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File: 215 KB, 1200x1600, Franz_Kafka,_1923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22715962 No.22715962 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck was his problem?

>> No.22715971

Jewish. Circumcision means not being able to fully experience sex so they become neurotics. Plus he was a gay pedo judging by the latest biography.

>> No.22716007

>judging by the latest biography

If it was written by a brown person it's them trying to take down Europeans.
If it was written by a woman it's them trying to take down men.
If it was written by a Jewish person it's their typical jealous infighting.

Unless it was written by a white Christian male the post-mortem analysis of historical figures is worth absolutely nothing.

>> No.22716055

Daddy issues.

>> No.22717896

it was his dad fuckwit if you'd read the judgement instead of stopping at the trial or the metamorphosis you'd know this but no you're a fucking tourist shitting up my board

>> No.22717914

Kafka was a Jew, that is, non-European. And I got it wrong, it’s not a biography but his uncensored diaries. He talks about being attracted to a young blond boy on the street or something. Really gross shit.

>> No.22717937

A shy schizoid lad with an over-bearing father.

>> No.22717959

>his uncensored diaries. He talks about being attracted to a young blond boy on the street or something.
Do you remember where in his diary? i have his diary downloaded so I am curious to check that out

>> No.22717970

Kafka was a Jewish EUROPEAN, who wrote in GERMAN, and whose ancestors spoke Yiddish, a GERMANIC language. His tastes and ideas were formed partly by his Jewish heritage and partly by his Christian-European inculturation. Racialist ideologue.

>> No.22717992
File: 355 KB, 1404x960, IMG_2017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s from the uncensored translation that came out this year. Pic rel is from an interview with the translator.

Shut up, faggot. You were saying it was worth nothing unless written by a white Christian. Talk about racialist ideologues.

>> No.22718006


>> No.22718013

Damn, that was disappointingly tame. You got my expectations high

>> No.22718029

Sounds like left wing bullshit. Kafka had loads of gfs throughout his life

>> No.22718036

Sorry if you expected gay Lolita
It’s his own diary. Cope.

>> No.22718498

By the time he realized life was a Halloween party he realized he'd been wearing his face the whole time

>> No.22718878

>2 schöne schwedische Jungen mit langen Beinen, die so geformt und gespannt sind, daß man nur mit der Zunge richtig an ihnen hinfahren könnte.
How pedophilic is this actually? In modern Dutch "jongen" could apply all the way up to someone's early 20s but I can't say I have the hang of the nuances of the German of a century ago

Context for the bulge:
>Unterdessen ißt ein magerer Reisender, das was man Windbeutel nennt, mit raschem Schlucken Schinken, Brot und zwei Würste, deren Haut er mit einem Messer durchsichtig kratzt, bis er schließlich alle Reste und Papiere unter die Bank hinter das Heizungsrohr wirft. Während des Essens hat er in dieser unnötigen mir so sympatischen, aber erfolglos nachgeahmten Hitze und Eile zwei Abendblätter mir zugewendet ausgelesen. Abstehende Ohren. Nur verhältnismäßig breite Nase. Wischt mit den fetten Händen Haare und Gesicht, ohne sich schmutzig zu machen, was ich auch nicht darf. Das scheinbar umfangreiche Glied macht in den Hosen einen starken Wulst.
>Meanwhile a thin traveler eats what is called a cream puff, and with a quick swallow ham, bread and two sausages, scraping the skin until transparent with a knife, until he finally throws all the leftovers and papers under the bench behind the heating pipe. During the meal he read out two evening papers directed towards me in that unnecessary heat and haste that I so liked but failed to imitate. Protruding ears. A relatively wide nose. Wipes hair and face with greasy hands without getting dirty, which I also must avoid. The apparently large member makes a strong bulge in the pants.
Another highlight:
>15 (Juli 1912) Plato "Der Staat" – Modell gestanden für Dr. Schiller. Ohne Schwimmhosen. Exhibitionistisches Erlebnis.
>15 (Juli 1912) Plato "The Republic" – Stood model for Dr. Schiller. No swimming trunks. Exhibitionist experience.

>> No.22718886

A jewish european is just a jew on european soil

>> No.22718895

I‘d estimate that at around early-mid teens, and if we don‘t have more information possibly just a jewish inferiority fantasy directed at healthy young men. My early 20C Deutsch is still in development though so that‘s just a layman guess.

>> No.22719334

Every great artist is jewish on the inside at least and is a freudian wreck.

>> No.22719340


>> No.22719366

kafka has to be the greatest midwit filter of all time
and thats only 1 (one) of the things i love about him

>> No.22719375

Also a pseud magnet. Very few actually understand him.

>> No.22719381

exactly, i love him so much

>> No.22719467

He was a known womanizer.
Faggots will really grasp at any straw to pinkwash history.

>> No.22719474

So he was bisexual, then.

>> No.22719495

No he wasnt

>> No.22719504

He felt sexual attraction to men, so yes.

>> No.22719507

No he didnt

>> No.22719511

This, but it's specifically the neurological trauma from infant circumcision that causes the majority of the neurosis, long before the sexual dysfunction becomes a factor. This is also why Americans have a very similar pseudo-Judaic mindset (t. American).

>> No.22719512

It’s there in his diary. Keep coping.

>> No.22719513

No he felt an erotic attraction, which is more intellectual. It’s like when people say that Mishima had a masculinity fetish. He would only be bisexual/gay if there was documented proof that he committed a homosexual act

>> No.22719518

>Circumcision means not being able to fully experience sex so they become neurotics
lmao did you really fall for the (((anti-circumcision))) psyop meant to instill in the majority of young American men feelings of inferiority?

They sometimes give circumcisions to adults who often report more feeling after the surgery.

>> No.22719522

Woah he briefly felt attracted to some boy and noted it in his diary. The topic never occupied his mind again and he kept being a womanizer frequenting brothels.
>Lets just ignore his entire biography, that one cherry picked diary entry is all that matters
See how stupid you are?

>> No.22719523

Eroticism is part of sexuality and they don’t have to act upon their desire in order to feel attraction. Homosexuality by definition is about feeling attraction to those of your same sex, not necessarily having intercourse with them.

>> No.22719528

Keep coping, Jew. Not even your bait is funny anymore.

Free Palestine. Death to Israel.

>> No.22719529

fake quote btw

>> No.22719534

> The topic never occupied his mind again
He was staring at a dude’s large bulge lol
Clearly something going on there. You can’t read his mind but you can take a guess by what he wrote.

>> No.22719535

>I am just making shit up
I accept your concession

>> No.22719537

Hey, whatever you do, DON'T think about another man standing in front of you right now, with his dick hanging out.

Ooops—did you think about it? Guess you're a homo now.

>> No.22719542

>Homosexuality by definition is about feeling attraction to those of your same sex, not necessarily having intercourse with them.
no, that's the definition of homoeroticism. -sexuality implies, you guessed it, sexual relations.

>> No.22719546

>0.01% of his diary is kinda gay, that means he was totally gay
lol, I think its time for faggots to go back in the closet

>> No.22719547 [DELETED] 

sandniggers can go to hell, kikes can go to hell, and you can too you dumb golem.

>> No.22719553

It’s literally in the diary.>>22717992


>> No.22719558

I already addressed this.
Please, tell everybody how a well known womanizer was actually gay because of a shirt diary entry that never came up again in his life.

>> No.22719565

It came up various times and the fact he felt compelled to write about it is very telling. “Well known womanizer”, no one but Kafka nerds know or care about this. He’s the neurotic bug boy as far as the world is concerned

>> No.22719567

>I am just making shit up
I accept your concession

>> No.22719568

He was bisexual

>> No.22719572

No he wasnt.

>> No.22719580

What am I making up? He wrote homo shit in his diary multiple times. Purely straight men don’t just write that shit in their diaries. He was at the very least bisexual.
He was. His diary points towards that.

>> No.22719585

>He wrote homo shit in his diary multiple times.

>> No.22719590
File: 167 KB, 1463x563, IMG_2027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong. Homosexuality can be only attraction, not necessarily sex.

>> No.22719595

Have you read the latest translation of the diary? Read it and report back. I already told you.

>> No.22719600

Kek closeted fags itt getting mad

>> No.22719601

Wait… no no no that can’t be true. No no NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

>> No.22719654

>I am just making shit up
lol, I accept your concession.
A well documented life of fucking women, affairs and visiting brothels and here you are with your handful of disconnected diary entries. We can continue this ad infinitum but in the end you have no argument, constantly falling back on those entries that are such a weak point its easily debunked, so whats the point. Everybody already saw you are an idiot arguing semantics.
If he had any interest in men or boys he would have acted on it.

>> No.22719657

that definition is wrong

>> No.22719660

You don’t have act upon your desires, actually. He was bisexual. Get over it.

>> No.22719670

Keep coping. I love it.

>> No.22719679

the only person here coping is you—you clearly don't possess any ability to think or reason for yourself, so what else can we expect you to do?

It doesn't matter that the faggots who write the dictionaries can contrive and publish a definition of homosexuality that suits their political agenda. Mine is the definition that most closely reflects the reality of the situation and etymology, therefore mine is the correct definition.

>> No.22719689

No he wasnt

>> No.22719706

Everyone knows what it means. You’re the one who has his own definition but it’s others that are coping… LMAO

Heterosexual and homosexual refer to sexual attraction. Even if someone has never had intercourse he or she know who they’re attracted to.

>> No.22719710

He was. Straight men don’t put gay shit in their private diary

>> No.22719722

Says who?

>> No.22719731

I wonder why anon could be so obstinate on the point that you‘re not really gay if you keep it to yourself

>> No.22719734

>Heterosexual and homosexual refer to sexual attraction
heterosexual and homosexual aren't even opposites—they're not even in the same category of being. Heterosexuality is all there is because only a male and a female can co-mingle genetics and produce offspring. Homosexuality which is better termed homoeroticism is set of not necessarily overlapping aberrations in meta-sexual behavior.

>> No.22719735

Who said that?

>> No.22719739

Someone who has read diaries of actual straight writers. Maybe you also write down your homosexual desires like Kafka and think it’s normal.

>> No.22719741

>no one but Kafka nerds know or care about this. He’s the neurotic bug boy as far as the world is concerned
? The truth is irrelevant because no one knows or cares? What?

>> No.22719746

He said “well known”, which is about popularity, not about truth. Learn to read, nigger.

>> No.22719748

Did they write about their relationships with women?
Because Kafka did that.

>> No.22719759

Sure but no gay shit like bisexual Kafka.

>> No.22719761


>> No.22719764

So they were straight, not bisexual like Kafka. Differences.

>> No.22719768


>> No.22719774

He was a coomer loser who developed relationships with many women but could never commit to them so he just jacked off to Weimar porn magazines and then embraced Zionism as a cope near the end of his life. Kafka was a pathetic man. But his art was good

>> No.22719778

Be silent, Chud

>> No.22719784
File: 137 KB, 1365x1061, IMG_2029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re at #1

>> No.22719789

By not feeling attraction to males.

>> No.22719806 [DELETED] 
File: 3.34 MB, 1600x2832, 12a3aa9c-6c99-4155-baf6-04c17dc40a96.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's a kike

He IS the problem

>> No.22719809

What if they did and just didnt write it down? How do a few diary entries negate a life of loving women? How long can I stare a guys crotch before becoming "bisexual"?

>> No.22719830

I’m judging by what it’s written (not by what ifs) and it points towards bisexuality. Israel is one of the most bisexual nations on earth. It’s in the blood of the Jew.

>> No.22719833

He was too loyle to his capo

>> No.22719838

so this is what happens to a mf when she takes /pol/ shitposting too seriously

>> No.22719843
File: 3.24 MB, 224x224, 1694627884698539.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is correct

Kafka is basically a more pathetic version of the Underground Man

>> No.22719844

daily mail headlines were a mistake

>> No.22719849

What are some other bisexual writers?

>> No.22719855

Ok, but the vast majority of his diary was about women, just like with any straight author. So where is the cut off to being "bisexual"? Three entries? Five?
I dont think a few disconnected , ultimately inconsequential entries in the diary of an eccentric novelist make a convincing argument for "bisexuality". Would be something else if it actually was a theme in his diaries, e.g. if he kept writing about that boy and how it bothered him. Or if he had been a sexless incel and then the diaries revealed he was lusting after men the entire time.
But everything considered your point is moot.

>> No.22719866

It’s about attraction, not number of entries lmao what are you even doing. A straight guy wouldn’t say he wants to lick the legs of handsome boys. He was bi. Period. Learning these new facts about him adds another layer to Kafka. We didn’t know this until this uncensored translation.

>> No.22719874

>He was bi. Period.
No he wasnt and I told you why.

>> No.22719878

>attracted to both males and females
>not bi
okay, bug boy fan.

>> No.22719879

This is how academia works anon. They try to claim every historical figure was LGBT because of some vague, random mention of brief attraction to someone that they never further cared about.

>> No.22719887

Alienation. he was right about everything

>> No.22719890

>starting at men’s huge bulges and writing it in his diary
>wishing to lick the legs of handsome boys he sees
lol the delusion

>> No.22719899

Why are you seething?

>> No.22719900

See >>22718878

>> No.22719902

What if they subconsciously reminded him of a girl's legs

>> No.22719910

Even if you think 1 diary entry is enough evidence to support the idea that Kafka was bisexual it's still so minor and trivial that it has no bearing on his work and doesn't somehow prove that he was perpetually tormented by lust for men. It's virtually irrelevant information. It's not a massive revelation like academics would like you to believe.

>> No.22719923

I don’t think I am but you’re coping hard. Nice level of mental gymnastics. Evolution of your arguments:
>Biography? It must be the browns and the women trying to subvert Europe
>Diary? Left wing bullshit
>I have my own definition of homosexual, everyone else is wrong
>He was just “eccentric”
>That’s just academia!
Anything but accepting the obvious truth lol

>> No.22719936

It opens up to yet another layer of interpretations of his work. Not trivial.

>> No.22719944

No I think the more obvious truth is something like this >>22719902
where the man probably had female legs, which is possible and semi-common. He wasn’t describing the intimidating power of the man’s legs but more so the urge to devour or defile a type of feminine purity. Just that alone it’s possible to say that he was attracted to a feminine aspect in the man making him a heterosexual. It was a passing moment of deviance, he wanted to rape what was women in the man but he most assuredly would have been have disgusted by actual male nakedness in the act

>> No.22719954
File: 543 KB, 784x1204, Screen Shot 2023-11-15 at 3.53.03 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah noticing some guy's dick this one time opens up all kinds of grand intellectual vistas.

Not like there's a whole genre of what we in the current time might dub "locker-room" tropes that point to the absolute mundanity of such comments.

Or let's not forget the utterly intriguing observation that young swedish twinks look pretty effeminate. Really avante-garde stuff.

>> No.22719967

Chris from the sopranos?
Idk he was italian.

>> No.22719974

Bisexuality gives another layer of interpretation, yes. Bug boy was bi. Get over it.

>> No.22719978

Ugh now I'm remembering reading death in Venice.
Thanks asshole.

>> No.22719983

Thats it? 700 pages and thats all this supposed "bisexual" wrote?
"Glied" is also the most unsexual, analytic, "politically correct" way to describe somebody's dick. A more sexual term would be "Schwanz". Thats just him adding a description line an editor would delete cause its unnecessary.
As for "Jungen"; American men just call everybody younger than them a "boy", Germans arent quite as liberal with that but you wouldnt call an early twenties guy a "Mann" (man). "Mann" is for grown men with muscles and body hair. You would say "Bursche" (boy/kid) or "Kerl" (guy), more modern term is "Typ" (guy). But those are vague terms to describe somebody who isnt a kid, but not quite a man either. On the other hand "Junge" (boy) can describe children, but if they are obviously prepubescent you would say "Bub" (boy).
So I would say they were pretty young or at least looked like it. But really it could be anything from 12 yo kids to 24 yo twinks.

>> No.22719988

Licking is a submissive feminine act though, as is staring at men’s huge bulges and writing it in you diary.

>> No.22719989

i know you saw that meme of the handsome drawing saying "Yes." a bunch and you think you're him but you really ought to shut up if you have nothing to say.

>> No.22719993

I love the coping and seething

>> No.22720012

>making an argument is "mental gymnastics"
/pol/ fried your brain

>> No.22720022

When the “argument” are retarded, YES.

>> No.22720026

>/pol/ fried your brain
if he was from /pol/ he'd be a lot funnier. this attention-hungry tranny is from twitter

>> No.22720029


>> No.22720030

>Thats it? 700 pages and thats all this supposed "bisexual" wrote?
The interview mentioned two cases, and then when I was ctrl+Fing "hose" to find them I happened to read the exhibitionism thing which I found interesting in this context.
Probably there's nothing much more shocking than this, or they would've mentioned it instead. But I have no idea how much other similar material there is. I've read practically none of it.
>As for "Jungen" [&c]
Good info, thank you.

>> No.22720040

Yes, and I am asking you why I (and you) should give a fuck about what opinion is popular. What's wrong with you?

>> No.22720041

Kafka: Bugs, Boys & Bulges

>> No.22720046

I’m not the one who said “well known”. Talk to the other guy.

>> No.22720049

>“Well known womanizer”, no one but Kafka nerds know or care about this. He’s the neurotic bug boy as far as the world is concerned
>Learn to read, nigger.
Right back to you

>> No.22720056

>A review of life in the 21st century

>> No.22720067

Are you retarded? I’m replying to >>22719558

>> No.22720077

Yes and I replied first to you and then to the "you can't read" fag

>> No.22720085

Ah okay now I got it, you think that just because he wrongly started with the popularity argument you can continue it and are not to blame. Cute

>> No.22720140

>if he had been a sexless incel
If? He was thats why he had to go to brothels.
Sexual frustration is a continual theme in a lot of his writing.

>> No.22720143

every person who's ever existed has been sexually frustrated in one way or another

>> No.22720160

what's yours?

>> No.22720166

Yeah of course, but it's undeniable that he was a pretty sexually frustrated man.
In The Trial, the protagonist, who is a stand in for Kafka, is continually denied sex from the female character (I forgot her name)
This isn't even a stretch, sexual frustration is all over his fiction writing
I'm not even saying it to criticize him, but he definitely was very sexually frustrated. More so than the average man

>> No.22720177

And if you know even a little bit about his life, you would know this is true:
>While he needed women and sex in his life, he had low self-confidence, felt sex was dirty, and was cripplingly shy—especially about his body.[6]

>> No.22720186

my sexual frustration? In retrospect, the woman I held the most attraction for I last saw more than ten years ago and every relationship since then has been a dishonest cope.

>> No.22720243

This is the most retarded post I've seen on this site in quite a while

>> No.22720248

care to substantively engage with it?

>> No.22720258

Nah he's right. I circumcised myself several years ago, removing the skin allows for a more direct uninhibited cooking experience as the penis is no longer cluttered by all that excess unnecessary skin. It's also cleaner

>> No.22720261


>> No.22720275

Reminds me of a section in Brief Interviews with Hideous Men where a guy is still in love with his exgf of more than 12 years. But at least you got her, I've been rejected by every woman I've been in love with.

>> No.22720285

>more direct uninhibited cooking experience as the penis is no longer cluttered by all that excess unnecessary skin.
LOL retard doesn't know you can retract the skin. You got jew'd.

>> No.22720289

>Read the process
>main character is an unlikable piece of shit who behaves in a very odd, almost alien way
Was this intentional or was it a glimpse into the Jewish psyche?

>> No.22720313 [DELETED] 

>But at least you got her
no, i rejected her because i thought she was lying or something

>> No.22720319

No, I rejected her because I thought she was lying or something when she told me that she liked me.

>> No.22720333

>LOL retard doesn't know you can retract the skin. You got jew'd.
You got gentile'd, retracting takes more time and is less efficient.
Coom can also get stuck inside making foreskin-havers extremely unsanitary

>> No.22720372

Filling your foreskin with cum (making a cum balloon) and dropping your load in the toilet is easier than having tissues available at all time, albeit

>> No.22720379

>You got gentile'd
It's called being normal, Jew. Try it some time.
>retracting takes more time and is less efficient
lol confirmed tard

>> No.22720384

Your foreskin will never be clean Gentile
Guaranteed to be full of dried cum

>> No.22720410

to be fair, a guy having a large and noticeable bulge in his pants is rather uncommon and probably worth noting if you’re describing his appearance. Seeing that as feeing physical attraction towards the man is a very large leap

>> No.22720463

jews love poisoning discourse with this tenuous unfalsifiable bullcrap, ironically enough

>> No.22720491

As someone who has walked through the jewish district of my city I am not remotely surprised to discover that you people have never heard of bathing.

>> No.22720505

>I've read practically none of it.
Out of curiosity I've now read the rest of http://www.kafka.org/index.php?rtb1912 via Google Translate.
One week later he brings up the Swedish boys again ("bowing of the Swedish boys"/"Verbeugungen der schwedischen Jungen").
Two or three instances where he casually calls a man or boy handsome.
Two memorable passages:
>This afternoon, when I was in bed, the people here made me hot, some of them interest me.
>In the afternoon arrival of a masquerade from Stapelburg. The giant with the dancing man dressed as a bear. The swinging of his thighs and back. Marching through the garden behind the music. The spectators running across the lawns, through the bushes. Little Hans Eppe as he sees her. Walter Eppe on the mailbox. The men disguised as women, completely veiled with curtains. The indecent sight when they dance with the kitchen maids and they give themselves over to the seemingly unknown person in disguise.
tl;dr: nothing much.
I don't think I'll be reading the remaining 95%.

>> No.22720516

obvs bi