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22729101 No.22729101 [Reply] [Original]

The world of yesterday edition
previous >>22724014

>> No.22729104
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>> No.22729123
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My older brother is like 32 and he was going for a walk. For most of his life he's lived at the old house, the family house, with Mom and Dad. Dad died and older bro is currently helping Mom get ready to sell the house and move in with her sister. Neighbors recently left, and their house was bought by some well of guy who bought the house so his college aged daughter and her friends could live there. For like a year or so these girls have been living their being noisy and playing loud music and whatnot.

Bro is going for a late night walk, as he often does. He's using a starmap app on his phone to let him see constellations. He's walking near their house, waving his phone around, looking at stars. He's like 6'2 by the way, and has a prominent beard. As he goes past their house they're playing loud music in their parked car, and they honk at him for no reason. He keeps on walking. His route leads him back eventually, this time they turn down the music as he passes. Shortly after this he hears them talking on the phone, they sound scared.

20 minutes later or so police cars cruise the neighborhood, at one point stopping in from of our home. They shine lights on our house. I learned all this from younger bro, who tells me that older bro started playing classical music when he saw there were cops outside, so that if they knocked out our door older bro wouldn't seem like a good-for-nothing. Cops leave, no actual interaction.

Women were a mistake, and older bro is based. Someone make a meme were there are crying wojak girls going NOOOOO YOU CAN'T JUST TAKE A WALK IN THIS NEIGHBORHOOD YOU'VE LIVED AT FOR 3 DECADES NOOOOOO and bearded brother chad wojak is like "shutup I'm looking at stars"

>> No.22729130

The hwites?

>> No.22729136

just hit myself hard as fuck in the face with a car door. i'm not even THAT drunk. the pain was brief but the shame continues

>> No.22729139

i hate wasting time on this site but i just don't feel like doing anything at all rn

>> No.22729143

Honestly, your brother sounds based.

>> No.22729146
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Gonna slide this poll in here


>> No.22729147

only 25 but realizing i am older than most people i share online spaces with

>> No.22729157

I'm 23
Is that bad?
I haven't even started my novel yet
I feel so worthless
I'll never be a good writer, and that's all I could've been
Why won't it end?
Do you know?
I am so alone

>> No.22729160
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>look up indigenous europeans
>a bunch of articles about the Saami and Romani show up
>nothing about actual europeans
what did they mean by this? i guess you can only be indigenous if you're not white?

>> No.22729163
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I'm so dissatisfied with pretty much every philosophy and religion I'm going to discover and syncretize my own regardless of how much it will conflict with everything else.
>oh great another new age schizo religion
Those are just watered down eastern philosophy which I hate the most.

>> No.22729164

>wake up hungry at 4am after dream about rats
how to eat toast w/o crumbs?

>> No.22729166
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Say "Shakespeare retelling" and I'm often sold right there. Continue with "neurodivergent and queer heroine" and I'm snatching the book out of your hands. Finish with "hero has anxiety disorders" and you won't hear from me until I finish the last page.

>> No.22729168

>he didn't read the Apology

>> No.22729169

Shove the entire piece in your mouth in one go.

>> No.22729177

Which composers in particular?

>> No.22729185

To me, the Greeks are "new", in that my thought cares for something much older that historiography has only recently uncovered. I would go far to say that the Greek philosophers were the beginning of the end.

>> No.22729196

>feel bad
>pet kitty
>feel good
thank you kitty

>> No.22729242

i love you. you are so dear to me. i'm so sorry. i am begging you, please forgive me.

>> No.22729262

nah piss off mate. wanker

>> No.22729265

nobody was talking to you faggot. you fucking sodomite

>> No.22729269


>> No.22729276

You’re a baby to me

Anyways asked in the last thread but what is conclusion that can be drawn from combining contextualism with an epistemic theory of truth, from metaphysics to ethics and politics and science?

>> No.22729279

Use yandex

>> No.22729281
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Women shouldn't be taught to read
No matter how cute they are

>> No.22729283

when i see a shitty post i must say something. i dont make the rules babe

>> No.22729295

keep talking that kinda shit and i'll kiss you

>> No.22729307

do u guys know each other or something keep the flirting to dms

>> No.22729322

How come I consistently run out of people to swipe on, on tinder, but somehow the number of people that have liked me never goes down?

>> No.22729334

fishing for a premium buy

>> No.22729349

They won't get my cash. (I don't have any cash anyway)

>> No.22729353

I'm starting to understand.

>> No.22729355

*bladee voice*
oh you say i'm gay? you say i'm gay?

>> No.22729359

thread theme

>> No.22729387

About half an hour ago I started feeling numbness in my arms and hands and and my balance felt weak, kinda if I was drunk. I'm feeling a headache and my thoughts are somewhat confused. Am I dying? My right hand and my face also started tingling but it stopped quickly.

>> No.22729392

Not enough to go on. Could be too many things, but unless you had a recent head injury you're probably fine.

>> No.22729403

i wanna make love not fuck but im not in love with anyone

>> No.22729412

find a hippie?

>> No.22729457

You're gonna die

>> No.22729473

I really want a trans girlfriend.

>> No.22729544
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I want a soft squishy thin girlfriend

>> No.22729549

I keep getting to the top 5 in fortnite and then losing and it's pissing me off

>> No.22729555

Git gud scrub.

>> No.22729560
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I need to cum inside a woman.

>> No.22729570
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me too anon. hang in there

>> No.22729581

I'm dissatisfied with the religions in the world, I'm going to start my own.

>> No.22729583

Fucking faggot

>> No.22729590

>they're systematically shuttying down islamic private schools
>"your kids have to integrate with our kids"
>do you realize that we are already in a scenario where likely somethin glike half of all children aged 9 are hard core porn addicts?
is it wrong for me to not want my children to mix with your children? to normalize what is normal for them?

>> No.22729600

You shouldn't have come to the west if you thought you could isolate your kids from this influence in 21st century. I'm not telling you to go back but you are basically helpless and you knew in your heart what you were getting into.

>> No.22729602

>they're systematically shuttying down islamic private schools
Good. If you want your children to be radicalized Muslims, consider moving to Saudi Arabia. Hell, if I was in charge of Western nations I'd make a deal with Muslims:
>We give you 10 million USD each
>In exchange we strip you of citizenship and give you 1 month to leave the country for a Muslim one
Literally everyone wins. You get to rejoin Dar al-Islam, we no longer have to deal with you.

>> No.22729618

Huh what why you adulterine?

>> No.22729626

Not sure where else to post this but I’ve been trying to get a hold of this article by Tolstoy against Zionism. It doesn’t seem to be archived on any other website and paywall removers don’t work for me

>> No.22729628

Happiness has brought you to life.

>> No.22729632


>> No.22729635

Yes, happiness has brought you to life.

>> No.22729654

but what if I was born and raised to secular, western-ethnic parents here? Should it really be impossible for the liberal western society to sustain more than one ethical system? Are you really saying that you know you live in Sodom and you don't care?
it really is only a matter of prize

>> No.22729675

I have no trouble feeling love toward animals but I can't feel it toward humans, I don't know why.

>> No.22729686

Low intelligence.

>> No.22729719

At least you have a choice. You have to compromise with your living standards however but living in accordance with your values necessitates a sacrifice. Besides I don't think a rightward turn will be peaceful for the outsiders if it happens. Or worse, what if there's a collapse?

>> No.22729721

I'm really stupid but I don't think there's a correlation there.

>> No.22729726

If I can't find a job then I'm going to be forced to go back on neetbux but they won't let me get neetbux unless I'm doing a course, the only problem is that I don't have any interests so there's no course I can do that won't do terrible things to my mental health.

>> No.22729730

I meant emotional intelligence or whatever. Conscientiousness.

>> No.22729736

Or agreeableness.

>> No.22729738

I like to think I'm intelligent when it comes to those areas.

>> No.22729739

Honestly- I don't mean to say that justice is a meaningless concept, I mean this as a criticism of the state of affairs- what is the point of a people believing in criminal "justice" when their concept of "self-improvement" boils down to reading variations on Dale Carnegie and lifting? When they learn their morals from Game of Thrones?

>> No.22729742

I'm going to do the opposite of what Nassim Nicholas Taleb says.

>> No.22729746

OK George Costanza.

>> No.22729774
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George was based. One day the world will be brave enough to admit it

>> No.22729899

Have you ever hear British people talk? When they talk, they don't sound like they're speaking the language of the world at all. It's all very specialized. Their language and speech are so specialized to only be contained within their culture, within their nation, among their own people. A British man has no talent except for being unapologetically British.

>> No.22729901
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When you think about chris chan is like the tom bombadil of 4chan

im drunk btw

>> No.22729987

you ever catch yourself typing something genuinely nuts and just stop on principle? certain thoughts shouldn't even be articulated anonymously

>> No.22730108

anons help, I closed a tab without posting my reply, is there any way to get the text back?

>> No.22730145
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Crux sacra sit mihi lux
Non draco sit mihi dux
Vade retro satana
Numquam suade mihi vana
Sunt mala quae libas
Ipse venena bibas

>> No.22730149

No, self-censorship is for communists.

>> No.22730156

It is silly to be mad at figures like Mill or Locke for contemporary liberalism or other forms of "badthink" as seen from the perspective from chuddom, not because it wasn't what they had in mind (it was), but because it is not people who form ideology, but ideology that forms people. If they didn't exist someone else would have articulated the exact same positions because what they stood for was a crystallization of the ideology of their milieu. There was always going to be a Mill, a Locke, a Freud, an Adorno, etc. because mainstream philosophy is ultimately always downstream from group interests, economical power, and high politics.

>> No.22730186

The universe keeps giving me signs to fucking kill myself but I just don't feel like it. It's like my suicide fuel bar has hit the max and I have this overpowering urge to kill myself but something inside is just saying "nah". There's literally no reason to say "nah" right now, instead of yeah. But it's still saying "nah".
Although I choked on my food just now so perhaps the universe just has other plans.

>> No.22730188
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Everyone hates Tom Bombadil though.

>> No.22730203

What the fuck were the french retards thinking with their dumb little revolution, this is all their fault you know?

>> No.22730214

Politics are not the art of what you should do or what should have happened, but how you can manipulate the present and the past to achieve your goals. The french revolution happened because it could, because the ancien regime was too weak during a moment of crisis and because it didn't manage the issue of the emergence of the bourgeoisie well enough. When a stagnant or declining regime meets a rival elite that is growing more and more powerful economically and socially by the day, revolutions are bound to happen.

>> No.22730258

Why is sociology so libtarded? I can't think of any other profession that is so homogenous ideologically, not even the writing of history.

>> No.22730317

Isn't it odd that rubbish has a distinct smell even though it contains numerous different things rotting. How do they all mingle into one recognisable scent?

>> No.22730420

I need to stop arguing on here. I'm letting too many people live rent-free inside my mind.

>> No.22730425

Because anything that claims expertise over current society will be full of people looking to manipulate and control society, or become tools for manipulation and control. Hence why sociology is basically a Libtardism 101 class. It's only purpose is to indoctrinate and train low and mid rank NGO footmen.

>> No.22730430

Because its framing of social issues at the most fundamental level assumes leftist moral principles.
It's more or less just scientific leftism.

>> No.22730432

At this point I understand my hatred of women is unreasonable but I will continue with it.

>> No.22730560

All is not well with me

>> No.22730596

Across authors, mediums, genres, and even real life, the number one thing I find that makes a character or even person compelling is determination. From saving the world, getting the girl, or even autistics like the tilefag, as long as they CARE enough, I find myself naturally enduring to them.

>> No.22730614

dubs and my mother dies this year

>> No.22730646

WHY would you post that?

>> No.22730677


>> No.22730754

Westerners larping as muslims are so pathetic

>> No.22730759

And all was well with anon

>> No.22730763


>> No.22730783

I never told my dad I tried to kill myself. I tried twice, spent a total of 10 weeks in mental wards, never told him. That was this summer. I did two stints, I don't remember why I didn't tell him the first time, but the second time it was at least a factor that things he had said to me kept playing in my head over and over before the second attempt. Things that happened between him and me a long time ago that we never talked about again. It's probably gonna have to come to the surface. Tbh I don't want to provoke him, I don't want to have to try to handle and face him in a rage. I thought for a long time that I'd forgiven him, but I hadn't. I've no idea what to do. We talk, but I just haven't told him.

>> No.22730790

I'd never thought about that. Interesting. My completely unsubstantiated guess issued forth from highschool-tier scientific knowledge would be that while there may be several distinct smells amongst the individual elements of the rubbishpile, there is one overpoweringly strong rubbishy smell that is primarily the result of some very common process relating to the breakdown of organic material. Like rotting fats, grease etc being chomped up by some common bacteria or something. There are unique rubbish smells I can recall, now that I think of it. Rotting citrus fruits overpower the ordinary smell of rubbish. I imagine that large quantities of rotting meat would also do the same, although I don't believe I've smelled that ever. Coffee grounds also retain a distinct smell. However you are correct I think that there's definitely a smell of rubbish.

>> No.22730791

What makes you say that?

>> No.22730792
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Another day in Paradise

>> No.22730795

you don't have to tell him, do you?

>> No.22730801
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you have to be born and sculpted by it, you can't just decide to be muslim one day like Guenon did.

>> No.22730803

It's because waste products from bacteria smell the same. They're usually sulphur based

>> No.22730812

Are you a muslim?

>> No.22730835

How would you start your sigma arc and become the rich and free womanizer that you’ve always wanted to be?

>> No.22730839

I don't know but I appreciate you saying that. It's hard to grasp on my own.

>> No.22730841

No, I left the religion

>> No.22730844

Is it ok if I ask why?

>> No.22730847

You don't, chinlet

>> No.22730891

I'm half a person. 23 and never walked outside on my own other than a few select occasions like the hospital, because I don't live alone and need a reason for it and I feel that's too much trouble. I've never read the account of someone struggling wifh something like this and I don't know how to explain it well, but for example if they ask me what music I listen to, I say I don't listen to music even if I'm really passionate about music. I say I do nothing all day every day because they will ask me to explain what I do otherwise. It's because I fear saying something even a little personal for some reason. I minimise my existence, like I'm a little kid. I feel I have no choice but to live like this. Is this autism? I don't particularly struggle with understanding other people's experiences.

>> No.22730908

look up sherry turkle's later work re: empathy crisis.

>> No.22730919

You're not entirely wrong I don't think, there are things that are hard to figure out on ones own and get into. I've been graced to have close contact with an alem I trust who can I help me get the ropes. There's a woman I hope to marry who I really get the feeling that she understands what's important. I'd love for my life to be learning more and more with her, but I don't know if she's into it. When you're new I think it can easily happen that you get too strict, and it can get pretty bad, and I admit that kind of integrating tawakkul with what it means to have to navigate a secular world.. I mean it takes time. What it means to tie your camel. But I imagine it was like that for the first generation too, at least those who weren't the foremost among them but who still had faith. I'm happy to be here.

>> No.22730932

you don't have to grasp it on your own, nor necessarily do you *have* to share it with any one given individual.

>> No.22730937

You should read The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson. Eleanor is literally me and (You)
Your only way to fix this is to overcome the inertia. Its scary but you literally just need to go outside more. I did it and now I'm semi functional. You can do it too.

>> No.22730959

Nta but Jackson writes unfathomably good crazy ladies. The narrator in We Have Always Lived in the Castle reasoning the river might not be there on days she hadn't designated to visit it lives rent free in my head to this day

>> No.22730980

That was also a great book but it didn't resonate with me as much as Eleanor.

>> No.22731075

Yeah HoHH is a great book (and some good movies) but WHALitC was my literally me moment with her where I was like
>is this bitch me?
>did I casually kill most of my immediate family and just forget about that shit?

>> No.22731101

If you think something can come of it, for you, for him, or for both of you, then talk to him. I don't even want to talk to any of my family anymore. It's just gonna be stupid and nonsensical fighting for no discernible reason. They don't really understand me, nor do they want to, nor are they able to. So I'll trudge on on my own and won't bother with things that are doomed.

>> No.22731112

My understanding is that it's cripplingly low self-esteem. I know one person like this who withholds all information, down to the most irrelevant stuff conceivable, in order to stay on the safe side and not be judged. Being judged over what one is not doesn't hurt as much as being judged over what one authentically is.

>> No.22731130

I'm so tired. I need some time off work but it simply won't happen.

>> No.22731214

You wouldn’t buy a motorcycle and a leather jacket?

>> No.22731215

I might be schizoid but I am not schizo

>> No.22731221

Sorry you're not me

>> No.22731263

Does every western nation need an auschwitz of its own to feel guilty about? Canada and residential schools, the finns and the sami...every second week I'm finding about new narratives of this sort aside from the usual ones everyone knows about, like the plight of the negro. Interestingly enough it doesn't seem to be of interest to anyone if it's done by whites against whites, like britain oppressing the irish for centuries.

>> No.22731269

I wish that academia just outright died for everything besides the hard sciences, & every other discipline that is being artificially propped up by academia would stagnate and die unless they had a passionate circle of adherents to set up some new independent organizations. All this phony research, the shitty writing, the publishing mill, let all of it go up in smoke and we'll return to ca. 1800 when writings in these subjects was a passion project for a small few who truly cared

>> No.22731272
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I'm like you but older and have to work because I'm a poorfag and mommy and daddy ain't gonna take care of me lol. I get my ass handed to me every. fucking. day. Add to this I am a huge philosophy nerd who has to dwell amongst literal retards, high school dropouts, literal people straight out of prison, and countless hordes of third-world immigrants and you better believe I keep my mouth shut except to talk about the most banal shit otherwise people tell my silence makes them uncomfortable to the point of scaring them. Even then, every time I open my mouth there is the real risk of saying something I will deeply deeply regret and will have very real negative consequences. Many normalfags simply cannot comprehend the concept of enjoying solitude, reading, contemplating existence, writing, sitting down quietly, not caring about sports or celebrities, reflecting on morality, etc. and if God forbid you ever reveal your true self they will make your life a living hell because you are now a threat, because since they cannot understand you they cannot predict your behavior and is disturbing to them. You are, in effect an alien life form. Recently, an autist from my job was killed at a bus stop. I don't know the details but I can imagine some normaltard misunderstood him or he unfortunately expressed himself in an autistic way that was interpreted as a threat by the normaltard. In any case, this autist could just as easily had been one of you. So be careful out there autists, avoid normies as much as possible and when interacting with normies, regardless of what well-intentioned but retarded normie doctors, therapists, teachers, and parents tell you: DO NOT BE YOURSELF IN PUBLIC. FOR AUTISTS THAT IS A DEATH WISH. The harsh and brutal reality is that to survive in society demands conformity, so if there is one concept you should take out all this and integrate into your very being it is this: DISSIMULATION. Blend in, fake it-- I know as autists we value authenticity; THE WORLD DOES NOT AND WILL SEVERELY PUNISH YOU FOR MAKING THAT MISTAKE. I know autists value rules and making no exceptions. GET OVER THAT. You must learn to be adaptive to everchanging situations; you must overcome that need for order and the anxiety the lack of it produces. Order is good, but you have to account for the fact and anticipate that in this world there is deviation and there is chaos, and despite whatever virtue signaling normies give the only thing that matters is: ME. Egoism rules this world.

"The master commended the dishonest manager because he had acted shrewdly. For the people of this world are more shrewd in dealing with their own kind than are the people of the light."
- Luke 16:8

>> No.22731285

Universities becoming an extension for high school might just be one of the most disastrous thing to happen to them during the last century from the perspective of quality. They were never meant to deal with tens of thousands of people.

>> No.22731287

So I can imitate my dad?

>> No.22731288

you are all schizophrenic

>> No.22731289

This applies to everything. Cities are shit because they have 9 million wogs in them instead of 600,000 normal people. Transit, prisons, everything was built for a normal amount of normal people. We are being converted into a termite mound.

>The dehumanizing effects of over-organization are reinforced by the dehumanizing effects of over-population. Industry, as it expands, draws an ever greater proportion of humanity's increasing numbers into large cities. But life in large cities is not conducive to mental health (the highest incidence of schizophrenia, we are told, occurs among the swarming inhabitants of industrial slums); nor does it foster the kind of responsible freedom within small self-governing groups, which is the first condition of a genuine democracy. City life is anonymous and, as it were, abstract. People are related to one another, not as total personalities, but as the embodiments of economic functions or, when they are not at work, as irresponsible seekers of entertainment. Subjected to this kind of life, individuals tend to feel lonely and insignificant. Their existence ceases to have any point or meaning.

>Biologically speaking, man is a moderately gregarious, not a completely social animal -- a creature more like a wolf, let us say, or an elephant, than like a bee or an ant. In their original form human societies bore no resemblance to the hive or the ant heap; they were merely packs. Civilization is, among other things, the process by which primitive packs are transformed into an analogue, crude and mechanical, of the social insects' organic communities. At the present time the pressures of over-population and technological change are accelerating this process. The termitary has come to seem a realizable and even, in some eyes, a desirable ideal. Needless to say, the ideal will never in fact be realized. A great gulf separates the social insect from the not too gregarious, big-brained mammal; and even though the mammal should do his best to imitate the insect, the gulf would remain. However hard they try, men cannot create a social organism, they can only create an organization. In the process of trying to create an organism they will merely create a totalitarian despotism.

>> No.22731291

Why do you think he said that?

>> No.22731301

It’s one of the most female intensive humanities. Because women generally obsess over human interaction.

>> No.22731320

Do you think it’s accurate to say that the real religion of the West is not Celtic-Germanic paganism or Western Christianity but rather Western esotericism? Shit like Harry Potter seems to resonate with Western culture in a way that it just couldn’t with other actually pagan or Christian cultures.

>> No.22731326

i hope God isn't disappointed with me. i think shame is the one of the worst things about being a person

>> No.22731347

Esotericism is not a coherent philosophy but a hostile label applied to philosophy that mainstream academia rejected over the ages. Esotericism is the sawdust of western philosophy.

>> No.22731353

You're made in the image of God, anon. God loves you. You have nothing to be ashamed of. Errors are of contingent value and pass away - your dignity is eternal.
If you had ever engaged with Western esotericism you would know that Harry Potter is infinitely more detached from it than either Germanic paganism or Christianity.

>> No.22731368

>You're made in the image of God, anon. God loves you. You have nothing to be ashamed of. Errors are of contingent value and pass away - your dignity is eternal.
thanks for saying that. it helps to hear

>> No.22731533

I agree but I don’t necessarily think a religion has to be a coherent philosophy. It’s no less coherent than paganism or Buddhism in my mind.

>> No.22731546

I think you missed my point. I’m not suggesting that Harry Potter is an exegesis on western esoteric philosophy, which I’ve actually studied quite a lot. What I mean is that there seems to be a deep attraction in the West to this sort of thing and even an internalization of it. Westerners have always been interested in this stuff and if you really analyze Western religious history, I think you can come to the view that it’s questionable whether the West really has ever been Christian in any orthodox sense. It sort of dressed itself up in Christian robes, but the Luciferian/occult impulse has always been what it indulges. Hell, Catholic priests used perform black masses even at the height of medieval Christendom. We’ve always really been into this stuff more than actual Christian orthodoxy. Harry Potter just makes that aesthetically obvious.

>> No.22731560

Idk is he a bad boy or something?

>> No.22731567

I think things would improve slot if the research requirements were abandoned and the more bourgeois institutions like your Harvards and Yales were just nationalized. That’s the real problem. The problem is not humanities and the liberal arts. Those aren’t even really being taught. It’s all the research particularly in the social sciences.

>> No.22731580

Nah regret is the worst

>> No.22731588

I hope things change for you all some day. Whatever good you can have from family really is good.

>> No.22731721
File: 122 KB, 2048x1536, 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am afraid to try to write my novel for two very basic reasons: firstly, I have never succeeded, not in in anything, and have perversely never really tasted the consequences of my failures, instead being permitted to drift on and on and on to the next thing - usually the bookends of a new woman and a new job - which would round out my life with some sort of contour of purpose and meaning. Flunking out of high school meant nothing, because the army has insatiable need of warm and throwaway bodies. After the neither exactly success nor failure of my tours of duty through shamming, inattention, imitation and utimately indifference to whatever purpose this military has was college not off the table as a consequence of steadfast American commitment to egalitarianism and its mediocrity. Following my botched and still-incomplete university education, where I am neither barred from returning nor especially welcome to return, I was paradoxically rewarded with a defense sector job requiring virtually no effort (nor even regular attendance) and only two qualifications, which I possessed before I ever attended university anyway: a top-secret security clearance, and a foreign-language certification, which meant only passing an exam, something I did, and not actually speaking the language, something I cannot. On top of that, there was never any actual need for the language to begin with.

Secondly, though I appear to be a capable storyteller and wordsmith, and have developed an omniverous and hungry reading habit over the decades, I still don't understand the intent of the novel or of the novelist, and I suspect purity of whatever those intents may be to be the most salient aspect of purpose. My intents are not pure: I want to win, I want to show my enemies that I have vanquished them, I want to show them that they merely exist inside the confines of their tax statements and mortgages and their fucking ugly, stupid children they waste their lives shuttling back and forth between their useless hobbies and their miseducations. I want them to feel anger every time they pass a bookstore. I want their hands to shake with sour and anguished memories of my face when they finally submit to their hateful curiosities and open my work.

Is that sufficient? Ultimately, I don't think I have anything meaningful to say, only a method of saying it which is poetic and interesting, if perhaps just in passing. The world and its readers would glean nothing. Do other novels and novelists have greater purpose than my life and its emptiness swaddled and drowning in its teary vinegars? All I want to share is my bitter sense of nostalgia to smother the faces of my critics in it, and convince myself that my thoughts and feelings somehow matter more than theirs. A published novel would be a kind of trophy rendering that position indisputable. They could have no reply, not a single word.

>> No.22731747

I think you should just write the book but spend some time writing poems and short stories first.

>> No.22731754


>> No.22731776

oh, you have something better to do?

>> No.22731824
File: 291 KB, 2048x1536, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm too stupid for poetry, but I appreciate the advice.

You've probably hit the nail on the head.

>> No.22731937

My mom and brother have this weird war going on where my mom will call me to tell on my brother then my brother will call me to tell on my mom and then back and forth, defense, counter accusation, drama drama drama. I dont care. I'm sick of getting phone calls and them rambling about drama for an hour at me. Meanwhile theyre both psychos and basket cases who just wear me down.

>> No.22731944

I’m 32 and I still haven’t become a man yet. You haven’t made it yet my man.

>> No.22731945

I forgive you

>> No.22731951

>, Catholic priests used perform black masses even at the height of medieval Christendom
m8 at the height of medieval Christendom some of the clergy didn't believe in God and didn't know they were meant to

>> No.22731954

The fact an entire well thought out argument can be dismantled by “you have no bitches” clearly demonstrates we haven’t even evolved past primate thinking.

>> No.22731958

You’re better off with a bullet in your skull

>> No.22731961

People keep asking me things in incomplete sentences that make no sense. How am I what? How am I doing what?

>> No.22731965

He’s a family man

Academic gatekeeping. Good thing brother number one took care of that.

>> No.22731984


>> No.22731983

Thanks but I'll prob keep doing it tbph

>> No.22731990

Church surveys for Counter-Reformation

>> No.22731991

>brother number one

>> No.22732002

>t. Has no bitches

>> No.22732005

Not him but in a lot of Asian languages you refer to siblings by birth order and gender

>> No.22732022

Isnt that occultism

>> No.22732026


>> No.22732035


>> No.22732038


>> No.22732045


>> No.22732079

yes, but i'm also right

>> No.22732086

If you can write fiction you can write poetry

>> No.22732088

thanks for not charging me rent

>> No.22732105

I’ve probably had more than you

Khmer Rouge leader

>> No.22732144

I have a rare illness. Around age 15 something in my brain snapped and since then I can't enjoy stuff unless I get extremely juiced on stimulants. Idk what to do man. I don't even know what's wrong with me. It's like a life in biblical purgatory

>> No.22732217
File: 216 KB, 860x645, 104-1046672_clip-art-sad-pepe-png-pepe-the-frog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw ghosted by military recruiter
>tfw so low quality an organization that accepts inbred white trash, won't accept me
It's over

>> No.22732383

I can see the narrative forming right before my eyes: All other justifications for Israel's cruelty have been exhausted so the story from now on will be that Israel is a necessary evil in the same way that dropping a nuke on the Japanese was a necessary evil.

This is how they will write about this moment in history in the books. It'll be directly compared to the Allies killing German civilians to stop the Nazis. The world order will tell us that Israel destroying Gaza, eradicating tens of thousands of Palestinians and possibly ethnically cleansing the entire strip was for the greater good. Their actions are unquestionably evil but they'll promise that what will come after Hamas will be better and that everyone in the future will really be thanking Israel for what it's doing right now. This is despite the fact that they don't actually have a plan for what happens after the war and that there most likely won't even be a Gaza remaining on this earth, but it doesn't matter. It just doesn't matter. Nothing matters in the face of their power because they have the money and the power and the information and so there's a real chance that in 10 years everyone will just forget about all this and shrug off these atrocities.

>> No.22732412


>> No.22732414

>in 10 years everyone will just forget about all this and shrug off these atrocities.
as is tradition

>> No.22732430

Soseki's Light and Dark is disappointing.

>> No.22732532


>> No.22732550

Because he's a JIDF agent

>> No.22732554


>> No.22732555

>there's a real chance that in 10 years everyone will just forget about all this and shrug off these atrocities.
I would be shocked if Israel is still around by 2033

>> No.22732571

Ghosting people is braindead zoomer behavior.

>> No.22732575

I don't know what to write about nor can I write in a normal hand writing without it looking like a gorilla wrote it. Don't know if it's because of the autism or not. I don't know how to write without using "and", "but" and "or" or "and/or" in every sentence.

>> No.22732583

Just because it’s one thing doesn’t automatically make it the other.

>> No.22732588

I'd go so far to say that I think it kind of sucks ass.

>> No.22732626

I feel so good and happy.

>> No.22732637

The existence of Israel is not seriously threatened by any governing body or powerful force whatsoever. Even Iran finally backpaddled.

>> No.22732646

I'm similar. I often find myself stringing far too many clauses together, and it is especially apparent when I count the commas in my sentences. When I'm preparing to write something important, I'll force myself to write simple sentences or cut up some compound-complex sentences into their constituents. It helps avoid that kind of thing, at least for a little while

>> No.22732658

That is true. I just couldn't resist.

>> No.22732682

Been thinking of my childhood best friend lately. We grew up together till I went to college in another town, but we tried to see each other once a month before I was gone. I kind of hated that period because I could see him get addicted to weed and hanging out with lowlives in real time. 5 years later he's still smoking with his junkie friends and every time he invites me somewhere he's bringing them in. Those guys never stop talking about making joints or buying weed it's fucking insane. It's like their whole lives revolve around weed and smoking each others weed and doing drugs. I hate that my smart, quick-thinking yet goofy best friend became such a smelly loser. I really hate this. What is so worth it in drugs that you don't care about anything else?

>> No.22732698

Yup. Winners and jews writing history, a tale as old as time. They could fucking genocide Africa while they're at it for the most outlandish reason and nobody would bat an eye.

>> No.22732702

I'm gonna collapse on my bed and sleep and hope my problems and worries spontaneously disappear

>> No.22732712

Watered down chocolate milk wasn't as good as I thought it would be.

>> No.22732722

The only thing which was keeping Israel safe was the West, and the young Western populace is mostly pro-Palestine. Over time Israel will be left ally-less. And there’s two billion Muslims who want nothing more than the destruction of Israel lying in wait. 2033 is too early, but Israel will be gone by the end of the century.

>> No.22732757

idk how you thought that would be good

>> No.22732878
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Thanks for the advice friend.

>> No.22732897

i've done like 3 memorable things in the last 3 years and they're all memorable for being bad

>> No.22732908

You should do more happy memorable stuff

>> No.22732927
File: 2.37 MB, 3055x3521, IMG_20231118_202033_129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drinking an old German tallboy in my grandma's Kia in the martins parking lot

>> No.22732948

For what purpose

>> No.22732955

grandma would be sad if she saw how much i drink

>> No.22732993

Who wants to be picked up in spaceship and explore space? You'll have to leave behind everyone on Earth.

>> No.22733002

No I think I'd prefer to explore a forest

>> No.22733005

My grandma would weep at how I feel about women these. The only woman I ever considered to be an absolute angel in my 41 years of life.

>> No.22733013

Bro are you gonna be sober enough too drive back to grandma

>> No.22733014

I get a lot of attention from women and it has made me narcissistic
If I'm bored and out I chat up groups of dudes hoping to join temporarily to pass the time
If they blatantly ignore me I get extremely angry and fantasize about burning them alive, I often get up and walk away while flexing lats underneath my shirt since I tall and fit
I then spend 30 minutes fantasizing about beating them to death since I'm a kickboxer

I handle rejection from women easily but if a man who is inferior to me is rude by not allowing me to use for my convenience (fight boredom) I get pissed off at the subhuman PEASANT

>> No.22733021

I'd rather explore DEEZE NUTS

>> No.22733044

A co-worker was telling me a second-hand story from someone who worked with the Department of Homeland Security. He was the lead investigator in a large bust of a small business owner who was funding smugglers for illegal immigrants to cross the border and work for him. Paying the workers inhumane wages, obviously, and have a dozen of them put up in a small apartment too.
It sounds awful of course but it raises an interesting moral dilemma (ignoring the legal aspect). IF the illegals knew the circumstances they were agreeing to and agreed, who are we to say it's wrong? One could argue if they made an informed decision their agency should be respected.
Of course, I'm not saying the business owners isn't a shitbag, just that it's not a completely indefensible position and might make a decent plot for a crime drama.

>> No.22733052

Memorable does not equal respectable

>> No.22733055

I'll explore Uranus and go "uuuUUUuuu"

>> No.22733064

Kind of like with writing, they're (not) paying you to not write for someone else. A lot of these things work as debt slavery, and if you don't pay, they know where your family lives probably has corrupt police and a lot of people on crutches. Working to pay off a debt that you're probably never going to clear and being penalised for that with more debt is human trafficking's bread and butter since the first pimp bought his whore an over expensive gift.

>> No.22733072

Profiting from human suffering is based and you cannot convince me otherwise

>> No.22733108

I am home with her and all is well

>> No.22733123

thinking about my ex and how ugly everyone is compared to her

>> No.22733124

If you ever drunk drive and risk burdening your grandma with a tragedy ever again I will be so sad

>> No.22733129

The tragic thing is that I'm not even remotely drunk

>> No.22733132

I feel very alienated

>> No.22733141

>wahh I drink alone in empty parking lots to cope with life
So does everyone else faggot

>> No.22733143

blows my mind that people still believe that free speech is a real thing. in fact it blows my mind that people believe in anything about liberalism

>> No.22733145

There is no need to be rude
I'm EXTREMELY sensitive and you CAN hurt my feelings

>> No.22733146

Are you Dahmer re-incarnated?

>> No.22733152

I have a lot more in common with Jeffrey than I would willingly admit to anyone irl

>> No.22733173

I meeting some relatives of mine for the second time of my life. It's an odd feeling. Technically I have a huge family. So many uncles and aunts and cousins. And they're all very close. They all were born and raised in the same town and have lived in the same region their entire lives. For what ever reason my dad is the only one to have left. He came to america. I was born and raised in California, without a family. I had a very lonely childhood. I met my relatives for the first time when I was 20. It was nice. Now I'm meeting some again for the second time at 24. It's an odd feeling. They're family and yet they're complete strangers. Not only that but also their culture and attitudes and accent are foriegn and confusing to me. They're very warm and open and kind but I can't shake the feeling that I'm not one of them and that I was cheated out of having a family. My dad is now speaking in a strange accent that I never heard him have before. He's talking about people and places I have no idea about. Theyre talking about their big family I havent met . And I'm sitting here on the sidelines. I can tell that he's embarrassed by my American habits and tastes. I know that when they leave I likely won't see any of them again for years, if at all. We'll go on being strangers. It's hard to describe what it feels like. Not exactly a black sheep. Because that would imply I'm in the flock, albeit odd. Rather I'm like a pig that was let in with the sheep for a day.

>> No.22733192

Someone indulge me

>> No.22733202

The average IQ and maturity level have dropped at least 20 points in the last 4 years

>> No.22733208

Huh interesting. I wonder what major global phenomenon happened almost 4 years ago.

>> No.22733291

sounds gay desu why do you hold them in such high regard

>> No.22733300

Met my bro's gf at his housewarming. It's grim. Danger haired hambeast with cutting scars. Was the only woman there dressed like a hoe, got drunk as fuck and spent at least one hour stumbling around and breaking things. Possibly more, I decided to split before things got worse. The guy is soi incarnate so I suppose some of you will say he got what he deserved but he's a really nice and well put together person who should at least have a decent woman at his side, looks apart. It sucks seeing my childhood friend like this. He was very patient with her antics and you could see how devoted he is. His whole demeanor only demonstrated care and worry for her wellbeing. I don't doubt he would still be like that even if she set his house on fire.
I also disliked the way she kept looking at me and how she pressed her whole body against mine while saying goodbye.
On the way back I thought about how the bros with whom you could frankly discuss how much their woman is bad for them are the ones who'll probably never need your words, while guys like my friend need them but are too delusional to hear.

>> No.22733303

That's a rough one. Never know how to help in situations like this, either.

>> No.22733305

hes got some broken bird syndrome savior complex i can smell it

>> No.22733312

I'm a guy with cutting scars. No one has ever mentioned it but I struggle to believe no one has noticed. Do people judge me like that?

>> No.22733315

as a fellow former cutter yes absolutely, even if its a small few scattered across your body. such is life

>> No.22733333
File: 23 KB, 360x360, raf,360x360,075,t,fafafa_ca443f4786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about former cutters who also post spurdo?

>> No.22733340

nice quints but unless you show people your camera roll for fun i doubt they care

>> No.22733342

'just observerves'

yeah. they have the same job, they just...

>> No.22733344
File: 1012 KB, 2576x1932, 20231118_201246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ive caught bans for posting my fresh cuts on /wwoym/
I posted the pink scar while it was still bleeding.

>> No.22733347

it looks better than most, yeah i think people would glaze over it. unless it becomes a pattern concentrated in a specific area i think you're golden-- known a line cook who burnt his arm in an oven so he had equal horizontal scars lmao rip

>> No.22733349

Ham n cheese omelette
A mcdouble and most of a small fry
Diet Pepsi
More beer and whiskey
Several slices of ham eaten with my bare hands
A ham on wheat sandwich
A dill pickle

>> No.22733352

Thats my upper arm. It's way more scarred than the pictire shows but no one ever sees it. The underside of my forearm is much worse but I'm not posting that

>> No.22733365

Definitively. The only time a normal woman demonstrated interest on him he wanted nothing to do with her. I actually think I met her at the housewarming. If I'm right she was a real qt and seemed very devoted to her bf, who was the spitting image of those nintendo switch manchilds.
I judge women with them because every single one I've met was absolutely insane. It's not the scars themselves.

>> No.22733367

the long and short of it is yes you will get judged, sometimes harshly so, but unless youre in a position to remove them somehow accept life as is. people judge others for very little and a whole lot so i wouldnt put much stock into it.

>> No.22733442
File: 24 KB, 410x480, 1640751905481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It sucks seeing my childhood friend like this.
This whole thing is relatable. Every once in a while, I get depressed that everything and everybody I knew as a kid is gone or changed beyond recognition, and nothing is sacred.

>> No.22733478

It was true this whole time and I doubted because it sounded trite: love is everything

>> No.22733482

The idea of code is to implement algorithms. Executing variables
as expression statements or in other terms, there variableness.
E.g. var = var(); #python
Letting a variable to compute: or express data to the user;
such as object models, recursion-analytical and/or recursion-exceptions onto integrated or reasonable phenomenal structures(cf. e.g. fractals constructed
with or without exceptions from implication a.e.) deep learning, automated language blueprint/designs modeling infrastructure, analytical complex evolutionary
set wise linear solutions as a matter of humanitarian values from the observed eye-witness accountability of projected moral and ethical project of the psyche
or otherwise intersocial relations. Yet, humanitarianism is not liable to falsification,... ! Huh? Well.

So, we would rather use our data to perform blessing to the actual physical models of the world, such as intranet value. Permutations to ensure the 'geographical
survival of population.' Or, let's top that, let's say geospatial data analysis is business for the common survival of higher values, that stand against
falsifiable human values, such as selfishness or deception on humans in the guise of humanitarianism. A dead planet is filled with these inverted dilemma
of ethical falsification itself, when there is no such quandary. Ethics, to account for mathematical rigor, is just such a selfish, beneficial orientation to the selfish
self. But, it is as well, (in it's suggestion as tautology) we are all humans, and I qualify as humane under humanitarianism. It is not necessarily to be
functioned upon deceptively, as a kernels push forward instrumentalization of powers or demonstrations; that yet said, we follow no unethical law. Demonstrations
demonstrate, typically of knowledge and science. Accountability is a hardened science in it's computation, just like the others. Demonstrating
formulas of maths in object-oriented programming (OOP) is this science in the computation of such 'domain users.'

This computation of notation, on paper, is clearly defined without implementation. Computing cannot be a complete system of knowledge. Computation messaging
is intranet and/or endgame. This service of votary, is a dilemma. On one hand, it is not a simple task to alias everything. However, the idea alias returns
ideals in it's computation, given proper architecting, language computational completion as given, gives graphical user interface (GUI), which can
demonstrate the valuable itself, regardless of manipulation indecisive and/or undecidable. By giving the decisions graphical presentation, or laying down
this implementable demonstration of computation, it becomes more clear, valid, valuable, reason and higher transcendent humanitarianisms, amongst others.

>> No.22733487

It is a ridiculously, crazy, idea, that given the resources, a mature adult would metaphorically shoot themselves in the foot. Or others. There are endless
implemetable designs for the rehabilitation of morals, the ethical votary, and the historicality to flexibly reframe softly and strongly. Tenderly.

Nonetheless, what if there was a queer point in the history of manipulable artifices, given undue ignorance of the masses, as a right to privacy which
is valuable, that nonetheless there was no data, and black hattery did occur. That person would be human error. Or the sociological crazy unethical comedy.
Usually, this unethical comedy isn't planned. But, in the case of 'totem-selection murder,' it could be, according to Freudians...

Regardless, making an accountant is solidification of learning through repetition, the root of learning, which is good for business and bad for morals.
I could use a donut.

Ballot, as is, would be information-grabbing. It is 'uncowardly, towards, affirmative.' Cf. Brave New World dia at the ballot promises.

With open ballot promises comes Spiderman. Put lipstick on a spider, and it's still a pig.

And with this process of information-grabbing comes taunting. Or a ghastliness.

There is only figurative, but figurative. There is only literal, but literal. There is literal as figurative, physical. There is literal as literal,
nullified. There is figurative as literal, rarefied. In rarefication, we practice divination, programming, communication, and 'scent monitoring.'
The Godly are not but Godly, yet, in their holiness they have none but the physical witness they are in tact with. The tacit derived contact,
between the parties is "good." But, 'party' is none, or not available, alien. The contact derivation, contextuality, would have to be monitored by
this public evolving system, already alien to it; so this, that becoming, checks the monetary reward, liably balanced, conferring to propagation
of human freedom or slaughter. "Pig grinds:" "what:" "breakfast:" unauthentic wisdom of tree's fruits. Earth matters. (I cannot think of how to be happy
toiling* the Earth- hoe*). Contextuality is fickle, just like the weather, we never know what the days' seasons bring, resulting in diverse attitude,
diverse heathenism. Lamentable. I am persona lamenting in fickleness. I never know how labile my presentation may bring to stammer the racket of vehicular
ingestions, on really crashing.

>> No.22733549

Believe it or not George isn't at home please leave a message at the beep I must be out or I'd pick up the phone where could I be I'm not hooomeeee

>> No.22733604

>who tells me that older bro started playing classical music when he saw there were cops outside, so that if they knocked out our door older bro wouldn't seem like a good-for-nothing.

Your brother is a smart fella

>> No.22733671

Is it likely that I have depression if 1 or 2 days every week, I can hardly find the will to get out of bed and just let myself starve?

>> No.22733701

I'm jealous of the other parts of the US. I'm from the Midwest. New England literature, Western literature, Southern literature. They mog us.

>> No.22733703

how much hate do you have for make it easy?

>> No.22733704

>Is it likely that I have depression if 1 or 2 days every week, I can hardly find the will to get out of bed and just let myself starve?

It is, however I will need an overview of your usual day/week/month to judge it properly.

>> No.22733707

I'm just a regular uni student, but I really don't know why I get these depressive episodes once or twice a week.

>> No.22733723

I am entering a short story contest. The winner gets a book deal. I shall become the first great zoomer writer and the first major figure to emerge from /lit/. Or maybe not and I’ll just waste $20 to enter

>> No.22733726

Sending you all my energy, anon

>> No.22733730
File: 2.67 MB, 2272x3444, IMG_3688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s so weird to me that people are still trying to milk the covid lockdowns as this societally traumatizing event like we should feel sympathy for people who had to sit inside and binge watch youtube for a month or two before returning to work but just wearing a mask. I keep hearing people say the phrases “post covid depression” or “covid suicides.” I genuinely cannot fathom the galactic levels of hypocrisy and disconnect these people have to be able to experience the deepest sympathy for fellow normoids who had to party only once a week for a month or two while there are people walking the face of this earth who haven’t had a hug or even physical contact with another human being in literal decades. I have become so jaded that I can’t even feel the pain anymore although I can remember what it should feel like. I remember how sick these thoughts should make me: the searing flame, the nausea, the fumes trailing up the back of my throat. All I can feel now is confusion. Even a slight measure of pity. The older I get the more I understand why these people are regarded as cattle by people in positions above them.

>> No.22733750

I'll do it.

>> No.22733907

Normally I'm a pretty slow reader but the other day something came over me and I just started burning through pages, I wasn't missing anything either, I was taking everything in, it's like I got in "the zone".

>> No.22733910

Imagine being such a normalfag that you have a childhood best friend. Go fuck off to reddit faggot

>> No.22733950
File: 257 KB, 564x1000, ac07bc766e1cf0e28eaf088171b2e254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After dissociating myself from organized religion I've reverted back to my pre-religious self - that's to say, I'm once again a selfish reclusive racist who takes pleasure in the suffering of degenerates. Pride isn't a deadly sin anymore; I think of it as a chief virtue. The other 6 deadly sins, however, I still see as shortcomings.

>> No.22733959


>> No.22733960

I met a young woman last year who acted like that. She was seeing a shrink and everything. I almost burst out laughing.. I hadn't even been hugged in 14 fucking years and this zoomette with her boyfriend and 4000 friends was whining about staying indoors for a few months

>> No.22734083 [DELETED] 

I wish my father would stop being so negative all the time. He's a real pessimist, and I feel like it's bad juju sometimes. I had a happy event happen and when I left for it he seemed so worried and negative, he acted like I was marching off to my death, and as I left said "I'm sure everything will be fine" in the worst tone. Just put a damper on things... I want to go to my new house so I don't have to have that happen with the negativity. I feel bad for thinking that though, I love him but I wish he's just cheer up a bit sometimes

>> No.22734126

I can no longer live with myself

>> No.22734141

The Potmaker

the potmaker's hands
warm all over touching
carefully every curve
his fingers enter the hole
slowly and then
when it's ready
flowing water
pouring more and more
the weight cracking
until the pot breaks
a great release
the potmaker rests
from such a wonderful creation

>> No.22734226

Fuck you, father.

>> No.22734284

I’m thinking of giving up my current career (working in startups) to become a 40-50k a year janitor / security guard / door checker for my local university.

Problem is my girlfriend would probably look down on it. But do I really care at this point? Honestly, I just feel that being a door guard is my calling. I’m so good at it. I at least want to give it a try.

>> No.22734286

Why tf a door guard

>> No.22734289
File: 443 KB, 3744x1855, 1693049458943889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm proud of you.

>> No.22734295

I wish I could be schizo instead of merely pathetically weird.

>> No.22734313

A few years back I left a really highly paid job to do something less miserable. Now I’m in my 30s living with my dad and I can’t even afford a new car, let alone a house or apartment of my own. I’m so frustrated with myself I could jump off of a tall building.

>> No.22734356


Very easy. This school’s library makes it a snooze fest. You literally just read the whole time.

>> No.22734360


Can you explain

What was the old pay?

What was the new?

Is it just because you aren’t making enough money? Or why are you stuck?

>> No.22734389

>suspected for some time that I may have been molested as a kid
>whoke up three times from dreams where someone was trying to or was actually anally raping me, I was trying to defend myself but in the end I couldn't, and I couldn't scream
>to the point I was scared of going back to sleep
>laid awake thinking "oh boy, it's time for this to resurface, holy fuck what is gonna happen now"
>it didn't resurface, if it even happened
>eventually fell back asleep
>had pleasant dream about being king somewhere
>not sure what to do now

>> No.22734405

you didn't even get dubs. If you were telling the truth you'd get trips

>> No.22734428

>Look at list of FBI's most wanted hackers.
>They're all Russian, Asian, middle eastern or the occasional black.
>No western white guys on there.
What the fuck? Step up your game, white boys.

>> No.22734476

oh thank god has tradlarping finally peaked

>> No.22734503

Do it Anon. Hold the door.

>> No.22734528

I'm so hungry but I don't want to eat

>> No.22734552

I made $2.63 on a book I wrote.

>> No.22734573

Isn't the idea that if you're actually good at your job they never manage to pin down your identity and put you there to begin with?

>> No.22734587

My dad is pretty strange.
He is prone to hysteria, anxious, preening, and has a strong need to control as a result of this deep anxiety.
On more than one occassion he has complained about his mom, my grandmother's tendency to dote and worry. And of my grandfather, who was a pastor, who would embarrass my father by ranting at family gatherings about some political bullshit.
Inevitably we all become our parents in some way. The things I hate most about my parents remind me painfully of myself.
I've realized the hyperbolic cries about the immorality of various imagined political enemies was a guise worn out of insecurity.
He always seems on the edge of exploding over the smallest thing.
Basically a fragile ego with a poor sense of boundrary.
Externally he poses as a moralist, decrying the (imagined) immorality of all who do not share his exact perspective.
Up close, however, I can discern that he is not particularly empathetic.
And that what really frustrates him is not any injustice, but that other wills do not align perfectly with his own.

>> No.22734595

I was doing so well when it came to not looking at porn this month up until now. I will try my hardest to not look at any more and I will continue to not jerk off.

>> No.22734601

Old pay was $100k to $200k
Now, I never make more than $50k
I left that old job because I knew I didn’t want to spend my life doing that. The money was good, but it wasn’t enough to radically change my life or my family’s life and it wasn’t enough retire any time soon, so I basically thought there was no point. But the money did afford a lot of flexibility and freedom nonetheless. When I left, I left thinking I would take a year to do whatever and then I’d get back on track with something just as ambitious, but that didn’t happened. One year into my situation, COVID happened. That locked me down for the next year. One year became two. Then I became a full-time remote worker. Two years became three. At this point I was spending all of my time just hanging out and reading books, and the more I searched for that ambitious path to get back on, the more defeated I felt so I just gave up on it and forgot about it. I imagined I would have some success as a writer, but I haven’t. So all in all it’s been 5 years and now I’m lucky in that I do have a really clear sense of what I should do, at least from here on out, but I really needed that several years ago. It’s fine to be living with dad making low wages when you’re 25. You’re 25. Who cares? But when you’re 30, 35, 40? It’s not so fine anymore. And there’s always that concern that your prior failure implies certain limited possibilities in the future. That seems to be happening to me right now actually. I’m trying to do new things and I’m getting a lot of questions about my past.

>> No.22734608

>to become a 40-50k a year janitor / security guard / door checker for my local university.
Lmao those guys don't make 40k. More like at best 26k

>> No.22734624

When I feel lonely, I bring myself to Comet 67P. Nestled between the gates of the dust sprinkled surface, I sit with my knees brought up to my chest and my arms clutched around them.
I saw a gif once of this place; it looked like it was snowing, and the grainy black and white footage reminded me of film noir. The animation panned slightly; one of the twin prominences unravelled across the starry sky. The looping of the gif was a stim, and I felt comforted in the cradle of the isolated rock orbiting the solar system’s inner planets from afar while I watched on in silence.
Checking in on the world is nice when you have a place like 67P to retreat to. It’s hard to feel lonely in a place like that. I admit there’s a counterintuitiveness to removing yourself from the world in order to feel less lonely, but there is a specific comfort in withdrawal. If loneliness is the feeling of being isolated, then perhaps willfully isolating yourself removes the externality of the situation; maybe then loneliness becomes recreational rather than prescribed.

>> No.22734628


>> No.22734630

I know for a fact that first year university staff like that are making something more like $10/hr. You absolutely will not under any circumstances make $50k.

>> No.22734635

Unreal how badly the American religious-ethnic myth is back firing. Hard to imagine a way out at this point.

>> No.22734682

Any lawyers here that can tell me if they regret or would recommend becoming a lawyer? I need a new career where I can earn more money but I don’t think I can get into a top school.

>> No.22734725

i've seen a ton of people like you who wash out of demanding careers after a year or two. they never go back. why would anyone hire someone who couldn't hack and/or doesn't like the industry when the whole world is lining up for those jobs? sorry dude ya blew it, but there are, as they say, many such cases.

>> No.22734754

Become a doctor instead

>> No.22734760

that's a million dollars every five years. if someone told you "i'll give you a million dollars every five years, but you have to do this demanding job 50 hours a week" you don't think that would improve your life and your family's life? it will now take you 20 years to make a million dollars. you don't have to lie to us, we're not your gf, this is anonymous. you quit because you weren't any good. you cheated and crammed your way through your degree, but never learned anything and so failed on the job when there was no cheat sheet to cram.

>> No.22734767

I'm 40 years old. I'm broke, careerless and riddled with anxiety and anhedonia. I've just moved back home with my mother. Rather than take responsibility for myself I'm running off to Asia for a while to aimlessly drift and coom. Life is so empty, lonely and frustrating it's unreal.

"Rejoice O young man in thy youth."

>> No.22734772

Nice prose anon.

>> No.22734776

i stopped reading at "Comet 67P".

>> No.22734784

>They're very warm and open and kind but I can't shake the feeling that I'm not one of them
Because you aren't. Same thing happened to me. Everyone is kind and warm and then someone tells you, way out of the blue "That's so funny! You don't act like a real [whatever the fuck they are]!" I've lived this specific situation countless times. I think the only way to reconnect with your roots (if you actually want to) is to discard what you were before (an American, in your case). You've put it in words better than I could but yes, you will never belong unless you put efforts in it, and even then...

The father situation is extremely funny too. Imagine raising a kid while not bothering to educate him in the traditional way just to have a surprised Pikachu face when he meets your traditional family. Imagine getting away from everything then acting like you always belonged and make your son feel like he is the one at fault for being different. Fret not because the human is flawed and retarded, anon. Do whatever you like but don't take it at heart if they think you are too soft or have gay manners, that's just a barrier in the way of knowing them.

>> No.22734806
File: 235 KB, 572x572, 1698032896744308.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We should just kill all old people and niggers. And pajeets. Imagine how much of a burden would be lifted from us. Imagine if we also nuked every mudslim (damn)

>> No.22734808

eh my buddy makes 45k per year cleaning up schools its not unheard of

>> No.22734817

My contempt grows for other people in these circles. Always wanted a sycophant or a slave I can boss around all day.

>> No.22734822

Thank you.

>> No.22734875

I personally don’t care. I enjoy living here because I enjoy being a cultureless blob. The fact I produce so much seethe by simply existing gets my cock rock hard.

>> No.22734877

You’re in school. Stop being ungrateful.

Women are obsessed with having a social life they cease to exist without one.

>> No.22734888




The pay range for the position is 26-36 per hour. It’s in one of the more expensive zip codes in the country, though.


I just know what I read. Hourly is pretty high in Manhattan.

>> No.22734890

I am looking for a book but don't really want to make a whole new thread about it so I'm just going to ask here. Are there any good history books on Christianity that spans from the time of Christs birth to the protestant reformation or later?
I've posted the question there already but am not hopeful since most of the questions I ask there tend to just be met with incoherent screeching about me not looking for something about some other thing. Its so fucking tiresome. At least here the worst I get is troll recs.

>> No.22734907

Let's assume I do have ADHD. How does that change anything? I'm still stuck with my brain.

>> No.22734910

I find much of 19th century bourgeois literature terribly boring. Modernism at least has interesting moments of experimentation, the baroque has aesthetic fireworks, and the middle ages possesses a solemn spirituality and the charming fortress-like roughness of a romanesque temple. There is nothing more boring in the world than to read about boring bourgeois people deal with boring bourgeois problems.

>> No.22734922

A positive diagnosis could help you to develop strategies that mitigate the negative aspects of ADHD while also helping you take advantage of the upsides. Also Adderall can come in clutch if you use it in crunch time.

>> No.22734926

After the fall of the Greek nobilities and a few decades of pure anarchy and revolution, Greece too experienced a short period where it was governed and culturally led by the rich and burgeois, before the ultimate collapse
The West is currently in this third or fourth phase, if we count from the era of the Gods and the heroes.

>> No.22734957

Do you listen to any music while reading? Like a soft tone in the background.

>> No.22734958

The history of human civilization is also the history of humanity's cultural decline.

>> No.22735005

I do wonder if enjoying the bourgeois way of life is something of an acquired taste, though. Had I been born in such a milieu, had my friends and acquaintances been from a bourgeois background, had I grew up in the "hustle and bustle" of a major city as a well-off upper-middle class kid set for life, would I actually enjoy LARPing as a fin-de-siecle viennese bohemian like many people form those backgrounds seem to do? The kind of culture we enjoy or dislike is determined in large part by our social class and background, this much practically everyone can agree on, so it would make sense if that was the case. I guess it's the same reason why europeans will never be able to enjoy chinese/sanskrit/etc. culture in the same way and to the same degree that the chinese/indians/etc. themselves do, and the other way around.

>> No.22735019

What's stopping me from developing said strategies right now? Exactly. Would a diagnosis really change anything?
Not a thing in my country. I think they put you on Concerta/Ritalin or Strattera and if those don't do it for you, you are out of luck.

>> No.22735025


>> No.22735069

As cringe as it sounds to say I really am tempted to think that people are born either as wolves or sheep. There doesn't seem to be many people who are only a little rebellious, or only a little scorning of consensus, practically everyone I know or have seen tilt all the way to either end as completely incorrigible wolves or conformist sheep. It's almost like it's a binary, either-or thing that can be thought of as a spectrum no more than one can think of virginity and non-virginity as a spectrum.

>> No.22735087

Nothing I guess. Doctors may be able to help you develop those strategies but if you think you can handle it by yourself then by all means. You won't have that verification you can use to force employers (and any other entities that may care about the optics of treating some one with a medically verified disability poorly) to be more patient with you.
A guy I know says he prefers Concerta over Adderall because for him it has the same effect but without making him shit his pants. It may actually work better for you.

>> No.22735145

Yeah I agree, Marx sucks

>> No.22735155

Thank you.

>> No.22735166

Yeah same for me. My parents left their home town so my mom could beat her addiction (she didn't) and now I don't really know most of my family. Even when I'm around them I just feel like I'm not really supposed to be there; I can't participate in any of the conversations and I don't really get the vibe of everyone else. I really wonder why people (parents) make the choices they do. Like, what the fuck did you think was going to happen?

>> No.22735170

Thats hot

>> No.22735176

take the accountingpill

>> No.22735178

What about the people who make the consensus, the followers though? Contrarians seem to be a weird mix of both rather than wolves. Or, in some rarer cases, they are super-wolves, but too inferior in numbers and too different from the crowd to create followers. I would say that in the end, to become dominant, they have to resort to violence, if violence itself wasn't inferior to dominance through non-violence or the pretension of it or to resort to it when it is necessary only. Or, the contrarians are not the ones who create followers by being superior versions of their followers, but exactly through distinguishing themselves from the crowd.
So there is beta-sheep, alpha-sheep, finally wolves. It is especially difficult to distinguish an alpha-sheep from a wolf.

>> No.22735231

>Doctors may be able to help you develop those strategies but if you think you can handle it by yourself then by all means
What I'm trying to say is that I can't do it by myself and doctors wouldn't change anything because I can't have them follow me around all day and babysit me. I already flunked out of uni twice because I couldn't be bothered to do the work. Which leads to my next point.
>You won't have that verification you can use to force employers
Because I'm a dropout with no skills, I can only get either shitty, under-the-table jobs (very common here) or shitty, "proper" jobs that still manage to disregard most labor laws.
In any case, maybe I will give therapy another go. Last time I tried it I felt I was getting nowhere but then covid happened so I stopped going. Who knows, maybe things will go differently this time.

>> No.22735241

> Who knows, maybe things will go differently this time
Don't know about ADHD, don't think it's an illness, but have you tried to stop being so passive and slave to externalities?

>> No.22735260

Seek out a suicide forest.

>> No.22735261

I'm gonna tell you what a doctor told me when I was ashamed to show them: your scars are just a symptom of a sickness. People who have a cold, sneeze and cough, people going through chemo have no hair, and you have scars. That's it. There's nothing to be ashamed of.

>> No.22735270

On guys, no one cares about those as long as you're not a tranny. With females, that is red flag crazytown, signalling a probably permanent broken and useless person.

On guys? Grow up and move on, no one will ever care.

>> No.22735284

I don't have a passion, a talent, a philosophy, or a goal. Yet I'm happy.

>> No.22735315

>have you tried to stop being so passive and slave to externalities
I want to believe I tried, but it's more likely that I just tricked myself into believing that.
If anything, I can admit I let my mind become so distorted by my own thoughts to the point I can't tell between genuine obstacles and my own imagination anymore.
How do people avoid doing this? How can I tell my brain to shut the fuck up? Or rather, how do I ignore it?

>> No.22735327

Lol I remember you saying this a year ago. Pretty funny that this general is just the same handful of people chatting for years

>> No.22735374

Yeah, I do too. I also remember the schmuck who made a parody post about it. I wonder what he's up to, nowadays.

>> No.22735492


>> No.22735608

>What I'm trying to say is that I can't do it by myself and doctors wouldn't change anything because I can't have them follow me around all day and babysit me.
They wouldn't have to. They could work with you on them during session time to help make the strategies habitual. I can't help but think that you aren't that bad off since you have had the attention span to stick with this conversation across a sea of distracting posts from other anons about completely other subjects. Clearly you are capable of caring enough to latch on to something spanning more than a couple of hours. You may just enjoy arguing with people online more than you want to do better in your personal life but that is not a symptom of ADHD.
>Because I'm a dropout with no skills, I can only get either shitty, under-the-table jobs (very common here) or shitty, "proper" jobs that still manage to disregard most labor laws.
Sounds like you may need to relocate by any means necessary. Again not a symptom of ADHD. Your problems seem to consistently veer away from your "illness" if I'm being honest with you anon.

>> No.22736160

I have ADHD. My reality reforms itself every ~15 seconds based on my pure total utilization on short accessible memory as opposed to with a long stored form. I know that from today, today as in the object, case in point, and point in case that the end is indifferent. I strangle and grip this idea or thought periodically, well enough that it was capable of burning into my long term memories, or core memories as you will, and this thought or feeling I call it due to lack of mental capacity to properly order that/this train of thought will be my character and or self before I die until I do die and it is reduced into 'nothingness',