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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 254 KB, 484x701, 1315496304475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2271166 No.2271166 [Reply] [Original]

Word for someone who is charming and dorky!

Go /lit/! Use your asspie powers!

>> No.2271173


>> No.2271179


i.e. "Oh Anon, you're so sweet for staying up on the phone with me until three am to listen to me talk about drama with my girls."

>> No.2271640


>> No.2271641

i agree with the first reply

>> No.2271661

Come on /lit/, don't fail me.

>> No.2271680

What? like a descriptive word?
A goof
Stupid and only good for menial labor and reproduction

>> No.2271706

I think you're bad at this game.

Also, if someone is only good for menial labor than I would assume they're not good for reproduction...

>> No.2271707

Now turn that into a full-length novel by adding several hundred pages of filler and you'll make millions!

>> No.2271710

transgressional fiction 2.0

>> No.2271722

Someone's gotta breed the next working class.
Also those were decent suggestions, it's not my fault you're asking something stupid.
Write your own damn hipster romance novel.

>> No.2271723


>> No.2271726

The conclusions you draw...they're so hostile. Is the world so bad?

What makes you write that last sentence? Just curious.

>> No.2271750

I'm generally a downer, it's a symptom on one's place in society.
The world is an unbiased entity that for some really is bad. For me, not really, I just play it up.
The novel of the modern hipster loser if a loosely dressed up autobiography with the pretense of off-beat coolness and chock full of lies.
The love intrest is usually a dork but not in a weird kind of way adorable girl that all beta hipsters would love to procreate with on the basis that she's weird enough to be a best friend(cause you have none) but also the sensual goddess you crave.

>> No.2271752


>> No.2271754


I'm trying to describe a male.

Not a manic-pixie girl.

Time to stop talking down to me.

>> No.2271759

Sounds like someone's trying to break the mold here guys; stand back.
A quirky love intrest for a to-hot-for-him kinda girl.
Sorry, you have bad experiences with your first failed novel?
Sorry for offending you though. Maybe we could have been friends{insert ellipsis}

>> No.2271762


>> No.2271763


Constantly jumping to conclusions, but I really do enjoy your enthusiasm.

There is no love, as far as I'm concerned there is only this lone man.

Who is both charming and dorky.

>> No.2271769

Autobiography without the shameful lies. BOLD.
Going for that brutally honest polarizing stance that the critics will have a ball over then?
If he's charming why is he alone?

>> No.2271770
File: 109 KB, 754x1158, 1324545321668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Picture related.

>> No.2271771


everything in that image looks internally consistent

>> No.2271773

What is it that these people value?

>> No.2271774

The common denominator.

>> No.2271775

Isn't dorky contrary to charm?
Unless by dorky you mean unaware or unassuming; innocent.

>> No.2271777

Hey anyone know that particular word for a person only interested in maintaining views that seem radical or somewhat edgy because its easier and more instantly notable than views that require more thoughtfulness?

>> No.2271781

Contrarian; Controversialist.

>> No.2271780


Your powers of deduction are minimal. Batman you are not.

I would personally call someone like this a misguided try-hard.

>> No.2271784

No I don't mean something as obnoxious as those two.

It's more like, people who leech on the popular issues that seem cool to be on about that don't require much effort. They wear their ideals as A fashion.

>> No.2271786



>> No.2271788


>> No.2271791

Wish I could say y'all was striking money :/

Somebody on here had the perfect word to contain this type of person the other day. Dang.

>> No.2271793

Attention whore

>> No.2271794
File: 157 KB, 600x955, 1324307224343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The word itself was more obscure-y, less something you'd find day to day.

Here's a 'funny' image maybe

>> No.2271803


>> No.2272097

Bumping this, thanks.

>> No.2272509

Oh /lit/, please play with me.

>> No.2272526

dorky is one of those maligned words that doesn't accurately describe what its speaker wants it to

>> No.2272527


OP is framing people here as aspergers (with inherent negative connotation implied)

"You are dorky and an idiot, implied by you being here!"

Fuck you. And no we're not. Kill yourself.

>> No.2272530

and by we I mean me.

>> No.2272539


>> No.2272573

This is still 4chan, sir.

I realize that this place is no /b/, but even /mu/ is filled to the brim with those who suffer from aspergers. Thankfully this usually gives them some sort of "powers", as I joked. Hopefully these powers would give me my answer.

Also, fuck your mom.

>> No.2272655

You've stumbled into a region in cyberspace where being labelled with asperger's syndrome is not a term of endearment. The thing you ought to do is graciously accept fault for the faux pas, apologize and move along.

>> No.2272701


I'm not trying to be endearing, faggot tits. I'm simply using my knowledge that asspies plague this website, but at the very least I can use them to my advantage...though again...it's mostly a joke, nigger kike baby rapist.

Lastly, however I'm conducting myself, there would be no reason to move along, you pseudo-intellectual beta neckbeard.

Now, back to the topic at hand...

Some of you seem quite pleased with the word adorkable, and I should have assumed this seeing as it's been a popular marketing strategy being used on the masses for at least 7 years, but it is my belief that you're just barfing up a buzzword at me without much actual thought...

See...let's break apart Adorkable...

In it you obviously have dork and adorable. Adorable obviously has adore in it. Now, let's see if charm and adore are anywhere near the same thing...(I assume you already know that that they're not)

Actually, without further enthusiasm I don't wish to continue this long winded post, especially since it will mostly be me talking about points I only hope you can reach without my assistance.

Also, dork is a fairly shitty word of description. Could this really be some of the problem?

Fucking linguistics...

>> No.2273262

Did you see his smile?
Oh, and he talks like Data.
I'd fucked that shit hard.

>> No.2273923

/lit/, your my new favorite board...

I thought I liked /mu/, but this is fantastic.

>> No.2273926

i should really hide this thread

but that image is just fascinating

who does it appeal to? its really strange if you think about it.

>> No.2273956


Look at me, not you'reing correctly.

Kill me now.

>> No.2273975

Here's a word: tripe.

>> No.2273978

/jp/ here with some advice: Use sage when you're not contributing to a thread.

>> No.2273986


gotta keep that first page primed for the meat and potatoes, huh?

>> No.2273988


it appeals to every man who has ever considered marriage.

>> No.2273992

yeah, but it also has a style that i most closely associate with cupcakes. also, the specific image of unchained masculinity it's endorsing is interesting. it's, like, liquor commercial masculinity, or something. it's televisions' version of what constitutes cool masculinity. its fucking weird.

>> No.2275060
