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22702941 No.22702941 [Reply] [Original]

Worst book you ever read?

>> No.22702950

war and peace

>> No.22702951

It wasn't that good, but not that bad either. You must not read much.

>> No.22702952

Naked Lunch

>> No.22702963

neuromancer, personally

>> No.22702978

I would agree but I couldn't get past the first cirngy virgin sex scene.

>> No.22703771

Not the worst, but perhaps the most overrated.

>> No.22703785
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>> No.22704590

The Alchemist, Sorrows of young Werther, and Name of the wind is somewhere up there too.

>> No.22704644

atlas shrugged

>> No.22704691

Zonnestorm (Solar storm) by Bianca Mastenbroek. It's been a decade since I borrowed it from a friend of mine but I'll try to summarise.

A solar storm is approaching that will end the world. NASA predicts this, the authorities try to keep it hidden, but it leaks out regardless. The story follows 3 high schoolers. Floor, the daughter of the dutch prime minister. She gets kidnapped by eco terrorists, but gets freed later on. But while kidnapped she gets convinced to become a climate activist (stockholm syndrome IMO) and starts pushing for bio food in the school canteen. Aran, a shy computer nerd. He gets introduced trying (and failing) to hack the school computers, and at some point says "I bet you can't even turn on a computer" as a schoolyard diss. And Lucas, a popular kid who starts a band with help of his music teacher and of course instantly gets enough success to get put on the list for the super secret governement bunker where all important people are going to hide. And his mom is in a Christian cult because his sister died which gave him a strand of grey hair or something.
So far, standard YA cringe. But throughout the story something is starting to whisper inside the minds of people worldwide. This influence beckons thousands of people to Iceland, where it reveals itself to be a dragon. The dragon stops the solar flare and convinces everyone to stop polluting the earth.

I'm honestly shocked the writer was 37 at the time, it reads like it was written by a high schooler. Guess she knows her audience.

>> No.22705062

What was so bad about it? Found it highly entertaining. Probably Sandos best book.

>> No.22706161
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If I don't like it I never finish it so I don't know.

>> No.22706241

Is that like the only book you ever read?

>> No.22706255

Easy ,
Factotum by Charles Bukowski. The most meaningless self fellating piece of worthlessness I've ever had the displeasure of reading.
I used to have a rule that I would finish any book I started, but after forcing myself though that slop, I decided to abandon that rule and say "fuck it" when a book goes off the rails.

>> No.22706280

50 Shades of Grey
Ernest Cline and Karl May battling for second place.

>> No.22706310

>Naked Lunch
Not just bad, but actually reprehensible
>The Alchemist
Paul Coehlo should be hunted down like a Nazi war criminal, I hate the person who recommended this book to me
Absolute garbage, every word he ever wrote is the wrong word, dreadful nonsense

I read a bunch of crappy sci-fi/horror/fantasy books as a kid, and I never liked them but I'd keep reading more because I didn't know there were other kinds of books. I read something by Clive Barker about a PI who hunted demons, it was the stupidest shit I ever read and I read nothing but stupid shit. Forgot the name of it, the prose was literally My Immortal-tier, I assume he was deep into drug addiction or something because he can write non-embarrassing genre fiction if he feels like it.

>> No.22706320

If you name a well known and acclaimed book here it means you just haven't read enough books yet. You don't know truly terrible writing.

>> No.22706323

Can't decide between the first two books of the first law trilogy. Abercrombie is trash and in a sane world would never be published.

>> No.22706325

Those are exceptionally bad though oft shilled.

>> No.22706329
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ball driller did it better

>> No.22706417
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How did you even make it pass the first paragraph? This sounds like it was written by an 8th grader. The fucker starts every sentence with 'I' lol

>> No.22706436

Believe me, it does not get any better. By the third chapter you'll be wishing it would just abruptly end, and that the rest of the pages are intentionally blank.

>> No.22706459


I’ve unironically read fanfiction with better prose than this. It doesn’t even feel era appropriate.

>> No.22706460

Atlas Shrugged
A Separate Peace
Swann's Way

>> No.22706465


Naked Lunch is literally just a 4chan /b/ shitpost stretched out into a whole book.

>> No.22706690

Isn't this the one with a whole chapter about how awesome it is he got cucked

>> No.22706716

Ok really, it was fine. I'm just not a fan of all the ballroom wanking that comes with these kind of books. I can understand why people like it, why it's important etc but I just didn't like it all that much.

>> No.22706721

Marcel Proust is one of those authors everyone should own a book of but no one should actually read

>> No.22707643

don't be dramatic, it wasn't that bad

>> No.22708243

Literally the only book I've ever not finished.

>> No.22708299

I don’t know how I pushed through the first three books in this turd of series, they’re comically bad it retrospect and I have no idea how this man has such a following. Mistborn was equally boring and I’m glad I dropped it years ago

>> No.22708604
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The Reality Dysfunction is one of the only texts I've ever read that has made me want to physically destroy the book. I remember reading it whilst waiting for a train, and felt enough contempt for the absolute bollocks the book was turning into that I wanted to throw it onto the tracks.
Genuinely, I haven't read a book that is anywhere near as bad; except maybe that pile of shit by Robin Hobb 'The Assassin's Apprentice'. Actually, Hobb's book is a work of genius by comparison.

>> No.22708717
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I tried forcing myself to read this because Malazan is a pretty famous series and I wanted to see what the hype was about. But honestly this is torture in written form

>> No.22708742
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How so?

>> No.22708752
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>> No.22708756

I had to read Mary Barton for a class and it's probably the book I've enjoyed reading the least. Horribly long with no substance, its the book equivalent of old Oscar bait.

>> No.22708775

If your enemy fucks the person you love, you win.

>> No.22708957

>CTRL-F bible
Dang, the obvious baitpost isn't even here.

>> No.22709036

The Alchemist, Demon Copperhead, or Crash. I also hated A Wrinkle in Time when I was a kid.

>> No.22709154

Dr sleep, to this day i'm conviced king didn't wright it

>> No.22709979

I've never been so angry after finishing a book than when I finished Ready Player One

>> No.22709994

How did you get past the first chapter?

>> No.22710638

If I recall correctly, gardens of the moon started out as a DnD campaign and was later shoehorned into a book format. It shows. The whole thing reads like fan fiction written by a 13 year old. Names of characters and places are shoved into your face with no background information whatsoever, the characters just go from place to place for no obvious reason, the dialogue ranges from edgy to plain nonsensical (reminded me of Dragon Ball). Almost from the very beginning you have wizards throwing fireballs at a gigantic floating mountain from which another, edgier wizard throws fireballs back and you have no idea why they're there, or why he's there, etc. Of course I'm aware of "cold opens" and some of my favorite books start this way but it's called a "cold open", not a "cold first book". I think the farthest I got was about 40% in and I encountered yet another smattering of new names and things just happening to move the plot along and I just quit. I'm sure the later books are significantly better but I can hardly read them without reading the first book and it's too tall an order

>> No.22710652

Grew up in the YA dystopia boom, so most of them. If I had to pick, probably Legend. Most boring, formulaic piece of shit I've ever read.

>> No.22710658

Couldn't get past ch.1 increadibly tedious writing. closest example i could think of is gameplay from autistic micromanagey wargames like steel division. minutia for minutias sake.

>> No.22710838

I read Factotum at night, slept, woke up and forgot what the shit i read.

>> No.22710858

I liked it. fuckoff

>> No.22711294

God fucking damn it, my coworker is tring to get me to read this...

>> No.22711323
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The Pastel City is offensively bad. If someone told me it was published purely by accident I would believe them.

>> No.22711329

What was it about Werther that made you dislike it so much?

>> No.22711340

>Swann's Way
Not the rest of ISOLT? Why Swann's Way in particular?

>> No.22711386

I thoroughly enjoy the series, but it's not for everyone. I grew up loving history and archeology, so the fact that the story goes into so much detail about historical events, religion, and magic was amazing to me. That and the banter from Malazan soldiers, stuff had me laughing.