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File: 270 KB, 1200x1632, Sigmund_Freud,_by_Max_Halberstadt_(cropped).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22708461 No.22708461 [Reply] [Original]

My priest BTFO Freud in his homily today:

>What Freud called repression, we call Virtue.

>> No.22708475

And then he diddled you which supports freud

>> No.22708525

That's a good one, I'm stealing it.

>> No.22708637

The diddling controversy was overblown to confirm our culture's Freudian wishes.
>heh, those priests are just repressed, this proves we should be hedonists
Public schools have way more diddlers than Catholic priests. Also, Jewish lawyers knew this was a good way to get millions out of the Church just as they did with the Swedish banks, as well as damaging the reputation of the Church which was their historical rival.

>> No.22709166 [DELETED] 

join the official /lit/ community

>> No.22709216

After his homily he buggered some choirboys.

>> No.22709237 [DELETED] 

Doesn't really land as the crushing blow you seem to think it is, since Freud thought repression was essential to being a functioning adult human, and the condition of all civilization. His point is rather that repression can often go haywire, and lead to festering reserves of psychic energy with no healthy outlet, or to deep-buried painful memories warping someone's whole life without them being aware of it. The answer in those cases is not libertinage, and giving uncontrolled vent to the raw psyche - and neither is it doubling down on the repression and building a neurotic system of cosmic vice and virtue, punishment and reward, sin and sacrifice, to avoid confronting the real problem. Instead it's analysis: the careful process of self-understanding. I'm not even that much of a Freudian; there's just nothing worse than people thinking smug, self-satisfied quips are a substitute for actually engaging with someone's ideas.

>> No.22709258

Your priest meant sublimation instead of repression but ok

>> No.22709259

Wow, decades of research BTFO! Another epic win for crusade larp discord members!

>> No.22709305

>neurotic system of cosmic vice and virtue, punishment and reward, sin and sacrifice, to avoid confronting the real problem. Instead it's analysis: the careful process of self-understanding. I'm not even that much of a Freudian; there's just nothing worse than people thinking smug, self-satisfied quips are a substitute for actually engaging with someone's ideas.
The neurotic idea is thinking that you can analyse your problems away by talking to some Jew you paid to pretend to care about you. I've known people who did therapy and it never seems to help. It's just another form of soulless rationalism which thinks you can apply the processes of the systematising and dissecting human intellect even to spiritual problems.

The Christian path has always been: confess your sins to your creator, obtain pardon, cultivate Virtue in yourself by practicing self-denial and penance, pray, fast, learn to suffer. If you fail, pick yourself up and try again.
Kek, no. My priest is anti social media.

>> No.22709328

Le me guess, you converted last year do to deus vult memes or Nick Fuentes?

>> No.22709347

Not everyone is as nihilistic and insincere as you are.

>> No.22709362

Freud also liked repression. He wouldn't use the word "virtuous" but for Freud repression is why we can have a society at all.

>> No.22709607

That's quite a self-own

>> No.22709660

Why do atheists immediately think of diddling kids any time religion is brought. Sounds like projection, which also supports Freud

>> No.22709749
File: 20 KB, 260x414, 9781849022743_p0_v1_s260x420-3867250703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It is impossible to overlook the extent to which civilization is built up upon a renunciation of instinct

>> No.22709782

What Freud called sneed, we call chuck

>> No.22710951

The priest and the psychoanalyst are two sides of the same coin.

>The neurotic idea is thinking that you can pray your problems away by talking to some Jesuit you paid indulgences to pretend to care about you. I've known people who did confession and it never seems to help. It's just another form of spiritual irrationalism which thinks you can apply the processes of pattern-recognition and self-delusion of the human intellect even to psychological problems.

>> No.22711450

>The diddling controversy was overblown to confirm our culture's Freudian wishes.
>Public schools have way more diddlers than Catholic priests
The problem is that there are still more diddlers among Catholic priests that in general among the population. Why?

>> No.22711818

Catholic priests work in a job that puts them in contact with children. Like any other such profession, it attracts a disproportionate numbers of diddlers. Although homosexuals are nominally excluded from the priesthood, there are some who under the guise of devotion to God seek to cover up the disgrace of their condition by entering the priesthood. Every single homosexual is an (actual or potential) child molestor, and so that also increases the likelihood.

>> No.22711845

>belief homosexuality is a unique and special sexual sin
Praying to our lady for you

>> No.22711846

Yeah but how is this a "blowing" in any way? Did the priest micdrop after dropping ph4t diss tracks?

>> No.22711848

>Immediately thinks of child molestation
Anon I think you have a problem.

>> No.22711851

What Freud calls castration anxiety... we call virtue.


>> No.22712251

you don't have to be a christcuck to deny hedonism

>> No.22712268

That sounds really bad, like everything Freud said about virtue is conceded except it's viewed as a good thing.

>> No.22712378

Now, then he prayed for our holy Mother!

>> No.22712659

I don't get it, trying to block out a traumatic memory is virtue?

>> No.22712999

clearly neither you nor your priest understand or have even read freud