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22723174 No.22723174 [Reply] [Original]

I didn't get it... Is "just be yourself" all there is to it?

>> No.22723181

Always was

>> No.22723189

just do your dharma bro.

>> No.22723196

Why isn't the palm of krishna's hand blue?

>> No.22723214

Read the second word

>> No.22723344

Reincarnation was a passive-aggressive cope method invented by the conquered Dravidians.

>> No.22723361

There's neither birth nor death

>> No.22723707

You can references to it in the early Vedas and it also appears in various other cultures including the Greeks and Celts, it’s so widespread that it doesn’t seem to have originated from any one particular culture or social milieu. The earliest references to it in India come from Brahminical texts written in Sanskrit.

>> No.22724340

Since you posted Prabhupada's version, make sure you get the 1972 MacMillan edition (tons of cheap copies for sale and easily findable online for free). Any other edition bearing Prabhupada's name has been modified without the guru's permission. Against his explicit permission, in fact (there are entire pamphlets and books on just this last point).

Long of the short of it, Jewish infiltrators killed their guru in 1977 by cadmium poisoning, they took over the immense prestige ISKCON had accumulated, then squandered it for profit, adoration, self-worship, drugs, homosexuality, child sex trafficking, and other typical Jewish crimes.

>> No.22724573

Whoa whoa whoa cool it with the anti semitism

>> No.22724582

With complete detachment from any and all outcomes, yes.

>> No.22724585

Can someone make an AI edit of Vishnu exposing himself to Arjuna in a trench coat?

>> No.22724586

Can confirm. My father was there. He tried to fight off the cadmium poisoning and stop the child prostitution but it happened anyway. Those pesky Jews; the reason for all of society and humanity’s ills

>> No.22724627

Very interesting, anon. Yeah ISKCON's history from 1977-2010 or so is pretty much every negative Jewish trope condensed into a superhot, superdense narrative of outrageous crime extravaganza.

>> No.22724945


>> No.22724963

that’s all you can do

>> No.22725224

This is unironically the greatest teaching there is. The "yourself" is redundant. To just be is the essence of enlightenment. For there is only one being, the being of God, and when you are you, existing in the state of 'I Am', you exist in the being of God.

I have found the Gita tremendously difficult to follow, especially when it comes to uncertainty in my mundane life. Krishna says "play the game but leave the result to me". Harrowing. So difficult to let go and reside in the being of God.

But this is similar to Christ's words to Peter. When he stopped abiding in I Am, he began to drown.

We have to be in the state of I Am. The state of Godhood. I am intellectually a hair's breadth away from enlightenment but it evades me. I cannot just let go and be. It sucks and I hate that I am always tripping and falling for the traps of the ego. One day, inshallah.

>> No.22725233

>>You can references to it in the early Vedas
can you now? let's hear it then

>> No.22725415

Reincarnation is a native European belief

>> No.22725443

Plato talked about transmigration of soul

>> No.22725642

Talked? Plato wrote that shit down, hombre.

>> No.22725666 [DELETED] 

Why is pajeet art so gaudy?

>> No.22725684 [DELETED] 

Poos are desperate to defend their vedas and caste system.

>> No.22725800

Plato was corrupted by non-European beliefs, same for the Avesta and the Rigveda. Among the Greeks, only the pre-Socratics are worth a damn, and only some of them. Heraclitus was and remains amongst the greatest of philosophers. Only a few, such as Nietzsche and Heidegger, have taken up his work and understand what philosophy really is.

>> No.22725993

pseud midwit faggot
if you make philosophical claims show beyond a reasonable doubt that this is the only philosophy

>> No.22726066

>pseud midwit faggot
That's who /lit/ is for

>> No.22726105

I am pretty sure theres a line in the Gita where Krishna explains that all can be summed up in 3 maxims:1. See yourself in all others and see all others in yourself. 2. Be indifferent as to the results of your actions (this doesnt mean dont try at things). 3. and preform selfless actions.

>> No.22726116

>indifferent as to the results of your actions (this doesnt mean dont try at things)
This one is kind of hard to grasp and practice man :/

>> No.22726124

>2. Be indifferent as to the results of your actions (this doesnt mean dont try at things). 3. and preform selfless actions.
these combine horrifically with the moral aim that caste system was meant to bring. being selfless and being apathetic about the shit effects that can bring go hand in hand in hinduism

>> No.22726239

>can you now? let's hear it then
In Shatapatha Brahmana it says that a man is "born to the world which he has made", implying that effects from a past life condition the future one. And Shatapatha Brahmana talks about future lives being affected/determined by one's desires. And in the Rig Veda mantras in verse 4-26-1 the sage Kakṣīvān is described as remembering his past lives which are said to include Manu and Surya. Radhakrishnan and Coomaraswamy both wrote about these kinds of passages as evidence of transmigration in the Vedas.


>> No.22726271

Those are incredibly vague, and reincarnation is fake you dingus. Everything about reincarnation is indefinite and cannot be outclassed by supernatural theories of interference by other spirits.

>> No.22726304

>Those are incredibly vague,
It's not as explicit as the Upanishads get about transmigration (and they were written by the same Sanksrit-speaking circles of Brahmins as the Vedas) but it's pretty clear that it's talking about transmigration of some sort. Saying "I was Manu and Surya in the past" is directly saying that one's identity was them in a past life. Radhakrishnan in that link also mentions the Vedas using compound words that mean "re-life" or "re-death" which don't make sense in a non-rebirth worldview where every life and its death is one and done.

>and reincarnation is fake you dingus.

>Everything about reincarnation is indefinite and cannot be outclassed by supernatural theories of interference by other spirits.
So? Indefinite doesn't mean "false", "theories of interference by other spirits" is neither here nor there, its not related to rebirth/transmigration

>> No.22726316

>>and reincarnation is fake you dingus.
Prove reincarnation can be the only explanation, with all reasonable doubt removed.

>> No.22726327

Yeah Samhitas are the oldest and all the heavy theory karma and reincarnation are not in them.
The starting point for the hindus is with the brahmanas.
>The belief in reincarnation and transmigration of soul started with [the] Brahmanas... [The] Brahmana period ends around 500 BC[E] with the emergence of Buddhism and it overlaps the period of Aranyakas, Sutras, Smritis and the first Upanishads'.[14]

To study the brahmanas, Wikipedia lists
>Shri, Satya (23 January 2017). Demystifying Brahminism and Re-Inventing Hinduism: Volume 1 – Demystifying Brahminism

is there some book focusing on their creation of the reincarnation theory?

>> No.22726347

>Yeah Samhitas are the oldest and all the heavy theory karma and reincarnation are not in them.
Not true, since Rig Veda verse 4-26-1 is a part of the Vedic Sanhitas

In that verse, Kakṣīvān declares that in prior times (past lives) he was Manu and Surya

So, rebirth is found in the earliest Vedic strata, and it gets more and more explicitly throughout the Vedas, culminating in the Upanishadic Vedic portions where it gets very explicit.

>> No.22726354

>Prove reincarnation can be the only explanation, with all reasonable doubt removed.
Why? I don't care about proving it, the idea makes more sense to me than materialism or other alternatives but if you are a Hindu or Buddhist who accepts the idea based on their religions scripture/doctrine there is no necessity to prove it as true. All the philosophical ""objections"" against rebirth have already been answered.

>> No.22726369

Gregory Shushan Continuum advances in religious studies
>Conceptions of the afterlife in early civilizations: niversalism, constructivism and near-death experience

>Afterlife Conceptions in the Vedas

>> No.22726389

It's a pity the Hindus were never explicit and autistic about reincarnation like they were about their grotesque rituals and sanskrit. Comparing their texts to the buddhist ones, it's clear reincarnation was never important to them.

>> No.22726428

It was the very explicit treatment of transmigration in the pre-Buddhist Brihadaranayaka Upanishad that was likely the source of Buddha getting the idea of rebirth, especially since there are multiple other unique similes and imagery taken from that Upanishad which are later repeated in the Pali Canon sermons.

>> No.22726468

>All the philosophical ""objections"" against rebirth have already been answered.
They're answered limply. An Abrahamic basis like the Trinity has stronger logical grounds to it. As I suspected, you're just another midwit who can't defend their dumb beliefs.

>> No.22726475

>Buddha getting the idea of rebirth
Buddha according to some prevalent early Buddhists is atheistic. Why would he have such a strange afterlife belief, if like many Buddhists claim, there is no soul? Is reincarnation a Buddha belief, or a Buddhist belief?

>> No.22726482

>They're answered limply.
>An Abrahamic basis like the Trinity has stronger logical grounds to it.
>As I suspected, you're just another midwit who can't defend their dumb beliefs.
You haven't even presented a single argument against it, so I'm not sure what I was supposed to be defending against.

>> No.22726485

Here is the chronology of the hypocrisy of the hindus about their castes, and the rebirth theory
-first vedas, ie the oldest hymns=no karma, no rebirth, no meditation
-first brahmanas=only brahmins can do karma and it's during their rituals
-first upanisharts= brahmins say explicitly they know nothing about karma and rebirth, they say explicitly it's not their teaching but solely he teaching of non-hindus
-yoga sutra by patanjali= first systematic exposition of karma and rebirth and meditation, carbon copy of jainism and buddhism desperately passed as ''hindu''. They say their caste system is based on karma
-Manusmriti=second systematic work on karma

>> No.22726504

>Buddha according to some prevalent early Buddhists is atheistic
Buddha himself claims to speak to the God Brahmā in the Pali Canon. He is only an atheist in the sense of holding, in contradistinction to Hinduism and Abrahamic religion, that "there is no one supreme deity who is beyond suffering/faults and from whom the universe originates".
>Why would he have such a strange afterlife belief, if like many Buddhists claim, there is no soul?
Well, ideas of rebirth/transmigration that the Vedas+Upanishads first talk about may have been spreading throughout India by word of mouth, so he may have come upon that idea and decided to try to come up with his own version compatible with his philosophical viewpoint. Now, the literal answer according to his own statement in the Pali Canon is that he perceived his past lives through a supramundane power/insight.
>Is reincarnation a Buddha belief, or a Buddhist belief?
Both, Buddha clearly talks about it in the Pali Canon. It's people professing post-modern crypto-materialist (even more than it already is) interpretations of Buddhism who try to downplay rebirth but traditional buddhist thought doesn't.

>> No.22726518

>-first vedas, ie the oldest hymns=no karma, no rebirth, no meditation
theres just a smidge of mentions of rebirth, but that could be metaphorical and not literal reincarnation. the fact that its one mention out of a while set of incantations shows it wasnt a prevalent belief.

Interesting, which book of the Pali Canon? How do you know it was Buddha and not a Buddhist who wrote it? Why was the Pali Canon established six centuries after Buddha, and how are you certain meanings and texts weren't faked?

I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt because it's admittedly a large corpus to work with. But then, if the early Buddhists were competent, they would have ordered and graded these texts with another document within the PC.

>> No.22726543

>-first vedas, ie the oldest hymns=no karma, no rebirth, no meditation
False, this has been refuted, in the oldest Vedic hymns there is a passage with a sage describing realizing his past lives, centuries before Buddha claimed to have repeated this phenomena (he copied this like countless other things)
>-first brahmanas=only brahmins can do karma and it's during their rituals
I have not seen any source substantiating this
>-first upanisharts= brahmins say explicitly they know nothing about karma and rebirth, they say explicitly it's not their teaching but solely he teaching of non-hindus
Both of those are flat-out lies, the Upanishads don't say that anywhere. At one point in the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad one HINDU Brahmin accepts part of a teaching from a HINDU Kshatriya but that's it, and this knowledge is presented as part of the same Vedic teaching handed down by Brahmins. The same Upanishad teaches both about karma and rebirth, a century or two before Buddha lived.
>-yoga sutra by patanjali= first systematic exposition of karma and rebirth and meditation,
False; the Bhagavad-Gita predates the Yoga sutras and it talks about all those subjects in a fairly organized way
>carbon copy of jainism and buddhism desperately passed as ''hindu''.
False, the ideas of the Yoga-Sutras directly come from early HINDU Sankhya thought, which the Yoga Darshana is a modification of. The whole point of the Yoga-Sutras is to obtain or realize the PURUSHA which is SELF or ATMAN through yogic practices involved mind-control and concentration.

>> No.22726570

>False, this has been refuted, in the oldest Vedic hymns there is a passage with a sage describing realizing his past lives, centuries before Buddha claimed to have repeated this phenomena (he copied this like countless other things)

>> No.22726571

>Interesting, which book of the Pali Canon?
The Brahma-nimantanika Sutta in the Majjhima-Nikaya


>How do you know it was Buddha and not a Buddhist who wrote it?
I don't, but the 4 Nikayas are universally accepted as the oldest and most original/authentic portions of the Pali Canon, so it's from what is considered the most authentic part of the scripture. If Buddha accepted a bunch of other supernatural ideas (karma, siddhis, gandharvas) from Hindu/Vedic thought then it's not a surprise that he would accept one more in the form of Brahmā. The Ghandharvas are celestial musicians that come from Vedic mythology and in the Gandhabbakāya Saṃyutta Buddha is just teaching basically a 1:1 copy of all this Hindu mythology about ghandarvas but with Pali names, so it's consistent with that attitude to accept Brahmā.

>Why was the Pali Canon established six centuries after Buddha, and how are you certain meanings and texts weren't faked?
I don't know and I don't care about that since I'm not a Buddhist myself, I'm just drawing conclusions from the best materials we have

>> No.22726581

The method of Vedic transmission prevents fabrication because it's memorized and recited by many different people in groups, so if one person is wrong about something their mistake is caught by others.

There isn't anything confusing about "In the past I was these totally other persons in different bodies"

>> No.22726583

Honest. Good post and thank you.

It would be hard being Buddhist when so much rationally stated contradictions stack against it.

>> No.22726591


sorry rajeesh vedic memorization isnt the quranic memorization you want it to be. your religion is a lie and even islam is superior.


all of these contradict each other.

its not like islam where abu bakr had the foresight to have the alt qurans burnt to cover his ass.

>> No.22726630

>all of these contradict each other.
The different Vedic recessions differ only by a few passages or sections, but there are not important as they don't express any difference in terms of doctrine or philosophical ideas. It seems that the Vedic recensions were present since the beginning or very early on and then the different recensions were transmitted and preserved unchanged.

>its not like islam where abu bakr had the foresight to have the alt qurans burnt to cover his ass.
The 1924 Cairo edition of the Quran that was chosen as the standard is just one particular reading of the Quran, but there are other surviving Qurans from earlier centuries that differ from it notably, and there is no proof that the 1924 reading is the one follow by the people of the Prophet's time. Other qurans from centuries ago have different readings which change the meanings of passages entirely and which also have scribal errors and other differences.

>> No.22726638

I would add that no Hindu school afaik considers the different Vedic recensions to be at odds with each other; they are not perceived as expressing different notions, nobody accepts only one recension as valid and not another.

>> No.22726654

>It seems that the Vedic recensions were present since the beginning or very early on and then the different recensions were transmitted and preserved unchanged.
it seemsto you but its far from certain to everyone else and it still puts sheer doubt into text transmission

>> No.22726658 [DELETED] 

thats because hindus are schizo retards and the lack of standards created the poop worshipping land we know and love today. only in hindustan could "people" be retarded enough to legitimize poop as divine enough to worship.

>> No.22726684

>it seemsto you but its far from certain to everyone else and it still puts sheer doubt into text transmission
Either way it doesn't change much, since what leads to moksha is the pursuit of the spiritual path and one's understanding the spirit of the text instead of a pharisaical obsession with the letter of the text, salvation or liberation isn't dependent on there being a single unchanged recension with no variation.

When you have different copies of a book, and each has a few passages that differ in small details without the overall theme and spiritual lessons being expressed changing at all, then there is no strong reason to think that the small differences are means the overall lesson of the text is falsified or a forgery, since the overwhelming consistency among all the recensions is evidence against that.

>> No.22726700

>thats because hindus are schizo retards and the lack of standards created the poop worshipping land we know and love today. only in hindustan could "people" be retarded enough to legitimize poop as divine enough to worship.
Every religion has some weird thing about bodily products

In Hinduism it's a later popular superstition that comes from the Puranas and it's not found in the Vedas and Upanishads afaik.

In Buddhism the Buddha admits in the Pali Canon to eating cow dung and drinking cow urine and even his own dung and urine during his ascetic stage

Muhammad tells his followers to drink Camel urine as a home remedy in the Hadiths

In the Old Testament, God (according to both Jew and Christians) makes people bake their food in poop and then eat it.

>> No.22726703

>Either way it doesn't change much, since what leads to moksha is the pursuit of the spiritual path and one's understanding the spirit of the text instead of a pharisaical obsession with the letter of the text, salvation or liberation isn't dependent on there being a single unchanged recension with no variation.
then shankara is right.

>> No.22726709
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>then shankara is right.
Of course, I never said otherwise

>> No.22726715

>Every religion has some weird thing about bodily products

>Muhammad tells his followers to drink Camel urine as a home remedy in the Hadiths
the muslims are weird but this is actually a medically valid medieval use since urine is a common antiseptic.

>In the Old Testament, God (according to both Jew and Christians) makes people bake their food in poop and then eat it.

>hinduism and buddhism
well yes but the standards come from the vedantic incompetents who couldnt properly fix their religion and opened the gates to every other superstition. why dont you see poop worship in other religions? it the vedantics fault for not having textual bases and elaborations expressly stopping the retardation.

>> No.22726719

i never said you thought otherwise.

>> No.22726759


Ezekiel 4:9-12:

“And you, take wheat and barley, beans and lentils, millet and emmer, and put them into a single vessel and make your bread from them. During the number of days that you lie on your side, 390 days, you shall eat it. And your food that you eat shall be by weight, twenty shekels a day; from day to day you shall eat it. And water you shall drink by measure, the sixth part of a hin; from day to day you shall drink. And you shall eat it as a barley cake, baking it in their sight on human dung.


>the muslims are weird but this is actually a medically valid medieval use since urine is a common antiseptic.
You can find articles in various scientific journals studying certain bacteria found in cow dung as having anti-microbial and anti-fungal properties as well.

What about Muhammad telling his followers in the hadiths that if a fly lands in their milk they should re-submerge the fly in their milk and stir it around?

Rasulullah Shallahu'alaihiwassalam said, "if a fly falls in the vessel anyone of you, let him dip all of it (in the vessel) and then throw it away, for in one of its wings has the ailment and the other has the cure" (Al-Bukhari)

That seems like a whacky superstition with no possible health benefit

>well yes but the standards come from the vedantic incompetents who couldnt properly fix their religion and opened the gates to every other superstition.
What do you mean? There is nothing inconsistent between popular superstition and Vedanta, accepting Vedanta metaphysically doesn't contradict or prevent you from believing in a world inhabited by ghosts, rakshas, goblins, celestial beings, demi-gods etc, these are sometimes talked about in the same Vedic scripture that also includes Vedantic teachings.
>why dont you see poop worship in other religions?
No Hindu is actually worshipping poop though

>> No.22726783

thats not INSIDE poop and using poop as fuel is understandable, a lenience ive extended to indians. its not weird to any serious student of history.

>> No.22726796

>You can find articles in various scientific journals studying certain bacteria found in cow dung as having anti-microbial and anti-fungal properties as well.
ill hear you out. post them please. but the vast majority of people just become ill from it, and that includes the indians who do so.

>What about Muhammad telling his followers in the hadiths that if a fly lands in their milk they should re-submerge the fly in their milk and stir it around?
im the one who posted that on 4chan. i was just waiting for muslims to pull up the scientific study for it, but they were too retarded to.

>No Hindu is actually worshipping poop though
theres no way around this.

>> No.22726842

>thats not INSIDE poop and using poop as fuel is understandable
The point though is that it seems to be intended as some sort of weird poop-centered psychological torment inflicted by Yahweh since in he says in verse 13 of the 4th chapter of Ezekiel: “Thus shall the people of Israel eat their bread unclean.”

I.E. it's not given as practical advice but is some part of some weird poop-based torture

>ill hear you out. post them please

>theres no way around this.
>Ganesha idol
They are worshipping Ganesha the God, the choice of material used to make the statue representing the God doesn't change that fact. That's a strawman on par with saying because some Christians pray to bronze statues of Jesus that they worship the material bronze itself as being god.

>> No.22726914

This is not enlightenment. Enlightenment is attained when you achieve a state of nonbeing.

>> No.22726936

alright but you misrepresented it as inside poop at first to make it weirder than it actually is

ig but overall its harmful to eat. if any meds can be extracted more power to them. just dont eat glue like a retard.

>worship, v., show reverence and adoration
they adorate ganesha by worshiping the poop ganesha image in the same way christians adorate jesus by worshiping the stone jesus. as i said theres no way around it (without bitching out with a narrow definition of worship).

>> No.22726939

>Enlightenment is attained when you achieve a state of nonbeing.
Enlightenment is the complete realization and abidance in the truth. Trying to extinguish yourself into nothingness is doing nothing to understand truth and nothing to remove the root causes of being non-enlightened. Something that has no being or presence cannot be said to be enlightened because it has no understanding that can allow us to say it has been “enlightened” about anything.

>> No.22726947

okay if hes a generic buddhist hes retarded and you just owned him. but philosophy teaches us that nonbeing can mean a whole slew of things that doesnt necessarily mean the ability to seek truth has been negated.

>> No.22726981

nothingness is the truth.

>> No.22727010

No it’s not, it doesn’t exist and its contradicted by everything in our known experience.

>> No.22727035
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>You vill go in ze tunnel
>You vill reincarnate in ze bug
>You vill be eaten
>You vill never escape saṃsāra

>> No.22727052

the buddhist is a retard but there are different grades of nothingness. a nothingness that is beyond any attempts to access intellectually is beyond my ability to place a judgment on whether it can have some kind of reality. but such a nothingness wouldnt make the buddhists right, and would only cast more doubt on their claims, because it would imply the possibility of an ultimate existence that would supercede the limitations of theoretical nothingness.

>> No.22727090

>different grades of nothingness
then that’s not nothingness, if it can be distinguished by grades then its no longer nothing except purely figuratively

>> No.22727100

well yes its verbally useful to still call them nothingnesses, since they resemble everything else less. we dont have the time to call them nearly-nothing somethings of x grade.

>> No.22727147

>we dont have the time to call them nearly-nothing somethings of x grade.
Well, I mean you can or you can come up with a simple shorthand term for things of that nature, if you were trying to be metaphysically precise in your language. More precise than calling it nothing.

>> No.22727160

thats why i said grades of nothing
seinfield nothing
wowitsfucking nothing (ie buddhist nothingness)
intradimensional nothing
preternatural nothing
absolute nothing

>> No.22727191

post the shankara chart, the archive is down

>> No.22727224

What's the deal with the trimurti anyway? Suspiciously similar to the trinity.

>> No.22727413
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>> No.22727459
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>filtered by the Gita
Dharmachads stay winning

>> No.22727462

But 99% of Europe was inhabited by backwards cavemen in forests, the Greeks were intellectually on par with the MENAs (Iranians, Assyrians, Egyptians and so on), and it makes sense since all of them built civilizations unlike most of Europe
Plato's philosophy is essentially identical to Heraclitus

>> No.22727483

Take the triguna-pill

>> No.22727489

Holy midwit

>> No.22727796

Almost, "just be yourself including exterminating all the browns."

>> No.22728242

What kinds of changes were made?

>> No.22728678

Yes, Heraclitus is one of the greatest philosophers, but his philosophy is essentially Eastern (specifically Taoist, in his emphasis on flux and the oneness of the opposites)

>> No.22729459

Only pseuds who don't actually read Taoist literature think that Taoism is all about "flux"

>> No.22729529

Is this even worth reading if you don't read it in Sanskrit?

>> No.22729554

I didn't say Taoism was "all about" flux, I noted a similarity between Heraclitus and Taoism using "flux" as shorthand for concepts with which anyone familiar with the two is familiar. This is widely noted among scholars. Your pathetic hairsplitting, on the other hand, is a sign of pseudo-intellectualism.

>> No.22729802
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>camel urine is totally legit!

>> No.22729805


>> No.22729971

>he thinks everyone is a pajeet
Hell no, the Gita is ours now. The White man takes what he wants including holy scriptures.

>> No.22730027

i think this style originated in 20th century when all the new age cults were propping up in india inspired by the west

>> No.22730478
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>> No.22730509
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The art in the OP book cover is most likely Hari Krishna art, which was gaudy and heavily Western.
Standard pajeet fare is mostly mass-produced knock offs of Raja Ravi Varma paintings, from what I can tell. Serves it's own purpose well, but very samey and generic. I think its comparable to the tacky mass produced Jesus and Mary images that end up on those Mexican prayer candles and shit.

>> No.22731840

Several thousands of changes, many of them purely typographic or grammatical, but a considerable number change the purports (sometimes adding or removing whole paragraphs) and the word-for-word translation of the Sanskrit text. There are websites of Prabhupada followers who have systematically studied ALL differences in every single book written by Prabhupada (150+ if I include all pamphlets and multivolume works), like this one: https://bookchanges.com/bhagavad-gita-changes-complete-list/

Some changes modify the flavour of the text and give more importance to ISKCON than to follow the actual guru ("he has seen the truth" to "they have seen the truth").

>> No.22731938

I've a profound admiration for the pabulum of Hindu mysticism: namby-pamby obfuscation utterly devoid of rigor, a thoroughly bourgeois fondness of tautology &, above all, a canon comprised chiefly of embarrassingly puerile aphorisms.

>> No.22731940

it's an epic. i don't get what core experience needs to reject

>> No.22731989


>> No.22732447

No, it's about abdicating yourself and the fruits of your labours while doing your duty.
How retarded are you?

>> No.22732451

This, but unironically.