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/lit/ - Literature

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2272850 No.2272850 [Reply] [Original]

A Clockwork Orange is one of the greatest pieces of literature of all time.

Novellas are the superior medium of literature on occasion. Meaning; some books are better suited to the shorter more concise format. Who wants to be told directly about something in particular after having read a thousand pages?

While I'm at it, I am the superior tripfriend.

>> No.2272858

D&E is gone
Brownbear is gone
My waifu Onionring is gone
My ex-husbando Fabulous is gone

You have no right to call yourself a tripfriend in these hallowed halls. The greats have disappeared, but the idea that you could take their place is nothing short of laughable.

You are worthless. You are shit.

>> No.2272855

What's that? A sage and hidden?

>> No.2272860

Oh, well done. You know some things about literature. Have you got your ego boost? I hope so.

Perfect example of now self indulgent a tripfag is. Don't leave any room open for discussion, because god forbid, someone might disagree with you.

>> No.2272861

Clockwork orange was good when I was 15. You'll grow out of it too op.

>> No.2272862


You might be my favourite tripfag. Not even sure why. You just interest me. I disagree with a lot of what you say, but you have a valid perspective. You minor /lit/ celebrity, you.

>> No.2272871


Come on now, this guy aint so bad. Give him a chance. You're being terribly nostalgia-blinded.

>> No.2272872

Deep&Edgy still posts. incidentally he's also the only good one you listed

>> No.2272885

>D&E is gone
Wrong. He is D'Averc now.

>Brownbear is gone
Yes, after he dox'ed himself.

>My waifu Onionring is gone
She posts sometimes.

>My ex-husbando Fabulous is gone
No, he's definitely still here making tons of his "/lit/ is my blog" threads.

>> No.2273126


I'm not sure this is accurate, but I think it's worth exploring. I think you come close to over-generalizing; shouldn't the structure of a work, including its length, correlate to the nature of the work itself? I agree that many novels could use some severe editing, and getting through a novel by, say, James tends to be more difficult for me than reading something like Conrad's novellas. But, I wouldn't say that James should have put his work into novella format--many of the enduring novels that grew out of the 19th century were initially composed as a series of magazine commissions, with each entry being a segment or chapter of the overall novel. The modernization of print culture around the turn of the 20th century led to the growth of an editorial industry (and the expansion of the role of literary agents) that drew much more of its selections from competitive submissions. Thus, a more edit-oriented culture emerged, providing the basis for modernist novels--take Woolf, for example--to explore powerful themes in a much smaller context.

I think shifts in culture, following the growth of industrialization and a burgeoning modernist ethic, provided a better basis to launch novellas. Of course, exceptions do exist, but I think as a whole the structural length of a work is in part determined by the cultural milieu, and standards of acceptability and practice within that milieu, in which that work is produced.

But is this a foundation for suggesting that novellas are better than novels?

>> No.2273142

Sounds like OP is too pussy to read a novel. But seriously, OP, it's an awesome feeling being in the middle of a huge book, enjoying it, not wanting it to end.

Last time I had that was with chronic city, lethem.

>> No.2273145

>This guy ain't so bad.

What the fuck about him merits tripfaggotry? Nothing.

"Oh dude the novella is so great because it's short and elegant." No fucking shit Sherlock, that's the fuckdamn point. That's like saying the best parts of chocolate are the fat and sugar.

"A Clockwork Orange is one of the greatest pieces of literature of all time." Again, no shit, this is no revelation. It also reeks of entry level. Never mind the fact that OP seems to feel that there is no reason to expound upon this point, _maybe_ engendering a discussion.

And finally, the glorious closing line. "I am the superior tripfag." Fucking really? What is the credo of every writing course/manual/proffessor? Show don't fucking tell.

Goddamn, /lit/ tripfags are one of the most offensive phenomenons on 4chan, because they really ought to know better. They're all fucking trolls with their "HURR HURR I AM GENIUS U R RONG," attitude when anyone who's read literature in any depth should know that a variety of viewpoints should be considered and can be equally valid. All tripfagging is ego, /lit/tripfagging is ego rotting with pretension. I was pleased when I got on /lit/ a couple of days ago and saw no tripfags, and I feel obligated to denounce the practice here.

>> No.2273188


Stop complaining and discuss, then. I tripfags are bad, the anons who do nothing but bitch about them are worse.

I'm interested in hearing peoples thoughts on whether the cultural limitations imposed upon a work at the date of its inception and production should be ignored or considered in addressing the overall quality of the work. I think OP is a fucking moron, and misses the basic assumptions of why and how novels and novellas function within a given cultural milieu, and how that influence determines their length. But, as I asked here (>>2273126), to what extent does placing a work within its cultural framework limit or enable our appreciation of it?

>> No.2273210

>Don't leave any room open for discussion,

Stop whining faggot. He hasn't stopped you posting. If you want room for discussion then you make it.

>> No.2273466

Dear fucking Christ.

None of you jackasses can keep on a main-thought for a thread, can you?

I have to agree with OP, novellas are (in many ways) superior to many novels.

I say this because one can get a clear picture within the mind's eye of what is happening in a novella. The wording is picked to fit just right; a minimalist approach to story telling.

Many novels go head-long into unnecessary detail that (sometimes) kills the interest in a reader. Cases in point:

Moby Dick, anything by Murakami, War and Peace, etc. etc...

The smaller literary portraits are finer in point and detail.

That is just my view on the matter, in any case.

>> No.2273470

we can, but discussing with tripfags is telling them it's ok to be a giant shit-eating dick

>> No.2273483

I can agree with you there. I really enjoy novellas, especially John Steinbeck.

>> No.2273490


I don't think so. Ignoring the fact takes away what they want - attention.

If we ignore the OP in the OP'S own thread and discuss the matter between ourselves, it might just stop their galant cock-suckery.

>> No.2273493

How about we just enjoy talking about the most gentlemanly hobby there is and not turn into /v/.

>> No.2273495

> it might just stop their galant cock-suckery.

it won't. ignoring them might, but making their threads flourish sure as fuck won't.

>> No.2273515


I fail to see the point. What they want is attention. If you ignore any post by the OP - they will be forced to switch to an annon tag.

In any case, who the hell cares?

If you start foaming at the mouth over this, it makes the rest of us consider you being as bad as tripfags (or possibly that you're an assburger who learned to use a keyboard).


Because you make it matter.

Take away that which they seek and you've already defeated the enemy.