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22721846 No.22721846 [Reply] [Original]

how God can improve our daily lives?

>> No.22721851

Through prayer and daily supplication.

>> No.22721855

Through reading the holy scriptures of the Bhagavad Gita

>> No.22721867

This will not work

>> No.22722412

These will both work

>> No.22722662

I clutch my cross neckless as I fall asleep.
Helps with lonliness

>> No.22722698

God is a fake creation of priestly classes across the world, it's a tool to hypnotize the gullible masses and subdue their class consciousness. If a god like entity controls everything you have to just accept your current place in society which means being a good sheep for the dominant priestly and aristocratic classes.

>> No.22722708

if you will thing good thoughts reality will reflect goodness to you. there's more chance that people will be polite to you if you are being polite yourself first. little goodness can help big time.

>> No.22722888

Second one will not work

>> No.22722896

After I realized just how much love and grace God has given me, I became utterly convicted in how much more love I need to show other people. That’s how God changes our lives, by making us vehicles of His love to others.

>If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. And if I have prophetic powers, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. If I give away all I have, and if I deliver up my body to be burned, but have not love, I gain nothing.

>> No.22722900

Not /lit/ related, clean it up jannies. This isn’t a 56 year old Christian Facebook mom meetup.

>> No.22722950

>materialism is a fake creation of scientific classes across the world, it's a tool to tempt the gullible masses and subdue their spiritual consciousness. If a science like entity controls everything you have to just accept your meaningless life in society which means being a good consumer for the dominant scientists and the aristocratic classes that fund them.

>> No.22723017

If not for God I'd have no morality and consider humans to be retarded apes not worth giving 2 shits about, among other things, so for me he's basically necessary to accomplish anything

>> No.22723128

This. Death to all christkeks on this board.

>> No.22723144

Matthew 11:28
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.
Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.
For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."

>> No.22723149

kys you pajeet

>> No.22723258

All religiontards can be destroyed with a single word "evidence".

>> No.22723268
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>> No.22723269

Yeah, but Vishnu is real though :/

>> No.22723272

He can teach us to post on the correct fuckin board

>> No.22723281

He could also teach us to capitalize the first letter of the sentence possibly, and also to not use German syntax when speaking English.

>> No.22723283

how can i spread my agenda then

>> No.22723304

>materialism is a fake creation of scientific classes
There is one single scientific class, even within one university’s department.
Many scientists are dualists or idealists, even if they don’t call themselves such.
>aristocratic classes that fund them
You mean the government and tuition paying students?

>> No.22723429

do you worship science then?

>> No.22723464


>> No.22723496
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>how God can improve our dail-ACK!

>> No.22723529
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A heightened illusion of safety
A heightened sensation of purpose and righteousness
Heightened sense of community but also alienation from non-christians
Heightened paranoia and guilt (until you confess then you will feel clean and renewed)
Instead of fearing death because there is nothing afterwards, now you fear going to hell (or your loved ones going to hell) unless you embrace the religion so hard you convince yourself you're actually going to heaven then you got nothing to fear.

With all these tools under your belt, you can do anything, no matter how fucking dumb or dangerous. Like trying to preach to spear-chugging niggers in some remote island.

>> No.22723534

you talk too much about emotions

>> No.22723537

God is all emotion.

>> No.22723549

are you sure?

>> No.22723556

Totally sure.
But I wanna listen to what you got to say.

>> No.22723558

>28 posts
>0 evidence
>Religitards keep seething
Why are religitards so afraid of lack of a grand narrative are their pea brains too small to accept reality. Have sex , go out and touch grass

>> No.22723614

sounds like a good idea

>> No.22723649

Oh, Science, my Science, in desperation's rendition, rescue me from superstition, bring forth reason's mission.

>> No.22723669

All powerful God in heaven, please turn this poster into a hot girl with big tits and a craving for cock as infinite as your power. Deliver her to me so we might bear a hundred servants for your divine will

>> No.22723682
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Science won't save you in the day of judgment

>> No.22723729

Thinking about God and Jesus makes me feel good because deep within my heart I know that the truth lies there, deep beneath the cryptic blossoms of faith.

Some people will simply never get it.

>> No.22723739
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>> No.22723745

Not an argument

>> No.22723746

why would it
it's the truth
arguing is meaningless

>> No.22723755

There is a tacit admission of God's nonexistence in a sentence like 'how God can improve our daily lives?'... because what it really asks is 'how can the softening belief in an entity which has no meaning improve my daily life?'.

>> No.22724195

While I do think God intercedes at times, I agree with Kierkegaard is more about the spiritual transformation of the soul than a petition for God's intervention.

>> No.22724198

Well he doesnt exist. I guess he makes it easy to spot low iq browns though as iq is negatively correlated with both intelligence and being white

>> No.22724201

as religiousity of course*

>> No.22725042

through prayer

>> No.22725095

lies that will change nothing