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22726253 No.22726253 [Reply] [Original]

Do principles of capitalism "leak out" into society's body as a whole? I mean all this ideology stuff. For example in France. There's this law forbidding husbands from doing paternity test for their children unless ordered by judge to "protect" French family integrity. So the principle "division of labor" is in full swing, eh? Alpha fucks, beta bux, therefore the alpha males who are more virile and genetically gifted but rowdy and can't handle family life gets to fuck French wives while the beta docile bois are condemned to wageslaving and raising the kid? Egalitarianism, huh?

>> No.22726260

France is considered capitalist? Not even the usa is capitalist

>> No.22726261

How is that even a problem? Watch more cuck porn.

>> No.22726268

>t. dimwitted lolbert

>> No.22726269

>there's this government regulation
>something something capitalism
uh ok

>> No.22726275

>centrally planned economies with fiat funny money
>this government regulation is capitalisms fault

>> No.22726410

capitalism is just the connivance between the civil servants and the business men, while creating the propaganda that those two classes hate each other lmao.

>> No.22726413

Damn what if like there weren't "civil servants" (leeches)

>> No.22726432

It's all ideology. Principles are ideology. Economics are not as important.

>> No.22726444

Yes, it's dialectical.

>> No.22727323

Do you still not get that high finance has more power than Le Hecking Government? How can lolbertarians even operate while watching Biden, who is obviously just a puppet for capitalist interests.

>> No.22728290

That's not division of labour, dumbass. It's literally natural selection at work.
The best insurance against getting cucked is having good genes.

>> No.22728303
File: 43 KB, 602x515, main-qimg-e313eede7848df76af145b02a010854a-lq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

french are cuckolds
more news at 11

>> No.22728351


>> No.22728550

No. The principles of society which leak out and result in capitalism also result in other dynamics that look a lot like capitalism applied to other things.

The tendency to see capitalism as infecting everything is just a mistake of economics-as-metaphysics. The notion that ideas, actions, and potentialities are conditioned by economic realities is simply false.

>> No.22728640

the takeover of the government by private interests is absolutely capitalisms fault

>> No.22728929

Yes, it is. The idea of natural selection is just "free market" applied to biology. Assuming people will just "organize" themselves creating a rational economy, in this case, biology. Making sure the most cutthroat competition and injustice occurs.

>> No.22728945

>evolution is a capitalist plot
Absolutely LMAO'ing my ass off here.

>> No.22728951

Marxists are fucking schizos

>> No.22729039

Both capitalism and evolution are nonsense made up to justify Jewish/bourgeois privileges