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22717052 No.22717052 [Reply] [Original]

>Downfall was the subject of dispute by critics and audiences in Germany before and after its release, with many concerned regarding Hitler's portrayal in the film as a human being with emotions in spite of his actions and ideologies.[42][30][51] The portrayal sparked debate in Germany due to publicity from commentators, film magazines, and newspapers,[25][52] leading the German tabloid Bild to ask the question, "Are we allowed to show the monster as a human being?"[25]
>Cristina Nord from Die Tageszeitung criticized the portrayal, and said that though it was important to make films about perpetrators, "seeing Hitler cry" had not informed her on the last days of the Third Reich.[57] Some have supported the film: Hans-Jürgen Syberberg, director of Hitler: A Film from Germany, felt the time was right to "paint a realistic portrait" of Hitler.[16] Eichinger replied to the response from the film by stating that the "terrifying thing" about Hitler was that he was human and "not an elephant or a monster from Mars".[8] Ganz said that he was proud of the film; though he said people had accused him of "humanizing" Hitler.[52]
>They just got it wrong. Bad people do not walk around with claws like vicious monsters, even though it might be comforting to think so. Everyone intelligent knows that evil comes along with a smiling face.[16]

—Hirschbiegel in 2015, on the criticism surrounding the portrayal of Hitler
What do you think / lit / ? .

>> No.22717068

A tragic hero. This last month convinced me he was 100% right about those rats.

“Gradually I began to hate them”

>> No.22717091

he was but a retard trapped in a trend of history beyond his control, a cog in a macro machine

>> No.22717100

He was just an idiot.

>> No.22717106

Show nose

>> No.22717132
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Hitler was definitely a flawed and complex man. He was single-minded in his love of his country and people, and it led him to have a basically megalomaniacal faith in his own cause. The only people who come close to the level of faith he had are classic religious fanatics like George Fox.

I recommend reading this thread which has many quotes from "The Young Hitler I Knew," by his childhood friend August Kubizek:

The whole cartoon villain thing is nonsensical. You will get a sense of his actual character and personality by reading these quotes. The Nazis weren't some magically evil entity, they were an ultra-nationalist political party that largely delivered on their promises and achieved what they set out to achieve. They shrugged off the Great Depression like it was nothing, practically created the modern welfare state, were the first state with a successful "green" agenda and practically invented green political parties too.

The best way to understand what they achieved in 1930s Germany is to say that it was Marx's dream of a classless, organically cooperative, "communist" (as opposed to capitalist, Mandevillian competitive, "atomistic") society, except they did it via the national principle in one state instead of the international principle. In reality Marx thought it would also take place within individual states too, "red republics" as he called them - the National Socialists and Fascists really are the fulfillment of all forms of 19th century socialism. It's not a mistake that Mussolini was one of Italy's foremost Marxists, and that many many prominent Fascists were leading socialist and Marxist thinkers.

Read any actual social history of the period or of the generation and a half raised up under National Socialism. They are all almost unbelievably optimistic. It was a genuine organic society, a Volksgemeinschaft. Hitler delivered on his promise. It was so powerful that the Hitler Youth generation, after the war, is responsible for the reconstruction of Germany. It just naturally wanted to build and create and strive for the greater good.

If another generation had gone by, it would have created an aristocratic cooperative society basically capable of doing anything. Julius Evola saw this, and basically saw that a new Middle Ages was being constructed, complete with a society of knights (the SS) and monastic societies etc. Appreciating the accomplishments and potential of this alternative route European history could have taken should be normalized in the coming years.

>> No.22717133
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>> No.22717136

That’s how Jews also think. They think they’re descendants of Abraham lol

>> No.22717236

everyone sees themselves as the hero in their story

>> No.22717433
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>many concerned regarding Hitler's portrayal in the film as a human being with emotions in spite of his actions and ideologies
This is such a dangerous line of thought, and it's bad for the obvious reasons: Hitler was evil BECAUSE he was human like the rest of us. He had the capacity to do good, he had a personal life with ups and downs, an internal life where he felt things deeply that he never told anyone, fond memories of childhood and truly loved those around him. He also sanctioned the killing of millions of people. If "Hitler" was just some natural disaster, a hurricane that tore through Europe and killed the exact same amount of people, killed the exact same people, it wouldn't be "evil", it would just be tragic. The fact that Hitler wasn't some inhuman monster, but instead a human like the rest of us shows the awful things that we as a species have the potential to do.
Of course, people don't like this because it means they don't have the certainty of knowing that they're always right since they can't entirely "other" the concept of evil. Good. People should always be aware that humans are capable of awful things, themselves included, and check themselves and those around them for it. Otherwise you get shit like Israel annihilating a city of innocent people to the world's applause because certainly they can't be like Hitler, he was an inhuman monster!
>inb4 implying hitler was evil

>> No.22717451

Leftists would find support for Hitler and Nazism disgusting, but will also go at lengths to ridicule you for questioning the holocaust. They suffer from inconsistency and it's why we'll never come to a conclusion to this question

>> No.22717484

>Leftists would find support for Hitler and Nazism disgusting, but will also go at lengths to ridicule you for questioning the holocaust.
Where is the contradiction?
Also, Zionism IS Nazism; Israel is a fascist country— founded by fascists for fascists.

>> No.22717494

smartest /pol/tard

>> No.22717508

Nazism is German protectionism which respects the independence of other countries. Zionists are just literal parasites.

>> No.22717509

G*rmoids are so unbelievably cucked. Can the country even be salvaged at this point?

>> No.22717568

>Nazism is German protectionism which respects the independence of other countries
Man you're in for a real surprise once you actually open a history book.

>> No.22717574
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>> No.22717575
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>Man you're in for a real surprise once you actually open a histo-- ACK!!

>> No.22717598

Germans are liquid autism. Like all liquids they flow downhill and occupy the paths of least resistance. When the path of least resistance is once again fascism, Germans will flow. The German must flow.

>> No.22717608

>open mein kampf
>immediate diatribe about how all of eastern europe needs to be colonized for we wuz aryan families
hitlers bid for hegemony was entirely premediated and all "peace offers" were of bad faith, just like how you are acting out of a bad faith now just like every last neo nazi in existence

>> No.22717610
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I am a National Socialist

>> No.22717653

>further bad faith
your containment board is this way -> >>>/pol/

>> No.22717657
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>> No.22717676

If you are going to like Hitler then like him, but don’t go playing the victim or pretending he’s one. Such a cowardly mindset especially for a self claimed national basedboy

>> No.22717750

>hitlers bid for hegemony was entirely premediated and all "peace offers" were of bad faith
He's only accused of "bad faith" and "premeditation" because he lost the war. Either suicide and have that assumed of him, or a show trial and be declared guilty of those crimes.

>> No.22717777

>don't like this because it means they don't have the certainty of knowing that they're always right since they can't entirely "other" the concept of evil
Pure pseud. People don't like the humanizing of Hitler because it encourages people to support Hitler's policies. Just as many people find themselves supporting Light after watching Death Note despite his ideology being retarded. People support it not out of the strengths of the ideas but because the narrative of the story makes them support him. Now in the case of deathnote it is not a problem because there is no political movement pushing for giving criminals the death penalty without a trial.

But with Hitler, there is a Nazi movement and the rise of nazism is an eternal boogyman for progressives. The truth is that people choose what they believe not out of logical fact-finding but instead based on how much they like this or that guy. Well-written narratives can turn people to be sympathetic to any cause. If you hate nazism you need to be aware of it.

>> No.22717781

>He's only accused of "bad faith" and "premeditation" because he lost the war. Either suicide and have that assumed of him, or a show trial and be declared guilty of those crimes.
Have you not read mein kampf? its clear as day, he wanted to dominate eastern europe from before he even had power. Either stupid as fuck or further bad faith