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File: 569 KB, 490x7691, Letter to America.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22721186 No.22721186 [Reply] [Original]

Reading this was extremely enlightening.

>> No.22721209

Can't wait to remind people the first reason Osama stated for attacking us was our support of a country that routinely abuses values we claim to hold, and that he called out Gitmo as early as 2002

>> No.22721215

How could Bin Laden not realize that pulling a stunt as wacky and zany as 9/11 would have the entire world thinking that Muslims are insane religious fanatics ready to strap bombs to their chest?

>> No.22721217

>falling for the pisslam meme

>> No.22721220

Bin Laden was unironically a brainwashed retard. Born into an absurdly rich family, had every opportunity in the world, threw it all away over a collection of 7th century fairy tales.

>> No.22721247

Some muslims simply do not fear death and are more than willing to die for a higher cause. Can you say the same about yourself?

>> No.22721257

>Can you say the same about yourself?
Yeah. I served in the marines and killed Afghans for my country.

>> No.22721263

why would the Guardian delete it now of all times?

>> No.22721270

Israel isn't a very good higher cause to fight for as an American but okay

>> No.22721274

He got you. Quit trying to be a smug faggot

>> No.22721295

If I was going to be more serious I'd say the possibility of death and willingness to die for a higher cause is probably orders of magnitude higher for guerilla fighters in asymmetric wars than it is for conventional forces of a global superpower. Americans don't join the military to fight for a higher cause, they join because they're retarded at 18 and "want some action" or because they want the benefits that it offers to veterans. Some do it for career advancement or as a career. Individuals join the Taliban, Al-Qaeda, or the Iraqi resistance groups expressly in service of a higher power (whether it be religious or related to the liberation of their land) and at great risk to their life, often in the face of certain death. Americans think it almost an impossibility that they'll die overseas.

>> No.22721349


>> No.22721379

Because he didn’t do the attacks, just like he said in the first letter, where he denied doing the attacks.


WTC7 fell despite not being hit by a plane (supposedly, the burning debris falling from the more famous 2 twin towers that got hit by planes weakened it structurally, causing it to collapse on its own footprint at freefall speeds).

The hijackers were allegedly a crew organized from halfway across the world by a mastermind in some cave in Afghanistan on dialysis, penetrating the heavily monitored and guarded airspace of one of the most technologically and militarily advanced nations in the world. The hijackers reputedly trained at flight schools in Florida the year before, claiming they wanted to become pilots, and both failed their Stage 1 exams at Jones Aviation to become pilots. Later training included on a flight simulator (equivalent of a video game). In just one year after Mohammed Atta and Marwan Shehhi failed these introductory flight exams then took a little more training, they hijacked two Boeing 757s with some other hijackers (armed with box cutters, impressively enough) and flew the planes at estimated 400-500mph into two relatively narrow targets of the towers at close to ground level, an expert feat for such commercial planes which many pilots would struggle with doing.

The same day, NORAD and the U.S. military were conducting a joint drill of an attack on the United States, leading to fake blips on radars that momentarily confused NORAD radar operators, at the time of the attacks, between what was the simulation and reality.

> It took some time for them to realize 9/11 was a real-world scenario and not part of the exercise. Once they did, there was even more confusion trying to find the missing planes, which always seemed to be a step ahead of them.

The recent owner of the WTC complex, named Larry Silverstein, was a businessman with close friendships with current Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and former Israeli P.M. Ehud Barak. On the day he was supposed to be killed by the planes for going to his office in the buildings, he miraculously canceled it to go see his dermatologist. Barak and Netanyahu called him after the attacks to make sure he was OK. He received a pretty hefty insurance payout for it (in which he successfully argued in court that 2 separate planes hitting the buildings should mean 2 separate insurance payouts for terror attacks). Even the famously pro-establishment anti-conspiracy-theory Snopes admits such facts, with sources.



>> No.22721382

>Because he didn’t do the attacks, just like he said in the first letter, where he denied doing the attacks.
Then why claim responsibility later

>> No.22721391

5 Israelis in NYC were arrested after the attacks by the FBI for recording the attacks and seeming suspiciously rather happy about it. They were indeed confirmed to be Israelis, deported back to Israel, likely Mossad agents, and further public statements on it were shut up.


In the end, as Netanyahu himself said at the time, the attacks were “good for Israel” … because now they gave Americans sympathy for ‘what Israelis go through, the attacks we face from the Palestinians and fear from them daily, which they now understand a taste of’, swinging public opinion against the “Muslim terrorists.”


Defense contractors and oil corporations like Halliburton sure made some profits rebuilding in Iraq and Afghanistan, including some of their own oil pipelines, using more of the oil reserves over there so that the oil America is sitting on can remain there nice and preserved for a later ‘rainy day’, geopolitically speaking … They also got to get people to give up their 4th amendment rights to surveil everyone and anyone under suspicion of being a possible “terrorist,” which quickly grew into operations like Project PRISM and total NSA surveillance of all electronic communications and internet traffic in the country and elsewhere, as revealed by “traitor” Snowden…

We also got one of the hijacker’s passports surviving the burning fireball explosion in midair and through the several-hundred-feet fall, so that’s how we know the story is true.

>> No.22721413

Sounds like he was more free-spirited and ambitious than “brainwashed” if he went against his family and country

>> No.22721417

Apparently this letter is going viral with zoomers on TikTok so The Guardian took down their publication of the letter (because free speech)

>> No.22721419

>they join because they're retarded
Crazy you think the best and brightest join the Taliban

>> No.22721423
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Because the subsequent letters and footage were fake.

Why did Obama never release footage of the raid that supposedly killed Osama bin Laden? For all we know, he was dead from kidney failure or dropped off the face of the Earth long before this, and they just decided to “put that op to rest”. Muslim terrorists are out, the “far-right domestic terrorists” are the new enemy. It’s a little bit like that book, I forget the exact title, 1498.


Of course, this same Musharraf, in the days of Bush, got Pakistan I.S.I.’s to help the CIA with their “joint military exercise to root out Al-Qaeda” in these Middle Eastern caves for a while, as if they “couldn’t find them and root them out”…. Since Musharraf was nice enough to “play ball” and aid the US in their war against the Taliban in Afghanistan, I guess they decided not to bomb Pakistan, too, and instead just claimed they were “looking for Osama with them.”


> By Sept. 12, then-U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell told Musharraf that Pakistan would either be “with us or against us.” Musharraf said another American official threatened to bomb Pakistan “back into the Stone Age” if it chose the latter.

>> No.22721434

The vast majority of this letter is true and widely accepted in most political circles around the world — that western liberalism is a sham, that capitalism is destroying the earth and that the west is a hypocritical force which spreads terror more than goodness. The Islamic stuff is what most people disagree with and the idea that innocent civilians can be killed which even most Muslims don’t approve of, but everything else about the letter is accurate.

>> No.22721449
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Forgot the gif

>> No.22721459

>Individuals join the Taliban, Al-Qaeda, or the Iraqi resistance groups expressly in service of a higher power
imagine being this retarded. oh wait you don't have to imagine

>> No.22721514

Kek what a bitch

>> No.22721525

But he never wrote "I'm going to die in a hole soaked in my own piss". If he'd have said that, maybe he'd have been on to something.

>> No.22721529

His gymnastics to justify killing civilians undermines his entire argument. The honest answer is that they kill civilians because doing so achieves their goals. His refusal to be honest about that makes him yet another liar, yawn.

>> No.22721537

You're making a value judgment but yes he was simultaneously free spirited, ambitious, and brainwashed. He was fucking nuts dude, he was an irl religious fanatic, like he wasn't just playing that character in a video game or something, he genuinely was the same tier of nuts as a full time Scientologist

>> No.22721557

Cope. Those dirt farmers didn't even have to appeal to their religion, they had a foreign invader in their homeland fucking their shit up, hard for even you retarded faggots to think up a more noble pursuit than resistance against it. Meanwhile inbred hicks and would-be high school dropouts little more intelligent than those dirt farmers are the only people that somehow manage to find their way stumbling into the recruitment office and their only goals are "getting some" and buying a Dodge Charger after boot camp at 25% interest

>> No.22721561

Are you so retarded that you mistook OBL for Saddam Hussein or do you just have not have the first clue about what you're talking about? A former servicemember no doubt

>> No.22721564

>Le noble savage
How old are you, honestly? A lot of their suicide bombers were literally mentally retarded. These guys were so noble that they'd manipulate downs syndrome people into murdering people

>> No.22721569

From what I understand he’s not the first Muslim to justify killing civilians but that position is extremely unpopular and rejected by most Muslims leaders, including all Salafi scholars who taught bin Laden in Saudi Arabia and they tend to be the most conservative Muslims. It’s clear that his justification for killing civilians was motivated by resentment instead of theology.

>> No.22721575

Apparently older than you because I've already gone through my elementary school's classes on reading comprehension. The point isn't that they're noble, the point is they had a better reason than we did to fight, and that reason had to do with the higher causes we've been talking about. No clue what the rest of your shit post is about, I have little doubt that many of their fighters were retards but that doesn't really mean they were manipulated; their cause was perfectly just

>> No.22721599

>the literal retards who want to freeze their country as an irrelevant 7th century backwater are so great and noble!
fuck off to boyrapeistan and see what their efforts brought about then you blind cunt

>> No.22721620

>and see what their efforts brought about then you blind cunt
What's that, the humiliation of the single global military superpower? Why would I want to go see a bunch of dirt farmers in their natural habitat? I can go see what their efforts brought about on Wikipedia perfectly fine: three thousand Americans dead for absolutely no legitimate purpose

>> No.22721640
File: 7 KB, 183x275, glitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mariah's Glitter didn't deserve this. Fuck him.

>> No.22723108

Are Americans only just discovering this now?

>> No.22723177

>cause is perfectly just
>end goal is literally just shittier Pakistan but with guys telling you not to listen to music

>> No.22723192

>le reading comprehension
>hmmm akshually
>passive aggressively writing novels in response to getting wrecked
You should back anon, you don’t fit in here

>> No.22723201

What does that have to do with whether or not the cause was just?

>writing novels
>three sentences

>> No.22723218

>noooo!!! You can’t sanction us!!! It’s not fair! You HAVE to trade with us so the leaders we want can benefit from your not-backwards societies! We will avenge the blood of the children who starved from you not trading with us!
I can’t take any person or government seriously who uses this argument. It’s just so pathetic. Such a position of weakness it makes me sick

>> No.22723227

Too bad Islam isn't a real religion

>> No.22723229

>Reading this was extremely enlightening
You should try Mein Kampf next

>> No.22723230

Who are you quoting?

>> No.22723233

Yes anon buildings are designed to pancake collapse

>> No.22723238

the japanese were 80 years to late, they thought americans would have no appetite for war even back then, imagine trying to conscript americans now

>> No.22723241

Man what humiliation. America occupied and held that country for 20 years with 3000 casualties. An insane number when you look up the bodies on the UKR-RUS war. Its just that they tried to make that stone age place filled with inbreds with an average iq below the retardation level a normal functioning democracy.
We cannot escape the reality that some people are not cut out to live like us, they are natural slaves so slaves we should make them

>> No.22723243

Damn, who else feels like invading Iraq?!

>> No.22723351

post nose

>> No.22723382

The war in Ukraine is a conventional one. Russia's not fighting a bunch of dirt farming inbreds with average IQs below the retardation level. You might be pretty retarded too though if you think that installing democratic institutions into a people with no sense of national identity or liberal values, and whose principal loyalties are in tribal kinship groups, would ever work out, or that its failure is simply because they are supposedly "natural slaves." You might actually make a pretty solid case for retardation in American government when you consider that this failed pretty much everywhere we tried it since World War II, and yet we kept trying it.

>> No.22723406

>a people with no sense of national identity or liberal values, and whose principal loyalties are in tribal kinship groups
Starting to sound like the US now honestly.

>> No.22723519


>> No.22723550
File: 45 KB, 651x1000, 61wGE-dDjIL._AC_UF894,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oriana Fallaci was right about islam

>> No.22723591

>Over the past 24 hours, thousands of TikToks (at least) have been posted where people share how they just read Bin Laden’s infamous "Letter to America," in which he explained why he attacked the United States.

>The TikToks are from people of all ages, races, ethnicities, and backgrounds. Many of them say that reading the letter has opened their eyes, and they’ll never see geopolitical matters the same way again.

>Many of them — and I have watched a lot — say it has made them reevaluate their perspective on how what is often labeled as terrorism can be a legitimate form of resistance to a hostile power.

>This is not limited to TikTok; similar videos have been posted on other social media platforms.

>The Guardian had a copy of “Letter to America” posted, but once these TikToks went viral, the Guardian took it down, which has only led to more interest in the letter and conspiracies from TikTokers who say this is part of the media and the powers that control it trying to silence the truth

Kek tiktok is mostly used by zoomers, if zoomers get radical then the next years are going to get interesting

>> No.22723601

Zoomers are also completely retarded

>> No.22723604

Wonder if this is even from UBL or just another protocols of zion psyop.

>> No.22723615

>the Guardian took it down, which has only led to more interest in the letter
Streisand effect

>> No.22723630
File: 209 KB, 510x346, 1432746848054.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ya know, ya take away all of the religious gobbledy-gook from the picture, and what is the value of Palestine/Israel? Is there like a saltwater taffy mine or some kickass natural amphitheater worth all of this bloodshed? Wouldn't both of these groups be happier in like Wisconsin?

>> No.22723657

>Wouldn't both of these groups be happier in like [an oven]?

>> No.22723662

More humane than Wisconsin desu

>> No.22723677

>he could have been a comfy rich person rotting away in his mansion and comfy researcher job writing boring books no one would read or care about
>instead faught bravely for his cause and is praised by future Muslims around the world and enlightening westerners by exposing American government corruption by their hypocrisies and war crimes
I think your value judged of a "life well lived" is gay

>> No.22723704

The “money doesn’t matter” cope is the gayest shit to ever pollute the earth. Yeah instead he got spooked to martyr for an ideology and really only made things worse for everyone, typical religious cuck fanatic shit.

>> No.22723710

Who cares about what muslim say about anything. They retort to violence because they know it's the only way they can convince others to follow their retarded religion. That and the racism of liberals who believe all muslims are brown and therefore beyond reproach.

>> No.22723714

Yeah but his point about Israel had obviously not been widely accepted (considering the riches they receive from western countries as foreign aid), until the recent events. Anti-semitism was long been feared label for one to receive in western countries, but now things have shifted in the face of Israel brutality and zionist interests in mass media to excuse it.

>> No.22723740

Toy sound like a spiritual snail

>> No.22723801

It's accepted outside the West. Everyone knows about Jewish power.

>> No.22724107

Whites being so far up their ass on jew hate is going to eventually be their undoing. People dont read between the lines of what "decolonization" actually means when taken to its logical conclusion.

>> No.22724119

Fuck this commie. America is the greatest country in the world.

>> No.22724147

>Reading this was extremely enlightening.
Fucking zoomies.

>> No.22724155

America wouldn't exist without Israel, but okay.

>> No.22724164

There's a lot of lithium

>> No.22724171

Osama. Why are you in the thread if you didn’t even read the OP?

>> No.22724175

Korea was a smashing success.

>> No.22724321

He just chimped out when the Saudis denied his help and instead accepted American help and let American troops pass through during the Gulf War
It was actually just him spazzing out at the Saudis

>> No.22724380
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So, basically because a bunch of our leaders who don't give a shit about what we think backed one group of desert-dwelling retards over the other, we have to die.

>> No.22724384

he's correct but this was written after the 2008 financial crisis and it's all "jews run your country which is why us hajis dindu nuffin". also bin laden died in 2001/early 2002

>> No.22724392

>higher cause
lol. goat-fucker delusions are higher causes now?
>Can you say the same about yourself?
absolutely not. i'm not dying for spooks

>> No.22724398

spare us. it's been more than 20 years with this schizophrenic drivel.

>> No.22724406

stop pretending that ~~les ressources naturelles~~ have anything to do with their tribal squabbles.

>> No.22724441

Did someone in the army do something to you? You keep bringing them up and how retarded you think they are unprompted.

>> No.22724509
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>thpare uth. it'th been more than 20 yearth with thith thchithophrenic drivel

>> No.22724563

Sad is it is to say, you are either dumb, intellectually lazy, or highly morally compromised and so arrogant you’re unwilling to look through the evidence (which is also an equivalent of being intellectually lazy). However, spewing such bile doesn’t really help anyone or relieve any emotions in a positive manner, admittedly.

The evidence is there for whoever is patient and open-minded enough to look through it. A few pieces of these evidence in conjunction could be dismissed as coincidence. All of them together, speak for something much more than coincidence. Anyone who can look through it all seriously and carefully, has to inevitably come to the conclusion the MSM and politicians lied about it extensively, and my posts don’t even give all the critiques and refutations of the mainstream narrative. Simple as that.

I do not support the leftist globalist multicultural agenda of flooding the West with Muslim/Arabic and African refugees, either, but I also have to find faults with the neocons (they in fact work hand in hand — neocons to fuck up and bomb their countries, causing refugee crises for their own geopolitical and financial ends, then the leftist multicultural NGOs and politicians to take in the refugees out of “humanitarian” reasons). If we didn’t have the first (neocon wars of aggression), the latter (refugee crises that get naive leftists to open their borders wide) would not be so bad. This is the honest truth any decent, sane-thinking individual has to come to, in my opinion, although of course in the modern mainstream narrative, to do so is to be an “insane and potentially dangerous conspiracy theorist” (which is the exact agenda “They” want).

>> No.22724620

This is the worst shit I’ve read in awhile. So many faggy terms

>> No.22724644

What's the logical conclusion anon

>> No.22724690

Israelis are not Jews.

>> No.22724706
File: 194 KB, 1024x682, IMG_9240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because of how shitty, low-effort, and shill-like your post is, I got you a pic of shit on a plate, just for you.

>> No.22724818

isnt there some doubt that he wrote this letter? i thought i had read somewhere that some bin ladin experts raised issues with some of the wording and such, as compared to letters and statements was is proven to have made

>> No.22724829

You know, anon, I get it that 9/11 left a profound impact in the psyche of the Amerilards, even though it was hardly such a great catastrophe (3000 people is not that many, you must agree. The rise in urban violence and opioid addiction are way worse).
You guys got bombarded with propaganda 24/7 and it helped pave the way for Iraq. I get that people with schizophrenic tendencies are wont to take events like this badly. They obsess over minor details, yet assume the most deranged theories to prove obvious points. I get that the flavorful tendency of American right-libertarians to disregard official narratives of their govenrment might lead them to very strange conclusions and that 9/11 exacerbated that.
Yet you claim all was a masterstroke when, in fact, it was just opportunism. You should familiarize yourself with real politicians. They aren't criminal masterminds, but born opportunists, just like vultures.
That is my opinion of you lot. That you suffer from an illness of the mind. I don't have to take a single word of what you say seriously, because I already know from where they come. What do you have to tell me about Covid, by the way? Or DARPA? Or the Saudi royal family?

>> No.22724852
File: 192 KB, 1080x1350, F-1oG_LakAA1rYz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to make fun of Houellebecq, but this last month has completely blackpilled me, the future is 100% to be Islam and we will eventually get to another dark age because of it, and probably never recover from it.
Zoomers are so gullible and retarded, even more than boomers.

>> No.22724874

The white self-hatred the jews have fought so far to instill in america has completely backfired, and what they've created is a nation that not only hates itself, but also loves Russia and China, and hates everything about liberalism.
The jews brainwashed a whole generation of zoomers into a death-cult that has made them the perfect target for Islam, since that's it's main message: "Submission", and there's nothing that can be done about it, the idea has already taken hold of all it's hosts and they will spread it.
You can't state the obvious that the growing populations of muslims is extremely dangerous as that's racist, and they argue that they are nothing like the Goat fuckers in the middle east, when it's obvious that they are merely pretending to be secular, over the next few decades they will become more extremists, well they already are, and you won't be able to call it out because it will be "islamophobic".

In a way, it's good that the jews are getting hated, however, people who are celebrating this are being extremely shortsighted and don't see where this will end.

>> No.22724878

look at this normie retard. go back to r-eddit

>> No.22724889
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Shut up, Jew

>> No.22724892

Thank the Jews

>> No.22724918

Stupid lefties frame everything through their un-nuanced filter of which side is “the minority”, then take that side, no matter how wrong it is. Doesn’t matter if they’re murderous terrorist savages, they’re “just” because they’re “oppressed”.

Fuck off. Not everything is your opportunity to LARP as a civil rights activist. Bin Laden was a monster. Hamas are a bunch of monsters.

>> No.22724920

>Whites being so far up their ass on jew hate is going to eventually be their undoing

Nice bait

>> No.22724923

Tick tock, Jew.
They’re coming for you.

>> No.22724929

And who is to blame for this? which institutions have been responsible for this braindead worldview of always siding with loser even if they are evil?

>> No.22724944

>His gymnastics to justify killing civilians undermines his entire argument. The honest answer is that they kill civilians because doing so achieves their goals. His refusal to be honest about that makes him yet another liar, yawn.
Because you are not talking about an honest or sane individual, what you read was propaganda, and it took 20 years but it finally worked, from the grave he went viral and now a bunch of retarded San Francisco zoomies are going to spread his propaganda for him.

>> No.22724994

I love all the Jewish seethe ITT lmao

>> No.22724997

those palestinian kids arnt terrorists dude. I just want people to have basic human rights, its not about supporting them because they are "the minority" like you say.

>> No.22724998 [DELETED] 

You come off as extremely arrogant and smug, but I probably do, too, and there’s same part of me instantly disregards your general worldview, as the part in you that disregards mine. So, I guess we’re not that different, we’re just on opposite sides of the pole of what we’re feeling very self-certain and smug about. I still maintain that a person is either secretly dumber than think (or just outright dumb), hasn’t looked into it enough, and/or is heavily propagandized if they can’t see heavy Mossad and CIA and U.S. military and government involvement in the attacks, but I guess my general attitude beyond that is “live and let live” and “agree to disagree,” as the cliches go.

The thread and some posters brought it up, so I gave my views on it, but otherwise I normally try not to force my views on people unless asked about them.

>What do you have to tell me about Covid, by the way? Or DARPA? Or the Saudi royal family?
I suppose I can answer these so you can go, “Ha, surrreeee, right! Another cliched conspiracy theorist, cut out of the exact same wool as all the other ‘free-thinkers’ and having the same views as them,” which may be a valid diagnosis, who knows? Just as you may, again, secretly be more ignorant and more easily propagandized than you think. Either way, one of us (or maybe even both of us) is REALLY in the wrong here, which itself brings up interesting debates about epistemology and human fallibility (“how deluded can humans become? Could I secretly be just as deluded as the people I view as severely deluded?”)

I don’t really keep up with Saudi Arabian news and culture, but from what little I know I rather distrust the elites and royalty of Saudi Arabia. It was recently so much as publicly admitted, but without much fanfare, that Saudi intelligence played a much greater role in the 9/11 attacks than publicly stated earlier, with some declassified FBI file about it a few years ago, along with many of the hijackers ironically being Saudis, not Iraqis or Afghanis, nationals of the two nations we went to war with after the attacks. (Of course, for any reasonable person, this brings up the question, “Why would this organization, the FBI, concerned heavily with safeguarding its own legitimacy and reputation and the U.S. goverment’s, as well as keeping classified whatever could harm national security and reputation if so released, decide to release THIS? What do they want us to think thereby? What could they be taking the heat off of or wanting the public to think in response?” — this is precisely how the highest levels of intelligence agencies, law enforcement, politicians, corporations, advertising executives and P.R. firms think, you are naive if you deny that).

>> No.22725001

can you guys stop with the leftist wall of text. no way im reading all that

>> No.22725009

You come off as extremely arrogant and smug, but I probably do, too, and there’s a same part in me that instantly disregards your general worldview, as the part in you that disregards mine. So, I guess we’re not that different, we’re just on opposite sides of the pole of what we’re feeling very self-certain and smug about. I still maintain that a person is either secretly dumber than think (or just outright dumb), hasn’t looked into it enough, and/or is heavily propagandized if they can’t see heavy Mossad and CIA/U.S. military/government involvement in the attacks, but I guess my general attitude beyond that is “live and let live” and “agree to disagree,” as the cliches go.

The thread and some posters brought the attacks up, so I gave my views on it. Otherwise, I normally try not to force my views on people unless asked about them.

>What do you have to tell me about Covid, by the way? Or DARPA? Or the Saudi royal family?
I suppose I can answer these so you can go, “Ha, surrreeee, right! Another cliched conspiracy theorist, cut out of the exact same wool as all the other ‘free-thinkers’ and having the same views as them,” which may be a valid diagnosis, who knows? Just as you may, again, secretly be more ignorant and more easily propagandized than you think. Either way, one of us (or maybe even both of us) is REALLY in the wrong here, which itself brings up an interesting dilemma about epistemology and human fallibility (“how deluded can humans become? Could I secretly be just as deluded as the people I view as severely deluded?”)

I don’t really keep up with Saudi Arabian news and culture, but from what little I know I rather distrust the elites and royalty of Saudi Arabia. It was recently so much as publicly admitted, but without much fanfare, that Saudi intelligence or paramilitary groups played a much greater role in the 9/11 attacks than publicly stated earlier, with some declassified FBI file about it a few years ago, along with many of the hijackers ironically being Saudis (15 out of 19 of them), not Iraqis or Afghanis, nationals of the two nations we went to war with after the attacks. (Of course, for any reasonable person, this brings up the question, “Why would this organization, the FBI, concerned heavily with safeguarding its own legitimacy and reputation and the U.S. goverment’s, as well as keeping classified whatever could harm national security and reputation if so released, decide to release THIS? What do they want us to think thereby? What could they be taking the heat off of or wanting the public to think in response?” — this is precisely how the highest levels of intelligence agencies, law enforcement, politicians, corporations, advertising executives and P.R. firms think, you are naive if you deny that).

>> No.22725017

lmao deleting your comment once you realize how retarded that all sounds

>> No.22725024

yeah, I used to post on /k/

>> No.22725033

I bet you've never genuinely asked yourself WHY the jew is hated - past and present, worldwide. Your superiority complex, hubris, narcissism, schizophrenic rage, will not allow it jew. THIS will eventually be your undoing.

>> No.22725049 [DELETED] 

My own predictable answer to my own question, of course, is that it’s to take heat off the real untouchable-third-rail factoid of Israeli involvement in (or at minimum foreknowledge of) the attacks, as well as our own U.S. government’s complicity in the attacks or foreknowledge of them.

I generally don’t trust the House of Saud, but I’m not really in-the-know enough to speak of them in detail. They certainly are an extremely wealthy player on the global stage, along with the bargaining chip of Saudi oil reserves, there are human rights abuses (to put it mildly) in their country, and, recently, they tend more towards the Sino-Russian axis than the U.S. axis.

I would not want to live in an Islamic theocracy.

They certainly have more advanced, top-secret classified and mindfucking weaponry and technology behind the scenes than they publicly make known. (This doesn’t have to be seen as a “conspiracy theory”, like every soÿ-guzzling Redditor would say … it’s how governments, intelligence agencies, the military, and defense contractors they partner with work… it’s why “top secret” classifications exist.)

> What do you have to tell me about Covid, by the way?
Wuhan Institute of Virology was researching gain-of-function on coronaviruses (making viruses more transmissible and thereby possibly more deadly to human beings) for a few years now. This had funding by the U.S. NIH (National Institute of Health) approved for it, while headed by Fauci, years back under the Obama administration. A few years later, a coronavirus pandemic starts in Wuhan, China … at this point, and excuse my emotions getting the better of a trying to write a post reasonably and calmly, you are legitimately subhuman if you are nothing suspicious about this chain of “coincidences.” It is at minimum incompetence and idiocy that was covered up, at maximum total demonic malice.

This was in tandem with Big Tech corporations and the liberal MSM in the West attacking and censoring “xenophobic conspiracy theories suggesting the virus came from the Wuhan Lab” for a few years. As the Biden v. Missouri case shows, too, the White House and government agencies were also working with Big Tech companies to tell them what to censor with thinly-veiled threats sent through official governmental letters to them (about “combatting potentially harmful disinformation, including that fomented by malicious foreign actors,” something in that vein), so it encroached on First Amendment rights to free speech, too.

This is on public record. You can even look at your favorite Jewish leftist gay journalist, Glenn Greenwald, who famously worked with leftist icon whistleblower Edward Snowden, and his recent writings to “update” yourself on this. Not that hard.

I deleted it and reposted it because there was a typo I wanted to fix, you fucking subhuman retard fed shill faggot. You should have your testicles crushed.

>> No.22725055

My own predictable answer to my own question, of course, is that it’s to take heat off the real untouchable-third-rail factoid of Israeli involvement in (or at minimum foreknowledge of) the attacks, as well as our own U.S. government’s complicity in the attacks or foreknowledge of them.

I generally don’t trust the House of Saud, but I’m not really in-the-know enough to speak of them in detail. They certainly are an extremely wealthy player on the global stage, along with the bargaining chip of Saudi oil reserves, there are human rights abuses (to put it mildly) in their country, and, recently, they tend more towards the Sino-Russian axis than the U.S. axis.

I would not want to live in an Islamic theocracy.

They certainly have more advanced, top-secret classified and mindfucking weaponry and technology behind the scenes than they publicly make known. (This doesn’t have to be seen as a “conspiracy theory”, like every soÿ-guzzling Redditor would say … it’s how governments, intelligence agencies, the military, and defense contractors they partner with work… it’s why “top secret” classifications exist.)

> What do you have to tell me about Covid, by the way?
Wuhan Institute of Virology was researching gain-of-function on coronaviruses (making viruses more transmissible and thereby possibly more deadly to human beings) for a few years now. This had funding by the U.S. NIH (National Institute of Health) approved for it, while headed by Fauci, years back under the Obama administration. A few years later, a coronavirus pandemic starts in Wuhan, China … at this point, and excuse my emotions getting the better of trying to write a post reasonably and calmly, you are legitimately subhuman if you aren’t suspicious about this chain of “coincidences.” It is at minimum incompetence and idiocy being covered up, at maximum totally demonic evil.

This was in tandem with Big Tech corporations and the liberal MSM in the West attacking and censoring “xenophobic conspiracy theories suggesting the virus came from the Wuhan Lab” for a few years. As the Missouri v. Biden case shows, too, the White House and government agencies were also working with Big Tech companies to tell them what to censor with thinly-veiled threats sent through official governmental letters to them (about “combatting potentially harmful disinformation, including that fomented by malicious foreign actors,” something in that vein), so it encroached on First Amendment rights to free speech, too.

This is on public record. You can even look at your favorite Jewish leftist gay journalist, Glenn Greenwald, who famously worked with leftist icon whistleblower Edward Snowden, and his recent writings to “update” yourself on this. Not that hard.

I deleted it and reposted it because there was a typo I wanted to fix, you fucking subhuman retard fed shill faggot. You should have your testicles crushed.

>> No.22725065
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Bin Laden was just Zawahiri's bank account.

During the soviet-afghan war he was more or less writing checks for anyone he liked, including the muslim brotherhood ("Let's spread islam through the political process").

Zawahiri, who was a disciple of Qutb ("Let's kill and start revolutions to impose islam") promised Bin Laden he would be made a caliphate should he provide only for the islamists, which he inherited authority over.

by the end of the 90s, Zawahiri had never even gave him any real, tangible group that the FBI could prosecute him for.

So we had to make up Al Qaeda for Bin Laden.

Or rather, a key witness during the spring / summer 2001 trail for the 1998 Kenya embassy bombing, had to say (in order to receive Witness Protection and X amount of money) that Bin Laden was the head of a group whose structure allowed for us to charge and convict him in absentia, as our guidelines stipulated back in the 30s to go after mafiosos.

And the name for this group (that did not yet actually exist) was Al Qaeda.

This also explains why he went from denying that he led and ran The Planes Operation to taking the credit for it from a dead man that he merely financed:

The first time he ever heard anything about being the head of a worldwide terrorist organization (his wetdream zawahiri never fulfilled btw) was when the Bush Administration kept shouting that he ran Al Qaeda, which we made for him, and kept shouting that the man who did 9/11 was still alive, waiting to pay for what he committed.

It was the best publicity he ever could've received. All the while the man who planned and ran the whole thing on his dime was not around to claim otherwise, because he led one of the planes that flew into one of the towers.

But in reality, Bin Laden wasn't anything more than trustfund royalty that made friends with Rasputin.

And then we made him beneficiary to some testimony and some piece of shit ghoul's massacre.

He doesn't even deserve to be compared to Hamas, as monstrous as they are, because he was simply that pathetic.

That's how sad everything we've been through after 9/11 really is.

>> No.22725068
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I usually hate these pictures because they’re typically just used by retards ragging on other retards, but here it is. You earned it this time. Take special care of it.

>> No.22725085
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> That is my opinion of you lot. That you suffer from an illness of the mind. I don't have to take a single word of what you say seriously, because I already know from where they come.
BTW anon, HOLY SHIT… I’m the person you’re responding to, and this utterly BTFO’d me. So deep … so casually cruel, incisive, and cutting, it caused me to have an existential crisis and rethink my entire worldview….

You are right, anon. I am one of THEM. I am nothing else than ONE OF THEM…. I am a chud, anon, the exact same basement-dwelling chuds and conspiracy theorists you are referring to … holy shit … BTFO … all conspiracy theories BTFO forever … I entirely trust the government and mainstream media now…. I see now I am nothing more than a TWITTER-POSTING ALT-RIGHT INCEL CHUD for doubting the official narrative of 9/11 rather strongly.

AGGHHH dude!! You fucking ruined my life and raped my (psychological) anus until it prolapsed, dude. I’m smacking myself in the forehead right now.

“how…?” I’m asking myself … “How could I be so STUPID, GAY, RETARDED, BASEMENT-DWELLING, EVIL and an INCEL enough to have become brainwashed into EVER doubting the U.S. and Israeli governments and media?” Just cut off my nuts and rape my anus and stick heavy iron clamps on my nipples desu senpai.

>> No.22725446

Didn’t Muslims invent a lot no?

>> No.22725496

at first I thought it said “Biden’s letter to America.”

>> No.22725540
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>> No.22725545

WTF I always thought OBL hated America because he hated freedom and America is the freest country in the world?

>> No.22725598

He hates America because America supports Jews in their parasitic genocidal evil schemes in the Middle East. Who would’ve thought.

>> No.22726880

He wrote several.

>> No.22727093

>fighting for pisslam


>> No.22727094


Too bad!

>> No.22727133

Not too fond of jews to be honest lads. I'm not a nazi, I just don't trust them to see more than their own tribes interests.

>> No.22727159

Wait wait wait you guys don't actually believe osama did 9/11 right? Even regular every day normies I talk to know it was some sort of inside job

>> No.22727184

good dammit

>> No.22727192

Did TikTok users skip past the paragraphs about homosexuals and AIDS? They couldn't find a pro-degeneracy + anti-Israel thinker?

>> No.22727208

Why are so many far right people happy with this news? Zoomers don't hate Jews for /pol/ack reasons, they hate them because zoomers are third worldists who perceive Jews as a particularly disgusting form of white people.

>> No.22727209


>> No.22727210

Tik tok is the only major media platform like 4chan that exposes western propaganda. This is why they want it banned so badly, because they cannot control it when it shows anti-Israel videos and zoomers talk openly about CIA psyops

>> No.22727214

Who cares about intentions lmao the seed has been planted,

>> No.22727220

>a century of total media domination by a clique of vampire pedophiles
>or a ragtag rebellion that may or may not include trannies
I'll take the rebellion

>> No.22727223

>nooooooo they're criticizing them for the wrong reasons!!!! Now we have to save them and defend them online!!!!

>> No.22727230

>Hamas invades Israel, kills a bunch of grandmas and rapes hostages
>Zoomers are overwhelmingly pro-Hamas anyway because of TikTok
Uh... antisemitesisters? I thought the Jews ran the media?

>> No.22727232

Fuck off chang

>> No.22727235

>Man A is attacking you
>Man B jumps in to attack Man A
>Now you have to defend Man A against Man B???????

>> No.22727236

Basically they hate Jews for not being Jewish enough.

>> No.22727238
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Not anymore

>> No.22727243

I will take literally any information from China more seriously than what our politicians and news outlets say. A broken clock is right twice a day, our western media is like a sun dial at night. Useless at worst, counter intuitive and corrupting normally

>> No.22727244

He's like an arabic Ted Kaczynski, and he's right. The refusal of America to get on board with the '97 Kyoto protocol will go down in history as the biggest failure in liberal democratic history.

how bizarre is it to have perpetrated such an atrocity and to have the reasoning behind it be accepted by those that are the target of his venom?

>> No.22727247

Jewish logic lmao

>> No.22727251

Unlike most other races (excluding the western Negro for some reason) jews are actually incapable of admitting fault or taking responsibility.

It is physically impossible for a jew to go "maybe it isn't the world that's bad, maybe I'm doing something wrong." Because to be able to even have such a thought, you need to feel some sense of humility. But since jews think they are God's chosen people and everyone else is beneath them, they can't feel a single fucking shred of humility.

This is why I hate the poltards who keep creating fissures between everyone, there is no bigger or more pressing issue than the Jewish Question, unite and solve that then we can circle back to everything else, these fuckers literally think of us Goyim as cattle and we are very close to the slaughter house.

>> No.22727259
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>> No.22727261
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>> No.22727279

I don't even know if it's the chosen people narrative, since so many Jews are irreligious. It's just some kind of asiatic tribal consciousness, it's on the level of gypsies or mainland Chinese, or certain Indian nationalists, but it seems even the most random Jew has the level of unbridled self-worship, combined with infinite victim status somehow, that the most crazed chink boomer grandma on chink social media has. But they are a lot more subtle about it.

I think westerners are way too trusting and think that because a Jew is wearing western clothing and talking in a civil tone, he must be "western" too. Westerners are too used to dividing the world unconsciously into "poor retards" (nonwhite looking/acting) and "evil monsters, now responsible for being the world's welfare system" (whites). The implicit judgement embedded in this worldview is that brown people are kind of helpless and pathetic, they are like pets or something. White people love to hear a foreign accent or see an exotic cultural thing, because it's like their pet doing a trick. White people don't do tricks, white people are just "people," with full moral responsibility (and thus their life must revolve around caring for their pets like some doting cat lady).

But Jews fuck up the system because they have a very middle eastern + eastern european shithole-style survival-mode consciousness, familiar to anyone from those regions, of making sure to cover your own ass and your family's ass before giving a fuck about anyone else. But they are experts at cloaking it in "white behaviors." And they play the sympathy card too and get pet benefits. So they have access to every level of white society and basically just take over all its managerial and influence positions.

>> No.22727289
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>> No.22727299
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>> No.22727302

>I don't even know if it's the chosen people narrative, since so many Jews are irreligious
It doesn’t matter. It’s an idea that permeates in their culture.

>> No.22727308

>Jews as particularly disgusting
I'm fine with that.
>form of white people
Meh. The whitefella will come around eventually. Self-hatred will not last forever. As for the hispanics, they still look up to the whites.
The asiatics are the new American elite, so you should be careful with them. The next bourgeois revolution will have them in leadership roles, taking down WASPs and Jews and assuming control of the Empire, just like the French bourgeoise took control after 1789. The next Napoleon will be an Hindu American man. His Jean Lannes and Marshal Ney will be Chinese.

>> No.22727409

Sometimes you find the one in a trillion jew that abandons the tribe entirely like brother Nathanael.

>> No.22727417

Why is the text in the trans pride flag colors? Is this some new psyop?

>> No.22727426

he didn't do it. he eventually gave up trying to tell people he didn't though and took responsibility to use it as part of his propaganda since he couldn't convince people in the west he didn't do it, and the muslims thought it was based if he did. At least that's what I think, could be that the stuff where he admits it is all fakes.

>> No.22727446

Threadly reminder that the only thing america "deserves" is a nuclear holocaust

>> No.22727450

Bin Laden
Bi[n La]den


>> No.22728276
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>> No.22728309

Lmao you're the only nigger making the value judgement there

>> No.22728334

You are unironically trying to converse with surgically brainwashed mutts. Do you seriously think any of them have any sort of perspective on what makes the difference between a US marine landing somewhere blowing shit up at 18, as you said, and someone forced into a guerilla lifestyle and fight by forces so much greater than them?
It's pointless. But it's also not something you should be doing. Their hour of reckoning is growing closer and I'm not saying that as some religious lunatic, anyone can see their society dissolving precisely because it's lowest common denominator has been too widely spread and too brainwashed to actually function at a human level.

>> No.22728335

Seeing people become bin Laden's strongest soldier because /pol/ memes ate their brain is making me reconsider neoconservatism.

>> No.22728341

OK chang

>> No.22728353

>go blow yourselves up for this cause
>I'm gonna stay back and jerk it to some hentai.
I can see why people here would think he was based.

>> No.22728377

You were always a Jew

>> No.22728500

You are right, but I think there's only so much fighting for a higher cause will bring them in the future. What makes me excited about what's happening is Israel is not the immediate outcome, but the impact it will have on global politics and military operations. The only way this conflict with them ends is through genocide of one of its sides, and through that (along with resource scarcity caused by ecological collapse) genocide will return to what it was in the past, a political action among political actions instead of the most evil of all sins. This will make nation states far more effective at fighting guerillas as they will then be free to work against them in the one way they can be beaten, which can only come through the total elimination of life (human, animal, and plant) within an area in which guerilla forces are operating out of. They will finally recognize that that guerilla warfare is a metaphysical statement just as much as it is tactical one, one that alters the identity of every one and thing, and every atom of every one and thing, to that of the combatant.
The world is going to be an interesting place in the future. I sincerely hope all of you manage to stay safe.

>> No.22728506

This is bullshit. He's just making excuses, but the real reason why he did it was because he was envious of America because our freedom. Terrorists can't stand we're free.

>> No.22728587

>t. Nikki Haley

>> No.22728594

Atheists are boring soulless faggots

>> No.22728599

Okay, boomer. If America didn’t support Israel then this would’ve never happened. Facts.

>> No.22728636

Only 1 out of the 3 applies to the US

>> No.22728649
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Are there any Islamic philosophy anons on /lit/ still? Could they start making regular threads?

>> No.22728676
File: 263 KB, 785x1000, IMG_9271.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>criticizing American politics, culture, media and their average citizens’ worldviews? YOU MUST BE A CHINESE SHILL!!

>> No.22728705

TikTok is Chinese

>> No.22728997

>If the Americans refuse to listen to our advice and the goodness, guidance and righteousness that we call them to, then be aware that you will lose this Crusade Bush began, just like the other previous Crusades in which you were humiliated by the hands of the Mujahideen, fleeing to your home in great silence and disgrace. If the Americans do not respond, then their fate will be that of the Soviets who fled from Afghanistan to deal with their military defeat, political breakup, ideological downfall, and economic bankruptcy.

>> No.22729023

All this propaganda is boring, didn’t read a single post, not reading Obamas letter either.

>> No.22729047

Nothing will happen, they’re just another group of activists who are effectively nullified by the times, at the absolute best. Plus you don’t really think some words a bearded man penned years ago is more potent than the comfortable lives these people live, do you? They’re just going to get up and play a video game or fuck their girlfriend and forget about it after eating dinner. Nobody is breaking habits over the ramblings of a dead man.

>> No.22729083

Don't forget the gargantuan financial cost of it. For those who don't know, the War in Afghanistan costed America TRILLIONS of dollars. That's a far, far bigger loss than some dead ZOGbots. Most people don't realise how absurdly expensive modern warfare is.

>> No.22729102 [SPOILER] 

Yeah there’s actually no chance of that happening. It’s actually so funny that you believe this kind of deluded shit. Meanwhile China has buck broken Muslims in their country in the past several years, to a greater extent the West ever could.

>> No.22729131

That's only so as long as the bread and circuses last.
>Plus you don’t really think some words a bearded man penned years ago is more potent than the comfortable lives these people live, do you?
Not that anon but I do. Bin Laden himself came from an extremely wealthy family of billionaires after all, yet he still chose to live in a cave in the mountains and fight the superpowers of the age over that exceedingly comfortable life. There are people who will stand up and fight for something.

>> No.22729149

They wouldn't delete it and attempt to memoryhole it if it would have no tangible effect.

>> No.22729436

If only anon
If only

>> No.22729466

>genocide will return to what it was in the past, a political action among political actions instead of the most evil of all sins.
Nah opinion would very quickly turn against whichever side commits a genocide.

>> No.22729477

how telling that you only care to bring up what was lost by their enemies instead of what they themselves gained
but no, i'm sure the great amount of fighting for a higher spiritual cause will definitely put food on the table and improve the literacy of the average person

>> No.22729489

Al Qaeda is just Arabic for "the base", and I am pretty sure it just referred to the base he ran in afghanistan where he'd train soldiers in the fight against the Soviet Union, which was invading the country.

>> No.22729495

Unironically, what is Nikki Haley's end game? She must know she's alienating the voters by sucking off the jews so hard, right?

>> No.22729499

You may laugh, but she has unironically been doing better in the polls since she went full shabbos goyette. She still has no chance of winning the nomination, but sucking off the jews isn't really the issue. If anything, it's the one thing keeping her afloat. You're underestimating how brainwashed cuckservatives are when it comes to the jews.

>> No.22729504

>Wuhan Institute of Virology was researching gain-of-function on coronaviruses (making viruses more transmissible and thereby possibly more deadly to human beings) for a few years now. This had funding by the U.S. NIH (National Institute of Health) approved for it, while headed by Fauci, years back under the Obama administration
Why develop a bio weapon in a foreign country let alone China?
Why would China have any reason to allow that or help the U.S?

>> No.22729505

Her strategy is to pander hard to evangelicals and neocons while the nativists and schizos are split between Trump and DeSantis.

>> No.22729749

Lol this shit was written by the CIA as a fluff piece to sell the narrative that terrorists hate us because of our freedom's and culture

>> No.22729751

>terrorists hate us because of our freedom's
They literally do.

>> No.22729867

The fact that his first "call to" point is to ask of the American public, and everyone else really, to convert to Islam nearly invalidates all his other points.

>> No.22729896
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why are they so afraid of this

>> No.22730170

Nah, what will happen is that it will legitimize the option of genocide against whichever party commits it. If Israel exterminate the Palestinians, then those who oppose Israel will only support more extreme methods of getting rid of Israel and those nations who support it.
If the Muslim powers of the world come together to destroy Israel and its inhabitants, you will see celebration of slaughter occur with such glee and whimsy that it makes the concept of a shared "humanity" impossible for anyone to accept. I'm not even sure that categorical opposition to genocide can reconciled with belief in the Islamic religion, so I think many, if not most people, involved in this would only be upset if it were to happen to them .
The hand wringing about genocide you see from western leftists and Muslims in in opposition of Israel isn't renewal of common humanity but rather the death rattle of a paradigm where genocide is considered the most evil act of all.

>> No.22730180

Not really, the war was won pretty much immediately

>> No.22730182

Pay your mortgage

>> No.22730493

remind me who rules afghanistan currently

>> No.22730695

Doesn’t really matter honestly. Like I said, these people will be taken over by the next current thing that comes along. Western activism is an end in itself.
Delete what? There is no deleting it

>> No.22730956

>''And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.''
- John 8:32

>> No.22731011

Seems to me that killing civilians in a democratic society is easily justifiable, since every citizen bears collective guilt for the actions of the country.

>> No.22731163

Plausable deniability.
China was (still is) facing demographic crisis, which a virus that particularly kills the old is perfect for.

>> No.22731213

Then it's even more justifiable killing anyone within a space that guerilla groups operate out of because the nature of guerilla warfare makes it so that people living their daily lives aids guerilla groups in such an active way they are combatants.
There are a number of issues that arise when looking at democratic societies and their citizenry. None of those ambiguities exist when guerilla warfare in play as it is the single most radical and tantalizing form of human existence possible.

>> No.22731236
File: 12 KB, 476x319, 1626875292641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>copy parts of the torah
>rewrite them slightly
>create warmongering ideology
>proclaim yourself a prophet
>savagely conquest MENA for hundreds of years
>establish supremacy through military rule and sheer violent force
>encounter other empires
>get eternally BTFO'd
>resources extracted
>have land taken away from you
>continue to kill your "fellow muslims" over trivial sectarian squabbles
they honestly deserve everything they get, and then some. i hope all the "pagans" and "infidels" whom have been slaughtered over the years are pissing on their graves and laughing from the next life. what a retarded belief system.

>> No.22731252

>>continue to kill your "fellow muslims" over trivial sectarian squabbles
Ti be fait, I think they say the latter in order to try and stop the former.

>> No.22731405

>They retort to violence
You are right, America is a pacifist nation.

>> No.22731410

>the point is they had a better reason than we did to fight
In other words they fight for nobler reasons...
>and that reason had to do with the higher causes we've been talking about
In other words, they had nobler causes...

Your weak attempt at arguing semantics does nothing to disguise the fact that you're essentially arguing that they may be weaker technologically, but they are morally of a higher order i.e. they're noble savages.

>> No.22731412

>Then it's even more justifiable killing anyone within a space that guerilla groups operate out of because the nature of guerilla warfare makes it so that people living their daily lives aids guerilla groups in such an active way they are combatants
Yeah. What's your point?

The core issue is of course that western humanism purports to hold itself to a higher standard.

>> No.22731425

I will never understand why the Jews put themselves in this position. After the Holocaust they should have demanded a chunk of Germany for themselves to be an Israel. Maybe the parts of Prussia which went to Poland.

>> No.22731426
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>(2)(b)(ii) ... precisely what Benjamin Franklin warned you against.
This part hits hard.

>> No.22731431

I honestly think this CIA written screed was re-circulated recently to undermine actual opposition. Right wing and left wing oppose American style world order and hegemony for different reasons.

>> No.22731433

But the holey land...

>> No.22731437

Ever read Theodor Herzl's Altneuland? It's a utopic novel about how wonderful Israel would be. In it, Al-Aqsa still exists and the Jews build their 3rd temple on a new site along the Levantine coast. They could have done the same thing along the Baltic coast.

>> No.22731474

I don’t know, ask them. I’m not making this up, it’s in mainstream and accepted and public governmental sources. I did lie, there’s one reason I know — moratoriums put on such research in the US and western nations, hence making it easier to do it China, with less government regulations on such study there.

>why would China help?
The U.S. and China really are “frenemies,” both from a governmental perspective and from the perspective of business interests who just want to make as much profit as they can. I don’t know the deepest levels of intrigue that go on at the highest levels of govt, military, and intelligence agencies, go ask them. For whatever reason, the W.I.V. did receive that funding.

>> No.22731488

My point is that it's easier to justify killing every single person in Gaza than it is to justify killing civilians of democratic countries. Many people who do the latter, cry about the former, when they have no room to stand.
The problem is that the standard in this case is impossible to uphold. The use of guerilla warfare is the literal renouncement of one's humanity. It is to say "I and all things influence are single war-body," and that war-body is something other than human. If understood this way there is no conflict in in a western nation claiming to uphold humanistic values and deal with guerilla warfare in the only possible way to beat it.

>> No.22731554

>My point is that it's easier to justify killing every single person in Gaza than it is to justify killing civilians of democratic countries
No, it's not. A citizen of Gaza may not support the actions of Hamas, and thus is innocent in the conflict, because their system allows them no control over Hamas. Whereas an American citizen is culpable exactly because the US system is designed for them to bear responsability for their own governance.

>> No.22731559

>you will raise him

seethe 20xtimes faster

>> No.22731609

>A citizen of Gaza may not support the actions of Hamas, and thus is innocent in the conflict, because their system allows them no control over Hamas.
If they are not actively working to undermine the guerilla force every single thing they do is actively aiding in the military activity of the group activities. Even by living their lives they are soldiers.
>Whereas an American citizen is culpable exactly because the US system is designed for them to bear responsability for their own governance.
There are a number of difficulties when dealing with the US. First, one can easily question how much the the government and leadership is actually beholden to the citizenry, which is clear to anyone paying attention, much less than it was likely designed to be. Second, in America there is a broad range of opinion on any issue in America, and people work towards goals in ways that take time. To punish an entire population for this is nonsensical because there are ofttimes many people who take the opposing view and work to try and support it. This does not exist in a guerilla setting. Guerilla warfare by design alters society in a way that is completely reductive and totalizing. All things are part of the war body, and they are until the war body
Those are issues that apply to democratic societies (there are others, but I'm in. a rush right now) that in no way can apply to an area in which guerilla warfare is occurring. Whether an individual in that setting agrees or disagrees with the guerilla group, the social space is totally redesigned to make the acts of living everyday lives to those who appear to be civilians are acts of war just as effective as firing guns or artillery. To think the way you do only shows that you haven't put much thought into what democracy or guerilla warfare entails.

>> No.22731619

Religious delusion and short-sightedness. I think part of it was that because Zionism was created by European jews, they emphasized part of their identity that made the separate from Europeans, and because of that, they felt the need to leave Europe. But yeah, there was probably some place better to put them.

>> No.22731739

>If they are not actively working to undermine the guerilla force every single thing they do is actively aiding in the military activity of the group activities. Even by living their lives they are soldiers
This is not equivalent to a citizen voting in the very regime that undertakes an invasion. In the case of Gaza there isn't that component whereas western democracies are explicitly designed to be "by the people, for the people".

In your example even the Jews living in Nazi Germany were complicit in the regime and deserved to be killed if they didn't violently resist it any way they could.

Naturally you're correct about the American government not truly representing the people, but the fact is every political party and every administration has done the same things for almost 100 years, so in essence the voting public has supported US warmongering no matter what.

>> No.22731811
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>If they are not actively working to undermine the guerilla force every single thing they do is actively aiding in the military activity of the group activities. Even by living their lives they are soldiers.
insane post

>> No.22732496
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open borders for Israel

>> No.22732518

the Zionists will be awarded Kaliningrad after WW3 wraps up

>> No.22732602

They won against the afghan army lol

>> No.22732674
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>> No.22733161
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I've been telling you morons to read this letter for years:

But I guess you only care about any given topic when the mass media instructs you to pay attention to it.

I suggest proceeding with the other works I listed in that post if you want to become less of an ignorant leftist shitbag in the future.
Also read the works of Christopher Jon Bjerknes, who has been by far the most interesting western author on Jewish matters in the last couple of years. Start with "Beware the World to Come" and his videos on Dugin: https://odysee.com/@CJBbooks.com:8/720-Aleksandr-Dugins-Insane-Kabbalah-EXPOSED:e

Bin Laden correctly identifies the central problem of American politics (Jewish subversion) and even proposes a good solution, he calls for Americans to institute a nationalist government

>> No.22733164

Counter-Currents recently hosted the letter if anyone wants a permanent link:

>> No.22733244

So you're saying they were developing it there but not necessarily with the intent to use it against China?
Not denying the idea outright. I'm open to the possibility just wondering and have questions
Another question to me is why they'd choose something so highly infectious. As a bio weapon it backfires as something as infectious as covid will inevitably spread to every country. Which is what happened

>> No.22733246

>. Whereas an American citizen is culpable exactly because the US system is designed for them to bear responsability for their own governance.

>> No.22733267

>Nah, what will happen is that it will legitimize the option of genocide against whichever party commits it. If Israel exterminate the Palestinians, then those who oppose Israel will only support more extreme methods of getting rid of Israel and those nations who support it.
Okay you've won me over to your pov. I think you're right, it could easily spiral into mass bloodshed in retaliation.
Likely the only reason we didn't see the same happen against Germans after ww2 was the onset of thee Cold War and every European military/country too destroyed to effectively retaliate

>> No.22733284

>it clearly shows that Chinese scientists were thinking about military application for different strains of the coronavirus and thinking about how it could be deployed,” said Mr Jennings.
>“It begins to firm up the possibility that what we have here is the accidental release of a pathogen for military use,”
Hmm reading up more on it, sounds like the leaked docs show they were at least researching using covid strains as bio weapons.
And then a weaker strain accidently leaked.
Kinda makes me wonder if they have anything stronger...

>> No.22733293
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>we didn't see the same happen against Germans after ww2
but we did. Some 15 million Germans were ethnically cleansed from eastern Europe after ww2, and 2 or 3 million of them died on their way west. This was the largest ethnic cleansing in modern history.
Textbooks in the West usually don't teach about this crime, but that doesn't mean that it didn't happen.

>> No.22733309

What I’m saying is I don’t know for sure because I’m not privy to those machinations, or what was in the minds of American and Chinese government officials, scientists, health organizations, researchers and doctors involved in pulling this off, but I DO know something bad happened, and, at minimum, it was incompetence and a world-altering mistake, which then had the Western MSM and Big Tech companies colluding to respectively attack and censor the (reasonable) view that the coronavirus came from the Wuhan lab that was studying bat-derived coronaviruses altered to be more transmissible to humans.

“Conservative” source: https://nypost.com/2021/10/21/nih-admits-us-funded-gain-of-function-in-wuhan-despite-faucis-repeated-denials/

“Liberal progressive” or mainstream “centrist” source(s): https://theintercept.com/2021/09/09/covid-origins-gain-of-function-research/





BTW, I didn’t make this clear before where I could’ve: the official public explanation for such research (taking viruses and making them more infectious or even deadly) is to “develop vaccines against possible future pandemics” and “help us learn more about and prevent such pandemics.” Clearly, though, such research is highly controversial (hence the heavy restrictions placed on such research in the US, making them outsource it to China), and also has had many, many doctors and scientists saying it’s ridiculous to even do in the first place, doesn’t have the benefits it claims to have, and is even either unwittingly or wittingly a front for bioweapons research (causing the pandemics they’re trying to “prevent”).

If you want my own SPECULATION (not fact, keep that in mind, I at least admit that), then I would say: consider the word “globalist.” This could be a group of heads of state, intelligence agencies, owners of the media and some of their high-level journalists, NGOs, international financiers, even some scientists working on high-level classified research, etc. compromised by devotion to some megalomaniac global plan, that works across the barriers of individual nation-states, is rootless, ruthless, cosmopolitan, and incredibly good at covering its tracks with its control over the media, often having plausible deniability for their crimes.

It sounds like a highly unlikely Ian Fleming/PKD crossover, sure, somewhere between sci-fi and a political thriller, but it’s as simple as:

>blackmailing them with sex with minors on an island
>bribing them with the promise of political advancement, support by the media, and big money or good business deals
>threatening them with lawfare, the destruction of their reputation by the media, or other political stratagems against them if they don’t play ball


>> No.22733356

I'm familiar yes, but by and large Germany got a favorable deal after ww2 as the Cold War meant the U.S had a tangible incentive to invest in the country and to forgive common soldiers an army was suddenly needed to oppose the USSR.
This in contrast to the extremely punitive measures Germany faced post-ww1.
My point was there wasn't full-scale genocide by the occupying powers as they were quickly distracted by the Cold War power struggle
And im general after the full scale carnage of ww2 people wanted to move on, so there was less appetite for violence.
I wasn't denying that violence still took place

>> No.22733372

Fighting for better reasons and higher causes doesn't place them on any moral high ground. It doesn't need to, because we did a good job placing ourselves in a moral trench. In regards to the Iraqi insurgency especially, but also in regards to the Taliban after we overstayed and started propping up a government whose principles were incomprehensible to the electorate it was supposed to be representative of (leading it to have so little public support and such rampant corruption that it literally fell apart before we could evacuate). You can even make the argument for Al Qaeda on the basis of OBL's letter pretty well, though their targeting of civilians is pretty incomprehensible itself to those with Western values (unless you're Israeli lol)

>> No.22733392

>how telling that you only care to bring up what was lost by their enemies instead of what they themselves gained
$5b+ in American military equipment and control over their country? Why do you care about their literacy rate or how much food they put on the table?

>> No.22733413

The death of your culture. The erasure of your cultural memory as the Western world is completely out-populated. But that won't happen—most decolonization fags are from the rich layers of third world countries where they project their intellectual superiority over the lower classes by using such words as "anti-imperialism" and have no shame in using western concepts to 'combat' the west.

>> No.22733464

>muh culture is tied up in the world bank/IMF/Jewish wall street dominating the world system
what are you? jewish?

>> No.22733469

lol. remember, for your benefit.

>> No.22733486

No, and I have never seen a Jew in my life. I am from the third world where words like decolonization have an actual meaning, and I see its influence wax and shift as I live my life. You are delusional if you think that activists here are pseudo-Marxists who conveniently happen to think in the manner you would like them to—that they think that the only source of Western oppression is through materialistic economic organization. If you knew how little attention is given to those institutions, you'd realize it's not Whites vs Jews, but rather Whites vs everyone else. The more you're deluded into infighting, the faster your civilizational culture declines. I don't much care for it. But the west has produced beautiful literature, and the scientific culture of the early 20th century is beautiful to see. I would be sad to see it vanish in my old age.

>> No.22733508

>The death of your culture.
Have you seen demographic trends? That ship has sailed. But at least there's some sort of poetic justice in the fact that the jews that sowed the seeds of destruction in the culture that hated them are now reaping the wrath of the monster they created