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/lit/ - Literature

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22725578 No.22725578 [Reply] [Original]

Why do read instead of smoking weed and playing video games like everyone else? What deeply motivates you?

I have ADHD so I almost read just to improve my attention span and be less stupid.

>> No.22725590
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i think what i read is cool and it is interesting to me

>> No.22725593

Because I'm a lingual fetishist. Nothing gets me more into it than words, especially when they're arranged in a pleasing order to make pictures appear in my head.

>> No.22725595

My life is much better in general when I read regularly. I feel calmer, more focused, more open to experience and sensitive/mindful to things around me. I am more inspired to make music and feel that I’m more witty and a better conversationalist. It also makes me care a lot less about what people think, or social power structure.

Unfortunately, I sometimes have trouble keeping up with the habit. Often when I feel overwhelmed/depressed I have an itch to smoke myself into oblivion, which is a vicious circle. I’ve barely read anything this year because I had longs periods of feeling like shit and I would do nothing but work and smoke several grams a day.

So it’s a self fulfilling prophecy : life is better because I read, I read because life gets better. You got to figure out how to trigger that feedback loop and keep it stable.

>> No.22725599

I read because I'm an intellectual

>> No.22726928

I read to be pedantic and unfriendly. I always have a well-defined opinion for everything, an unsolicited recommendation, an illustrious quote, even a saying. I also have a lot of money.

>> No.22726959

That's great, I feel much the same way. Reading can be both stimulating and relaxing somehow.

>I read to be pedantic and unfriendly
Nice, you'd be a great politician!

>> No.22727012

What are your interests outside weed and video games? Are there any public figures you like, any periods of history, any genres of tv/film you enjoy particularly?
I ask because the easiest starting point for reading is just reading about whatever you already like. Even if it’s boomer nonfiction or slop fantasy, if it keeps you engaged start there. Then once you have the mechanics down, once you’re able to properly sit through a book, you can branch out to more “literary” works

>> No.22727027

It’s the window to the soul.
You can only stare into someone’s soul for as long as they can maintain eye contact.
These guys have books that spoke to different people, otherwise they’d be totally forgotten. I want to see what the deal with it is.
Reading is a good way to dissect the mind of the insane genius that went out of their way to create something that outlived them.
Also, I’m an antisocial freak.

>> No.22727061

I genuinely don't enjoy those things.

>> No.22727071

ESL, right?

>> No.22728096


>> No.22728328

>i have a fake bullshit condition that's a great excuse for being a neet and a failure
Many such cases.

>> No.22728453

I smoke weed and play video games when I am injured or diseased. I have no injury or disease so I OVERACHIEVE IN BITCHES AND MONEY AND BIDNESS AND SKYIENCE

>> No.22728664

because I enjoy it

>> No.22729955

I feel pretty much exactly the same

You really should quit smoking weed though, i finally quit after a couple of years on and off smoking and I feel way better. I never struggle with keeping up the reading habit anymore.

>> No.22731663

Free and freeing

>> No.22731828
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>> No.22731950

It started as a way to puff up my own ego but with time and knowledge it’s turned into a genuine passion. I read more philosophy than anything else really these days. I suppose it appeals to my autism as a system builder myself. It’s basically legos for me but infinitely harder.

>> No.22732304

You articulated the same benefits I get from reading very well. Been trying to cut down on smoking because it’s hard to focus while reading, and I find myself having to go back and read the same passages several times.

>> No.22732310
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>Why do read

>> No.22732326
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Sometimes i read, sometimes i play games.
I'm a renaissance manchild.

>> No.22732358

Power to you for quitting an habit that was dragging you down. I think smoking weed too often can have an impact that's as negative as it is difficult to quantify, because the undesirable effects creeps up on you so slowly. That being said weed for me can be an incredible tool, if used sparsely it makes me very creative in many domains, so it's more complicated than that. What works for me is to smoke max 2 or 3 days in a row, and then take at least 4/5 days off. Then longer breaks, like 2 weeks, every other month. That's the plan anyway, unfortunately i haven't been able to stick to it as of late

>> No.22732380
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I read Plato, the Gospels, and the Patristics and became convinced that it is better to know and seek what is truly good than to seek what I simply believe to be good. I want to be free, self moving, and this requires knowledge of the world and self knowledge, as well as self control.

Reading then is both a transcendent process, going beyond my current beliefs and desires in search of the good, and an ascetic practices, because reading dry ass philosophy, mathematics, and science texts sucks sometimes.

I hope to one day use my knowledge and growing freedom in a way that will glorify Christ, the Logos, universal reason through which all things are made. But I can only do so through the grace of God and the power of God's Holy Spirit. As it was in the begining, is, and ever shall be, world without end.

Proverbs and the Wisdom of Solomon also say similar things about the pursuit of wisdom.

>> No.22732885

>it is better to know and seek what is truly good than to seek what I simply believe to be good
>what I believe to be the "truly good" is not just what I believe to be good, but is the actual Truly Good
a shame that reading all those words did nothing to help you grow a third brain cell

>> No.22732924
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I like learning about how people lived in the past, what is universal across time/peoples and what is purely contingent on historical and cultural contexts. I find that reading fiction is often an enjoyable and useful tool in this endeavor. I also like when things are funny. Right now I am reading Neuromancer though because some one at work highly recommended it to me and let me borrow it. It is okay I reckon.

>> No.22732934

yes she filters you. are you trying to elevate the medium and provide an argument or are you an argument about credit
thanks, speech 100 and why it's not the same Death Loop

>> No.22733084

>There is no way to justify beliefs
>Post modern relativism is based
>"There are no absolute truths or values" (except this one tee hee)

>> No.22733116

I got burnt out on escapism. There's only so much weebshit you can endure, so many video games. Eventually it becomes infantilizing to endure. I felt like my life was becoming one long procession of meaningless stories about happy characters fucking, and eventually it began to stop numbing me: it began to hurt. It began to make me bitter, and that bitterness was the result of prolonged periods of unexamined frustration.

At the same time, I grew tired of 4chan after being on it for over half my life. Unfortunately I was too strange to fit in anywhere else, so I wound up on boards like this one and a few others. I began reading books and taking notes on them, and found it to be extremely beneficial.

Reading books is tedious work, but so is life, and so is entertainment. I struggle to commit to anime and games, but at least if I don't finish a book I'll still have developed thoughts about it in some way by way of the notes I take as I go. With anime and games, the stories were nice but I wasn't engaging with them in a healthy way. They were bad for me, and they made me feel bad. Still do (though Frieren is good, first thing I've been able to stomach in a while).

>> No.22733539

I like to read, smoke weed, and play video games.

>> No.22733548

Never once bowed my knee Jawha

>> No.22733552

I want to rape her
It's so much better because Christcels don't know what love is. They don't know how to forgive the antichrist so they cry and lament and beg Jesus Christ not knowing he is stealing their power.

>> No.22734025

You’re such a moron that your sole existence disprove the existence of the god you believe in. An excellent exemple of how printed words can be harmful : whereas discerning minds will use them to examine their inner workings and expand themselves, imbeciles like you will gain nothing but a false sense of understanding and thus feeling secure in their own mediocrity. I genuinely think you should stop reading and go play Fortnite like the rest of your peers.

>> No.22734032

Are you Arab or African American? There's other ways to have sex besides sexual assault.

>> No.22734125

fuck yeah bsaed ancient historyfag thats what im planning on doing once im done with anna k and absalom, absalom!

>> No.22734495

>"Nooooooo! You can't have justification for beliefs. Ignorance is impossible to overcome. Science is just a social construct, it can tell us nothing about the world. If books don't read you to post modern skepticism you're reading them wrong!!!!"

>> No.22735221

(NTA, because i know you're a tourist) postmodernism doesn't deny justification, as far as I know—it denies the absolute reconciliation of the justifications for all beliefs.

>> No.22735242
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>> No.22735321
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Because I hate drug addicts

>> No.22735345

How many have you killed today?

>> No.22735358

Even as a child I found books to be as satisfying a form of escapism as video games, depending on my mood and depending which books.

>> No.22735401

I read as a child too. You're less intelligent but also have way more imagination. Which is why genre fiction was good back then.

>> No.22735411

my deepest motivation is that I like reading

>> No.22736886

zzzz boring

>> No.22737151

yo he just like me fr

>> No.22737362

Because you form new brain cells when you read and acquire knowledge. Vidya is great, but you can too easily fall into the escapist trap, same goes with weed. Especially if you're doing them together. That's a sure way to burn your brain and to become a plant.

>> No.22737906

Now that's a brainlet take, and the mistake in tense isn't helping you either.

>> No.22737920

>Why do read instead of smoking weed and playing video games
What if I do all 3?

>> No.22738828

there's no mistake

>> No.22739901
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I still do the other, actually more so then I should. Reading is something that is good for you, engages the mind and all that shit. There is something behind it, plus writing and its a good wombo combo.

>> No.22739918

I don’t have to, the trash takes itself out usually