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/lit/ - Literature

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22728193 No.22728193 [Reply] [Original]

This thing is the greatest investment i’ve ever made. It has given me innumerable joy, lasted for almost a decade and still fully functional, and saved me thousands of dollars. Maybe not all of technological advancement is bad.

>> No.22728215

I feel the same way even though I read a lot of hardbacks/paperbacks
I was thinking earlier today about the battery and the future, I hope the battery lasts a long time

>> No.22728350
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>My... My le e-reader... It le killed people...

>> No.22728360

what's the minimum screen size for these things to be appreciable?

>> No.22728466

The greatest investment I ever made was moving into stock backs in 2009.
E-readers can get fucked. I'm fucking rich.

>> No.22728907

I want to upgrade from my old Kobo Aura specifically for something with a blue light filter. Not sure if I want to get another Kobo or a Kindle. Anyone got any opinions either way?

>> No.22728911

If you have a Kobo, stick in its ecosystem. Same with Kindle.

>> No.22728953
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How does it weigh compared to a real book?
Can i easily operate it one hand?
Drop resistance?
Does it have any blue light or testosterone reducing lights?
Does it read like a real book?
Are all models the same?
Is the new mini version good?
Price per book?
Subscription service?
Battery life?
Ease of transport?
Durability in a book bag?
Durability in a bug out SHTF bag?

Looking forward to hear you answer each and every question, op. Thanks,

>> No.22728992

I will only answer the most important few. You gotta figure out which is which.

practically endless

>> No.22729000

>How does it weigh compared to a real book?
>Can i easily operate it one hand?
>Drop resistance?
No idea, since I treat my things with care
>Does it have any blue light or testosterone reducing lights?
Depends on the model
>Does it read like a real book?
>Are all models the same?
>Is the new mini version good?
No idea of what this is referring to
>Price per book?
Pirate them
>Subscription service?
Pirate them
>Battery life?
Very long
>Ease of transport?
Very easy
>Durability in a book bag?
Good, get a cover though
>Durability in a bug out SHTF bag?
Good, get a cover though

>> No.22729009

It’s so comfy just slipping it into an oversized pocket on the go, and night readings when you don’t want the light on.

>> No.22729018

>innumerable joy

>> No.22729041


>> No.22729065


>> No.22729246

Be nice to the ESL

>> No.22729272
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remember the ESL speaks at least one more language than you

>> No.22729617

The idea of paying more not to see ads makes me feel demeaned and insulted, so I'm never buying a kindle. If I get an e-book, which is not certain, it will probably be a Nook.

>> No.22729640

You're thinking of the Fire, not Kindle. Fire is Amazon's straight up tablet (which is diet Android), and it has ads in Burgerstan because capitalism. Kindle doesn't

Still retarded it has ads

>> No.22729641

Just contact support and make up a bullshit excuse, they remove it for free instantly.

>> No.22729666

It's better to be competent at one language than crippled at two.

>> No.22729667

My Android phone with an app called ReadEra can do the exact same and more for free.

>> No.22729673

People get too weird about these things, I understand when they first came out being worried everything would go electronic but there's no excuse now. Every reader should have one.
I like how they've revealed who loves reading and who wants to be seen as somebody who reads. Nothing stopping anyone from hoarding physical and electronic books.

>> No.22729674

Ereader yes
Kindle no

The best e-readers are onyx or likebook

>> No.22729690

Reading on a phone sucks so bad and so do most things for that matter. I don't know how the fuck anybody tolerates doing computer things on a tiny, slow, shitty computer. Youtube is impossible to enjoy with the ads. What the fuck are people doing.

>> No.22729693

>What the fuck are people doing
They're doing each other

>> No.22729699

I think redundancy is a reasonable excuse not to have one. I can read ebooks on my computer or on my phone just fine. Why spend extra money on a less capable version of what I already have? You just know every person who owns one already had a device capable of opening pdfs or epubs, so why buy it if not for the appearance?

>> No.22729702

Eink retards

>> No.22729703

Same, mine is a 4th gen which apparently makes it more than 12 years old but it still works absolutely fine and I've read over 400 books on it since I started tracking, which was at least 4 years after I got the Kindle. And I didn't pay for a single one of them. Not to mention the books have massively changed me as a person, this isn't like saving a few hundred bucks over 12 years on fast food.

>> No.22729707
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>only 50 books a year

>> No.22729708

Even if you have the most basic phone and plan you spend more on it in 1 year than a brand new, fairly large screen e-reader which has to be charged perhaps less than once a week if you're reading constantly, a light you can toggle, a click to touch built in dictionary with multiple languages, and a much fucking larger and better display - which will not have to be replaced for at least 6 years. And basically you are fucking stupid.

>> No.22729713

how'd you get started?

>> No.22729716


>> No.22729717

Dividends from my stepdads stocks

>> No.22729725

>Reading on a phone sucks so bad
I bought a kindle paperwhite and see barely any difference except for the fact that my phone is a million times faster and I can actually highlight text without struggling much.
>Youtube is impossible to enjoy with the ads.
I've never seen a single youtube ad because I use vanced.

>> No.22729729


Some are short stories too. Does that trigger you?

>> No.22729752

>Even if you have the most basic phone and plan you spend more on it in 1 year
I already own my phone, and do not need any plan at all to download and open files on it. The plan is for data, not e-reading functionality.
>fairly large screen e-reader
That is a decent advantage over a phone, but why not get a full-function tablet if you want a large display on a mobile device?
>has to be charged perhaps less than once a week if you're reading constantly
How little charge it requires is not a selling point, because any amount of charging will be in addition to what I already do.
>a light you can toggle, a click to touch built in dictionary with multiple languages
I'll give you that the dictionary is nice. The light toggle is unnecessary though.
>will not have to be replaced for at least 6 years
I could start up my iPod Touch from 2010 and read ebooks on it
It just seems like a waste of money

>> No.22729766

>That is a decent advantage over a phone, but why not get a full-function tablet if you want a large display on a mobile device?
The whole point of an e-reader is supposed to be the 'e-ink' screen, which imitates real paper and emits no light. I don't get what's so hard to understand.

>> No.22729811

>I'll give you that the dictionary is nice.
You can do the same on an Android phone via Kiwi browser with the Yomichan add-on. It's been developed to support Japanese mainly, but since then there are dictionaries for various languages.

>> No.22729814

This is why I use mine. I have a 12 year old e-reader and a top of the line phone but I never read on the phone unless I absolutely have to.

>> No.22730762

E-ink retards. E-ink. Thats why its better than reading on phones and tablets and laptops, nothing even comes close to E-ink

>> No.22730799

>nothing even comes close to E-ink

>> No.22731446

Literally barely any difference. You've been scammed.

>> No.22731491

>poorfagging this much about a 100 dollar purchase

>> No.22731495

Wouldn't consider getting one unless I could jailbreak it. Not paying Bezos a damn cent.

>> No.22731513

yeah definitely don't buy the amazon one it is shit

>> No.22731608

They are the most well built ones and last for centuries, just turn on airplane mode as soon as you get it and sideload stuff from calibre

>> No.22731620

>insufferable with ads

Youtube has ads? İ think you mean aids

>> No.22731681

>Youtube is impossible to enjoy with the ads
Here, anon

>> No.22731745
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You don't need to jailbreak it to pirate. You can even email epubs directly to it

>> No.22731753

Also don't forget they can arbitrarily remove things from your library with zero notice

>> No.22731855

>How does it weigh compared to a real book?
it's lighter than a regular book

>Can i easily operate it one hand?

>Drop resistance?
I've dropped it from 2 stories and it had zero damage

>Does it have any blue light or testosterone reducing lights?

>Does it read like a real book?

>Are all models the same?
practically yes

>Is the new mini version good?
as good as all the others

>Price per book?

>Subscription service?

>Battery life?
wall last weeks with constant reading

>Ease of transport?
very small and very light

>Durability in a book bag?
Very durable

>Durability in a bug out SHTF bag?
Very durable

>Looking forward to hear you answer each and every question, op. Thanks,

>> No.22731876

They are very cheap with extremely large battery life and the E-ink is much nicer on the eyes. But honestly one of the best features is that it completely eliminates distractions. No pop-ups, no scrolling, no calls, nothing. I Leave my phone and laptop in my car and be at piece without those demonic devises being able to lure me to them.

>> No.22731892

Absolutely, exactly the same for me
Still enjoying my PW1 11 years on
Millions must read

>> No.22732163

How do I fix the battery on my old Kindle? If I do a solid day of reading it runs out before I finish.

>> No.22732232

Get clara2e nig

>> No.22732252

Replace it. Easier than you'd think. https://www.ifixit.com/Guide/Battery+Replacement+for+the+Kindle+4/117079

>> No.22732266

Yes it does

>> No.22732271

Okay but how do I know what battery to buy?

>> No.22732296

I read pirated ebookd on an old ipad my dad gave me

>> No.22732344

Look up your model and what type of battery it uses. Buy that exact same battery, which will often be advertised to you online in any retailer of your peculiar preference in tandem with the model of Kindle you possibly, most likely, own.

>> No.22732350

>Drop resistance?
from my experience drop resistance is great because my brother used to throw it at me and it hit wall and it fell on the floor and its completely fine

>> No.22732394

Just buy a new model man. Battery is gonna cost you 30-40$ depending on a model, latest kindle basic is only 100 bucks and its the best kindle device ever made, it even mogs paperwhite and oasis. Unless you are one of those “warmlight” sois who want piss colored screen option, then go for a used paperwhite

>> No.22732419

Dont listen to him, warmlight is actually helpful if you plan to read at night and even better before going to sleep
This nigga's eyes are on their way to get fucked up

>> No.22732648

I'm happy to buy a new one but I don't want any light at all and have no idea what you're on about with "warmlight" nonsense.

>> No.22733275

Дoбpe, caтaнa, пepeвip мoє вoлoдiння yкpaїнcькoю.

>> No.22733527

e-readers have a "front" light, that has to do with eink sreens and shit, so no blue light emitting backlights. ofcourse depends on model and some have color control for the light

books are free, gutenberg has free books, glowies tell you that z-library is dead

no subsciptions needed unless you are a dumb nigger or worse, a woman
get a library card and use librarys e-books

batterylife is between few days to few weeks

shtf bags should only contain a gun with 1 bullet or few meters of rope, nothing more

>> No.22733535


Amazon shills are really subtle in these paid content threads

>> No.22733867

You can jailbreak it, fairly easy too

>> No.22733872

Why is there e reader threads every single day?

>> No.22733873

whatever is comfortable to hold while in bed.

>> No.22733880

Nice try retard. But esl ARE competent at one language but crippled in another. You would've been safe from accusations of retardation if you'd said:
>It's better to be competent at ENGLISH
Oh well too late, faggot. Sucks to suck.

>> No.22733938

English is the only language that matters.

>> No.22733941

Too late faggot. Sucks to suck.

>> No.22734044

I sense ESL cope

>> No.22734171

That's so much tea for such a small cup wtf

>> No.22734320
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Gongfu tea

>> No.22734335
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>> No.22734456

Paying extra to not see ads is ridiculous.

>> No.22734483

Contact support and they remove it for free.

>> No.22734525

Tiny difference that doesn't matter

>> No.22734551
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>> No.22734693

On the one I want to ask where you guys pirate your books. OTOH I don't want to ruin a good thing by getting it out in the open.

>> No.22734700

It's not a secret bro

>> No.22734859

http://libgen.rs/ is literally linked in the pinned thread, but yeah, as the other anon suggested, annas-archive.org has pretty much everything you'll ever need.

>> No.22735294

3 years into the only one I've owned, and the battery life still is fine. I think because its such a weak low-power device that you don't have to charge often, so the battery doesn't age fast - unlike smartphones and such.

>> No.22735305

Don't forget about Libgen Desktop. Max convenience!