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22726919 No.22726919 [Reply] [Original]

Do people unironically read the Bible?

>> No.22726923

Why haven't you?

>> No.22726933

as a historical document that has been influential on human thought for millenia, yes.

>> No.22726943

as a children’s fairy tale, yes

>> No.22726950

It has a lot of lore

>> No.22726952
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I try, but dear Lord it's boring and filled with just the most absolutely batshit quackery at times. I feel like I'm missing something. Do you really need the Talmud to really 'get it'?

>> No.22726963

What book are you on?

>> No.22726973

ashkenazim jews love soijaks because they are spiritually ugly

>> No.22726978

only the synoptic gospels are important (matthew, mark luke).

>> No.22726996

As the literal historical truth of all of existence, yes.

>> No.22727001

i read some of it when i was bored in a hotel once. thought it was alright

>> No.22727009

I finished the bible this year, and even though there are boring parts which look like filler, you will understand why they are important later, because after the final book everything ties together. Without spoilers I'll tell you which books you could (or should) skip for now, and which are boring.
Numbers and Deuteronomy are boring, but I'd say they are necessary to understand jewish traditions. Maybe you could skip Numbers.
Chronicles 1 and 2 are just summaries of what you've read so far, I'd say it's ok to skip them.
You don't need to read the song books (Psalms, proverbs, song of salomon). Psalms is also the largest book in the bible and it doesn't has any kind of narrative, so I'd say that it needs to be skipped in order to enjoy the bible. You could skip the other 2 song books since they don't add anything to the general history but that's your decision.

Then we have the 3 big prophets who are Isaiah, Ezekiel, and Jeremiah. These books only make sense when you've read the book of revelations (The final book in the bible), until you've read revelations all these prophecies will make 0 sense to you so you will feel like you are reading nonsense. I'd recommend that you read Isaiah and the first 5 chapters of Ezekiel (since they introduce characters that will appear later), then skip the rest of Ezekiel and Jeremiah for now and then come back to them after you've finished the whole book. I'd also recommend to read the references for each passage in the new testament so you know which prophecies were completed.
Then I'd say it's a very good reading until you get to Paul's letters. They are boring but you should read them.

>> No.22727028

I'm not Jewish.
Thank you anon, I'll keep your advice in mind.

>> No.22727051

imo Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy are very boring, it gets better after the Books of Moses and turns into proper story rather than story with bits of rituals.

>> No.22727076

read the gospels then genesis and exodus then the fun OT books like ecclesiastes, job, jonah
if you're committed to finishing at that point pick and choose. there are plenty of short books for when you're feeling unmotivated.

>> No.22727080

Not literature

>> No.22727091
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Is it just me or does the Gospel of John have a certain darkness to it that is missing in the other gospels?

>> No.22727139

The thing that annoys me with it is the constant inconsistencies of the message of how to behave. Even in the new testiment alone it tells you to constantly give even to shitty people then immediately after don't throw pearls before swine and don't do that.

>> No.22727198

John 3:31-36

>> No.22727207

jacob's story is a very powerful account on how normalfags are there as vehicles of god

>> No.22727217

just stick to the teachings of christ. They're quite clear.
the old testament is there only to give the teachings of christ some context.

>> No.22727257

I don't understand why David didn't get BTFO for adultery

>> No.22727716

The mass killing of city dwelling degenerates during WW2 is probably my favorite event of all time. We should have something like that again.

>> No.22727728

The verses I was talking about are from Matthew

>> No.22727786
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Not only that. They read a book with a fairly simplistic message repeated throughout as if its some kind of cryptic tome that can still reveal new information to them on the dozenth time. Christians are like "just take the wager bruh, what do you have to lose?" The answer is years of my life reading the Bible, uttering pointless incantations into thin air and listening to sermons. I could spend all that time creating something instead!

>> No.22727830

Good advice. I did the same. I've read the old testament this summer and I skipped exactly the songs and the chronicles. The basedest in my opinion was the book of Daniel. The most red pilling were the books of Esther and Judith and the first book of kings. I never got comfy with the new testament unfortunately. Matthew was rather off-putting. Mark was better. But then I didn't want to read another slight variation of the same story.

>> No.22727840
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>become jewish

I hate god

>> No.22727854

Then I'd recommend to you to read the beginning of Luke (Since if develops even more Jesus's childhood), and the end of John (Since it's kind of an epilogue).

I don't know if you finished the bible and only skipped Luke and John or if you just stopped reading there overall, in the case you stopped here's my advice:

Acts is the story of how the church was founded after the death of Jesus, so it's on you to read it or not.

All the books between Acts and Revelations are letters from the apostles to other churches, they give more depth to christianity but you could skip them if you don't feel the need to read them.

If you have read the prophets then I'd 100% recommend to read the book of revelations, it's easily the best book in the Bible if you look at the references.

>> No.22727892

>If you have read the prophets then I'd 100% recommend to read the book of revelations, it's easily the best book in the Bible if you look at the references.
Best at what?

>> No.22727897

i remember there was one of these based on ecclesiastes. Please post?

>> No.22727957

It's the book that ties everything together. The prophecies are useless if you don't read that book (Including other minor prophets like Daniel or Oseas). I'd say it's the book with the best narrative, best ambientation (It feels like a dream, like those of Daniel or Zechariah), it definitely has the best simbolism and mystery, and it's the overall ending of the story, with Jesus/God finally completing all his promises.

>> No.22728042


>> No.22728151

It's quite enjoyable

>> No.22728188

Read Jewish mysticism like the Kabbalah. It's more interesting and abstract than the Bible which is just a bunch of folk tales about jewish tribes slaughtering each other

>> No.22729238

love proverbs and the Gospels

>> No.22729407

imagine being the kind of person who would make this image. shudder

>> No.22729465

1. Jonah was dead. As he was drowning, with his last breath of life he offered up a prayer as the animal dragged him underwater
>5 Water encompassed me to the [d]point of death.
>The deep flowed around me,
>Seaweed was wrapped around my head.
>6 I descended to the base of the mountains.
>The earth with its bars was around me forever,
>But You have brought up my life from [e]the pit, Lord my God.
>7 While [f]I was fainting away,
>I remembered the Lord,
>And my prayer came to You,
>Into Your holy temple.

>Water emcompassed me to the point of death
>The earth with its bars was around me forever
>You have brought up my life from the pit [i.e. grave]
>While I was fainting away [i.e. dying]

2. The Hebrew doesn't say "whale" it says "big fish". Back then the word "fish" had a far greater purview than it does today.

So Jonah wasn't sitting inside the stomach of a whale for three days. He was dead for three days then came back to life.

In the gospel of Matthew, the Pharisees ask Jesus to show them a miracle from heaven
(Matthew 16:1) and he says that he will show them the miracle of Jonah (Matthew 16:4). Then after the crucifixtion, the Pharisees arranged for Jesus' tomb to be guarded for three days (Matthew 27:62-64)

tl;dr: Your image is broken.

>> No.22729768

How would you understand Luke 1:15 if you haven't read Numbers 6? Just read it all of it. And then read it again, without any preconceived notion.

>> No.22729770

What's with the sudden influx of atheists the last few months?

>> No.22729777

atheists + jews (sometimes both)

>> No.22729926
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>I feel like I'm missing something
the semitic gene, unironically, it was written for people of that disposition and the reason its been rewritten so many times is to mold itself the target audience, who rightfully scratch their heads at the abrahamic faith structure anyway
not an ohmyscience cuck, but got a kek out of me

>> No.22729932

the entire western world was Christian until boomers arrived. boomer view of history

>> No.22729956

you're thinking in too short of a timespan, the entire western world was 'pagan' before christianity strong armed itself into frame. boomers represent the apex standing of christianity, its jealous, pious and self destructive (for the west) nature. lots of what is seen as good in christianity is inherent in the west, its charity, most loved traditions and heritage.
the original western tradition of not enforcing religious views upon surrounding groups is one of the biggest things that seperate, yes they fought under the name of faiths, but it was only those semetic faiths that jelously claimed that they held "the one true god", christians/catholics, jews do it, muslims do it - excluding somewhat sufism, which really is disguised buddism and traditional western belief structures, disguised for the very fact that islam decimated the beliefs around it.

>> No.22729960

>boomers represent the apex standing of christianity
except that historically were the first generation to leave christianity in the west. are you Asian?

>> No.22730038

I am currently reading it and at the third book of Moses, Leviticus

>> No.22730246
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I only tried reading it to see if it matches the vibe of this reality and in terms of suffering, it did. It shows how gritty and dark the world is. But there's also the "everything is also mental/spiritual, free of suffering" which the bible does refer to as the soul and it says to keep it clean by keeping your body healthy and yes I agree with that aswell, you can experience this world braindead (soulless from the brain damage) or see the whole reality and other dimensions and how actually the tangible world is an illusion (at least the causes and effect are, it's all inanimate objects, the whole show goes on in the spiritual realm and gives things action and movement)
So the bible did satisfy me with its knowledge about how you're not your body, how filled with suffering this realm is, how celibacy is the answer and the biggest enemy to fight, how choosing this realm is basically dooming yourself. Yeah I love the vibe of this world, pain, universes, suns, stars, dragons, swords, blood, gods, power, sex, violence, beauty, this world is perfect long as I'm concerned and I do feel the bible encapsulates just how perfect everything is.

>> No.22730684

Usually, bibles have "references" at the end of every verse, you can just read those. For example, in my version of the Bible it says "Nm 6.3" at the end of Luke 1.15

>> No.22730880

It's influenced the very language you're typing in deeply to the etymological core

>> No.22730898

That's true of course. I still wouldn't leave out Numbers though (or any book, for that matter). Most Bibles, when they come to John 8:6 won't have a reference linking it to Numbers 5:11-31 (specifically verse 17) which is the passage on the inspection of jealousy, without which you will not fully understand the story about the woman caught in adultery.

>> No.22732618

mid schizopost