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/lit/ - Literature

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2270787 No.2270787 [Reply] [Original]

Do you even read?

>> No.2270793
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>Favorite Books: i dnt read

>> No.2270791

Yes, I read.

>> No.2270800

Someone tells me they've never read a book before.
How do I respond? (keeping a straight face might I add)

I remember watching a dining show where people would visit the houses of each other for dinner. On the topic of literature a narcissistic rich douche revealed he never read a book before in his life. In response this insecure asian whore burst into laughter. The sadness and shame expressed in that mans face afterwards was unbearable.

>> No.2270801

seems too intentionally funny for the real sunhawk

>> No.2270802
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>> No.2270809

To some of you this may be a hypothetical, but I've been at plenty of places (schools and otherwise) where you stand out if you /do/ read books that aren't assigned. I've had to answer the question "why are you reading that?" before.

I hate the world.

>> No.2270811

I got this a lot too. Even one of the teachers gave me shit about it.

>> No.2270812

Before bed.

>> No.2270816
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I never learnt to read.

>> No.2270819

I had a somewhat similar experience. A handful of people at my old school read but if it wasn't Harry Potter it was some kid's book like Captain Underpants. My year 9 English teacher once asked me if I was trying to look smart by reading the Picture of Dorian Gray.

>> No.2270828

I wish I'd had the confidence to branch out into the classics as a child. I was reading artemis fowl and harry potter. Bleh.

>> No.2270829

When I was a child I read gory italian crime thrillers. :/

>> No.2270830 [DELETED] 

I read Atlas Shrugged in seventh grade. I realized my mistake by grade eight.

But I won't say I regret it.

>> No.2270834

The guy you replied to here. I'll be honest, I was first in line at the book shop every time a new Harry Potter book was released.

>> No.2270861

I don't but I say I do.

>> No.2270876

I also get the "What class is that for?"

Or - getting classics from a used book store - "it must be time for school again"

All of my rage.

>> No.2270922

Does anyone else wonder if the school system has unintentionally killed a lot of potential readers? I mean children's first introduction to books is usually from their parents and they love being read to and learning to read. Then they get into school, their parents are no longer introducing them to books, there's not much media exposure for books so their only introduction is through the school system where they need to read books that the school has approved so reading becomes a chore and academic instead of an enjoyable past time like all other media. I think if video games had the same sort of introduction they wouldn't be considered cool either.

>> No.2270957

I used to read a lot when I was a kid, and it trailed off when I hit around 12 or so. I lost the habit of reading a book instead of watching the tube.

At this point, I don't /read/ but I listen to audiobooks. I don't know why but I find it hard to concentrate on printed words, but the vocalized stuff I can retain significantly better. I think I have adult ADD, but IDK.

>> No.2270971

No, I dont read man. Just doesnt appeal to me. I come on lit to be a pseudo intellectual troll. But im the one who gets trolled. Every time

>> No.2271313

I wish Africa was a continent :(

>> No.2271319

I've had that from someone in my fucking English lit class.

>> No.2271415


I have ADD and read everyday.

>> No.2271433

I just want to say that you voracious readers have earned this circlejerk. Enjoy it.