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/lit/ - Literature

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22723993 No.22723993 [Reply] [Original]

why is /lit/ so angry, resentful, and miserable? seems like you guys only complain, fight and try to make each other feel bad. do you even enjoy reading?

>> No.22724001

Because everyone here is going through a deep phase. Hence all the pretending to enjoy Dostoyevsky.

>> No.22724005


It’s the same on every board here. It’s just the way it is. It’s better than the passive aggressiveness of Reddit.

>> No.22724010

>why is /lit/ so angry, resentful, and miserable?
It's because Butterfly isn't here any more. All the people who like to spit vitriol used to spit it at her, which left the rest of us more-or-less unscathed. She realized this, which is why she put up with it. She's a present-day saint. But even a saint can only endure so much.

>> No.22724011

everyone here is the underground man to some extent, some more than the others

>> No.22724012

the people that pretend to read dostoyevsky aren't in a deep phase they're just christians and he is one of the small handful of modern authors they're allowed to read.

>> No.22724017

Yeah but the underground man actively sought out others to pick a fight with. I am like the underground man if he were locked in a room with that bloviating moron at the dinner party against his will. The underground man willingly went to that thing.
It;s a meme from a thred where a guy was ridiculed for reading Dosto

>> No.22724018


>> No.22724025

why is there a constant obsession with reddit on 4chan?

>> No.22724030

>It;s a meme from a thred where a guy was ridiculed for reading Dosto
ya i know. it's a lame retelling of the plato on the subway tale which is why don't acknowledge shitty nu-memes.

>> No.22724035


>> No.22724039

It’s really not in the good threads that are actually about books. We have like 20-40 poltards that make bait threads and all jerk each other off but outside of that lit is still fairly nice. If a thread has over 50 replies and less than 30 posters then don’t enter it.

>> No.22724044

I think it's just that obnoxious people make more posts

>> No.22724052

Have to viciously gatekeep so this slow ass board doesnt turn into a faggot mess like /co/ or /mu/.

>> No.22724082

Lack of girlfriends, likely. I'm in the same boat. Would be really nice if women had zero autonomy.

>> No.22724101

Whether you read or not, the time you browse and which threads you are in will determine much of this.

>> No.22724182
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>> No.22724184

what's wrong with dostoevsky now

>> No.22724203

There's a certain edge to this board that you don't find elsewhere online, and that's what makes it tolerable, and sometimes, good.
People up here are relatively intelligent, or at least smart enough to call themselves and other retards. Certain threads really get going with a few early posts, and I think the board is strongest when discussing philosophy and some theology.

Oddly, I rarely see any discussion of literature outside of superficial questions and memes. How often do you see actual analyses of literature? Discussion of themes, motifs, emotions, character development, etc. You could browse here for years and never really get a sense of what many of the novels are about, save for Blood Meridian and Gravity's Rainbow. Even IJ isn't really discussed, just meme'd on.

>> No.22724208

I love this board and my /lit/bros. Unironically the best place in the internet for me. And I also, contrary to popular opinion, think this board has only gotten better with the years. The literary discussion has certainly gotten worse, but most of the redditors have left, so the cultcha has never been better.

>> No.22724212
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Half of 4channel is third worlder bots yelling at each other, update your filters

>> No.22724216

This board is one of the few, if not only, places on the internet where you will meet genuinely intelligent right wingers. I wish that wasn't the case, because I can't stand leftists, but most right wingers, regardless if they are reddit-cuckservatives or twitter-trad-larpers, are sadly almost as retarded as them. That alone makes /lit/ worthwhile.

>> No.22724221

Fuck off retard

>> No.22724247

Nazi punks fuck off! Get the fuck out of my board. Your ilk doesn't belong here. You don't even read, piece of shit.

>> No.22724257

Nazi subreddit you fucking newfag

>> No.22724260

the rightwingers are the dumbest ones on this board and often the ones who are least well read. Get fucked

>> No.22724288

Most /lit/izens are precocious 20-somethings that have outgrown mainstream culture & mass media, but haven't yet discovered a satisfying outlet for their feelings so they just leap into esotericism, gnosticism, fascism, anti-tech, etc. and release their pent up frustration on anons of the opposing ideology in meaningless debate threads. If /lit/izens were truly satisfied by all these ideologies they pick up, they wouldn't be so argumentative all the time.

Honestly the times I took non-fiction politics & philosophy seriously, I also turned into a grouchy dickhead that took himself too seriously. You're not going to solve the world's problems by thinking alone in your basement, you're just making yourself irritable and neurotic. Have some tea and read some Sherlock Holmes

>> No.22724291

In the last poll, the average age was 32 and the median 31.

>> No.22724300
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You only think the leftwingers are intelligent because I larp as them for the intellectual masturbation. I make up retarded bad-faith arguments like "If you were really a stoic you'd let another man fuck your wife" and watch lesser intellects ruin their lives, unable to escape from my well wrought mental traps.

>> No.22724326

I've been here for 12 years and change and I've never felt the need to insult or belittle anyone. Never replied kys or called anyone a faggot.
It's weird because IRL I'm often bitter and feel scornful of people, but for some reason unclear to me even, I avoid acting it out online.

>> No.22724348

>why is /lit/ so angry, resentful, and miserable?
A bunch of incels

>> No.22724365

Speak for yourself troon.

>> No.22724416

I come here to vent my spleen. I thought this place made me miserable but when I left my real life relationships were much worse

>> No.22724502

Lots of them were Redditors themselves or spiritual descendants of those who migrate after Reddit got rid of r/thedonald. It’s simply sour grapes and resentment

>> No.22724899
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More or less just opened this board on a whim.

Started to look at this board after the literature room of a kanye discord became my main way of interacting with it.
Saw all the subjects and themes that kept getting reposted ad nauseum and just said to myself "This place won't help me, I can't help anyone here either, I'm dipping."


I've enjoyed writing, at least, if not reading.
And every time I've posted, replied to others on here, I've approached awful sentiments and statements in a kind (enough) way.
If nothing else I've never had any wojaks or pepes downloaded to post (Everyone here seems to have a whole folder).

In every interaction, I have tried to redirect others toward some defiant sense of hope or love in spite of the current state of the world but now I feel spent enough to reconcile an overwhelmed state with a statement while I attempt a recovery:

Never negotiate with nihilists.

A cynical take in and of itself, I know...

>> No.22725054

because r*dditors are a very identifiable breed and make fo obnoxious migrants. If you don't identify them and tell them to fuck off they'll destroy the site with heckin wholesome chungus.

>> No.22725057

>kanye discord
never thought there was a worse place than r*ddit one could could from

>> No.22725062

I am just an angry, resentful and bitter person
That's my personality

>> No.22725082
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It was actually an incredible space for wisdom, insight, and genuine empathy.

It still kinda is, after kanye's bipolar episode and the subsequent namechange for the server, but... It hasn't felt the same (to me).

I've become alienated. Like, not just from there, but in general, with everything.

Hence the (You).

>> No.22725100

you should probably go back then ya stupid backpacker