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/lit/ - Literature

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22712066 No.22712066 [Reply] [Original]

cat edition

previous >>22704764

>> No.22712069


>> No.22712075

Butterfly let people get to her too much. She would post on here all day with her 10/10 ass and just shitpost with me :3

>> No.22712085

Im so fucking angry you cannot believe.

>> No.22712105

I’ve lost a lot of my will to read and a lot of my confidence about writing. I’ve started to feel like things are hopeless.

>> No.22712126

dead thread

>> No.22712156

Just like your dick

>> No.22712158

Whole board's been kinda dead lately

>> No.22712177

It's new years (or something) in poo land so all the call center employees and the bot farms are not working.

>> No.22712188
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The knowledge that one day you will break, and settle for a girl who gave her entire youth and beauty away to strangers for as cheaply as a drink or a few inches, chiefly out of your fear of loneliness, is what caueses so many thinking men to rattle themselves into a spiteful frenzy. In the end women get it all, all except love of course.

>> No.22712192


>> No.22712199

So don't settle you damn retard.

>> No.22712201

I personally think if you start your sentence with “I am not American, so forgive my ignorance” you shouldn’t be able to talk about our politics. You are a foreigner and shouldn’t be able to say anything. You get mad when we talk about yours, so don’t do it ours.

>> No.22712217

Did someone Socrates you, hun?

>> No.22712232

I want to write a story about a predatorial lesbian who manipulates and then rapes a straight girl.
The lesbian comes from a very religious family and she does believe in God, but instead of feeling guilty or repenting she decides to go balls to the wall since she's going to hell anyway and decides to indulge while she can.
The straight girl is an euphoric atheist who thinks she's helping the lesbian break out from religion and come to terms with her sexuality. She's a lonely girl who's going through a break up and is emotionally vulnerable.

So the question is, should this story be from the perspective of the predatorial lesbian (so the reader gets exposed to her insane view of the world like in American Psycho) or from the perspective of the fedora tipper (so it is gradually revealed and is more about how the girl gradually falls for cult-like manipulation)

>> No.22712236

>predatorial lesbian who manipulates and then rapes a straight girl.
Norwegian Wood

>> No.22712238

>Should I become Marcel Proust and rewrite my magnum opus
Sure, I don't think he's been up to much lately tbf

>> No.22712239

Went to Sodomy Instruction yesterday. They taught me all the moves and positions. Mouthbang, Buttbang, Selfbang, Gunbang, Gunselfmouthbang. Consent Class. Got raped there by a thing who says they believe all survivors. I'll schedule a meeting with it to tell they my story. Date Rape. Drugs. What sunk the Titanic?

>> No.22712245

>What sunk the Titanic?
Social media monopoly, unironically

>> No.22712247

Finished Typee last night and was loving it right up until the last chapter because of how obviously fictionalized it is. The savage who has been holding him captive for months suddenly has a change of heart, turns to him and says "Home... Mother..." and then he makes a daring escape being chased by an angry hoard that they have to beat back? Give me a break. Really cheapens the whole thing which otherwise is intelligent and basically anthropological. And the """sequel""" written about how Toby got away smacks similarly of fiction. Although Melville living his life with this obvious lie hanging around his neck deepens him as a human for me, somewhat, even if it cheapened Typee.

>> No.22712264

Humanity will forever lament not being born 1000 years later, and there will always be iconic accelerationists who know that telekinesis or something is right around the corner and complain about it online. For me, it's a machine that deletes all the fat in your body.

>> No.22712277

Dumb post

>> No.22712316

I really like doing this kind of schizo off-the-cuff writing. It's like poetry but way easier.
That line just came to me for no reason. Felt like it rhymed, yknow

>> No.22712348

>Felt like it rhymed
Seriously though it was the Marconi company

>> No.22712350

>schizo off the cuff
Yea that’s pretty good, gimme a minute I’ll try to do one, post another if youre feeling it

>> No.22712355

What type of gun

>> No.22712377

When I blast my brains I do it right. I make sure to use a nice mix of education, eminent domain, and pornography to rape myself in the proper manner. of speech. Crouton. Led Zeppelin is my favorite band, especially in Whole Lotta Love that one part where Robert Plant makes noises as he rapes Jeff E.'s mom
This isn't as good, too sexual, no point to it. It's hard to force it.

>> No.22712391

On the mountain my ancestors lived died and were buried on. I'm not near their graves although I've seen them before. It's a big mountain. It's a state park now. I guess I'm glad that it's preserved. I live in the city where my great grandfather ambled about as a homeless drunk until he was beaten to death. he died on Virginia avenue, where to this day is the only liquor store open on Sundays till the state mandated closing time. I do go to that store, on Sundays, after all the others are closed, and imagine he'd done the same immediately before he died. Maybe I will die in similar fashion, drunk and dirty on Virginia avenue, in the shadow of our families mountain

>> No.22712402

>schizo thread
ily /lit/

>> No.22712408

Female hands typed this post

>> No.22712418

It's really more of a touchscreen

>> No.22712420

This is quite nice

>> No.22712444

Damn, rootless cosmopolitans will never understand this feel

>> No.22712469

Yeah life seems to be treating him great, wondering if he's gonna die drunk in the gutter like his gramps. Sometimes a clean break is needed. People used to cross oceans and nearly die for the chance at one

>> No.22712495

Are you gonna die this mad?

>> No.22712500

For some reason I thought you were going to say that the liquor store named themselves after your grandfather to honor him lol

>> No.22712532

>make an unsustainable system
>surprised when it actually is one

>> No.22712536


malheureux comme les pierres

>> No.22712545

/lit/ is shit

>> No.22712548

>t. No liquor store with a family history

>> No.22712551

>takes a shit in middle of the forum
>fills it with scum of the earth
>comes back wearing a robe
>"this place reeks and is filled with scum"

>> No.22712552

Conversely, no shit is no /lit/

>> No.22712553
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I recently met a troon that absolutely hated blacks, I mean really despised them, very funny, raised some good points

>> No.22712563

I'm not mad, just saying that sometimes one's "roots" can be harmful, guiding them towards what they believe is their fate but is really just one option of many

>> No.22712569
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Oh! I'm so thankful for this thread! I wrote this today and didn't know where to post it! Thank you so much! Feedback is greatly appreciated!

On a cool November evening, the farmer was checking in on his hens laying eggs. He noticed one of the hens not laying eggs and encouraging the others to not lay eggs anymore. The farmer listened closely to what she was saying. "So you see there are too many empty apartments in China. That's why we can't lay anymore eggs. The farmer gasped, "communists!" The farmer picked up the clucking hen, "listen ladies, everything is A-OK. Everyone who didn't have an apartment in China now has an apartment. It turned out to be a big misunderstanding." The hens went back to laying their eggs. The offending hen clucked, "no they're not, everyone in China is going to be broke and this is serious! We need to quit laying eggs right now!" The farmer looked down at the troubled hen, and said, "everyone in China will be broke? That's awful! Why don't you tell me more about this behind the barn near the old tree stump so I can explain it to the others so they'll quit laying eggs." "Certainly!" clucked the hen. "So you see, when the Chinese kept building apartments, they were way over extended..."

Later that day, the farmer was finishing up a delicious chicken leg and small side of corn when a man from the city approached. "Farmer, what's going on over here?" Before the man from the city could inform the Farmer that his land wasn't zoned for farming, the farmer interrupted, "you won't believe it! These damn communists have been spreading their stupid ass ideas and some of my hens got wind of it and thought that they couldn't lay eggs anymore because of some nonsense about the Chinese."

Seeing the farmer was already worked up, the man from the city told the farmer, "so your chickens didn't want to lay eggs for you anymore? That's awful! Why don't you tell me more about that near the old tree stump behind city hall?" The farmer grabbed his hat enthusiastically and said, "certainly! And another thing about these lazy communists: They keep stirring the pot and can't keep their damn mouths shut!"

Please don't be too brutal this is the first time I've ever submitted a writing.

>> No.22712596

I dont get it

>> No.22712631

Damn this is hard, I’ve typed up like 4-5 of these and then deleted them when I didn’t like it, Altho I suppose that’s the purpose of the exercise

>> No.22712650

It's okay, I know it's a little vague.

>> No.22712718

colt 45

>> No.22712723

What model

>> No.22712728

Boy do I fucking hate college

>> No.22712739

I'm trying to accept the fact that I'm pretty ugly but it's tough. I'm a little muscular, have visible abs, decent arms with veins popping out, but I have an ugly face and a spergy spaghetti dropping personality and that's a dealbreaker for every woman I've met.
It's like, I'll go hit a PR at the gym, get promoted at work, achieve something, whatever, feel a little more confident, think I've become a little bit of a better person, and then I'll go out in public and accidentally bump into a girl and when she turns to see me she'll have this quick flash of disgust on her face that undoes it all.
In the past I've had girls tell me I'm one of the ugliest guys they've ever seen but nowdays I don't really bother getting close enough to anybody for them to make half-joking but actually serious comments like that.
Anyway thanks for reading my blog. Feel free to laugh at me.

>> No.22712747

Its okay bro. I have a good frame and attractive face but still disgust women with my spaghetti spilling personality.

>> No.22712761

I know I only have myself to blame for many things but it's getting really tiring at this point.
I just want someone to fuck me over so I can complain.

>> No.22712769

if you need to ask to be fucked over you're already fucked enough in the head as it is
consider telling your therapist about your woes and watch as they down 3 pills just to tolerate you in the same room for what he makes a year

>> No.22712774

you should get a gun

>> No.22712792

I’m going to touch your mums cooter

>> No.22712801

I now remembered how i played basketball at the university practices back when i was on exchange semester in France. I went there 2 times a week and it was pretty fun. But then one time some girl showed up with couple of other girls and a guy. The girl was really cute, just my type. Brunnete, fine build and super pretty face. I was similar frame and height as the guy. So anyway things turned out that i played against that guy and the girl first game. As unwritten rules suggest, i had to beat him to win her affection. So we went 1on1 for a couple of times, we even hit each other with heads like we were deers lmao. But eventually, i scored on him fair and square and i even did a little stutter dance. He never showed up again. But the girl did and she always waited for me to pick up the jersey so that she would pick up the same colored jersey so that were on the same team. And let me tell you, that girl could ball. She played point guard and always threw me assists and i always scored. It was incredible. Literally 10 assists per game she gave me. I never felt that kind of functioning connection with a girl. So after the game i approached her and said thanks for the assists. She pretended like she didnt know english. After that nothing was the same, timing was off with the passes and i didnt score that much. Soon semester ended and i never saw her again

>> No.22712805

Do you think the Sam Hyde take that you’re just kind of fucked if you’re not on the path by 30 is true?

>> No.22712818

don't listen to trustfund artschool faggots

>> No.22712824

>if you're riding the bus after 26 you've failed at life
pretty sure anything that came out of the thatcher administration is probably lies to cover an even greater fuck up, so no, and he's trying to fudge an extra four years in there

>> No.22712827

never change /lit/

>> No.22712831

Most rich people are born into it so yes its kinda true.

>> No.22712833

I wouldn't touch anything of my mum's, she's heavily armed. I believe she's currently in Dubai if you want to try though.

>> No.22712840

Man is born free and everywhere he is in chains. Three centuries after John Locke and two centuries after the Industrial Revolution we are still waiting for the fruits of liberalism to ripen into, or at least towards, the utopian vision we see in early liberal writers. In the meantime we prop up the meager benefits we do enjoy like convenient access to porn and inexpensive mind-destroying entertainment via the systematic dilution of our collective identities via the mass importation of unwashed masses from the third world for cheap labor, as well as with the wanton destruction of prior modes of living via the international outsourcing of labor and ruthless logic of the modern economy.

Now without two members of the household earning above-average location-adjusted compensation it is unlikely today's young adults will raise their children in a house rather than an apartment, to the extent that two full time laborers can raise children at all. Is it a compelling consolation to anybody that the "privilege" of engaging in a lifetime of unfulfilling wage or salary labor has been expanded to other half of the population and will be extended for increasingly old (and formerly retired) and likely soon the increasingly young?

>> No.22712844

>if you eat carbs and protein after graduating from school you're not CEO material
>if your moms maiden name is helen you're not going to be promoted
>no one ever got promoted for driving a lame toyota, winners drive a subaru that impresses your impotent boomer boss
>stalk your potential future employers in the parking lot and bring them coffee they didn't order that is probably already cold or made the wrong way unless you're literally a stalker and get a restraining order and probably breaking and entering a private lot charge
>snort cocaine and fuck closet faggots in the ass in binge drink parties to make connections for your promotion
>call minority women the n-word and shout about 6 billion on your way to work in the train
>berate every person that you meet from service industry to seem more important than you are
>wear a suit and tie during hot summer day in a golf yard and then making horse noises under your breath at anyone you're making deals with
>have a gold framed picture with glass diamond encrusted dollar signs on the side with a picture of nixon on it in your bathroom

>> No.22712886

yeah this was the only good thread on /lit/ for the last couple years and now even this thread sucks ass

>> No.22712912

either it is systemic or there just happens to be a pack of people who look out these kinds of tea and two thoughts threads then by sheer aura of being a complete fuckwit shoo everyone away, my guess is that it is latter if you want to get rid of free speech and expression of ideas online you can do that way easier

>> No.22712992

Born into what exactly?

>> No.22712995

I think it’s just that the type of anons who came to 4chan the last few years are all the same type of person with the same personality. They are the majority now and they’ve made 4chan and /lit/ in their own image. They make everything stale with their incessant whining, complaining, and bitterness. /lit/ is too homogeneous now and most anons are indistinguishable from one another.

>> No.22713010

David Hume's writing on the principles of government. His writing seems so deceptively simple that when I examine what I just read, my mind gets blown. Then, I also realize that I haven't adapted my behavior to his principles of government.

The idea that every government in the entire world, be it the most democratic to the most authoritarian are ruled by opinion and attitude because force is never on their side makes me wonder about how different life can be. It seriously blows my mind.

>> No.22713023

Born into parents that have connections, wealth, influence at least on some level, and the knowledge of how to go about life so that you end up like them.

>> No.22713028

And what if it is?

>> No.22713031


>> No.22713034

governance is a simple matter when you strip away bureucracy and favoritism that protects the corrupt opportunists that want to garner control, you make the keys to power because you believe if you let them be as dirty as they want they will play your game with your set of rules
this is a fallacy that gets stripped away the moment the rules become a obstacle to them, the rich duke that you showered with gold will use it to uproot you, the merchants you gave special privileges to will use the wealth they amassed to undermine you, the clergy that you gave powers to rule alongside the crown are as lacking in loyalty as they are in respect
it doesn't work and the cyclical nature is the only lesson people took from this, that it works for a while and then something new will be at the top, governance that is truly just will be undermined by the unjust, the unjust breed corruption and opportunists, the opportunists will slit their corrupt throats and make their power shift seem like a act of retaliation
the wheel won't save you, your keys to power are not your co-compatriots, any group you give power to govern will be corrupted by that power and you will never understand what is required for truly just rule because you kill them every time you meet them in horror

>> No.22713058

Not absolutely, but it is definitely harder. Many paths to success are virtually impossible to traverse for those trying to do so later in life. Many of those that remain open can be impractical by virtue of the responsibilities you have when you are older. Not impossible, but definitely not easy compared to being 18, graduating high school, and having a career goal and the information on how to achieve it.

>> No.22713117
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>> No.22713121

he was right about ethics

>> No.22713146



>> No.22713201

How are you doing?

In december everyone I know and hang out with in my current city will go away except three people who have nothing to do with each other. I need to keep watch for opportunities to grow my social network before time comes. I tend to avoid 1v1 interactions because I'm bad with people although I see them regularly, so everything is going to fall on my face if I don't. I need to find someone who can draw the attention away from me in my parties and happens to be likable enough which is, believe it or not, a very subtle personality type.

I think the next months are going to get frantic. Everything done in the sole poursuit of our goals and mental reformation. Ignore the self, become a natural part of the World.

Dearly yours,

>> No.22713210

How do you know she pretended to not know English

>> No.22713215

>How are you doing?
I spent far too much time last night working out how to get a giraffe to eat my dead body in hopes I could become one by osmosis

>> No.22713256

On what path

>> No.22713265

I still dont get it

>> No.22713276

When I'm out drinking with the buds and need to bust a quick piss, I think of Jennifer Lawrence to make myself piss as fast as possible, because I get the piss shivers which are oddly erotic and JLaw is probably the sexiest woman on Earth in my opinion so thinking about her when I need to do a piss before anybody sees is a good strategy

>> No.22713285
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>because I get the piss shivers which are oddly erotic

>> No.22713288

Sorry I thought it was just tbe middle panel. Didnt realize jt was the whole thing. I just wanted to convey a confused and disgusted expression at what I read

>> No.22713293

That's exactly what an alien working for the Russian government would say

>> No.22713297

Considering suicide. Made it to 29, no progress made on any career. Might try law school because I'm good at taking tests and my GPA was good in university, but something tells me no school is going to take an unmitigated loser. I resent my family, hate my friends. I have an awesome girlfriend but there's just nothing I enjoy anymore, even hanging out with her, and I can tell my negative attitude is starting to grind her down. Sent in my two weeks to my wagie job that I can't stand to work another day, can't even enjoy reading or watching movies. Can't find the motivation to even go outside and take a walk. Don't know what to do.

>> No.22713314

Change your expectations for your family and get friends you like. Force yourself to go for a walk and then do it again everyday forever.

>> No.22713334

If you don't mind working for a government bureaucracy, don't have physical problems or a criminal record, and have absolutely no other prospects, consider going into the military as an officer. You'll spend 4 ish years playing office politics but you'll walk away with grad school paid for (if that's your thing) as well as management experience you could leverage towards a career change, plus additional experience and skills depending on your luck at OCS/OTS.
t. totally not a recruiter

>> No.22713341

Where is it?

>> No.22713353

You could easily get into Cooley, Empire, or that shitbox in Minnesota. The question is really whether you have the 50K a year to spend on law school.

>> No.22713430

Poop deck.

>> No.22713485

You don't get the piss shivers?

>> No.22713508

Dude it’s called time. As a bipolarfag also 29 let me tell you life is not worth it for reasons of consistency. You know how many people consider their 30s their prime? Dont be such a pussy man, and stop giving your gf such a hard time. You’ll come out alright, just be patient.

>> No.22713519

you'll die one day anyway, make changes to your life that will make it worth living, wait it out or do it
no one will be spending the rest of their life writing books about you or mourning on your grave stone
they'll eventually either get over it or make your death into a source of their pity party
figure out for yourself what you want out of life, if you can't get that either make a ruckus on your way out, stagnate doing jackshit or die

>> No.22713556

What would you like to be doing instead?

>> No.22713572

Lots of /pol/ threads on /lit/ today

>> No.22713574

You have clinical depression.

Sadly if you talk to a doctor they'll shove big pharma garbage down your throat. There's a litany of things that might be wrong with you, but have you talked to anyone in real life that you trust about these issues?

>> No.22713617
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My university is hosting an event on tips for making friends. They will then do "speed friending" for us friendless losers to talk to each other and practice these tips. Wondering if I should attend or if it would be extremely embarrassing

>> No.22713626

you would make more friends in a mmorpg, anime/hobby/video game convention or just through some online community
you can make friends through church meeting / boomers meet n greet but expect them to have archaic idea on how to make friends by toughing it out instead of finding people you actually have something in common with

>> No.22713631

i'm preparing for my SAT which is coming up in less than a month. i'm directionless in life and i don't want my 20's to be without achievement, so i want to at least get a useful degree. if i don't achieve at least a 1300 on my SAT my life is genuinely over. i'm stressed and i just want to fast forward to where i'm done with this.

>> No.22713635

I need to read more psychology.

>> No.22713650

Lol dude your 20s will be much easier if you just accept that what you picture vs the reality is totally different. Kill the test for shits and gigs but if youre basing your life on that it’s already over.

>> No.22713654

lmao... lmao

>> No.22713679


>> No.22713695

>achieve at least a 1300 on my SAT my life is genuinely over.
Thats not even close to true

>> No.22713702

Bro I was a pot smoking degenerate in high school, took mid level classes, bullshitted my way through everything and showed up hungover and freshly off a large roach (read fat half-L) for the SAT and got a 1650.

So while, yes, you’ll be fucked if you get a 1300 (not really though cause they’ve devalued it a lot since I took them in 2008) you likely will do pretty damn well. Just don’t freak out about it.

>> No.22713709

yea, i mean, i'm being a bit dramatic. i just really wanna go to this nice school, where i feel like i deserve to be. if i don't get this score it'll be unlikely i'll be able to go there. also, given how smart i think i am, it should be easy to get this score. if i don't, then maybe i'm not as smart as i think i am. and that would suck.

>> No.22713716

People have always fallen through the cracks
But now it seems as if those cracks have become pits
Which we're all being bulldozed into
The engines of human misery
The mass grave of the human race

>> No.22713723

If women are so strong and independent why can’t they fight off rapists with their bare hands?

>> No.22713725

I've been reading The Denial of Death. Interesting stuff. Freud and his crew changed the world.

>> No.22713728

Judging by your terrible English you likely won’t do well on the written portions. I take it you’re good at math?

>> No.22713729

Bro even if yiu dont go to that particular school you can still do fine at other schools. Just about everything you've been told about college is bullshit. Don't even wory about it

>> No.22713734
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>> No.22713739

I hate Ernest Becker. Dude is a soulless kike.

>> No.22713743

I went to something similar, it wasn't embarrasing (I'm not completely socially retarded, though), but I didn't speak to anyone there again afterwards

>> No.22713752

What's the point in getting a girlfriend if I know that the chance of them becoming a whale in a few years is pretty high? What it is with women and becoming fatter with age?

>> No.22713759
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>> No.22713763

Well, it comes with the territory. I want to read about death and the best contemporary discussion about death is in psych writing.

>> No.22713766

How about
>In the past, it’s been common for people to fall through the cracks. Only now it seems those cracks have become pits in to which we’re being bulldozed by the engines of our misery - as if they’re mass graves of the human race , a final resting place for our hopes and dreams and all the ambitions we shall never see come to fruition.

The spoiler is my own addition, of course.

>> No.22713769

At least Adler was vitalist

>> No.22713771

>heavily armed
Nice way of saying your mum is fat

>> No.22713774
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>> No.22713775

I might have to resort to applying for fast food jobs. Don't get me wrong, I don't think I'm above working fast food but it definitely wasn't my first choice, I was hoping that something would take me before this point but it seems unlikely. My life is either going to be working retail or fast food until I die, never retiring, never owning a home, never having financial freedom and never living out my dreams.

>> No.22713777

I’m fucking with you anon, get hammered the night before catch an awfully awkward handy in the bathroom if possible, smoke half an L to take the headache down a notch the next morning and you’re Gucci.

Assuming, given your sincere anxiety, you’ve been in honors or AP classes you’ll do much better than my college prep ass who was stuck with future plumbers (now making bank) who thought “books are gay” and the group home kids all throughout high school.

>> No.22713780

Just know, anon, many of your friends in offices aren’t making enough to buy a house within the next 15 years.

>> No.22713781

where do I start with adler

>> No.22713786

With subtractler

>> No.22713794

Jerked off like a retard today for no reason. I had to write a lot and I couldn't focus because I kept jerking off. Disgusted.

>> No.22713795

Excellent, I didn't bother to really refine what I was thinking.

>> No.22713796

I don't have any friends in offices. Also, I don't care if they can't afford a house, I only care about me being able to afford a house. I get what you're trying to get across though.

>> No.22713799

I wish I had a loaded revolver so I could hold it in my mouth while I do shit like listening to music. I just wanna tease myself with death, I don't have any plans to pull the trigger any time soon.

>> No.22713801
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>> No.22713807

would only be another meaningless performance. What was you relationship with your mother like as a child?

>> No.22713808

Holy shit, how little of a personality do you have to have for you to put your bare ass or cleavage as your first photo on dating apps? I don't think you're a whore or anything like that but holy shit does it say a lot about you.

>> No.22713814

women ruined psychoanalysis.

>> No.22713815

Lmao, it's the same guy from the last thread, I already told you what it was like last time you asked.

>> No.22713826

Don't do retard. Your going to be a great author. I can tell from your post. Your bitterness has a Je ne sais qua that is as intense as the Jew but not as complainy. Stick at it. Focus in on marketing your work.

>> No.22713827

Interesting that we would meet again like this despite our anonymity. I think it reinforces my previous analysis and is evidence of your deeply repressed fear of death.

>> No.22713828
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Heh. That is all.

>> No.22713830

I felt a bit pretentious rewriting some one else’s thoughts but it felt like some good material to work with. Happy you approved.

>> No.22713834

I already told you that I don't fear death, why would I willingly put a loaded gun in my mouth if I feared death?

>> No.22713840

You use suicide as a transference object to quell your subconscious terror.

>> No.22713849

Write that again but like you're describing it to a five-year-old, I'm too retarded for this.

>> No.22713850

>your mom
okay Freud

>> No.22713854

Science Of Living, from what I've heard

>> No.22713856

basically, it's over...

>> No.22713867

Welp. there's nothing that can be done.

>> No.22713868

There are answers to this question that have to do with being "fulfilled," or making enough money to raise a family and maybe one day own a house. But in my experience the feeling of joy and accomplishment I get from completing long-term goals like these is short-lived in the best case and completely hollow in the worst. Doing well in school, having sex, getting a job, buying a car, getting a girlfriend, saving money, going on vacation, graduating, all these things I used to hype up in my head by saying, "Oh man, this is what's been lacking, I'll feel better after I get this or do that," and every time it comes to pass and I feel no different after a few days at most, except maybe a little disappointed that it didn't live up to the expectation.

I am almost certain that if I manage to accomplish what I would like to, it would be the same, because I used to look at things I didn't have and couldn't imagine having when I was younger (sex, my own car, my own place, a job to keep everything afloat, a gorgeous girl that loves me for some reason), and I would think to myself, "Man, if only I had these things, I know I would be happy, and I wouldn't need anything else," Now I have them and I'm no better off for it. Maybe fatherhood is something that can get my mind off the whole thing for the next eighteen years or so, but that's a dangerous trigger to pull when I'm already having doubts.

>> No.22713869

death wish is a pretty effective way to "quell your subconscious terror"

>> No.22713879

There's the rub. For in that sleep of death what dreams may come, when we have shuffled off this mortal coil, must give us pause - there's the respect that makes calamity of so long life.

>> No.22713884

I've been a long time fan of him, umm... it's difficult for me to put my feels down in words... cause so much had happened... really into it... and umm, around 2018 life gave me panic thought my family are in risk, I rushed to the military seek protection, ARMY recruiter got me in meps meet some linguistic who've learned 22 languages six months each in his 30 to 40, astounded by the super capable dudes in army, was going to stick with the plan and keep my mouth shut about my tuberculosis so no body knows, few minutes late in the moment of truth I couldn't lie this is fraudulent enlistment.
Afterwards, came home, panic got worse, ran towards NAVY, this time I had to make that lie work I have no TB I was able to successfully lied infront of everyone this time with the previous failue experience accumulated I get to run drills over and over again in my mind "ah I'm going to make this lie work this time", so I got in.

didn't know years later I wouldn't know how to answer the question "do you want to put the word veteran down on your DMV card?" because wtf am I, a vet now? felt too undeseving and uncomfortable; mostly living like some kind of a worm or an asian monkey every day, haha, I make monkey sound.

>> No.22713886

Only just saw this anon, please I hope you read this.

My dad tried to kill himself on my my 25th birthday after two years of having absolutely manic meltdowns forcing me to leave a job and watch him. I went from a chubby 180 pounds to 220 and barely left my basement from then on other than to cook and clean the dishes for him and my mother.

But eventually, after slipping a disc being just such a perpetually hunched over the iPad lump and couldn’t type or draw, I decided to just walk around my neighborhood a little bit each day. That turned into a mile and then quickly up to 3 miles a day just walking at my own pace - very slow. It gives you time to think, sun gives you vitamin d (which you should also supplement if you live anywhere but the south west or south east) and the fresh air does wonders. I went from loathing seeing a neighbor or two in my walk to being the guy who waves to everyone. I, at my most negative and depressed, would fucking hate the me I’ve become. Because I’ve become more positive (I’m still a bit of a cunt but I’m positive about a lot more)

In this time I haven’t suddenly become a success, I haven’t suddenly become the worlds most eligible bachelor, but life is good and - most importantly - life is worth it.

I get to see my father smile now, something I never would have even dared to imagine, especially when my niece is over the house. I genuinely wanted to end it at certain points following his attempts (there was a second just a two months later in February of the next year) but I’d have missed out on so much I couldn’t even imagine.

Look into your girlfriend’s eyes when next you see her, smile, and decide to live. You have so much to live for, so much you can do. Nobody decides your worth, it’s inherent and priceless.

Never give up, never surrender, never give in. Just go for a walk, breath in the air. Walk in the rain if necessary. Walk alone, walk with your girlfriend. Walk with a family member you resent. You don’t need to talk, you just need to be next to them. Walk in the sun walk through the leaves.

Time and nourishment heals all ills, just give it that time. Don’t go on any meds, eat protein and fat ditch sugar and drink water. Get checked for vitamin d deficiency, try to get some magnesium before bed. Small things, seemingly innocuous things, can mean the world and small changes can make a world of difference.

There will be better days. I said that 10,000 times and I’ll say it a million more. There will be better days. Don’t ever write your own ending, let a loved one do it for you when the natural world reclaims your elderly, long lived soul.

Please just give it time. The world needs you more than you could ever know.

>> No.22713887
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>> No.22713889

just let the guy kill himself we all know it doesnt matter.

>> No.22713903

I want to kill myself. I hope that I can be mean enough to my parents to have them kick me out so I won’t feel bad about it. Likely, I’d just drive to Alaska or something and then run into a tree going 150. Wouldn’t keep my wallet on me or anything so no way to ID me. I’d disappear out of my family’s life one day with them not caring due to being mad at me and never come back. They’d never know.

>> No.22713906

I could never just allow someone to do that. I’d never felt, and haven’t felt since, a pain like the one I felt holding my fathers limp body an hour after blowing out candles on a cake. Fearing that every decision I’d ever made led him to that, knowing it really. I don’t think you can fathom the pits of hell if you haven’t experienced that and I pray you never do.

There will always be better days, no matter how bad today may be or how glorious the days before were, there will be better days. For me there were dark days and there are still bad days, but there are so many good ones because there I’ll always be better days.

>> No.22713908

what was your relationship with your parents like as a child?

>> No.22713912

life and consciousness are malignantly useless and meaningless. We are only worm food.

>> No.22713919

totally empty platitudes. you are blinded by the death of your immortality transference object (your father) and are now faced with the terror of your own death.

>> No.22713933
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>> No.22713941

kill... me

>> No.22713947

A bit of Aristotle would help. You're pursuing these goals seeing them as ends in themselves. But do you really think a diploma and job are the purose of life? I'm not saying to eschew these things, but rather see them as stepping stones to greater goals, not those that consist merely of economic attainment but instead personal excellence. Do you see a good career as the point of life?

>> No.22713950

They had me because my father has never heard of a condom before and they openly admitted this to me when I was like 15. We were desperately poor until I was about 12 and then after that we were only regular poor. They always had work so I hardly ever saw them with my father working as late as 9PM regularly through my entire life. The 2008 recession hit my family hard and I was pretty much relegated to be background while they struggled to keep the lights on working 2 jobs at a time sometimes. I love them and admire them for that, and I feel selfish to say it, but it left me alone most of the time looking after my brother and sister. When they came home they pretty much just avoided us and watched TV and then went to bed. My father realized at about 16 that he didn’t even know who I was and tried to build an emotional connection with me through fishing but that didn’t work out so good. My mother would come home and take out her anger over her shitty life on me by yelling at me and telling me things like I’m a fuckup and lazy and etc. My father when I was around 10 caught me watching family guy or something and told me something which stuck with me till this day: “we give you just enough rope to hang yourself son.” After that I lived in constant anxiety that I was always in the process of being given rope so that they could punish me later. Basically I never interacted with them unless it was getting screamed at or punished. They both realized when I was around 18 that they had been bad parents and yet they won’t admit it. I have yet to receive a “sorry son” from either of them. The closest I’ve ever gotten to it was an aside from my mother, as casual as if she were talking about the weather, that she used to take out her anger on us. Of course, I had my handful of nice interactions with them here and there but the vast majority was aversion, arguing, and accusing.

>> No.22713951

I did that with an unloaded gun a few times.

>> No.22713954

Don’t do it anon. Just keep writing, drive that car to a field and scream. Scream until you spit up blood. And then look around you and realize the world is still there for you. The sky isn’t falling. Lie on the ground look at that sky and cry if you need to.

But then get up and tell yourself you’ll do it tomorrow if you feel the same way. That field will always be there, the sky will always be there, the world is within your grasp. The tangible world is all that matters, let go of the ambitions you had that you feel you’ve failed to achieve, do the same for the expectations other had for you, those are intangible and dont matter. What matters is you’re here and you can take one step forward and another after that.

I can’t say your parents love you, who could know other than you or them, but if you feel the need to push them away I suspect you know they do. So hug them. Give thanks and ask them to go for a walk, or to just sit with you. And even if they don’t, do not despair do not give up, drive out to that field and scream and cry and look at the sky until it falls and agree to never give in until it does.

If you write stop writing, journal instead for a while. Never share it. hell don’t even read it. Just write it and move on. Fast for a days at a time, eat a nice steak with salt on it drink water and go for walks. Give your life time, water and sun and you’ll see how it can bloom.

There are so many moments in your life in which it could have ended, even before you were born there are so many moments your parents might not have even met. It wasn’t just luck each and every one of those times, you’re meant to be here. So don’t go.

>> No.22713975


My father is alive anon, and as I said I see him smile more than I could ever have imagined. Because time healed him and time healed me. Please don’t let the anxieties and tribulations you suffer get the best of you, the world is so much more than misery and self entrapment.

I promise you while these platitudes seem nothing more than naivety they are not empty. The one truth in this world is you will die. But there is no reason to write that ending yourself, the world will do it for you. It’s genuinely better to go live in the woods and fight nature than it is to fight non-existent demons within you created by regret and longing for the successes a Disney crafted society promised to you.

>> No.22713985

I know you're lurking here.
I haven't posted in 8 months and you are still obsessed with me. You will never be published. You will never own a house. You will never be qualified for more than menial labor. Your writing group is laughing at you behind your back, and their praise for your draft (which will never be complete, and never be published) is two-faced and half-hearted. Once you leave they start discussing whether they think you're a closeted homosexual or a closeted pedophile, but all of them agree you have certainly tried meth at least once.

>> No.22714001
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interesting shot in the dark, lets see if the boomer bait works out

>> No.22714003

What will their apology do for you? You’re placing worth in a sentiment that I’m afraid would disappoint you. In fact it might make you feel worse.

The reality is you cannot change your past, you cannot change the way they acted or will act going forward. You can only control what you do, not even how you feel if we’re being honest.

As I said to the other anon above, there will be better days. Why miss out on them just because yesterday still hangs over your head like a specter? whether you change anything at all there will be better days, and there will be days so bad that the mediocre and even miserable ones from the past become points of nostalgia, but at all times there will be better days. Choose to see them, and try to be present for them.

Next time you have a good day take a moment, breathe deep and say it outloud. Make note of it.

>> No.22714009

>Your writing group is laughing at you behind your back, and their praise for your draft (which will never be complete, and never be published) is two-faced and half-hearted. Once you leave they start discussing whether they think you're a closeted homosexual or a closeted pedophile, but all of them agree you have certainly tried meth at least once.
I wouldn’t have it any other way.

>> No.22714026

>but have you talked to anyone in real life that you trust about these issues?
A friend or two maybe. But what can they do to help? Something I do actually enjoy is conversation, but I don't think they can change my mind.

>> No.22714030

I placed an order from NYRB like five days ago and there’s been no further updates. Should I contact them?

>> No.22714054

Sure, what’s the worst that could happen?

>> No.22714061

I've been given till Christmas to get a job or go back on neetbux. The only problems are that no one is hiring me and that if I try to go back on neetbux, they'll force me to do a course until I can start getting money from them again and I have no interest in anything, so I can't do a course.

>> No.22714063

Since I placed an order, they know where I live, they could send someone to rape me.

>> No.22714064

It's not important whether he is alive or not, the impact his suicide attempt on your childhood sense of security in a chaotic and indifferent mortal world was shaken and now you are trying to repress your death anxiety by clinging to shallow optimism because your psyche can't face the reality of your mortality. Your heroic causa sui project (father-of-oneself) is an attempt through the veil of optimistic platitudes to reunite with your mother and attain immortality through cultural transference

>> No.22714104

>now you are trying to repress your death anxiety by clinging to shallow optimism
You’re creating scenarios in your head that don’t apply to the discussion. This isn’t about my mortality, that’s an absurd suggestion. This is about trying to remind people that psycho babble like you’re spewing in an attempt to “own” people online is just as worthless and intangible as unfulfilled expectations and perceived shortcomings.

None of it is tangible. What is tangible is the ground beneath your feet, the sky above your head and the world - the natural world - around you. You’ve armed yourself with words and phrases, without even fully understanding them, in an attempt to lash out rather than accept that simple fact because it would mean that half of the tribulations you’ve weathered have been of your own design and your continued stay in such a prison is self-imposed.

>> No.22714111

>no one can be okay with living in a meaningless chaotic world where the only constant is death and where life is necessary to take to prolong ones own
>if you would be fine passing back into the void from that world you are coping with fear of death
you must have been quite sheltered gautama, for most these realizations give them a silent deathwish and renunciation of the world
"why build something to a world that you will pass away from no matter what you do"
"why try to change the nature of beings that are required by that very same external nature to devour each other to survive"
enlightenment is knowing you will die and coming to the realization that there is no golden land waiting for you, you didn't have to reach it to die and that this was what was always going to happen no matter what
it is the greatest taboo to tell that to one who is not prepared to die for a reason and only "mad monks" would teach that to you

>> No.22714122

Do you have a single thought not filtered through the words of other men?

>> No.22714124

I eat a burger and potato every day for dinner. Analyze how that is me trying to escape my mortality

>> No.22714125

even if you would understand the thing that religions call god it wouldn't change a thing, this you will die and that it will be forever doomed to exist
only void is eternal
put it into words if you can

>> No.22714127

>I'm pretty ugly

Just find another ugly girl. And personality counts for a lot so if you stay positive and friendly people will see that in you. You dont' have to expect anybody to love you at first sight.

>> No.22714130

>no one is hiring
Every retail store desperately needs seasonal workers

>> No.22714135

Not around me they don't.

>> No.22714136

>he doesn't know that Jesus conquered death

>> No.22714141

ill make the task easier for you
utter a single indisputable truth
>my dead jew on a stick who started the death cult of abraham for the westerners conquered death
is that why he is so eager to tell you to renounce your life while at the same time telling you to be a good servant to the idea of state?

>> No.22714145

>if you’re not on the path

How would you really know that? Most thigns we do in life are preparation for something coming ahead. YOu may think you're not on the path but in fact you are.

>> No.22714155

christianity and abrahamic religions in general are just a comforting lullaby made by their respective clergies to lull those who labor and breed into believing there is meaning and value in devoting your life to servitude to the idea of perfect governance

>> No.22714159

hmm, I see. You are finding a sense of security in your daily routine, constructing a gastronomic ritual to your body. It stems from the inherent duality of the human condition, body and soul, creatureliness and spirituality. What was your relationship with your mother like as a child?

>> No.22714162

>my masters are injust
>god knows all and can make flawless judgement
>i fear death
>god will make a seat next to him for you
>my life is meaningless labor
>you will earn your place in heaven through that labor and humility
funny how a religion was perfectly tailor made to get you to accept the woes created by tyrants

>> No.22714166

>This isn’t about my mortality
textbook repression

>> No.22714170

the meek are the lucky ones in a way, they still believe that it will all be alright in the end if they just keep doing the same shit humanity has been doing since dawn of time but this time with humility and gusto
your reward for lifetime of doing anything is the same as the thief's and the saints, they all go to the same dirt to rot, your only reward for faith is that it isn't so

>> No.22714174


I don't think law school itself will do anything for you if your heart isn't there. You can go and get a degree and all that, but where does it leave you? Is it really going to be a career? A lot of people go to law school and end up doing something entirely different, because it was just something they thought they could do. The reality of law, like other professions, is that it also weeds out people who are not passionate about it.

It is normal at your age to still be looking for yourself, and definitely too early to call it quits.

>> No.22714180


Many universities are not even asking for SATs anymore, so what's there to worry about?

>> No.22714189
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>> No.22714191


Where are you living where they don't have some solid blue-collar factory jobs?

>> No.22714197

Being a lawyer would be nice because of all the words you get to use. Malevolent and truculent.

>> No.22714200

A shitty suburb in South Australia. Also, for the safety of everyone else, I think it would be wise if I didn't work a job that required me to use machinery of any kind because I'm a bumbling retard. Also, I applied for a warehouse pick-packing job and I got referred to it because my brother works there and they still never hit me back, I don't know why it's so hard to get a job.

>> No.22714209

cate with a masculine jawline, indubitably

>> No.22714212

Real ass bitch, give a fuck 'bout a nigga
Big Birkin bag, hold five, six figures
Stripes on my ass so he call this pussy Tigger
Fuckin' on a scammin' ass, rich ass nigga
Same group of bitches, ain't no adding to the picture
Drop a couple racks, watch this ass get bigger
Drinkin' on liquor, and I'm lookin' at your nigga
If his money right, he can eat it like a Snicker
I ain't got time for you fake ass hoes
Talkin' all loud in them fake ass clothes
Fake ass shoes match their fake ass gold
I'm the realest bitch ever to you snake ass hoes

Act up, you can get snatched up
Act up, you can get snatched up
Act up, you can get snatched up

Dirty ass nails, baby girl, you need to back up
It's Yung Miami, and I came to run my sack up
Tired ass hoes on my page tryna track us
Brand new chain, City Girls goin' platinum
I keep a baby Glock, I ain't fightin' with no random, period
You bitches weak, is you serious?
I let him taste the pussy, now he actin' all delirious
Did the dash in the Rover like it's Fast and Furious
She see my number in his phone, now you actin' curious (bitch)
He gon' buy me Gucci if I ask for it (yup)
He a classy nigga rockin' Tom Ford (classy)
I bet your lil' sister wanna look like me
I bet your lil' brother wanna fuck on me
Hood bitch, good pussy, I ain't average
Um, he can't come around without that cabbage
Um, pop a pussy bitch quick, like a bubblegum
I ain't never worry, I just deal with it for fun

Dirty ass nails, baby girl, you need to back up
JT on the track, and you know I'm 'bout my paper
Pussy sweet, pussy tight, so he called it Lifesaver
If your ass a broke nigga, hell nah, I can't date ya
If your ass a rich nigga, I'ma fuck ya 'til you ain't one
If that nigga a scammer, I'm turning into a dancer (yup)
I make it clap like he got the right answer
Sit on it with manners, get it harder than a hammer
He wanna freak, pussy pink, breast cancer
Oh, you like big butts, well I like big bucks
I don't care about your chain, nigga, or your big truck
Yeah, I know you gettin' it, but is you spendin' it?
Give a fuck what a nigga got if he ain't givin' it (nope)
B-badass bitch, bad attitude (yeah)
Nails done, hair done, ass too (ow)
Your baby daddy fuckin' me and suckin' me
He don't answer you, bitch, that's because of me (period)

>> No.22714218

so erotic!

>> No.22714220


Sorry to hear about your hard life. Stay strong. You seem like you could benefit from some space between you and your parents. You may want to leave them behind entirely. You could do it, even if you have no money, by joining the military or something. I'm sure you could do some research into what the options are for getting away from home. Many people have been in your shoes and leaving home is often the best thing you can do.

>> No.22714237

Maybe do the ACT instead. You get less time but the questions are easier.

>> No.22714276

I got just above 1500 and I’m a loser. Don’t stress too much bro, plenty of ways to succeed despite that and plenty of ways to fuck it up

>> No.22714293

SATs are easy to just need to study enough. Get a tutor if you need a lot of time can be wasted just learning how to learn

>> No.22714296

I can't think of a better option than suicide right now but for some reason, I just can't bring myself to do it.

>> No.22714297

what's the rush, if you know you're going to die then just wait it out
if you don't care if you die live in any way you want without worry about tomorrow
sounds like a no brainer

>> No.22714298

Not him but what if I don't have a car?

>> No.22714299

To be, or not to be, that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles
And by opposing end them. To die—to sleep,
No more; and by a sleep to say we end
The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks
That flesh is heir to: 'tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wish'd. To die, to sleep;
To sleep, perchance to dream—ay, there's the rub:
For in that sleep of death what dreams may come,
When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,
Must give us pause—there's the respect
That makes calamity of so long life.
For who would bear the whips and scorns of time,
Th'oppressor's wrong, the proud man's contumely,
The pangs of dispriz'd love, the law's delay,
The insolence of office, and the spurns
That patient merit of th'unworthy takes,
When he himself might his quietus make
With a bare bodkin? Who would fardels bear,
To grunt and sweat under a weary life,
But that the dread of something after death,
The undiscovere'd country, from whose bourn
No traveller returns, puzzles the will,
And makes us rather bear those ills we have
Than fly to others that we know not of?
Thus conscience doth make cowards of us all,
And thus the native hue of resolution
Is sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought,
And enterprises of great pith and moment
With this regard their currents turn awry
And lose the name of action.

>> No.22714330

I think I'd be a good fit. I have a degree in computer science; I feel there's more than a little overlap. Obviously I only have an insufficient and incomplete notion of what it means to practice law, but I've also always had an interest in reading, interpretation, and argumentation. I love it all.

You're right that I'm not passionate about it. I'm not passionate about anything. But every job I've had I've learned inside and out and taken care to master. I feel that more than anything what I need is something that will provide a productive outlet to pour time and effort into, that I can perceive myself learning and mastering over twenty or thirty or forty years. If any career can lend itself to that, I feel that it must be law.

>> No.22714337

"i simply can't approve of your lifestyle" i say to the very sexy tranny that i've been lecturing about comparative theology on video chat as i down popov's straight out the fifth bottle

>> No.22714340

>has gf
>has friends
>has job
You bitch. Everybody loses motivation sometimes. I don't have any of those things

>> No.22714353

F games are over! holy shit!!! i can't believe it

>> No.22714355

Chasing after wind, anon. They helped for a little while, and now they don't.

>> No.22714377

>They helped for a little while, and now they don't.
You still have those things, right? When did they stop helping? Did you realize your interactions were meaningless and your relationships shallow? Maybe you need to find some better people.

>> No.22714379

My parents divorced when I was very young. My dad always told me that she didnt actually love me. She was out of my life for very long periods in my childhood but came back for regular visitation when I was maybe about 9. My dad had many mother substitutes for me, including some long term girlfriends (with whom he had more children) and an older female cousin. They were only marginally involved in my life more so as nannies and would inevitably leave. In my early adolescence my mother became a more prominent figure in my life, acting as a bad influence by offering my drugs and alcohol. This led to a climactic point in my life in which I severed contact with her for about a year. I reestablished contact in my late adolescence.
Anyway, I love burgers.

>> No.22714384

Are you the same communist from last thread? Lmao

>> No.22714403

there should be a age limit on after which you should just be put into old folks home to talk with other boomers and lose your internet privileges

>> No.22714410

>everyone is a boomer
You should just get a trip already

>> No.22714412

End yourself tranny

>> No.22714413

Pull yourself up by your bootstraps, young man

>> No.22714420

My job stopped helping when I realized how useless and easy it was. Probably took a little more than a year, it's a job with a lot of social interaction and a small amount of technical know-how. My girlfriend stopped helping when I realized that my expectations for her are too optimistic, and that I should be happy with her as she is, which is imperfect (who isn't?). With a couple exceptions my friends never really helped or hurt, they're just a distraction whose value depends on how cognizant you are of how much time you're wasting.

>> No.22714423


When all else fails go work for the government. If not federal or state, local governments often have some position and the benefits are good. I've seen plent of otherwise useless people get good jobs with pensions and everything just doing some bullshit job for the city.

>> No.22714431


It sounds like you know what you should do then. Godspeed.

>> No.22714439

Those require certificates here and I don't have those nor do I have the want to get those.

>> No.22714445
File: 171 KB, 500x500, caius 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lemme put it to you this way you depressed pos, if I were to pick some gay book up and what you posted was the first line, I'd keep reading, so fuck you

>> No.22714451

Why am I even on dating apps? The idea of being in a relationship sounds worse than torture to me.

>> No.22714454

Are you in law? I don't mean to sound overconfident. My life story is me failing to complete things I pick up, and any advice is appreciated.

>> No.22714459

How did you get your girlfriend?

>> No.22714466


>> No.22714475

Other than occasional sex, I can't think of a single good thing about relationships.

>> No.22714478

I met her at a bar. At the time, I couldn't approach or talk to cute girls without having a couple drinks in me, and those online apps are and have always been dogshit. I tried to drop her on a friend of mine I went out to bars with that was about to go to a police academy and she stuck to me instead.

>> No.22714491

Relationships are fantastic as long as you don't try to shoehorn yourself into one that isn't right for you.

>> No.22714492

The type of relationship that would be right for me is unrealistic.

>> No.22714496


>> No.22714497

Boomers should be put in slave camps and made to make new homes and cars until they all die

>> No.22714498

describe it for us anon. girls are still out there that are very traditional

>> No.22714506


>> No.22714510

Seems like you only decided to be with her because you had nobody else. I know a girl that I never dated but I was very sad when she stopped being in my life. I was starting to be pretty close with her but maybe that was just a delusion.

>> No.22714516

Doesn't help. First time I had sex was with a 21 year old blonde girl. We were both drunk, I paid for an Uber back to her mom's place (like fucking $50 or something), and I couldn't even cum. I told her to ride me and she said she'd do it in the morning. She did, it didn't help, and when we called it quits so I could take a shower and she could drive me back to my car, she sucked my dick in the shower. Still couldn't cum. Masturbation is better than sex. It's a true story.

>> No.22714518

>girls are still out there that are very traditional
I don't care about traditional girls, "traditional" relationships feel weird to me for some reason. My perfect relationship consists of sleeping in separate beds, living in separate homes, not doing cute couple things, never meeting her parents, not having kids, I don't want to meet her fat friends, texting a lot is fine but I don't want to be on a phone call with them every day, I want the sex to be extremely kinky, I don't want to spend every weekend with them, I don't want to have sex all the time and
some other stuff that isn't coming to mind right now. I know that sounds like friends with benefits and maybe that's just what I want, I don't know.

>> No.22714521

I had sex from ages 16 to 18 and it was fantastic, I was good at it, and I miss it.

>> No.22714530

It's not hard to find girls to sleep with if you go to bars anon, and they're not going out if they're not looking for relationships. There's no harm in seeking out relationships with women in places like that, you'll find out pretty quickly which ones suit what you want and which ones don't.

>> No.22714543

I don't want to just want to find girls to sleep with anon (and I can't go to bars, I am 20), I just want to be with someone that likes me and cares about me, and that I can talk to

>> No.22714558

I don't really subscribe to theories like psychoanalysis, but I can't shake the feeling that most if not all novels are re-elaborations of traditional, maybe even folkloric motifs

>> No.22714572

My younger sister keeps talking to boys on thte phone about how she masturbates and "creams", or how she can't do it because I'm in the room, or about how she recorded herself "whimpering" to her discord boyfriend, in a slightly hushed voice thinking I can't understand English or something but I hear everything. God it's so fucking weird but I don't know how to talk to her about it.

>> No.22714574


what the fuck happened?

>> No.22714580

Its fucking back
What the fuck happened

>> No.22714581

>Masturbation is better than sex
You're either secretly gay or you hurt your dick by jerking off too hard

>> No.22714588

It's fucking back
What the fuck happened

>> No.22714612

Wondering if I’m shooting myself in the foot by choosing to live where I live

>> No.22714628

cause she said "quoi, comment?" with puzzled look on her face
no fucking way she doesnt know what thanks means

>> No.22714675

I'll never be able to overcome that career suicide.

>> No.22714686

People complain that my grammar and vocabulary are antiquarian? Is this something of concern?

As a side note, I do struggle to comprehend contemporary English works, that the rabble deem acceptable. (I am also a newfag, so please forgive me).

>> No.22714697

Lurk before you post, newfag

>> No.22714702

It is what is on my mind, though and it is /lit/ content. I thought that the janitors would be appeased by such a post, compared to the majority of them. No?

>> No.22714707

Who cares what a janny thinks?
What took you so long to find 4chan anyway? Are you young?

>> No.22714746

No, I am not young, but I find myself with nobody to speak to when it comes to my writing and I have no outlet to share my thoughts without the standard thing I hear, which is "Write like it is the 21st century, kind sir": It took a while for me to get here, since I want to keep my footprint on the world as small as possible, just my IP address, that is all.

>> No.22714751
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>Reading about child support in Canada:
>Courts have explicitly overruled parent agreements where the man has said he wants NOTHING to do with any kids of the relationship (including kids from prior relationships). Yes, the stated intentions of the parties have been overruled to protect someone's cum creation.
>Courts have basically said that if an individual in a relationship (read: man) shows any sort of involvement in a kids life they may potentially have to pay child support to the mom if the relationship ends.
>The more money you make, the more you pay (self-explanatory), however, you may also have to pay for the standard of living you created for the kid AND your ex.
>Best interest of the child are basically best interests of the mother.
>Courts have wide discretion to order any amount of support they deem "fit and proper". It has been kind of tempered by child support guidelines, but there have been instances where it was found on appeal to be okay for a judge to depart from them.

What an absolutely fucked up system. What. an. absolute. fucked. up. system. Keep assets separate; Stay common-law (co-habiting); Avoid crazy women; Avoid women with children (only consider if their kids are done college); marriage contracts (pre-nups) may be pretty fucking useless and cant be relied on depending on the status of the woman (lacking assets, a job, no other family to rely on, feels entitled to certain living standards, and has kids are probably the worst you could get yourself involved with).

I will say this to anyone contemplating marriage or children.

>Boomers: Why wont lazy, entitled millennials have children and get married!?!
There's no logical reason to. It's an entanglement of legal headaches and ridiculous financial obligations (both apparent and potentially).

>Inb4 Thanks Rabbi
You've been warned.

>> No.22714815

I don't know the intricacies of Canuck marriage law however I don't think it's odd to have to pay child support. Even alimony is okay as long as it is for a short time.
If a woman does stop working for you or works less, if things fall apart I could see paying for like 12 months a small amount to get her act together.

The issue is divorce for stupid reasons. You should only be able to divorce if both agree or if there's serious violence or a specific breach of contract happening.
And as a society we cannot hover between this feminism on one end and old patriarchal ways of thinking.
Either the woman gets nothing because she is just as capable as a man, or we hold on to the old system and let the man have more of a say in the family structure. More than woman yes.

>> No.22714818

Passed my forklift exams today. Finally will be able to enjoy reading books and masturbating once again

>> No.22714844
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Why did jews leave slavic countries alone, is it because they're a lot like jews already or are they simply too stupid for subversion and propaganda to work on them?

>> No.22714848

Not only that but the Family Responsibility Office is notoriously evil and destroys men's lives. It did that before woke shit took over, I can only IMAGINE what its predominately female employees do now.

>> No.22714857

herpes breakouts can recur for a lifetime

>> No.22714865

Read short fiction if you want novel ideas.

>> No.22714901

> he doesn't know about communism

>> No.22715080

I want to study and teach religion for a living but I think I already missed that boat.

>> No.22715086

just become a missionary or join a church out in middle of nowhere or in a place where other priests don't want to preach

>> No.22715107

I am tired of hearing that there is anything contradictory about being a white supremacist into black girls and femdom

White supremacy is good, black girls are good, femdom is good. Show me the contradiction

>> No.22715139

I live a life of leisure and ease and I want to kill myself

>> No.22715180

Then they said to him, say now Worcester

>> No.22715193

If you're not each other's first, It's not love.

>> No.22715194

is cat alright?

>> No.22715282

Upon reflection I have realized that one of my favorite classes was my art history class (pre history to late roman era) that i took at community college. I liked it even more than most of my philosophy classes and all the rest of my GEs. The only other GE I liked was Biological Anthropology

>> No.22715284

Why do you consistently refuse to quote the posts you're replying to

>> No.22715285

The only words I say on the phone are no, yes, I'm fine, and haha.

>> No.22715291

Adult life is overrated.
People should just go straight from high school/college to starting a family.
The years I spend just working and nothing else is a waste. Good thing I can save money so at least I did that.

>> No.22715331

>if you're not hideous when you're young you can't experience love
interesting theory

>> No.22715338

I used to have osteoporosis and dementia.

>> No.22715359

Normie life is overrated.
Everyone is brainwashed into becoming a work ant like it's the supreme goal of life.
Back in the day, things weren't necessarily better but there was still a sort of game around money that nowadays just isn't even known by the population anymore. It could be said that people's sense of money has become robotic.
Now this capitalism thing has become the worst conceivable form of life possible. Marx was right. Everything about the system exists to produce as many work ants as possible and to churn as much capital from them as possible. I don't even put a moral lense into it. Objectively, this sucks, and you should do everything possible to liberate yourself from wagecuckery. Me I will work around a few years until I'm in my mid twenties and then just quit, remove my money from the banks, close all my bank accounts and build a homestead in the forests.

>> No.22715375
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i used to be obsessed with gathering wealth, i would get it by any means necessary be it swindeling the elderly, ruining the futures of young people, betraying the security of my home country by colluding with known enemies of it, crashing an entire industry or by simply accepting bribes
i did it all and more for the sake of cocaine and cheap strippers, for a mediocre mcmansion and for lofty savings, i cheated and beat my wife, i snorted all the cocaine i could get my hands on and hustled for more when it ran out, i caught every cureable STD that were common in my time and experimented with LSD while smoking shit quality weed
when i became older i disowned my children for being caught with weed, now all i'm left with is a bitter wife who waits for me to do, a penis that doesn't work, estranged children and a future in a nursing home where i will die alone

>> No.22715382

I think the system would be bareable if only housing was cheaper.
Which you can fix if you want. Decrease housing being seen as an investment, keep out immigrants, focus on spreading jobs over the country rather than having them all in the city.

It doesn't take a shit load of tweaking, but housing is something that has to be fixed. No housing = no families being started at an early age.
If I didn't want any children I'd be set. Work for a few years, take an entire year off and that funds itself well.

>> No.22715390

Morality can only exist between two people

>> No.22715394

nah boomers just don't have any, they fried their brain with cocaine

>> No.22715395

She came for my oil. nhöt water

>> No.22715398

unsustainable things are unsustainable

>> No.22715410
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>> No.22715413


>> No.22715418
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>> No.22715419

You are still putting this like it's a legislational problem that can be solved with a few more reglementations here, some less policemen there. However, a deeper analysis exposes modern society as diseased to such a degree that it is no longer a legislation problem. I have no hopes anymore that there's anything that can be done to cure the West from the metastazing cancer that currently plagues it. Bad enough the economic situation, what about all the rest?
This is why I promote the construction of homesteads. They are cheaply acquired, if you are truly daring just find some uninhabitated, unused lot in the country and start building. Not to spare on the money but to get in problems with the law and disrespect them.
I too thought back in the day getting property was something you needed to be rich or noble for but the truth is most homes were built by people who just rode up there on their horse and oxen driven chariots and started chopping.
The further the distance between you, society, the state and the capitalists, the better.

>> No.22715423
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a bunch of foreign interest groups told me everything i wanted to hear and gave me money so i did everything they asked me to, now i will die alone and my country and children will be left to die in a ditch

>> No.22715578

Reading modern middle eastern history :
>trouble was brewing as the powerful Hajad leaders rule was increasingly unpopular with the public, wealth generated from oil revenues had led to massive development but also extreme inequality. At the same time Ejekl separatists were plotting a takeover, and religious-ethnic spilled out into bloody clashes on the streets
Meanwhile reading modern Eu history:
>European leaders were divided on issues of currency Corn tax subsidies
Why must Eurofags be so boring? Why can't you be more Kino like the muslims plotting coups and shit.
This is why I support increased Muslim immigration to Europe, it will make Europe more interesting

>> No.22715620

It seems interesting because you phrase it that way.

>> No.22715629

>europe's history is boring
you clearly haven't read any fattymed, over half of george rr martins events are just ripped off from european history
if you want specific region that was brimming with intrigue and plots look no further than italy, french or spain, HRE had their own stuff going on too, teutons, poles and lithuanians had their own thing going on etc
the european conflicts usually boil down to "this guy was slighted by", "this dude wanted to bang", "based on a old claim this guy wanted these lands", "the court of this guy had enough of the retards bullshit" or flat out "due to being historical rivals the king of this land decided to attack the king of that land because due to some out of his control shit he was in a vulnerable position, he fucked up the attack anyway because the guy married some powerful princess from a family that wanted prestige of having a queen in their family"
pretty much
>a guy got rich off of oil but didn't know how to balance his development in regions which caused the people to get mad at the cunt, at the same time some separatists wanted their freedom, the guy was so incompetent in defusing the situation the rioting took to the streets

>> No.22715637

Corn currency tax subsidies really gets you pumped huh?

>> No.22715641

>you clearly haven't read any fattymed, over half of george rr martins events are just ripped off from european history
>if you want specific region that was brimming with intrigue and plots look no further than italy, french or spain, HRE had their own stuff going on too, teutons, poles and lithuanians
Yeah but that's all medieval. I was talking about modern history

>> No.22715644

Ask yourself why it makes history while middle eastern conflicts don't and haven't made for the last thousand years

>> No.22715653

>modern history
are you talking about ww1, ww2, cold war, wars that were fought in middle east or just the yugoslavian wars that splintered the balcans?
or the ukranian war perhaps?
seriously go fuck yourself, your regions "modern history" is pretty much "and then the white men who claimed to be christians came and fucked us in the ass over a barrel but due to the occupation being too costly due to religious stubborness they took everything not bolted to the ground and left the shithole in ruins"

>> No.22715660

>1612. Excessive envy of others causes one to take on witching and makes one become a wizard. (Too much envy leads to antisocial behavior.) [Yoruba proverb]
Are Africans killing autistic people and calling them witches?

>> No.22715661

>the monarch of the country decided that the best way to rule was through ironfist
>he martyred some retard in the streets
>the people were 110% done with the monarchs shit
>rebellions against the regimes sparked all across the desert shithole
>bunch of monarchs lost power
>business as usual
that's some nice and tasty intrigue of your rulers being retarded

>> No.22715664

For some reason a lot of people will be cold or unfriendly towards me when I meet them for the first time. Maybe it's my face.

>> No.22715665
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t. picrel

>> No.22715668

>are you talking about ww1, ww2,
Over a century ago, nothing like that will ever occur in Europe again. Instead today it's just debates over thrilling shit like : "how high do we want to set the 5 Year Corn Development Plan"
Thrilling stuff
>cold war
Yawn fest, no real conflict just le spy games
>yugoslavian wars that splintered the balcans?
>or the ukranian war perhaps?
Okay these two are kinda cool I will admit
>seriously go fuck yourself, your regions "modern history" is pretty much "and then the white men who claimed to be christians came and fucked us in the ass over a barrel but due to the occupation being too costly due to religious stubborness they took everything not bolted to the ground and left the shithole in ruins"
Yeah but that's pretty kino. It's like Dune but real

>> No.22715676

It's interesting because there's ideas behind it. It is in Europe, and between Europe and Russia especially that the great questions of the Century are being debated.
Middle Eastern conflicts might be more devastating, but they aren't about ideas, so they remain uninteresting, they don't make history.

>> No.22715680

How are you to people when you first meet them? I know I personally am not very social and have anxiety. I'm pretty indifferent towards people not because I'm an ass hole because I see them as just another face in the crowd. It takes time to establish raport. Dont take it personally

>> No.22715681

>europe doesn't do anything exiting anymore
we don't really need to, m.a.d and occupying the best lands means it's pretty much a game of chess of getting people to join either the west or the east in a defensive pact, the rest is just managing the countries and being globo homo puppets
>wants modern history intrigue
>the proxy wars, espionage and puppet/sattelite states are yawn fest
you should read more
>those two were cool
tito was the coolest communist to ever live, too bad he didn't copy stalins ethnic relocation plans
>dune but real
dune is supposed to be a defeatist tale about how the road to hell is paved with good intentions and how no matter what you try to do with religion it will always blow up in your face because fanatics love that shit and will just kill everyone like zealots
the only emperor whose rule worked was leto the worm whose royal guard were warrior women, who intentionally bored people to death with peace and who wasn't even human at the end
i wouldn't oversell our conflicts either, it's the same old "is a shadowy oligarchy better than in the open tyrant regimes, lets find out on this next exciting episode of stand off and cultural wars~"

>> No.22715702

The girl working at the campus Starbucks winks at me every day I go in for coffee. I think I'll wife her

>> No.22715713

Liberty is a terrible thing

>> No.22715718

Dubs and I'll win

>> No.22715723

West? Fallen
Society? Collapsing
Billions? Dying

>> No.22715726

This but unironically

>> No.22715736
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Life is just the demiurge frogposting

>> No.22715746

So the Basques of Spain became low nobility universally in the Middle Ages for being 'pure Spanyards', not imbued with a single drop of Jewish or Moor blood.
Was the lie that nobility only applied to 1% of the total population in the Middle Ages a Jewish farse after all? Seems like all you needed to show for it was 100% European descendance.

>> No.22715766

This, unironically, but this but unironically this, but unironically

>> No.22715850

Just a kid from the Bronx. He gave himself a WRITER S BLOCK!

>> No.22715912

Why didn’t Jon Snow give Daenerys therapy? Sex is not therapy. Daenerys was reuniting people but what did bobblehead mcsqueak say. We want DRAGENNNS!

>> No.22715947

>, i would get it by any means necessary be it swindeling the elderly, ruining the futures of young people, betraying the security

Are you a lawyer?

>> No.22715968
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The oldest known drawing by humans was made with a red crayon.

>> No.22715973


I don't know what the checkbox next to all these posts do.

>> No.22716051

I read business books, but I'm a NEET and have 0 plans to ever have a job.

>> No.22716056
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Happy 1700000000 /lit/

>> No.22716065

Someone called me unfriendly today after saying hello to my back, I don't think humans are good at theory of mind.

>> No.22716112

When I was a kid I stumbled upon a certain livestream that probably spiraled me into this shithole of a website. I was no older than 7 and watched some guy eating his dead ex-boyfriend's literal ass. Like he had a plate, knife and fork, and he was slicing ass of a murdered man laying on a bed near him, and eating it raw. I later read about that it in some news, he killed his ex because he broke with him and was jealous about his new relationship, but I forgot about it quickly since I was just a child. The memory reoccured to me more often as I got older, and only as I got older I gradually realized how fucked up should have been for my psyche to watch at that age

>> No.22716119

First impressions are important. Give eye contact and at least pretend youre genuinely happy to meet them.
Personally I dont know how much attractiveness factors in here because im pretty good looking and have a friendly, reassuring face but it helps to just go for a handshake or fistbump and says something like “hows it going bro?”
Tell them your name and ask a casual question relating to the situation or circle youre both in. They arent looking for a best friend, just someone they can be comfortable being around in that moment.
If they are unfriendly and cold you either give off the same vibe or are not giving them enough to work with.

>> No.22716138

Colder person here. People get unfriendly and cold because you're trying too much more often in my experience. People who do it in response to you not giving enough are more entitled, because most people will assume they're at fault or you just don't want to talk rather than getting to cold or unfriendly just because you put out cold vibes. Cold takes you crossing some boundaries, whether that's their fuck off energy or anon being overenthusiastic

>> No.22716323

For arguments sake lets say he is talking about a normal person and not about someone like you. Is there anything about my advice that a normal individual would take as overenthusiastic or crossing boundaries? As a very extroverted social person this is social adeptness 101. Its not that deep bro

>> No.22716346

I mentioned I'm cold because people aren't cold in response. One thing that does make a room go cold is someone trying too hard. Not all extroverted people have social skills, just like not all introverted people can cope alone. Usually the person who keeps going past the room getting cold is extroverted or desperately trying. Me being cold in the middle of a room won't get that effect because just being a cold person doesn't bother anybody, unless it's someone who wants something from you.

>> No.22716390

Since March, I've been consistently indulging in depraved mother-son incest fantasies. It started with porn and hentai, then with making my own captions, then with photoshoping my mother's face on pictures, then with using AI tools to improve on the photoshoped pictures.
The first time I finished shoping and captioning one of those pictures, painstakingly altering it for hours, I felt an extreme rush, powerful and confident, completely devoid of any kind of shame or regret. In fact, the only thing I regretted was not doing it before. But as it tends to happen, my intense feelings of malicious euphoria plateaued and soon I didn't feel any kind of pleasure from doing it.
I tried face swap AI technology very recently, and the first time I saw the output I felt something ghastly and sickening twisting with joy inside of me. Like a new world of opportunity laid down for me. A new horizon for my insatiable lust to explore. But this too will plateau, this too will become boring and trite.
And I don't know what I'll do then, there are no barriers left to cross.

>> No.22716419

From OPs post one would not assume he is just approaching people minding their own business and trying to win them over. He is more than likely meeting people for the first time in a group setting or similar scenario where both parties have mutual desires to introduce one another and OP is more than occasionally coming away from it feeling that they did not like his presence or demeanor.
>“For some reason.” “Maybe its my face.”
He wonders why a presumably normal person doesnt take to him. I offered advice, which again I ask you, was there something I said that makes it seem like I “want something from them” or that I am “trying too hard?” Through my experience I know that what I said is a perfectly casual and friendly way to introduce yourself to someone.

>> No.22716463

Sometimes people see coldness where there isn't any because they demand warmth at all times, such as the stereotypical positive vibes only women. I don't think you see the irony in the question you're apparently doubling down on, but I think you're taking my words as personal criticism of you rather than the usual explanation for an awkward first time cold silence. Anon is meeting people who feel the need to put up a boundary. It may not be his face making them formal and cold, it might be his attitude is overly warm for a first time meeting in a social setting where most people don't find it appropriate.

>> No.22716531

Current mood: Mania
100 Burpees: Done
gf: Loves me

Things are going good and they're going to get great.
Things are going good.
Things will be going good.
Things must be going good.
I hope she does.
Things are good. Things must be good. There is nothing else things can be.

Verification not required

>> No.22716586

>it might be his attitude is overly warm for a first time meeting in a social setting where most people don't find it appropriate.
Not appropriate where? A funeral? An SA support group? Then yes I suppose you would be correct.
I think you are taking it too personally, creating your own headcanon for what type of person OP is meeting based on your own personality. I am giving him the benefit of the doubt and assuming this is about the average person, not someone like you or even like me. I see the point you are clumsily trying to make but you have made it clear to everyone that this isnt coming from experience but rather a lack-thereof. I expect nothing in return from a stranger and it doesnt affect me in any way if they arent outgoing towards me. I offered basic advice to break the ice and you went off on this odd tangent all on your own. Perhaps you are the one not seeing the irony in your words man.

>> No.22716599

Society is just an another step in evolution and we are cells in those different organisms

>> No.22716602

Fuck yes. I am invincible. I am a mountain and the universe is a pair of safety scissors. Nothing in the world has any choice but to bend inexorably to my indomitable will. Not my boss, not the Resistance that feebly detains me from my masterpiece, and not her.
I love you too.

>> No.22716635

I'm not saying what type of person he is, but rather why people get more formal and unfriendly when meeting someone first time (without it being about looks). It's like you've never seen someone try to hit on people just trying to do their jobs.

>> No.22716653


>> No.22716676

I have been hit on while doing my job. However thats completely different than what ive been explaining to you for the last two hours. Why are you being so obtuse?

>> No.22716678

Do you think that's been a pleasant first meeting and what do you want to go away?

>> No.22716698

Watched a bunch of tradies strike today. It was funny. Stupid unions fags barely work, do a shit job, have great benefits, healthcare, pension plan, paid vacation and sick days, holidays, overtime compensation, scheduled hours, safety managers, lawyers and representatation. But they still want more. After being in private contracting for years, gotta be real honest, fuck labor unions

>> No.22716719

shareholders don't work at all and reap the lions share of the profits, gotta be real honest, fuck shareholders

>> No.22716730

No idea what youre trying to say here. Please say that again in coherent english now or ill have to assume ive been replying to a total mongoloid this whole time.

>> No.22716731

stupid shareholders don't work at all, fuck the work that is being done with nepotism hires, evade taxes, don't follow laws, rape kids, kill whistleblowers, go to vacation islands, debase currency, fuck up other peoples pensions, periodically cause nationwide bubbles to burst, ramp up inflation, treat the people who actually work like slave cattle, constantly outsource to enemies of their nation, pinch pennies on quality and are the 1% of the nations wealthiest people
but they still want more
after sitting on inherited wealth for their entire life and being bailed out by crooked politicians whenever they fuck up
best part about it is they think it is sustainable or just don't care and think they won't run out of places to hide once the shit hits the fan
this is your IQ on incest and nepotism

>> No.22716752
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good thing that i literally could give less of a shit which way it goes because both sides brought it onto themselves, nepotists by being retarded with unsustainable ethics and the citizens for letting it happen
i can't wait for that real dune shit when the tyrants are out in the open and won't even hide what they are and what they do

>> No.22716763

shareholders risk their capital. do you risk any of your money?

>> No.22716767

>tfw neet, stoned and listening to music
fuck yeah

>> No.22716768

soldiers risk their lives, do you risk any of your family's?
yet you trade them like tokens for profit

>> No.22716771

how much blood is there on their hands, how many conflicts has their greed created and how many have died because of their usustainable ethics?
must be enough to drown them in the hell of their own making

>> No.22716772

Lol you again? Just get a trip already. You're already a shit tier butterfly anyway

>> No.22716775

i don't recall asking your opinion, only thing you do is come spit shit from your mouth on top of people conversing and sharing ideas
the only thing on your mind is bile and shit based on what you have to say

>> No.22716778

Why is it that the terminally unemployed have the strongest opinions on labor?

>> No.22716782

for once in your life try to type something other than ad hominem in reaction to your world view being mirrored
why is it that you care what some stranger online says, did your teacher tell you that everyone who doesn't like the jackboot is a communist?

>> No.22716786

Why do you care so much about what I said to leave several posts ranting about it? Are you schizophrenic?

>> No.22716789

good point, go snort some coke boomer

>> No.22716791

Ad hominem

>> No.22716792

I think it's more per nasum

>> No.22716796

Per anus for you

>> No.22716797

boomers are deranged cocaine addicts that would sell their own mother for a bag

>> No.22716800

Half the people in /wwoym/ are schizos. Luckily they dont shit up the other boards and that man wearing the brown jacket across the street has been watching you for the last four years and they will be making their move unless you burn down your house right now so they cant use you-know-what for you-know-what. Im speaking to YOU. Do it NOW!!!

>> No.22716801

Hows your relationship with your dad?

>> No.22716804
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how's your relationship with your psychiatrist?

>> No.22716812

Yeah the 70s did a number on a lot of people and the 80s got the rest

>> No.22716816


>> No.22716832


>> No.22716841

Can I just listen to war pigs instead?

>> No.22716843

Specifically https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K3b6SGoN6dA

>> No.22716848

was there anyone here saying "fuck soldiers"? no? then your statement is irrelevant.

>> No.22716850

this is not rapport boomer, this is the generation that ruined the republic with sheer numbers and being raised by television and the long nosed advertisement fellows that introduced them to the highly addictive narcotic from south america to ensure they would always have a noose to pull on to get them boomers back into camp
>i-i realize soldiers are necessary and i support my troops
is that why veterans are dying in the streets homeless? go fuck yourself virtue signalling 1% yuppie

>> No.22716853

boomers' parents passed away a long time ago, dummy

>> No.22716857

And you help by collecting welfare and sitting inside all day?

>> No.22716860


>> No.22716863

>oh it was the greatest generation that were the drug addled retards that sold out their country
no those guys were the ones that created the good times for you spoiled morons by killing a bunch of other people in europe etc, all the boomers did was kill christianity, sell their nation to the long nosed advertisers, let everything go to shit by being the easiest demographic to puppet and by becoming jews all the way to the foreskin snip
congratulations boomers, you're the synagogue of satan jews

>> No.22716871

did someone make you read howl?

>> No.22716876

OTOH, military survival training is really useful if you're homeless.
Source: a retired Marine I used to work with

>> No.22716877

lets play a game shall we, guess what good has ever come from anyone attempting to talk with the boomers?
that's right billy, nothing good has ever come out of that so why do we keep trying?
trick question, i don't know either

>> No.22716878

What? You were an atheist just yesterday. You really are schizophrenic

>> No.22716881

>i know who you are, only one person types like that in /lit/ and it's you!
who is the schizo now coco

>> No.22716893

You. You are the schizo.

>> No.22716911

blow it out your ass~

>> No.22716954

*pffft* schizooo *pfffft*

>> No.22716958

still not a rapport, i know it is surprising to know that people don't actually like boomers but there it is

>> No.22716959
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>> No.22716964


>> No.22716970


>> No.22716980

Whats worse: being a millenial or being a schizo?

>> No.22716984

>tfw a series of anomalous events line up and the schizo pattern recognition adds color to the lifeless world for a second.

not sure if God is talking to me but it's kind of fun to go mad for a second and take these as signs.

>> No.22716986

what's worse: being a drug addict or being senile impotent?

>> No.22716991

It's a sign that the neighbor's dog is possessed by demons to spy on you

>> No.22716992

Not him but schizo here >>22716984 sounds like he knows how to have fun
t. Nihilism era millennial

>> No.22716995

If you combine the two you wouldn't know you had problems

>> No.22716997

my god, the boomers are gaining their sentience back
next they'll remember why no one visits them

>> No.22717018

The latter. Drug addict has a chance for recovery, being senile is completely hopeless and will only get worse.

>> No.22717024 [DELETED] 
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>> No.22717025

tell that to ozzy osbourne, pretty sure his addiction fucked him up before the senility caught unto him

>> No.22717028

Is that Iron Man?

>> No.22717057

next one >>22717054