I see the same thing. Also, I see these exact types of women whenever I go out in public.

>> No.22740745

I see your mom when she goes into public

>> No.22740751

kek. im reminded of a girl's reaction last week when i mentioned how much women care about their age after they turn 18. she looked at me without missing a beat and said 'what do you mean? how do you know this?' as if she was hearing this for the first time.

>> No.22740759

How old is this girl?

>> No.22740767
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>> No.22740772

Ive had OMAD for 90% of days over the past 10 years, ama. It's based, if only for the extra free time and making meals special again

>> No.22740777

22. there's absolutely no way she hasn't felt it herself or heard this sentiment expressed by women around her given how she's from a well-off family and goes to an expensive school.

>> No.22740784

Then your mom saw DEEZE NUTS

>> No.22740787

Its genes man. According to evolution, girls are ready to be impregnated by age 15-16 and they have 10 years where they are guaranteed to look good, and pump out several kids. Anything after that is bonus.

There's this modern meme that all of us will look great into our 30s if we just stay healthy but it's literally a lie. Genetics kicks in hard, it's biology

>> No.22740789

You're reading too much into it. She's on the cusp of adulthood and reflecting on getting older.

>> No.22740794

I am both drunk and hungover. It's horrible. Make it stop.

>> No.22740796

>There's this modern meme that all of us will look great into our 30s
I'm talking about girls that are 25 and below, people should really listen to me when I say that Australian women hit the wall really hard and really early.

>> No.22740797

Every day is a good day.

>> No.22740798
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>> No.22740799

Australian women are irish women who get too much sun. Of course they age like shit. Get yourself a gook.

>> No.22740805

>Get yourself a gook.
I'm trying.

>> No.22740809

Me too

>> No.22740814

How? Why?

>> No.22740815

Stop drinking retard

>> No.22740823

Stop breaking the 5 oclock rule

>> No.22740824


>> No.22740826

Also no

>> No.22740827

she quickly changed the topic and didn't agree or disagree when i answered her sincerely. it's possible she hasn't felt it quite yet but i've known women younger than her that are more status-minded who have definitely expressed their insecurity around age and the passing of time on their beauty.

>> No.22740833

Shoot first, ask questions later.

>> No.22740834

Why not?

>> No.22740841

Getting older is a universal anxiety
I like drinking

>> No.22740845

Can't blame them. Used to be a cute young guy from 18-24, big cheeks, girls were friendly to me. Going from cute to just normal looking is a fucking shock, it changes who you are entirely.

>> No.22740847

Boomers emotionally devastate me and bully me on a daily basis.

>> No.22740849

I'm happy every day, therefore it's good.

>> No.22740852

Just because you like it does not mean that it is healthy

>> No.22740856

Dancing on wire, both ends are on fire

>> No.22740859

We need more David Gogginses in the world

>> No.22740860

I didn't say it was healthy

>> No.22740863


>> No.22740866

Then why do you drink if you know it hurts you

>> No.22740873

God Anon what an awful thing to say. Goggins helps out so many people. He is sincerely and sentimentally a gift to many of us.

>> No.22740874

Because it's fun.

>> No.22740885

He surely didn't do it for his own benefit,

>> No.22740913


All you have to do is work out, dude. Men can stay good-looking well into their fifties as long as they hit the gym. Don't be one of those beautiful twinks that just turns into the blob.

>> No.22740928
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I mean, just look at this shit. This is my generation. This is what they base their lives on. These are the people that are going to inherit the world. These will be our leaders at some point.

>> No.22740936

I think I'm going through the same thing. I've reached a point of self awareness where I cannot answer questions of morality with any conviction. Ironically, I'm also starting to detest moderate life, self-mastery and hedonism seem to be the only sensible options. This line of thinking was likely brought on by the waning of my teenage years and the span of uncertainty that follows. Hopefully I'll experience a revelation soon...

>> No.22740937

What does that even mean

>> No.22740939

What's the deal here? What's the joke? Is there a joke? What's going on here?

>> No.22740949

This. If you know what this means you spend too much time in weird spheres on the internet and are as bad as whatever those terms are

>> No.22740968

Dont be too blackpilled. These people are freak weirdos who kill themselves and fail to reproduce. The average person has no idea what this is

>> No.22740969

its all going to come crashing down soon i can just feel it. i mean things have been happening and it seems like its already falling appart and just leading to a big mess. i really hope its not over for me, i was having so much fun...

>> No.22740981

I'm coming to terms with having a full head of hair. I thought hair was useless, but useless things are fine.

>> No.22740984

Oh hey you're back. So what went so wrong?

>> No.22740986

Go to bed.

>> No.22740990

Everyone around me is gross and disgusting and I just want a place to live by myself. I'm not in as much pain today as yesterday, but man are people creepy. Intentionally shitty doesn't even begin to describe it.

>> No.22740992

Have you tried a combination of prayer and rational theology?

>> No.22740995

I was just thinking about it. They stopped having to go to school and dont even have to do classwork, just plagiarize everything from chatgpt. They keep trying to "identify" themselves and somehow don't know who they are. Like they couldnt even do the homework, they couldnt even figure out how to write their name on the top of the page. Is it possible that Zoomers quite literally do not exist? Not just philosophically but on a physical, universal level.

>> No.22740998

Youtube is a shit show. It's people that are as boring as you are thinking that they can be boring on the internet and people will pay them to not go outside. Or it's supermodels shooting rocket launchers at cows or someone diving out of an airplane on fire while getting a blowjob - ie so much cooler than you'll ever be in every possible way that it's just depressing. Or someone just setting fire to a million dollars to do it. There's no there there.

>> No.22741007

That’s exactly it. I don’t know what they’re talking about. It’s some alien language. A literal gender cult. Insane vocabulary of oppression and identity that no one except them comprehends.

>> No.22741016

I've masturbated for an average hour a day since I was 13. That said, I find the whole "I'm trans and this is my identity" as weird. I'm not particularly good at anything, but my identity has always been more about thinking about things or staring at clouds. I've damn near masturbated to everything on the internet at this point - to the point that my dick is complaining about reruns - and I still don't understand it. Shrug. You can just view that as alien species in a scifi movie which makes them more interesting rather than less - if that helps any they probably would be cool with that. I suppose it could be considered dehumanizing if you thought aliens were scary. Mostly I'm just antisocial. My only purpose at this point is to be so socially unacceptable that no one would ever vote for me for political office or draft me into the military.

>> No.22741020

I honesty think that most despair about the “death of the West” and some sort of global catastrophe is really just anxiety over the fact that people are aware that the society we created is not sustainable in the future. It operates mostly normally right now but once this generation of internet-obsessed dregs obsessed with porn and mass media get put in charge? It’s almost impossible to imagine a future with these people. They don’t want to work, they’re poorly educated, they live in their computer screens more than the real world, they’re insincere and depraved, they constantly moralize and make political gains by manipulating people with a victimization narrative, they’re profoundly mentally ill and often suicidal, the list fucking goes on.

>> No.22741066

>the society we created is not sustainable in the future.
You're correct but for the wrong reasons. Our civilization is unsustainable primarily because of its ecological cost, not because Zoomers are coomers.

I think a lot of Zoomers know that there's like 25 years tops left before climate change caused global civilization to collapse. It's the last call and everyone's having fun in the party before the shooting starts.

>> No.22741071

I'm unbelievable tetchy and angry right now, absolutely no patience and my mind is spitting all kind of insults. I've messed up my sleep schedule it's 6:30am here and I haven't gone to bed yet. When I do eventually go to bed my meds will rob me of the next 12 hours at the very least, I'll wake up feeling groggy and I'll just go back to sleep until it wears off. I fucking hate trazodone. My sleep schedule would be better without it. My life has passed me by and it continues to pass, the regret builds and a silent impatience drives a sense of urgency that can't be overcome.

>> No.22741079

You're fucking retarded, they said the same thing 25 years ago. Don't become a pawn for these Jewish agendas

>> No.22741103

Dude you've been doomsday posting about climate change for years. You're actually retarded to think thats a real problem. It's really sad to think that not too long from now you'll realize you ivested yourself in a sham doomsday cult

>> No.22741106

time to fast for two days to counteract a weekend of unhinged binging. Got way out of control. Time to reign it in.

>> No.22741111

Pray for me.

>> No.22741113

I can relate. I've been doing more walking recently because my eating. I seem more concerned about the aesthetic of weight than the health implications.

>> No.22741117

all is vanity

>> No.22741124

Writing characters is literary ventriloquism.

>> No.22741128


>> No.22741129

ur gay

>> No.22741147

The problem is that these types of zoomers are not a minority and their overall generational tendencies are not “just a phase.” Boomer hippies and leftist students grew out of that shit and became a successful generation. Zoomers on the other hand? It’s almost all of them. They all have at least one of those traits. Extreme self-loathing narcissism, moralistic manipulation, porn addiction, nonstop reliance on consumerism and hits of dopamine, attention deficiency, loneliness and depression. Pick your poison. Every person under the age of 30 has one of those. In the West, I just cannot see this being a generation of human beings that will have families and own homes. I almost get the feeling like we’re reaching some sort of dead-end.

>> No.22741153

saith the preacher

>> No.22741166

The government used psychic manipulation to turn all of the zoomers into porn addicted junkies to stop world over population. And then when the porn is just the right level of weird BAM baby boom. And it's being done to start making people psychic so that they'll be able to talk to dogs. Many of the people in government already can talk to dogs (mostly people in the FBI) and have decided this is a good thing. This is because dogs have a calming psychic response on the human immune system (because they're generally chasing frisbees all day and licking their balls) and the powers that be have decided to that interbreeding the human race with canines will prevent WWIII.

>> No.22741168

>grrr kids these days!
Shut up already

>> No.22741181

My favorite part is how everyone can afford a place to live. Currently I'm installing a jacuzzi in my Saturn luxury condo.

>> No.22741243

Worst part is that people who post shit like this would be considered the more intelligent ones. I live in retardville USA and nearly got a job I wasn’t even qualified for making $30 an hour (if I had passed the damn drug test) just because I could attend the interview on time and speak grammatically correct English. These kinds of twittertroons are repulsive on more levels than one but they can at least make a resume or tie their shoes. You would be astounded at the profound depths of retardation middle America has stooped to. I know people who can’t even name a single country in Europe. I know several people who couldn’t tell you what a variable is in algebra. I used to think the classic IQ meme of “what if you didn’t have breakfast today” was bullshit until I started to really pay attention to how dull the people I live around are. It’s a shame that nearly every zoomer in the 100-115 IQ range downloaded their personality from one or two of the same twenty shows and games and their political opinions are all so vapid and derivative that you could make a bingo sheet for them. I can remember a time when the internet didn’t have weird gay people “memes” like this and all of a sudden one day: BOOM they were everywhere. The chances of this collective capture of all zoomer midwits into queerness being the CIA’s most successful operation are high. (the subject of whether or not posts like this are even joking is a whole other matter and I would venture to say that often these kinds of “memes” are more like collective delusions like a cultural tulpa which they use as a replacement for reality. It’s like how people use Ryan Gosling as a template for literally me memes but entirely seriously. A fat 19yo trans woman with facial hair and a unibrow is entirely conscious that they will never pass in real life so they resort to secondhand experiences of passing such as your photo. The process is extremely simple: you just invert the normal layering of reality such that twitter becomes the physical sphere for you and the physical sphere the pale imitation of twitter. A lot of it has to do with the vessel for such inversion being a joke. The joke expresses a heightened view of reality. The joke is an experience of noesis. The relation with the meme as a literally me passes into the orgasmic experience of noesis as a kind of side effect of the expression of the literally me taking the form of a joke and the literally me component overpowers the irony of the joke by the noesis itself becoming an irony. In other words: they know that they’re not actually anime women irl but the distance between them and the anime women they embody in the joke becomes the joke itself leaving the initial joke devoid of irony and thereby containing only the noetic quality of the joke with none of the distance. Normally the insight contained in jokes is tampered by the ironic distance you have from it, here the distance is relocated.)

>> No.22741257

I'm a mutant.

>> No.22741262

It's your life, do it right

>> No.22741278

Can't, it's been fucked since the beginning.

>> No.22741296


>> No.22741310

I just woke from a dream in which a sort of sibling friend and I talked up very unusual colors and lighting angles for the sky, and settled on a sort of May nimbus effect so heavy on the aquamarine that it made the red brick of the house look something like a frosting pink, saying so as much while it responded to wishing command. We stood on a fresh broad stretch of front lawn bantering about atmospheres weird and pleasing to the eye, watching it change to movements of the will slight as those of verbal suggestion, as if to do so is usual during pleasant holidays, as if if the the light of Heaven is whim itself.

>> No.22741313

man up

>> No.22741315


>> No.22741332

I met your mother today. We had a few laughs, drank a few beers. I snorted coke off her tits. It was hand wavey at best. Like not the best debauch I've ever had but it was a bit of nostalgia. I enjoyed it. We cried a little. She started crying and then I pissed a bit in her hair. And then I laughed so hard that I started to cry from laughing which made me laugh. And then we just lay on the floor in a shivering cuddle puddle of exhausted pheromones and the old lady stink sweat of a good shag. Her taste in decor hasn't changed much so much as it's just sort of "aged" as if she'd kept the living room the same and it just ossified around her. Which isn't bad. She has the same old Bentley in the garage. She still watches her day time soaps. She still wishes you would call more often but she understands that you're out there fighting the good fight doing your best to prove that you're still her big little guy taking one for the team. She wishes you weren't sucking off strange men in highway roadstops, but she understands that there's something about driving around those big rig trucks that just gets you all hot and bothered. It's a thing with you and she just told me to tell you that she understands. Also, she wants you to know that you've always been a little light on the clutch and you can park your truck at her house any time you ever feel a little tight. She's a wonderful woman and you should feel lucky to have her.

>> No.22741340

Projection as a concept is just a formalized version of "no you"

>> No.22741341


>> No.22741348

I too once was too retarded to name any countries in Europe, but after I learned where Spain was I lost my ability to play fifth dimensional chess with platonic reality.

>> No.22741356


>> No.22741382

> nearly got a job I wasn’t even qualified for making $30 an hour (if I had passed the damn drug test
Stopped reading

>> No.22741386

>got the job at 20 because the duke liked his enthusiasm.
Got the job because of the results. Both men were remarkable in the best sense of the term, and so was Prince Albert: Monarchs & such are generally stupid cunts, but he wasn't.

>> No.22741394

Don't ask questions you don't want to know the answer of.

>> No.22741398

That's the how many penis' have you sucked range. Wrong slider.

>> No.22741405

>Get yourself a gook.
Spoken like a true grotesque lothario with a somewhat despotic disposition. Have it if that's what you like.

>> No.22741422

But I do want the answer, if I can figure out a solution then no one will have to suffer anymore.

>> No.22741428

Muttification and promiscuous behaviour (muttification being the several-generational result of promiscuity)

>> No.22741430

So they're fat and ugly because of promiscuity? Make it make sense.

>> No.22741433

Sexual unselectiveness

>> No.22741483
File: 103 KB, 1247x803, 1696897512628204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22741514
File: 715 KB, 640x360, oh yes yes.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished with the revised version of my master's thesis, I feel fucking great even though it's almost 5 AM here and I didn't get much sleep last night. None of it matters, I fucking did it.

>> No.22741570

I noticed a unfamiliar, muffled sound as I was pissing just now. As I turned on the light on to investigate I realised I was pissing on my balls! I didn't even feel it — spooky!

>> No.22741586
File: 843 KB, 900x525, 1682456728659332.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in a decent suburban apartment. The building is packed with mostly Whites, but there are a smattering of others. It's generally pretty cool. Even the Blacks who have long lived here are cool (they're mostly mulatto/quadroon, so maybe that's the difference).

Recently some darkest-africa-grade blacks have moved in. The smell is overwhelming. Like the stench they carry with them smells like wet dog and rotting dumpster multiplied by 100. It's been so long since I lived in ghetto areas that I forgot how bad this was.

On top of that is the bizarre hair treatments they use. I could stick my head into the exhaust pipe of an 18-wheeler continuously for 30 years and never manage to be as sickened as I am during only minutes around them.

Now I have to consider moving again. I've already had to flee two other cities because they were taken over by Blacks and became unlivably violent, with anti-White pogroms the norm.

I'll see how it shakes out, but my gut tells me this is a bad sign. Probably they won't last long, as tend to unstable and incapable of not messing things up. People don't put up with bullcrap around here, which is why its still nice, but who knows. Just depressing, is all.

I guess it's time to find a house and make sure I'll never have neighbors again.

>> No.22741593

>Turning 21 on December 2nd
>No partner.
>Best friend lives two and a half hours away and we never get to see each other.
>No job.
>No interests.
>No hobbies.
>The furthest I've travelled is the town closest to the border in the next state over (I may as well have still been in my own state)
None of this is due to a lack of trying mind you. What the fuck do I do? Am I destined to work fast food or retail for the rest of my life and be absolutely nothing? Am I destined never to live my dreams?

>> No.22741634

If I get rejected by fast food places then what the fuck am I gonna do?

>> No.22741641

Sometimes I think this anchor just weighs me down...

>> No.22741642

bitch i'm back in my coma

>> No.22741650

Don’t become like my brother

>> No.22741653

Why is she your ex?

>> No.22741656

Do something about it

>> No.22741658

I feel empty and hollow.
But I am unwilling to compromise.
I take what comes.
Blessed curse, comforting tunes.

>> No.22741659

I already have

>> No.22741661

She's schizophrenic and I am afraid of her

>> No.22741662

are these the noble huwites i've heard so much about?

>> No.22741664

on your ass or face?

>> No.22741677

Wagie being short for wage slave implies a certain low level of status on top working for a wage. Etymology is important here. I get that people in high status jobs can struggle but imagine having the same struggle and being looked down on by society on top of it.

>> No.22741687


The scene from no country for old men. I have only ever heard it used ironically to show that someone is pretending to speak Spanish.

>> No.22741693

Thats what they want you to think. To keep you docile and predictable.

>> No.22741696

Is that a picture of mountains for when you can't see mountains?

>> No.22741704

Have fun bro

>> No.22741741

Guys a real life human talked to me who didn't need to do it for their job

>> No.22741755


>> No.22741758

He was really nice about it, but yeah my invisibility powers are wearing off

>> No.22741765


>> No.22741821

>hate everyone
>get lonely

>> No.22741828

[gentle head pats]

>> No.22742117

I was exactly like this when I turned 21, reading Oblomov, generally miserable, long, uncut hair because fuck looks when one is all day at home.
One month later I got a job and a gf.
Godspeed anon.

>> No.22742651

Yeah man I'm applying to part-time, minimum wage positions. They all require bachelor's degrees or at least junior standing in a university. I have junior standing but I keep getting rejected from PART TIME MINIMUM WAGE ENTRY LEVEL POSTIONS because apparently I'm not qualified enough to do that.

>> No.22742659

It's hilarious how much seethe asian women cause

>> No.22742667

>only 21
Dont worry avout it bro. Just go outside and meet people

>> No.22742715

Shit is getting ridiculous out here i feel your pain