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22719946 No.22719946 [Reply] [Original]

November pain edition
prev >>22717054

>> No.22720009

Freud is putting me an uncomfortable headspace. I don’t know if I want to continue reading him. Shit is bizarre.

>> No.22720024

It means it works.

>> No.22720054

Seems unlikely considering Biden already stated he doesn't support the relocation of Palestinians, and that he's under growing pressure both publicly and internally, in his own administration, to get this thing wrapped up and break harder from Israel's present desires. Also, considering Netanyahu's on his way out, it's not likely a more centrist or liberal government in Israel will pursue a program like that, even if a more pro-Israel American gets elected in 2024.

The one thing Arab nations have been doing for the Palestinian cause is refusing to accept refugees en masse from Gaza, and whining of the obvious consequences of it. At this point even some retarded Americans believe that Israel's evacuation of the Gaza Strip would be a land grab and not a temporary measure.

Maybe it would've worked if Israel didn't handle the whole thing so poorly, or if they tried it in the past decades.

Well, most moderates aren't like some random 4chan anon, and the trend in public opinion on the Israel-Palestine conflict is clear. The general populace has never been less pro-Israel, and that's not likely to change as boomers die out and zoomers grow up.

>> No.22720066


Freud and Jung are just the pseudo-science version of literary rugpulls. Don't take it too seriously or you're letting them manipulate you.

>> No.22720080


The key point is that it doesn't matter anymore if you are anti-israel. Everyone, everywhere is anti-Hamas even if they don't yet understand that Hamas simply is Palestine. Oct 7 ruined any chance for Palestine to exist as a state and integrate into the global community, forever.

>> No.22720093
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Belle Delphine has quite the delectable pussy, It looks neat and proper, with a great colour too it. Like the muzzle of a snug little white bunny. It very much has an inviting quality to it, like it shily wishes for you to poke at it with your nose, a little eskimo kiss. I make this mention as I have not had the same impression of most women's pussies, and find it quite the special one.

>> No.22720106
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I'm writing a ya romance novel. It's about a knight and a tsundere princess. I read a lot of ya romances as preparation/research. Also because I enjoy them.

>> No.22720109

The US vetoed a UN resolution calling for a pause in the bombing. The US and the EU are also offering economic incentives to Egypt under the condition that they accept Palestinians. Netanyahu and his cabinet members know that most of the hostages won’t be rescued, but they’re cleansing Gaza anyway so that the problem can once and for all be dealt with. Netanyahu has already groomed enough protégés, and most of the pro-Palestinian Israelis left the country. There’s already talk of building new settlements. This whole ordeal is eerily similar to the Armenian genocide. Everyone knew what was happening, but no one did anything to stop it. Biden can’t do anything because the Israeli lobby is just too powerful.

>> No.22720117
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>> No.22720147

I hate how dumb and gullible feminist women are.

>> No.22720176

I think i've been on the verge of a cardiac arrest for the past 2 days but I kinda don't wanna go to the doctor to see if can I actually fucking die and be done with life

>> No.22720185

None of that changes the fact that Israel can neither exterminate the population of Gaza nor box them up and ship them off. If anything, Palestinians have a better shot at a state now than they had before, because now the public consciousness in the West has been made aware of the conflict in a manner far surpassing what happened in 2014.

It doesn't matter even if Palestinians supports Hamas down to every last man, woman, and child, even if people stop referring to Hamas as a terrorist organization and start referring to it as a legitimately elected government expressing the will of its people, the West would not accept the slaughter of Palestinian non-combatants on a scale necessary for Israel to achieve a solution. There's just too many people and no possible way to spin it. Maybe if it was in some backwood nobody cared about (like Xinjiang, Darfur, or East Congo), but it's not, and publicity is all that's required.

Egypt won't take Palestinians, there's not a chance. Sisi has said as much; it'd destroy the Palestinian cause and allow angry Palestinians to stage attacks on Egypt and Israel, from Egyptian territory. It's a non-starter. The rest of this is just you coping. The current "cleanse" of Gaza that is supposed to deal with this problem once and for all has killed what, like half a percent of the population? lol

>> No.22720193

The girl working at my college's Starbucks has the hots for me. She winks at me, smiles, waves. Trying to figure out how to ask her out.

>> No.22720195

When I was a kid, I really shied away from classifying people based on stereotypes, like "oh he's a basedboy beta who married the first woman he ran into even though she already fucked dozens of dudes" or "boomers were naive retards that somehow believed they were oppressed & by dropping acid in the woods they were building toward a utopia"

But over time I discovered the world really is like this. There's maybe 100 different types of person & most of that variety comes from assorted mental illnesses. As it turns out, communication between different types is near impossible. You can establish superficial agreement, yeah, but your world view will be fundamentally different unless you're the same type.

In a sense, all these different types are in competition. Which is why it really amazes me how religion managed to curtail that & united people in this masterful framework, finding a good niche for everyone. Religion was that uniting force, and now that it's gone we're seeing the world unravel into this tribal shit flinging because we're all just too different

>> No.22720198

"half a percent of the population" is an astounding number of people in just over a month

>> No.22720202

>Israel can neither exterminate the population of Gaza nor box them up and ship them off

I believe driving an enemy population into the sea is a time honored tradition in that part of the world. The Muslim brotherhood doesn't care about genocide in Gaza, the west won't either. There will be handwringing and virtue signaling and protests and then everyone will forget it ever happened.

>> No.22720207

Why do you want to ask out some barista bitch?

>> No.22720211

been realizing lately that even by the standards of hardened alcoholics, my drinking is still excessive. i don't know anyone who does it like i do

>> No.22720227

I have the lonely, responsibility free life I always wanted so why am I unhappy? How can I tell if it’s the life I chose rather than the one I got stuck with?

>> No.22720232

write your number on the cup and give it back to her

>> No.22720241

I think I'm at risk of becoming creepy

>> No.22720250

>Egypt won't take Palestinians, there's not a chance.
Then the US government will threaten them with force.
>The current "cleanse" of Gaza that is supposed to deal with this problem once and for all has killed what, like half a percent of the population?
Well, lots of people are currently buried under wrecked buildings, so we don’t even know the true number that are dead and injured, and Israel has now resorted to bombing hospitals and the humanitarian routes to south Gaza. It’s clear that if they’re not going to bomb all Gazans, Israel will try to expel them by any means necessary. Don’t forget that entire goal of the Zionist movement is to take all of Palestine. Israel is not going to stop, and at this point, the Palestinians will never get their country back. It’s unfortunate but it’s true.

>> No.22720254

reading a screenplay for the first time's fucking difficult, god
on another note, I hope the week's been treating you well and you're finding the willpower to practice/work out/write or anything else that you're into even if it's difficult and not immediately rewarding

>> No.22720263

>It’s unfortunate.

It's not. Oct 7 demonstrates very clearly that Palestinians shouldn't be allowed self-rule.

>> No.22720266

ty anon

>> No.22720272

Are we going on a pogr-- I mean, imperiali--- um, how are we phrasing this to not reference history?

>> No.22720291

some people talk to their cats in baby voice, i talk to mine in a racist cholo impression

>> No.22720296
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All they have to do is continue at the current pace for another fifteen years or so and then they can get started on the West Bank.

lol okay

>Then the US government will threaten them with force.
Is pic related the language they'll use to do it?
>Israel will try to expel them by any means necessary. Don’t forget that entire goal of the Zionist movement is to take all of Palestine.
Well, they haven't succeeded yet, and things aren't going to get any easier for them as the information age puts a camera and a Tweet at the aftermath of every bomb they drop and the American boomers die off leaving American support for their enterprise in a worse place than it's ever been. What makes you think they'll succeed now?

>> No.22720298

ask the /pol/ death-cultists, I'm sure they can dream up a suitable euphemism

>> No.22720301

a "cleansing" is always an easy sell

>> No.22720303

I’m going to shrink you down and swallow you whole, but I’m also going to do the same for a book of your choosing. What book do you want to read while in my tummy?

>> No.22720307

Mary Poppins (whole series tho)

>> No.22720314

Give her back a whole cup of coffee with my number on it while she's busy making other drinsk? Sounds like a terrible idea

>> No.22720320

I don't often receive positive female attention

>> No.22720324


Someone like that happened to me. The girl wrote me some kind of a love letter. She ewas cute but I just couldn't get into a relationship at the time, so I just stopped going to that cafe. Still feel bad about it.

What should I have done?

>> No.22720332

Lacks that je ne sais qoui.
How about "rectification"? Good for puns and makes it sound like the victim was at fault.

>> No.22720335

You should stop talking to them.

>> No.22720338

It's got an echo of reconquista about it, it could work, you don't want to put off the people who really want to kill people by going to soft either

>> No.22720357

>is this the language they’ll use to threaten them
Anon what? Do you think the president goes to other world leaders and says “hey buster you better do what we want! Or I’ll whoop your ass!”? I’m gonna assume you were joking there and aren’t just a massive rube
>the boomers are dying and young people are gonna have power
Why would that matter? The Palestinian problem has existed for so long only because the former Arab league states (and Russia to some extent) find it to be a convenient way to fuck with Israel (and their western allies). There will never be a 2 state solution where the de facto Palestinian government is an Iran proxy. Unless you’re implying western/SA/Qatari pressure might finally get Palestinians to accept moderate leadership.. then I’ll admit that’s a possibility.

>> No.22720359

>Is pic related the language they'll use to do it?
It’s just lip service and positive PR. Biden wants to send $14 billion in military aid to Israel for this war on top of the annual $3 billion.
>Well, they haven't succeeded yet, and things aren't going to get any easier for them as the information age puts a camera and a Tweet at the aftermath of every bomb they drop
Who’s going to film and take photos when Israel has cutoff phone and internet service to Gaza? And just because we live in an Information Age, it doesn’t mean that anything good will come out of disseminating information online. Just look at how all the countries affected by the Arab Spring are doing now.
>American boomers die off leaving American support for their enterprise in a worse place than it's ever been.
So? What’s stopping younger people fresh out of Ivy League schools from assuming leadership over companies like Raytheon and Northrop Grumman? You’re severely underestimating how greed can affect the character of someone.

>> No.22720370

>Things were fine when the French and British were ruling it
>Never had a problem under the ottomans
>It was perfectly okay when the Romans had it
kek, enjoy your cakewalk

>> No.22720412

I've had a huge manic energy spike at precisely 6 PM for the past three days

>> No.22720418


>> No.22720437
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>that retarded faggot elon musk just said "You speak the truth" to someone saying jews push anti-white bullshit and "flood countries with immigrants"
>one million normies will see this

>> No.22720443

looking bad for the jews.

>> No.22720488

1.) What're the odds that the most nichest of communities develop future trends for their respective fields? For instance, lookmaxxing sites a couple of years ago began discussing bonemashing to grow your chin, and now the idea is known by a larger segment of the population today. The ideas from pol & tumblr a decade ago were both far from what the overton window would allow at the time, but over the decade it has slowly conquered the minds of many of today's youths. Troonery and hating jews openly were seen as dumb by the majority of the population back then, but are now becoming more and more acceptable.
This phenomenon can kinda be found in the past, but only among elite intellectual circles, but with the democratization of ideas in the internet age, now anyone can influence the culture of the future to a much greater degree than in the past. For all we know, maybe some spiritualists on /x/ are formulating a new religion which'll dominate the world.

2.) How do you handle neuroticism?

>> No.22720492
File: 227 KB, 1024x1024, black company cover art 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

has anyone else used AI art to copy and paste scenes from books? I'm reading through Black Company (second time reading book 1) and am gonna use AI to help visualize.

>> No.22720512

>Anon what? Do you think the president goes to other world leaders and says “hey buster you better do what we want! Or I’ll whoop your ass!”? I’m gonna assume you were joking there and aren’t just a massive rube
Is that why he explicitly noted the importance of keeping Palestinians in Palestine when he could have just as easily not done so? You can't possibly believe what you're writing, I refuse to believe you're THAT retarded.
>Why would that matter?
Israel is dependent upon the U.S. for security. It cannot afford to lose the support of the U.S. That would be a potentially existential catastrophe. I don't know what retarded shit you're going on about in the rest of your post, we are talking about Zionists taking all of Palestine, not two state solutions or Palestinian governments. The point is that the conflict is already intractable for Israel and it doesn't look like that'll be changing in the foreseeable future due not only to the situation at home in regards to the failures of the Israeli right-wing but also due to the declining support in Israel's most important ally.

>It’s just lip service and positive PR.
See above, stop being retarded.
>Who’s going to film and take photos when Israel has cutoff phone and internet service to Gaza?
I dunno, ask the American mainstream media and /pol/ where they're getting all their videos and photos from.
>And just because we live in an Information Age, it doesn’t mean that anything good will come out of disseminating information online. Just look at how all the countries affected by the Arab Spring are doing now.
It looks like it's doing wonders for the Palestinians this time around because apparently most Americans already want Israel to stop what they're doing and call a ceasefire according to Reuters, and even if that was just a single poll giving results within the margins of error, again, the trend is clear.
>So? What’s stopping younger people fresh out of Ivy League schools from assuming leadership over companies like Raytheon and Northrop Grumman? You’re severely underestimating how greed can affect the character of someone.
What does assuming leadership over defense companies have anything to do with what I'm saying? Israel cannot afford to lose the widespread support of the U.S. public because it could lead to support for Israel becoming a partisan issue in American politics. American support for Israel becoming dependent on what party controls the presidency or legislature would be an unmitigated catastrophe and could lead to the nation being forced to make concessions in the conflict with the Palestinians.

>> No.22720513

Don't marry for love. Marriage is for political influence.

>> No.22720524

I wish I were half as perfect as Sarah Vaughan on an off day

>> No.22720537


Congrats, you've just independently rediscovered the concept of cultural wellspringsrkr0g2

>> No.22720596

Is there a formal name for this?
>cultural wellspringsrkr0g2
Your funny words have no affect on me pal

>> No.22720620

But the jews do actually do that

>> No.22720625


There may be, but I don't remember what it is. It's a normal thing though.


You clearly don't understand the first thing about American politics. The democratic "left" voter constituency are pearl clutching champaign liberals who will latch on to any cause for exactly long enough to virtue signal to a roomful of their peers. They don't care. Biden will say whatever he has to to appease these. Meanwhile every single dime that has placed him and every other Democrat in an office comes from pro-Israel financiers and bankers. He will do whatever they tell him to do.

As for the right, they're perpetually thirsty to bomb Muslims. They don't need a reason.

There's no way there will be any disruption to the status qou support of Israel by the west, genocide or no.

>> No.22720648

Certainly the jews who blackmail pedophile politicians hold power over American policy. That being said, literally only retarded boomer conservatives like israel. No other group in America likes Israel. The American public will be solidly anti israel. Hopefully soon the American people will see the dissonance between their wants and actual policy and anti jewishism will once again come to prominence

>> No.22720663


And I'm trying to tell you that's not going to happen. I don't like Israeli policy or the American foreign policy. Most people don't. And absolutely nobody here is going to pretend that the Palestinians have a valid cause for more time than it takes to personally profit by their extinction.

>> No.22720670

Pretty sad desu. Ameriga is fug D:

>> No.22720687


Definitely is sad and fug.

>> No.22720714

I hate Jews so much

>> No.22720719

oh, i'm homophobic? you think i'm homophobic? you think i hate gay people? is that right? i'm some kinda guy who hates gay people? is that what i am? huh???

>> No.22720731

Yes you silly goose

>> No.22720740

shut up faggot

>> No.22720744

Looks like the cover of a third rate power metal album

>> No.22720773

i consume 200 calories in solid food per day
i sleep 2 hours per night
i drink from the moment i wake up till the moment i pass out
i shit pitch black sludge out my ass
i am prone to involuntary muscular movements
i cannot stand up straight
i am 95 pounds
i look like i have AIDS
my skin is the color of chinese people skin
my teeth hurt

>> No.22720775

Sounds like your liver's fucked m8

>> No.22720782

what does that have to do with my teeth?

>> No.22720790

Interesting assessment of politics in the U.S. Meanwhile the U.S. is electing legislators who are pretty vocal in their opposition to Israel and support for Palestine for pretty much the first time. But I'm sure they're controlled opposition or something, that people don't actually elect these people, Israel appoints them, and that you're right, you fucking retarded schizo faggot

>> No.22720797

nerve and bloodflow damage, from your liver being fucked so you can't make basic DNA structures like non shitty bloodcells or break down plaques on nerve endings. jaw pain and forehead pain from trying to get any bone marrow to work against your shitty liver is common too, so you start producing blood cells in weird places

>> No.22720801 [DELETED] 
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ended up with a vanishing point luxury silent because of bourgeoisie things. it's alright. if someone accidentally binned it I wouldn't lose any sleep or seek to replace it. I do like robert oster inks.

>> No.22720807

oh, i was joking, i didn't realize there could actually be a connection to my teeth

>> No.22720808

>he thinks elections matter

>> No.22720817

seriously they're all signs your liver is fucked, see a doctor

>> No.22720819

at the risk of sounding pessimistic, i think i'm already dead

>> No.22720822

You can die more pleasantly with a doctor on board

>> No.22720825


in case you're interested I read about this recently
the next step is that your throat develops un-healable bleeding ruptured ulcers and you asphyxiate on your own blood over the course of hours or days unless something else fails faster.

>> No.22720828

i'd rather wander into the woods and not come back like a dog

>> No.22720831

There's lots of ways a fucked liver could kill him, but you can mitigate it even if they're not transplant candidates

>> No.22720833

alright bro but right now your body would feel like you took the best drugs if you took some b complex vitamins

>> No.22720834


oh for sure, he could come back from this and live if he chooses to.

>> No.22720841

>for sure
>why is there a black market for livers
He's prob not a candidate and there's prob a wait list

>> No.22720842

i'm quite alright

>> No.22720846


I don't hate you for your choice. There are worse traditions than following Bacchus to your doom. Not many, but some.

>> No.22720852

How do I get wisdom?

>> No.22720853

B vitamins will help with the pain and twitching, but they're going to stop you hitting dementia as fast too, whichever way that factors in for you

>> No.22720856

>I am a sick man. I am a spiteful man

>> No.22720857

By loving it

>> No.22720858

No need to call him a basement dweller just because you're reading Dostoevsky, anon

>> No.22720900

Things Fall Apart would have been better without the colonial stuff. if it had simply been about a great man losing his status and wealth amongst his tribe by normal means. it starts off as a compelling story about an insecure man fighting internal demons and then devolves into a flawed hero fighting external enemies. the first conflict is much more interesting

>> No.22720995
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My advice to the passionate reader and writer is to keep on doing that shit, because that shit is truly the real shit. The desire to learn is truly holy, the way through which we can more effectively love and interact with the world and others. This sentiment is the purest and more virtuous sentiment of the European enlightenment, and the salvation of Western culture and society. However as far as we have managed to aspire a general love of learning and a love of life, we have succeeded at the goal of enlightenment. Get as addicted as deeply and broadly to learning as you can, treat every aspect of your experience from work to your personal relationship to your relationship with yourself and your imagination to your relationships with other people as learning experiences, seek to understand and appreciate every facet of your existence.
Everything is poetry, everything is art, the universe is a creative medium creating with itself, the universe is the pure magic of creativity, we are all part of the great cosmic story of stories. Creativity is the purest essence of existence and it sings in an ever-evolving and ever-diversifying infinity of languages. The call of curiosity, the pursuit of the unknown, the desire to transcend one's existing conditions of knowledge and experience is the holy spirit of creativity in the world of human conscious experience, it is the sacred spirit of liberation, the salvation of human consciousness.

>> No.22720997

I have no problem attracting women, but I’m not good at forming a relationship. Often times I eavesdrop on people out public (I don’t do so deliberately, I just happen to find myself in situations in which people are have a chat next me), and it’s shocking to me how people can just naturally come up with things to say. I, on the other hand, am usually indifferent to what is said or cannot come up with a proper response to keep a conversation going. I just don’t have it in me. It’s like my brain is devoid of thought. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I’ve always been this way and it’s really starting to affect me because I deeply desire intimacy but cannot obtain it due my lack of interpersonal skills. I was emotionally neglected as a child and rarely had conversations with my parents, so I’m sure that had something to do with my current state of being. Am I supposed to talk to a counselor for this sort of problem?

>> No.22721051


>> No.22721063

i love my muthah

>> No.22721088
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What is the Dr. Strangelove of literature?

>> No.22721089

Catch 22

>> No.22721099

Taking an improv class really helps with that shit. It's gonna suck for you (it did for me) but it loosens you up so much.

>> No.22721103
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>haven't touched porn in a couple weeks
>suddenly start finding more and more women attractive
I never realized how much porn addled the brain, but unfortunately I also want to fuck every woman I see on the street.

>> No.22721104

hmm, i suppose so. Hated that book unfortunately.

>> No.22721113

So did l. Might be a better example out there

>> No.22721147

i;m addicted to alcohol and benzos

>> No.22721148

So many try to paint their vices or failings as virtues

>> No.22721156

Jordan Peterson?

>> No.22721161

no but i fucked him

>> No.22721165

oof ohhh im having a vaccine heart attack

>> No.22721174
File: 2 KB, 97x130, literallyme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my heckin vices make me soooo interesting

>> No.22721190

It is when the free soul released by the open air of solitude begins to dance purely that the spirit begins to regard every avenue of intrusion every ray of sun swarming from the windows or glinting past a peep hole as a threat to his treasured freedom. This paranoia this absurd fear for the breaking of the silence leads the free man to cover every entry way to seclude himself and plug each hole as if trying to bail out a storm tossed ship. It is through this rabid process that the free man metamorphosizes to the anchorite. It is to preserve a grand freedom that the spirit makes for himself a cell where no light may enter, regarding only its gnostic spark as neccesary. Wanderer of infinity becomes prisoner. Mystic becomes miser, for fear of losing his internal light he withdraws from the communion of waking sun.

had this thought dancing in my bedroom

>> No.22721252

Sex gifs

>> No.22721256

i'm going to sue women

>> No.22721273
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He does that

Anyways, poll


>> No.22721280

>I write because I don't know how to make movies and I don't have the money to do so anyway
I cope the best I can.

>> No.22721308


>> No.22721312

Probably the least groundbreaking study ever. Holy shit, people learn from mistakes better than they learn from not making mistakes? WOAH

>> No.22721330

I drank 1 gallon of milk today.

>> No.22721342

i drank one gallon of vodka today

>> No.22721365

I am irrationally angry about a minor inconvenience in my day that I will forget in a weeks time. Argh I wish I could have been home to do nothing 10 minutes sooner!

>> No.22721429

I hate how dumb males are

>> No.22721461

I hate how dumb and gullible conservative men are.

>> No.22721465

Big tits. Curvy asses. Juicy lips. Plump pussy.

>> No.22721472

nice. feeling better yet?

>> No.22721476

Don't start, it's halfway through NNN and erotic thoughts are the last things I want on my mind. To be fair though, this year has been very easy, I've only had the urge to jerk off less than a handful of times.

>> No.22721519

I wish there was a tool that would allow me to see Onlyfans content for free, there are some girls that I went to high school with that have always intrigued me.

>> No.22721520

coomer party

>> No.22721523

big dicks will rule the world

>> No.22721534

Don't care, I'm just tryna see what was hidden from me for all of those years.

>> No.22721541

there's this porn torrent tracker that uploads plenty of shit for free dude

>> No.22721543


>> No.22721552

I know, there's plenty of forums too, the only problem is that these chicks have very small accounts, the type of account that you'd only know about if you knew them in real life too.

>> No.22721555

I ate some cocoa beans. They were very bitter. I can't see why people like them.

>> No.22721563

> Israeli lobby
>kike lobby
>Fascist lobby
>Israeli Nazism, or Zionism

>> No.22721573

favorite porn stars?

>> No.22721578

Why do you ask?

>> No.22721601

The survival of the US depends on the people studying the Anglo-Saxons.

>> No.22721690

Deeze nuts lobby

>> No.22721701

tfw playing vidya all day long

>> No.22721706

Every night for almost a year I have prayed to God to kill me or put an end to my suffering some other way. Every night he leaves me in silence.

>> No.22721707

Don't need God to do that anon, just throw up some Andrew tate videos

>> No.22721729

I wish I could remove the sexual urge. But St Anthony the Great says that without temptations we would not inherit the Kingdom.

>> No.22721730

I hate seeing other people live my dreams, it's the closest I'll ever get to those dreams though so it's a necessity. Misery is a necessity.

>> No.22721734

Maybe in His silence He's telling you that you have a life to live

>> No.22721735
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The US speaker of the house tried to have a fistfight in session with a trade union leader the other day and I’m supposed to take this system seriously when they can’t even feign a morsel of professionalism anymore. The comments on the snippet I watched were all betting on who would win and lamenting that the fight didn’t break out then and there. We live in the belly of a beast that’s bleeding to death. I spoke with my father about it and he basically called me a liberal and said that liberals do stuff like that all the time and never catch heat for it. I’m not surprised at it, just filled with despair at how it’s all just a show for everyone else. They might as well turn congress into a zoo and sell peanuts at the door. Democracy is a two dollar whore.

>> No.22721746

>I wish I could remove the sexual urge
why tho?

>> No.22721751

I'm not married so it's just irritating rather than useful.

>> No.22721753

ah so you're religious, I see

>> No.22721755

It wasn't the Speaker. I wouldn't mind the fight as much if it actually came about as a result of an impassioned discussion but it started from the Congressman literally reading off a Twitter screen cap. Can't make this shit up. Social media is the new tower of babel

>> No.22721782

So stocks or extreme levels of nepotism are the only way to achieve financial freedom and riches these days, huh? Well, guess I'm fucked.

>> No.22721784

You could always luck out on an altcoin going x100

>> No.22721790

Okay I'll add gambling to the list

>> No.22721807

The chances of that happening are too low to even consider it.

>> No.22721883

When comfort walks out the door, ideas and inspiration flew into the window

>> No.22721887

Romans 12:12

>> No.22721889

The only shit that flies through the window for me is stress, ideas and inspiration seem to get lost on the way.

>> No.22721891

Violence and politics are primarily reciprocative. People overwhelmingly take means only as radical as they believe they are being dealt with, or are under the threat of being dealt with. Exceptions exist in the form of groups or individuals whose ambitions and cultural values drive them towards more radical measures against the members of the outgroup but the relatively apolitical general populace seldom breaks this rule, usually only in anarchical conditions.

>> No.22722035
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>/lit/ ruined by schizos and idiots
>/tv/ ruined by coomers and racists
>/mu/ ruined by highschoolers and tr*nnies
>/fa/ ruined by faggots and fatties
Nearly all the comfy boards I grew up with are gone. The only ones still fun are /ck/ and /fit/. I dont know why I bother anymore

Serious question for anons in these threads specifically: When you see the same three schizos spamming nonsense, talking to themselves for the entire day, what actually compels you to keep coming back?

>> No.22722076

I don't talk to schizos.
/lit/ overall is okay
/tv/ is funny and if you're bothered by racism, lmao
/mu/ does suck and it has to do with people unironically engaging in modern pop music or discussing the same albums over nd over again. In 2010 there was an appetite for discovering new music. I don't see that anymore.

/fa/ idk but I think back at the meeting picture they took years ago. Poorly dressed children.

I recommend /diy/, good board, people who are knowledgeable. Not very fast but fascinating threads.

>> No.22722080

I just ignore the schizos, good conversations can still be had.

>> No.22722085

>Y u lurkin?
I think I found who killed /b/

>> No.22722114

>parking in reserved lot at my shitty student apartment
>reservation sticker displayed in windshield, fees paid, etc
>car gets towed last night anyway
Fuck my life I guess

>> No.22722131

For some reason I had a very strong urge for days to throw out one of my houseplants. I've grown it from a seed over the last 4 years and it was a fine plant. I just felt like I had to throw it out for some reason and this feeling only got stronger, so today I did. I don't know what to make of this.

>> No.22722152

Being old sucks, even worse when you've got an ailment you gotta deal with. My gramps has Parkinsons and he can barely move his body. Someone's always gotta be there with him to move him around. Even so much as peeing and shitting is impossible without someone's help. Thinking about it, I think I'd rather go dementia so long as my body still works. But I know even that would suck as well.

>> No.22722165

I think this is valid. It may be less than revolutionary, but I wanted to write it out. An answer to the question of free will and Gods active rulership in creation is sometimes that it *seems* that natural scientific findings indicate that if one were to have perfect information, then one could perfectly predict what will happen, and therefore there would be no free will. I think the concept of "attention" makes this inconceivable: there is only so much that the human being, the only somewhat known intellect, could give his attention to. Clearly "all conceivable descriptions of all phenomena from all perspectives at the same time" is not something that the human being could give attention to. Therefore the argument is moot. There is no such thing as complete control of things. I wonder if you could even say that one such an intellect has simultaneous processing of all variables in control, its conclusion of the likely future would then become another piece of information in this "before" stage, in other words the fact that the intellect draws a conclusion increases the amount of potential relevant information, which seems to create infinite regress.

I dunno, that last thing with the regress seems striking to me, but what do I know. I suppose also then that anyone who can even set out to do anything will be inadequate to the task, since they will be trying to add to information, and the task is one of computing with intentionality, which is to set out to do something.

>> No.22722173

I suspect that someone who is humble to Gods will be allowed knowledge of more and more subtleties of true reality. But I really don't know. I think the story of Khidr, peace be upon him, in the Qur'an is about something like that.

For me right now the question is: what is an ontology on which it would be worthy to base action. Or it is how much of a pseud can I get away with being on a korean basket weaving forum.

>> No.22722178

>have perfect information, then one could perfectly predict what will happen, and therefore there would be no free will
This is a common misstatement of agency. Someone else knowing what you will do does not preclude you from freely doing the thing they predicted (or not). It's bizarre how common the idea is because understanding that foreknowledge by one part doesn't force action by the other is a basic milestone most kids should have met by 6y/o

>> No.22722189

the point is more whether or not there is any freedom in choosing what to do. Like an understanding of mind based entirely on neurobiology seems to preclude freedom of choice, given the seeming stability of matter.

>> No.22722195

and given that psychological phenomena at least do not seem entirely haphazard, an ontology for psychological phenomena also doesn't seem to answer the question, assuming choices are made based on reasons, since the reasons seemingly would have to be one or the other

>> No.22722196

>naturally flavored with other natural flavors

>> No.22722200

so my answer is: the question of of mans complete mastery of his circumstances is moot due to limitations of the mind. There is no reason to believe such a point of view could exist that would allow one to confidently claim mastery of ones reality.

>> No.22722202

which allows for Gods active mastery of ones circumstances, as difficult to grasp as it may seem. Under conditions where it certainly seems like what we do matters.

>> No.22722207

perfect, you are sinking yourself into their illusion this way

>> No.22722226

define "coming back". sure, i still stop by and give the catalog a quick skim, but the days of posting 100+ posts in a day wasting hours here are long gone. when i do visit /lit/, i post maybe once or twice. sometimes i don't even post. if they banned the insane guys who derail every thread it might be worth engaging again, but probably not.

as for /mu/, don't romanticize olde-/mu/ too much. they had little appetite for music outside of pitchfork approved indie rock bullshit. you could talk about a new album up until pitchfork gave it a 6.8, then no one was allowed to like it ever again. it was stifling. now it's just a wasteland, but i left /mu/ long before nu-/mu/.

>> No.22722241

>understanding of mind based entirely on neurobiology seems to preclude freedom of choice,
Tbph that's a religious pseudoscientific view of neurobiology and its limits and purposes. You're basically saying
>Look here's my fairytale understanding of a subject I don't know but worship because it sounds cool to me
And then expecting me to act like you understand the subject

>> No.22722244

Anyone else have a mother who did the evolution from soccer mom to careerist single mom who lives like a disgusting slob? No? Nobody? You guys all have normal mothers? Must be nice…

My parents always talk about how fucked up and shitty their own parents were and all I can think is “that sucks but why did you fail so miserably to learn from that…?” It’s not even like they feel like they have this trauma and they’re aware of it and try to suppress the negative behavior impulses that arise, they actually want to indulge them. They want to be retarded and talk about how they’re retarded because their parents fucked them up.

>> No.22722254

>evolution from soccer mom to careerist single mom who lives like a disgusting slob? No? Nobody? You guys all have normal mothers? Must be nice…
Your mom sounds more normal than mine.
>tfw that time I had to explain to authorities she was in Syria
>tfw that time we found out other families don't make explosives
>tfw that time she shot a mf for taking my hat

>> No.22722263

Ugh, I hate that farm girls are so hot because our personalities will always clash and I'll never be good enough in the eyes of their parents.

>> No.22722313

I'm trying to come up with names for a youtube channel which is man_on_the_street style.
Any ideas?

>> No.22722322

My mom's a saint and my dad's a mess. Still together though, probably because she is a saint.
But makes me appreciate the benefits of not having a crazed mom.

>> No.22722369

The picture demon, why has no one talked about it yet

>> No.22722380

Cosmetic surgery is satanic.

>> No.22722398

enlighten me then, is there any materialist perspective on free will that doesn't either culminate in determinism or true random?

>> No.22722406

the internet is so constrained and lame these days. can't do shit anymore.

>> No.22722423

>Spent six months off weed to get clean for new job testing...
>Hadn't heard back from companies
>went to weed store to get eddies
>eat 10mg
>oh shit this is nice
>company calls me back finally
Seriously I am such a fuck up

>> No.22722440

I want to deadlift 800 lb soon as possible
I want to do cardio bike workout
I want to do fun intellectual challenges
I want to get a GF
I want to walk and talk again
I want to be able to afford a better lifestyle

>> No.22722446

I cannot stop thinking about a friend of a friend that is no longer around. I'm just very obsessed with the stories I have been told about him. Last few days I have just been making up scenarios in my head of what it would be like to be friends with him myself. I've started writing poetry about it too.

>> No.22722454

why can't you walk?

>> No.22722488

it doesn't seem like a natural scientific angle could arrive at anything else, it's a constraint in the method I think, because you're trying either to determine what you can predict (determinism), or you're trying to determine that something can't be predicted (true random). It's built into the method, that is what you're looking for, predictability.

>> No.22722499

Based yandere mom

>> No.22722532

so, when your entire world view is based on "science", your entire world view is based on the assumption of perfect predictability, because it is by models of predictability that we determine what is "true" from what is "false"; it is by models of predictability that we determine "reality".

>> No.22722579

If a model could be developed that predicted human behavior with 100% accuracy, with neither false positives nor false negatives, that would be evidence of the notion that actions are deterministic. Your original statement asserts free will without further evidence or argumentation. How would that model not be evidence of determinism?

>> No.22722595

It does not seem plausible that one part of reality could be so cut-off from the rest, that it could be determined precisely which parts influence which parts which end up influencing human behavior. This I base on my experience with being a human being.

>> No.22722603

I happen to agree with you but the original statement made it seem like even if that model could be developed you don't think it would mean anything

>> No.22722612

Yeah, what seemed meaningful to me was to think that -the intellect- which produces the analysis, in producing an analysis affects the total amount of information, which it seemed to me like it would mean that it would now have to make a new analysis, because now a new situation has arisen, now that it has reached a conclusion. This affects the total amount of potentially relevant variables.

>> No.22722627

Why couldn’t I be born with a psychological predisposition towards industriousness? Most, if not all, of my problems would be solved or significantly attenuated if I wasn’t such a lazy piece of shit. No matter how many times I come to the realization that I need to manage my time better, I cannot gather the mental effort required to persevere and be consistent.

>> No.22722799

Today I've been simultaneously dunking on many anons in various threads, all made possible by my clear insight and argumentative wit. And no one has yet posed a substantial rebuttal.

>> No.22722802

Do you think there’s an age where it’s too late to become a good writer? There are a few notable writers who found publishing success later in life but not many who didn’t really write until later in life.

>> No.22722830

Clearly, I didn't come to this world to make money. Otherwise, I wouldn't have the "starving artist" starter pack pre-installed in my brain.
Oh, that doesn't mean I'm here to create a masterpiece, either. In that case, I would have been born with either talent or a brain capable of learning some discipline.
What is my purpose, then? To waste resources, of course. For as long as I can get away with it.
Work a useless job, create worthless stuff. If that is my purpose, then it's not a worthless life.
Yes, I'm high on copium.

>> No.22722861
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It's often said that lust clouds the intellect, but I'm not sure about this. Last night I spent a long time masturbating while composing "Duino Elegies"-inspired blank verse erotic poetry about one ~10 year old blue-eyed girl wearing skimpy clothing that outlined her budding breasts like little water balloons in shape and size, at last year's neighbour gathering. Oh, how would I impose myself into her...

>> No.22722863

I fuck hoes like I'm Marilyn Manson

>> No.22722874

If you didn't do undergrad at Oxford or Cambridge it's over.

>> No.22722886

Quite the opposite.

>> No.22722894

Coomer Party is a website

>> No.22722904

>that doesn't either culminate in determinism or true random?
Yeah, the scientific method. You know, the one where you rigourously test you hypotheses instead of relying on assumptions and what have you. You're hoping something culminates so there is evidence to support your belief, but science doesn't really care about your feels and shit

>> No.22722911

Ironically, it’s probably over for you if you DID go to Oxbridge or an Ivy in the last 20 years.

>> No.22722921

The reason political discussion migrated to this board is because serious conversation is impossible on /pol/ and Reddit.

>> No.22722929

They're not having good political discussions here either

>> No.22722963

y u hef to be mad?

>> No.22722969

Sometimes they are.

>> No.22722970

Attempts are made

>> No.22722974

Maybe I should have pursued a career in maritime

>> No.22722991

Nimrod arrived in Assyria mounted on a tankchariot, killed millions of savages, brutally enslaved the remaining ones and founded the despotic state of Assyria.
This was the first recorded state in Assyria.
By the time the first Semites arrived, there was no longer an aristocracy, they had to do the military job as mercenaries because all the Assyrians were busy making money. Everyone worked, except for the Phoenicians, still somewhat fond of their ancestors, the Chasers of the Eternal.

>> No.22723002

>blah blah blah Levant things

>> No.22723043

Abolishing slavery doesn't seem to have made us more popular among the blacks, but it certainly didn't gain us our friendship with the Arabs.

>> No.22723065

I’ve said this before

>> No.22723066
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I will have forklift certification in a month, until then I have carefree neet. Tweaked my back, but thankfully nothing bad, it's healing and I'm applying some rehab exercises, in a next week I'll be back to my regular workouts.
Currently I'm listening to Witcher audiobooks (though I've read it two times already). I'll finish with the whole series right around the start of december in which I'll be replaying all 3 games on hardest difficulty.
Life can be comfy sometimes, bros :)

>> No.22723067

/fit/ is teeming with homosexuals so no thanks

>> No.22723075

I only browse /fit/ and /lit/, sometimes /tv/. I like those boards despite their flaws.
The reason I'm coming back is because everywhere else is much worse

>> No.22723087

How do I get rid of erectile dysfunction and low libido. Its getting worse as months pass by. I tried googling a solution but all it tells is bullshit advice like get proper sleep or exercise or remove stress from life. Nothing concrete. As if there is no real cure

>> No.22723119

I just removed an abnormally long and sturdy nose hair from within my nose. Thought you might want to know.

>> No.22723129
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This might not make sense, but does anyone else feel that when two people learn a subject, each person builds a sort of "mental model" in his head, and the difference between a good teacher & a bad teacher is really just the clarity of their mental models?

For example people tell me I'm a good teacher, but when I learn new things I arrange the info very carefully, like a trail through a forest with tons of sign posts and a map with a compass. So if anyone else had to use the same trail, it would be extremely easy for me to show them the way.

But I look at other smart guys, even professors, and many just cannot explain their mental models at all. For them it's like they blazed a quick path through the forest, never put up any signs, never took notes, & arrived at the other side. So a student with this professor will be essentially lost, having no clue where the path is, because the professor hasn't really explained it. When you finally have a good teacher though, it feels like you're actually experiencing the subject as it was meant to be learned all along, and your experience with the bad teacher was nothing more than a waste of time.

>> No.22723146

I wish I could stop caring and just become ice cold.

>> No.22723153

occasionally i think "it's too bad 4chan doesn't have a politics board", but then i'm like, oh, wait, ugh.

>> No.22723156

Nigga. Sleep 9 hours a night. Eat well. And exercise. Do you need a basedjack to make it clear?

>> No.22723166

>bullshit advice like get proper sleep or exercise or remove stress from life
Have you tried doing this though? Hard to be horny when you're constantly stressed and tired. As for there being no "real cure" for ED, there probably isn't because there's no single cause. IMO when young guys have ED it's psychological like 90% of the time, with the bulk of other cases coming down to shitty lifestyle. With older guys, it's kinda just the way of things unfortunately

>> No.22723167

Dubs and I'll win and quit partially quit my job.

>> No.22723172

I may actually be a homosexual and I don’t know what to do about that.

>> No.22723180

Go on prep and fuck some bussy

>> No.22723197

I am William Shakespeare. I want you to know that I'm real. I wrote those plays and poems.

>> No.22723200

>t. Earl of Oxford

>> No.22723215

are you homo or not?

>> No.22723231

I fantasize about being a bottom and performing oral sex but I’m too afraid of disease / injury / being touched that I would never actually do it. Would rather just never feel horny at all desu.

>> No.22723236

I'm sure that routine will fix cancer as well.

>IMO when young guys have ED it's psychological like 90% of the time
>psychological what does that even mean. Its obviously physiological. The changes are objective. I mean sure I have long term depression but what that got to do with phisiological shit.

>With older guys, it's kinda just the way of things unfortunately

Well I am kinds old (29) and its progressing every year. Just gonna kms soon enough

>> No.22723244

>How do I get rid of erectile dysfunction
not like you have a gf or anything so why worry so much

>> No.22723257

I used to be ethnically Han Chinese.

>> No.22723265

you are all effeminate. NONE of you are men.

>> No.22723276

[...] in the environment of Chanaan, were constantly renewing and abounding, leading to the formation of previously unknown varieties and types. Such a contest was taking place, because the Phoenicians offered occupation to everyone. The work of its ports, its factories, its caravans, required a lot of arms. Tyre and Sidon, besides being large maritime and commercial cities in the manner of London and Hamburg, were at the same time major industrial centres such as Liverpool and Birmingham; they became the evenings of the populations of earlier Asia, they occupied them all and they were transferring the overflow to the vast circle of their colonies. In this way, through constant immigration, they sent fresh forces and an increase in their own lives. Let's not admire this prodigious act too much. All these advantages of an everincreasing population had their unfortunate reworms: they began by altering the political constitution in order to improve it; they ended up determining its total ruin.
We have seen by what ethnic transformations the reign of the gods had ended, to be replaced by that of the priests, who, in turn, had given way to a complex and learned organization, destined to give access to [...]

>> No.22723284

You are wrong, I am.

>> No.22723291

take your meds tranny

>> No.22723293

>being a man is about berating effeminate men online
ok boomer, why don't you go shout at a customer service person and wonder why no one talks to you without being paid to do so

>> No.22723301
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That is because I am a lady.

>> No.22723306

how many children do you have?
doesn't even warrant a response
i don't talk to "customer service" i obtain everything i need through my own labor

>> No.22723313

>i obtained this computer through my own labor
get the fuck out of here you senile cunt

>> No.22723320

i beat a man to death and stole his computer

>> No.22723330

I don't have children because women fear me.

>> No.22723359

> how many children do you have?
How is that related to my manliness? I have own thought, own ideas and I relentlessly live them out, no matter the consequences.

>> No.22723358

that's not labor kunta kinte

>> No.22723363

t. effeminate. possibly gay.

>> No.22723366

umad bro?

>> No.22723381

The cycle continues -- I trust people, and while they act decent on the superficial level, sooner or later they'll always start testing you and fuck you over if given the opportunity. So many years have passed, and my romanticism and gullibility haven't yet died. And what's irritating -- good people do exist, but they are barely a glimpse in my life, and malicious ones always tend to stick, they're for some reason much more proactive.

>> No.22723384


>> No.22723391

This is what Rousseau means btw when he says that individuals are born basically good, it is in society that they become corrupted - a person can be born with all the goodwill in the way, it ferments to noble anger the more it is abused.

>> No.22723395

It's time for another difficult shift at work! By difficult I mean I am going to listen to the Unreal Tournament (1999) and Deus Ex soundtracks and browse 4chan for $20/hr! I sure hope no one notices how redundant my position is... I'd hate to have to... GET ANOTHER ONE EXACTLY LIKE IT!!!

>> No.22723402

i am the only man.

>> No.22723405

If it wasn't for women, men would still eat meat half-raw and directly from the floor.
It is only fair that they have to do the cooking and wash the dishes.

>> No.22723409

>that one tranny is off his meds and spamming wwoym again
remember, most lowercase weird/gay posts and "antiboomer" posts are the tranny

>> No.22723410

women are incapable of cooking. cooking is an art form that requires some thought and discernment. only truly menial tasks are suitable for women

>> No.22723411

You are a zog slave, high on your own farts. I bet I could put you to submission with a single hit.

>> No.22723414

i'll make you my woman you little degenerate freak

>> No.22723422

Men don't have to cook though. That's just a clever excuse from women so they don't have to cook. If it wasn't for women men would eat raw meat, but women hate primitive, filthy behaviour so it is only logical that they have to do the cooking. Except for the feast days, where food has to be exceptionally good, it is only logical that women can be excluded from the cooking so the men can do it, but that is a decision not to be met by women. They are too afraid of making decisions, it is only logical that making decisions is a job to be done by men.

>> No.22723424

Cooking is the ultimate menial task. Thats why professional kitchens at even the highest levels are disproportionately staffed by underpaid uneducated workers.

>> No.22723428

You are already a woman to zog, while I am an actual freeman, or capable of becoming one. If zog can't enslave me, how will you?

>> No.22723431

i agree that we should eat more raw meat, but whenever the task of cooking is undertaken, it should be by men. i can cook better than any woman in my family. all the men in my family are superior cooks to the women

>> No.22723437

So your women don't cook? What do they do, help around? Go to 'work'?

>> No.22723439

too horny to be near qts

>> No.22723441

they rear children, obviously

>> No.22723443
File: 400 KB, 1000x894, 1672886494381172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The women is a beautiful lie in my life I dont know that such a women could exist

also stop fetishizing vagina

>> No.22723447

twomonke is still a virgin

>> No.22723453

I have to choose between my fatherland and speaking my mother tongue.
How does one not kill himself over such a decision?

>> No.22723456
File: 112 KB, 912x940, 1700101928014099.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bunch of /lit/cels are talking about women
have you considered being a voluntary celibate and thinking about them with post nut clarity?
women aren't shit but a fucking nuisance in your life, same goes for overly faggy gay men
solitude is a cursed blessing, because once you become accustomed to it and don't mind it you really really don't want to go back from it
try it, i guarantee you you will never see relationships the same way and realize what a cling together cope it is for infantile people who can't stand being alone
just look at corona lockdown suicide to know what i'm talking about, some people just can't handle being alone

>> No.22723459

idk about you but we usually just get drunk

>> No.22723463

Done that, didn't help.

>> No.22723466

>posting foxes to horny weebs
you're gonna get raped

>> No.22723468

have you tried bomb making or a minor assassination attempt? tiger kidnapping?

>> No.22723469

The strange paradox of women is you can only see their non-essence once you have joined with it. It's like you have to spend ten lifetimes questing after the holy fruit only to bite into it and realize it was a mirage.

>> No.22723476

No, but I've lived in the homeland of my mother and realized that a man afar his fatherland is nothing.

>> No.22723479

>not carrying it with you

>> No.22723480

I'm projected to get married within this year

>> No.22723486

[s4s] fortunes are getting more specific

>> No.22723488

fuck doud post not fap clarity is so good its my religion I want to go back to being a no fap simp instead of an actual on

>> No.22723489

What do you mean? Everyone calls me after my nationality instead of by my real name. But what am I supposed to do with so much private property? Sell it? It is a doomed existence.

>> No.22723531
File: 3 KB, 255x47, the vidya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It could always be worse.
As for coming to /lit/, I just wanted to get back into reading, which I hadn't done since high school. So I came here to see if there were any handy recommendation images like I'd find on /mu/ or /v/, and of course found everything I need in the sticky. Now I'm just poking around, seeing what the rest of the board is like.

>> No.22723538

I see a lot of anons talk about the suicide of the lonely with an attitude of triumph, as if they're better than the dead for their tolerance of aloneness. But these anons should consider that we as humans are fundamentally social animals. The ability to persist alone is a defect or symptom of defect. They brag that they survive through lonliness but fail to consider that they are lonely on account of being malformed.

>> No.22723541

A man is never alone, though.

>> No.22723545

>what actually compels you to keep coming back?
I am the schizo and I need this place to reflect on life

>> No.22723554

>Well I am kinds old (29) and its progressing every year
Man I meant like 50+, you should not be having ED at 30

>psychological what does that even mean. Its obviously physiological. The changes are objective. I mean sure I have long term depression but what that got to do with phisiological shit.
You can quibble all you want, but the nervous system is part of the body. Your state of mind affects the state of your body. If you are stressed, worried about sexual things, or even just have something else occupying your mind, you will have a hard time getting it up. Like, will you want to fuck immediately after your mom's funeral? Barring some other fucked up psychological shit, the answer is obviously no. Would you prefer to just take some dick pills? Be my guest, but it's a bandaid fix and you will pay for it down the line with an even less functional penis

>> No.22723560

>i obtain everything i need through my own labor
Did you mine all the minerals needed for your phone?

>> No.22723565

fuck shit up and start a riot

>> No.22723572

>anon i'm not defective for self termination when isolated, you're defective for being able to tolerate things that are unpleasant to me
you will get over the unpleasantness in time and learn to tolerate it, just like going to the gym
your confirmation bias is based on the fact that you just never learned to tolerate it because the moment you felt alone you felt the urge to push yourself back into any peoples company, you're literally the boomer who has to chat up clerks and hold up the line because no one wants to talk to you and you never learned to be alone

>> No.22723579

I just took the most horrible shit. It was sticky and thick but also basically liquid. It spread out everywhere, up my back and over my cheeks. It had an oily consistency and swirled in ththe toilet water. It left a weird yellow stain on the toilet bowl that I could not scrub off. All around awful.

>> No.22723594

Your rebuttal is nothing more than a deflection. You're assuming I'm the other and attack me on the basis of that. I have been alone my whole life and being alone is all i understand. I really enjoy being alone. But this is unnatural and I'm mature enough and self aware enough to understand that I'm defective. Being alone is something you have to learn to tolerate because it's wrong for man to be alone. You are alone because society didn't want you. Society acts like an organism. You are diseased and therefore cut off from the body. Just accept that you are malformed

>> No.22723622

>It spread out everywhere, up my back
Good god how

>> No.22723634

It was explosive

>> No.22723644
File: 345 KB, 1024x1024, Gnome-Cute-Wise-Old-Magical-56046236-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You are alone because society didn't want you. Society acts like an organism. You are diseased and therefore cut off from the body. Just accept that you are malformed
Psychological projection is a defense mechanism people subconsciously employ in order to cope with difficult feelings or emotions. Psychological projection involves projecting undesirable feelings or emotions onto someone else, rather than admitting to or dealing with the unwanted feelings.
anon did every monk and hermit get rejected by society and hang their head sorrowful and walk off into the wilderness serenaded by the somber tune of hulk?
there are plenty of people who learned to be fine being alone, they found ataraxia in solitude like many monks, hermits etc before them, you calling this a defect or something unnatural shows that you don't know much about history of humanity and that you enjoy projecting your own situation onto others
maybe you were ugly, maybe you were stupid, maybe you had bad hygiene, i literally don't know how you ended up like you did but i ended up here because of circumstances that changed, i still hangout with my friends from now to then but i don't feel distress, anxiety or a need to force myself to do so
ill cut it short because writing an essay to a person like you will just make you asspull another term you once heard in high school from your therapist and misusing it because you assumed too much

>> No.22723653

thanks for letting us know, keep us informed about your future shits

>> No.22723658


>> No.22723670

A person choosing to leave society is another symptom of being malformed. You can't handle being around people, so you leave. People becoming monks or hermits, choosing to end their genetic lineage and social standing, is symptomatic of inner problems. They know that they fundamentally do not fit in, and so have to leave. You've made no rebuttal, only described a phenomenon without defending it and then called me smelly. You have no point.
>i still hangout with my friends from now to then
So you've been larping the whole time. You aren't a true loner or a monk but romanticize the idea of being one. Normalfag.

>> No.22723676

Even my most violent shits only travel downward

>> No.22723694

Your shits are very tame. This is far from the first time I've needed to scrub my back after a shit

>> No.22723696

anon i think our conversation is over, you are a person who was forced to be alone by your own admission and projection, you then assumed that i am coping just like you are and that no sane person would choose to be alone
and as soon as you heard that i was in fact and actuality alone by choice and that i was capable of also being social with people i have made connections with you spout no true scotsman and dismiss it
anon you're writing a novel about yourself and projecting it onto me, there are people who choose and are actually fine with being alone, not all of them got pushed out by society because they were intolerable or whatever got you booted out
>you're romanticizing it, my solitude is a sacred martyrdom!
not really, i'm just saying that you should probably learn to actually be fine with being alone instead of using it as a cope for your stockholm syndrome

the only point to take away from this dialogue is to understand ataraxia that comes from being okay with not being social, i'm not going to slam the door on my childhood friends face just because i prefer to be alone and just because being alone doesn't cause distress doesn't mean i have to thrash violently and chase away the people who come to me swamp
you oughta figure your stuff out and maybe you too can be actually happy being alone by choice without having to lament your fate as the exiled wretch who bears the cross of solitude in a histrionic scene befitting jesus

>> No.22723737

You are not a smart person. All of your responses have been hostile attacks on my character without addressing my points. You've also clearly misunderstood what I'm saying and then proceed to nurse "projection" as if it means anything. Very midwit of you.
Your first attack was to say I'm an overly social boomer who holds up check out lines, then you called me smelly and ugly and criticized me for being alone when I said I live in solitude. You're all overthe map. Your excessive defensiveness shows that you're rattled and uncomfortable.
My point that being a loner is a symptom of being malformed is not at odds with finding peace in one self. A person in a wheelchair can find inner peace with his condition and be happy with it. That doesn't mean his paralysis is healthy. But you wouldn't understand because you're a normalfag with lifetime friends and social events. You think taking a personal day is like being a monk embracing solitude. Then you brag about being better than the suicidal lonely. The truth is that you've never truly been alone and so are unqualified to even discuss the subject of true solitude with. In short, you are larping

>> No.22723783

if you say so, my point was that being alone is a cursed blessing because you stop wanting to be in company once you get used to it, nothing you've said disproves that all you've been doing is saying that it is unnatural despite historical examples of people doing it and my personal example that you condemned by moving the goalpost when you realized not all people who are fine with being alone do so because "society saw them as malformed and exiled them"
you've made no points, you've just been saying "no true scotsman" and "that's unhealthy" on repeat while ignoring any of the examples i've made or outright condemned the fact that even "healthy" people can enjoy solitude
my "day off" from socializing is 90% of my life
>you've never been truly alone
that's like saying "you've never been celibate" if someone chooses to not have sex despite being able to, what's the magic number where it starts to count?

>> No.22723797

There's plenty of historical examples of being killing themselves too. Again, you are unintelligent and a normalfag with a healthy social life larping as a monk. You have never gone through a period with no friends or family. You just aren't qualified for this conversation.

>> No.22723803

Seek medical help man, that is not normal

>> No.22723813
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i used monks as "healthy" examples of people who choose to be alone and are fine with it
>only solitude is forced solitude
>"only celibacy is involuntary celibacy"
i think i see the point you are trying to make now and you can keep your true scotsman variant, to me being fine with solitude is being fine living alone and not feeling symptoms when you do so or a need to socialize, i don't see why you would want to tag onto it extra labels like forced to do so or why i would add a dogma to it of having to do it all the time
but you have a nice life with your badge of honor of "truly alone" while i enjoy the "fine with being alone"

>> No.22723845

>>only solitude is forced solitude
Again, you're too unintellgent to follow my line of thinking as this is not what I've been saying.
>no true scotsman
A midwit appeal. The fact is that you're not nor have you ever been truly alone. You want to say that you tolerate solitude as your own badge of honor while looking down on those who have killed themselves in true isolation. You are normalfag. Take it as a compliment given that I'm saying you're not malformed like real loners are.

>> No.22723849

Does anyone else feel like they somehow failed to get on the track in life that they were supposed to get on and have this terrible dread that it’s too late to correct? Surely, many people have this feeling in our era what with the insanity of everyone going to college, college going from 4 to 6 years, the lack of jobs, pozzed military, games, porn, aimlessness all this stuff. Don’t people feel like they haven’t become the men they were supposed to become, or at least could have become?

>> No.22723857
File: 22 KB, 399x294, 5aacb198c3a7b00d731e6b25ec8a659d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i never claimed to have been "truly alone", i even used snufkin as an example of a character that is fine with being alone
>you look down on people who kill themselves in solitude
yeah if all it takes is 2 weeks in lockdown for you to kill yourself i will laugh at you, i've been doing sweat fests in wow for months and haven't even felt the desire to leave my house it's more of an inconvenience when i have to
>you are normalfag
if you say so, pretty low bar for normalcy but don't really care, personally i see norms as dogma and couldn't care less for them apart from the benefit and consequence part of them

>> No.22723874

>yeah sometimes I like to stay in instead of going out
>this makes me special
Well I'm glad you stopped larping as a monk and admitted you're just a basic normalfag.

>> No.22723884

>this makes me special
nothing special about it, i already gave you historical examples of it being done
>i'm glad you stopped larping as a monk
i gave you an example and you jumped to conclusions
implied guilt of a offense but okay
>basic normalfag
now pump them breaks bucko, you can't have your cake and eat it too
normalfags off themselves in 2 weeks lockdown and i laughed at that, how can i at the same time be a normalfag and be fine with solitude enough to laugh at 2 week = suicide crowd?
gather your case mr

>> No.22723897

Of course. I think about it all the time, though these days I try to do it less. When I was a child I was very precocious, very intelligent for my age, and was expected to go on to exceptional academic and career success. Currently, at the age of 23, I am a college dropout working for minimum wage at a cafe. I have some talents and have developed a rich Henry Darger-esque inner world for which I try to feel passion but unlike Darger it feels more like a grandiose escape from the reality of this timeline, as a reprieve from the life I could have lived. But I go on because it's the only thing I have left.

>> No.22723913

Of course you feel special. This whole conversation has been you nursing your ego. Your very first post was you bragging about being alone.
>normalfags off themselves in 2 weeks lockdown and i laughed at that,
See? That's you thinking you're special. You pretended to be some super deep monk finding ataraxia in true solitude. You responded with strings of insults from the outset. Clearly your fragile ego has been hurt. Typical of a normalfag anyway

>> No.22723923

if you laugh at someone not being able to lift a small rock does that making lifting small rocks special?

>> No.22723929

If you give a stupid analogy does that make you stupid? Yes. You are stupid and a normalfag with a fragile ego.

>> No.22723939

>You pretended to be some super deep monk finding ataraxia in true solitude.
you added true there you little weasel, also ataraxia comes from philosophy, not theology
ataraxia comes from stoicism, pyrrhonism and hedonism, 3 paths to same goal
the fact that you thought that was some "super deep monk shit" tells me you don't belong in /lit/
>fragile ego x2
anon you're projecting again, here's my theory, you thought that being alone was a malformed curse that you had to bear as a martyr
being okay with being alone is normal historically speaking, not everyone doing it is a "malformed and unhealthy exile of society"
i think you might be the one with fragile ego who is a little bit upset over this encounter

>> No.22723951

kek what a pseud
>projection projection projection!
Always a midwits go to defense. Look at you lash out now that your ego has been bruised.

>> No.22723960

>fragile ego fragile ego!
>me, haha i'm laughing you're a stupid person, i'm not mad you're mad that your fragile ego has been bruised
ok yeah this time for real, this conversation is over

>> No.22723967

I do, but with the small detail that I truly wanted, in the beginning, to lead a normal career, besides some explosions of immaturity at the age of 12 that unfortunately left me with rather miserable middle school marks. However, I went on optimistically to High School, for wich I took an examination to enter. Summarizing, year after year, my brain started working and questioning of how useful school actually is, but it all remained theoretical until I started working at the age of 17, and had to repeat a grade. Then corona began, and at a time I had earned enough money to buy a laptop just before corona, I found reddit days after the lock down began, at a time it was still based, and became an ancap, fond of my individual liberties, not as a citizen, but already as a human being. But it wasn't until I worked several weeks at farms that I became the moreso convinced of labour as an essential part of life, and turned the more despise against formal education. I didn't immediately quit school, but after my parents forced me to take a student forgiven loan, the optimism I had gathered when I turned 18 started fading away, and every day I became more hateful against society, and every day I spent an hour out of school, and stopped joining my classmates during lunch. All the time, I was alone. Then I got a job at some restaurant, every weekend two days, and going out on Fridays to parties, to the point that I ended up dropping out of school completely when I turned 19 with a remarkably shitty diploma, but I didn't care. I still had ambitions of becoming an intellectual of some sort, but I was ill on lyme disease at that time, wich hindered my progress a lot. I stopped medication however, after three months, and was still working at that job in the restaurant three days a week, pretending I was still in school. Until I quit, half a year after leaving school, and decided to take a trip to anywhere with my newly purchased skis, telling my parents that I was in fact alone. What really changed me was a mishappening after wich I had to hike on my skis all day long and then all night long, thinking I was arriving at some 'ski hut', when it was half dark already, I saw the last sign, and a single parking lot next to it, a short dirt street leading to an old, dark and scary farmer hut.
I arrived at some village at 9 am, and three days were spent in some small historical city at some hotel in pure agony.
I had short thoughts of making a lifestyle out of this, but decided to return home after travelling for another two weeks, and pretended to search for an apprenticeship.
Then, I traveled for another two weeks, after turning 20, telling my parents I left for a job, job I had applied to in another state, but didn't get past the application. I thought I could make a lifestyle out of this, but after bathing in a river, and my heavy baggage, I got second thoughts.
I worked six months full time at the restaurant I had previously worked at.

>> No.22724016



>> No.22724048

Yeah definitely. I wonder if it's just us or if that's a major social phenomenon. Felt like starting real life was impossible for me