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File: 1.35 MB, 1652x2532, The End of History Francis Fukuyama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22721576 No.22721576 [Reply] [Original]

how hard is he coping right now?

>> No.22721637

Not at all

>> No.22721649

He's coping his way to the Ferrari dealership.

>> No.22721656

This, he's a Reaganite, his goal from start to finish was nothing other than making money

>> No.22721662

he's happily repairing & restoring furniture as every one of his (now forgotten) critics gets BTFO'd by history

>> No.22721692

he's not, you fucking idiot
none of the West's enemies is seriously proposing an alternative to liberal-democracy. Even Russia, China and Hamas spend most of their time whining that the West isn't liberal-democratic *enough*

>> No.22721710

>none of the West's enemies is seriously proposing an alternative to liberal-democracy
china is completely mogging the west but alright

>> No.22721717

>Even Russia, China and Hamas spend most of their time whining that the West isn't liberal-democratic
Pretty sure that's expressly to aggravate discontent and tension in internal politics with the goal of destabilizion. The PLO did the same in the early 70s and I can assure you they didn't care about racism or feminism at all

>> No.22721833
File: 109 KB, 1080x474, Screenshot_20231116-091252_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cope retard

>> No.22721938

>GPD per capita
LOL never go full retard, anon.

>> No.22722003

This nigga said GPD

>> No.22722049

I am a feudal democraticist, but this formed of government hasn't been practiced for the last two thousand years, approximately.

>> No.22722095

is this why san francisco, one of the wealthiest cities in the US, has been turned into a potemkin village with the government herding the homeless tent cities to other areas and quickly applying band-aids to the crumbling infrastructure just to make the place look good for jinping's visit?
while jinping's cities are clean and well connected with modern infrastructure like bullet trains?
god forbid if china's GDP per capita ever matches the US because it would instantly curb stomp the US if it did

>> No.22722122

China is "mogging" by offering to produce western designs cheaply, via bug slave labor.
They can't invent anything. They sometimes manage to produce good imitations, admittedly. But at the end of the day, the West can reindustrialize if it so chooses, costly as it may be; while the CCP can't simply order the chinks to be innovative.

>> No.22722135

It’s hard to gauge the status of China because of the spread of misinformation. I don’t doubt that they’re doing some things better than America, but at the same time, I’m more than grateful to be one of those poor souls on the assembly line constructing iPhones.

>> No.22722136

To not be*

>> No.22722140

>repairing & restoring furniture
His hobby was building PCs. He used to post about it on twitter.

>> No.22722144

no such thing

>> No.22722145

>Pretty sure that's expressly to aggravate discontent and tension in internal politics with the goal of destabilizion
Russiagate but by Palestinians?

>> No.22722149

China couldn't even win a smaller war against Vietnam. Japan could probably still beat them with American air support. The Han just aren't that good at this stuff, they were invaded throughout history.

>> No.22722157
File: 62 KB, 865x452, francis_f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only retards and coping LARPers think he's wrong.
>Inb4 he walked back his own thesis
No he didn't, read more.

>> No.22722159

China hasn't been a closed mystery land for decades. I have been there several times for work and even second rate cities have better infrastructure than anywhere in the US. The flagship cities are about on par with good European cities aside from lackluster historical architecture and you risk dying when crossing the street. Rural areas are still often very rough but it is improving fast so no one complains.
I know it's cherry picked but you can ask anyone about the shock going from LAX to Shangai airport or vice versa.

>> No.22722192

China's demographics are a disaster

>> No.22722203

His interview on Charlie Rose is hysterical. The absolute gall academics in the 90s had. Monopolar politics really got to their heads

>“We defeated the Soviet Union, therefore we win world history”

>> No.22722239

The 90s was pretty much Americas peak though. We had influence over the entire world with no comparable rival. Japans economy crashed and China wasn't on the rise yet.

>> No.22722279

it all depends on the feasibility of large-scale gene editing

>> No.22722311

This is what /pol/ does to a mothefucker. Go live in China then? That's right.

>> No.22722408

China, by not having any moral bounds, will probably fuck its population by some shortsighted scheme of genetic improoovement that will bite them in the ass like the 1-child-policy.

>> No.22722438

I wish old computer hardware was worth repairing but it just isn't. The power efficiency is such shit you're better off sending it to the third world so they can strip it of the gold and throw away the silicon. You're 2010 pc isn't even worth using as a media hub for your tv because it can't natively drive 4k and using an old gpu is just shit. You may as well just buy a chink mini pc that can drive 4k video for like $140 that has a laptop cpu in it for power efficiency. Or a raspi 4 or newer if you're ok with linux

>> No.22723051

US breaking up USSR was kind of a dumb move IMO. Great PR move and end of ''cold war'', but they could have drained USSR out of its resources for pennies on a dollar for at least 10 more years.

>> No.22723080

>Francis Fuyuyama
>Francis Fuk Ya Mama
>Francis Fuks Ya Mama

>The End of History and the Last Man as Francis Fucks Ya Mama

>History Has Ended Because Francis Has Fucked Your Mama
Why didn't you stop Francis from fucking your moma, anon? History has literally ended because of that.

>> No.22723114

The US tried to prop up the USSR during the last four years. The US even tried propping up Ceausescu's Romania via the World Bank and IMF by giving free financial advice on how to repay their debt, even going as far to find ways that didn't entail ending the regime.

>> No.22723333


>> No.22724220
File: 586 KB, 1030x900, 1698525778225050.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gives high-interest US Dollar-denominated loans that are too large to repay
>We're just trying to help!

>> No.22724698
File: 19 KB, 977x638, demographics.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22724787

Thats the point.

>> No.22724891
File: 676 KB, 886x666, 1683241324791216.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still can't fathom rusniggers ruining everything they touch

>> No.22725014

>he's a Reaganite
Was, nowadays he's a run of the mill libtard
>Fukuyama has also perceived Joe Biden's victory in the 2020 presidential election as the result of the Western system's ability to correct mistakes.[50]